Saturday, January 19, 2008


New thread.


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Costume Lady said...


Costume Lady said...

Lib and Belle sure are busy this morning.

Costume Lady said...

How will we know when they are REALLY getting down to business and not just practicing?

paula eagleholic said...

Thanks for the new thread Steve. Have a great 3 day weekend!

Light a candle for Sandra

paula eagleholic said...

Anyone have the CC1 direct link? Their main page is down...

wvgal_dana said...

Thank you Steven for the new thread we needed it. The visits at the nest this morning have started at 6:50am with hanky panky at 6.54am and still in nest. Out then back in. Neither is gone very long or one is there and the other leaves then comes back in.

Steven get ready to check your email.

paula eagleholic said...

Thanks, but nevermind. CC homepage back up...

deb said...

Here it is, Paula. I slept in this morning and just finished catching up, so good morning everyone.

paula eagleholic said...

Have to go get ready, as I am out of here for the weekend...going to Ocean City - will be a nice cold weekend at the beach...hoping to stop by Blackwater if the weather isn't too have a good weekend everyone, and happy eagle watching!

Maybe I'll run into Mits!

deb said...

Have a good weekend, Paula.

carolinabeachmom said...

Have a super weekend PAULA and GOODMORNING TO YOU DEB.

movin said...

Have a great time, Paula. Hope the weather is cooperative. :=)


movin said...

Morning also to Wanda, Candy, Deb, Dana. And I know Mits, Norma and Mema Jo will be on soon.



wvgal_dana said...

Have a great weekend Paula. Hope you and Mits can get together atleast for lunch somewhere.

wvgal_dana said...

Morning Jim been an exciting moring around here. ( :

I sent an email to everyone hoping to idenify what I think is a rabbit in our nest. That our couple has been eating on.

wvgal_dana said...

Good morning to you too Deb.

wvgal_dana said...

Moving soiled and wet nesting materials at Tesoro.

Costume Lady said...


deb said...

Belle is gone.

deb said...

There is a note on the Moose cam from Pook that the moose are gone and she has turned off the cam. So sad that we can't enjoy the moose til next season.

normabyrd said...

GOOD MORNING EAGLE BUDDIES!---I started this saga on the other thread----(Phone calls!!!) I am not going to repeat!!--It's a glorious sunny--winter a.m. here in WV---temp. 32° --- forecast to be in teens this evening!!---EAGLES are here to stay!!---ISN'T LIFE GREAT!!!----ENJOY THIS HOLIDAY WEEKEND!!!---- (WE DO NOT SAY NEKED IN WV!!!)!!---

deb said...

Have you ever seen a naked mole rat? Yuck! I had to google a picture of it.

deb said...

Good Morning, Norma. I haven't checked on the weather yet. I don't want to know.

normabyrd said...

WOW!--HELEN & PAULA!----Aren't you all the lucky ones!!!---ENJOY YOUR WEEKEND AT THE BEACH---Bring us a present!!--ho!

wvgal_dana said...

Someone needs to take over snapping pictures now. I have the one where Belle just left and from this morning earlier visits all in album. Please I need to take blood sugar and eat...ty ( :

normabyrd said...

DEB!!---Yep!---I have seen them on nature shows----But---I am sure only a Mother could love that face!!---ho!!

carolinabeachmom said...

GOOD MORNING NORMA OUR WV GAL I'm on the other trying to check my email. We have had a good time watching the nest this morning. There has been a lot of activity.

normabyrd said...

ME NEST--MT---Sunny-- & light wind!!----I enjoy hearing the birds calling too DANA!!

george said...

i believe today could be day for egg laying. i am in r.i. love this site

normabyrd said...

Earlier MEI & TAI were both eating bamboo!!----Now--the 'LITTLE PRINCE' is asleep on his GRATE!!--MOM is resting on the stone ledge!!!

normabyrd said...

GOOD MORNING GEORGE!!!---i am in wv & i love this site too!!--welcome!!---please visit often!

normabyrd said...

