Wednesday, June 17, 2009


Rainy day thread.


GA-GIRL said...


Mits said...

thanks GG and Steve:)

Lolly said...

Wrote the following on the other blog, then saw there was a new thread.☺

Andrea, saw the report on your Gavin. Shucks!! That would have been fun. Oh well!

As for our boys getting together...that would have to be up to my daughter. She lives in north Denton, just north of the loop. She teaches in Corinth, but it is the Denton ISD. She lives very close to the water park. It is co-owned by Denton ISD and the city of Denton. If your niece goes to the water park, possibly they could meet there and let the boys play.

deb said...

I got a late start to lunch today and have caught up on blog and e-mail. Now I have just been relaxing. It is warm and humid out, calling for storms again tonight, but I am hoping they don't come here!

Lolly said...

You all should see these boys....LOL. They have new sun glasses and are walking around thinking they are soooo cooool!!

They are also sporting new hair cuts. Joseph has new hiking boots for Colorado, and Jacob has new tennis shoes, which, by the way are very fast! He also has new pirate flip flops, and frog rubber boots. I mean this is one well shod 4 year old. LOL

deb said...

They sound like the are pretty well outfitted, Lolly, and ready to go!

Time for me to head back to work.

GA-GIRL said...

OH LORDY.. talking about haircuts. My daughter sent me a picture of Ethan.. the 6 year old that spent the week end with me last weekend..he is sporting a mohawk.!!. he has red hair so I told him that he is going to look like one of their roosters

magpie said...

I hear the red-bellied woodpecker at NCTC - hope he calls in Hidey.

Good Afternoon Everyone....this has been a nice steady soaking rain in these parts today. I am like Mema Jo...bring it on for the potted Megan Flowers that I have ☺

Hope that everyone that needs rain gets just enough, and that those that have had enough don't get any more for a little while.

GA-GIRL said...

UH.. where did everyone go?? hellooo.. there is an echo in here..

GA-GIRL said...

I need rain.. cough cough.. I'm getting dry here.. cough cough.. please send unwanted rain.. hack hack...

no rainy night in GA.. sorry

magpie said...

I just took a phone call, and was told that a friend of mine - has just died from cancer...this family has had many deaths in the last several year. They are fire department folks. I would appreciate your prayers for strength and comfort for the family.
Thank you.

GA-GIRL said...

I'm sorry magpie. My thoughts are with everyone. There is no right time for those kind of calls.

jmp said...

Hello everyone,

Magpie, my thoughts and prayers are with you and your friend's family.


Mits said...

sorry for your loss, Margy

magpie said...

Thank you, friends, now and in advance. Man in his
young 40's - we used to run ambulance and fire calls together.
He leaves behind one sister, one brother, one adolescent son, and some nieces and nephews.
His illness and pain is over.

magpie said...

There is our kid calling.

magpie said...

He's not in sight. Did anyone else see him today? Except the very brief appearance this morning?

ceil said...

Afternoon all. Margy sorry to hear about your friend. Prayers for his family. As you said at least his suffering is over.

magpie said...

OK - one parent and one child ☺

floralgirl said...

Adult just flew in. And then Hidey

magpie said...

and now one child...

ceil said...

Hidey just landed. Lib or Belle came in with food. Hidey yelled from above and dropped in on Lib or Belle.

ceil said...

I don't think Hidey liked his fish. He started yelling but I guess he said I'll eat it.

stronghunter said...

Hello--I guess you might say Hidey wanted that fish.

stronghunter said...

Good evening, Ceil, Magpie, Floralgirl.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Well, I didn't know there was a new thread. Good afternoon everyone. Haven't read this thread yet but Hidey just dropped right down out of the sky for that fish. And you know, our parents sure are good at catching fish even in the rain. Amazes me. Seems like the water would get too muddy to see the fish.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Margy, so sorry about your friend. CANCER SUCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ms Bookworm said...

