Friday, January 11, 2008


New thread.


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Costume Lady said...


Suzanne said...

Thanks for the new thread, Steven, and thanks for the heads up #1 gal Wanda!
Bai back in the den in all her bamboo glory!

Suzanne said...

A handler is giving Tai treats. Oh, guy just walked away.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Good morning Suz, Candy and Wanda. Been working this morning and watching for Liberty and Belle's visit.

Costume Lady said...

I am haveing difficulties with my puter this morning, so if I suddenly disappear you will know I didn't fall off my chair....

carolinabeachmom said...

Well I guess I hae been talking to no one on the other thread. :) Thanks WANDA our number one girl for today for the heads up. Thanks to Steve for changing it over early. Looks like you had alot of talk and action going on yesterday.

Costume Lady said...

GOOD MORNING SHARON....glad you are watching. You are our spotter!

carolinabeachmom said...

GOOD MORNING TO YOU SHARON. Just in time for me to have to get off to get the room ready. Parents at CC are protection their young.

Costume Lady said...

Yes, we did have a lot of action yesterday; it was a good day!

Suzanne said...

Good morning Sharon and Candy. No visitors yet, still waiting.

carolinabeachmom said...

It is nice to see you all up and rady to start the day of watching, so we workers can read the blog and see what has been happening. I have to move on now. You all have a good day. Suzanne have a safe trip home. Will look in at times here. Later Gators.

carolinabeachmom said...

Two at BWO

Suzanne said...

2 eagles at BWO. Can't tell if it's 2 adults or 1 adult and 1 juvie. Ok, refresh, both adults!

Suzanne said...

Candy, you have a good day, and if I don't talk to you later, have a wonderful weekend!

Suzanne said...

Tai was finally allowed out, strolled around till he found the pile of bamboo, now he's digging in.
Ok, this works sometimes. I do have to go down the hall, so you guys have the comm!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...


normabyrd said...

GOOD MORNING EAGLE BUDDIES!!---Thanks #1 WANDA & STEVEN for our new thread!!---WOW!---Didn't think I was going to get on the blog this a.m.---Wouldn't let me in---BUT---I am here on this GLORIOUS RAINY a.m.---temp. 43° in WV---HELLO WANDA---SUZANNE---BLUEFIELD SHARON---& our "Southern Belle" CANDY!!!-----I never get to say HELLO to CANDY!!----NOW!!---SHARON--If you will just announce the ROYAL FAMILY!!---We are ready to receive them---ho!----HEY!!---LET'S ENJOY OUR WET DAY!!!----LIFE IS GOOD!!

normabyrd said...

Thanks SHARON!!---You were right on cue!!----ho!!!!

Suzanne said...

Ah hah! I see 2 eagles in the nest. Beautiful sight!

Suzanne said...

Morning, Norma! I sent you a pic of our long thin fish this morning!

Suzanne said...

Nice visit. Nice to see them.

Costume Lady said...


Suzanne said...

2 deer in PA.

Suzanne said...

Awww, that one leg looks like it's getting more swollen on that one deer. Poor thing!

wvgal_dana said...

Good Morning Suzanne, Wanda, Candy, Sharon, Norma and Watchers.

Nice short visit from our eagles.

Been on but not signed in till now.

Thank you Steven for the new thread. Have a good Friday and hope all enjoy their weekend off.
You too Suzanne.

Costume Lady said...

Sharon, keep that eagle eye open for us; I think they will be back.

Suzanne said...

Good morning, Dana, you have a good weekend too!
Did anybody just see the one deer jump up on the other one? Standing on hind legs and flashing front legs, and that's the one with the bad legs! Other deer just stood there, but now they're both eating.

Costume Lady said...

SUZ...Is it tonight that the program is on about the dogs?

wvgal_dana said...

Did you see the one deer raise up on it's hind legs (the hurt deer)?
To either enjoy a doe or a stay away manner.

Suzanne said...

Ok, never mind, they're both gone. Only the rain remains.

Suzanne said...

