Saturday, April 09, 2011


No shut down thread.


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Kay said...

Thank you, Steve ! Good late afternoon everyone !

Love those irises, Christine and so pleased your father is doing well.

Kay said...

I glanced at the comments on OC when bringing up the cam. Names for Truder there are "Tru" (not !),male with scab on his head" and "black spot". Ai yi, yi, yi !

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Hello everybody.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...


Kay said...

Right on, Sharon ! Team Liberty !!!

Are you having a good time in WV ?

How's Sissy ?

stronghunter said...

And "Liberty," Kay. I wish it were Liberty.

stronghunter said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
stronghunter said...

Like Steve's comment "No Shut Down Thread." I am sure those at NCTC have been holding their breath this weekend.

Kay said...

Right on both counts, Shirley. I am so relieved there was no shut down. Yeh, it's hard to believe some of them over there are calling the male Liberty. What a bunch of ostriches with heads in sand a lot of them are. How I'd love to know where Liberty is right now !

Judie said...

Good early evening.

Hi Diann. Hope you're doing well.

Shirley, glad you were able to find a table and I would bet, with a little help from Will or Russ, the lamp will work just fine.

Christine, very good news about your Dad. I hope he will continue to improve quickly.

Have finished drafting the final exam. Need to put it aside to come back to after the brain debris clears out.

Dinner tonight is PopEyes. Healthy? No. Tasty? Yes.

Need to check the nests.

Paula, is the island with the two eagles off limits?


Judie said...

Ooops! Forgot my manners.

Thank you Steve for the fresh thread and Kay IM for the call over.

stronghunter said...

Love Popeye's, Judie!!

I am having leftover tacos.

stronghunter said...

Am very happy with my new table.

PA Nana said...

Thanks Steve. Finally caught up and see my live cam clock is reading 1:23:44 - wow! Loving it!

Paula, we all envy you.

I missed the afternoon visit and hopefully will be watching if they make an evening visit. Thanks to all the viewers who post the nest activities.

stronghunter said...

I was also happy with the good customer service at Pier 1. They really helped me find what I needed and then put it together and carried it to my car. Two ladies. And there were other customers who were getting taken care of as well. I will go back there.

Kay said...

Hmmm, Popeye's, I love em'. My grandson will arrive by 6 and we're having Stouffer's Italiano Lasagna. He spends every Saturday night here. We'll listen to Prairie Home Companion on NPR and after that probably catch some Monty Python on Netflix. He's a pretty special 16 year old !

stronghunter said...

We envy you, Paula, but I do hope you don't try to take a dog-tail painting shortcut.

Kay said...

Shirley, it's great that you found just the right table at Pier 1. I love their merchandise. It's good to know they'll put furniture together for you and that the service is outstanding.

stronghunter said...

My children love Monty Python. They love to quote lines from his movies.

stronghunter said...

I really did not think I would find a table the same shade of white as the other pieces in my family room, but when I saw it, I was pretty sure it would work, and I was right.

Costume Lady said...

Kay, my 16 year old grandson, for the past 15 years or so, has spent 1 weekend a month with his dad and 1 with us. Now that he will soon be 17, he hasn't come to stay for a looong time:( We see him every other week, but he doesn't stay. Life has gotten in the way! It is a GOOD thing, shows he is maturing a little. Miss those weekend visits so much!

stronghunter said...

Is that Dustin, Wanda?

PA Nana said...

Hi Judie and others. Judie, your subject sounds really interesting.

Shirley, so glad you found a table so soon and it's one you like. Now, stay on that recliner!

I'm trying to sit at the computer with an ice pack - it's not working. Going to go to a proper chair and wait for supper to arrive.

Jim & oldest will be bringing home steak sandwiches from a local steak shop after Mass.
Haven't had them for a while. Mmm

.... later

Lynne2 said...

Hi all.....whew what a busy day! Haven't read back yet, but hope eveyone is well.

I went on the bird walk this morning and saw many of the "usuals" AND my first Yellow Bellied Sapsucker. Also a Hermit Thrush, Tree Swallow, Hairy Woodpeckers and at least 10 Flickers.

