Wednesday, January 16, 2008


New thread.


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Costume Lady said...

Good Morning Steve....Thank You.

Suzanne said...

Thanks for the new thread, Steven. So beautiful to watch them in the nest together!

Costume Lady said...

Thank You Suz for heads up.

Suzanne said...

Well, and there they go. Sure can see the egg cup clearly, now!

wvgal_dana said...

Steven see you been watching too. Thank you for the new thread. Have a good day !

Holding door open for others to come over.

Gone both same time.
At least Liberty didn't want Belle to out do him all the way. He was moving sticks there before they left.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

You really can see that egg cup clearly now. That is so cool.

Costume Lady said...

Sharon, did you see the Hanky Panky? Or was that just Lib doing wing flaps?

movin said...

Thanks, Steve for the thread. Thanks, Wanda and Suzanne for the notice.

Boy, one second they were both in the nest, the cam refreshed, and they were both gone. Poof!


MITS said...

Thanjks for the heads-up, Suzanne and Steven for new thread.

Costume Lady said...

Coffee with the Capt. BBL

Suzanne said...

Enjoy, Wanda.
Candy, have a good day with the kids, stay warm. And you be careful going home too!

Suzanne said...

Eagle up in Tesoro. Beautiful sky there!

Suzanne said...

Oh, she's rearranging some soft fluff! Love the way they zoom in on this nest, but wish we could see the babies!

Suzanne said...

Tesoro parent sure is busy. Talking to the kids, rearranging fluff and sticks. Wonder why she's so busy now?

wvgal_dana said...

Feeding at Tesoro

normabyrd said...

GOOD MORNING EAGLE BUDDIES----Thanks STEVEN for the new thread!!-----Thanks WANDA!---You are #1 today & every day!!---HELLO--WANDA--SUZANNE--DANA---SHARON & MOVIN' JIM!----It is another beautiful COLD WINTER morning in WV this a.m.---temp. 28°----ENJOY EAGLE BUDDIES!!--- I FEEL BLESSED EACH TIME THEY VISIT!!

MITS said...

HEY NORMA, what am I chopped liver:):):)?

normabyrd said...

MORNIN' HELEN---Is this a ZOO day for you?----If so---GIVE the 'LITTLE PRINCE' my LOVE!!

Suzanne said...

Now we're comfy in FL. Awesome visit we had this morning, love watching them!

wvgal_dana said...

Good Morning Norma...

Yes the sun is beautiful shining on parent at Tesoro. I'm still trying to peek between the sticks. Can't do it lol but always catch myself trying

Suzanne said...

Morning, Norma! Did you get to see the kids' visit this morning?

normabyrd said...

HELEN----PATIENCE!!---I was saving the BEST for last!!--ho!---SORRY! when I started my message--I didn't see your post!!---(i'm slow)!

Suzanne said...

somebody is up and walking around in SD, but dont' know who is on cam. Can't read the numbers.

glo said...

Good morning everyone. Looks like I missed early visit with L and B. Has been a long night. My Daphne again :(. Poor little thinkg just has her good days and more and more frequent not so good days. This week though I get to go into work again tonight. I will be tired and worried.

Hope it s a good day for watching the eagles, pandas, beavers, deer, divers ummmm sorry brain strain. Off for coffee and not so sure about those dog treats today.

MITS said...

yes, Norma it is a zoo day, haven't been there in over a month, due to my bout with the pneumonia before Christmas, hoping for a quiet day, but I will give him a special hi from you.

normabyrd said...

SUZANNE---I never saw so many "HANDSOME DONKEYS" in my life!!!----Aren't they something?

movin said...

Good morning, Norma. :~)

Suz, I think it's Gao Gao on camera in SD. Can't be sure but it looks like his enclosure, and it looks like his rear end going away in the light.


wvgal_dana said...

Good Morning Glo hope Daphne starts to feel better again. ( :

wvgal_dana said...

Thanks Jim I was wondering who that was on the SD.

normabyrd said...