GEORGE!!!---I hope TODAY is the DAY too!!

normabyrd said...

WHOA!!---Not a good time to watch the DONKEYS---There are only 2 there now-----Usually so many one can count them!!

Costume Lady said...

Join in on our chats when you can. We love new bloggers! I am from WV also. I live 3 miles from Lib & Belle.

deb said...

Welcome, George. I am from South Dakota. Stop in often.

Wanda, isn't egg laying time usually in February?

Costume Lady said...

All gone for now. We know they will be back....

carolinabeachmom said...

NT Nest

Costume Lady said...

Deb, This is my first year with the eagles, so I am a Novice. I am sooo excited to see all this unfold from the beginning!

carolinabeachmom said...

WELCOME TO OUR BLOG GEORGE! We have a nice time on here and just love to get new people to come on. I live in NO. Carolina.

Mema Jo said...

Good Morning Everyone
It is cold but it is going to get colder! What's with these beach bums in the dead of winter going to OC!
lol I love it off season without traffic!
Been a busy morning here - rabbit in the nest-sure looks like it.

Costume Lady said...

CANDY, you are one of our experts. When did Belle lay her first egg last year?

carolinabeachmom said...

Didn't they say that eggs were layed around Valenntines Day last year.

deb said...

Lib is gone. I haven't been around for nest season yet, but seems I read that somewhere.

Costume Lady said...

Looking over my records, Dana said our first egg was laid on Valentines Day.

Costume Lady said...


carolinabeachmom said...

GOOD MORNING JO It is about time you woke up from your panda napping. Didn't someone say that Bell layed her eggs around Feb. 14th last year.

carolinabeachmom said...

Looks like Liberty is back.

Mema Jo said...

Feb is our egg laying month..
On the Momster's site it give you a run down of the past years.
This hanky panky will go on and on and on and the eating in the nest will also continue very regularly.
I think that BlackWater's eggs were laid before ours. Lisa will be able to tell us about that.

deb said...

Thanks, everyone, for the information.

Mema Jo said...

First Year 2004 - First Egg Feb 14 - 2 Eaglets successfully hatched and fledged.
Second Year 2005 - First Egg Feb 15 - 1 Eaglet successfully hatched and fledged.
Third Year 2006 - Eggs Laid Feb 9, 11 & 15 - 3 Eaglets successfully hatched and fledged. (First season for the cam).
Fourth Year -2007 2 eggs were in the nest by Feb 9th. She may have been sitting on an egg as early as Feb 6th. We aren't positive because the cam was down. Third egg laid Feb 12th. No hatching this season, probably due to the late inclement weather.

george said...

hello every one nice meeting you all

Costume Lady said...

I can hardly get away from this puter this morning. Every time I go to leave, Lib or Belle appears. I'm like a kid; afraid I will miss something. LOL

deb said...

I finally got brave and checked the weather. At 9 am, it is 0 degrees, wind chill is -13.

Jim, Sioux City is -4, wind chill is -19.

Mema Jo said...

It is great to have you join us, George.Our nest is getting very active now.. Do you also watch some of the FL cams that already have chicks?

Mema Jo said...

Exercises are really helping to get the oxygen flowing through the muscles! I am ready to go! When is that lunch for the locals? Don't wait till the snow is tooooo deep or the temp is tooooooooo low!

carolinabeachmom said...

DEB That is just a bone chilling temp. AND I think I am cold.

movin said...

There's a Monitor (tail) or a large snake after the Weaver nests at Pete's Pond.


Costume Lady said...

Can't seem to get together on a time. Everyone is so busy. We will work on it.
Glad your exercises are working for you. Keep it up, don't stop!

Mema Jo said...

Jim Can you give us a tinyurl for it please I lost my bookmarked link Thanks.

Costume Lady said...

George, we get a little crazy when Lib & Belle are in the nest, so just join in and get crazy with us!

deb said...