Steve and I went later to the Heron area and sure enough, we saw several, and 2 nests!! Also found 2 Yellow Spotted Salamanders, Canada Geese with nests, MORE Flickers, Steve found a raptor pellet, we found a old leg bone of a deer, several broken goose eggs. I have pictures of all, but it will be a day or 3 before I can get them all on my blog.

Also, there was a Redtail Hawk pair flying over when I got home from the early bird walk, and a crow was just terrorizing them.

OK, need to get the dogs fed, dinner, etc....will check back later. Hope Lolly had luck with her Heron Hunt too!

Lynne2 said...

did DanaMo get to the nest today???

hedgie said...

Irises are so pretty, Christine.
Everything here is so far behind you.
Shirley, I was going to suggest Pier 1 for a table until you said that you were looking for something besides white! Glad it worked out for you!!! I LOVE Pier 1.
Paula, do you have a canoe or a rowboat?!!!
Judie, glad the exam is finished!
I LOVE Popeye's!! Did I ever mention tho' that it's not as spicy here as back home?
DIann, hope your ice does the trick. Enjoy your steak subs.

stronghunter said...

I have a bright yellow goldfinch at my feeder. Beautiful sight!!

I saw a deer carcass surrounded by vultures by the side of the road awhile back. Now there is a picked-clean skeleton there. It looks like a scene of death on some God-forsaken place. Your mention of a deer bone reminded me, Lynne.

stronghunter said...

Do you think they have different recipes for different locations, Lynn?

Costume Lady said...

Yes, SHIRLEY, that is Dustin. He has become so involved with the fire dept. and has made a lot of friends there. He has 3 brothers and is able to spend time with them when he visits his dad. (brothers from a previous marriage. They are all grown men and have children close to Dustin's age:)
He does want to spend some time with us this Summer...hope so, I miss him so much!

Costume Lady said...

Lynne, didn't get a chance to show GG the Bluebird pictures last night...too busy.
She called me today and asked if I would come in and change the bandage on her "rug burned elbow". She lost her balance while pulling her drapes closed Thursday night and fell, skinning her elbow pretty badly.
Anyway, while I was 'doctoring' her up, she looked at the photos and was all smiles and reminiscing about the times that she had bluebirds. She loved the pictures and thought it was thoughtful of you to think of her!

stronghunter said...

Hunter enjoyed Dustin so much when we were at Conowingo. They were quite a pair.

stronghunter said...

Hope GG heals quickly, Wanda.

stronghunter said...

Truder in nest. Now poofed.

paula eagleholic said...

TG for a new thread!

Outside raking pine needles...saw the sun for about 15 minutes

paula eagleholic said...

Darn can't get the still cam..looks funky

I do have a boat...don't know if the island is off limits or not

Christine...glaad your Dad is doing better

Heron nests...nice!

Costume Lady said...

Yes, SHIRLEY, Dustin and Hunter seem to like nature so much and dispite the age difference, they got along very well. It was such a fun day:)

Judie said...

So glad I don't have to feel too guilty about Popeye's. Maybe just a little.

Diann, I guess I'm missing something. Why do you need an ice pack? Well, anyway, steak sandwiches sound good.

KayIM, enjoy the time with your grandson. Sounds like a fun evening.

Hi Wanda, thanks for the Dustin update. He sure has turned into an amazing young man. Also, give GG an extra hug or two so her elbow will heal super fast. Nice she enjoyed the pictures.

Lynn2 - what a day for nature you and Steve had. I do envy those who have such an assortment of birds and other wildlife. Less and less here as the hot lanes are taking over habitat and developers keep clear-cutting everything in sight.

Only need to reread the exam and make any needed adjustments. Had four topics for this one: sexual assault, domestic violence, stalking, child predators. Fun stuff, huh?

Well, have to go do some really serious dinner prep -- plates and utensils. Wish me luck!lol

stronghunter said...

I enjoyed talking to Dustin. He impressed me.

Costume Lady said...

Paula, do you like to fish and is there good fishing in the river?

hedgie said...

Hey, Lynne, glad you had such a great walk!! No, DanaMo didn't go---her buddy wasn't available. :(

stronghunter said...