MORNIN' GLO!----Oh, I am so sorry to hear about DAPHNE!---I wish you all many good days now!!

floralgirl said...

Chopped liver?? yuch!

normabyrd said...

DUH!!!-----SUZANNE---I thought you were talking about the donkeys!----I only saw one of the ROYAL COUPLE---But you can tell by looking at the nest---they have come home!!---

MITS said...

GOOD MORNING MEGAN!!!!!!! I keep praying that high-speed comes your way!!!

wvgal_dana said...

I was gone a good bit yesterday. My sister-in-law got a new computer. As I've said before she like Pete's Pond and Wavelit Africam. She couldn't get Pete's Pond to work. Finally had her install realplayer did the trick (:
Not seeing her computer and working over the phone. Is alittle scarey don't want to mess her computer up.

movin said...

A very good morning, Glo, Megan...


wvgal_dana said...

hee hee Megan love your comment. Good Morning...anything work with the phone company?

normabyrd said...

MORNIN' MEGAN!!---Have you gotten the phone company's attention yet!!!----Isn't that frustrating?

wvgal_dana said...

Norfolk still down

CC I Pixod is still down. Wonder how big those chicks we could see have gotten?

Just moose tracks

floralgirl said...

Hello Norma, Glo, Jim, Suzanne, Dana and the weather gal Mits:) Oh and Wanda and the Capt. Surfing here at an even slower speed, I have reached the end of my dial up experience. The phone company says they can't make my connection any faster. In fact, the phone guys last words to me were you should call Comcast. And so I did, and now I have 2 cable broadband choices I am looking into.

wvgal_dana said...

Megan I don't know what is worst. Never having high speed Internet and only dial up. Or having high speed and moving to an area like my sister did with only dial up now. She is so frustrated.

wvgal_dana said...

Megan what two choices did Comcast give you?

floralgirl said...

Dana, I can tell you the absolute worst is having dial up speed, and then having half dial up speed and being told too bad, that's the best we can do for you. "We aren't obligated to provide you a good internet connection" the straw that broke the camel's back.

floralgirl said...

I can either sign with Comcast or a local cable company from Hagerstwon, leaning towards them.

Costume Lady said...

Megan, my oldest daughter in Winchester, has Comcast and is happy with them.
By the way; daughter said it snowed 2 inches in Winchester yesterday. Not even a flake here.

Suzanne said...

Norma, was asking if you saw Lib and Belle this morning. I know you saw the donkeys! Bunch of 'em, huh?Morning, Glo. So sorry to hear about Daphne. I hope she heals and gets lots of "better" days!
Thanks, Jim, wasn't sure whose enclosure that was. Now I know that's daddy's!
Morning, Megan! At least you have a choice now other than dial-up! Whichever you choose, it's gonna be faster!

wvgal_dana said...

So cable from either company does come out your way?

Where my sister lived she had Comcast. Moved and only dial up. Phone company says not coming that way. Cable says not coming that way. She does have a choice of "lots of money to pay out Blue something"....very expensive

Costume Lady said...

When we first got this computer 2 years ago (?) we had AOL dial up and didn't understand how the billing was figured. When we got our first phone bill after puter installation, it was over $300.00. Dummies! We soon got rid of dial up and hooked up with Verizon. Have been pretty satisfied with them.

floralgirl said...

Apparently either cable company will provide us with broadband even if we don't use their cable tv. About twice what I'm paying now, but I'll eliminate much of my house phone coverage that we only had for internet purposes to save some money.

normabyrd said...

I have study group this a.m.---Will try to check in---But I want to tell DEB how much I enjoyed her new pics!!----Those of the SWANS are AWESOME!!---Aren't they beautiful and graceful at the same time----ALSO---I can't imagine living in area where you can see EAGLES all around you!!!--WOW!---GREAT PHOTOS of the EAGLES!!!----THANKS for sharing them with us!!

movin said...

Eagle just landed on BWO nest.


floralgirl said...

Enjoy your day, off to make some phone calls. BBL?

movin said...

