Wednesday, January 09, 2008


New thread.


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carolinabeachmom said...

GOOD MORNING ALL YOU EARLYBIRDS: SUZANNE. Where is that WANDA SUZANNE? It is a good day for staying in bed and reading a good book, from the looks of it.

carolinabeachmom said...

All three nests, ours, BWE and BWO are MT at the moment. Africam has a gizelle or whatever on it and it is pretty darkish at the N Zoo Panda Cam

carolinabeachmom said...

Oh now pic of Polar bear near water at N Zoo. EAGLE ALERT IN OUR NEST!!!

Suzanne said...

Thanks for the new thread, Steven. Eagle just arrived in our nest.
Thanks for the heads up, Candy!

Suzanne said...

Think it may be Lib, he's standing over the egg cup.
Both eagles now in the nest in Norfolk.

Suzanne said...

Candy, don't know where Wanda is this morning. Thought she was sleeping in with the eagles, but Lib got up!

Costume Lady said...


carolinabeachmom said...

What a pic at the Norfold zoo nest. One just flew the coupe. One left in nest.

Suzanne said...

Wow, one in Norfolk took off from a branch, awesome to watch!
Our beautiful boy standin garound waiting for mom to show up!

Suzanne said...

Well there is our Wanda! Morning, sleepyhead!

Costume Lady said...

I did sleep in; have no idea why.

carolinabeachmom said...

It is about time wanda! :) Hope you have your coffee, or you are going to miss all the watching that is starting to happen lately.

Suzanne said...

Wow, Norfolk flew to a branch, how cool.
Ours still hanging out waiting for mate.

Costume Lady said...

I thought it was Lib, but looks like Belle now.

Suzanne said...

Wanda, you're allowed to do that every once in a while!!!

Suzanne said...

2nd one just arrived back with a WHOLE LOT OF PINE, in Norfolk!

carolinabeachmom said...

Well as usual, I have to get the room set up for the kids, but I have BWO, BWE, Norfolk and our nest set up on the computer nesrest me so I can at least watch until the kids want to get on the computers.

You both have a wonderful day watching everything there is to watch now. Suzanne, safe trip home to all your kitties and Gypsy.

Oh if we could only have a cam set up like Norfolk does. WOW! BBL

carolinabeachmom said...

TWO BIRDS now in our nest.

Suzanne said...

Me too, Wanda. Not sure which it is. Now we know, that was Lib, Belle just arrived.
Gotta step out, pics are on your guys!

Costume Lady said...

Well, Suz, I would sleep in every morning if I could. I usually wake up at 6am and that is the end of my night. Can never go back to sleep.

carolinabeachmom said...

Really have to go now.

Costume Lady said...

Have a good day Candy.....

Costume Lady said...

Belle is trying out the egg cup for size. Lib is watching her.

Costume Lady said...

The wind is blowing VERY hard right now. Hope it doesn't disturb them!

normabyrd said...

GOOD MORNING "EAGLES" & EAGLE BUDDIES!!----being GREETED by the ROYAL FAMILY is a real DELIGHT!!---HELLO--CANDY--(our little SOUTHERN BELLE)--SUZANNE & WANDA----WOW!--A windy---warm day here in WV this a.m.--temp. 59°----It was HOT here yesterday in the 70s----LOOKING FORWARD TO A GLORIOUS DAY!!---ENJOY!!

Costume Lady said...

Belle is still sitting in the egg cup and I think I see Lib's feetsies.

Costume Lady said...


Costume Lady said...

Looks like they brought in more fluff.

Suzanne said...

Dang, had to go downstairs, see one still left in our nest, and VA is MT. Double darn.

Costume Lady said...

Lib just left or the wind blew him away!

Costume Lady said...

Did the wind blow you out of bed Norma?

Suzanne said...

Poof, takeoff...

Costume Lady said...

Belle, suddenly took off.

Costume Lady said...

Both gone for now...

Suzanne said...

Candy, have a wonderful day!
Morning, Norma! I left you a message on the other thread.

Suzanne said...

Va eagles just flew in! Both back.

