Great pic, Steve. Thanks! Hi, Deb...bye, Deb! Mits....when we went to the city Sat. we were planning on eating (and anxious to!) at the 94th Aero Squadron in College Park---it is one of our favs---got there only to find that they are closed due to a frozen water pipe rupture back in Feb. that left the place with 2 1/2 ft. of water inside! What a disappointment. Should have mentioned it before we went because you probably knew about it!!
Judie, thanks for your blogs-- you're helping me study for my exams tomorrow and Wednesday! These particular units are about the Nervous System and the Brain-- how intuitive of you!
have to lol, little cool for the AZ visitors, but it was a good day at the beach.....the adult did not put sunscreen on till later today....looks a little red....I'm fixing, steak and salad for dinner, she is on a no carb diet
Thanks, Deb, for the Red Panda picture. I've never seen a picture of such a young one. Sorry about your computer's tantrum. Mine gets that way sometimes, too.
Mits - steak and salad sounds good even if you aren't on a no carb fact, that's what I had for dinner last night...and will have again tonight...
What are your exams for? If you have some questions and think I can help, please send them along. I would be happy to try to help. In any case, best of luck.
You guys are very brainy! I love the educational anecdotes. We have so many different types of careers on here, is very interesting.
Moon is "new" so absent in the morning, but hope you guys see Venus and Mars cozying up together in the pre-dawn Eastern skies. A Must See if you are up that early ☺
Oh Yes, ISS is back out for a few days. In the morning in Eastern Panhandle area: around 4:06 AM, WSW 87-degrees, negative 4.0 - " Very Bright". About like Venus is brightness. I will take a break and head out of the office to peek !
Got to run. Daggone it, I hear Hidey and am going to miss a Visit I bet ~ Nice to see the Still Cam working again ! Best Wishes to all, for a Great Evening. Hope Weather Relief comes for all who need it ! And that sounds like a lot of folks !
Judie, my classes are 'Human Diseases' and 'Surgical Instruments'. I've gone back to school to learn Medical Transcription. My biggest problem is that I have to learn too many chapters in too little time! Have to know a total of 13 chapts. in one week. My brain gets to the point where it goes 'tilt', and I have to quit for a while. Lots of terms and definitions to remember.
UPDATE from DUKE FARMS: NEW! June 22, 2009 The oldest chick is now 11 weeks old. The eaglets can be seen "branching," perching on the branch extending out from the nest tree. The chicks should be fledging very soon. So far this season fourteen chicks have fledged from other eagle nests thoughout the state.
Doing okay, T-bird...all things considered! Sis off on her own today, so just me and mom until my eldest got here a little while ago. Did you know that all families are a bit dysfunctional? Yeah, they are! Youngest SIL is in surgery at the moment, so I'm fretting a little---hate to see anyone go under the knife for a back. Are you making headway in the job search department? Could you teach, like JMP Judie?
Serious Metro crash in DC on Red Line. One train on top of another. I've talked with my son who sometimes rides Metro, but he drove today and is safely home.
Who is JMP Judy and what does she teach? As a social worker in some states I can get a certification to teach. Yes I sure do know all families are dysfunctional. : ) Prayers with you and yours!!!
Haven't been able to reach my daughter who lives up there too, but I do not think she would have ridden the Metro today. She was taking the day off, I think.
Some scary pictures on television.
I am sure they'll appreciate your prayers, T-Bird.
Tom is at the pier fishing, me and Mattie and Crystal are here at the room, enjoying the evening. Andrew and Kelsey are about an hour away, will be here before long. I will be glad when they get here so I can quit worrying!!
well my no carb visiting friend decided to take a walk on the beach, and the heavens have burst a towel by the door for her, she wanted to walk her potato off, guess she is running now, her daughter is glad she did not go with her:_)
As of now there are 4 Killed & 70 Injured In DC Metro Crash.
Finally got Susan (Catonsville & works in DC) on her cell. Quinn (gs) had gotten a ride to Lax practice so she decided to work a little late & NOT take the 5:00 red line home! Thank you Lord......
