Sunday, June 07, 2009


Afternoon thread.


deb said...

Thanks for the new thread, Steve, I'll let everyone know!

deb said...

Huge thunder and lightening going on here. I might have to shut down!

deb said...

Hidey must be close by, I can hear her.

paula eagleholic said...

Thanks, Steve!

I hear Hidey!!

paula eagleholic said...

Thanks for the call over, Deb.

paula eagleholic said...

More calling out for food...

And a couple of doggie woofs!!

And a tractor :)

hedgie said...

Hi again. Carol, good to see you back.
Loretta, if you check back in...peripheral edema is a common result of prolonged flights...elevate them HIGHER than your heart!!
Paula, thanks for explanation on the windows---I FINALLY got it!! Yippee! You are so smart!

Bibee said...

Hey, has Hidey eaten anything today? I been watching the nest for a long time and I've seen her in and out but I haven't seen her eating.

Mema Jo said...

Hello All You Afternoon Eagle Buddies! I have returned from the Big Pool area and all went well at the Waffle B-Day party! Delicious!
I have missed not seeing Hidey today.
Maybe s/he is out fishing and eating the prey of the day up in the tree!

Going over to read comments made since I left this morning.

deb said...

The storm moved on, the rain really came down during that storm.

I just found out I get one of my dad's Leica cameras! I wanted one so bad, but was afraid it wasn't going to happen. I don't know how to run it, so will have lots to learn when I get it.

GA-GIRL said...

good 'hot'afternoon all!

Mema Jo said...

That sounds special, Deb.

deb said...

It is, Jo, he loved those cameras, so I am really excited to get one.

GA-GIRL said...

if Megan comes on,or if anyone has the answer. Just wondering if there is a true climbing rose. I have a place I would like to have one grow, but so far I have not found a true one

Mema Jo said...

Megan will have a good answer for you I bet. My daughter has a beautiful yellow climbing rose that seems to be the first and the last to bloom. I'll try to find out it's official name!

paula eagleholic said...

I have heard they are a very good quality camera, Deb.

There is a guy on the CHIL forum that knows a lot about them...they also have a photography help thread.

paula eagleholic said...

Going outside for some sun!

Mema Jo said...

Hopefully Susan from Central VA has made contact with someone about entry Mon or Tues to NCTC. I am free Mon - Hope Susan can contact me.
I'll be careful not to delete any junk mail as her profile doesn't give me an email address.

Head to eat dinner


deb said...

They are a good camera, just not automatic like they are today. It will take a while to get the hang of adjusting everything again. I think I have seen some of the posts of the man from CHIL, doesn't he have a lot of cameras?

floralgirl said...

Howdy all:) had to lay down for a while after I got home and watered GH, long week, I'm exhausted.
Got to see Margy at mkt:)
There are many varieties of climbing roses, just Google climbing roses,the only roses I have growing here were planted years ago by my FIL, don't plant them anymore, they are just deer food.

hedgie said...

Jo, Paula gave Susan contact info for NCTC, so I'm sure she'll get in okay.
Wonder if Wanda heard anything from Kimm, the P.I. today? She hadn't yesterday.

hedgie said...

I've got a marinated pork loin on the grill.....anyone coming for dinner? Hurry....they only take 25 mins.!

deb said...

I wish, Lynn, but it will take me longer than that to get there!

hedgie said...

Deb, I know nothing about a Leica camera, but I am so glad that you are getting it...not only because it has special meaning for you, but also because you will master new techniques and be sharing more goodies with us!

hedgie said...

LOL, DEb! Pull out the wings button!

deb said...

They are film cameras, so it will be different from what I have gotten used to. I may have to take a class, will definitely look into the online deal Paula mentioned.

paula eagleholic said...

Jo, I sent Susan contact info for NCTC

paula eagleholic said...

Deb - yes, his name is George. Lives near Philly...Leicaeagle is his forum name, if that tells you anything! Was hoping he could join us 2 weeks ago for our Cruzer get together at Conowingo, but he couldn't make it.

deb said...

Hidey is making some noise, where ever she is!

deb said...

coming in for a landing.

deb said...