Costume Lady said...

Oh, your back Suz. L & B didn't accomlish anything this morning. Too windy, I guess.
Wind is very strong at NORFOLK also. Beautiful site.

Suzanne said...

Serious nestorations going on in VA! Both working very hard.

Suzanne said...

Yes, made it back. Those 2 in VA are sure working hard! Oh, one just flew to the branch. How cool is that to watch them flying! They might not have done much this morning, but I see where they brought in a whole lotta fluff yesterday! Our nest, I mean.

Suzanne said...


Suzanne said...


Suzanne said...

It's flipping the times again, but now has correct time and deer is still there. She was in the last pic too!

Costume Lady said...

That VA nest is wonderful...could only hope ours will be like that. Some say yes and others say no.

Costume Lady said...

I'm guessing the wind has something to do with our cam's blue screen.

Suzanne said...

It is a beautiful cam, Wanda. They have the ability to zoom in very close, and zoom out. Think if our nest was like that, we'd have to have a remote cam, and have it manned. Salaries...

normabyrd said...

SUZANNE---That's ironic that you call my attention to the ORANGTANGS-----Yesterday afternoon--I turned on AP & started watching MEERKAT reruns!!----ho!----

normabyrd said...

WOW!---WOW!!---NORFOLK---I LOVE YOUR CAM!!----Beautiful EAGLES look MORE BEAUTIFUL with that background!!

Costume Lady said...

Suz, we could do without the zoom because we have a good view now, but if we could see them consistantly instead of every 30seconds, it would be wonderful!!

glo said...

Hi Everyone. Hope your day is beautiful.

Suzanne said...

I love watching the reruns, just love the Meerkats! Didn't know they were on during the day!
Wanda, I'm with you! At least we can see them when it gets dark now, but yeah, I'll be glad when the live cam comes up! With sound!

normabyrd said...

The 'LITTLE PRINCE' is strolling around his estate----He went down to the water & stared into the water for a while & backed off & didn't go on in---maybe he saw his reflection!!--ho!

Suzanne said...

Cam 2, one in the tree hanging upside down! Too funny!!! That's what Mei was doing yesterday!

Costume Lady said...

Have a good day. Come back and chat when you can.

Suzanne said...

Down the tree, up the tree! Run around the rocks. Too funny. Oh, found a toy, oops, down and roll over with the toy. Dragging all over, this is funny! Oh, panda and toy going back up the tree!

Suzanne said...

Morning, Glo! Had a short visit this morning, but now no cam.
Watching Tai going nuts in a tree with his toy! He's too funny. Norfolk has a nice cam too. Uh oh, dropped toy, down we go to get it.

Suzanne said...

Now it's hanging over a branch, and he can't get it down. Ok, he grabbed an end and pulled, toy fell, and there he goes back up the branch. Dropped that thing again! Here he comes to get it. That darn toy won't stay in his mouth!

Suzanne said...

He's on both cams now, he's being too funny!

Suzanne said...

I used to have a toy collie that would shake a rug like that! Just shake shake shake!!!

Suzanne said...

Our deer with the bad legs is still on cam in PA.

Costume Lady said...

I love watching Orangutan Island. I never watched Meerkat Manor, but I heard you all talkig about it.

normabyrd said...

MORNIN' GLO!!----Thanks for letting us know the NORFOLK CAM was ready!!----Love watching that site!!

normabyrd said...

Saw the deer in PA!!----Haven't seen the TURKEYS for a while!!

Suzanne said...

Oh Wanda, if you like Orangutan Island, you'll LOVE Meerkat Manor! They are adorable little creatures!!! And very intelligent. Quite a social system, a single alpha, and usually the rest of their clan is family. Norma said there are reruns on Animal Planet, maybe you could find one and check it out.

Suzanne said...

Now that you mention it, neither have I Norma! Not since shortly after Christmas, I think.

Costume Lady said...

I have seen commercials with the Meerkats and they remind me of the Prarie Dogs, probably a lot more interesting though. Will check it out.

Costume Lady said...

Maybe folks in PA had a lot of Turkeys for Christmas Dinner. LOL

Costume Lady said...