Guess I'll give the sleep another try...ttyl.

Take it easy in the snow, Suzanne. Have a great winter day.



Costume Lady said...

Sleep well Jim. Nice to have you chatting with us this morning.

wvgal_dana said...

Good Luck Megan glad you can atleast get cable there. I thought before you had said cable wouldn't come down that long lane. Wishing you much luck.
My sister says it is worst having high speed then having to go back to dial up. Only thing they can get up in the mountains. Is through DirecTv like Karla. Like I said it is very expensive. More than DSL or cable.

wvgal_dana said...

Eagle at BWO

Costume Lady said...

Have to take my Mom to the dentist this morning. BBL
(By the way, I have posted a picture of my special Mom on my Wanda's Wishes. She is such a big part of my life; thought I'd introduce her to you.)

wvgal_dana said...

I think it is Tai sleeping and 2 squirrles running near by him.

Suzanne said...

Sleep well, Jim, plesant dreams! Megan, may talk to you later. If not, have a great day.
Norma, enjoy study group. Talk to you tomorrow.
Wanda, tell your mom to pinch her arm, shots won't hurt that way. (If she needs shots! That's what Norma told me, and it works!)

I posted some pics from this morning's visit to the momster album.

wvgal_dana said...

Suzanne they are leaving like a bear that found honey somewhere lol

wvgal_dana said...

Wanda hope your Mom gets along very good. I checked her picture out she is a lovely lady. ( :

Well I might trail behind you all that's leaving lol

wvgal_dana said...

OOppss before going....

Happy Birthday Chrissy
Happy Birthday to you
Wishing for a Special Day
for you

deb said...

Good morning, all. Lot's of comings and goings, so I won't even attempt at who is Still here!! I just got caught up on all the blogging, lots to read this morning.

It is 21 here today with strong winds. We reached our high for the day already, now it is all downhill from here.

Suzanne said...

Wanda, your mother looks like a lovely lady! It's so nice to meet her!!

Suzanne said...

Morning, Deb! We do that sometimes here, reach the high at midnight, then it's all downhill from there. Course, our temps are not as cold as yours!

Suzanne said...

Eagle pair, BWO.

indiana nesting eagles dave said...

Happy birthday chrissy and Good
morning Deb,costume lady,and all
the rest of you watchers.


deb said...

Morning, Dave. Suz, by Saturday the hight is supposed to be 5. Not looking forward to that at all.

paula eagleholic said...

Morning, all!

Caught up on this section of the blog....but will be lurking today!

deb said...

Morning, Paula. It seems like today is the day to get stuff done. I am next to leave. Have a good day all, bbl.

paula eagleholic said...

Happy Biiirthday to Yooouuu!!
Happy Biiirthday to Yooouuu!!
Happy Biiirthday Dear Chrissy!!
Happy Biiirthday to Yooouuu!!

Suzanne said...

BBIALW, have to get a new card at the Pentagon. UGH!!! Too cold to be out and about.

Suzanne said...

Ugh, I wouldn't be either, Dave.
Morning, Paula.
Ok, outta here for a while.

paula eagleholic said...


Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Thanks Paula!

Mema Jo said...

Good Morning Everyone! Such a beautiful cold crisp day outside! Sun looks warm!
Headed out to exercise again - 3 x's a week.
Wonderful picture on the new thread page! Need to keep reading to see what I missed.......

Hope Daphne has a good day! She is such a cutie.

Mema Jo said...

Across the Pond to our Friend


Hope the rain stopped and the
sun appeared for your special day!

MITS said...


paula eagleholic said...

They have fixed the sounds at the PH nest...very pretty birds singing this morning...

MITS said...

so SC is now PH???

Kathy said...

Is the live eagle cam no longer working in Shepherdstown WV?

paula eagleholic said...

Yes Mits

paula eagleholic said...

Kathy - the live feed is not on yet, but the 30 second cam is up and running....

paula eagleholic said...

Kathy - cut and paste the above url for the 30 second cam

paula eagleholic said...