Wanda, yes, at 9PM! National Geographic Channel. I'm gonna TRY to stay awake and watch it!

Dana, I saw that too, so I'm glad you did also!

Suzanne said...

Oh, that reminds me. Norma, I checked last night, and Meerkat Manor IS on on Thursday afternoons from 3 to 4!!! How cool is that! I had no idea. Was in the middle of something yesterday so didn't watch it, but sure will next week. They're still on Comcast Ch 1 On Demand too, I think.

normabyrd said...

SORRY!---I missed the deer--needed coffee---really bad!!---I'm ready for bear now!!---ho!---I marvel each time I see our EAGLES in the nest!!---AWESOME!----

wvgal_dana said...

Suzanne where you had mentioned about the new baby polar bear. I had seen an article before. It has said they mom was taking care of it at the zoo. Although she kept dragging it into another room. The polar bear keepers became afraid she might injury it. Since polar bears might be going on the extinct list. They decided to take the cub and nurse and take care of it by humans (the zoo).

wvgal_dana said...

Eagle flew out of Tesoro

normabyrd said...

MORNIN' DANA!!----Noticed your little pink cat!!----Good to see you!!--Weren't those all does you all saw?---

deb said...

Good Morning Wanda, Suzanne, Sharon, Candy, Norma and Dana. I couldn't get in either Norma! I finally signed in on the blogger page and then it let me in.

wvgal_dana said...

Parent flew back into Tesoro

wvgal_dana said...

Morning Deb with the most interesting "photo" that's been shown to us bloggers. ( :

wvgal_dana said...

Lots of TURKEYS on deer cam

Costume Lady said...

GOOD MORNING DEB...are the photos on your blog page (the first ones) the Bird-in-Question?

deb said...

Yes, the one on top is an example and the other two are Mystery bird.

normabyrd said...

The 'LITTLE PRINCE' is lying on his grate this a.m. with his arm across his eyes!!!---Must be to keep the rain out!!---HE CRACKS ME UP SOMETIMES!!!----ho!

Suzanne said...

Morning, Deb! Nice to see the turkeys back! Haven't seen them since around Christmas!

Suzanne said...

Norma, check out the turkeys!

deb said...

Yes, it is nice to see them. They are sooo big.

glo said...

Good morning and a good Friday and weekend to everyone.
Norma Saw your question about the Rivers in Illinois yesterday. Vicky and I live on opposite sides of the state so don't at all know about her area but over here YES it is the Rock River that has ice jams causing the folks in my area problems. The Mississippi is behaving itself so far.

Wanda left you an answer to your question about a Golden Eagle on the FTLOE Blog. Thanks for visiting and commenting so often. It helps me to know folks are watching etc.

Suzanne said...

Morning, Glo! I got your Feedblitz this week!

Suzanne said...

Both eagles still hanging out at BWO.

normabyrd said...

MORNIN' DEB!---WOW!---There is a flock of TURKEYS in PA!!---I saw at least 6!!!

Suzanne said...

Eagle standing and rearranging in Tesoro.

normabyrd said...

MORNIN' GLO---Happy to hear you all aren't flooded out!!---We have had "FREAKY" weather this winter!!-----

wvgal_dana said...

I love how you can see all the pine greenery in the BWE nest.

Wonder why green doesn't show up in ours. Nor does the brown feathers of the eagles. Their beaks really show YELLOW. ( :

Hi Glo ty send you email yesterday. I haven't check my mail today. Have a Good DAY !!

wvgal_dana said...

CC II parent eagle looking up and all around squawking. Must be an intruder. Parent just flew straight up. I believe to chase intruder.

wvgal_dana said...

Parent just flew back in sitting near nest. Still squawking.

Costume Lady said...

Deb, I sent a copy of your photo to my grandson, who has been a bird-lover since he was 2yrs.old. He is in his second year of college studying wildlife. Here are his remarks:

Hi Mom -- here's Brandon's comments this morning: .... love you

It has the markings of a broad winged hawk but it's too big. It has coloration like the dark phased red tailed hawk, but if you follow the elongated bill, it has to be an Eagle of some type. Maybe hybridized Golden Eagle

wvgal_dana said...