Unfortunately, this is what January is like here. It is not unusual to have temps like this for a couple of weeks. You get used to it, but no one likes it. It could be worse. Fargo, ND is -22 below. I wonder what their wind chill is.

movin said...

I think you might have meant a "clickable link" Mema Jo. Here's the tiny url, and I can make the other if you like.


Mema Jo said...

Yes, Jim
I would like it to be clickable!

Mema Jo said...

Looks as though some new fluff needs to come into the nest - when weather permits. The nest was looking sooooo
good before the snow came. Some really large sticks need moving towards the edges. On My, an eagles' work is never done!

movin said...

It was a Monitor. It was crawling across the top of a tree (bush?) which the Weavers are using, and he would "dive" into the foliage in hopes of getting to the eggs.

His head came back up, and he was just swallowing something with a lot of grass (maybe the nest).

The cam panned away now, don't know if it will return to the Monitor.


movin said...

By the way, last night I saw a pair of those White Storks everyone likes to watch in Europe strolling on the banks of Pete's Pond last night.


movin said...

Here's your link, Mema Jo.

Pete’s Pond


Mema Jo said...


Eagle out of our nest

carolinabeachmom said...

MT nest

Mema Jo said...

Thanks Jim
With the MooseWatch cam gone I will have more time to watch Pete's! I always did enjoy the site.

Off to eat some Brunch since I am too late for breakfast! BBL

deb said...

Back again.

carolinabeachmom said...

He returns

deb said...


carolinabeachmom said...

Looks like lunchtime to me. :)

carolinabeachmom said...

A family that eats together, stays together. Boy are they ever spending a lot of time in the nest today.

george said...

can i get a link to petes pond please

Costume Lady said...

George, go back to JIM's comment at l0:45 and click on PETE'S POND.

Costume Lady said...


Mema Jo said...

George Go up to Jim's 10:45 comment...... Click on the BLUE Pete's Pond. Will come up for you & you can bookmark it.

Holler if it doesn't work.......

Costume Lady said...

Don't forget to BOOKMARK it.

deb said...

Lib left again.

Mema Jo said...

LOL Wanda! Ya beat me!

Our eagles will be at the nest on a very regular basis as it gets closer to egg laying time in Feb. Dana has 2 pages of pics from this morning's visits for your viewing on Momsters' albums.

Link to Photos

Eventually at the nest, pictures will be taken mainly when something unusual happens - like a hatching!!

carolinabeachmom said...

Are those bobbing heads in CC1 the babies?

carolinabeachmom said...

Alot of wing flapping going on too. They couldn't be that big yet. Maybe it is both adults

wvgal_dana said...

Both eagles in our nest !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

deb said...

Yes, aren't they big already! We missed a lot while the cam was down.

carolinabeachmom said...

Both in nest again

carolinabeachmom said...

OMG we sure did DEB. It doesn't seem possible that they are that big already.

george said...

i just seen a nice pic of some of you lovely ladies togeather, nice group

floralgirl said...

Oh, so good to see them in the nest so much. I think that was a rabbit they brought into the nest yesterday.

carolinabeachmom said...

SC/PH is empty as well as the hummer nest. BWE and BWO are also mt.

deb said...

Morning, Megan.

carolinabeachmom said...

HI THERE MEGAN! A good Saturday morning to you. It has been a busy day in our nest today.

Mema Jo said...

Thank you for the compliment, George!
We try to get together as a group whenever there is a good excuse to do so. Quite a few locals BUT we have some of our gals come in from CA, IL, PA, MD, NC and all over WV. We really have bonded because of these eagles.
Open house in Oct was our big event!

Just let us know when you want to come through town this Spring!

deb said...

The little bobber is visible at Tesoro right now.

Mema Jo said...

Hi Megan! What's new with you?
Did you order your seeds yet for the greenhouse? Days are getting a little bit longer!

deb said...

Shoot, I should have said that sooner, feeding now in the other part of the nest.

carolinabeachmom said...

Feeding time at Tasoro. I finally got my first peek at a fuzzy head down at the bottom of the branch that is sticking up. Fuzzy, wuzzy.