I think I heard Hidey fly out of the tree and the circle around to get into the nest.

deb said...

then, not the.

deb said...

Update on Redoubt:

The 2009 eruption of Redoubt volcano continues. Seismicity remains low, but above background levels. The extended lava dome within the crater appears unstable and could fail with little or no warning, leading to significant ash emissions and possible lahars in the Drift River valley. Clear webcam views show steaming from the summit region. No ash signals have been observed in satellite or radar imagery.

deb said...

Hidey took off, can still hear her though.

floralgirl said...

Here's Hidey! screeching

stronghunter said...

Hidey seems upset. I haven't seen her act quite like this before.

deb said...

I just saw her fly by the nest and come in for a landing. She is mantling something.

deb said...

I don't see any food, not sure what she was doing.

deb said...

How funny is she with all that whining! She reminds you of the Hornby eagles and how vocal they are.

hedgie said...

Hidey may have been loooking for nestovers when he didn't find anything fresh....something sure had his attention down there among the twigs! But looks like he's half-manteling om the edge.

paula eagleholic said...

The turtle shell is there at 9

stronghunter said...

Thought I saw a flash of something in the background. One of the adults?

Bibee said...

I have been on here most of the day and I haven't seen Hidey eating any fresh food. I haven't even seen her parents. She has to be hungry. Poor little thing!
Did you all see where that daycare in Mexico caught on fire? Last I heard 38 children had died. So sad. I heard that one little girl is burned over 80% of her body. Can't imagine hearing those babies screaming.

paula eagleholic said...

We also don't know it Hidey has eaten off the nest! That may have happened earlier today.

hedgie said...

Yes, terrible tragedy, Kat....poor innocent little ones...just heartbreaking.

paula eagleholic said...

I am in and out....grilling ribs for dinner!

Hidey still calling out...laying down at the top of the nest now.

Bibee said...

I don't want to see anyone lose their life - just think about those poor little innocent children. Breaks my heart. I just love all kids. I don't have any of my own-just 2 stepchildren in their 20's. Got a grandson that is 2 and one on the way in July. But they live in Florida. Too far away.

Something coming in for a landing, maybe food?????

paula eagleholic said...

Could hear Hidey upstairs! Must be a parent nearby!

paula eagleholic said...

Must be empty talons!!

deb said...

Parent up above Hidey, just took off. Maybe they are trying to get her to eat on tree branches now instead of the nest. Her next learning step?

paula eagleholic said...

No adult yet...

paula eagleholic said...

Peeping and jumping around the nest...round in circles!

paula eagleholic said...

And off he went...might be following a parent.

hedgie said...

Having some light sprinkles here...but now sun is back out as it sets. Hope I get to see that beautiful moon again tonight.
Is Hidey throwing a hissy-fit? Looks like it on still-cam!

paula eagleholic said...

More peeping...

stronghunter said...

Flew away. Maybe chasing after parent?

paula eagleholic said...

Yup! He was!

Quiet now.

paula eagleholic said...

Dinnertime here...BBIALW

hedgie said...

The article that Tammy led us to yesterday about the Ohio eaglet had this:
"eaglets start hunting when they are 17 to 20 weeks old, officials said."
If that is correct , Hidey won't start hunting on his/her own for about another 5 weeks....guess plenty of time to learn the how-to!

Bibee said...

I still hear Hidey. She must be up above the camera.

stronghunter said...

Sounds like a lot more screeching and a lot more work for the parents.

PA Nana said...

Did anyone see that little bird on the edge of the nest? Or am I seeing things?

deb said...

I wasn't watching, but there are sometimes visiting birds to the nest.

stronghunter said...

Didn't see that one, but I have seen others.

Mema Jo said...

Got your message Paula about sending Susan/VA info to get in NCTC

Mema Jo said...

I wish I hadn't missed all of Hidey's commotion! Finished dinner and went to Wallymart for a quick pick up!

stronghunter said...

I've never seen any little birds when the eagles are in the nest. I expect that would be risky for the little bird. Maybe they're looking for bugs or leftovers.

stronghunter said...

I have seen little birds come in and steal nesting material. Nervy.

Bibee said...