Gotta go....Capt. is sitting in LR all along. BBL

Costume Lady said...


Suzanne said...

Wanda, they are very interesting! They get up in the morning, and housecleaning is done before they go hunting for breakfast! If they have babies in their burrow, one of them stays home to babysit! They have guards standing keeping watch while others find food, they are just fascinating!!! They travel together for safety. They also will try to scare off a snake together, they fight against other "tribes" together. Just unbelievable to watch. They're very small, when they stand on their hind legs and watch something, they're about a foot tall. Their babies are 2" when born, I think they said.

Suzanne said...

Oh, both eagles in BWE!

normabyrd said...

WANDA---You could be right!!---I understand those PA folks who live in that area LOVE "wild turkey"!! ho!

normabyrd said...

I checked ME NEST---MT---no snow either!!

normabyrd said...

TESORO NEST-----I don't see any eagle head sticking up!!!---Do you supposed they have had an egg hatching???----You "always" can see a "head"-----

Suzanne said...

Don't know about the wild turkeys, they're VERY hard to find in the wild! Better be good to get one!

We have a cam in SD! Still dark there, but it's sure better than a black screen.
Norma, I haven't been able to see any little head in Tesoro all morning! You can usually see something of the top of the head, but not today. There was a hed there when the sun came up, but that's the only one I've seen.

indiana nesting eagles dave said...

Good Morning everyone and it is
going to be a great day.The sun
is out and a bit cooler and it
seems like all my good friends
are here.
Indiana Nesting Eagles----Dave

Suzanne said...

The Spanish Moss is blowing in the breeze, so I know the cam is working. Today is hatch day, huh????

Suzanne said...

Good morning, Nesting Dave! How's your world treating you today? Gonna be nice here too, I think, but may get rain later. Well, we knew it couldn't last!

normabyrd said...

SUZANNE----I "think" I can see PRECIOUS---way over in the corner alone!!!---That site just upsets me sometime---I think they try to keep light dimmed so we CAN'T see little SQUIGGLES!!---ho!

wvgal_dana said...

Good Morning Candy, Suzanne, Wanda, Norma, Glo, Dave and Watchers.

Winds gusting here 35 to 50 mph. Rain later.

Might have a hatch a Tesoro today.

Suzanne was driving in hard with the winds?

wvgal_dana said...

Both eagles in at Tesoro. Just a shift change.

normabyrd said...

The PINK FLAMINGOS--are all gracefully moving at one time!!!--Not dancing---but darn close---BEAUTIFUL!!!

normabyrd said...

DANA---Will have to start calling you 'Sharp Eyed' too!!----I have Study group this a.m.--must start moving!----KEEP ME INFORMED!!!

floralgirl said...

Hello:) Well, darn, I can't get the Norfolk cam to work, are you saying it's back up and running? Must be this stupid dial up.

Suzanne said...

Norma, you may be right! I was gonna say I don't see her, but then something moved! So there is a black and white something that you can almost see, moves every once in a while. Glad of that!

Morning, Dana. No, driving in wasn't bad, just had to hold on to the steering wheel!

I DO see a head in Tesoro! Didn't see the change, but can see a head now, so thanks for the heads up, Dana!

Now if we can just get rid of that blue screen on OUR nest!!!!

normabyrd said...

MORNIN'--INDIANA NESTING EAGLE--DAVE!!---GREAT having you join us!!-----YEAH!!----LIVE IS GOOD!!---ENJOY!---

wvgal_dana said...

Morning Megan I had trouble too. Go in through the audubonod here is link. After you click the WEC will come up but is slow give it time. ok all on one line

Suzanne said...

They've changed the SD cam to SuLin, Squiggles' older sister. She's walking around. Still dark there.
Both eagles at BWO. And we still have the dreaded blue screen. Darn.

wvgal_dana said...

Parent just flew off at CC I with no parent there. Oh great chicks head up. How cool!! Look near the tree base...

Suzanne said...