Now just flew into nest. Looking at sky and around.

wvgal_dana said...

Checking chick or chicks out now (this has been at CC II as I said above). Looks like parent is now settled down onto chick/s. Still watching sky though.

glo said...

Great Suzanne Glad you got the Feed OK. No Norma I am OK becuase I live up a hill but as I said YES there are folks in my area dealing with flooding due to ice jams on the Rock River. I live in "Rock Island" Yes ther is a connection :)...In the spring when both rivers flood it can get pretty bad for the folks on the rivers but they for the most part say Thats the price they are willing to pay for living on the rivers. OK Off for coffee and dog treats.

floralgirl said...

Morning:) Those eagles at BWO sure look soggy this morning.

normabyrd said...

ME CAM is up---You can hear the wind!!---but DAVE---no SNOW!!

normabyrd said...

MORNIN' MEGAN!!---Are you enjoying this --- between seasons-- time or have you started planting?

Costume Lady said...

I didn't know there was sound at Tesoro, and thought it was my tummy growling. LOL

Suzanne said...

Morning, Megan! Of the 4 quarters of apple I put out, 1 has been eaten, but don't know by who. Gonna try to watch this weekend. Fussy birds!

Suzanne said...

Mei was doing her Ray Charles dance trying to get treats. Tai is asleep on his grate. Here comes Mei again dancing!

floralgirl said...

Hello Norma, haven't even cracked open a seed catalog yet. Suzanne, two night ago I saw a bunny munching on the apple I put out. I still have this bug I have had since before Christmas and it just doesn't want to go away.

normabyrd said...

MEGAN---I read SCOTT SHALAWAY'S is weekly column in re:----NATURE & BIRDS----He wrote that many people have called or written to him about not seeing any CARDINALS!!----He would like to hear from any one who has experienced this oddity---no cardinals!!----I wondered if you still had a lot of cardinals!!---You can "google" him---in fact I think his Sun. column is there---published in "The Charleston Gazette"----I still have cardinals!---HOPE OTHER BIRDERS READ THIS TOO!!!

normabyrd said...

DANA---I forgot to say thank you---Didn't you send info to CAROL?---

wvgal_dana said...

Morning Megan is daughter muscles strengthing in hand?

Norma that's ok we all get busy or caught up in the blog. no prblem-limbo ( :

wvgal_dana said...

Feeding at CC II

normabyrd said...

DIVER WATCHERS!!---Are you all having to wait--for ever--for the reloading every time!!!!-- I GUESS SUZ & DEB have just worn the site out!!!--ho!

Suzanne said...

Megan, sorry to hear you still have that bug! We need to get you healthy, it's been hanging around long enough. Are you taking anything?
I used to have rabbits, but haven't seen any in a couople years. Guess they found a better home, they don't like the opossums and skunks that seem to hang around now. Course, neither do I!
Norma, I still have a pair of cardinals, but I don't get them like Megan. I only have 1 couple that hangs around year around. They had a baby last year, and brought it to my feeders.

Suzanne said...

Norma, go down and change the refresh speed from 15 seconds (default) to 2 seconds. That'll speed things up for you.

Suzanne said...

Tesoro eagle up again.

Suzanne said...

Turkeys are back in PA.

normabyrd said...

SUZ---SHALAWAY says the BIRDERS that are calling or writing him say they have always had cardinals-----but now they don't---& they were asking him what had happened!-----He lives in the northern panhandle of WV---he says he still has them!

deb said...

Norma, I have the same problem as you. Thanks, Suzanne, I changed my refresh to 2 secs, so it now refreshes every 30 secs.

floralgirl said...

Daughter's hand is doing great, Dana, thanks for asking. Of course she is a typical teenager and rarely let's me get as good look at it until I insist on seeing it. Norma, yesterday I counted 27 cardinals, both male and female waitng to eat seed. Maybe others don't have them cause they're all in my I'm not giving them back, they're one of my favorite birds. I have been taking nearly everything, Suzanne, finally had to got to DR and ask for help, gave me antibiotis for sinus infection.

paula eagleholic said...