Have a pleasant evening, Mits. So glad all of our folks' folks were NOT on the Metro Red Line. Local commuters will sure be late getting home tonight---by bus! Sissy, glad that Andrew is almost there. Bet Shar will be at peace, too, when she knows he's arrived safely. Oh, Thelma---missed answering your other question----JMP Judie is a newbie, who uis a psychologist. She posted some neat info earlier today. She is a psych professor.
Ms. Bookworm: WOW! I surely do wish you success and hope you "ace" all your exams. I regret I know little of physical diseases and surgical instruments except for the word "scary." I can't imagine so much material in such a very short time -- give your brain a break -- the brain doesn't like cramming and tends to respond by screwing us over by shutting down when we need it the most. Let it rest and it will remember more than you expect.
Mits: Dyslexic? Naw -- just read a little slower.
T-Bird: I am a late-bloomer. Began college age 38 and completed my B.A. & M.A. in psychology. Got truly lucky and was hired to teach at my Alma Mater (George Washington University) 15 years ago. I teach a number of psychology courses but my area of specialization is the psychology o violent criminal offenders. I also teach the same course for police officers in the Washington D.C. metropolitan area. Can't speak for others but have found teaching to be the single most rewarding challenge of my 64 years. It's a bit like watching the eaglets grow and become independent except I deal with human fledgings.
Did not see or hear Hidey at all today. I miss him/her.
Dreadful Metro accident this afternoon and hope with all my heart that no one dear to any of you was involved. I'll say a prayer.
Good night to all and thank you for welcoming me into your family.
Helllllooooo!!! We drove 11 hours today. We are in Raton, New Mexico. Can see the mountains! It is very pleasant outside. Laurel and the boys are at the playground and Jack is having a beer. He deserves it!
After tonight we probably will not have computer access unless we go into Estes Park to Jane and Herbert's RV park. That is Jack's sister, they will be with us but in town.
Boys were great travelers. Oh, we had the usual brother bickering occasionally but nothing that could not be dealt with. LOL
Good night, Judie. I look forward to reading more of your thoughtful messages. I'm a newbie too--lurked for about a month or so and then wrote my first message when Hidey first disappeared and returned.
I am home from work, the last few hours really dragged. I am glad I don't have this schedule as my permanent one! Tomorrow I am off, as I will work on Sat.
Paula, I work as a medical social worker. Mostly I work with physical rehab patients. Sometimes I work in acute care and sometimes I work with long term care patients.
I hope Andrea will not start hating me for the medical transcription class. I finished school 10 years ago and am so grateful. I have no desire to go back to school.
Sharon, don't think you need to worry about Andrea hating you! She not only loves what she's in to, but she blesses you for getting her on track!! She thinks she'll even finish early---I think she said 18 mos. instead of 2 yrs.! I am going to say has been a very bad evening here...sis has really showed herself and her true my expense. So, think I'll fix a drink and head for the tub and a good book. See you fowl friends in the morning light. Hope everyone else has or finds peace tonight. I'm sure glad I have you all in my life. Thank you.
So sorry to hear your sister is causing problems for you, Lynn. There is no explaining people sometimes. I hope she behaves the rest of the time you are together.
I had gone to the grocery store & then had to go over to my son's to get my car checked out. Needless to say I got back late and didn't come in until now! Everyone will be perky on here in the morning because we do have Each Other! Nothing anyone says or does will ever change that! Just remember that always!
Good Night All Sweetest dreams and restful sleep ((((Extra hugs tonight)))) ♥
It has been a long, interesting day. Got a lot done in the yard and garden. After I picked my beans and peas and gewgaws, I dug potatoes and made green beans, country ham and new red potatoes. Ummm! Tired and sleepy now.
Came home from my Keyboard class a little early tonight. My little pea brain says it's had it for today. Judie, thanks for the good advice! I have found that you are totally correct about trying to cram too much info in too little time. This course is just crazy-- even the teacher says they usually take 6 months of daily work to learn all this, but we only have 6 weeks! Good thing I'm only going to be transcribing, and will have the textbook to use as a reference!