Don't forget that Army Wives is on tonight! New show.

hedgie said...

Watching Tony Awards....Angela Lansbury just won another one-- Best Performance by an Actress in a whatever----her 4th Tony! What a classy lady she is.

stronghunter said...

I gave the Pete's Pond link to my daughter in Reston. She took a look, but she said that she has heard that something got eaten at that site.

She's soft-hearted about such things. I told her that lots of things get eaten in the eagle nest, too. At least, we don't have to see it get grabbed.

Mema Jo said...



hedgie said...

For sure, Kat....already reminded my daughters! Definitely one of our fav shows! Will record the end of the Tony's and watch A.W. "live"!

Mema Jo said...

Hidey mantling

Belle and Liberty were both in the nest
until they heard their little demanding one! lol

paula eagleholic said...

looks like Hidey is mantling

deb said...

I have watched Pete's Pond a few times, but always turn it off, If I think something is in danger.

Both adults in the nest, here comes Hidey. Missed one adult leaving, and there goes the other.

deb said...

My Uncle Bob thinks they are going to be able to come to the services on Wednesday. They get to fly for cheap, would fly in to Ontario airport in the morning, then back to Phoenix that night. I really hope they can make it, it would be so great to see them.

hedgie said...

I am finished working for this day...bedroom is done from top to bottom! Planters are all filled w/ shells or ready for flowering plants. Cleaned deck glider cushions and the rubbermaid bin they are stored in. Enough for one day. My youngest said "I'll hire you to come do my house." I told her---hire a maid! She said "they wouldn't do everything you do, Mom." LOL!

Mema Jo said...

Night light is on - Hope Hidey can see to eat his late night snack. It is really late tonight.

hedgie said...

Oh, Deb, that would be so wonderful if Uncle Bob could make it. I hope that's not too much of a one-day trip for him at this stage of his recovery. Is he your Dad's BIL Robert?

Mema Jo said...

Deb that would be fantastic for your uncle to be able to attend the services. I know you must be excited by the thoughts of him physically being able to make it and just seeing him again.

gwen of s.c. said...

Looks like our baby found a little snack of some kind. Thank goodness he came back to see me. It's been a busy day with church and a wonderful garden tour. And by some miracle I figured out how to put my picture on my yahoo page. Maybe some of you can see me in my glamorous red hat. Talk to you tomorrow. Love, Gwen

hedgie said...

Shirley, keep in mind that once in awhile the eagles bring in things to eat that aren't dead yet!

Mema Jo said...

Heard that adult fly in Loud & Clear.

Mema Jo said...

You remember that child's game of Freeze?


I think that is what Hidey is playing now.

anna bishop said...

Ahhh....poor Hidey seems rather frustrated with her snack, Good to see her again was gone all weekend and missed seeing her before I left, did notice the weather there has calmed down alot.
Ummm....looks like she has given up, did you see her throw a piece over the edge and then look like she was surprised....well thats what I thought she looked anyway haha!!

Lolly said...

Hi all! What is Hidey's problem? Why is he whining?

Busy day today, after church I went to a wedding shower 45 minutes away. So, that took up the afternoon. Tomorrow I have a luncheon (retired teachers) then going to Laurel's. Another ball game. Things are really busy and I just want to sit and talk with you and watch Hidey! LOL

stronghunter said...

It's crazy time for teachers, but it's almost summer vacation time.

hedgie said...

How can we see your pic, Gwen?

Mema Jo said...

Hidey down in the egg well
Adult just flew in to check out the nest

gwen of s.c. said...

What in the world was that she just ate? Looked like a baby bird or a rat. Gwen

Lolly said...

Oh wow! This is a lot of action for this time of night.

hedgie said...

Looks like Hidey has company...and hopefully some food!

hedgie said...

And poof! Alone again....

Mema Jo said...

I am not certain what it was - didn't know what it was when the prey was brought into the nest.

hedgie said...

And now adult back, but where's Hidey?

anna bishop said... look at this daddy I can't eat THIS its to little and its tough!! sweetie just do like this...and quite your whining girl!!

Lolly said...

I hate that Hidey is so hungry this time of night!

stronghunter said...