Great day for the zoo, Mits. Enjoy.

MITS said...

thanks, Paula, can't wait to see the animals...

Kathy said...

Thanks so much! I was going to try and read all of the blog, but I'm at work and they are so long. I was getting worried that something had happened to it. I have been watching the still camera. Thanks again,

Suzanne said...

Made it back in one piece, but time to hit the road. Blog at ya'll tomorrow. Have a great eagle/panda day.
Eyes to the sky, see the raptors fly!
Arrrrrrghhhh, thought this posted, and I wasn't logged in.
Ok all, have a great day!

paula eagleholic said...

Your Welcome, Kathy :)

grannyblt said...

Deer alert--sometime during the night--at my bird feeder. They got or spilled 75% of the seed I put in yesterday
I am missing most live action today-wind in ME--our nrst empty--can't connect @Tesoro or zoo. Hope I don't have these problems when the REAL action starts here.

movin said...

If you hurry, you might see some blue sky at Kent...


carolinabeachmom said...


carolinabeachmom said...

YOO HOO! Eagle Alert in our nest11 jUST ONE EAGLE

carolinabeachmom said...

I am stilla tschool, so I can't take pics to send.

carolinabeachmom said...

Hi SHARON! So glad you are there. I am still at school and happened to look over and see the eagle in our nest. Can you take pics?

carolinabeachmom said...

Eagle parent is sitting there pretty as a picture. Still alone.

carolinabeachmom said...

SHARON, I am going to try and head for home and get back on. Hope someone is still in our nest. Doesn't look like there is any hurry worry. Eagle just content to sit there; getting the feel of the nest. BBIALW

carolinabeachmom said...


Chrissy Beahan said...

Goodevening everyone,

Everyone for all my wonderful birthdsy cards, and birthday wishes


Anyway, thanks from the bottom of my heart to you all, you re all so special.
Now I'm blubbing again,[soppy old bat]
I'll say goodnight to you, as I'm about to get very spoilt by hubby Frank, I've had dinner cooked for me, and don't know what else, but been told to dress posh.

Thank you so very much once again,
much, much love,

carolinabeachmom said...

CHRISSY Whatever he has planned, may you both have a very safe and wonderful night.

wvgal_dana said...

hee hee It's a great Birthday it sounds like your having Chrissy. Lady enjoy it to the top!!!

wvgal_dana said...


Costume Lady said...


Costume Lady said...

Looks like Lib to me?

Costume Lady said...

Whoever it was, not a very iteresting visit.

wvgal_dana said...

Hi Wanda did dental go ok for the lady in the picture "your mother". Very nice looking lady Wanda.

deb said...

Back from errands and appointments. Sounds like I just missed a quick visit. I checked and the Norfolk cam is back up.

deb said...

I take that back, they must still be working on it. I had a picture for about 1 minute, gone now.

wvgal_dana said...

Deb what link are you using for Norfolk. Mine still says conducting final tests.

wvgal_dana said...

Oh ok just read your final comment about Norfolk lol

wvgal_dana said...

Eagle at BWO

paula eagleholic said...

Eagle at BWO

paula eagleholic said...

Hope you have a wonderful evening, Chrissy!

wvgal_dana said...

If we get this mess they are calling for. I am glad Belle hasn't started staying in nest overnight. Snow/ice/sheet.....Don't want our gal in the nest with that coming down on her.

wvgal_dana said...

Hi Paula short visit but he did get some work done.

wvgal_dana said...


deb said...

Eagle Alert. OUR NEST>

deb said...


paula eagleholic said...


paula eagleholic said...

Excellent picture

paula eagleholic said...

Belle is watching Lib dig in the egg cup

paula eagleholic said...

LOL now her head is stuck in there, under his chest

paula eagleholic said...



paula eagleholic said...

now it's a staring contest!

wvgal_dana said...

Alot of beaking going on in that nest ( ) kissey kissey

wvgal_dana said...

Oh love is in the air

Costume Lady said...

