Saturday, June 13, 2009


Weekend thread #1. Should be a new podcast up in the next few days.


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Costume Lady said...

Good Morning, Steve...Thanks for the new info!

Costume Lady said...

I am anxious to see what the new POD CAST brings to us. We are an unhappy bunch, right now, for the most part. Hope this brings a smile to our faces again.

Mits said...

Morning everyone...have a good one

Mits said...

why would we be happy about a podcast???

Costume Lady said...

NORMA, I think that MEGAN is just PLUM WORE OUT! Wish I had time to help her. I am a certified florist and love flowers and gardening, but my own yard and garden, in addition to GeeGee's, take up most of my time.

Costume Lady said...

I don't know Helen, I thought it meant we would have a better SET-UP than what we have now. Are my blonde roots showing?;)

Mits said...

I know nothing about pod to you all later...

hedgie said...

Norma, apparently the heat got to Megan yesterday...she was feeling puny last evening.
Luckily, no one killed in the wreck. Not sure about the car report makes it sound like driver (she) fled the scene leaving car there....but no exact indication in the report that it burned, was a rental....driver had rented it in Martinsburg, lived in Hagerstown. Authorities say she was not cooperating.
She caused the accident.

Lolly said...

Good morning! Another very warm day here. Already 82! Yuk, I really dislike hot muggy days.

I guess I am going to have to start a cheat sheet. What is Stronghunter's name?>

I hear Hidey! Also, has the cam position changed? I do not remember seeing so much of the tree on the left.

normabyrd said...


1 TERM def--(out of 5,100,000) of podcast--
--A PODCAST is a pre-recorded audio program that's posted to a website and is made available for download so people can listen to them on a personal...

WHAT IS PODCASTING:--podcasting is the preparation & distribution of audio files for download to digital music players, such as the iPod....


Lolly said...

OK eaglet snuggled down into the nest. No interest in fledging at the moment. Come on birdie!

hedgie said...

Yep, I was going to say "what's a podcast"????

Lolly said...

LOL Norma, you just gave me my first LOL experience for the day. "Call your grandchild" Love it! You are too prcious!

Lolly said...

Make that precious!

normabyrd said...

MORNIN' LOLLY---I am no help!!--I have been using their blog name---GOOD NEWS--you folks didn't get a bad storm--we are enduring the muggy stuff here too!---temp now 71°--& movin' on up!---

Lolly said...

Gotta straighten the house and prepare for the boys to come to the house this afternoon. Laurel is bringing them mid afternoon. She will stay for dinner then head home, leaving us with two bundles of energy. So, needless to say I will not be on a lot for the next 5 days.

Tomorrow Michael and Zach will be here as well. All three boys! Will try to get pictures!

Want to see where Michael and Ashley are with Zach for the weekend? Google Rough Creek Lodge.

Lolly said...

Yes, we wanted more rain than we got last night. However, like Jack said, .2 inches of rain is much better than golf ball size hail.

normabyrd said...

Thanks WANDA!---MEGAN has really been working hard in this hot-humid weather---bless her heart--understand we may get 'some' cooler weather----

Lolly said...

Jack and I have our 44th anniversary next Saturday. We are going to buy a new TV for our trailer and go out to eat. We like to buy things we want together rather than buying each other gifts. Best gift ever was my anniversary fence across the front yard. The wood fence and the Blaze roses that climb it.

hedgie said...

Thanks,'re so smart!
Lolly, stronghunter is Shirley.
Warming up here, too, and getting humid!
Compared nest appearance w/ older change. Must just be the way the light is hitting it.

hedgie said...

Wow, Wanda, you are so creatively talented!

Lolly said...

Today the button to play is not working for me. Having to hit refresh every time.

Lolly said...

Thanks Lynn! Will write that down! LOL Are you sure about the tree? I just do not remember seeing the sticks at the base of the tree trunk on the left. It just seems to be more pointed down at the nest.

hedgie said...

Hey, Norma, Mine That Bird is going to race at Mountaineer in the WV Derby!

hedgie said...

Lolly, emailing you a pic to compare!

Lolly said...

Oh man! The OK eagle jumped so high I thought it was going to fledge! Wow, what a wing span!

Costume Lady said...

Lynn, I discovered that my Florist abilities were not good enought to open a shop, when I did the flower arrangements and bouquets for both daughter's weddings. I thought I did a fairly good job...but it took me forever. Can't be slow in the flower business!

