Friday, April 01, 2011

Friday PM

Latest message from NCTC, should be posted on their site soon:

April 1, 2011
This morning we confirmed a sighting of two adult eagles in a tree located near the nest tree.  While we do not know the current whereabouts of the original male resident eagle, he was seen on March 21st and was not injured.  We have not seen the male resident since. 
The new eagle, we now believe to most likely be a male, has been making trips to the nest on a daily basis.  This indicates to us that the resident male eagle has either moved on or is not willing to come within a certain radius of the nest because of the new bird. 
The resident female is still occupying her territory and is keeping quite close to the nest site.
It is very difficult to determine whether an adult eagle as male or female; typically the female is larger (we initially assumed the new adult eagle was a female because of its large size).  Without capturing the new adult to examine it- which would pose a potential risk to eagle - it has been difficult to confirm whether it is male or female.  One method we’re exploring is listening to the eagles’ calls:  some females have a much lower pitch relative to males.
We will continue to provide information as the situations changes.  Meanwhile, we encourage those of you who are interested to learn more about eagle biology.  (For example, this Cornell University Web page is a good resource: 
We have a fascinating piece of eagle biology playing out at NCTC.  We are glad that you are able to experience this along with us. 

Fresh thread.


1 – 200 of 447   Newer›   Newest»
Judie said...

Thank you, Steve for the fresh thread and for the update on the NCTC eagle activity. Have a nice weekend.

Costume Lady said...

Good report...wonder who it was from? Do we have and eagle expert at NCTC? Glad we are going to get reports as they become available!

Lynne2 said...

JUDIE! So nice to see's the ankle and how is Darth?

Costume Lady said...

Oh, Oh, sorry...thanks, Judie for the call over♥

Costume Lady said...

Running late...outta here!

magpie said...

Thank you Steve, for the report, and the new thread.

Hope you have a nice week-end...☺

Lynne2 said...

WANDA!! Guess what I got today??

Dr says my patellas are luxated (the knee caps...they are not where they are supposed to be!), right on more than the left. Arthritis too. One day I will need at least on new knee (replaced).

hedgie said...

Wow, 2 threads in one day!!!

Carolyn (Jewels) says it is snowing at her place---15 miles SW of me.........say it isn't so!

Thanks for call over!

magpie said...

Hi Judie♥ Lynne2♥ and Wanda♥

and Good Afternoon ALL Eagle Pals... !

magpie said...

...and Hedgie ♥
no snow here...loved the way the sun kept coming and going in all afternoon, nice to be in a classroom with windows !

Going backwards to catch up..
bbsoon ?

hedgie said...

Lynnie....keepie in mind that knees may hurt worse for a day or so after the zylocaine wears off. But glad he went ahead and injected them! It will really help! And hope that replacement is FAR off in the're much too young.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

This is a bittersweet story playing out for sure.

magpie said...

Make that three Friday Threads !

thanks to NCTC Rob... hope you can zap the cam problems !

Red said...

I've been watching the Decorah cam. No hatching yet. Hope everyone has a nice weekend.

magpie said...

I like that you wear RED every Friday ☺

Red said...

Here's my avatar for all the bird lovers out there.

magpie said...

I don't know where or how I thought I saw three Friday threads....
oh, senior eyes !
Just forget that post and don't remind me I said it ☺

SusanP said...

Red - you got a downy woodpecker to eat out of your hand!!! I am so jealous. i can almost get our local chickadees (and the deer!) to do it, but that's as close as i can get. We have a bunch up here too - hairy, downy, red-bellied, pileated (and last year had the whole pilly family including the juvies at our suet feeder), but no hand-feeders!

Lynne2 said...

LynnEllen, yes the Dr warned me. But in my mind the knees feel better already!! LOL!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...


magpie said...

Just discovered that Sharon !!
Truder in the nest

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Or at least somebody pretending to be an eagle.

Mema Jo said...

It's Truder and looking upward

SusanP said...

Ugh - the choppy feed makes it so hard to watch and decipher. Definitely Truder - can see the spot on his head ... sort of!

magpie said...

did he bring greenery in?

Mema Jo said...

There - The "X" marks the Truder

Red said...