Maybe sweet talk and little chirps will work. Is that what Hidey's thinking?

paula eagleholic said...

Can't believe Hidey is still peeping! Thought he would have laryngytis by now!

Looks like Lib still there!

Mits said...

what ever it was when it was first brought in , it looked tiny and may have been moving, kinda hard to go fishing in the dark

paula eagleholic said...

Hey Lolly - sounds like you had a really nice weekend. Hope you enjoyed your cheeseburger the other nite!

Mits said...

eagles are like dogs, they may be filled up, but will still want food.

Mits said...

carlights going by

Bibee said...

I'm so glad that Hidey finally got something to eat. Had a friend on the phone. She was looking at the nest and waiting for something to get there. Yes, she got to see both adults and Hidey. She was tickled to see them. So glad they all made an appearance.

Lolly said...

Love the way their eyes glow in the dark!

anna bishop said...

Liberty...and another thing before I leave Hidey you got to clean up this nest its no wonder you can't FIND your food this place is a MESS! Now you best be thinkin about stayin here tonight and cleaning up your nest.

paula eagleholic said...

Wonder if Hidey will stay?

paula eagleholic said...

Awww, flopped down! With a little tail wiggle!

Lolly said...

Oh, Paula,that cheese burger was heavenly. I even put one strip of bacon on it! Jack said to do it so I did! Was down another pound this morning too, after eating that burger. Total now 41 pounds!

deb said...

My Uncle Bob is actually my mom's brother. We have always been close to that side of the family and my dad had actually stayed in contact with my aunts and uncles.

I am finishing up packing, etc. so will pop back in again soon. I saw the parent in the nest fly up into the tree.

Lolly said...

Deb, that is so great that you will be seeing your Uncle. We will be thinking of you all week.

Mema Jo said...

I wish Spidey would spin the web later and catch all those flying insects!
Looks like the gnats are bugging Hidey's face again! Maybe s/he'll go up on a branch!

anna bishop said...

I have a cat named Sophie that loves to watch Hidey with me not sure but think she is actually jealous of the time I spend on here so likes to take up as much space as she can between the screen and me. I know birds and cats are not supposed to be friends but I also know Sophie is more in Hidey's food chain then Hidey is in Sophie's ha ha!!! She never gets outside either so no danger there.

stronghunter said...

I don't think our kitties would do well against the eagles.

deb said...

It isn't a 100% that they are coming, but it is looking good.

Hidey is sprawled out in the nest, lots of bugs flying around.

congrats, Lolly.

Big wing stretch.

ceil said...

Good evening all. Deb will have you and your family in my thoughts the next couple of days especially.
So great that you will be getting one of his cameras. Hope all goes well.
Hidey did not like his snack tonight. It did look tough.
Pleasant dreams all.

Mits said...

BWO update.........

Nest Update

We have official confirmation that all three chicks did hatch. Here is a Quicktime movie (3.3MB) that one of our cam watchers put together; in the clip you can see all three chicks moving.

Our littlest looked a bit sluggish, so we hope he'll hang in there.

Carol said...

Thanks everyone who offered tips on blog and cam viewing. I think it's an aol 9.5 problem. Both screens are on separate tabs that one must click either or. Anyway, not a big deal I guess. Good to see Hidey in at a reasonable hour and sleeping at home for a change. All sprawled out. Looks to be so buggy though... Keep hearing tiny taps.

Mits said...

Good night everyone....

paula eagleholic said...

Gnite, Ceil.

Nice to see Hidey in the nest.

Lolly said...

Think I will go shower. Just fell asleep. Asleep with the computer on my lap! LOL Ill be back to say g'nite!

Mema Jo said...

Hidey needs to learn to place head under the wing to keep the bugs out of the face!

magpie said...

Wow, that is awesome, seeing Hidey in the nest at this hour.

Good Evening Eagle pals...and Good Night to those heading for the Feather Pillows...

Let's see what you guys have been talking about now ☺

magpie said...

Moon has finally cleared the clouds !

I want strawberries now...

paula eagleholic said...

Exactly what I was thinking, Jo.!

Hope you had a nice day Mits!

Costume Lady said...