Speaking of sinful foods, I am now eating pecan pie with whipped cream.

hedgie said...

LOL, SHirley...that is what I have always accused Popeye's of!! JMHO but I think they use a milder flavoring in the rural areas.....and a hotter version where the population is more international or with a greater racial mix.

stronghunter said...

Maybe so, Lynn. I am sure they want to please as many people as possible.

hedgie said...

You may have my share of your pie, Shirley! Yuck!

Ha, ha---I remember Dustin trying to hit on Paula---or was it Megan??? Quite amusing!!

hedgie said...

Poor GG---keep a close eye on the wound, Wanda. It SHOULDN'T end up like the leg, could.....:(

Costume Lady said...

Many years ago, when our Aunt was still living (in New Orleans) we visited there for the very first time and ate Popeyes chicken from the very first Popeyes Restaurant in New Orlean or anywhere else. It was sooo good. We had spicey and mild and it was so wonderful...not the same here in Martinsburg, but still good. Past year or so, the pieces have gotten really small!

Costume Lady said...

LOL...Paula and Megan;)

wvgal_dana said...

I'm finally back from finding athletic shoes and din din. Shoe hunt took way longer than I thought. Still not sure if they are the right ones.

What is wrong with Diann that she needs ice???

Shirley so happy you found a table that you are happy with.

Christine continue prayers for your Dad's healing and continual improvement. So happy for you lady.

Costume Lady said...

Lynn, I'm going to try to treat the wound for a few days and see how it looks. If I don't see any improvement, will call the doctor. Don't want to mess around with something like that with a 90 year old. Soaked it in water to get dried blood off then air dried it...put neosporin on and some of the left-over bandages from her leg wound.
The wound is actually on the back of her arm, directly above the elbow. She tried to look in the mirror and bandage it, but...Tee Hee...didn't work so well, so she called me.

wvgal_dana said...

$44million dollars was cut in figuring out for farmers about stink bugs??? Wow more crops and fruit trees going to be wipped out.Sad :(

Mema Jo said...

Thanks Steve and Thankfulness that
the Gov't didn't shut down. Hope they get it all together!

I've returned for the evening.
I need to read comments to see
what I have missed.

Mema Jo said...

Wow! Popeye's - steak sandwhiches
new tables and Lamps - new sneakers
Lynne was this the bird walk over at NCTC or another one.
I haven't gone back to the older thread - afraid I'd get lost.

Hubby was up in attic to take down a piece of plastic that keeps blowing snow out - and when he came down he told me that STINK BUGS galore were up there! I have no idea when they plan their attack

Mema Jo said...

Has anyone been able to get the Still cam up today?

Mema Jo said...

If the eagles return it should have been by now.. I really hope that the sun shines tomorrow for
Market. Would love to go over again
this weekend.Jenny may come with me

Don't know how the Master's went today..didn't have any time in front of TV


wvgal_dana said...

7:35pm Intruder in nest

Leona said...

Bird in nest

Mema Jo said...

Truder in nest alone

wvgal_dana said...

7:38pm Intruder flew out

Mema Jo said...

Get some good pics for album 'cause
I can't take live feed......

Leona said...

Truder gone

Liz said...

Boy, that wound on Truders head looks worse than ever.

Mema Jo said...

Truder flew out
Belle flew in nest

Leona said...

Belle in nest. Truder just came back

hedgie said...

Just caught turd leaving, and then Belle came in....more fluff turd back....

wvgal_dana said...

7:39 Belle in nest
7:39:01pm Intruder flew in

wvgal_dana said...

Don't see any wounds on either eagle beak

wvgal_dana said...

4 9 7:43pm Intruder flew out

hedgie said...

Jo, got one pic.

Now Belle alone.

Mema Jo said...

Intruder out at 3:00 position
There seemed to be a distraction

hedgie said...

No still cam for anyone today, Jo.
Tell Ed to vacuum up those SB's before they come back to life!!!

Mema Jo said...

I'd give a penny for Belle's thoughts

hedgie said...

And he came back in----tried to get under Belle's skirts....DIRTY turd bird.

wvgal_dana said...

