Monday, June 16, 2008


Empty nest thread.


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floralgirl said...

Thanks Steve- happy Monday everybody:) any news on the live feed??

glo said...

Good Morning everyone. Watch for surprise visits from The family

hedgie said...

Hi Megan and Glo. Top o' the morning to you!
Hope everyone has a lovely day. I am "babysitting" a friends furniture/antique/stuff store today and tomorrow, so will check in this evening.

normabyrd said...

GOOD MORNING EAGLE BUDDIES!!!---CONGRATS!---BEAUTIFUL MEGAN!!---You are are #1 EAGLE MOM today---& every day!---It is truly a GLORIOUS SUNNY MORNING----here in WV---"HOME OF BELLE & LIBERTY---PLUS 3 FREE LOADERS----temp a cool61° !!!----forecasting thunder showers later in the day!!---"LIVE" is GOOD!!---& LIFE IS GOOD!!----ENJOY THIS GORGEOUS DAY!!!!----ps--I see we have all read yesterday's WASH. POST!!---Aren't those PANDAS ADORABLE!!!---

normabyrd said...

MORNIN' STEVE---MEGAN---GLO & LYNN!!------GLO---I hope they visit early today & often!!---

floralgirl said...

Hello Glo, Norma,Hedgesviller:) I saw 'Red Hawk' at mkt. yesterday, she gave me the prettiest card with a goldfinch on it, thanks, Ellen:) I miss my goldfinches who are now all over the yard, but my thistle sack is still buried under the walnut tree. Boy I miss that tree, and so do the birds.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Good morning all. Me and Buddy the Bassett just got up. I see our nest is MT this morning.

floralgirl said...

LIVE FEED IS UP!!!!! Thanks Steve and John!!!

glo said...

If you have seen some of my eagle pictures from earlier this year then you will recognize the location of this Rivercam. Lots of sandbagging and crest is scheduled for today sometime. This is about 5 minutes from my home.

Old Man River

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Normabyrd, I love the "3 freeloaders". Good name for 'em!

normabyrd said...

MORNIN' CEIL & HELEN!!---Checked in earlier---they are babysitting with M&M today!!---ENJOY--you lucky kids!!!

floralgirl said...

Wow Glo- what town is that? I forget.. what a mess, hope you are doing ok. Gotta go cut flowers- later all:)

glo said...

That is Davenport Iowa Megan You can see great views of the Sky Bridge and people walking across to see the flooding. Usually they park on River Drive, but right now they park on 4th Ave as well 3 blocks are full of river now.

normabyrd said...

MORNIN' SHARON!!---Aren't they fun to watch???---Yesterday--DEB noticed on the CO EAGLE NEST---(BARTON COVE)--There are at least 8or maybe 9 TURTLE SHELLS!!---CHECK IT OUT!!!

normabyrd said...

WOW!! GLO---I didn't realize you were that close to IOWA?---You have GREAT pictures!---My heart goes out to them!!

normabyrd said...

GLO---Laughing at you referring to our EAGLETS as "THE FAMILY"---One might think they are right out of 'THE GODFATHER'---ho!----I admit they are little bandits---(they stole our hearts in a hurry)

glo said...

Davenport is part of the Quad Cities Norma I live in the Quad Cities but yes on the Illinois side. Lots of sandbagging on both sides today. I am up a hill 22 Aves so I won't have a problem to speak of but sure did get a basement full on Thurs night.

normabyrd said...

GLO--Just heard on news--that the MISSISSIPPI hasn't crested yet!--I thought you lived near or on that river---IGNORE me--one of the MOMSTERS lives near the MISSISSIPPI---

normabyrd said...

Thanks STEVE & JOHN!!---RP is GREAT!!

glo said...

Yes Norma I do live near the river and it will crest today at least that is what they say right now.

glo said...

actually in the Quad Cities is the only place that for a short bit the River runs West to East...take a look at the map. Drives folks who know how to go north south east and west nuts when they try to find their way around. I go left and right though LOL so doesn't bother me a bit BUT it is a piece of trivia.

Red said...

Glo, I hope you are far enough away from the river to stay dry. Have been thinking about you and all your rain. Be careful out there.

glo said...