There's a secret to my hand feeding. Here's how. My son bought me a cardboard cutout from Birds and Blooms called "Bill Bird In Hand" Some assembly required. It a life-like mannequin type thing and you can put a shirt and cap on it and sit it in a lawn chair. Put bird feed in its hand and sit it near a bird feeder. Each day move it a little closer to the feeder and after a few days the birds get used to it and I kept bird feed in the hand and on the cap. Then just take the shirt and cap off and put them on and sit there with you hand full of bird feed and walla! I had birds in my hand withing 10 minutes. Just put the camera in the other hand a took photos. You can Google "Bill, bird in hand". They are overpriced but worth it.

Mema Jo said...

I see you up there!

SusanP said...

Red - that is way cool. Will definitely have to check it out!

magpie said...

so now all those with choppy feed know what I go through when things are working well !! LOL - NOT !

magpie said...

RED - were you napping ??
bird is in the nest

magpie said...

rattly sound reminds me of the feeder at PIX Pa.....the marbles in the can

Lynne2 said...

Sharon, I'm still detecting that note of bitterness in your posts....

magpie said...

Truder just standing there at the 5:30 o'clock spot
I think
at 5:43 we might get that blue screen !

magpie said...

facing the tree trunk
and looking out to the left

hedgie said...

Post from Sue Mansfield this morning: We wake this morning to a couple inches of fresh snow and an empty den. Lily and family bedded elsewhere last night. A search with the PTZ camera found nothing. Some have heard cub cries and Hope bawling, so they are still in the vicinity. Is this it? Is this the final exit? Time will tell. -- SM

magpie said...

at least Truder knows a beautiful lady Eagle and a nice nest when he sees one :(

magpie said...

Still cam very fuzzy but you can see Truder on it also

magpie said...

wow the sunlight at the nest -

Red said...

Hey, finally a visit on my watch. Too bad the cam is such low quality. But some cam is better than no cam. lol

magpie said...

right on time, blue screen
cam back up
Truder moving sticks
in the same spot
but facing 3 o'clock

Red said...

Cam people here could learn from Decorah people. What a cam they have.

magpie said...

Truder should learn to bring fish to the nest
then he would have company

Lynne2 said...

awww, maybe no more den fun with the bears. Well, it'll sure be interesting to see how they do now! Hopefully less drama than last year!

hedgie said...

Hey, Red, loved your Red Friday comment....completely forgot to mention that!!!! Ha--you are red everyday!!!

Hi, Margy! Hope your test went well today. Did you get out early??

Forgive my spelling on Lynne's knee comment: Xylocaine!

hedgie said...

Why does cam sound make it sound like a cat purring???? Weird!

Lynne2 said...

X or Z, it's wearing off already.....

hedgie said...

Margy, only 2 new threads for today. Of course lots of posts today on TH. thread!

magpie said...

Still cam looking a wee bit better

finished up at 4:20 Lynn

magpie said...

Truder usually moves around in the nest more
he is looking all around - 360's

magpie said...

been hearing that rattly sound for several days
reminds me of a conveyor belt

Mema Jo said...

Wanda check out your email from Paula concerning the reports.

RED I keep checking Decorah! Love the cam - real close up

Judie - Thanks for the call over my friend.

I am waiting for my PIZZA ..

hedgie said...

Lynne, I was just getting ready to tell you that it would be soon. :(

Red, that is really cool about the cutout! I have a life-sized Dale Earnhardt cut-out from a store display.....but don't want to get it ruined!!!!

magpie said...

welcome to my Dinosaur world...
the choppy live feed :(

hedgie said...

Lynne, I'm right there with Sharon on those feelings......and with Red on his assessment. Can't help the way we feel.

magpie said...

It is so unusual not to see the Sycamore Palace when you post...
but that is a great avatar..
your cat

hear little birds maybe bluebirds at the nest

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

He is sitting there like he owns the place. Excuse me?

magpie said...

wondering how that big stick got laid across the middle of the nest


DanaMo said...

Thanks Steve for the information. That is all good to know and I look forward to checking out the site you posted.
Rudy in the nest! Where's Belle? Dang. The nest seems to have seen more action today than in the past few days. That spot is pretty distinct on his head.

magpie said...

hate to say it but this is like watching grass grow
wouldn't really bother me if Truder would fly out right now

magpie said...

though he might think Belle is going to be bringing dinner
or would that be supper

magpie said...

he's been there since 5:29

and he is staying right around the 5:30 o'clock spot

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

They just had Decorah eagle cam on WDBJ7 Roanoke news.

paula eagleholic said...