Mema Jo said...

I am very anxious for us to get some little "bobbers" in our nest.. After the snowy season leaves....

deb said...

You can really see the top of the head now during the feeding.

Mema Jo said...

It has been a great morning at the nest & I am thinking it will continue. I'll return early evening!
Keep talking so I know what I have missed.


deb said...

Our nest is empty.

deb said...

That didn't last long. It could be an all day visit at the nest!

Costume Lady said...

Good Morning Megan...
I have been thinking of you. We have been inundated with seed and flower catalogs and I'm sure you have too. I have been planning my flower garden and Gene has been planning his veggie garden since the end of Dec. Can't wait!

Costume Lady said...

Looks like it's time for Lib to bring Lunch. Does he usually bring the meals or does Belle help?

floralgirl said...

Well Hello DEb, Candy and Jo. Welcome, George. Days are getting longer, slowly but surely. Still working on those seed orders, Jo. And the funds to get them. Always dicey time of year and the hosing slump is making life difficult for those in the construction trade. Still waiting for the cable company to bless me with hteir presence so they can figure out how to get a cable line to my house. This dial up is very slow and getting worse, so if I disapear, that's why. It drives me nuts..

deb said...

Right now, they both bring in food, Wanda.

carolinabeachmom said...

It has been sprinkling here for about three hours this am. Any of you getting it yet up there? I think it said it was 45'.

floralgirl said...

Hi Wanda, yes, there is a very tall stack of seed catalogs on my table, still working on looking through them. Hoping for a good year with plenty of rain. I forgot, a couple of days ago, hubby spotted 2 birds sort of fighting up in the sky. We checked them out, thought they were hawks, but no they were eagles. Immature, cause they had starnge coloration, but one did have a lot of white on his head.

carolinabeachmom said...

I hope you ladies schedule a time to get together again this year in late June or July. I didn't get a chance last year to go to the farmers marked on Sunday and take in the sights. Wanted to get some of Megan's flowers also. You are all so lucky to live soooo close.

carolinabeachmom said...

Megan, instead of fighting, they had better get working on finding a mate and putting their nest together. Silly birds

Costume Lady said...

Thaks Deb. I don't see food when it is brought in; only after it is there. I have NEVER seen them in the process of flying it in. I alway seem to catch the TAIL END (ha) of it.

deb said...

I'd best get busy. BBL

Costume Lady said...

Megan, you have a regular zoo at your house. I think you have seen everything there is to see there, except for a bear. Gene says he would like to see a bear in our woods...foolish man!

floralgirl said...

Good grief, pardon my typos. Wanda, I was going to invite the deer in to peruse the seed catalogs, so they could pick out what they would like to munch on this Supposed to snow later, slight chance, it's 38° right now, going to much be colder tomorrow.

Costume Lady said...

Megan is not far from our nest. I suppose it could be relatives of Lib & Bells.

movin said...

It's beginning to look as though Liberty-Belle are planning on occupying the nest all day today.

No complaints from us, Right?


carolinabeachmom said...

Feeding again at Tesoro.

Costume Lady said...

LOL, Megan. They would probably eat the catalogs too.

floralgirl said...

I always expect to see a bear when I walk outside late in the evening, sooner or later, they are around. We put out so much birdseed. There are also foxes and coyotes. Haven't seen a coyote, but sometimes think we hear one howling in the distance.

Costume Lady said...

I have to get some work done.

carolinabeachmom said...

MT Nest

floralgirl said...

Hi Jim. love your reports from the pete's Pond cam. I hope when I get a faster connection I can view it.

Costume Lady said...

We did see coyotes a few times and we can hear them howling some nights in the distance.
Had a beautiful fox pass by one day last week. BEARS NOT WELCOME!

carolinabeachmom said...

Lib back

floralgirl said...

I gotta go too, happy cam viewing. Probably won't be back later, thread will be too long for me to open. %#@*#@& dial up!

normabyrd said...