Intruder just flew back in 4 9 7:45pm

Mema Jo said...


hedgie said...

Belle is tearing apart the back of the nest.

Mema Jo said...

Very interesting that tearing up the floor of the nest

hedgie said...

Big black blob unearthed. ?????

hedgie said...

Very strange pink cast to the sky here and nest.....

Mema Jo said...

Knock yourself out, Truder

wvgal_dana said...

Belle is watching something out there. Wonder is Liberty is flying around????

hedgie said...

And turd is tearing out front sticks.

Mema Jo said...

Belle fly out

Truder still in nest breaking branches!

hedgie said...

I am praying that the blob is not what I'm afraid it is.....:(

wvgal_dana said...

Ha Ha he turns around from working on sticks and see like ah she's gone lol

hedgie said...

Light just came on.

hedgie said...

Of course, it won't last for long.

Mema Jo said...

If Truder pulls to hard on the wrong one I wonder if the nest will all fall down?

The mark on his head is much more
predominent then when we first
saw it.

Liz said...

is it just me, or is Truder inept at nestorations?

Mema Jo said...

This behavior is so sad... He lost the stick..... Give it up

wvgal_dana said...

Jo is that because the light is on?

IrisF said...

Love your irises too Christine, miss them when we are in Florida. But, in PA they probably haven't bloomed yet. We have lots of them in our front yard and around the mailbox.

Wonderful to hear that your dad is getting along so well. Will continue to pray for healing and many years of "easy breathing"!

Mema Jo said...

No Hedgie it isn't It has been
there for awhile but I think it was
actual food 'a squirrel'
every time the fluff came in it got

It is not Joy

DanaMo said...

Been out for a while. Went to mass and dinner with my daughter.

How long has Turd Bird been in the nest and WHAT is that in the middle of the nest???

Liz said...

Truder just poofed.

hedgie said...

Poof---he's gone. Sure was giving those front sticks a going over.

Mema Jo said...

And away he goes 7:59pm

Liz said...

Decorah dad just brot fresh fish. They haven't finished the rabbit yet.

Liz said...

Docorah dad sure is a good hunter. Those eaglets are slumped over in a food stooper.

hedgie said...

5 pics in album.

PA Nana said...

What did Belle dig up? I hope it wasn't what I think it is.

hedgie said...

Hi, Liz. How's everything out your way?

Iris, it's supposed to be close to 90 on Monday---believe it when I see it!!--but that might give your iris a good start! Maybe they'll be ready to bloom when you come home! Can't imagine why Iris would have lots of iris???!!! LOL!

hedgie said...

I put the pink sky photo was veru short lived.....very weird looking here...cause there was NO sunset visible!

paula eagleholic said...

Wanda...I love to fish and crab...was brought up that way

Glad there wasn't any hp

Mema Jo said...

DanaMo They were both tearing up the floor of the nest - I say it is
left overs like a squirrel that has been covered quite a few times
with the fluff

That was a strange visit.....They
did certain things that didn't make
any sense... tearing up the nest.

WVDana - Usually when the light goes on that spot on his head is hard to see. Just looked larger to me. Maybe Pecking Pearl got him.LOL

Leona said...

Mom is on the Decorah nest feeding the eaglets.

paula eagleholic said...

Everyones dinner sounds good...I am having a steak fajita

paula eagleholic said...

I found precooked steak pieces from Tyson...they are pretty good

Leona said...

My daughter is fixing me pork chops, peas with bacon bits and mash potatoes with gravy.

paula eagleholic said...

So they really fluffed up the nest. Huh

DanaMo said...

Very strange.

BTW-Thanks Steve for the new thread.

DanaMo said...

Christine did you post pictures of your suncatchers?

Kay- ai yi, yi is right. I checked out the comments over there and it just got my blood pressure up.

Mema Jo said...

Thanks for pics Hedgie
WVDana did you get some also?

IrisF said...

I love that you all had good luck finding things you went shopping for today and know you are all pleased too!

Christine, is Concord where they have a really, really good ice cream place? I think when our son and family lived in Charlotte we used to drive there for ice cream - maybe my memory is off though...:(

Mema Jo said...