Morning, all.

OMGosh look at CC1 - how big the eaglet is getting already! Feeding time.

normabyrd said...

NO!---It isn't opening up---"still reloading"!!----I always use #2---may cry--ho!---ENJOY watching the DIVERS----W/try later!!

normabyrd said...


paula eagleholic said...

Nice sunny day in Florida :)

Suzanne said...

LOL, Deb, sorry! I just tried mine, and it's taking a lot longer than 30 seconds to refresh! Shoulda left well enough alone!
Megan, I'm glad you finally got some antibiotics! Maybe they'll get rid of this thing for you! Glad to hear your daughter's hand is doing well.
Morning, Paula!
Turkeys still in PA.

Suzanne said...

In fact, my diver cam is not coming up at all. Guess I'll close that one for the day!

normabyrd said...


wvgal_dana said...

There's and old Tom turkey getting some close ups

wvgal_dana said...

Rained all night stopped for awhile this morning. Now it is raining heavy again.

normabyrd said...

SUZANNE---That's what mine has been doing all a.m!!-----I guess you & DEB just wore the cam out!!!

wvgal_dana said...

awww CC I chick (I saw only one doing it) cuddling close to Parents neck/head. awwww so fuzzy and cute

normabyrd said...

MORNIN' PAULA!!---It certainly isn't a sunny day here!!---ho!---RAIN & MORE RAIN!!---But we saw our ROYAL COUPLE earlier!!!

indiana nesting eagles dave said...

Good Morning good friends.
Today it's cooler and we could get
some light snow later today and

normabyrd said...

MEGAN----Remember---(I am old enough to be your MAMA)----Are you getting enough rest!---I just read that again last night!---REST is almost as important as meds!!---I hope you feel better soon!!---REALLY SOON!

paula eagleholic said...

Morning, Dana, Suz, Deb, Megan and NOrma and anyone else I forgot!

paula eagleholic said...

And morning to you too Dave!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

We had thunder and lightning here this morning. Flipped me out! It is January, you know?

normabyrd said...

MORNIN' INDIANA DAVE!!----We are at 44° here & are expecting snow--around Sun.----ENJOY YOUR DAY!!!---

paula eagleholic said...

Sharon - they said we could get thunderstorms here today, too.

Have you ever heard thunder during a snow storm? Now, that is weird!

paula eagleholic said...

Tesoro up turning eggs again...

Looks like feeding at CC2

normabyrd said...

WOW! SHARON----That is EERIE!---Is it raining there now?---

normabyrd said...

DANA!!---That is so COOL isn't it!!----Must check it out!!

paula eagleholic said...

2 at BWO now

normabyrd said...

MT DEN at SD!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Paula, yes I have heard thunder in a snow storm. Thought maybe God got confused for a minute! :)

Normabyrd, it is not raining now but the wind is blowing pretty good. We are supposed to have snow Sunday, Monday and Tuesday. LET ER RIP!

wvgal_dana said...

Morning Paula and Dave...

I certainly hope Tesoro has a chick/s this year. Oh please Lord them those eagles have a young'n ( :

normabyrd said...

BWO---2 EAGLES!!----They both look soaked!!

deb said...

Morning Paula, Megan and Dave. The moose cam is up and there are still 2 moose there. I hope they are eating lots of apples.

Suzanne said...

Morning, Dave. I fell asleep last night before the weather report, I have no idea what we're supposed to get this weekend. Wed they said to expect a "winter event" whatever that may be.
Those 2 eagles in BWO have been in and out of there for hours. Just hanging out. Have not seen them in the BWE nest all morning.
Looks like it's raining in Maine too.

Suzanne said...

That's Squirrel. Got excited. Showed the guy eating, then they started looking for Tai. They found him, but he's nowhere near the squirrel.

Suzanne said...

Eagle up again in Tesoro. Sure is restless this morning!