Almost time to say good night. Have been busy with family today and took the teenager back home. Man, that kid can eat! Nest year, he will have a driver's license and can drive himself home...but, then, come to thik of it, when he gets his license, it will be ADIOS Grandma!:(

Costume Lady said...

I have not heard anything from Kimm. I guess things didn't work out the way she had hoped...or maybe the plans are for next weekend.

magpie said...

This is great, all the things you are sharing with us about your family, and Way Cool about the Leica camera. I really liked your statement the other night, "I got my love of photography from my Dad, and he got his love of Nature, from me." (Might not have been your exact words....but close I hope..)

xo ♥

magpie said...

I enjoy all the family things on here ☺

magpie said...

Funny about teenagers and eating...Funny comment from Ms Bookworm a few nights ago about Hidey being like a teenager when it comes to food and eating ☺

magpie said...

Speaking of messy nests...BWE had a bunch of sticks in it this afternoon, it needs a good cleaning too... Lynn: Do you Do Nests ???

magpie said...

Big round of applause for BWO and their clutch of three hatchlings, hope they all thrive...

magpie said...

Hope Dana had a rockin' time at the 18 year old's birthday party....hope to hear from her in the morning on all that !

Lolly... you are one busy lady these days ! Sounds like a lot of fun...including having that Cheeseburger - Yum!

Costume Lady said...

Deb will cherish that camera for many years to come. My Dad gave me his beloved car when he realized he couldn't drive anymore. It was like a losing Dad all over again when it finally quit:(

magpie said...

Finney Land looking all bright and sunny right now.

Costume Lady said...

Lolly, what have your friends said about the NEW YOU?

Costume Lady said...

Margy, I haven't been watching Finny this year. Haven't been able to get the site until yesterday. How many eggs or chicks?

magpie said...

I believe there are three eggs there at the Land Site, and I think there were three at the Water site too...and hopefully still are.
First egg was May 3 at the Finney land maybe, soon ??

Can't remember will have to check back on the Water nest...which of course is still showing May 23...

magpie said...

I want to say Good Night to all before it is too late...

I go in at midnight for 6 you folks have some Sweet Dreams on my Behalf!

Sure is a beautiful vaseful of Megan Peonies sitting in my living room ☺

Prayers for all the many needs we have here, and for the loss of the children in Mexico, and the survivors of the Air France crash last week, more bodies and debris being found.

God Bless Us, Every One xo ♥

Lolly said...

I'm back, but still very sleepy! Will call it quits soon.

Wanda, I have been getting lots of compliments. But last night with the group that I do not see very often (every few years) this one lady said "You're not too over weight, maybe 10 pounds." LOL Put me in my place! Then she added "But you are tall, you carry it well." If she only knew! It really did not bother me...I know how I feel, I know how my clothes are fitting. This morning I put on something I absolutely could NOT wear....too big! Will try to "remodel", but they are lined pants and that is a big job. Maybe not worth it!

Costume Lady said...

I'm slam wore out. Forgot to take comfy shoes to slip into after church and walked around in heels all day. Going to go to bed and let my feet go to sleep:)


Costume Lady said...

When a lining is involved, I don't even go there! LOL

Lolly said...

Oh, does Hidey have her head tucked?

Lolly said...

Yeah, I gotta think it through.

Costume Lady said...


Lolly said...

Nope, now I see her head. Thought it was tucked for a minute there.

Mema Jo said...

Coming back in from my card games to say
Good Night All
Prayers for all our needs

(( hugs )) ♥

Lolly said...

LOL No silver lining! Nite!

deb said...

I am off to bed, too. Long day tomorrow, so better get some sleep tonight.

Night everyone!

paula eagleholic said...

Night, all. Tired here too. See ya tomorrow!

Hugs to all ♥

Lolly said...

Good night all!

Sweet dreams!

hedgie said...

Hi again!
Margy, hope you have a quiet shift---6 hrs. or until noon? Guess I do do nests....I'll have to tear down the empty robins' nest here!
Watched my show, now ready for bath and a bedtime snack and then I'm hitting the hay!
See you fine fowl friends in the morning.
Oh, BTW....I missed it, but Bill said at the beginning of the NASCAR race,the flyover was a C5A from our local Air National Guard base!!! How cool is that??
Peace and prayers for all.