See the Truder....heading home and going to pack for the beach...will check in before I go...leaving tonight.

Would certainly appreciate it if someone could update todays nest update....first update is on the other thread, all you have to do is copy and paste it and add the info from noonish visit and this evenings info.

Also, if someone could do the same for tomorrow and Sunday. I will only be checking in periodically via my phone.

And Momsters, check your email. Thanks!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

And I just brought up the cam and the commercial was about --- WAX STRIPS!!! LOL!!

DanaMo said...

WOW I see someone said he's been there since 5:29. Wonder what he is waiting for, I guess Belle.

magpie said...

OK Paula !!
will do the best we can
Happy Trails and Safe Travels !!
I will post a review after the nest is empty on this visit

magpie said...

that's one long sleek slender bird

Red said...

He sure don't look so big there in the nest alone.

Red said...

Cam problems may be distorting him

magpie said...

okay blue screeen at 6:20
Woof !!

Red said...

long one this time too.

magpie said...

Truder on still cam
backed up to 9:00 o'clock and facing to the right

I'm getting Nest Neck !

hedgie said...

Sure hope cam isn't going to stay blue for the weekend...........wouldn't that be the pits?

DanaMo said... screen!~

magpie said...

maybe we need a break, Lynn...
what's there to see...if not Liberty !

Truder back down towards 6:00 o'clock on nest

DanaMo said...

If it stays blue I might have to make another road trip!

hedgie said...

Shar----what kind of WAX ad was it????

magpie said...

well that's not very nice...
Belle by herself with a big fish, that would be nice
and Liberty to share it with her would be really nice !
my blue is still blue

hedgie said...

Don't blame the TV station for running Decorah info....what a wonderful cam they have!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Wax strips, so funny!

Red said...

May not be anyone there now. Does anyone know if they work after hours and/or weekends?

magpie said...

You can watch Still cam
right now
not much of a good view

magpie said...

Truder is over near the tree trunk at 4:30 o'clock spot

Red said...

Poof, Truder is gone now

magpie said...

TRuder is GONE

magpie said...

Echo Echo
I'm gone for a few also
ttfn xo

magpie said...

a 61 min visit

Red said...

I'm gone too. Diane is on her way home. Friday night is our night to eat dinner out somewhere. I'm hungry for Chinese.

hedgie said...

Grayscale..........not looking good!

Speaking of grayscale......Loretta, needing yellow to make gray sounds crazy!!!

PA Nana said...

Thanks Steve and hi everyone.,

Hope you're feeling better today Sissy.

Lynn, I think you got everyone, even me! Don't you dare leave!!
You welcomed me over 2 years ago and I'd be lost without you. Love ya! Love & hugs to you all!

Well, trout season begins tomorrow in PA and today the guys have been getting their gear ready. Geez... and they complain I have too much "stuff."

Also, had income tax done yesterday. We can afford to support us for another year.
I'm hoping the "boys" soon find their own residence.

I'm jealous! Wish I could move in with my mother and she would take care of me - and vook! She was an excellent cook and a better baker.

See the cam is going cattywampus but did see them both in this afternoon and the homewrecker in recently. Having to refresh every 15.31 min. and hope I get a look at a nest.

Must check mail and wait for Jeopardy and Who Do You Think You Are.

Hopefully, I'll bbl

PA Nana said...

Now just a blank screen.... darn

Lynne, and any others with knee issues, hope the knees are still holding you upright. I know the feeling. With this weather mine let my know they're carrying too much weight.

... later

Leona said...

Evening all. I see Trudy visited the nest again. I have no cam.

Mema Jo said...

Enjoy your evening out, Red.

Mema Jo said...

Sad news over in email about ME nest
from Bev.

magpie said...

Okay who is that on the nest

magpie said...

I think Truder, high in the center of the nest bowl

Liz said...

yep, looks like Turd Bird.

Mema Jo said...

Decorah just rolled those 3 beautiful eggs but right now that's what they

magpie said...

live feed is back up
nice sun on the nest

Lynne2 said...