Suzanne said...

DEER in PA on motion cam!

Suzanne said...

Awwww, one little burrowing owl out and about. They're so cute.

Costume Lady said...

We put some apples out for the deer and yesterday morning we saw a Red Fox near the apples. He was beautiful; school bus scared him away before we could get a good photo.

Suzanne said...

OH, 2nd eagle just flew in to Tesoro with a WHOLE BUNCH of greens! both there now.

wvgal_dana said...

Parent still in nest and other parent brought in fresh nesting material in Tesoro.

Suzanne said...

Wow, awesome. One still in nest, dad standing keeping an eye on the sky.

Suzanne said...

Wow, switch. Other one just flew off, absolutely beautiful! One still standing.

paula eagleholic said...

Eagles just switched at Tesoro

Suzanne said...

He's doing something, rearranging eggs, I guess.

MITS said...

GOOD FRIDAY MORNING, EVERYONE...TGIF FOR YOU WORKERS just finished e-mails and yesterdays blog, now on to todays......all 116 posts....BBL

normabyrd said...

WOW!---That EAGLE at TESORO is really sitting high in the saddle!!----Bet they have had a hatching!!---

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Good morning Mits!

deb said...

Good Morning, Wanda, Suzanne, Sharon, Candy, Norma and Dana.

Suzanne said...

Wanda, cool! I have chipmunks, opossums, and skunks. No more rabbits anymore, and I've never seen a fox. I see deer tracks in the snow sometimes, but not often. Of the 4 quarters I put out for the birds, I have 3 left. Don't have a clue what ate the 4th one, but it's gone. Gonna try and watch this weekend, and put a banana or 2 out this weekend also.
Tesoro eagle sitting tall, mouth wide open.

Mema Jo said...

Well Here I am! The Last of the Bloggers to show! I think we are all now here and accounted for! lol

WOW! You all are fantastic commentators! I don't feel I have missed anything!


Kids made it to Germany! Called home around 3:39am our time - they were starving!!!

normabyrd said...

MORNIN' HELEN!!---THINK things are happening in the TESORO nest!!!--

wvgal_dana said...

Good morning Mits and Hi again there Deb.

Has anyone checked out the Wavelit Woodpecker cam? Is that a video?

Suzanne said...

Morning, Mits! We are a talkative bunch, aren't we?
Morning, Deb.

deb said...

My computer is sure doing weird things, my message from early this morning just popped in when I refreshed. I have overwhelmed this one, unfortunately, I am looking for a new one. I didn't want to spend the money, but I am afraid it will just crash on me one of these days.

paula eagleholic said...

Morning sleepyheads Mits and Jo :):)

Suzanne said...

Cool closeup view of the eagle in Tesoro.
Squirrels in PA.

deb said...

Morning, Mits and Jo.

Suzanne said...

Good morning, Jo. Glad the kids got to Germany alright! That's a long flight! Now they just need to stay up as long as they can to help adjust to the time change.

Mema Jo said...

I see Bull #4 and the cow still sticking around in Pook's yard!
Eagle nests are all looking great!
I guess our Kent George is as large as the squirrels we see on the wildlife cam.

normabyrd said...

LIFE IS GOOD---ISN'T IT JO!!!---WONDERFUL NEWS!!!---Now the "tummy" will settle down!!--ho!---SUZ saw a BURROWING OWL!!---but he has gone back under!! ho!

wvgal_dana said...

Morning Jo ( : So glad the kids arrived in Germany ok.

Checked hummingbird cam suppose to come up today not up yet.

wvgal_dana said...

I wished Tesoro had sound. I like to know what the eagle in the nest is calling about. Maybe it is just hot???

normabyrd said...

ATLANTA -- same ole' same---"SLEEPING BEAUTY" sleeping atop the log tripod & LUN LUN wandering around!!----I want to see them interacting with each other!!---A CHASE MAYBE!! ho!

wvgal_dana said...

bbl need breakfast

normabyrd said...

Bet it is HOT in the TOSORO NEST!!-----Wonder they have any air--- their nest looks so deep!!!