Bibee said...

Good night to anyone still left on here. Been watching Army Wives - good show! I think Hidey came home to watch it with us. Ha,ha!
So glad to see her in the nest tonight. Maybe she will stay there and get a good night's rest. Hope she gets something better to eat tomorrow.

Bibee said...

Good Night Hidey! So glad you are home tonight, you little rowdy bird! We all love you!

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, everybody,
I'm just checking back in really quickly. Have been doing homework and reading, and I'm afraid it will take me a while to catch up on the blog.
It's good to see that Hidey is in the nest tonight! Looks like some of the flying bugs are bothering him, though. You ought to tuck your head behind your wing, Hidey!
Have you guys had more rain back there? Golly, you must be treading water by now! Hope it stops tonight.
I haven't read the blog yet-- did Hidey get some dinner? Sure hope so.
Well, still have a bunch of homework, so guess I'd better get back to it. No rest for the weary!
Hope everyone has a good night's sleep, and prayers for healing and safety for all. Will catch up on the blog later and talk to you tomorrow. G'night! G'night, Hidey!

Bibee said...

It's 11:34. There are 2 bears at the snowman cam. Just in case anyone is still on. I'm outta here.

magpie said...

I see those bears, Andrea !

Outta here too, just a six-hour shift.

Great about our local C5 Hedgie, thanks for the info !

Goooooooood Night ! xox

Ms Bookworm said...

Just taking a quick peek at Hidey-- who's moved up under the camera, and is preening feathers right now.
Wish I could check out the bears, but still have too much keyboard practice to type up. Gotta do 3 pages of each exercise, and then another speed test. Have the class tomorrow at 5 pm-- gotta go an hour early, because the Dean who's teaching me the class actually has another Keyboard class from 6-10 pm. He gets me started on what he wants me to do, then teaches the other class, checking back with me at the 8:00 break. (Hey, whatever works!) It's nice he's willing to do that-- this way I'll get credits for it, even though there wouldn't have been a class open otherwise. (See why I like this school so much? They really care about their students!) If this sort of thing keeps up, I may be able to graduate in 18 months instead of 2 years.
Hey, Hidey, if you see Spidey up there where you are, maybe you could eat him for a late snack! Even though he spins pretty webs, he gives me the heeby jeebies!
G'night, all! :o]

Ms Bookworm said...

Thought I heard something stirring, so checked back. Hidey is sitting on the edge, facing in toward the nest, at about 11:00, still preening. I see the top of Spidey's web going across the nest at the bottom of the picture. Thank goodness it doesn't look like it's either real windy or raining there! You know, I wonder if there are some kind of tiny little bugs flying around that are too small to see with the camera.
Hidey's been constantly preening for a LONG time! I just peeked at Hidey again, and he had put his head behind a wing, but then had to scratch the side of his head, and now he's preening again and shaking his head. Oh, good-- now he's got his head behind a wing again, and appears to be getting to sleep. Sleep tight, Hidey, and don't let the bedbugs bite! :o]

Ms Bookworm said...

Just finished another unit of homework, so checked back on Hidey. Got here just in time to see him wake up, pull his head out from under his wing, and shake his head to shoo away a couple of bugs.
He had been sleeping with one foot pulled up! He may be left-footed, 'cause that's the foot he was perched on. Hey, Hidey, I'm a 'lefty', too! Those bugs are just relentless tonight, and Hidey is having trouble staying asleep. Will somebody call in Orkin or something! (No, guess that wouldn't be exactly 'green', would it?) I know! Mosquito netting! :o]

Ms Bookworm said...

...Either that, or maybe we could convince Spidey to catch all the bugs, so Hidey could rest undisturbed! LOL :oD

Ms Bookworm said...

Boy, this is turning into a play-by-play! Now Hidey is parked in the center of the nest, and is trying to catch some of the pesky bugs that are flying around his face...he's just tucked his head behind his wing. He's facing about 8:00. Darn, those sure are pesky bugs! They keep landing on Hidey! This is turning into quite a restless night for the poor fella!

Ms Bookworm said...