Oh, Margy, I'm SO sorry to hear about your friend! My heart goes out to you, and to his family! You'll all be in my prayers. GA-GIRL is right-- there is no good time for that kind of phone call.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Well, I don't think I have ever seen Hidey take off from the 9-10 o'clock position. That was cool. Looks pretty nasty at the sycamore tree.

Mema Jo said...


Up to play on the cam

lol I had been watching and was thinking that Hidey was smacking his/her beak while eating....
I guess it is really the rain drops!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Parent checking to see if there are any nestovers. Can hear Hidey still though.

stronghunter said...

I don't think there were any nestovers.

floralgirl said...

Sorry to hear about your friend, Margy.
I don;t think Hidey left any leftovers.

ceil said...

Jo glad to hear your doctor visit went well.

Mema Jo said...

Margy, all of you that feel the loss of your friend will be remembered in my prayers.

Ms Bookworm said...

Ahh-- there was a quick look at Lib, too! I guess I showed up at the right time. Really good to see both Hidey and him. What is Hidey trying to do with the camera?! Sounds like a tap dance. Looks like a really steady rain going on. Hope the feathered family can stay somewhat dry tonight! Guess Hidey made short work of that fish-- I think Hidey is a teenage boy!
Reminds me so much of both of my nephews!

Tammy said...

Greetings All..

Magpie, sorry for the loss of your friend. I'll certainly keep all of you in my prayers today.

So Hidey is off exploring today. I thought I heard her/him a few minutes ago but I am unsure.

I want to thank you wonderful people for all the links you have given to the different wildlife webcams. I am enjoying them so very much and so are my family members. My daughter who monitors Hidey on her work computer was meeting with the company boss when Hidey decided to be vocal. Evidently Hidey startled the boss. It was a few minutes after the boss left her office that he called and asked Rachel to send to him the link to watch Hidey. Now the whole office is on board. I've been sending them the links to the different webcams that you post here and they love them.


Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Tammy that is so good. For the first couple of years, my family thought I had lost all my marbles. Now Sissy has more cams up than me! :)

Ms Bookworm said...

Sharon, you are SOOOO right! Cancer just sucks big time. What a horrible disease! :o{

Ms Bookworm said...

Oops-- gotta go check my chicken to see how it's doing. Sure smells good! Back in a sec....

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I have a little chickadee that keeps coming to my suet feeder who hangs by 1 leg, keeps the other one up close to its body. I guess it is hurt! :(

Lolly said...

Disappeared was slip and slide time. Now we are back in and about time to think about starting dinner.

Margy, so sorry to hear about your friend. Way too young. A great loss, but thankfully no more suffering.

GA girl, sorry to hear you are drying out. It has been so good for Georgia to get rain this spring. Hopefully you will get more soon. We have had some nice rain, but not enough. Could use a good soaking just before we leave next Monday, but it is not in the forecast.

magpie said...

So glad to see our Eagles today before heading out to work.

Jo, Norma, good to hear of your good doctor's reports ! Keep up the Good Work !

Thanks everyone, for your prayers and concern....

Hope the Evening is Good for All...

Off to work. See you Thursday. ☺


movin said...

Hi, people. I think I might hear Hidey calling and banging on the camera again.

I don't know if you've covered this, but I was looking at the Hummingbird site, and under the slide show (why that instead of the live feed?) there is a note about the last chick, which they named "Jewel." She is recovering in a Hummingbird rescue place, but it didn't say why, so, of course I wondered about that for a while....

Later I scrolled down quite a way to just above the flags of the nations viewing the site and I found a video clip of the little Hummer being rescued.

Why don't you read the note and look at the clip of her/him...



paula eagleholic said...

Evening, all.

Tammy, that cracked me up when the boss wanted the link to the eagles nest...all it takes is one cool peep like that...

Margy, so sorry about your friend.

Lolly, sounds like you are having a great time with the boys.