Hi Megan, didn't see you. I have a different address than Dana for Norfolk. I could never get on with Dana's addr, but think I got this one from Glo, but wouldn't swear to it.

All on one line. Yesterday was the first time I got to see this cam, and it opens in Windows Media Player, not IE. Anyway, works for me.

wvgal_dana said...

I don't believe there are anymore eggs to hatch at CC I. Due to the parent left and 3 birds are sitting left and above nest.

wvgal_dana said...

Seen eagle flying towards nest in sky. 3 birds left so parent might now be in three on a limb out of sight.

wvgal_dana said...

5 birds back now they better watch out CC I

wvgal_dana said...

Eagle flying around nest CC I

wvgal_dana said...

Eagle just landed at CC I

wvgal_dana said...

They may have an intruder and it may NOT be the small CC I

wvgal_dana said...

See her/him ducking head some standing outside of nest. See two eagles flying in background. Parent at nest squawking !!!!! I am sure it is an intruder !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Suzanne said...

Moose cam is up, and the bull there is not Scarface, still has an antlers. But he's covered in snow, he's gonna be a big snow bump pretty soon!

wvgal_dana said...

Things seem to be quieting down alittle. Parent in nest but still watching the skys. We'll see what happens. I don't see any eagles in sky around nest now. Duh me I could have taken a snapshot of the two eagles in the sky. Well darn!

I did take a snapshot earlier to show you all the one chicks head. I've gone to pictures, videos everywhere looking to see where it put the pic. Can't find it. I did find the one yesterday in my video's yesterday.

Suzanne said...

Both eagles at BWO, and we have our Bai on the SD cam! Don't see Precious, but we're getting closer!

paula eagleholic said...

mOrning, all - wonder if our batteries need water??

paula eagleholic said...

Sub adult that visited at SC last night is still there!!

wvgal_dana said...

Parent at CC I looked towards the sky. Mouth open like squawking then flew off again. I think intruder might be back....

wvgal_dana said...

Paula my pic at SC is very foggie. I do see eagle.

Eagle landed back at CC I but not happy. Standing on branch ready for take off at any time looking around.

deb said...

Pook is filling the bins on the moose cam.

Suzanne said...

Moose left and Pook is filling the straw now! Guess he better hurry before they come back!

Suzanne said...

Man, that snow is up to his KNEES! Sure glad I don't live there!

Suzanne said...

Hi DEB! Cool to watch him, huh? Did you see how deep that snow is? Did you see the moose with the antlers earlier? Wonder if that's Primo? I'm sure Pook saw him there, cause he didn't go out till the moose left.

deb said...

Yes, I saw the snow covered moose. Jo informed me that Pook is a she. I had made the same mistake you did.

Suzanne said...

Raining on Africam. Makes for a cool waivy pic!

deb said...

Good Morning everyone. I saw a head bobbing on the CC1 cam, do you have to have special equipment to take a picture there also. I tried and failed. I put up some new mystery bird pictures on my page. One from the American Eagle guy and the other 2 are of Mystery, one close-up, one full body.

deb said...

Look at the view on the moose cam now. It is so pretty.

Mema Jo said...

Good Morning Just signing on
Need to read up on things...
I see Pook filling the feeding bins on the Moose Watch cam..
I see BLUE Arghhhhhhhhhh....

paula eagleholic said...

zoomed in at Norfolk

Suzanne said...

Cool pic, Deb. Absolutely beautiful.
Morning, Jo. Yup, you are seeing blue. Came went down this morning at the 7:54 refresh, after they both left.

wvgal_dana said...

Morning Jo really been interesting things going on at CC I .

Suzanne said...

We have Precious! She's laying over a log sleeping, she is so cute!

Suzanne said...

Tai's fishing in the water!

Mema Jo said...

At least you got to see our couple before the Blue set in!

deb said...

If you watch the CC1 cam closely you can see a little head bobbing up and down in the right hand side of the nest.

indiana nesting eagles dave said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Suzanne said...

Head and tail visible in Tesoro. Well, ok, just top of head now. Maybe turning eggs or hatching?

Moose watching through the bushes! Cool.

Suzanne said...

