Thursday, April 14, 2011


Fresh thread.


floralgirl said...

Sunny day thread! Thanks:) Have a great day everyone!

Lori O. said...

Hey Megan - still lurking here but didn't want anyone to feel alone.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Nuthatch in the nest!


Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Good morning everyone. I see Jez and Jerk made an appearance this morning.

hedgie said...

Good morning.
Here is a link to a Rainbow page for Jason.
Jason's Rainbow Residency
where condlences can be left.

And here is the bear report from last night:
Bear report

Red said...

Good morning y'allllll(spoken with a slow southern accent)
I hope everyone has a great and prosperous day.

JudyEddy said...

Good morning one and all checking in on new thread I have Jordyn and its off to play BBL Will be lurking on and off throughout the day

DanaMo said...

I can't believe it! I can get on the blog at school. I thought for sure it would be blocked.

Sad news I think that the egg that has been working since Tuesday night isn't going to hatch. So sad for the kids.

DanaMo said...

@Kay-The 4 H lady comes and takes them to a farm. They are egg hatching chickens.

DanaMo said...

The cam looks so much more vibrant on my school computer. I am going to have to check the color settings on my laptop.
Well bye for now...better get off while I'm at work.
Have a great day everyone!!!

hedgie said...

Busy morning here with assorted activity. Drs. apptmt. right after lunch---routine---so won't be here much until later this pm.

KayIM, my grandparents lived in Hyattsville after they moved out of DC.
Good that Belle showed this AM, but I would have been happier if turd bird wasn't there. :( TEAM LIBERTY!

hedgie said...

DanaMo, sorry about the poor little chick. But congrats on the live hatches!

GrannieKay said...

If the egg pipped Tuesday and it still hasn't made it out you can help it along. Take a little pair of scissors or tweezers or something and enlarge the hole working your way around the egg. The membrane lining the egg tends to dry out and works like shrink wrap holding the chick till it can't move to crack the egg.
Ever get a hard boiled egg that you couldn't get the membrane off?
It's the same thing.

DanaMo said...

Really? 4 H lady told me not to. I wanted to do that last night. May be too late now...

Lolly said...

Good morning! Have read the blog. Got all teary again reading peoples comments on Jason's rainbow page.

Do not understand about the DNR taking Jason's body. That is weird. It is like they have something against Dr. Lynn's research.????

I am beginning to wonder about Lily's "mothering". Is she likely to abandon Faith like she did Hope last year??????

Gee, I have a lot of questions and at the same time I am trying to wean myself from bear watching.

Need to get going. Have to run up to Fort Worth today. Also, we are expecting tree guys this morning. They are taking down one dead tree and one in the process of dying. They better be considerate of my yard! Grrrr! I hate to loose trees and then you have to pay major bucks for them to cut them down. Does not seem right! LOL

DanaMo said...

Okay GrannieKay...we did it. He seems really weak. He was so curled up he couldn't move. It almost looks like he was too big and couldn't move enough to push through the egg. He is still alive, but looks really weak...I'm not sure what will happen. Thank you, wish I would have done it yesterday!

Lolly said...

Margy, so sorry your dinosaur is giving you so many problems. Be sure everything is backed up in case it does decide to go extinct. Should we start taking up a collection to keep you on the blog?

Lolly said...

Glad you got him out, DanaMo. Are the kids aware of him being out and very weak. This may be a whole new lesson for them.

Knew there was a reason I stayed with silk worms. ☺

Lolly said...

Ok, I am out of here. Things to do, places to go!

Have a great day!

Oh, I am down 17 pounds as of today! I am now below where I was before we left on our trip. Yea! Still a few weeks to go, though I am not being all that strict with myself, like a nice glass of wine last night! LOL

See ya!

DanaMo said...

Good for you Lolly!! Congrats! Wish I could lose 10 but I have no willpower.

paula eagleholic said...

Lynn, thanks for the bear link...must have missed that last night. Sounds like the MN DNR is full of BS.

Christine said...

Bob Anderson finally chimed in on the nightly going's on:

Bob on the owls:
"This is a natural event that has taken place between screech owls and raptors for eons. It is life as much as the blackbird diving at the crow or the crow mobbing the owl. The screech owl weighs but a few ounces and the most damage it could do would be to pluck a few feathers."

It seems new and frightening to us because we are seeing it for the first time. The eagles, however, are not.

Hope you're all having a good day! :)

Mema Jo said...

I would like to say Good Good Morning!

I am still reading comments...


stronghunter said...

Good morning.

Have been reading over the blog a bit. Will try to check back in later.

Lynne2 said...

oh what a beautiful MOOOOOOOORRRNNNING!!

who is Bob, and why does he think it's a screech owl? I'm assuming this is Decorah?