They darn near destroyed it, Paula

Belle got a beak full and I thought
'There it goes'.

What color is Nugz Butt?

DanaMo said...

We went to Friendly's, not healthy either and HAD to have ice cream!

Lynne2 said...

where is your pink sky picture Lynn?
Sharon has a pinkish/purplish sky pic on FB

Hoda said...

Why is it that we are all careful to mention that the brown clump that Belle pulled out from the cup area reminds us of the hatched eaglet from March 17Th? Is it because we gave it a name? I do not know what it is but if it was the eaglet that would be what it is and this is eagle behaviour and it is what Belle just did when she was last in the nest a little while ago.

wvgal_dana said...

Can we please use regular time and not military time when putting pictures in eaglet_momster album. Makes it confusing...ty hugs

Mema Jo said...

Hoda - Two or three viewers mentioned the 'blob' as to what is
it. Of course everyone thought 'Oh
No is that Paddy o" Joy? Perhaps
because I have seen the exact blob before in the nest as food brought in and then covered so many times with the fluff that when I explained that No more discussion was held or suggested. This season we here on the blog are seeing and learning so many new
things from these eagles then ever before

paula eagleholic said...

There has been a brown clump in the nest for the longest interesting to see all the pics

DanaMo said...

Nest us dark...I'm going to go read.

stronghunter said...

Paddy was so small, I do not think that there would be that much left of him by now. Really.

Mema Jo said...

Beautiful pink sky over the nest is in the album at 4/9 1950 hrs

Dana I figure military time if I
need to rearrange pics.

wvgal_dana said...

Why do you have to have military time to rearrange pictures. You have rearrange mind before. Never military time. I a confused????

wvgal_dana said...

The blog if you look at different pictures in the eaglet_momster album 4/1-4/30. You will see that it is in different places in the nest.

paula eagleholic said...

thanks for all the pics...I can see them...yup, big brown blob

IrisF said...

Lynn, it is funny we should have so many irises around our place. My Mother in Law just loved them and had many, many colors of them. We transplanted as many of hers as we could and the strangest thing happened...They all came up very, very tall and all had Yellow blooms. I guess they reverted to a parent as they were all hybreds. Maybe Megan would know what happened. As it turns out, Yellow is my hubby's favorite color.

Why on earth would those two eagles try to dismantle the nest? Wish I had seen them in action doing that, couldn't get the cam to open for some reason.

Mema Jo said...

Iris - Still cam is down....
Live feed is up but it is pitch dark

hedgie said...

Hoda, not sure what you mean?? We don't want to look at it if it is our poor Paddy O'Joy....:(
Belle very lovingly buried her and the unhatched egg, and it's been almost 3 weeks ago.

I posted the pink sky photo in the album, with the others.

Military time does away with having to distinquish between AM and PM. I don't find it confusing.

Hoda said...

Thanks Mema Jo, I do not think it is Paddy O Joy I think it is a clump of took her several tugs to bring it up and it seemed heavy...I agree we are all learning so much from this season.

Judie said...

Jo, just have your eagle cane ready to fend off the SB attack, whenever it happens. If you need extra eagle canes, call me and Lynn.

Going to watch some mindless t.v. Maybe a crime show for a change.


Lynne2 said...

Lynn, saw the cool! DId you check out the one Sharon posted of her pink sky on FB?

Mema Jo said...

Dana - I am saying it isn't a big
deal to me when I am arranging pics if a few have military hrs.
I think Hedgie will let me change it.

On your comment you stated 4/1 - 4/30 Do you mean 3/1 to 3/30
Just so I know where to look.

stronghunter said...

Watching Survivor here. Kathryn missed it on Wednesday night.

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
wvgal_dana said...

Jo the blob of stuff is in pictures in 4/1-4/30 album.

Hoda said...

hedgie, thank you for your comment. I appreciate your view. I think it is a clump of earth...

wvgal_dana said...

I taped Criminal Minds and Without a Trace. When I was watching other things so I watching them now.

Lynne2 said...

I agree with Shiley, I am quite sure that our little Joy has been taken care of by Mother Nature by now.

JO....OMG....STINKBUGS "GALORE"??? Not good! Steve was cracking up when I read him that post!