WONDERFUL!!---So many of you all on the blog!!-- JO--THANKS--for giving us all the nest dates!!--I was checking to find them--ended up trying to answer my emails!!---MEGAN---Are you still looking forward to getting your bb hooked up---

normabyrd said...

I still want to yell---EAGLE ALERT--ho!!----One or the other seems to be in the nest each time I log on!!---WOW!---That's a good thing!!
I get excited just thinking about "wee eagles" in our nest!!! ----Is it getting about time to see a turtle shell in the nest!!--ho!---JO collects them!!

normabyrd said...

ANYONE watching for the DIVERS!!--

normabyrd said...

GAO GAO--is on the SD site!!---Has any one seen PRECIOUS??---She wasn't on the cam much yesterday!!
Miss her!!

normabyrd said...

The HUMMING BIRD look so lovely sitting on her nest!!---The flowers & her coloring are a perfect match!---

Costume Lady said...

Mrs. Hummer is due to hatch her eggs on Tuesday. Give or take a day one way or the other, if the eggs were laid when the owner of that cam said they were.

deb said...

Norma, Divers!!

carolinabeachmom said...

Ok the day's complete now. NORMA has seen her divers, or I hope she saw them!

carolinabeachmom said...

Just did a little cleaning out of my bedroom drawers and now am getting ready to watch the Tarheels play.

We have an MT nest as of this moment. Both Blackwater MT. SC/PH nest is MT.Maine Nest is MT. I guess everyone is taking their Panda naps after having a good lunch.

On to basketball. BBL

movin said...

If you hurry you might see ZZ climbing the heights.


Chrissy Beahan said...

Hi all,

Hope you are all as well as can be at the mo..

I had a wonderful birthday,, great dinner,,, and was told to dress posh ???

After dinner we got in the car and drove into Birmingham City,, still not knowing where we were going, parked in the carpark, and walked towards Birmingham's Hippodrome Theatre,,,,, I wasa being taken to see the Pantomime, Aladin, staring John Barrowman [have you heard of him] had fantastic seats right at the front, and Frank had booked Champers for the interval drinks.
It was a lovely night out and one to remember for a long time.
Must admit by the time we got home I was more than a little squiffy and fell into bed floating,,,, very surprised the nest morning though NO hangover !!! Perhaps I should make my usual tipple Champers from now on.

love and hugs

carolinabeachmom said...

Chrissy, so glad to hear that you had a wonderful birthday! You really had a night on the town. Frank gave you a very special night out . Even tho you were floating and a little squiffy, the night was yours. Like you said, "A night to remember!" Way to celebrate your birthday. You go girl. :)

carolinabeachmom said...


carolinabeachmom said...

Half time at the Carolina/Maryland basketball game and we are BEHIMD! :( This might be the one we lose.

carolinabeachmom said...

Lib is gone already.

carolinabeachmom said...

Back to cheer on my Tar Heels. Go Heeeeeellllllsssss, as NORMA would say. ;)

floralgirl said...


deb said...

Both eagles still in the nest.

deb said...

Belle is gone.

deb said...

Belle is back.

deb said...

Both up by Lib's perch enjoying the view.

deb said...

Both gone. Nice visit. It didn't seem like they did much, a lot of watching and a little fluffing.

deb said...

Norfolk's website says the cam is still being worked on, but you can watch it on their media player site. I had it up for a while this afternoon until it got so dark you could barely see a white head. Will they have any night viewing once eggs are here?

deb said...

PH is down. Nothing happening at Kent. Moose are gone, :( Can't find any bobbing heads at CC2. Parent at Tesoro is eating and feeding. That's about it for action. Hope everyone is having a great afternoon.

Lisa said...

Am I right in reading that an eaglet is there at the Florida eagle cam?

Has anyone posted a photo?

Costume Lady said...

Yes, Lisa, there are at least 2 eaglets. I don't think there are any photos yet. If there are, would someone correct me?

Lisa said...