Lolly said...

OK Eaglet is 12 weeks old today. Their blog says that the OK eaglets usually fledge between 11 and 12 weeks. We have a slow starter!

normabyrd said...

WHOA! LOLLY!!---I think I 'might' enjoy a few days at ROUGH CREEK LODGE!!---ho!---AWESOME!!--watched a video!!---

Lolly said...

Isn't it neat, Norma? I am so proud of my son that he can afford to go there. They have been several times and love it. This is Zach's first time. We joined them down there one time for dinner. It was WONDERFUL and the service, of course, was elegant. We sat out on the patio with drinks.

hedgie said...

Lolly, what a place! That's hardly "roughing" it, is it????

normabyrd said...

HEDGIE---When is the WV DERBY?--Wouldn't it be cool to get tickets?
Do you have any clout??---ho!

normabyrd said...

LOLLY---Isn't this the son that took you to NY!----you all certainly must be proud of him---so very thoughtful!!!

hedgie said...

Wanda, I would think that doing hand-held bouquets would be much harder and more time consuming than doing vase arrangements for sure! But you were also putting so much heart into it that it made it take longer!! Wish I could do the little thingies w/ this puter, but I can't so I'll just say: hearts, hearts, hearts!

normabyrd said...


Lolly said...

Yes, Michael is my first baby and only son. He is absolutely WONDERFUL!

hedgie said...

The article didn't say when the race is, Norma. Is Moutanineer the track in Morgantown or Wheeling? I don't know much, do I? Nope, no pull or insider stuff!

Lolly said...

Go to this! This is MY baby. Yes, I am a proud Mommy.

normabyrd said...

FINLAND OSPREY MOM feeding little ones! NOW!!!---I only see two!

Lolly said...

And, this will tell you about my lovely daughter. ☺

normabyrd said...

HEDGIE---That is the RACE TRACK & RESORT at Chester, WV--(very close to Wheeling--in fact think it is often referred to has WHEELING)

movin said...

** Good Morning **

** Everybody **

No Hidey, but the prodigals are beginning to return to NBG. I can see two of them now... one out front on the big branch.

Even though I've been looking and looking, for some reason I can't see the BWO chick this morning. The adults are there and acting like it's still there, but I can't pick it out.



Lolly said...

Well, you guys will just have to have a road trip to the horse races. ☺

Laurel called last night. She went into the office area of their house to check the doors. In the light of the neighbors house there was a grey fox. She was so excited she called. She said everyone was asleep at her house and she had to tell someone! LOL

movin said...

I just looked again, and I can see the chick finally ...

It's roughly where it has always been in the egg cup area. But it is colored so like the tan material in the nest that I was looking at it, the picture refreshed, and it disappeared again.



Lolly said...

I have to go get beautiful to run some errands. Need to get bubble bath for Jacob. LOL He also likes colors for his bath water.

Have a great weekend!


Lolly said...

Looks like OK eaglet has settled down once again. Keep a close eye on him! Want someone to see him fledge!

normabyrd said...

8/1 Date for---'MIND THAT BIRD' to race at MOUNTAINEER RACE TRACK in CHESTER, WV----google says---MIND THAT BIRD needs a rider???

hedgie said...

Lolly, very impressive about your son. Couldn't get the site for your daughter.

Mema Jo said...

That is one Texas Weekend Getaway, Lolly! I would want to stay an entire week! lol
Great pic of Laurel and her family and I know you are really proud of her.
Michael is doing very well in his profession!

normabyrd said...

LOLLY!!--son J selected as OUTSTANDING Young Attorney in TX!--
now that's WAY COOL!!!

hedgie said...

OK, Norma, get out your silks! You can meet the weight requirement!!!
Jim, that BWO chick should be named Hidey, too, huh??

normabyrd said...

LOLLY---I couldn't get your daughter to come up--but did figure out DENTON SCHOOL---must be a teacher!!

normabyrd said...

MORNIN' JO!---Thought you were still sipping coffee with daughter!

normabyrd said...

WHOA!!--HEDGIE---I am so glad we followed through with the RACE at CHESTER--I couldn't believe that he would race at CHARLES TOWN!---didn't think they have many outstanding jockey there----

normabyrd said...