Bill said...

What happened Paula,did you get caught Eagling at work?

Bill said...

Hidey just got supper

ceil said...

Well Lib or Belle just brought in another fish and Hidey landed stole it and pushed the adult out of the nest

Bill said...

When will s/he be catching its own dinner?

Bill said...

We have tornado warnings here till 10

Bill said...

Well, had to eat and run,sounds like s/he is still there somewear close

ceil said...

Bill, where are you located?

Bill said...

I'm in Elkins

Bill said...

Has anyone else looked at tracking map on the eaglet at Norfolk?

ceil said...

In answer to your question Hidey will be getting his or her own food soon. It will be mammals at first. Being just one to me it seems that Lib and Belle are taking longer to let loose. If I am wrong someone will correct me.

ceil said...

Not yet Bill. I didn't think it was being used yet because the eaglet is still close to the nest.

Bill said...

Nothing like a good mouse meal

Bill said...

I looked at it last night,looked like HE I believe it was,had been all over Botanical Gardens

Bill said...

Gotta run for now,have a meeting to make in 1/2 hr

ceil said...

Bill there is a nice picture of one of the Norfolk eaglets now and I read about Azalea coming back into the nest and knocking her sister out. They are so awkward at first just like humans. I have to go BBL

Bill said...

Check out the pic of HK loking right in the cam

stronghunter said...

Magpie, so sorry to read about the death of your friend. I am sure you are a comfort to them at this time.

Mema Jo said...

Good Evening! Sorry I missed you Bill and GA Girl......

How cool is this?
Check out OK Cam
Right click and get a full screen

Adult & eaglet up at the tree!

Mema Jo said...

Big Poop Shoot at Lake Washington

Lolly said...

We just finished dinner. Boys will bathe, put on PJs and we will head to their home. You will love this. Just before dinner, Jacob crawled into my lap, we were having a fantastic cuddle session, he fell asleep and then I did. Jack woke me up so I could finish preparing dinner. I don't want to give them back to their parents. Think I will throw whiny fit!! LOL

Anyway, I will say good night now. We will be leaving shortly and it will be late when we get back.

Nite all! Sweet dreams!

Costume Lady said...

Hello everyone...
We are back home from the hospital and Capt. Eagle is doing just fine. He has 3 stitches in his butt, but is feeling no pain at this time. The GOOD STUFF hasn't worn off yet;)
It is 64° right now and the rain has stopped. It has been a wonderful garden rain. I know my plants are happy and Megan can stop dancing now;)

deb said...

OMG!!!n I just dealt with the meanest person in the world on the phone. I tried to help him and he told me I couldn't ask one question. Then I told him I would do what I could and he told me I couldn't talk anymore, so I didn't. That didn't work obviously. My poor supervisor came to help, same thing with her. He yelled, cussed, you name it. Hung up on her 4 times. What a way to end the day.

I told my supervisor that I wasn't glad she had to deal with him, but was happy to see it wasn't me who couldn't deal with him. There were about 20 notes on his account, almost all of them referred to his rudeness. He has been banned from calling Billing, only his wife is allowed to call.

Sorry, I really needed to vent!

deb said...

Thanks, I feel much better! :)

Have to feed the dogs and turn on the weather. BBL

Lolly said...

Wanda, what happened?

Lolly said...

Deb, welcome to the world and dealing with the public. As a teacher I found out there are all kinds of rude people!

Mits said...

never underestimate the rudeness of people Deb....

deb said...

I dealt with a lot of rude people at Target, but he takes the #1 spot.

I had a funny situtation at Target one year. A man came in and he had been drinking--it was quite obvious he had had too much. He came in to return a TV and he couldn't understand why we wouldn't give him his money back. I patiently explained that we would have to get the TV to give him his money. He thought that was so strange that we needed the TV. It took me a bit to convince him that we couldn't give him money for a TV he didn't have, especially with out a receipt!

ceil said...