Okay, thanks. Do we know who reported two eaglets? Their website is short on current info. :-)

deb said...

Lisa, if you go to yesterday's blog at 3:53 Paula put up a link to take you to a picture. As far as I know there has only been one eaglet captured on film, unless someone got one today. It appears the eagles are feeding 2, but that nest is so deep it is hard to tell.

carolinabeachmom said...

WE LOST:( Oh well on to the next game. Our nest appears to be MT, so guess I'll call it a night, get my shower and get warm under my comforter watching tv. Still getting rain here and in the low 40's. At this rate, we won't have any flakes even of snow. :(:( I just wanted to be able to see a little.

Oh well, all have a peaceful and restful night. Tomorrow brings a new day with new happenings. GOOD NIGHT TO ALL!

deb said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
MITS said...

HELLO EVERYONE, COMPUTER IS SLOWER THAN MOLASSES HERE, EVEN THOUGH I HAVE COMCAST HIGH SPEED INTERNET!! Computer is almost 6 yrs old, and don't think it has enough memory space or whatever.....saw some hawks on the way done and alot of geese as we got to Cambridge, but didn't go over to is almost 30 mins away from RT 50, and we just wanted to get to the condo. We have had snow showers here for the last couple of hours, went to church and our favorite pizza place. So I will say GOODNIGHT FOR NOW, and hopefully talk to you all tomorrow.

deb said...

Tesoro chick

deb said...

Are you as excited as I am?? I figured it out, a clickable link above will take you to a page that has a picture of the Tesoro chick. There are lots of pictures on the page, the one with the chick is in the middle.

deb said...

Glad you made it ok, Mits. After all that had work figuring out links, I am turning off the computer for the night. Have a good night everyone.

Costume Lady said...

Good Night Helen.

I just saw the photo of the Tesoro chick. Is that cute, or what?
Can't wait for our very own little bobble heads. I'm sure they will be cuter than any of the others!

Costume Lady said...

Good Night Deb. Thanks for the LINK.

Mema Jo said...

Good night Mits - Stay warm - sounds like the snow is headed to the east of us and that should be OC area. Enjoy your free time and relax!

Thanks, Deb for putting up the link from FTLOE forum. "Birder" captured the awesome pic of the little bobble head and posted it for all.

Went to Mass this evening - not so cold out there tonight!

Lisa said...

Just saw the link - thanks so much! Great photo. So cute.

movin said...


Look forward to a great Sunday.


Costume Lady said...


Prayers for all, especially SANDRA and BABY TESSA and Dana's G.Grandson.

Mema Jo said...

Just finished a TV Hallmark movie..
Time to close down......

Good Night to All
Peace to You & Yours
Prayers being offered for all
our needs

Mema Jo said...

Don't worry - I am going to return to my bed in a few minutes! You all very well know I do NOT belong to the Early Bird. PJ Club is as far as I go Nest is MT but Tai is up and chomping down on his bamboo breakfast.
I'll see you all around 10ish.

Mema Jo said...

Remember to light a candle

Light a candle for Sandra

Thank you! Power Prayer is still being said.

wvgal_dana said...

Morning Jo and night again Jo ( :

I went in and checked my candle is still lit. I'm surprise at how the number has reduced. There was 2 pages of candles lite for Sandra.

Costume Lady said...

Hope Jo was able to go back to sleep.
I thought there were fewer candles too. Maybe they burned out.
It is so cold in our house, I must turn the heat up and the coffee pot on. (We dial our thermostat down to 58° at night)

wvgal_dana said...

Good Morning Wanda

yes when you light a candle it last for 48 hours then you have to go back into Sandra's candles link and light another one

wvgal_dana said...

Looks like it is snowing at BWE and BWO...Mits and Paula are probably having some snow at the ocean.

wvgal_dana said...

The deer with the swollen right front leg is on the deer cam. It has some places on its left side in the fur that looks like old injuries too.

deb said...

Good Morning, Dana and Wanda. Check out the snow at Peggy's Cove. It is really coming down.