Lynne2 said...

the latent biologist in me would LOVE the opportunity to dissect an eagle nest. It would be interesting to weigh it, see what is all in it, etc....

Lynne2 said...

I took apart the pellet Steve found today...little bones and lots of hair.

Am I gross?

Lynne2 said...

hey Hoda....I have forgotten. Are you out in Iowa? Think I heard that severe weather is in the cards out there tomorrow.

paula eagleholic said...

I got a new DVD player...I have my feet up and am watching PBS nature on the ya'll remember it is. About the DECORAH NEST

Mema Jo said...

Going in to the TV Mystery Theater
The Waking Dead....... BBQuick
if it is a rereun. If not BBLater

stronghunter said...

Nah, Lynne, not gross. We dissected owl pellets at open house.

paula eagleholic said... about the pellet

hedgie said...

Lynne, I saw Sharon's pic.....nothing PRETTY like that here....this was just plain eerie!

I would dissect that kind of stuff, too, Lynne!!! Always wanted an owl pellet to do it with....but sales are just for school use.....there aren't enough to spare!! You DID bring home the leg bone, right??

stronghunter said...

Hey, Lynn. I know where to find a whole deer skeleton. If you want deer bones, there is a skeleton on a grassy median in Culpeper County.

hedgie said...

Iris,my ex-MIL was known as the Flag-lady....she had SO many iris of all colors.....I transplanted a lot to our first house.....but eventually the corms all got eaten out by something; and she did not transplant hardly any when they moved.

Long way to go on this race.....think I will go take my bath and finish the book I have there. BBIALW.

paula eagleholic said...

Watching the nature DVD there are a lot of eagles that look like Truder..with the spott on top of the head

Lynne2 said...

Shirley, I got a deer off the side of the road a couple of winters ago. It got hit in the spring, and was far enough off the road I guess that that Carcass Cleaner Uppers didn't take it away. So I waited while the buzzards and then everything on down the line cleaned it up, and that winter I took it. I have a few skulls...including one that really pissed me was a buck, but the antlers had been sawed off. Found that on the side of the road up by the reservoir.

NatureNut said...

Evening Everyone! Thought I'd pop in before plopping in lounge chair and probably falling asleep!
Very busy at Park today---deidn't hardly get a chance to look out a window, but did see tiny tip of eagle head in nest on way home.
Our large campground at other side of Park had 300 Boy Scouts on Camporee! All canoes and kayaks went out to groups camping downriver & keeping them overnight. Had 15 or so people in meeting room for Boating Safety class, volunteers to help remove invasive plants.
Most interesting person I met was lady from Martinsburg who came with group of science students (3 different middle or high schools) from Paw Paw area. They did water testing in lab after boat excursion. Lady's first name was Sara and she was a college naturalist intern in late 70's at Patuxent River Park!!!!Worked at other local Parks, then started teaching & got out of crowded MD for WV!!

Hiked around Nature Study Loop in PM__only saw some fauna--Bluebells were about the only thing in bloom.
On front porch, I have a cabbage flower!!!!Never knew there was such a thing!Try to get pic tomorrow!

Lynne2 said...

Lynn, I left the leg bone there. I have one already!

Lynne2 said...

Did you take a picture of the Bluebells Loretta

NatureNut said...

Yes, Lynne. Found some more open than others. Saw fiddlehead ferns starting. Of course the skunk cabbage is big already. Did take another pic of HUGE beech tree on the loop. It is at top of a steep hill & the front roots are still supporting it but it's had a small cave in the front for as long as I've been there. I keep checking the "cave" size, as if it gets smaller that means the tree is leaning & will fall soon!!!

Costume Lady said...

Jo, have you considered setting off a bug bomb in your attic? We set them off in the house when the SB get extremely for a long while.

FIRETRUCK, AMBULANCE and POLICE CAR just went flying by...stopped at the end of our road and Shepherdstown Rd.
Hear anything, Lynn?

Costume Lady said...

Loretta, does skunk caggage bet a bloom and does it really stink?

Costume Lady said...