MORNIN' MOVIN'JIM!!---I just checked the 'REBEL' site---raining at the nest---couldn't see any eagles---

hedgie said...

Hidey's home!!

drummerboysmom said...

i've been lurking and following Hidey since she was tiny but never got on board officially. It was such a treat to see Lib bring a fish to the nest and hear Hidey's squeaks of delight. Still the spoiled one!!!

Costume Lady said...


Ms Bookworm said...

GOOD MORNING, EVERYONE! Can't believe I showed up just in time to see our Hidey! That sure is a nice fish that Lib (?) delivered!
Hidey is definitely appreciating it. Say, Happy 12th week Birthday, Hidey! My, how you've grown!
Hope everyone is feeling well this morning; it's a gorgeous new day!
I'm feeling very much like a 'techie' this morning-- figured out how to use the Bluetooth that came with my new cell phone upgrade! Guess I've finally made it to the 21st century!
Lolly, no wonder you're so proud of your daughter! Guess what-- my nephew and his family live in Denton, too! Their son, Gavin, is, I think, the same age as Jacob. Small world, isn't it? You have a beautiful family. BTW, SO glad the storm missed you last night!

Costume Lady said...

That would be a name that SHARON could use, too. Her son is a Drummer Boy:)

normabyrd said...

WELCOME!! DRUMMERBOYSMOM!!----HER WAILING & FUSSING is music to my ears anymore---That means we will have one more day with the 'LITTLE YELLING IMP'!---bet she is 'WARM' in that nest----bless her little heart---

Ms Bookworm said...

Golly, cam time ran out while I was posting, and by the time I got it to refresh correctly, Hidey went 'poof'! Did our fledgling finish off that big fish?

Person said...

The Shepherstown eagle looks hurt like he has something wrapped around leg! Has anyone else noticed this??

drummerboysmom said...

at one point i thought Hidey had the fish stuck on a talon...the way she attacked that thing made it seem like she was starving...nearly pushed the parent off the nest to get at it!!! i think she got it off tho...

Ms Bookworm said...

WELCOME, DRUMMERBOYSMOM!! Nice to meet you! Always enjoy meeting someone new, and glad you've been watching for so long! Isn't Hidey a character, though?

Costume Lady said...

Can't see anything right now, Brenda...Hidey is behind the smudge.

Costume Lady said...

Drum-Mom...that could be what Brenda saw and thought something was caught on his foot.

Costume Lady said...

I think Hidey wants to be fed!:)

Costume Lady said...

Or, maybe that fish is Carp and he wants Trout. LOL
He certainly is whinng. OH, OH

Costume Lady said...

Lib says "I've had enough of this kid's yelling"!

normabyrd said...

MEMA JO---Where did you see the pic of LOLLY'S daughter & family---
I still can't find her!!

Costume Lady said...

Whoa! I'm talking to myself. Better get outta here.

Ms Bookworm said...

Duh! My computer froze on a picture of the nest where Hidey was behind the smudge, and it looked like he was gone! I see that the rascal is still there, and can certainly hear him now, too! Looks like Lib came back hoping for a few bites of brunch, but he decided to leave it for Hidey, and went 'poof' instead! Thank goodness Hidey's adopted some better manners when it comes to his dad! He didn't flat out attack him this time. (Our little brat is beginning to behave!) :o]

hedgie said...

Not sure, Brenda...need to see her move...God, I hope nothing's wrong.

Ms Bookworm said...

I think Hidey's okay. Can't see anything caught on either talon. Not obvious, anyway.

Ms Bookworm said...

If something were caught there, it seems like Hidey would be picking at it, trying to get it off.

Ms Bookworm said...

Well, have more 'book learning' to do-- gotta get busy. BBIALW. Have a good Saturday, everyone! :o]

hedgie said...

Looked like there may have been a piece of food or leaf or something on a talon...but she flew off okay!

movin said...

Hi, Norma.. Look at NBG now. They are panning all over the "forest", which is dramatically blowing in the wind and perhaps rain.



hedgie said...

Well, gang, I'm outta here...gotta go buy some flowers! BBL.

movin said...

NBG: they moved the camera back to the nest (off to the right actually), and I saw one of the big girls fly from the nest to the branch out front.

Now I can barely make out another eaglet moving in the nest.



movin said...

If you watch Finney for a while you can see one or two little heads poking out from beneath her breast.



normabyrd said...