Suzanne said...

Egg turning in Tesoro.

Suzanne said...

LOL, that is an eagle moon! Gotta say, never been mooned by an eagle before.

Costume Lady said...

Dana, I thought I heard sound at Tesoro this morning, but it was bleeding through from the Maine Cam. I need to pay attention.

Suzanne said...

Moose are getting snowed on again, and eagles are gone from BWO. They have been there most of the morning.

normabyrd said...

DEB---I just saw 2 SNOWY MOOSE!!---This time I read the date!!--Thanks!

deb said...

It is sad to think they will leave soon and we won't be able to watch them til next season.

Mema Jo said...


Have a great day!

normabyrd said...

The BEAUTIFUL PINK FLAMINGOS are out at NZOO---Just standing together---some on 1 leg---most with head tucked under!!

Mema Jo said...

I'll be back this afternoon -
Takes me awhile to get geared up for leaving to exercise class! ho ho!!


MITS said...

WOW, made it and am now got up....I see a cardinal next to Sharons' name, thunder snow means you are really getting slammed, it means the storm is really conentrating its energy on your area, have only heard it about 3 times during a storms.

Suzanne said...

Tesoro eagle up and looking around. Both are very restless today!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Actually, Mits, this morning it was lightning and thunder during rain but have heard it during snow before. Thanks for the info. Didn't know that!

MITS said...

we are supposed to get storms too.

normabyrd said...

SOMETHING is happening in the TESORO NEST!!---The one EAGLE is panting--isn't he!!---Must be windy the nest is really rockin' back & forth!!! ????

Suzanne said...

It is windy, Norma. This is dad, I think. He brought in a bunch of greens when he arrived, but he's been very restless. Mom was restless this morning too. Wonder if they can feel anything? I haven't seen either bring in any food, so I'm guessing we don't have any hatchling yet. He's been panting since he sat on the eggs.

MITS said...

Partly cloudy with a slight chance of showers. Highs around 80. South winds 5 to 10 mph increasing to 10 to 15 mph in the afternoon. Chance of rain 20 percent.
» ZIP Code Detail

Suzanne said...

OMG, Mei and Tian are back together! First time I've seen them together since Tian's operation! Mits, did you know that? Cam 1.

Suzanne said...

And there she goes, trying to kill him, poor guy.

Suzanne said...

Look at them. She sure didn't forget how to kill Tian, did she?

Suzanne said...

Eagle with the white patch back at BWO.

Suzanne said...

Cool, here comes the other one landing!

Suzanne said...

I sent Lisa some pics, these 2 eagles at BWO both look like they've been in a fight. They appear to be missing feathers on both their legs, and if you look, you can see dark spots on their white heads. I sent some pics of yesterday and today for comparison. Hope they weren't into a fight with the immature eagle that keeps hanging around the nest. These guys have been here off and on since 7:30 this morning. Have not seen any eagle at all in the BWE nest all day.

normabyrd said...

SUZANNE---Went over to check email------Now I can't quit laughing enough to even type!!---quote:--"and there she goes--trying to kill the poor guy:!---GOLLY!--I can't stop laughing!!!!!! Need to see what she is doing!!

Bob Quinn said...

Good morning almost afternoon! Did you see Lisa's new blog post?

The falconer from the NCTC Open House sent me this note:

"There will be a 2 hour special on the History Channel on Monday, January 21, 2008 starting 9 p.m. showing LIFE AFTER PEOPLE.

Our Hawk and Owl are in this Movie!!!! Our Hawk has a split second shot in the mini site!!! So Exciting!!!


normabyrd said...

SUZANNE---I saw those two earlier!!---They did look like they had been in a fight!!---but I just supposed they were 'soaking wet'!!---

normabyrd said...

THANKS BOB!---I saw that advertised----It will be a MUST WATCH---since we might recognize the stars!!--COOL!

normabyrd said...

NEW SCENERY IN ATLANTA!!---Don't recognize it & can't see the PANDAS either!!