Hi Diann.....trout season! WOO HOOO! We can't do it this year, but hopefully next spring :(

OK Lynn, Sharon....I hate to state the obvious, but our BEllE could be ignoring Truder. Lib was around for a while after Paddy died, but did she sit in the tree with him? NOOOOOO. Do we ever see her trying to rebuff Truder, save for the first couple of days? NOOOOOOOO. Seems to me that SHE broke the vows.....just sayin'. Poor Lib's heart was probably broken. He should just leave that wanton Belle and find someone who won't be so easily won over by some fly by night punk with brown feathers on his head. LOL!

magpie said...

Definitely T., Liz....

Liz said...

I almost feel sorry for Turd Bird, sitting there all alone.....

magpie said...

I havd a 7 o'clock phone call date with my please someone take some notes per Paula's request

have had total four nest visits today, so far

magpie said...

Stil Cam looking, fairly decent

hedgie said...

Did you all know about the Maine nest drama? Bev says that the female is missing and the male is under attack. Here's a video of yesterday's invasion:

Pretty violent.

hedgie said...

Cam is back up and so is DTBT.

WV sUSAn said...

What the heck is going on here?? A 61 minute visit and then T returns again?!! Just siting tall and looking around.

WV sUSAn said...

T flew off

magpie said...

seemed like straight up
and maybe into the tree

paula eagleholic said...

Oh, so sorry about Maine...heard about something a couple of days ago, but thought it had calmed down.

Turdy left

WV sUSAn said...

Cam view is tall and narrow and choppy

JudyEddy said...

Oops didn't know there was a new one always a day late and a dollar short Boys he stayed such a long time huh

WV sUSAn said...

Lynn Got results on tests done Monday. MIL stage 3. Chemotherapy starts Monday. My heart is aching. Sniff

magpie said...

The mid-day nest visit:
was from 12:31 until 1:09

both Belle and Truder
they sat in the nest and did not do too much but looked up a lot
repeat that, a lot
seemed distracted by something overhead
that is from posts on the old thread

evening nest visit on this thread also the last one
Just Truder both times
5:29 - 6:31 pm
and 6:39 - 6:56 pm

The show might not be over yet
but I'll be on the telephone for awhile


magpie said...

am sorry to read of your mother-in-law's test results
You know, she has our prayers
also you and Grey

WV sUSAn said...

Thanks for nestcap Margy

WV sUSAn said...

I'm just sick. First seen n bloodwork week before last. Not enough time to process

Leona said...

Just saw the Maine video. That was scary.

Liz said...

Hedgie, I watched the ME video nest ot eh attack, very violent. Where's mom, how long has she been missing? Whats the cam url?

Lynne2 said...

oh Susan, your MIL has stage 3 what??? (((((HUGS))))) for you and Grey and you know we are here for you!

hedgie said...

Diann, sorry I "got"cha'! Guess what? You're stuck with me!
Good that your guys will be heading'll have the house all to yourself tomorrow!!! WooHoo! Enjoy your alone time!
Yep, I'm waiting for Jeoaprdy and WDYTYA, too! And, of course, have my 10pm date with Tom!

Mema Jo said...

WVsUSAn Is she located near to you and Grey...?

Lynne2 said...

that video was violent. I had asked bev to email me the link but I didn't post it here....I hope we never see anything like that happen at our nest.

Mema Jo said...

Our Still Cam look great
Thank you Rob

Lynne2 said...

GO TO DECORAH!!!!!!!!!!!

hedgie said...

Lynne.....Shar and I aren't blaming Lib or's all the turds fault!!!!!He must have had some appeal, but can't figure out what......maybe he told her that Lib had abandoned her and the children.......????

Lynne2 said...

OH DANG IT sat back down but WOOOOOOO HOOOO they had the extreme close up of the chickie pecking it's way out!!!!!!

Linda said...

The Decorah site just zoomed when the Mom was rolling the eggs and I not only saw the hole in the egg, but I saw the little beak come out!! Amazing camera work!! That is a first for me!

WV sUSAn said...

Thanks girls. Will need lots of support and we appreciate

Lynne2 said...

She should have KNOWN better. I hope She never shoulda taken the word of a stranger and I don't care how appealing Truder seems to HER.....she had a MATE!!

Liz said...

Darn, I missed that at Decorah, I've been watching it closely for days.

Lynne2 said...

PA glad you got to see it!!!! So amazing! Wish I had been calm enough to get a picture!