MS-B---LOVE YOUR FLOWERS!!---I am so happy to hear you have moved into the 21st century--some time you can explain to me what a BLUETOOTH is? ho!---stay cool!!

movin said...

I just looked at NBG, and I can see the one eaglet on the branch, one more clearly in the nest, an adult perched on a branch above left of the nest, AND as I was looking the third eaglet flew by between the camera and the nest.

So all accounted for now.



normabyrd said...

JIM--Earlier this morning---I saw FINLAND'S Dad & Mom in nest--she was feeding 2 little ones!--I think the 3rd egg is expected to hatch today!!

movin said...

Oh, oh, what I thought was a fly-by happened again, but this time it looked like an insect .. or elongated spider .. crossing the lens.



movin said...

Yes, Norma. I think the third Finney egg is likely going to hatch today (or tonight there) if it hasn't already.

They are in the "light around the clock" period of the year now. It pretty light now, but it's after 8 o'clock in the evening.



normabyrd said...

JIM--At the 'REBEL' nest--One can see a parent on the left limb & an EAGLET in the nest & another EAGLET on the right limb!----It was raining there earlier when I couldn't see any EAGLETS!!

normabyrd said...

need food---

Lolly said...

Hi all! I'm back. Got Jacob's bubble bath at Wally World. Andrea, Jacob has a friend at his school/daycare named Gavin. Wouldn't it be a hoot if that was your Gavin?!

Lolly said...

Norma, sorry you could not get Laurel's web page to come up. I checked it out and it worked for me. Yes, she is a reading teacher at a middle school. She teaches 6th grade.

Lolly said...

Watching OK eaglet. He is soooo ready to fly the coop! Whine....I wanna see when he does!!!

Ms Bookworm said...

Lolly, that sure would be something! I'm not sure what daycare he goes to-- will have to find out.

Mema Jo said...

Link to Lolly's Daughter Laurel's

Lolly said...

Andrea, what is your Gavin's last name? Jacob goes to First Baptist School/Daycare.

Mema Jo said...

Norma's comment was asking about the article on Laurel - She went to get food - hope she comes back & clicks the blue thingy!

I had a very nice visit over coffee with daughter earlier today. Nothing else going on this afternoon.
Will be going to Mass this evening.

Going to watch that OK eaglet!

Lolly said...

Actually, Jacob's Gavin at his school is his very best friend at school. I have a picture of them together. That would be a hoot if it was your nephew's son. Laurel does not know his last name. And, when we ask Jacob he says something we can not understand. Sounds like "miss".?????

Lolly said...

Thank you Jo. Have misplaced the directions for the blue thingy again. Oh well, will find it. Around here some where.

Lolly said...

Ok eaglet has settled down once again.

Ms Bookworm said...

Norma, I had to ponder the Bluetooth thing a minute-- here goes:

A 'Bluetooth headset' is a wireless earpiece that connects to your cell phone (or to another device) with a radio frequency, and creates what's called a 'personal area network', or 'PAN', with (in my case) about a 30 foot range. It allows you to hear your caller, and your caller to hear you, hands-free. This lets you use your cell phone hands-free, while driving your car.

Glad you like the flowers! The pic is one I took at the place where we stayed (near Edinburgh) when on vacation in Scotland last summer.
Oh, my, I love that place!!!!!

Ms Bookworm said...

Could it be Mcgreevey?

paula eagleholic said...

Afternoon, all!

Had to run out for awhile this morning....back and making the tater salad.

paula eagleholic said...

Glad to hear Hidey and parents were in...

Andrea and Lolly - wouldn't that be something!!

I'm sure Steve will put the podcast on the NCTC cam page.

Mema Jo said...

OK eaglet at least is now flexing his wings and doing a balancing act toward the post.

Mema Jo said...

I always am looking for a Poop Shoot
(lighten the load) before 1st flight!
I haven't seen one yet. lol
I could be proven scientifically incorrect you know!

Lolly said...

Well, we asked Jacob if it was McGreevey and he adamantly said "No, it's Miss." LOL Four year olds! I do know that his Gavin just turned 4 recently. He is a cutie and a little guy, while Jacob is tall.

paula eagleholic said...