Got 6 practice units typed 2 times each at class tonight-- enough, already!!! I'm gonna shut down for the night shortly.
Oh, SO sorry to hear of the Metro crash!! Prayers being said for that situation, for sure!
SHARON, I could NEVER be upset with you! I'm really enjoying being back at school-- even though I'm sure the youngsters view me as a bit of a dinosaur! I need to use my mind, before it goes totally rusty on me! Sitting at home for a year and a half, unemployed, was just awful. Couldn't stand to sit and watch the paint peel off the walls any more! My Dad always told me, "Use it, or lose it!" and he knew what he was talking about. School is a bit of a challenge, but it's just what I needed. Bless you!
Lynn, sorry you've had a rough day today. Hope tomorrow will be better. Reminds me of a magnet on my refrig-- "Let's keep the FUN in DYSFUNCTIONAL!" LOL :o]
Oh--Lolly, you must be really tired after so many hours on the road, but hope you enjoy New Mexico-- it's beautiful! Hope you're able to find computer access elsewhere, too... good to hear from you!
O.K., I really am going to bed for the night now-- before I do a face plant in my keyboard! Nite, all-- and night, Spidey. Night, Hidey, wherever you're roosting for the night!
Good morning, Margy. Thanks for the report on the other sites. I am afraid to get involved with all of them this morning. . . too much to do, and it would be hard to break away.
GOOD MORNING EVERYONE... It is a beautiful morning here in Martinsburg/Shepherdstown...sunny and 61°. I haven't been getting up early enough to see Hidey for the past couple of days. Miss him:(
Can't stay long. Time for sleep. Wanda - glad you got your Eaglet fix this morning.
So sad for the victims of the Metro Crash in the Washington area. Prayers for all, including the heroic Fire Department responders.
Hello and so long to our morning people here, and those to join. Best wishes for a Good and Safe Day. Prayers for Comfort and Strength, and Wellness, and that the trials and troubles of yesterday, fade away with the new morning. xo ♥
Good morning everyone. So glad to see Hidey this morning, I haven't seen him in several days. It's so sad tuning in to an empty nest. Saw something funny at the lake this weekend, two buzzards sitting on a sign that said private swimming area. Wish I had taken my camera. Hope everyone is feeling good today. Love, Gwen
I also meant to say I'm so sorry about the tragic derailment in Washington. I couldn't help but cry this morning watching the news. Thankfully none of you were on that train. Gwen
the owls are of 2 different broods! Two of the babies are much larger than then the other two. I was pretty worried for a while when they were really much younger that there wouldn't be enough food for them all and, well, it would not have been pretty.
I don't know! I knew that they could have more than one brood a year but not going at the same time! I will try to look up some info on that...I've been meaning to anyway. Is that your kitty on your avitar?
GOOD MORNING EAGLE BUDDIES!!---Have you ever seen a more beautiful EAGLET---I think not--she may need some 'MS MANNER- lessons!----WHOA!---She is WAY COOL!-----CONGRATS!!---LORI---you are our #1 EAGLE MOM--today & every day!!!----MORNIN' LORI--ELKINS BILL--TAMMY--SHIRLEY--MOVIN'JIM--MAGPIE--WANDA--& LYNN2-- WOW!!!---Another GLORIOUS am in WILD & WONDERFUL WEST VIRGINIA---sunny skies---puffy clouds---singing birds----temp 61°---BELLE & LIBERTY'S BABY'S tummy is full---all's right with HER WORLD!!---It takes so little to make her HAPPY---When she's HAPPY--We are HAPPIER!----Let us give thanks! --HUG A TREE---& REJOICE!--LIFE IS GOOD!!
So happy to see Hidey for a few minutes this morning. H/she just flew off into the sunshine. Now I can finish my coffee and head outside to attack the weeds.
Prayers for the Metro injured, those who died and their families.
I'll do some research when I've finished some of those chores. I just hung a bird feeder on a spindly limb. It will be interesting to see what the squirrels do about that.
Yep, that's my kitty. George was checking out some flowers I was about to plant.