Wanda what happened to Capt. Gene?

Costume Lady said...

The Capt. had a "tag" removed last week (burned off) and it became infected. Had to have it surgically removed today. It is at the very end of his tailbone. He is now the "Butt" of many jokes to come;) Tee Hee

Costume Lady said...

That fellow should be banned from using the phone for 1 year, Deb!

ceil said...

I thought that and you had to be the first. Tell him I said hope his butt gets better. LOL

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Poor Captain Gene. I bet he is being a real pain in the butt too! :)

ceil said...

Sharon not our Capt. but wait until the good stuff wears off.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Oh, Deb, that is when you want to reach through the phone and strangle them. I worked at a telemarketing company (I know your job is different Deb) for 2 weeks one time and I quit. I couldn't handle all the nastiness on the other end. Glad I did because that is when I decided to go back to school to do what I am doing now.

paula eagleholic said...

Hidey peeping near the cam!

Evening, all!

paula eagleholic said...

What a nice design Hidey has made for us...

paula eagleholic said...

Wanda - sorry to hear about the Capt's butt!!

Jo - glad things are healing!

Deb...I have had to deal with some nasty customers...and employees too. Anyone who cusses at me...I tell them I will not listen to any profanity, and I hang up on them.

Mema Jo said...

Rude customers - The rule is NOT to take it personally. The rudeness is
their problem! Some people though can knock you off your chair - Paula's approach is good medicine for them but a call for the supervisor is what you mostly need to do in your position.
You can always vent to us, Deb!

Costume Lady said...

Sharon, I got an email from Chrissy and she said to thank you for asking me to send the video of Lolly getting fed dessert. I'll copy what she had to say.

Mema Jo said...

Germany Gang not here yet. Hopefully Thur & if not then on Friday

Costume Lady said...

Hi Wanda pet,,,,

So sorry it's taken me so long in replying to you pet,,,, everytime I pull up your video to watch,,, all I get is a black square,, but now I've got it sussed out pet,, I've clicked on the "Threegkids",,, and Eureka,, I get all your videos to watch not just the Lolly one with cream all over her face,,,,,,

I've just finished watching all of them pet,,,, every single one,,,,,,,, give darling Sharon a big hugs from me please for thinking of me,, and thank you for taking then,,,,

I've loved them all,, it's so wonderful to hear all your voices and listen to your fabulous lilting accents,, isn't it strange,, though we talk and become friends, we have no idea how each of us sounds or looks,, now I have the advantage,, and I'm content,,, it makes you all feel even closer to me pet,, just a brilliant feeling,, THANK YOU,,,,,,,

One day when I find my stray brain cell pet,, I'll catch up with modern technology and learn how to use this computer properly [ yeah right ] who am I kidding !!!!

Right my friend,, in-between watching my Ospreys in Scotland,, I think I better go and rescue my washing out on the line in the garden,, it's raining like mad here and the winds getting up too,, so if I don't want to collect the washing from the next county,, I think I'm going to get very wet now,,,,,,
Oh well,, not had a bath this year,, so it's long overdue,,, [ laughing ],,,,

Take care pet
speak soon
love and hugs

Costume Lady said...

Never thought about the videos having the voices for those who haven't met us to be able to connect with us. Glad she was able to view them:)

Costume Lady said...

For those of you who don't know Chrissy, she is from England.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Very good Wanda. Now if she could post a video for us to watch!

Mema Jo said...

Over the Pond........ we say.

Mema Jo said...

Wanda you are quite the caregiver!
Take care of the Capt - we need him to
be in the Driver's Seat comfortably!

Mema Jo said...

I hope it isn't a 'still' pic on the OK cam... Adult & eaglet haven't move a feather!

deb said...

I was only upset when he wouldn't deal with me. Once we started reading the notes from other calls and then I listened to how he spoke to Stacy, I knew it was him, not me. I learned from Target to let it go and venting is usually the way to get rid of the ugly!