Linda said...

Hey Lynne2 - I'm reading from when I lost my internet connection earlier this afternoon and just read about your knees!! Yikes, girl! What do you do in the mean time? How soon would you have this done. Aren't you too young for a knee replacement?

I bet he told you to STOP RUNNING!

WV sUSAn said...

Multiple myeloma and she lives very close thank goodness.

Mema Jo said...

ME nest (dark there now)

ME Forum WOW

Forum - Look at dates

Lynne2 said...

HAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! Yes the Dr said the running is not a good idea, or stairs, or walking on uneven ground. But he admitted that that was sort of an unreasonable expectaion. Hopefully I am a LONG way from ANY major surgery, but it will deteriorate over time. I will be committed to weight loss, and I can get the injections every couple of months as needed.

Susan, I'm glad you live close to her.

hedgie said...

Oh, wv sUSAn, sorry to hear that. Prayers continue. Did they say anything about prognosis?

Lynne2 said...

wow saw the baby's beak again at Decorah! Let's hope there won't be any problems there!

hedgie said...

Paula, I think that Bev said the female has been absent for two days.

Leona said...

Just added a screen capture from the Decarah Eagles egg turn. I seen pips and got one egg in the capture.

Decorah Eagles

WV sUSAn said...

Lynn. Six months w no treatment. With? Will know more when treatments start and her body responds. 90 percent invasion in bones now.

Leona said...

Bird on nest

stronghunter said...

Well, hello there Truder.

stronghunter said...

At least I think it is Truder.

Kind of hard to tell.

Greetings, everyone.

stronghunter said...

Well, now we are seeing someone's computer screen.

That was interesting.

stronghunter said...

Two in nest.

Leona said...

There's Belle.

JudyEddy said...

wow three visit in one day I walk away and come back to another surprise I like the still cam better I hope they fix the other soon

JudyEddy said...

so sorry to here about your mom VWsUSAn I will keep her in my prayers

JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...

odd how the still camera is ahead of the live cam

stronghunter said...

Yeah, still image is better right now.

Mema Jo said...

Keep Notes - time and what is happening
I just came back on...

7:41 Truder in nest
7:44 both in nest
7:46 Belle Poof
7:46 Truder alone in nest
7:48 Intruder Poof

There was some kind of food - unknown who brought it in. Had a tail on it I

stronghunter said...

Prayers for your mother, sUSAn

Mema Jo said...

JudyE I think it was actually 4th visit of the day......

stronghunter said...

I think the night light has come on.

JudyEddy said...

I just found the still cam link on the home page when I was reading what Steve said Thanks Steve for the update And what is going on in Maine No neck can't take all the reading

JudyEddy said...

Oops I meant to say My neck not No neck Caught it in my email

stronghunter said...

Jo, I am slow. I just realized that you have changed your avatar, and that you are the one with the spooning kitties that were being discussed. I have been doing spotty reading.

Lolly said...

Good grief! I wondered why I was the only one posting on the blog. Had no idea there was a new thread!

But, I got on and saw the eagles in a herky jerky manner/

Linda said...

WV sUSAn - I'll definitely keep your mother-in-law in my prayers. I'm so sorry to hear that.♥♥

Sure hope the parents stay with that eaglet at least at night at CRC. It looks so lonely there all by itself! It's getting dark there.

Linda said...

Lynne2 - So what do you do in the mean time?

What type of shot did they give you or will they give you?

JudyEddy said...

Lolly don't feel bad I did the same thing couldn't figure it out

Linda said...

Should we go back and read your comments!! Thought we all left! LOL! Sounds like something I would do!

Linda said...

Aren't those spooning kitties adorable?? My kitty tries to do that with my dog, but he doesnt' trust her!! LOL

Mema Jo said...

Shirley, I'm about to put our
Sycamore Palace back on - I couldn't
find my last comment when I was looking
at the avatars......

MAINE - another nest invasion.
Female not there for 2 days.. Male
also being attacked.. I think they
have 2 eggs. We were really wishing them well since the last couple years they didn't have any hatches......
Go to the W O W Forum - Blue link
in my remarks.

Mema Jo said...

TV at 9 and 10

WV sUSAn said...

Thanks so much to ALL. I don't usually "waller" in it but right now, there's more room outside than inside. You are very much appreciated.