After I moved into my house here in Emmitsburg, I put my youngest Michael (then 4) in a daycare center closer here to home. He had a best little friend named Adrian. All he would talk about for months was Adrian. Well one day, I took him down to the small park in our neighborhood. There was another little girl there...all of a sudden I heard "Adrian!!!"..."Michael!!!"

Turns out they lived right behind us! They remained close friends all thru elementary, middle and high school, and they are still friends today!

Mema Jo said...

You 2 grammies need to solve the Jacob/Gavin mystery! Not to many more clues to go on. I am very interested in hearing the outcome. This could be the best coincidence we've had on the blog!

paula eagleholic said...

OK, back to the tater salad...then have to do the shrimp, too.

Mema Jo said...

Paula - that story is a keeper!

Lolly said...

Wouldn't it be something! I am hopeing it is...but who knows! Andrea, find out what day care. Denton is not a huge town and First Baptist has one of the best little private schools. We have been very pleased with them.

Lolly said...

Yes, Paula...loved the story of Michael and his friend.

Mema Jo said...

O eaglet getting a little active. Hovering from one side of nest to the other. I thought he was going up to the top bar - but not yet.

paula eagleholic said...

Now I have to watch that OK eaglet...

Waitin for the shrimp to thaw some more...

Ms Bookworm said...

Wow, Paula, that's quite a story, all right! Lolly, I'm waiting for a call back from my daughter in Aubrey, so I can get Gavin's mom's cell number. We'll solve this yet!

paula eagleholic said...

It was so funny...I kept saying, I have to find out from the daycare center who this little Adrian girl is so we can get the two together to play...

paula eagleholic said...

Sure looks nice in OK today...much better weather than when you and Jack were there, Lolly.

The Colorado trip sounds great!

And have fun with your boys!

paula eagleholic said...

That OK nest is looking a little flat!

paula eagleholic said...

Gonna go do a couple of things in the yard...bbialw

Lolly said...

Going to solve this mystery!! LOL

Yes, but you know, I much prefer cold and windy to HOT and that is what it is now. Presently 95 here and yukky. That is why I am on the computer. Do NOT want to go outside. Sad, huh? OK, is probably very close to this temo.

Lolly said...

It may not be the same Gavin, but just in case I posted two new pics under Family Pics. Second picture is of Jacob and his best friend Gavin.

Mema Jo said...

One of the LW eaglets is exercising his wings!
Wild Watch Cam Osprey chick's are visible.

Mema Jo said...

I forget about watching the nesting Flamingos at the DC Zoo. They incubate for 30 days - trouble is that I don't know the dates the eggs were laid.

paula eagleholic said...

OK eaglet hasn't really moved since I left. Got the yard stuff done and the shrimp halfway prepared. Breaktime!

Mema Jo said...

Getting ready to leave for a few...
Mass & then dinner....


paula eagleholic said...

NOrma was asking about Azalea at NBG...actually, she fledged early this morning...6ish!!

paula eagleholic said...

Ok eaglet been doing wingersizes on and off...probably won't fledge today...they always seem to go in the morning!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Good afternoon eagle buds!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Hope all is well with everybody.

magpie said...

Good Beautiful Saturday afternoon to all....

Haven't gotten my Hidey fix today, maybe in the morning.

Can't tell about Finney Land...thought I saw three heads, but could only see Two move, so, maybe, one is still hatching. Just a guess! Suzanne is the one who keeps us updated the best on that one ! And Jim and Norma are good Deputies ! It's kind of dark there now, so maybe, at first light a little third chicklet will appear ☺

Got my Megan Plants from last week planted and watered ☺

Snapdragons are beautiful in bloom, like velvet, Deep red, pink, and a ivory white, with more to open soon ☺

Time to get ready for work. Sounds like everyone is doing Okay today....Hello to all...earlier, now, and later ☺

Prayers for Wellness, Comfort and Peace.

See you friends on Sunday xoxo ☺ ♥

paula eagleholic said...

OK eaglet up on the crossbar

paula eagleholic said...

Howdy Sharon...

Sorry I missed you Margy, have a quiet night at work! I love snapdragons too...planted some in my front beds this year...yellow, pink and red.

paula eagleholic said...

Here's the latest post from Reese about all three eaglets:

As of 10:30am today June 13, all three of the NBG eaglets are accounted for. HK and HE are in the nest tree and HH (Azalea) who took her first flight at 6:51am this morning, is sitting almost in the very top of a tall Loblolly Pine about 100 feet from last years nest tree and right along the path beside the exclosure area. Duane Noblick located her with the assistance of a bluejay.