Paula, at Target we all just told the swearers that Target was a family store and they had to use language appropriate for children. It almost always worked. When it didn't we showed them the door!

Mema Jo said...

Checking out Hancock cams
Sidney's 3
Delta's 1 (Youngest)
Hornby's 1

All look to be doing well....
No adults on any of the cams right now.

Mema Jo said...

The Decorah eagles the way the cam is aimed are HUGE!

deb said...

Poor Capt. Gene, does he have a doughnut to sit on??

Costume Lady said...

Jo, I am giving him the very best of care...I want to be chauffered by a "comfortable" driver too. I drove him home from the hospital and didn't like it very much. He is a backseat driver!:)

Mema Jo said...

Two Harbors & West End nests have their
eaglets in the nest! No adults

Mema Jo said...

AND the bear is at the Snowman cam

He sure is a regular!

Not checking anymore cams........

Costume Lady said...

No, Deb...the boo boo is up too high for a donut to help. He says he doesn't hurt. He'll probably start feeling some discomfort around bedtime. Dr. said some motrin would take care of the pain.
He is just so glad to have the darn thing removed. He's been on stron antibotics all week and could not take any pain pills due to having the surgery. This is his first:)

Costume Lady said...

I think the bear needs some clothes too. LOL

paula eagleholic said...

So we have a bare bear?

paula eagleholic said...

BTW - one of the TH eaglets took off yesterday afternoon...think the wind caught her...up up up she went...returned a couple of hours later. Don't know if she took any flights today.

Mits said...

ouch, sorry about Gene's butt boo-boo, hope it heals fast

Mits said...

good night everyone...

deb said...

Night, Helen, Bear and a coon at Snowman cam. Well they were both there a second ago.

floralgirl said...

What a nekked bear?? guess it is not Pooh bear.
I had to drive hubby around yesterday- he is a passenger seat driver- I told him it was very annoying. I should've made him sit in the back.

deb said...

Not fun to have a passenger seat driver, is it? I try my best to not be one, because I know how I don't like it. I think I succeed most of the time.

I hear lots of thunder, brb.

deb said...

No warnings, but it is sure dark out.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

OMG - butt boo-boo! That is so funny!

floralgirl said...

Big batch of heavy rain headed at us now.
Do they make a band aid for butt boo boos?

deb said...

We just got a Severe Thunderstorm Warning, but it isn't anything like last night yet. The lightening is pretty, kind of pink when it lights up the sky.

Costume Lady said...

LOL, Megan...they do make "Butt" bandages. I'm not sure what they look like, but Gene was sent home with a bag full of supplies. One of them said "drain sponge", and I just about had a fit. I said "you didn't tell me you had a drain...he said he didn't think he did and had to look to make sure;) I didn't want a "Drano" to take care of. No Drain. LOL

Costume Lady said...

Deb, where do you go when there is a Tornado warning? Do you have a basement?

Costume Lady said...

Having some pretty loud, rumbling thunder here right now. No rain at the moment. 63°

deb said...

I do have a basement, but have only gone down once since I lived here. That time the tornado actually hit about 2 blocks away. Luckily, it was small and didn't do much damage. Only it's tail hit and then back up it went. That storm did a lot of tree damage though. Took a couple of weeks to haul all the branches and limbs away. All we had to do was put them on the curb and the city came and picked them up.

deb said...

I am fascinated with storms and like to watch!

movin said...

Catalina Report

Steffi has posted her new Catalina observations for this week. Very interesting pics, videos, and info this week.



floralgirl said...

Thundering here now, too, and it's about to start pouring.

Costume Lady said...

I am like Helen, I love to watch a storm over the ocean. Something so very exciting about that. (Not a Hurricane!)

Costume Lady said...

Thanks JIM...what a beautiful shot of the eaglet with the ocean in the background.

deb said...