George has gotten used to hearing bird calls coming from my computer, but he still gets interested from time to time. Someone has a bluebird call on their blog. George really liked that one. I am afraid to leave the computer on with George nearby. Wouldn't want my work computer to suffer cat attack.
They have just changed the death toll from the Metro accident downward to seven. I don't know how that happened.
Lynne, I am sure all of your pets keep your busy. I love both cats and dogs. Over the years, my children had a huge variety of critters. Even snakes. I kind of just tolerated the snakes.
MORNIN' LOVELY GWEN---We all need to keep the victims & the other folks involved in the DC METRO crash in our thoughts and prayers!! Prayers for the METRO workers--for strength---
It's so hard when they pass....this is actually the first time in 15 or so years that I've only had one dog. I lost 2 last year within 6 months of each other. But Raven will be 13 next month, and I think she'd like to be an only dog at this stage.
Beautiful sunny morning at the NORFOLK 'REBELS' site---I see '1' EAGLET branching---The JUVIE EAGLETS are returning to the nest daily for R&R---'food'---ho!
THANKS EVERYONE for the rain you sent to my house yesterday.It was so nice.. I hate to be greedy, but, if you have any more you are not using send it on
Just a quick update. The local news channels in the D.C. area have now indicated 9 known fatalities from the train crash. Been using the system for 25 years without concern but now - hmmmm. Prayers for all.
Okay, I've procrastinated long enough. If Hidey is out and about so must I be out in the weeds.
My apology: Just one last look at local news before heading outside and the number of deaths from the train crash has been revised downward to 7. Didn't intend to provide misinformation.
Good Morning In Eagleland this beautiful day..Lori, Bill, Tammy, Jim, Shirley, Margy (sleeping now), Wanda, Lynn2, Gwen, Norma, jmp (judie welcome), GA-Girl, and ALL WATCHERS.
Prayers for those and families of the DC train crash.
The FINLAND NEST is just AWESOME this am----Sun is shining---& the little 'fuzz balls' are lying beside the OSPREY MOM!!---they blend so well with the nest--hard to see sometimes!---but that's a good thing!! ho!
1 – 200 of 245 Newer› Newest»Thanks Steve. Beautiful picture
Great picture, Steve. Thanks for sharing it.
thanks for the call over Ceil, and the new thread, Steve.
Thanks, Steve, how fun would that be to see! I am home for lunch, definitely don't like this shift!
How is the weather for you Arizona company today, Helen?
Beautiful animal...I would like to see those Red Panda Triplets that Helen was telling us about. Anyone know where to see them?
Great pic, Steve. Thanks!
Hi, Deb...bye, Deb!
Mits....when we went to the city Sat. we were planning on eating (and anxious to!) at the 94th Aero Squadron in College Park---it is one of our favs---got there only to find that they are closed due to a frozen water pipe rupture back in Feb. that left the place with 2 1/2 ft. of water inside! What a disappointment. Should have mentioned it before we went because you probably knew about it!!
Red panda triplets
So, Lynn, did your sister find a gewgaw?
Not a very good picture of them, I'll see if there is anything better. I don't have to go back quite yet, Lynn.
Thanks, are an angel!
Not only did she find some the day we were in Berkeley Springs, but she is going back tomorrow to shop for more!!!
My computer didn't like that search for pictures of the red panda, shut down everything.
I'm glad she found some...did she know a trinket is called that?
Wow, Steve, what an awesome picture! Thank you!
Judie, thanks for your blogs-- you're helping me study for my exams tomorrow and Wednesday! These particular units are about the Nervous System and the Brain-- how intuitive of you!
Sorry Deb. Hate when that happens. It happens to me almost everytime I go on Facebook.
have to lol, little cool for the AZ visitors, but it was a good day at the beach.....the adult did not put sunscreen on till later today....looks a little red....I'm fixing, steak and salad for dinner, she is on a no carb diet
I'm wondering how I can read that paragraph easier than regular words.....maybe I'm dyslexic
Thanks, Deb, for the Red Panda picture. I've never seen a picture of such a young one. Sorry about your computer's tantrum. Mine gets that way sometimes, too.