Can't you feel the love?

wvgal_dana said...

I think she is putting the moves on Liberty lol

deb said...

Eagle at BWE.

wvgal_dana said...

One gone was that Belle?

deb said...

Belle is gone.

deb said...

Maybe not.

wvgal_dana said...

Our nest MT

deb said...

Eagle still at BWE. Who left first? I thought it was Belle, but then it looked like her in the end.

wvgal_dana said...

Tesoro was up cleaning around chick and moving stick.

wvgal_dana said...

More sticks being moved at Tesoro

wvgal_dana said...

Other parent just flew in at Tesoro now one left

wvgal_dana said...


wvgal_dana said...

OMGOODNESS I feel like I ran a mile. I'm out of breath with excitement.

wvgal_dana said...

Go on the page and click launch in stand alone player.. Eagle parent is up again she is so so beautiful. Amazing what the real player makes it look like.

paula eagleholic said...

Dana - that's awesome!

deb said...

That's the only way my computer will let me watch Tesoro. I thought everyone watched it on stand alone.

MITS said...

me too, Deb, thats the way I always set it up, but I just left click to full screen for my puter...

paula eagleholic said...

I can watch it on WMP, real player, or from their website. Thanks for the realplayer reminder, Dana. I forgot about that!

paula eagleholic said...

Was anyone able to get the Oregon nest up today? I tried earlier, but no luck

deb said...

I guess every computer is different. Do you watch PH and Norfolk the same way? I would like to open more that one Media Player, but haven't figured out how to do it yet.

Mema Jo said...

I had OR up around 4:00 - Nest filled with snow without any bird prints!!

deb said...

Me, too.

wvgal_dana said...

Tesoro was what in real player, while I had Maine up in windows media player. I watch SC PH in wma player. I can watch Maine or Florida from website but I like this better. Forgot to say something sorry just thought everyone knew..eeekkkks no whipping with wet noodle or Norma or Jo's cane please...( :

Mema Jo said...

Good pics, Dana of Lib moving stick this afternoon!

wvgal_dana said...

Jo when they were in this last visit. I'm telling you the beaking going on in that nest OH MY ! I tried refreshing to see if I could catch hanky panky shot but didn't. I feel that they probably did though. Belle was after Liberty's body this evening. lol

wvgal_dana said...

Jo you have a moosie laying out in sun shine in the snow.

wvgal_dana said...

Whooooo Someone go on Panda cam for ZZ and tell me who is up that TREE??????????????

Mema Jo said...

Glad you saw a chick at Tesoro!
It was the Young Bull Moose on cam earlier this afternoon - and now that is the Cow. I wonder if she'll have a little one in the spring?

Mema Jo said...

SD ZOO Well I think the angle of the cam is fooling us....It looks too small for Bai but then it looks too
large for ZZ..... Someone else needs to guess about that one........

paula eagleholic said...

Thanks for letting me know about the ORegon nest...heading home. Hope to catch ya'll later....

wvgal_dana said...

SD zoo I guess that is Bai eating bamboo now. Don't see ZZ anywhere.

wvgal_dana said...

Jo did you snap a picture when you seen the panda asleep in the tree on SD? I forgot to.

wvgal_dana said...

Moose is up now turning head must see or hear something.

deb said...

Two eagles at PH.

deb said...

One is gone. #10 is still there,.

deb said...

Both again.

deb said...

10 left now.

deb said...

Both gone now.

deb said...

Just as I type that, 10 flew back in.

deb said...

MT nest for now at PH.

deb said...

These 2 are the in and out eagles tonight at PH.

Mema Jo said...

Lots of stick moving going on at PH.
Everytime I go to this nest I just
fondly remember Limuw from last year. Especially when he defended the nest all by himself from the intruder that one day and the other was when his Dad tackled him when trying to do a food drop and get back out as fast as he could............ lol

Mema Jo said...

Still 1 in there, Deb

Mema Jo said...

Now 2 with some new fluff......

deb said...