Ambulance reminds me, granddaughter, Jillian was cleared of all wrongdoing in her "police car" accident and is still driving the ambulance:) I'm so glad, because she loves that job. She has so many interesting stories and some gruesome ones in the year that she has been driving.

NatureNut said...

Just a remembrance from last night~~~I was back in 'puter room & Fubby was in kitchen. He was asking younger cat "what are you looking at?" She had been looking up, around, & then at ceiling---SB!
So we have a definite tracker!

He just fell asleep watching car race!! I love Nascar, but now I can see it w/volume VERY low!! ☺
Also agree w/Lynn---think Kyle Busch is a brat and WReckolowski, too!

magpie said...

Great Park and Home report Loretta.

Good Evening Eagle Pals...

Wonderful about your Eagle and Osprey sightings, Paula

I have to say, military time has been a way of life for me for nearly 30 my line of work....and with running with the Rescue Squad...

Wonderul Wanda, about Jillian !

hmmm, cannot figure out why reading this blog has made me so hungry !!

magpie said...

happy to read of Christine's report regarding her father...

Hoda - found it nice that you commented about our strong prayer presence on here...
Yes, it means a lot for us to share the happy and the sad with our friends here ♥

magpie said...

definitely no still cam here and had to sneak onto the blog from the E-M link....
was wondering why I couldn't bring up the nest at work...was afraid I had been blocked !

magpie said...

after 12 hours of hovering over computer monitors, keyboards, and mouses, not sure how long I can last here...and there is so much I wanted to comment about after catching up on the blog posts!

Checked out the E-M pics, all very well captured

Thanks to all for that !

magpie said...

Regarding Belle's "Rebuff" of H-P attempt this morning:
Belle just wouldn't get into position - She was turned the opposite direction and stayed that way ! Truder seemed to have the right moves...but no receptor!

and I did NOT get any pics from Friday morning H-P (if that what it truly was....) either....all happened too quickly, and Dinosaur definitely would NOT have I just watched it.
Would like to have seen the tearing up the nest earlier, you all took good notes!

magpie said...

sounds like a GREAT bird walk, Lynne,
a GREAT table-finding excursion,
and an impressive exam preparation, Judie
and I hope, a GREAT sneaker-shopping success, Dana

Hope Kathryn and Hunter's day went well, Shirley ...and THANK YOU for the beautiful bird card

magpie said...

PaNana Diana -
hope the ice brings some relief...if I remember, I think you said your hip or hips were bothering you ??

Prayers for relief.....

magpie said...

sorry, I mean Diann, not Diana !
I have computer shoulders right now, very hard to type !

Judie said...

Hi Lowreeda. Really busy day for you. Glad you had some little bit of time to walk around and enjoy.

Wanda, also glad Jillian is able to continue driving. Hope you youngest feline has a slow season.

Lynn, enjoy the tub and the book. Relax.

Paula, so nice to know you have your feet up. Relax with Nugz.

Hey Margie. So nice to know you're home and having some time to relax. Enjoy!

Okay, the night light timer is set for 11:00pm. The sandperson will be monitoring the halls for those headed back the hallway, up the stairs, into recliners, or just stumbling around in the dark. Restful sleep for all.

Andy will you please set our alarm system when you come in? Please and thank you.

magpie said...

Gotta be honest, I am just too plain tired to continue...and I have computer eyeballs now also!

whatever I did not comment on, please , Know that I Care !

Good Night now 'til Morning Time.
Prayers for Sweet Sleep and Healing where it is needed...

God Bless This Nest, and
God Bless Us, Every One

xoxo ♥

Costume Lady said...

Didn't see those two breaking up houskeeping, wish I had...never know what you might see in that nest. I think Belle has been suffering from a nervous breakdown and shouldn't be held accountable for her adulterous behavior. Maybe she has just come to her senses and is tearing up all traces of what went on in that nest!

Costume Lady said...

Sleep and rest well, Margy♥

magpie said...

Oh! Kay IM
Glad to hear of your Special Saturday night with your grandson !

and Wanda: Dustin is a Sweetie !!
Hope that GG heals up perfectly, with your precious care....

'Night now....
xoxo ♥

hedgie said...

Bear report

hedgie said...