I like to watch them come over the prairie, you can see them so far away. The closer they get the taller the clouds seem. I haven't ever seen a storm over the ocean, other than rain maybe.

Mema Jo said...

I got caught up playing my card game on this pc. No signs of a storm on this side of the mountain yet.

I really think that the OK cam Tree view is frozen! Just by looking at the time on it.

deb said...

Steffi does post great updates. I look forward to seeing them every week.

Mema Jo said...

Talk about a landing by an adult with a very large fish in talon..
Lake Washington just had one!
Almost landed on the kids! Both adults are there chowing down I guess the kids are next.

movin said...

I remember many people talking about "storm cellars" in the area of Minn. we are from. They were very effective, but nowdays even if people have a basement, I don't believe they have them set up for the storm or tornado purpose.

It's a shame with all the damage we hear about every year from tornadoes. I think as many as possible should build them with storms in mind, and in trailer park/apartment complex situations, you could build communal cellars to protect against storms.



Costume Lady said...

Did we ever find out if Lisa visited our nest while she was at NCTC?

Mema Jo said...

I am glad (relieved) to know you have a basement if you need to use it for protection, Deb.

Costume Lady said...

JIM, you should be in charge of Tornado safty and make sure everyone in unsafe homes or mobile homes have a place to go. I would vote for you:)

Mema Jo said...

No Wanda we never heard. I don't know what class Lisa was taking at NCTC either. She did post on the eagle cam page about Bob Quinn's photo winnings

Mema Jo said...

Lynn is having a good old family get together I bet!

deb said...

Pick a place in the home where family members can gather if a tornado is headed your way. One basic rule is AVOID WINDOWS. An exploding window can injure or kill.

The safest place in the home is the interior part of a basement. If there is no basement, go to an inside room, without windows, on the lowest floor. This could be a center hallway, bathroom, or closet.

For added protection, get under something sturdy such as a heavy table or workbench. If possible, cover your body with a blanket, sleeping bag, or mattress, and protect your head with anything available--even your hands. Avoid taking shelter where there are heavy objects, such as pianos or refrigerators, on the area of floor that is directly above you. They could fall though the floor if the tornado strikes your house.

Mema Jo said...

The bell has tolled! The day is done!

Good Night All
Prayers for all being said
((hugs)) ♥

Hoping to hear from Dana soon.

Costume Lady said...

Capt. Eagle is now in bed and sound asleep. He has not felt any pain yet. I thought he was going to be a wimp, maybe even a pain in the BUTT, but not so far. Tee Hee

I'm tired to. Going to crawl into bed.


deb said...

Prayers for both of you, Wanda, and also for Dana and Ed. I am off to bed to read, also. The rain is gone here, it was pretty much just a rain storm with a lot of lightening here in town.

movin said...

I'm not too excited by storms generally, but since we only occasionally have it here and it is so dramatic, I tend to like the lightening and thunder..

I'm glad you all have come through your storms of the last days. Good to hear you back on the blog talking like lively folks.



hedgie said...

Hello....not staying....thunderstorm here now....severe storm warnings for Norma's area. Long day...very exhausted. Haven't read this thread yet. Will say prayers for all those in need, congrats to all with excellent news, and I miss not spending more time with you. Hope you miss me!! Good night, dear fowl friends.

movin said...

** Good nighT **

** eVeryonE **

Keep warm and dry ... and funny.



ltl said...

just stopped by to look in on the nest. that spiderweb sure does show the wind. between that motion & the sound, i feel as if i'm up there in the middle-of-the-night storm.

Lolly said...

We are home. Laurel and Joey got home safely and the boys are tucked into their own beds. I get to sleep late in the morning, but I miss my boys!

Wanda....sorry the Capt. has his toosch problem! hee hee Poor Capt! Will he live this down?

Heading to bed!

Bill said...

I hear Hidey but NO SEE.