I am back to work. BBL.
OOps, forgot to say, Earthquake in Alaska, but not connected to Redoubt. Epicenter was 35 miles from Talkeetna. Mag. 5.4-5.7.
Say, am I wrong, or is that a shadow of Hidey at about 3:00 in the nest? I keep seeing it every once in a while; just wondering...
Thanks for the explanation, STeve...kind of a daunting pic until you could scroll down and see the leopard. pretty cool.
Now, I would think gewgaw could apply to one's garden...certainly treasures to be found in a garden..
Good afternoon - headed out for some dinner .....
Still going strong with the Germany Gang ..
Promise to get some pics to Wanda soon...
See you later Deb !!!!
...Now the shadow's at about 4:00.
Nope, don't see any Hidey shadows.
Mits - steak and salad sounds good even if you aren't on a no carb fact, that's what I had for dinner last night...and will have again tonight...
I love steak, Paula, got us some nice filets....going to george forman them or broil them.
Hi Ms. Bookworm,
What are your exams for? If you have some questions and think I can help, please send them along. I would be happy to try to help. In any case, best of luck.
Thank you to Steve for all the threads. Look at that leopard! Isn't it amazing how nature survives even in a war-torn country.
Hello all Eagle Pals in all our Eagle Corners
Cutting it close, got to leave for work soon.
Megan ! Fabulous Posies! Would have spent my whole paycheck had I not been with "the boys" for Father's Day....
Hedgie - The male Pileated had more red on his nape than the female, otherwise, coloring is the same! They are wonderful birds !
Happy Birthday to Andrew and Happy Motherhood to Sharon ☺ !!
You guys are very brainy! I love the educational anecdotes. We have so many different types of careers on here, is very interesting.
Moon is "new" so absent in the morning, but hope you guys see Venus and Mars cozying up together in the pre-dawn Eastern skies. A Must See if you are up that early ☺
Oh Yes, ISS is back out for a few days. In the morning in Eastern Panhandle area: around 4:06 AM, WSW 87-degrees, negative 4.0 - " Very Bright". About like Venus is brightness. I will take a break and head out of the office to peek !
Got to run. Daggone it, I hear Hidey and am going to miss a Visit I bet ~
Nice to see the Still Cam working again !
Best Wishes to all, for a Great Evening. Hope Weather Relief comes for all who need it ! And that sounds like a lot of folks !
xoxo TTFN God Bless Us, Every One xoxo
Yes, thanks NCTC for getting the still cam running again!
And Happy Birthday Andrew. Japanese food, great choice!
Judie, my classes are 'Human Diseases' and 'Surgical Instruments'. I've gone back to school to learn Medical Transcription. My biggest problem is that I have to learn too many chapters in too little time! Have to know a total of 13 chapts. in one week. My brain gets to the point where it goes 'tilt', and I have to quit for a while. Lots of terms and definitions to remember.
Hello my eagle buds.
How are you fine eagle momsters and dadsters?
Thanks Steve for that great picture.
T-Bird ! Man oh man I dislike having to leave when you are here !!! But I have to...
xoxo Good to See You, hope you are doing great !
Out the door.....
☺ ♥
Wanda, we have used that term all our lives....think we got it from my grams!
I thought I missed you Magpie. Glad I didn't. I hope you have a good workday.
Hi, Thelma! Are you back in Bedford now? Bet Shar doesn't like you, either! Poor girl...all alone again! Everybody is leaving her....:(
Yeah Hedgie, I'm in Bedford. How are you doing?
NEW! June 22, 2009
The oldest chick is now 11 weeks old. The eaglets can be seen "branching," perching on the branch extending out from the nest tree. The chicks should be fledging very soon. So far this season fourteen chicks have fledged from other eagle nests thoughout the state.
Doing okay, T-bird...all things considered! Sis off on her own today, so just me and mom until my eldest got here a little while ago. Did you know that all families are a bit dysfunctional? Yeah, they are!