Off to coffee and dog treats

normabyrd said...

MORNIN' RED EAGLE!!----You live in the southern part of US---don't you?----Atlanta?----That flooding is scary!!---INDIANA DAVE had lots of water in basement!---Hope his place is dry!!

normabyrd said...

ONLY 2 HOOTERS out at KENT!!---Maybe a little early!

floralgirl said...

Well water in the basement is becoming a theme for many on here- just finished cleaning up Satudays rain from my basemnet, it rained so hard the sump pump couldn't pump fast enough. Glad you are at least on high ground GLo. Hello Red.

normabyrd said...

PA PERGRINE FALCON SITE!!---One FALCON on ledge eating!!---Another flew in & is standing this side of the orange post watching the other one continue eating!!!---hard to see if they are parent or juvie!---I think one of each!----NOT SHARING!--

normabyrd said...

MEGAN---NPR forecasts---thunder storms---maybe hail in WV!!---????

floralgirl said...

Yep, Norma, afraid so, and I was just lookling at radar and there are already serious looking storms out there , looks like most of them will go under us, but there will be more later. Gotta go put up netting and tie up some plants, don't want them getting beaten down by the storms.

Red said...

Norma, I live in North Alabama.

Costume Lady said...

Good to see you on here, Ellen. I have been calling you Diane, I believe. Sorry bout that; got you straight now. Visit with us often!

Costume Lady said...

We haven't heard from you in a while, Jewell. Come visit with us soon.

paula eagleholic said...

Morning, all!

Oh no, the dreaded empty nest!

normabyrd said...

SCOTTISH OSPREY MOM is showing CHICK how to flap her wings---CHICK is just looking at her & preening!!---???---WIND IS HOWLING!!

paula eagleholic said...

Finally figured out how to get my Nest Visit video in good quality where ya'll can view it.

Click on the link below, and go to the bottom of the page. You may have to click the play button more than once. This is what is was really like!

Costume Lady said...

Having more Senior Moments this morning....Red Hawk is not on here; she was at the market visiting Megan. She said she would join us, but has not yet.

normabyrd said...

RED EAGLE----I was in the neighborhood!!!---- ho!

normabyrd said...

MORNIN' WANDA & PAULA!!---MT since I have been on----HOPE they get to the nest soon----think we are getting stormy weather!!!

normabyrd said...

WANDA---don't use that 'S M' word--you just misspoke!---ho!---I have been known to do that quite often!!!

indiana nesting eagles dave said...

Good Morning everyone I hope that
everyone had a great weekend.I
have posted photos of the flood
here at my house.a small photo
hasn't come up yet but you can see
photos on webshots,just click on
the small box.I hope it works.

Indiana Nesting Eagles----Dave

normabyrd said...

MORNIN' INDIANA DAVE!!---Hope you & your EAGLES have all dried out!!---Is every thing back to normal in your house now!----You are on time to check PAULA'S photos of 6/7---when a few of us went out to the nest!!----Take care!!!

floralgirl said...

Hey Paula, Wanda, and Dave. Posted a few pics of the storm damage on June 4. clcik on pic and then Whatever.

Lolly said...

Good morning!! Dave just looked at your pictures. Wow! Quite unbelievable!

We are in need of rain and you have had more than enough to say the least! Guess it is a good thing that it only got in your basement.

Had a great time yesterday with family.

Happy Birthday Genie! Hope you have a great day!

Costume Lady said...

DAVE, those photos are hard to look at...I hope the house with part of the yard and road that has broken away is NOT your house. Just can't imagine the devistation your county must be going through.

Your town looks like Venice. Get out your boats. Many prayers for all flood victims.

normabyrd said...

HEY PAULA!----Looking GOOD!---She really put on a show!!----Seeing BELLE & LIBERTY---that was an extra bonus!!---Thanks---


Costume Lady said...

MEAGAN, I could just cry for you! Have you gotten everything cleared up yet?

normabyrd said...

PAULA----maybe you should give this an R rating!

floralgirl said...