Loretta, Patuxent must have been very crowded with all that gang! Does the teacher commute from Mtsbg. to PawPaw every day??? Geesh----sure wouldn't want to make that mountainous drive 5 days a week!

I know someone asked me a question....but forgot already...gotta look back.

BTW---today is Dr. Lynn's b-day!

hedgie said...

Oh, it was Wanda----I can't hear scanner when I'm down in the don't know what was going on out your way.

Lolly said...

Hi all! Worked in the yard all afternoon. Then Jack and I sat on the front patio enjoying the evening. Had a quick, non interesting dinner and it has taken me forever to read the blog.

Lynne, we saw about 6 heron nests and every nest had a heron either sitting or standing. Saw one fly into a nest but could not get a pic. Anyway, posted pictures on Eagle Pics blog. The nests are only about two miles from our house. Funny that I had never spotted them before.

hedgie said...

Hope all that have already called it a night sleep well.

PA Nana said...

Goodnight everyone. Rest well.

Prayers for all needs and wants, especially those in pain of body or soul.

God bless

Lolly said...

Have added some pictures taken today to Hawkwood Gardens blog. Sending a little spring your way. However, sounds like the temps are climbing there as well.

Lolly said...

Oh, forgot to mention. I put the Cedar Waxwings pic in with the Hawkwood Gardens pics.

Heading to the shower now. Something about digging in the dirt makes me dirty. LOL

stronghunter said...

Beautiful pictures, Lolly.

stronghunter said...

Amazing collection of birds.

stronghunter said...

Yes, I think we are about to get some good weather.

stronghunter said...

Ready to head upstairs. Good night good friends.

Lolly said...

Bear Video

These bear cubs are just so cute!

Mema Jo said...

I finished 'The Waking Dead'
I enjoy those shows but they are 2 hrs long.
So I must read 2 hrs worth of comments..

hedgie said...

Wanda.....Carolyn had scanner on while watching the race and thinks there were two wrecks on 45.

Mema Jo said...

Lolly - Your Hawkwood Gardens are
beautiful. I didn't expect the moose but I did expect your

Mema Jo said...

Jason and Faith remind when we
first saw Hope climbing a tree.

Mema Jo said...

Hope that Megan has all of her flowers for Market cut and ready
to sell.

Weather should be decent Sunday - today stayed gray all day long.

I have to fill my pill boxes..
Always start with a Sunday..

Saying Good night to my friends
Prayers for everyone's wants/needs and for good health & emotional wellness.
Hugs for all ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

JudyEddy said...

Checking email box Long day at my daughter for Jordyn 3rd Bday and babysat in the evening nite nite God Bless this nest and all of those whom watch it

Liz said...

LMAO! Decorah mom looks like she is sleeping on feet! So cute. She isn't even covering the eaglets, her eyes a drooping and she catches herself falling forward.

Liz said...

Her mouth is open, like she is drooling! So funny!

hedgie said...

Good video, Lolly. And loved your pics!!
Okay, I'm gonna go.....straight to bed.....head is heavy, eyes are as well....prayers for all for health and healing and wellness, as need be. Sleep tight! Love you all.

hedgie said...

Oh-oh....after that description, Liz, I've got to go take a gander. :)

hedgie said...

Those chicks have her wide awake now!! Funny! No rest for the weary!


Liz said...

Docorah mom backed off nest cup as if she was going to fly away, then she shrugged down on E3, and pulled E2 under her. And she is fluffing nest, and I see lightening. Heard Dad call out once.

Liz said...

And her eyes are starting to roll, while she drools. lol.

Liz said...

Aw, eyes closed, drooling, nest is quiet, get some rest mom.

Lolly said...

Liz, when the Decorah eagle backed up she did a poop shoot.

It is funny to watch her. Her eyes go closed, her mouth hangs open, she starts to nod, and then zap she is awake again. Poor thing, she just needs Dad to stand guard and let her go to sleep.

That is what I am about to do.

Night all! Sweet dreams!

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2/21/25 PM fisj

 12:13 PM we arrive at the nest. Scout brings back a small fish.I am amazed at she doesn't eat that fish.All gone 1230.He exits the nes...