Well, you guys, my caboose is beginning to drag! Since the alarm will go off in about 2 1/2 hours, I think I'd better call it a night, and hope I can finish my homework tomorrow. Hidey's hunkered down with his head tucked behind his left wing. I don't see Spidey's web; he must have caught a bunch of bugs in it by now, and has given up for the night. I'll be back in the morning, after Hubby is off to work. God bless, Hidey! (He just sneezed! I bet a bug flew up his nose.) Good night, all......zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Ms Bookworm said...

...heard Hidey stirring as I went to close out the cam. He's now on the edge of the nest at 3:00, facing in, and preening and shaking his head again. Poor Hidey! What a night he's having! Well, I just HAVE to try to get to sleep, before I do a face plant on my keyboard! G'night-- and this time I really mean it!

movin said...

** GooD NiGHt **

** EVeRYoNE **

i HAD a good weekend, and I hope you did too. Looking forward to a good week in a So Cal June.



movin said...

Hidey is sleeping in the bottom of the nest with his head hidden behind the smudge, pointing to 4 o'clock approximately.



movin said...

Deb, Leica rules the world of optical cameras!!

They have the best lenses, although Zeiss is in the ballpark, and excellent bodies and electronics. Always the highest quality build possible.

They produced the world's first 35 mm camera in the 20's and never looked back.

You are very lucky to get one, and you will love it.



Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Good morning eagle friends!! I see Hidey in the nest this morning!

Lori O. said...

How exciting to see Hidey in the nest this early morning!!!

Mits said...

Good morning Sissy and Lori, I got up to get something to drink....still thirsty from eating the delish apple wood bacon at brunch yesterday.....

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Hidey and one of her parents are chatting it up this morning, what a beautiful sound. The eaglet whines like a puppy sometimes!!

Lori O. said...

Look at Belle and Hidey in the nest. That is sooo sweet.

Lori O. said...

Hello all my wonderful and lovely Eagle Land friends.

Isn't this gLORIous?!!!

It's like the old days - with everyone in the nest!

I wish they'd never leave.

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Adult brought breakfast and Hidey is eating very loudly!

Lori O. said...

Good morning Sissy.

Isn't it great to see them? I'm so happy they've been sticking around. Just really happy it's in the nest so we can see them. (:

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Good morning, Lori! It really is great to see them! It is so sad when the baby stops coming back to the nest. We always go through separation anxiety when that happens!!

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Someone at NCTC must be riding their motorcycle this morning!

Lori O. said...

Sissy - the noise can ruin the ambience - always hear a lot of cars when it's drop off time at that daycare center.

Guess Hidey's off again. That was a slick take-off. Facing one way then a lean and 1/2 twist to take off.

normabyrd said...


Lynne2 said...

Morning! New Thread! See you all later....lots to do today! Just checking the baby.

Ms Bookworm said...

Good Morning, Everyone! Well, I'm back-- just got Hubby off to work about 30 min. ago, and I'm trying to get some keyboarding drills done for class tonight before the puppy starts fussing for breakfast! I'm pretty sure I don't see Hidey in the nest-- will have to read the blog backwards to see what's been going on this morning. Hi, Lori and Sissy, hope you have a fantastic Monday! Mits, are you still there? Bet you've gone back to bed-- lucky you! I'm going to do a couple more keyboarding units, and crash again myself. Just hope Jake the pup doesn't start fussing and ruin my plans. Well, better get busy! BBIALW. :o]

Ms Bookworm said...

...Came back because I thought I heard somebody clunking around by or on the cam. Can't see anyone, though. Well, one page typed, and one more to go....

Ms Bookworm said...

Aha! What looked like a pair of starlings landed on the nest at about 1:00, and Hidey decided to drop in on them-- definitely scared them off! Now Hidey's at about 3:00, facing outward. Thought he was going to launch, but he turned around and went for some nestovers. Now he's at about 5:00, hiding behind the smudge and eating some nestovers for breakfast. Well, gotta go-- bbialw.

2/20/25 PM bird

1203 PM NN Scout comes to the nest with a load of bedding again. He seemed to leave with something in his talons. He has a beak full of bedd...