Youngest SIL is in surgery at the moment, so I'm fretting a little---hate to see anyone go under the knife for a back.
Are you making headway in the job search department? Could you teach, like JMP Judie?
Probably more like "would you WANT to teach?"
Serious Metro crash in DC on Red Line. One train on top of another. I've talked with my son who sometimes rides Metro, but he drove today and is safely home.
One fatality so far. Multiple injuries.
Who is JMP Judy and what does she teach? As a social worker in some states I can get a certification to teach. Yes I sure do know all families are dysfunctional. : ) Prayers with you and yours!!!
...and no I really do not have any desire to teach but I have learned never to say never. : )
prayers with those in DC
Haven't been able to reach my daughter who lives up there too, but I do not think she would have ridden the Metro today. She was taking the day off, I think.
Some scary pictures on television.
I am sure they'll appreciate your prayers, T-Bird.
God bless everyone.
Thelma, as a social worker, I am sure you do plenty of teaching.
Right Stronghunter : ) My Mom, all her siblings and my grandmother were all teachers. I have total respect for that profession.
Tpbird...oops...thought you were a psychologist! Almost same difference in dealing with people, huh???
Good evening Eagle buds from Kure Beach, NC!!
Tom is at the pier fishing, me and Mattie and Crystal are here at the room, enjoying the evening. Andrew and Kelsey are about an hour away, will be here before long. I will be glad when they get here so I can quit worrying!!
Your right Hedgie. My mom wanted me to be a psychologist instead of a social worker.
Eagle-eye's Sissy, they are going to be safe!!!!
terrible news about Metro accident, that is the line I use, the Red Line, when I travel on it
well my no carb visiting friend decided to take a walk on the beach, and the heavens have burst a towel by the door for her, she wanted to walk her potato off, guess she is running now, her daughter is glad she did not go with her:_)
maybe she found shelter MITS
hope so, don't think she took her phone, and don't see her on the beach, not storming, just raining.
As of now there are 4 Killed & 70 Injured In DC Metro Crash.
Finally got Susan (Catonsville & works in DC) on her cell. Quinn (gs) had gotten a ride to Lax practice so she decided to work a little late & NOT take the 5:00 red line home!
Thank you Lord......
sure thankful you weren't on it today MITS
yes, thank goodness Mema Jo
Got a call from my Susan, but she had not ridden Metro today. She was worried about a co-worker, but she is safe as well.
I though about you, Mits, when my son said that's the Metro that goes to the zoo. So glad you were not on the train today.
They say it was the inbound train from MD to DC, so not as crowded as the outbound trains.
Miracles happen all around us! I am so sorry for the people on the Metro.
walker back safe and sound....closing down for tonight....good night, prayers for all in the tragic accident
Good night, Mits.
later MITS
Have a pleasant evening, Mits.
So glad all of our folks' folks were NOT on the Metro Red Line. Local commuters will sure be late getting home tonight---by bus!
Sissy, glad that Andrew is almost there. Bet Shar will be at peace, too, when she knows he's arrived safely.
Oh, Thelma---missed answering your other question----JMP Judie is a newbie, who uis a psychologist. She posted some neat info earlier today. She is a psych professor.
where is hidey this evening?
Night Mits
Howdy Shirley, Sissy, Hedgie and Tbird
hello paula-how goes it
Up to 6 now killed in the Metro accident
Tbird - I didn't know you are a social worker. That is what my college kid is going to be :)
I'm good, Tbird!
How many years, Tbird?
Hello, Paula.
Hey Shirley
Hello everyone,
This is newbie Judie.
Ms. Bookworm: WOW! I surely do wish you success and hope you "ace" all your exams. I regret I know little of physical diseases and surgical instruments except for the word "scary." I can't imagine so much material in such a very short time -- give your brain a break -- the brain doesn't like cramming and tends to respond by screwing us over by shutting down when we need it the most. Let it rest and it will remember more than you expect.
Mits: Dyslexic? Naw -- just read a little slower.