Panning around in Norfolk looking for the eagles.

Dave, I can't get CC, but think the URLs were on here this past weekend or Monday. Maybe Dana or Paula can give them to you.

paula eagleholic said...

Different view at Norfolk now

deb said...

CC1 is:

CC2 is:

Suzanne said...

Mei has her treat ball, and she's knocking them out of there and into her mouth as fast as she can. Tai is pacing. Moose still watching, and Squigs still flopped over the log sound asleep.

deb said...

Dave, CC1 has hatched and we have seen bobbing heads. CC2 is due to hatch soon, if it hasn't happened yet. We haven't seen any proof yet.

Tesora is: mms://

Same as CC2 should be any time now.

wvgal_dana said...

Sorry Dave was working on emails. Just got back to blog. I see Deb took care of you for the CC I and CC II.

deb said...

There is a bobber now at CC1. Suzanne, that is too bad you can't watch them.

deb said...

You can see the sub-adult a lot better now, the fog is lifting.

Suzanne said...

Wow, REALLY zooming in on Precious! Like inches!

Suzanne said...

Yeah, Deb wish I could see them! Right now watching a very CLOSE view of our Precious! You can count her hairs!

Suzanne said...

Oh look, she needs to be washed! Got little dirties on her pretty white fur.

Suzanne said...

Now it's Bai's turn for a closeup.
Mei is really shaking that ball for treats.

Suzanne said...

Immature eagle in BWE!
Both adults are still in BWO!

paula eagleholic said...

Sub adlut eagle at BWE!!!

deb said...

Darn, I missed BWE!

Suzanne said...

Immature left. Adults still in BWO.

Suzanne said...

Uh oh, just saw your note about Pook, Deb. SORRY POOK!!! Thanks for setting me straight Jo and Deb!

Suzanne said...

LOL, either the moose is totally covered, or he's left. I think he's that big bump behind the bushes!

deb said...

Eagle finally left at SC (PH). It was there a long time.

deb said...

There is the moose, must have left for a bit, as it is standing up.

Mema Jo said...

Well the Mystery continues about the SubAdult eagle at the PH nest. Still not ID'd.

Off to exercise! Sneakers on & ready to go! BBL

wvgal_dana said...

My guess at CC I still stands at 2 chicks.

Well just got back in so I missed the immature eagle at BWE.

Yes fog lifted at SC not eagle now.

I love watching the heads bob up and down at CC I too cute!!

Suzanne said...

2nd eagle just left BWO. They have been there for hours today.
I saw the moose, Deb, but he's gone again. That sure is pretty, isn't it?

deb said...

Off to work on projects, Dana, I sent more pictures to Delphia. BBL

paula eagleholic said...

Our cam is still blue...

Suzanne said...

Our Precious has a ball, how cute!

Suzanne said...

LOL, she got tired of that quickly, rather climb. And she's off...

Suzanne said...

Tai is on his grate, Mei is looking in the water, and Precious is working her way up her log challenge!

movin said...


Have a safe trip home and a good day, Suzanne.

I'm not exactly awake and alert yet, so ....


Suzanne said...

Time for me to hit the road. All have a great eagle/panda day.
Eyes to the sky, see the raptors fly!

Suzanne said...

Oh, moose are by the bins, still getting snowed on.

movin said...

I have a blue screen on WV this morning, but you are talking about sightings. What did I do wrong?


Suzanne said...

Hi Jim, have a good day. Sorry, didn't see you till after I posted by adios!
Now I am outta here. Jim, get some good caffine, you'll wake up!

paula eagleholic said...

Jim - our eagles were in early this morning before the cam turned blue...we are also watching Cape Coral and Tesoro and Blackwater...have been sightings there...also the Norfolk cam is up too.

deb said...

Good morning, Jim. You didn't do anything wrong. The cam went down after the first visit this morning.

deb said...

Close up on Tesora cam.

movin said...

Hey, Deb,
Did you read the comment I left last night about the blond Bald Eagle sub adult on Santa Cruz Island? I think it is A60 on its wing bling.


deb said...