Thanks Wanda, but don't shed any tears for me, things could have been much worse. Life goes on and gardeners always replant:) Walnut is cut up some, but most of trunk is still laying there, chain saw needs repair and we haven't had time to mess with it. trying to find a good one on sale to buy for hubby- he needs a new one.

Lolly said...

Megan, looked at your pictures. Know that you do miss that walnut tree. Now, I want to see more pictures of your flowers, green house, the yard! :)

paula eagleholic said...

LOL Norma, it was either cut out all the audio or leave it all in - I left it all in

Eaglet in the nest!!!

Lolly said...

Time to go read the paper. Read about the flooding, etc!!

Mauley said...

Good Mornin Dear Ones, update on Dannie Michael. He is home and doing well. Daughter Tonja is worn out, so I have 4 of the grandkids this week. God Bless all of you who ministered to our family durng Dannie's hospitalization with your thughts prayers and well-wishes. I know that God does little outside of prayer, and I am humbled by my Eagle family's outpouring of love and support. Little Dannie is going to be fine. Thanks and much love and many huggs donna-mauley

magpie said...

Child in the nest

Mauley said...

Megan, if we lived close by, my hubby would have that tree cleared out for you in no time. Wouldn't it be a sight if all of us were neighbors. It would be just like Heaven, don't you think. We could help each other so much. donna

Mauley said...

I love "Child in the Nest" and references to our kids as "Family". thanks guys

Mauley said...

Will be back later, four year old wants me. I will be lurking again this week as last. donna

magpie said...

G R E A T N E W S Mauley !!

We shall keep up the prayers, for strength and continued wellness.

Sounds like the four kids are with a super person !


normabyrd said...

GOOD NEWS DONNA!!---So happy that DANNIE is fine now!!!---Prayers have been answered!!---We all have often said---'if i only lived closer....'

normabyrd said...

MEGAN---I just viewed your photos----That is one BIG WALNUT tree!----Your flowers--birds--trees are so beautiful!!!---It won't be long until you get things together!!!----you are one talented kid!!---Take care!!!

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Good morning, everyone. I am working, so can't stay but just wanted to say HI! Paula, I watched your video, that is great. Thank you for doing that. Hope everyone is okay, I am praying for all in the flooded areas and other strong weather. We are really blessed here in these mountains. They deter alot of severe weather.

Got back from the lake last night. It was a good weekend, relaxing which is the name of the game, ya know!!

Ya'll have a great day!! I will be checking in and out. My RP is screwed up of course, but I will keep trying.

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

C ya'll later!!

normabyrd said...

HI MAGPIE!!---Are you working today?----I remember you worked last night----!

normabyrd said...

Who is in the nest!!---My RP is working but can't tell who is there now??

IrisF said...

Holy Smokes Glo, that old Mississippi sure is taking over Davenport! And, I'm glad you live 22 blocks away and up a hill!!! Thanks for the webcam URL...

Dave, incredible photos, how long did it take for all that water to receed? It sure looks like you live on the "right" side of the road!

Megan, looking at your photos, I really think you were "spared" a much worse devastation. The force it took to "top" those trees must have been a mini-tornado or something like it. Wind shear of some sort anyway. Good thing it didn't get all the way to the ground is all I can say!!!

Prayers for all that you all have gone through and all the clean-up involved! And for all the flooded areas of our country.

Donna, so glad to hear little Dannie is back home...exhaustion comes with motherhood and it's a good thing God gives mothers extra fortitude to deal with it!! (and wonderful grandmothers to help too)You are so right about prayer, it works and we all need it!

floralgirl said...

Thanks Mauley:) glad your grandson is ok. Hello Magpie and Sissy:) ok -Lolly- I posted some pictures of last year's gardens,.

floralgirl said...

Hello- Iris:) yes, we realize it could have been much worse, many around us have way worse damage. The winds were 100 mph- the only reason they did not classify it as a tornado was because they were straight line winds, not circular. That is probably what saved my greenhouse. Later all- off to plant, the hummers are very active out there this morning!

floralgirl said...

Whoa- Three in the nest- 2 juvies and one adult

floralgirl said...

Adult left, one juvies is hogging all the fish- can't tell how big it is....- later:)

normabyrd said...