Costume Lady said...

My computer is acting up. Couldn't get back in here or the cam. Re-booted and typed a long comment and the @#$%&# blogger cop got me!
I need Helen to cuss for me.

wvgal_dana said...

DebWhat is the url you are using to get Norfolk up?

Costume Lady said...

I'll bet you have some cold temps there this morning.

Costume Lady said...

It is 16° here and only going up to 22°. Going down to 5° tonight.

deb said...


I checked this morning and it isn't up yet.

deb said...

It isn't bad here this morning at 5. There isn't any wind, so no wind chill. It is supposed to start snowing later today and continue into tomorrow. 10 for today, 2 for tonight.

wvgal_dana said...

Oh ok Deb same url as I have. I thought from reading yesterdays comments you had a different url. Ok lady ty.
It is only 15 here right now...burrr

Costume Lady said...

Let's hop into the Eagle Express and head for Florida!

wvgal_dana said...

Weren't those pictures just awesome on the blue link yesterday of FTLOE. Oh my pics showed and video parent brining in that fish. Actually seeing the fish in the talcons. Boy I had been watching Tesoro alot and didn't see fish in talcons. Did know though parent had brought in food.
Hee Hee lmbo I thought we had a 2nd chick in that nest. Oh boy! Oh boy! Now for our nest to have luck this year too.

Costume Lady said...

Dana, how is your G.Grandson and what is his name?

Lisa said...

Has anybody been able to get the osprey Cape Coral cam to work. I tried but it won't let me in with the password.

I saw some photos of that cam on a forum, so I gather someone is getting in.

deb said...

Florida sounds good. Sun, sand and water! Eagles at BWE.

wvgal_dana said...

Lisa I had it open the other day. It does show 2 osprey near water. Almost looks like need a park with a fountain.

normabyrd said...

GOOD MORNING EAGLE BUDDIES!!!---HELLO JO!!!---1st to sign in this a.m.----HELLO!--JO--DANA---WANDA & DEB!!!----It is a COLD SUNNY--WINTER a.m. here in WV---temp. 12°---Wonder where the ROYAL COUPLE are keeping warm this a.m.!!----Sorry CANDY--but you all have won all the others!!------TAR HEELS are still the BEST!-----LET'S ALL ENJOY THIS HOLIDAY WEEKEND!!!!-----LIFE IS GOOD!! (p.s. i think jo went back to bed!)---So let's use our quiet voice!!--ho!

wvgal_dana said...

The cam had gone down there for a while then it came back up. Maybe it is down again. Lisa I would just off and on check in on it.

wvgal_dana said...

(whispering....Good Morning Norma...yes Jo went back to bed. Will see us around 9ish. Good to see you on here with us this morning.

Lisa said...

Thanks, guys. Have a nice weekend.

wvgal_dana said...

You have a nice weekend also Lisa...come back again.

Costume Lady said...


normabyrd said...

MORNIN' LISA---I was just watching your BEAUTIFUL EAGLE in your nest!!-----Aren't those GREAT pics GLO has on her site!!!---How the need job?---Hope things are doing WELL!!--

carolinabeachmom said...

(((((HUGS TO YOU ALL!))))))))

Lisa said...

Yes, I was very excited to see our female sitting down just now.

I'll be very happy when we get that first egg. We're a bit edgy here since we were chickless this summer with the ospreys. We really need an egg. :-)

The new job is very good. Nice people, a nice office, and interesting work. I was lucky to find it.

normabyrd said...

WOW!! DEB 5° IS COLD!!---So far we haven't had any wind---That's a good thing!------STAY WARM!!

Costume Lady said...

Have a good day. I will be gone when you get back. TTYT

Costume Lady said... the Osprey redo their nest or does someone from the facility put materials in there? When do they lay their eggs?

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2/20/25 PM bird

1203 PM NN Scout comes to the nest with a load of bedding again. He seemed to leave with something in his talons. He has a beak full of bedd...