T-Bird: I am a late-bloomer. Began college age 38 and completed my B.A. & M.A. in psychology. Got truly lucky and was hired to teach at my Alma Mater (George Washington University) 15 years ago. I teach a number of psychology courses but my area of specialization is the psychology o violent criminal offenders. I also teach the same course for police officers in the Washington D.C. metropolitan area. Can't speak for others but have found teaching to be the single most rewarding challenge of my 64 years. It's a bit like watching the eaglets grow and become independent except I deal with human fledgings.
Did not see or hear Hidey at all today. I miss him/her.
Dreadful Metro accident this afternoon and hope with all my heart that no one dear to any of you was involved. I'll say a prayer.
Good night to all and thank you for welcoming me into your family.
Cheers and goodnight to all,
Helllllooooo!!! We drove 11 hours today. We are in Raton, New Mexico. Can see the mountains! It is very pleasant outside. Laurel and the boys are at the playground and Jack is having a beer. He deserves it!
After tonight we probably will not have computer access unless we go into Estes Park to Jane and Herbert's RV park. That is Jack's sister, they will be with us but in town.
Boys were great travelers. Oh, we had the usual brother bickering occasionally but nothing that could not be dealt with. LOL
Nice of you to join us, Judie.
Good to hear from you Lolly! Enjoy your trip!
Lolly, glad your there safe and sound. Andrew also made it to the beach safe and sound.
Good night, Judie. I look forward to reading more of your thoughtful messages. I'm a newbie too--lurked for about a month or so and then wrote my first message when Hidey first disappeared and returned.
Going outside to relax and have a glass of wine.
Lolly, I envy you! I miss the trips we took with the trailer.
later Lolly
9 years Paula
I am home from work, the last few hours really dragged. I am glad I don't have this schedule as my permanent one! Tomorrow I am off, as I will work on Sat.
Tbird - do you work with families, adults or kids...or all of the above?
Good night everyone. I am headed to my own nest for the night.
Paula, I work as a medical social worker. Mostly I work with physical rehab patients. Sometimes I work in acute care and sometimes I work with long term care patients.
Have a good night, Shirley.
I've got to get some paperwork done...bbialw
well you fine folk I'm signing off-don't let the bed bugs bite
Wow, that Metro crash is sure scary, how lucky that people tied to blog/bloggers were not on the train today!
Well, who knew there was a new thread? :)
Yeah, the family is at the beach and where am I??? Bluefield! I don't like them! :)
That is awful about the Metro.
I hope Andrea will not start hating me for the medical transcription class. I finished school 10 years ago and am so grateful. I have no desire to go back to school.
I gotcha, Tbird. Worked with some of them at the hospital and the nursing home in regards to my Mom.
Sharon, don't think you need to worry about Andrea hating you! She not only loves what she's in to, but she blesses you for getting her on track!! She thinks she'll even finish early---I think she said 18 mos. instead of 2 yrs.!
I am going to say has been a very bad evening here...sis has really showed herself and her true my expense. So, think I'll fix a drink and head for the tub and a good book.
See you fowl friends in the morning light. Hope everyone else has or finds peace tonight. I'm sure glad I have you all in my life. Thank you.
So sorry to hear your sister is causing problems for you, Lynn. There is no explaining people sometimes. I hope she behaves the rest of the time you are together.
I am off to bed, too. Going to read for awhile.
Night, everyone!
Ah, the joys of family...Hope it's opened up someone else's eyes, Hedgie. Hope tomorrow is better.
Hi Margy, hope you had a good shift...never seem to catch you on here!
Gnite, all!
Hugs to all ♥
I had gone to the grocery store & then had to go over to my son's to get my car checked out. Needless to say I got back late and didn't come in until now!
Everyone will be perky on here in the morning because we do have Each Other!
Nothing anyone says or does will ever change that! Just remember that always!
Good Night All
Sweetest dreams and restful sleep
((((Extra hugs tonight)))) ♥
It has been a long, interesting day. Got a lot done in the yard and garden. After I picked my beans and peas and gewgaws, I dug potatoes and made green beans, country ham and new red potatoes. Ummm! Tired and sleepy now.
Howdy, everyone!