MEI LAN is sleeping on the log above her hammock!!----She is a SWEETHEART!---She has no problem finding something to entertain herself!!----Wouldn't it be wonderful if LUN LUN would be with child!!---ho!

normabyrd said...

MORNIN' IRIS!----I have been watching all kinds of animals this am!!---I AGREE---MEGAN has beautiful gardens!!---She has shown us pics of all kinds of birds!!---I tell her she should open her gardens to the public!!!

IrisF said...

Morning Norma, that is for sure...Beautiful gardens, producing the most beautiful flowers!!! Planted by a beautiful person!!! You cannot beat that combination - for sure!

normabyrd said...

I haven't seen INDIANA DAVE'S pics!!----He said he has posted some!!

movin said...


The live feed is working for me, but it took a while before it cleared enough to see the two juveniles with in the nest.

How's it going for you this morning??



paula eagleholic said...

2 pooped out looking eaglets resting in the nest :)

Lolly said...

WOW!!! Megan, thanks for the pictures!! BEAUTIFUL!!!! Now I have more of an idea of where you are when you are out to work in the garden. Love it!!

I was just out in my yard. Just out for a little while and broke out in heavy sweat. (Yes, I sweat, I do not glow!) so, back inside I am for now.

I have a flower garden at church. It is a little prayer garden an Eagle Scout built. Well, he really did not do a proper job, and was not maintaining it, so I took it over. Well, since I have been sick it looks SICK! So, tomorrow, very early, I will go and plant something for the summer. The pansies look pathetic and there are weeds. YUCK!

floralgirl said... guys are too kind... PB&J time- which reminds me..Where is Jo this morning??

paula eagleholic said...

Looks like it was Pearl and Middy in the nest

all rolling black screen now...

normabyrd said...

INDIANA DAVE-----I looked at your flood photos!---I am so very SORRY!----I think you fared better than your neighbors!!----But you are lucky to have so many friends there with you!!---They probably need more help that you do!!---You didn't lose your car did you?---Will keep you in my thoughts!-----take care!

floralgirl said...

One juvie left in the nest- back by cam.

magpie said...

yah - maybe Tiny ?

magpie said...

NORMA-BYRD ... not working yet...that could change with one "on call " all week...

magpie said...

make that "past tense ' one juvie in the nest....

paula eagleholic said...

RP is down here...

normabyrd said...

MORNIN' MOVIN'JIM! Where is JO --- Haven't seen DEB--or heard from CHRISSY?---(hope she is better)---Haven't seen JILL forever---or SUNNY or NILLA & some others--Guess it's summer & we all go in different directions!!!!

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Good afternoon ya'll!! I was just typing on a patient that had a tick on her for 2 weeks because she thought it was a mole. Now my tick paranoia has come back to life full force!!!

How can I find the pics of floralgirl's storm damage? I am pretty illiterate about this blog stuff.

Hope all are having a good day!! I reckon my sis is with the doc now at Charlottesville.

normabyrd said...

WHOA MAGPIE!!---Are you not working today?---awwwww---You have it made!-----KIDDIN'----

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

are both cameras down"

normabyrd said...

SISSY!!---Click on MEGAN'S 'FLORALGIRL'----I didn't know SHARON had Dr. appt. today!---Will say a prayer!!----

normabyrd said...

Thundering here now!---had about 5 min. of rain a min. or so ago!!

Mema Jo said...

Good Afternoon - very unusual that I
didn't make it in this morning hour!
I was watching the US Open Golf - playoff of 18 holes & is being televised. I thought they would have sudden death playoff yesterday but they put it at an 18 hole playoff..

Prayers for our Eagle Eyed Sharon who should be at her Surgeon's appointment.

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Thanks so much Normabyrd. Sometimes I forget the simplest things. Floralgirl, you have beautiful flowers. I am so glad you didn't get hit harder.

normabyrd said...

MAGPIE---I thought you worked at 911 Center in Martinsburg?-----I heard that some where!---I think that would be a hard job!!

Mema Jo said...