I did see that Jim. It is weird how so many different people think that bird is something else. We are at 3 bald, 2 golden, one red-tailed and of course your surfer-dude!

paula eagleholic said...

Yes, nice close up on Tesoro cam...time to look for chicks!

paula eagleholic said...

I must say...that is another beautiful tree the Norfolk eagles picked for their new nest.

movin said...

Thanks, Paula, Deb...

Maybe they are upgrading the system to live feed with sound...I hope, I hope.

Deb, A60 looks VERY similar to your picture. I just wonder if they maintain that blond when they get their adult plumage.

I see ZZ is being precious and playing in the lower parts of the tree structure this morning.


deb said...

Jim, I have looked all over for the picture of A60. Can you tell me where to look? I tried using search, but it is down.

deb said...

Eggs in the Hummingbird Nest according to Joe on January 8!

deb said...

Eagle at BWE!

paula eagleholic said...

Tesoro eagle up and checking....

Can see the beak now on the CC1 eaglet!

paula eagleholic said...

Wow that was quick for the hummingbird....Just checked it the other night...

movin said...

OK, Deb...

Comments/Nest Observations/Pinned:Chart.

It's about 3/4 of the way down from the top of the page.


paula eagleholic said...

Looks like the Norfolk cam is stuck...

Steve Chase said...

Hang in there folks, dealing with the cam is the next task in line for the computer folks.

paula eagleholic said...

Deb - here is the link for the picture....To the IWS forum...if it takes you to the top of the page...Look at the second post on the thread...under Santa on "Grassland Pair"

CHIL Eagle Forum

paula eagleholic said...

Thanks, Steven. All is good!

deb said...

Wow, I can see why they call it a blondie. Mine is more of a goldie!! I have to quit worrying about what it is. We will probably never know for sure, since I couldn't get a better angle of it. I will just call it Mystery.

deb said...

Burrowing Owl cam has an owl. Osprey cam still showing TV pictures, nothing at Kent. Sun finally made an appearance here, I should go enjoy it.

paula eagleholic said...

Another pretty day out...had to get rid of the's some of Floralgirl's bouquets from the market last year...

paula eagleholic said...

Looks like our cam is getting worked on...

paula eagleholic said...

I have to laugh..the cam pic reminds me of trying to get in decent TV reception with those old bunny eared antennas!

paula eagleholic said...

Back to Blue

movin said...

Looks like ZZ tired of playing with her toys and flaked out on the ground today.

Deb, maybe you will get another chance to photograph the blond eagle, and we can learn what happens in their development. I kinda think they return to the darker feather in adulthood, but it's just a guess. Has anyone seen a blond adult?


paula eagleholic said...


paula eagleholic said...


paula eagleholic said...


paula eagleholic said...

ARe you watching, Jim???

Mema Jo said...

Look at that

pair of


WOO HOO! I just got back!

paula eagleholic said...

One in the bowl, one at the 10 branch base

paula eagleholic said...


movin said...

Yeah! I just surfed back and see the cam working and the pair in the nest.


paula eagleholic said...

They look like they are just resting in the nest...

paula eagleholic said...

I have only snapped 3 pics coz the eagles aren't doing a thing!

movin said...

Looks like Belle is testing the egg cup area, and Liberty is asking her what she thinks.

I've got to go now. Back later.


movin said...

Still no video feed. Has anyone heard anything?


paula eagleholic said...

One on the perch, other in the bowl...

Nope Jim. Haven't heard anything yet.

Mema Jo said...

Our eagle is still resting in the nest. I'll be back later.

paula eagleholic said...

ONe still in the bowl

paula eagleholic said...

Eagle still in the nest...sometimes looking right...sometimes looking left...

Steve Chase said...

We are working on the video feed now. Will get you more info when we have details.

paula eagleholic said...

No change

carolinabeachmom said...


paula eagleholic said...

Eagle gone!

carolinabeachmom said...

Rsh;r om NER mrdy

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2/20/25 PM bird

1203 PM NN Scout comes to the nest with a load of bedding again. He seemed to leave with something in his talons. He has a beak full of bedd...