I didn't know these sites existed last year, so this is all new to me. It is so much fun.

Mema Jo said...

PH is an MT Nest for now.
Not too windy at the nest - I've seen it much more windy!
I'm sure they'll be back to do more
nestorations as they still have some daylight hours.........

deb said...

I wonder if they gone for good tonight or just out for more stuff?

wvgal_dana said...

How about that yesterday Jefferson Co. and South like Inwood and Back Creek Valley. They got a white out blast of snow. Causing many accidents. We got nothing...

Mema Jo said...

You should go into the IWS Updates on the Discussion Forum and read about some of Dr Sharpe's episodes with the eagles.

deb said...

I was there a little bit ago trying to find out what the other birds number was (26). There is a ton of stuff on there. I will definitely go back.

Mema Jo said...

Deb these are the nests that have thin shelled eggs laid - Dr Sharpe takes them from the nest to his incubator to hatch - leaves wooden eggs in their place (eagles just don't know the difference) & returns the chicks to the nest... We were able to see most of this happening on the cams. It was Awesome to say the least!

wvgal_dana said...

And he doesn't get paid to do all that work. He volunteers his time. I think he is awesome doing what he does for eagles and eggs/chick/eaglets.

Mema Jo said...

Going over to play some card games..


deb said...

Wow, that is interesting. I didn't know that. Now I will have to start reading before the nesting season. My niece has two friend's who are kindergarten teachers in CA and they are going to watch in their classrooms. I want to be able to tell them what is going on.

Mema Jo said...

Dana Thanks for your email about our candles for Sandra - mine hit the 48 hr mark - I need to make myself a reminder. Deb
your candle is about to go out also. Go ahead and light another one!

deb said...

I am off for now, too. BBl

deb said...

Is it still in the messages section on the Momsters page? I didn't save it.

deb said...

Never mind, I answered my own question.

deb said...

Done, my candle is lit. Now I am off.

wvgal_dana said...

Both eagles right now at SC PH

wvgal_dana said...

Jo all the candles are all over the place. If we do as I said in the directions all of our candles for Sandra will be in one place.

wvgal_dana said...


wvgal_dana said...

Awww they are beaking lovie dovie love in the nest at SC PH

Mema Jo said...

I went to the PCC group - just for Sandra like you said. Hope everyone sees your instructions.

NOW I am off to play my card games!


wvgal_dana said...

#26 just flew off #10 is still there

wvgal_dana said...

An eagle is laying in the nest at SC PH I can't tell which one. I think it is the male #10.

wvgal_dana said...

Night Friends

Hope everyone prints off instructions to go lite candle in the group pcc so we will all be in one place. Remember to keep that link because your candle stays lit for so long then you have to lit another....keep the candles going for Sandra. Hugs to all

MITS said...


MITS said...


Mema Jo said...

Time for me to say

Good Night All
Restful sleep & Peaceful dreams
Prayers being said for all our needs

Hi Early Birds -
It's not Friday yet! Almost!

Costume Lady said...

Time to call it a day....
Don't forget to light a candle for SANDRA.
Baby Tessa is still critical. Prayers for her.


paula eagleholic said...

Sorry I din't get back on here sooner....

Dr Sharpe works for is his job, and he does a fine job of it!

I will try to post the link for Sandra's candles on here each day...sorry I missed today...they do burn out after 48 hours, but you can light one each day, if you prefer!

I'll also put the link in the Momsters link section!

paula eagleholic said...

Here is the link for Sandra's candle

Light a candle for Sandra

paula eagleholic said...

I added a link in the momsters group for Sandra's candle under

Light a Candle for Sandra

The links are listed alphabetically.

movin said...


AN ESPECIALLY GOOD MORNING TO YOU ALL...hope Suzanne can make it early through the snow drifts. Hahaha.

Take a look at the new blog entry for ZZ on the "News" page.


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2/20/25 PM bird

1203 PM NN Scout comes to the nest with a load of bedding again. He seemed to leave with something in his talons. He has a beak full of bedd...