Because she was so well hidden we could not tell if it was HE or HH until I got my scope and we could see the antenna of the satellite transmitter. Due to a heavy rain storm about 11:15 we all left the eagles to fend for themselves.

As of 2:30 Azalea has not returned to the nest. She is still recovering from her first flight.

paula eagleholic said...

Took me 3 refreshes, but our nest is up...hmmm...back down....little birdie on the right...

paula eagleholic said...

Sounds quiet at the nest.

Hope Mits is having a G&T with her sisters!

It's after 5...gonna go get some sun on the deck and little glass of vino....bbl

hedgie said...

Good almost evening, momsters and dadsters.
I will flip out if it turns out that Andreas' Gavin is Lollys' Jacobs' best little bud! How cool would that be?
Got my flowering plants....hope they live! Got two things called Penta--pretty purplish blooms; a New Guinea Impatiens---red, and two Rust Coleas.

Tammy said...

Good Evening All...

That nest sure does look lonely! This is my first time going through the whole process with an eaglet, what can we expect to happen over the next month or two?

Will the parents eventually leave the nest for an extended period of time? If so, does anyone know where they usually go?

hedgie said...

Hi, Tammy. The eagles will all hang out in the general area. Once Hidey is fully self-sufficient, (s)he will eventually leave the area. Lib and Belle will stay around, but not spend time in the nest. COme late fall/early winter they will start doing nestorations, start having hanky panky and Belle will lay her eggs late Jan/early Feb. And the cycle begins again. When Hidey reaches breeding maturity, (s)he will most likely return to the region--I think they say within 100 miles. Correct me if I give any wrong info, Paula!

hedgie said...

Hope Mits isn't getting the bad storm that is hitting the eastern shore.

hedgie said...

Juvie in the nest!

hedgie said...

Is Hidey old enough to be classified a juvie yet???? LOL!

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, gang,
I'm back for a second to let you know I sent a message to Gavin's mom on Facebook, to see if he's Jacob's friend. My daughter says that Gavin goes to a church preschool, so it's possible! Whoa, WILL I freak out if it's true, and my grand-nephew is Jacob's best buddy! This waiting is killing me!
Say, mighty good to see Hidey again! Looks like dinner has been served in the main dining room!

Ms Bookworm said...

...Can't see because of the smudge-- do we know what's on the menu?

paula eagleholic said...

Cool! Eaglet in the nest!

Costume Lady said...

Andrea, I think we are all awaiting the news of relationship of your Gavin and Jocob's friend Gavin!
Lynn...Hidey is classified as a JUVIE-nile Delinquent;) LOL

Mema Jo said...

Mason's update

I've returned to my nest! Took a couple tries to get the live feed up.

Hidey had plopped right down in the middle of the nest. Now Hidey in almost under the smudge!

paula eagleholic said...

Hidey still in the nest at 3ish...

couple of raindrops here...enough to get everything wet!

Mema Jo said...

I notice on the Cam Page that all the writing off to the right isn't there.
If you click in the area though it still brings up a new window with 'Tripjumper'. The states used to be listed on the right. Below the cam window if you click you still get the USFW videos page to come up in a different window.

paula eagleholic said...

Hedgie - you summarized it perfectly!

I think I would tend to classify Hidey as a juvie when he leaves the nest....he is probably already a juvie, though I think we all still refer to him as a fledgling.

paula eagleholic said...

Exactly, Jo!

And our nest info in under the FWS links.

paula eagleholic said...

Hidey picking at nestovers....

Gotta go feed my starving dogs...

Mema Jo said...

Bear at the Snowman site!

Mema Jo said...

Just saw the OK Eaglet up on the top bar and he did a poop shoot! Hope he doesn't take off just yet. I'd love to see him get back down in the nest.

Mema Jo said...

Hidey is playing with sticks from the 4:00 edge of the nest and pulling them into the center of the nest.

Mema Jo said...

Poof went Hidey

Mits said...

hello....went to church and dinner tonight....spent time on the beach today, then it got hazy, they are having the 2nd annual air show down here this weekend, have been watching all the different planes including the USAF Thunderbirds, very exciting....take care and good night

Mema Jo said...