Bill said...

Big rain storm just moved thru here,Weather Channel site shows it moving NE.

Bill said...

Two at NBG

Bill said...

I guess me and Hidey must be the only ones up this morning!

Bill said...

Parent just dropped some takeout to WHINEY

Bill said...

I believe the smudge is finally wearing off, I can see thru it this AM

Bill said...

No sense in talking to myself,Must go to the trenches now,last day this week!!!! Ya'll have a fine day

Lori O. said...

Aw, Bill, you called Hidey Whiney.

So glad it's not raining at the nest in WV, but those poor little guys at Duke Farms are soaked again.

Costume Lady said...

I thought I might catch a glimpse of Hidey if I got on here early, but it looks like I'm not early enough. He is a REAL EARLY BIRD! Oh, I think I hear him somewhere in the tree. Maybe if I'm patientn enough, I'll see him come down for nestovers:)

Lori O. said...

Good morning Wanda -

Was catching up on the blog and though I don't think I got the whole story on Gene's tush, I hope he feels better soon. :)

You getting rain there this morning? Still pouring here.

Costume Lady said...

No rain here this morning, Lori. I think we have had enough for a few days! Our garden is so muddy, you can't walk in it. Hope it drys up a little...I will want to pick beans Saturday. I'll wear boots if necessary:)
Gene had a "tag" removed from his tailbone and it became in infected, so doctor had to do some cutting to get it under control. He's not awake yet...hope he isn't a "pain in the butt" this morning;)

normabyrd said...

GOOD MORNING EAGLE BUDDIES!!---WHOA!!---Last night we had BIG--BIG BOOMERS & a down pour like you wouldn't believe!!!---I would GUESS our ELKINS friend--BILL--is a WV STATE EMPLOYEE---Tomorrow is a holiday---(WV DAY is 6/20--since it falls on Sat--we are allowed Fri off)!----I imagine our 'LITTLE IMP'--HEIDY aka MIRACLE--will probably observe both days!!---EVERY DAY IS A HOLIDAY for her!!---It's a muggy warm mornin' here in WONDERFUL WILD WV!!!---puddles of water--shaggy wet birds & drowned flowers---but we will FLOP--FLOP in the MUD PUDDLES--SQUEEZE MUD WITH OUR TOES!!---'TWIST & SHOUT TODAY!!---LIFE IS GOOD!!!

magpie said...

Good Morning Eagle People.
There were tornado warnings in the Romney area, Hampshire County, from about 11:45 to some time after midnight overnight..this is Norma's County! I checked with Romney State Police, they said they didn't think any had touched down, but there were lots of branches and things in the road, and small stream flooding all over.

So, will be Good to Hear from Our Norma this morning !

I hear birds, including an eaglet, and now a woodpecker I think.
And maybe Hidey footprints !

magpie said...

And There you Are Norma !
Whoo, you made it through the storms intact !

Lori O. said...

Ladies and Gentlemen,

NORMABYRD is awake! HO!

I love you, girl! You are such a ray of sunshine booming energy!

magpie said...

Good to hear the Captain is on the mend, Wanda

Lori O. said...

Margy - hello! How are you?

magpie said...

My footprints are taking me straight to bed.
Best Wishes for a Good Day for all.
Watch the weather....more storms on the way this afternoon.


magpie said...

How do you all feel about a a Nice, Early, New Thread ! ☺

normabyrd said...

CONGRATS!! BILL---You are our #1 EAGLE DAD--today & every day!!---MORNIN'---BILL---LORI--WANDA--& A 'SOFT CUSHION' for GENE'S 'tush'! ---some days aren't always GREAT!----LIFE WILL BE BETTER---TOMORROW!--TOMORROW! CAPT!!

2/20/25 PM bird

1203 PM NN Scout comes to the nest with a load of bedding again. He seemed to leave with something in his talons. He has a beak full of bedd...