Sissy - both my cams are down.
GLO - Please stay high & dry!!!
Paula - Nest visit video is so clear!
Just wish I didn't have to hit the
start button so often...

Genie Jewell
Happy Birthday today and I hope it is very special for you! I sure wish another little GEN would pop into your yard & give you a birthday surprise

normabyrd said...

MORNIN' JO!----How did TIGER do?

Mema Jo said...

Norma - I wish you could keep the thunder up your way and NOT let it come down the mountain into the valleys.

Mema Jo said...

Tiger tied yesterday for 1st place. Of course he waited until the very last stroke to do so! Today it is just Tiger and Roscoe Mediate and Tiger is 1 up on Roscoe. I really just go in ever so often to check it out - towards the last couple holes I'll go plant myself in front of tv.

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

MT nest. :(

normabyrd said...

SEVERE THUNDER STORM WARNING---till 9:00 p.m.----may not reach you folks----

magpie said...

Norma - That's correct - 911 in Berkeley County, over 20-years now. I just came off nights (18-months worth, 12-hour shifts.)

Stormy periods can be rough....We are now working ten-hour days..four on, four off, and every six weeks one of us is "on call" and has to hustle in there in a, now, Thunder is rumbling, and I am getting nervous...Take Care, Be Careful, you're only about 65 miles or so from me so you might be getting the storm first!
++ Be Careful, All. ++


normabyrd said...


normabyrd said...


normabyrd said...


IrisF said...


Hope you have a great day and Gertrude and Ralph surprise you with an new little Gen!!!

Mema Jo said...

My still cam just cleared...
No RP yet...

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

yeah, jo, the still camera is clear now. Maybe the RP is next!!

Mema Jo said...

No more WAX per Dana
You just gave away your
Poop Facial ARGH........

Mema Jo said...

Is the weather clear our your way Sissy? Starting to look weird outside here...

Anxious to hear from your sister!!

Mema Jo said...

I am anxious to hear about the eaglet that was found out of the nest. I hope you have a good report on him this evening when you get home from work.........

floralgirl said...

It's raining here now, heavy at times, fairly calm, no thunder or lightning, but it looks like there is a stronger storm headed at us.

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

It is beautiful here right now, blue sky, temp 79, it says mostly cloudy on the weather channel but the sun is out full force. Calling for some thunderstorms tonight. Yeah, I just tried Sharon's phone and it went straight to voice mail so she must still be in the doc's office. Will let you know as soon as I talk to her.

Mema Jo said...

Starting with the rain now. Megan
I think you're right about heavier storms later today. It is soooooooo
still outside..

Mema Jo said...

Tiger is up by 2 points...
That could change with the swing of
a club! lol

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Sharon is on the phone. Told her it could be 6 weeks or more before they hear from the insurance. She is on her way home. She said they took great pics, gonna be in next month's Vogue. HA!!

Mema Jo said...

WHOO HOO! WOW! Belly Pics!

Mema Jo said...

Anne just emailed me that her plans are to join us in October - for 3 days of sightseeing! Her brother & sil are coming with her! She is excited and I just don't know how she is going to get through the next 3 months thinking about this! lol

She may be interested in another train ride - I told her that Norma should still have her ticket to ride!

Mema Jo said...

You can't see too much right now but the forum states that there has been a hatching in the TX Wood Duck box


deb said...

I think I am finally caught up on pictures, etc. What a year so far, but glad that the damage wasn't as bad as it could have been for Megan and Dave. Paula, great video!

I took the dogs in and got there hair cut short so I can find the ticks better. I also got anti-tick stuff. The vet said they are bad all over. I haven't had them in my yard before this year, but am up to 4 so far. I don't like them and the dogs don't like me to find one on them.

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Where, Oh Where, have our little birds gone? Where Oh Where can they be?

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Maybe they are down at the river learning to fish. Or above the nest snoozing?

Mema Jo said...

Hi Deb - I also just found Dave's video of his place - I had looked at Glo's earlier. Very upsetting what the weather does. We're getting rain showers with some thunder every now & then. Nothing severe yet.

Tiger is down a point now. Remember I said One Swing will do it!

Deb - I'll BBILW

NatureNut said...