Hi Mits! Glad you are all enjoying yourselves! Entertainment sounds great!

Mema Jo said...

Still trying to watch the OK eaglet who is still up on the top bar.


stronghunter said...

Hi Jo, I am watching the OK eaglet, too. All that water. Not much room for mistakes.

Mema Jo said...

Well I was off doing something else and when I came back the OK eaglet was down in the nest! I missed his 'Jump down'.

The bear is still at the Snowman site.
The sport's jerseys have been taken off Ms Goose & Mr Snowman. Maybe something patriotic will be next?????


stronghunter said...

Jo, I was watching the OK site when I lost it. Now, all I get is blackness and that circle thing going around.

stronghunter said...

Just got it back. I see the eaglet in the nest.

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, everyone,
Just checking back real quick to see how things are at the nest. I've been doing typing drills for quite a while now, and am going to quit until tomorrow-- I can tell I'm tired because I'm getting kinda dislexic. Enough, already!

Haven't heard from Gavin's mom yet. Her last entry on Facebook said she was going to Stephenville to visit family, so I may not hear from her until tomorrow. MTBR....

I'll probably check back in later tonight. Hope you are all having a nice, relaxing Saturday evening!

stronghunter said...

Hello Andrea,

Hope you have a nice evening, too.


Costume Lady said...

WHAT? The Snowman and Mrs. Goose are streaking?!;)

Mema Jo said...

Wanda - Yes they are stark naked in their b-day suits!

Shirley-how many more school days for you since graduation was this am?

Andrea - time to rest the eyes and fingers!

paula eagleholic said...

Oh no, naked Snowman!

Mema Jo said...


stronghunter said...

Jo, Last day for students is June 16. Last day for teachers is June 17.
Since all of my students have graduated, they will not come back, so I will be working on cleaning up and putting together ideas for next year. I already have my schedule, so there are things to work on. Much more relaxing now. It was a bit stressful the last few days with the seniors.

stronghunter said...

George just came and got in my lap. He's not usually a lap kitty. Guess he reslly wants attention.

stronghunter said...

The OK eaglet is sitting in the nest and adult is on the bar. It is getting dark there.

stronghunter said...

Maybe George wants to see the naked snowman.

Mema Jo said...

Well now, I need to go to the back door and let Marvin in the house. He stays on the deck most of the day. Forgot to tell you that his bestest friend is Scar (older tiger striped male) who is out there with him!

stronghunter said...

George sends greetings to Marvin and Scar.

Mema Jo said...

lol Alright - the Queen Feline of my house is Tigress! She must be at least going on 25 yrs old. Still has the prettiest face but is slowing down a bit. She holds her own ground with these 2 boys - she is the boss!

Mema Jo said...

Paula - are the shrimp finished?

Costume Lady said...

Speaking of CATS...I have posted a really sweet video of a dog caring for kittens and other animals caring for a different species. It is on Wild and Wonderful. Enjoy:)

paula eagleholic said...

Yes, Jo, the shrimp are wrapped in bacon (secured with a toothpick), and they are ready to be grilled on the BBQ...after 15 minutes or so, you slather them w/ BBQ sauce and grill for another 5 minutes...Yummy!

stronghunter said...

George is an only cat. I inherited him from my daughter because he did not get along with her male kitty. I did have a little female who got along fine with George, but he can be a bully.

Costume Lady said...

The racoons don't seem to be offended by the nakedness of those two exhibitionists;)

paula eagleholic said...

BBIALW - have to type up the potato salad recipe for my bro's...

stronghunter said...

Sounds delicious, Paula.

Susan in Central Va said...

HI All,
We just had another Lulu of a storm..seems to be the regular evening 'thing' nowadays.

I think I'm having a slight after-school-is-over meltdown. After rushing up to WVa to see Rick Sun-Wed I seem to have fallen apart the end of this week and do nothign but watch birds on my laptop and eat!

By the way, haven't been watching the nitetime view much for a couple of years...why is the bowl of the nest so bright?

I always dread this tiem of year..I feel like I'm getting empty nest syndrome all over again (25-yr-old son moved 2 hours away last year). And then I have to wean myself off the PA peregrines as they'll be winging away before long.They always leave me (sniff).

Sad Susan, who wants an eagle in the nest

PS Winston has been sitting in my lap all evening..definitely a "cat" nite!

stronghunter said...