Ok. MN was a terrible site.

CRC has me baffled. Tks for responses.

And I think another nest w dad only for 2 days. How many eggs?

Linda said...

For anyone watching and listening at Decorah......what is the eagle doing when it starts that shakey sqealing while on the nest and looking up? Do you know the calls enough to tell me what type of call that was?

Linda said...

I do hear another eagle in the distance as well.

The verbal communication is fascinating as well.

WV sUSAn said...

Jo. Thanks for the nestcaps. Lots of competition in MN!!!! Good to see ya on here.

stronghunter said...

I know I can't interpret eagle calls, PA-Lynn.

Leona said...

I don't like that car going back and forth at the Decorah nest.

Leona said...

Changing of the guards at the Decorah nest.

Mema Jo said...

Thank you Susan - I am heading off but will return during commercials or to say good night.

Enjoy each other!


Margy.... Nest report in bold for Paula

Linda said...

It sounds like a motorcycle to me!

Lynne2 said...

PA my knees, I got injections of a cortisone/xylacaine combo. The xylacaine numbs and wears WORN OFF now! And WOW they hurt now! But the steriod will kick in a couple of days.

Mema Jo said...

I am leaving now
I am really testing the tree

Linda said...

That's a car, Leona.....with a louder muffler!!

Linda said...

Reminds me of my son when he was in high school!! We could hear him coming down the street!! He loved altering his car and doing all those sorts of things to it!

Linda said...

Happy Friday, Shirley!! Hope you don't have as much grading to do this weekend!!

Linda said...

Going to watch some tv, Jo?

Enjoy!! ♥♥

IrisF said...

WV_sUSAn - you and Grey and MIL have my prayers, sounds like a rocky road, but prayer will help!

Leona said...

One car was stopped on the road. Then went up a bit, then backup and stopped. Another car had to go around it in the road.

IrisF said...

Can't stay on long, have an early appointment tomorrow morning and still doing laundry tonight.

Love you all, keep the night lights lit please...

Lynne2 said...

think I better hit the shower, put some ice on the old knees. My right knee got badly sprained in 7th grade and it was all wrapped up. I remember when my Grampap saw me he said "wow, you look like Seabiscuit!" I sure miss my grandparents....

I'll check back later gators!

Linda said...

Hey Iris!! Have missed you!! Glad you're back! I've been praying for you and your family this week.

Leona said...

I saw the Hummingbirds being feed awhile ago. First time for me.

Linda said...

Rest, Lynne!

Linda said...

Aren't they amazing? Makes me gag sometimes watching that Mama Hummingbird stick her long beak down into what looks like the bellies of those babies. Those babies of Phoebie's are bustin' out of the nest!!

Lynne2 said...

I'm trying Pa Lynn, but I have THINGS to do!!! LOL!

Leona, so glad you got to see the hummbabies getting fed. Pretty cool huh?

magpie said...

Yes Indeedy Jo
Saw That! Your BOLD nest report...
Will be working on a post to bring together all the FIVE nest visits from today...
think we will be on the other side of the SPLIT by the time I complete it...

Good Evening, More Eagle Pals

Yay for Decorah, how great, new life on the planet today ☺

magpie said...

LOL Jo -
I also commented about missing the Sycamore Palace...makes it easy to find you ☺

Lynne2 said...

Margy, are you off this weekend??

stronghunter said...

I was up early this morning and am ready to go to sleep.

Figured out that I have to be careful. When I sent a message to one of the assistant principals this morning, I somehow pasted my good night message from on here into the middle of it.

Thank goodness I noticed it! I had a heck of a time getting it out.

magpie said...

Man oh Man
I think Toll Free Caller really wants a date with me tonight...
can't tell you how many times the phone has rung tonight, with HIM calling
of course I am not answering !

SPLIT is coming in less than five posts !

Linda said...

Egg roll at Decorah

Leona said...

PA-Lynn I was wondering how she didn't hurt them sticking it that far into their beaks.

magpie said...

Sort of Lynne - possibly, have one short part of a midnight shift but am fragile for getting called in

«Oldest ‹Older   1 – 200 of 447   Newer› Newest»

2/21/25 PM fisj

 12:13 PM we arrive at the nest. Scout brings back a small fish.I am amazed at she doesn't eat that fish.All gone 1230.He exits the nes...