Don't have to be into work til 3 today. Bummer sort of, but I'm getting some stuff done. Like filing my taxes. They are done, jut not filled.

Red said...

Apparently Bob did not hear the great horned owl hoot. Screech owls do not hoot.

hedgie said...

Almost ready to head out. See you all later this afternoon.

hedgie said...

Well, maybe the hoot owl was in the forest and wasn't the attacker. Bob is right there on site, right? And if the screen he has is like the one in the building at NCTC, it is a bigger view than what shows online.


PammySue said...

Good afternoon everyone. Hope you are all having a good day.

DanaMo, I'm glad you got the little fellow out.
GrannieKay, is there anything else that can be done to help, since he is so weak?

Lolly, congrats on the weight loss. That is always a good feeling. ☺

Mema Jo said...

Thanks for Jason's Rainbow link, Hedgie
I have to agree with Paula that it
sounds like the MN DNR is full of BS.
Thanks Christine for bringing that info over from Decorah.
DanaMO - looked at all your pics and those little ones I bet have the kids
all smiles. Going to be quite a lesson
for the one you had to help - I hope with all those little kids' prayers that he will make it! Keep us posted.

Bob Quinn said...

Haven't been by much lately. Hope everyone is well.


Red said...

Hedgie, I have no idea who Bob Anderson is. Does Decorah have a resident Bob or is he just a viewer like the rest of us. If he can see more than the rest of us then maybe he is right.

sunseeker2 said...

Hey all,just the little Iowa girl checking in. Only have a few minutes, as I'm helping sandbag along the Mississippi. Check out the Cedar Rapids Gazette article yesterday about Bob Anderson.Here is the link:

Lynne2 said...

Hey Bob, hope all is well with you too!

Mema Jo said...

Will do Sunseeker2! Good to hear from you! Stay dry gal!

Lynne2 said...

oh my Sunseeker....are you OK out there?

Thanks for the link!

Red said...

My naptime now. See ya later!

Mema Jo said...

Hello Bob - long time no see! We miss your not coming around more often. Any
photo trips recently? How is Sarah and all the kitcats?

movin said...


GooD MorniNG, aLL

iN eaGLeLanD.


C(°Ù¿°)D Jim

Mema Jo said...

Open Sunseeker2's article and you will meet Bob Anderson.........

Red said...

Ok I stand corrected. Bob Anderson is the Decorah expert. I'm assuming he can see more than we do.

Now I'm really going napping. lol

Lynne2 said...

Hi Jim!

Mema Jo said...

Hello Jim! Hope you will have a
good day ahead of you.

Bob Quinn said...

Thanks for asking Jo. Sarah is good. Oldest cat, Bonnie, is struggling. She's having some bladder issues. She's 16 now.

Last set of photos was from Pickering Creek Audubon Center:


sunseeker2 said...

Bob is the wonderful man, who's love for eagles and falcons made the Decorah project possible. Hope the article helps answer your questions. He runs the PTZ cam, along with some friends who help, when he is out checking other sites. Catching a quick lunch, before heading back on out.

sunseeker2 said...

If I can still lift my arms, I will try to visit with ya'll tonight. Keep the faith! Team Liberty!!!!!!!!!!!

Mema Jo said...

The article was really informative
Bless us all for dedicated souls as
is Bob Anderson.......

stronghunter said...

Nice to hear from you, Marilyn Sunseeker. I hope you have a good day and that Iowa dries out quickly.

stronghunter said...

I am at home today. About to go take a shower and get on my street clothes. I have the retirement appointment this afternoon.

JudyEddy said...

Just heard on the news that one of the osprey eggs have hatched that was taken off the crane yesterday and given to the Audubon two more to go they said everything look great BBL

Lori O. said...

Good Afternoon Jo, Red, Lynne, Jim Christine, Bob, Lolly, Sunseeker and all!

I hope you're having a beautiful day in our gorgeous Mid Atlantic sunshine!

Lolly need your sunny avatar today! Or a silkworm. Perhaps I should go back to an antfarm from first grade. NEVER! And, OMG, tree cutters are SO expensive. I'd love to have my own bucket truck to do it myself!

DanaMO, so happy GrannieKay jumped on and got the ball (egg) rolling on getting the chick out. I'm sure there's a reason we're not supposed to help them out and another reason why we should. I'm a should crack the egg and help girl in this case. Hope it turns out well for you and the kids.

Lori O. said...

Hello Shirley and JudyE - didn't mean to exclude anyone. Lucky you Shirley having off on such a pretty day.

stronghunter said...

It is pretty today.

stronghunter said...

Need to hit the shower. BBL.

Costume Lady said...