Hi Gang,Info I got today on our eaglet was that they found it in the ROAD!!!!Little Dummy! A few wildlife EM #s called would not bother since he/she wasn't injured (they don't think). Then the mother flew in, so they left it alone. It may have done a Tiny "pretend fledge".Heard that it could fly, but not too far and not up high. Hopefully Mom or Dad is nearby and a predator won't get it. (I can't believe I got onto this site!!!!Not supposed to go online!)

movin said...

Naturenut, I haven't been following the story.

Are you talking about No. 3 in our nest? Here in Shepherdstown?



magpie said...

The black-chinned Hummingbirds in California are a very active little pair and sounds like they will be fledging soon. Here is the site, or you can connect off Dellwo's (Allen's Hummingbird)

I got to some other links somehow, while there, including barn owls in a tree cavity with some VERY active and noisy bees.

And remember MEMA JO's comment that the wood duck eggs at CamClickers are probably gonna hatch very soon, today maybe. Mother is on the eggs and turning around end to end often.

Something to do while we are waiting for some action at OUR nest.

Storms seem passed for now...

magpie said...

Black-chins live cam will stay up for five mins. When it expires, then a page opens up with the links to some other cam sites, including the Barn Owls. I just figured it out because I timed out while I was yapping.

magpie said...

MOVIN - Nature Nut might have to get back to you on that one, but it was not Shepherdstown, it was an eagle nest at the Patuxent River in Maryland near to where she works.

magpie said...

MOVIN - Nature Nut had a post Sunday night around 10:42 pm about it a little, Patuxent River Park (PRP) - so there is some info to tide you over 'til we hear more.

Have you checked out those black-chins today? So funny when the parent comes in to feed them...

Mema Jo said...

Oh My Naturenut - get off the internet, but thank goodness you got an update to us. Tomorrow you take some fish and find that eaglet & toss him some food!!!
Hi Magpie! Hope they don't have a need to call you in!
Hey There Jim!

Tiger Woods wins U.S. Open in sudden death Whoo Hoo! A win is a win but I'm sure he didn't count on this ending.

Mema Jo said...

All the camclickrs websites are slow.
Looking at the Chimney Swift in the nest. Deb sent me a pic yesterday of 2 eggs in that nest. Yepper! She is off the nest and there are 2 very white eggs in the nest.

Hope we soon hear from Chrissy
Think of her saying that her Swifts had returned.........

deb said...


Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Well, I spoke too soon. There are severe thunderstorm and tornado warnings for our area. The town where Tom works is getting pounded with hail right now. It looks like it is going to skirt around Bluefield, though.

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

calling for nickel size hail, 60 mph winds. Princeton is getting pounded (that's where Tom works)

Mema Jo said...

Now if we could get non-static reception and a couple of eaglets to fly in - we'd be all set!
MT Nest

Take care Sissy & hope Tom gets home safely.

Mema Jo said...

Little bird at 12:-- position..

Mema Jo said...

Black bird looking for nestovers I guess - Now there are 2.
They just might turn out to be a nestover!!

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Absolutely. That is definitely not the best place to forage for food.

magpie said...

ANNE-MARIE - emailed prayer to Momsters group. Well, twice in fact until I figured out what I was doing! Hope your friend is doing well...

Did I miss a bird in our nest?

MEMA JO -- haven't gotten snagged yet! Must be your power of positive thinking.

Mema Jo said...

Talking about food - Time to eat in this nest!


magpie said...

Big Wingersizes at Barton Cove...they just had rain there, probably shaking off the water like a wet puppy would do...

Mema Jo said...

*** Just some black birds (crows)

***Momster email came through
You did good on the first try!
Will save it in my special folder


magpie said...

OK - Thanks Mema Jo, hey could you email or blog me some dinner please? I don't feel like cooking. xo I'll send you another quip if you do!

magpie said...

Well, I'll send you another one anyway...just to pass the time while we are awaiting LibertyBelleTinyMiddyPearl

"Before you criticize someone, you should walk a mile in their shoes. That way, when you criticize them, you're a mile away and you have their shoes."

I'll have to find something to earn me a ROFLMBO...

magpie said...