Suzanne said...

Hey, Cool! Thanks for that info Bob!!

normabyrd said...

HEY SHARON!!----Our rain has quit & we now have sunshine with 48 temps!!!

Suzanne said...

Time for me to hit the road, my cubemate just arrived and she's sick as cna be. I'm outta here. All have a great eagle/panda weekend! Hope we get some babies in Tesoro! Depending on the weather, I'll see you on Monday. If it's bad, I won't.
Eyes to the sky, see the raptors fly!

normabyrd said...

JO!---The cuddly little OTTERS are coming upon the rocks to dry out!!---They are CUTE as the dickens!

normabyrd said...


movin said...




normabyrd said...


Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Normabyrd, it has quit raining here and is a balmy 47 degrees.

normabyrd said...

MORNIN' MOVIN' JIM!---What's happening in CA?----Nice weather I hope!!---Ours is improving!!---

normabyrd said...

SHARON---Same here---except our temp is 48°!! ho!---We have sunshine too!!---

normabyrd said...

BLUEFIELD SHARON!---I, hereby, swear I will not give out my weather report--to anyone TODAY!!! ho!-----

wvgal_dana said...

Finished late breakfast and read paper.

No one answered about the woodpecker at Wavelit. Whether it is a video or not??

Raining at Maine. Rain has stopped here again.

MITS said...

been on the phone.....surprised to see Mei and Tian back together...

normabyrd said...

FERIOUS WIND BLOWING at the ME CAM!!----Appears it is snowing too!----ENJOY the sounds of the wind!!!

movin said...

The cam is on ZZ in the outdoor enclosure... now starting to climb the trees...


normabyrd said...

WELCOME BACK DANA & HELEN!!---Think MOVIN' JIM left!!--DANA--I didn't see your question about a woodpecker!!----

YES! HELEN---That's why I was laughing so hard--SUZ yelled--OMG they are back together & MEI is trying to kill him!!---She also asked if you knew this!!---Must have happened this a.m.---I looked in----they were together---I thought each ignoring the other!!

MITS said...

Light sleet and freezing rain late this morning... then rain. Areas of fog. Highs in the lower 40s. East winds around 10 mph. Chance of precipitation near 100 percent.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I think we need to make Mits our official "Weather Girl". What do you say, Mits?

MITS said...

I LOL too, Norma, when I read Suzannes' post

normabyrd said...

YEAH JIM----It's also so darn dark there---I think she is asleep on the limb at the other side!!---?

MITS said...

I'm your girl, Sharon, have always been fascinated by meteorology and astronomy

normabyrd said...


normabyrd said...

DANA!!---I'm not sure I have that--Let me check!---

normabyrd said...

DANA---I am sorry---I can't find it!!---

wvgal_dana said...

Suzanne should see ZZ now...her little legs trying to get a grip on the tree.

Turkeys at PA again

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Then it is official - Mits is the official Eaglet Momsters Meteorologist!

wvgal_dana said...

Alittle earlier she was on the logs that lead to the tree. She hadn't gotten to the tree yet. She was trying every which way to get off the log/limbs. She would slip backwards then frontwards. Then stopping so she wouldn't fall off. The cam lost her. So I see she is having better fun now. lol

normabyrd said...

JIM or HELEN---Can you all answer DANA'S question----Is the woodpecker at WAVEIT live or on video??----I don't have it!!!

movin said...

I don't have that link either, Norma.

Dana, can you send us the link to the woodpecker?


normabyrd said...

DANA---I think PRECIOUS SQUIGGLES is trying to find a place for a nap!!!---I'm sorry SUZANNE didn't get to see this!!---She is such a SWEET little thing!!---ADORABLE!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

The woodpecker/northern flicker cam looks live to me.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

MITS said...

thank you...thank you very much:):)!

normabyrd said...

Thanks SHARON!---
I need to get dressed!!---Later!!

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2/20/25 PM bird

1203 PM NN Scout comes to the nest with a load of bedding again. He seemed to leave with something in his talons. He has a beak full of bedd...