I'm off to the Clothes Closet to tidy things up there.
Nice to have Capt. Gene back to drink coffee with this morning:)

63° and sunny here, beautiful day!

Mema Jo said...

Great news JudyE - I guess they got the eggs in the nick of time.

Hi Lori! Your avatar... Did you have to kiss a pig? I best enlarge it so
I am not totally off!

Shirley I know you have a list
of questions ready to fire away. Now
don't be nervous even though this is
one of those main life's decisions.

Lynne2 said...

hey Lori and Shirley!

Hope the meeting goes well today Shirley!

Lori O. said...

No need to enlarge Jo, it's a pig and he was adorable.

The owner was parading him around at the Dulles Pet Show and I felt so bad for him. I just loved on him. She kept saying "He really likes you." No wonder, she called him Smithfield, like the pork people. :(

Lori O. said...

Wanda, bless your heart. I wish I had your energy to help all the people that you do. You're the best! Oh, Capt. Father Gene, too and those beans of his!

Lori O. said...

Oh Lynne, Dinky's Mom, a big hug. ((( ♥ )))

NatureNut said...

Happy Thursday Everyone!Looks like a lovely day! Been outside checking plants, etc. and only have 5 :>( tulips emerging! Konked out last night in good old lounge chair & never did anything!!

Stuff to do---BBL to read comments.

NatureNut said...

OMG, just saw bad news about baby bear Jason!! Will have to read all about it ;>(

paula eagleholic said...

Our cam is all cattywampus!!

sunseeker2 said...

Another link before I go back to the river, good slide show:

JudyEddy said...

yeiks whats happening to the live cam the still is ok

DanaMo said...

Chick update: Our head of maintenance is a real softy :) We just gave the chick a warm shower. We were able to get all the gook off of him and the shell peeled away. He seems really strong. We put him back in the incubator and hope that he warms up and gets strong...

I'll post more as it progresses.

Lori O. said...

Great news DanaMO! Thanks for the update.

What's up with the cattywhompus cam?

Mema Jo said...

Don't know Lori - Just saw that

PammySue said...

That's great news, DanaMo. I hope the little thing makes it.

movin said...

Morning to you too, Lynn, Mema Jo.

It's a kind of balmy morning so far in So Cal, but we seem to be swinging around to the dry desert wind mode and the Santa Ana winds will perhaps be with us for a couple.

I see Phoebe laid her second egg this morning ... three days almost to the minute after the first.

C(°Ù¿°)D Jim

Lynne2 said...

That's great Dana, hope the chick makes it!

Oh geesh, cam in cattywampus mode.

Going hit the idea how it got so late already!

have a good day everyone!

movin said...

Is it my imagination, or has part of Phoebe's nest broken away??

She's on it now, but it looks like part of the wall near the camera is missing.

C(°Ù¿°)D Jim

Lori O. said...

If only the nest had all the vibrant colors of all the lines zooming through the live cam screen right now. Maybe it ate mushrooms or some hallucinogenic computer chip! lol

Liz said...

Movin, yesterday Pheobe kept pressing down a white fluff piece of nest in that area, she kept tucking it in, but it kept untucking.

glo said...

Yeah Grannie K Go Team Liberty

Watched Dr Sharpe interfere with nature once and do exactly that with a west end eaglet in his artificial hatchery that couldn't get out of the egg. I might still have the video. Not sure. Have cleaned lots off my hard drive. BUT when we know then I think we need to help. JMHO but it is what it is.

movin said...

Whew! I see Phoebe is off the nest now, and it appears to be intact.

It must have been the different angle plus some of her feathers hanging over the edge that produced the illusion.

C(°Ù¿°)D Jim

GrannieKay said...

You have to wait at least 24 hours after it pips. The chicks I use to help out of eggs were all large parrots. Congo African Greys and McCaws. Never lost one by waiting the 24 hours.

glo said...

So cool GrannieK I am sure you know what you are doing and telling others to do. I am sure you saved lives and maybe saved this chick and a classroom of kids as well. That's cool. Very cool.

movin said...

It appears that Pete's Pond will be back on the air soon. Combining with another cam in S. Africa to finance the satellite transmissions.

I miss that site, and I'll be glad to see it again.

C(°Ù¿°)D Jim

movin said...

It appears that Pete's Pond will be back on the air soon. Combining with another cam in S. Africa to finance the satellite transmissions.

I miss that site, and I'll be glad to see it again.

C(°Ù¿°)D Jim

GrannieKay said...

The main reason not to touch the egg is because it's just like a womb. It is all lined with blood vessels with a glob that looks like fat, usually at the small end. From there is a cord to the developing chick. In the last 24 hours as it's pipping it absorbs the blood from all those vessels before hatching. If you crack the egg or cut/break those blood vessels the chick will bleed out. That is why I always say you have to wait at least 24 hours.