First time I have seen two adults at the Finland land nest.

Costume Lady said...

How do you do your shrimp, Paula...skewers, layed on foil or what? Never tried them with BBQ sauce.

Mema Jo said...

Shrimp sound soooooo good!

Thanks Wanda I will go watch it now!

Then I am going to get some things tidied up around here (Mainly me)


Lolly said...

Hi All! Did not mean to leave without saying "bye", but Laurel and the boys arrived and that was it! LOL We had a great time. Laurel left after dinner and now the boys are bathed and in bed.
After she left Jack and I went out to water pots. We ended up watering boys. Now I have a load of clothes washing, They had fun and of course, I got a little wet as well. Tomorrow we are going to just hang out until Michael and Zach come.

stronghunter said...

Have to say good night. It has been a long day.

Costume Lady said...

Lolly, I looked at the photos of Jacob and Grandmommy/ Jacob and Gavin. I tried to leave a comment but it wouldn't allow me:(
Jacob looks sooo happy to have his Grandmommy with him at school AND Grandmommy looks beautiful!

Lolly said...

Shirley, I was going to tell you what our school district does. The graduating class has their group of HS teachers that are their sponsors and they don caps and gowns and sit with the seniors. But, all teachers from K thru 12 are invited to don caps and gowns and march as well. These teachers sit in a huge circle around the gym. (Graduation is held in the coliseum at TCU.) Many times I participated. It is exciting and you get the best seat in the house. Not many teachers do it, but I have always enjoyed it.

Lolly said...

Oh, Wanda! You are so sweet. Thank you. Oh, I love to go to their school things. I am sorry Laurel could not go, but Oh, I love to fill in for her.

Susan in Central Va said...

Our entire faculty is required (on pain of death) to march at graduation in cap and gown. We have it in the Liberty University Vine Center (arena). I have to admit I feel a bit of a thrill each time, but I can be a wee tad sappy after raising the young'uns. I often have them in 9th and then again in Jr or Sr year (Spanish 1, 3,4)
This year instead of the usual beach balls bouncing about, they bounced up an inflated know, the 5-foot variety.The school board nearly had a hissy fit on stage.

Where oh where is Hidey tonight??

Costume Lady said...

I am just now remembering the first time that I went to Dustin's Nursery School for a play. He was so excited to have me there, because his Momma went there everyday. The first thing he wanted to show me was the had a kid-sized commode and he thought that was wonderful because he could get on it without help:)

Costume Lady said...

Oh, Susan, that is so funny! My Grandson just graduated from Shenandoah University and I saw the beach ball being tossed about...had no idea what was going on. I am so behind the times:(

paula eagleholic said...

Wanda - peel the raw shrimp. Wrap 1/2 slice of bacon around shrimp and secure with toothpick. Place directly on the prepared for flareups from the dripping bacon grease...and you have to turn them every 5 mins or so....after 15 min or so, put on BBQ sauce, grill 5 mins, turn again, more BBQ sauce, another couple of mins, and they are ready!

paula eagleholic said...

Susan, at least this year there are a couple more cams with eaglets...lake washington, hornby, delta, saanich, maine 2, that haven't fledged yet and may be awhile.

PS - You're hooked!!!

Susan in Central Va said...

They've been doing the beach balls for about ten is part of the ritual..they pound them up and keep them going , even evading the Asst Principal as he tries in vain to retrieve's a hoot. Like the last rite of rebellion....

paula eagleholic said...

Well, I have finally viewed the naked snowman and goose with my own eyes :o

paula eagleholic said...

LOL Susan, I remember my oldest son's graduation...they said hold applause, no yelling out, etc. My ex yelled when my son crossed the stage...."That's my boy!"

I had to smile!!

Susan in Central Va said...

I'm afraid I've been hooked for a long time...started watching this and Harrisburg and Norfolk and one up in Maine...lost the url to that one...lovely nest with a lake in the background.I have a huge screen and projector ar achool to do it justice. But when I went back to dialup I stopped watching so much at home and mostly until school stopped on the T1 line at the school. Just too bloomin' slow here.

I'll never forget how distressed my students were when the eggs died in '07? Really affected them....had to divert them to another nest.

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2/20/25 PM bird

1203 PM NN Scout comes to the nest with a load of bedding again. He seemed to leave with something in his talons. He has a beak full of bedd...