I see those little birds at our nest now, two of them..gonna get my binoculars so I can get a better look and try to ID them...

magpie said...

Good to see you back Double E-Sissy.
We Missed You. See any good water birds, ducks, geese or anything?
How about some alligators and crocodiles, sharks, whales or anything?

magpie said...

I think the blackbirds at NCTC nest, maybe, are Cowbirds...would say crows but they jump around too gracefully for that. Hard to say, color or sound would help with the identification..

deb said...

Good quip, I get a chuckle out of them. I thought I saw a wood duckling, but now the mom duck moved.

magpie said...

DEB - when that wood duck looks up she's looking straight at us isn't she? Once those ducklings start hatching they're gonna start plopping out of that nest like little soldiers pretty quick. Going for a little shut eye, hope to see some action when I get back up !

magpie said...

Wonder what those furry looking "hot dogs" are in the Barton Cove nest?

deb said...

Live feed is gone again.

deb said...

I am heading out to mow. It seems like I just did it.

magpie said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Mema Jo said...

I know you said you were going to get some shut eye but I had to let you know that I LOVED THAT ONE! ROFLMBO
Bye Bye I got your shoes!!!

Mema Jo said...

I have 3 emails filled with pics of
my new great grand baby who is home from the Hospital & who is very photogenic! Just like her big sister!

Need to download into my albums....


Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

No magpie, didn't see any exotic animals, not at Claytor Lake. Saw a couple of white-tailed deer. They say there are bald eagles nesting there but I haven't found anyone that actually has seen a nest. It would be a great place, there are high cliffs, tall trees, plenty of fish, etc. Everytime we go out in the boat, we look for them. Sometimes we see a heron i think but i am not sure.

It is fun looking though. Sharon is on her way home from Thelma's. Lots of storms from here to there. Reports of a tornado 10 miles up the road???

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Mema Jo, can't wait to see those pics.

deb said...

I must have seen a foot or something on the wood duck site, no babies.

deb said...

I am halfway done with the backyard, had to feed the dogs and see if we had any eaglets in the nest.

NatureNut said...

Evening everyone---Sorry if I confused Jim and any others about the lost/found eaglet. This is where I work--Patuxent River Park, Upper Marlboro, MD.I posted a pic of (maybe) empty nest last night and have been chronicling developments with pics on this blog. Just click my name.
I stopped on the shoulder of the road in the nest area this PM to see if I could find any perching birds & didn't. It was only sprinkling, so I went into my secret woodsy place to see the nest. Looked empty--then the wind & rain picked up, so I dodged falling branches & got to the car & sat for awhile. Some branches fell on the road. My lucky day---nothing fell on me or my car all the way home!
This normal, in the wild eagle incident makes me thankful for all the cams we have that have helped in rescuing birds in trouble, such as NBG and Pelican Harbor.

paula eagleholic said...

MT nest and RP is down!

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Paula, my RP has been down almost all day.

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

I am not loving this empty nest thing, I'll tell ya!! :(

wvgal_dana said...

Good Monday evening all my eagle friends ( :

Glo glad your up a hill hope things stay dry.
Wow Ind. Dave thank you for the video and pictures. So So sorry for everyones lost of things around you. Hope the water receeds soon.

Paula I'll have to retry that video. The one at the bottom of your page. It started good and stopped. So I'll give it another try ( :

Glad the answer for Donna's gc is a smiling one.

Megan your flowers are always so great. I love the ones I got last year. You are right I fed it some and back it is. The ones I brought this year are "BEAUTIFUL" ty .

Hope Sharon got good news and insurance answer will come back good.


hedgie said...

Good evening all. Sounds like an awfully quiet MT day at our nest. Boo! Not having ANY luck finding Indiana Dave's!?!?

deb said...

Click here for Dave's pictures:

ID's pictures

hedgie said...

Thanks, Deb!

wvgal_dana said...

click on his name
then click on indiana nesting eagles 2008
There is a picture of a nest in a tree click on that
This brings up webshots go to bottom where it shows a picture of a house and it says "NEW" click there

wvgal_dana said...