I'm glad to hear that you got it out alive. Please keep us posted.

stronghunter said...


Some pig!!

stronghunter said...

Also "terrific" and "radiant."

Mema Jo said...

GrannieKay you did so good and at just the right time for Dana's chick.

Mema Jo said...

Break time for me.


Liz said...

LOL, Phoebe should be called Fidgety Phoebe. She don't sit still does she?

GrannieKay said...

I should have added that the glob of fat would be the placenta in a human and acts the same.

My X brother in law was good friends with one of the owners of Parrot Jungle down in South Miami. The partnership broke up and he started Bird Farm. Importing (UGH) birds and a few other animals. Finally in 1990 they passed laws against importing. We had about three hundred 8x20 foot chain link enclosures on the back pasture of the ranch just west of Hollywood where my brother in law and Willie had set up breeding pairs of McCaws, AG's, Cockatoos, Amazons and a few other of the larger birds. I would hand raise many of the young and every so often got to keep one of them.

The first egg that my sister and I saved was a AG. One egg in the nest and the hen became egg bound and when my brother in law found her she had just died and was still warm. He removed the egg and quickly brought both to me to incubate. The first egg wasn't any good but the second egg became egg bound and way back then no one knew how to get the chick out of the egg. I think we called every vet in Fort Lauderdale and Hollywood. Finally found a number for another breeder and she said just be careful not to cut any blood vessels. At that time we didn't know to wait 24 hours. So we chipped a little at a time and it took almost 24 hours to get the baby out. His name is Merical and he was 18 years on on January 29th. I had him with me all these years until this past October when he went to live with my daughter whom he adores so I still see him a lot.

Boy am I windy. LOL but that was the start of the learning about eggs.

Unknown said...

Hi everyone:

I have watched this cam for awhile now and read the blogs.Just wanted to tell you how much I enjoy it.Just hope Bell and Lib get it going again next year.


Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone!

GrannieKay, fascinating story! Sure glad you helped with the unhatched chick! Bet he'll be OK once he dries out.

Have a LOT of transcription to get done today. A few errands to run, too. Have 3 prescription refills to go pick up.

Gosh, this computer is being kinda goofy again this morning. As I type, I have to wait for the words to appear. Margy, were you the one who also has had that problem? Kind of freaks out your brain to watch that happening.

Well, glad that Belle showed up this morning, but wish she would lose the young escort. TEAM LIBERTY, ALL THE WAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Well, gotta pay a couple of bills, and get busy. Will lurk when able, and be back later tonight.

Glad the weather is good back East!
Enjoy! It's supposed to warm up more here for a couple of days.

Later, gators! :o]

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Welcome Don! Keep coming back! It can be quite a hoot around here.


GrannieKay said...

Oh dear, this is awful. Could this be our missing Liberty?? Oh I hope not.

There is a new update up on the NCTC Eaglecam site.

Yesterday we were contacted by the National Park Service at Antietam. They recently found a dead bald eagle near the Burnside Bridge parking lot and wanted to let NCTC know. We went over and examined the bird, which had been dead for about two weeks , they are estimating. We took a series of measurements, and those show that this could very well be a male bird. Final identification is not possible without a necropsy. The standard procedure for this type of thing is to transfer the bird to the FWS Eagle Repository in Denver. This will happen very soon.

We will never know if this bird is our missing male, but it could be. I will post more as we get more info.

Red said...
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Red said...

NEW THREAD with sad news.

paula eagleholic said...

Well, I don't think the still cam is has the rainbow lines across the top...

GrannieKay said...

Steve has a New Thread up with the sad news.

PammySue said...

I finally watched that PBS documentary about eagles that someone (I think it was Christine) gave the link for. I loved it. And guess who was in it? Bob Anderson.

I knew there was competition for food amongst the eaglets, but I did not realize that the stronger one would sometimes attack the smaller one. :(

Thank you, Christine (I think). :)

paula eagleholic said...

Momsters, please check your email...and check out the newest update...

NCTC Update

JudyEddy said...

new thread bad news

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Just absolutely devastating and heartbreaking!

Red said...


Mema Jo said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Mema Jo said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
movin said...

I tried to post this a couple of hours ago, but it wouldn't go through:

It appears that Pete's Pond will be back on the air soon. Combining with another cam in S. Africa to finance the satellite transmissions.

I miss that site, and I'll be glad to see it again.

C(°Ù¿°)D Jim

2/21/25 PM fisj

 12:13 PM we arrive at the nest. Scout brings back a small fish.I am amazed at she doesn't eat that fish.All gone 1230.He exits the nes...