OK thanks Deb I haven't learnt how to do the tiny URL's

wvgal_dana said...

Deb did you get Paula's video to work? I can't it starts and when it gets to wing excerising it stops.

Mema Jo said...

Eaglet just plopped into our nest

hedgie said...

TY, too, Dana. Deb's link worked, but next time I'll just open whatever Dave has listed and look in each album!

paula eagleholic said...

Eaglet in our nesT!!!

Mema Jo said...

Eaglet still there

Spidey has started the web

wvgal_dana said...

On the refresh feed Jo?

paula eagleholic said...

Eaglet looks like it is eating..

Dana what browser are you using? I am using IE6 and it is working fine...

Mema Jo said...

Yes, Dana - the still cam

Real Player still down as far as
I know. Have not tried it since I've
signed on again. I had gone to the
grocery store .........

deb said...

I did, Dana. I let it sit while I did some other things, then it had loaded and I could play it. At first it did the same thing to me, start then stop.

paula eagleholic said...

Eaglet looks like it is eating..

Dana what browser are you using? I am using IE6 and it is working fine...

deb said...


deb said...

I see I am behind the times.

Mema Jo said...

Paula I have Firefox - The video was so very clear but as Dana said, I had to keep hitting the start button as it stopped quite frequently

paula eagleholic said...

Hmmm, must depend upon the browser...starts playing for me right away.

paula eagleholic said...

Daggone, eaglet is gone!

Mema Jo said...

Don't know if Eaglet brought food in but the nest didn't have any nestovers in it. The black birds this afternoon really checked it over.
I hadn't seen any of the eagles feeding in the nest today - but then I had a very late start in watching the cam.

H-viller- Did you sell any antiques today ?

paula eagleholic said...

Jo, I thought you were kidding, because I said you might have to push the start button more than once! I have to just hit the start button 2 times, then it plays right away.

Mema Jo said...


paula eagleholic said...

Jo, there were 2 in the nest this morning eating.

paula eagleholic said...

Well, at least one was!

Costume Lady said...

I had the same problem as Dana. I had to keep clicking on PLAY.

Mema Jo said...

Paula - Let me try it again and see how it does.

Costume Lady said...

Oh, these 'puters are tricky. I posted some photos of Sandra & Tom and sometimes you can see them and other times you can't. Go figure.

deb said...

I saw Sandra and Tom, Wanda, I just looked now. Good Pictures!

wvgal_dana said...

I have IE 6 but will continue to retry ty all (((hugs)))

paula eagleholic said...

I see them too, Wanda. And cool, you posted the Andrew Wyeth painting...I do recall that one now.

Costume Lady said...

It's good to know others can see the photos. When I first posted them, all that was there, along with the text, was a red x with a square around it. About an hour later, it was a photo and not an X.

hedgie said...

A few sales, Jo, but nothing worth anything!! But had 21 customers, so it wasn't too boring!

wvgal_dana said...

Ok I have exactly where mine stops at: It shows the tree and eagle and Paula says at the nest at 10 o'clock then it stop and won't play

Mema Jo said...

Wanda Thank you for the photos of Sandra & Tom! Beautiful people!

ok! My Nest Visit video (which I can only find by using the tinyurl)
I double clicked to start & it went farther then the first time I viewed in this afternoon.
When the Juvie comes down into the nest from the limb above - it stopped on me. I clicked and it only went a smidgen farther before stopping again.

wvgal_dana said...

Jo that has happened to me too. This time after it stops I just wait awhile and hit goes alittle more...stops....I wait and hit play and it goes further.

Paula it is so beautiful even with the problem. It is awesome...oh I love the "talking" lol

paula eagleholic said...

The video is on, Jo, on the history page. I will see what I can find out as to why it has issues playing for some people.

paula eagleholic said...

Now, it does stop on me also,then it load some more, then continues playing. But all videos do that to me on this older included.

It played fine on my computer at work today.

paula eagleholic said...

Thanks for the input...going to go look for info

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2/19/25 AM Routine

632 am Scout arrives and patiently waits for Bella to move from the egg bowl, she does and Switch to Scout. 634 Bella exits the nest He does...