Came home from my Keyboard class a little early tonight. My little pea brain says it's had it for today. Judie, thanks for the good advice! I have found that you are totally correct about trying to cram too much info in too little time. This course is just crazy-- even the teacher says they usually take 6 months of daily work to learn all this, but we only have 6 weeks! Good thing I'm only going to be transcribing, and will have the textbook to use as a reference!
Got 6 practice units typed 2 times each at class tonight-- enough, already!!! I'm gonna shut down for the night shortly.
** GooD NIGHt **
** EVeRYONE **
You all have a happy TuesWedsThursFri....
Beautiful Snow Leopard, Steve. Hope he's not hunting eagles way up thar...
Oh, SO sorry to hear of the Metro crash!! Prayers being said for that situation, for sure!
SHARON, I could NEVER be upset with you! I'm really enjoying being back at school-- even though I'm sure the youngsters view me as a bit of a dinosaur! I need to use my mind, before it goes totally rusty on me! Sitting at home for a year and a half, unemployed, was just awful. Couldn't stand to sit and watch the paint peel off the walls any more! My Dad always told me, "Use it, or lose it!" and he knew what he was talking about. School is a bit of a challenge, but it's just what I needed. Bless you!
Lynn, sorry you've had a rough day today. Hope tomorrow will be better.
Reminds me of a magnet on my refrig-- "Let's keep the FUN in DYSFUNCTIONAL!" LOL :o]
Well, think I'll head for my nest for the night. Prayers for all, and hugs, too. Sleep tight, and I'll talk to you in the morning. ;o]
Oh--Lolly, you must be really tired after so many hours on the road, but hope you enjoy New Mexico-- it's beautiful! Hope you're able to find computer access elsewhere, too... good to hear from you!
O.K., I really am going to bed for the night now-- before I do a face plant in my keyboard! Nite, all-- and night, Spidey. Night, Hidey, wherever you're roosting for the night!
Cool! Hidey is in the nest - she'll never miss a meal, eh?
Hidey is nibbling on something. Don't know if it's nest-overs or something Lib or Belle dropped off.
Looks like you me and Hidey are the only ones up,s/he must have just got there,I was checking other cams and missed the arrival
Good Morning Bill!
That would make us the EARLY BIRDS, right? :)
It's just so great to see Hidey in the nest. I hope she never stops coming back.
Gotta go do the daily grind now,be back in about 12 hrs,ya'll have a wonderful day
Good Morning All...
Hidey looks busy busy busy this morning in the nest.
Deb, jmp and Sharon... Thank you all three for answering my questions yesterday. That was mighty kind of you.
jmp... interesting stuff. Thank you for explaining how the brain works. You should write some blogs. :)
Anyways, looks like a beautiful day today.
AND... thank you Hidey for blessing me with your presence this morning!
Anybody recognize those medium-size birds in the nest now??
Hi Jim..
I saw them too and was trying to identify them, but couldn't. They left rather quickly, I thought maybe one of the eagles was coming in for a landing.
Good morning to whomever might be there now. Movin . . . are you still there? I see Hidey has already come and gone this morning.
Nine lives have been lost as a result of the Metro crash now. Many traffic problems for those traveling in that area.
I'm expecting my daughter Suzi later today. Looking forward to seeing her!
Good morning, Tammy!
Good Morning Stronghunter :)
Nice to see you this morning.
Sorry you missed Hidey. It was good to see him/her. I've missed them the last few days.
Good Morning Eagle People...
Waiting on Hidey.
Eaglet at BWE and a nice deer at Pix Pa, feeding at Finney's
Good to see you, Tammy. Beautiful day here.
The nest is slowly coming out of the shadows.
Good morning, Margy. Thanks for the report on the other sites. I am afraid to get involved with all of them this morning. . . too much to do, and it would be hard to break away.
Adult at the nest.
There is a parent !
It is a beautiful morning here in Martinsburg/Shepherdstown...sunny and 61°. I haven't been getting up early enough to see Hidey for the past couple of days. Miss him:(
And there's a Child
With food.
Yikes! The child has arrives, rude as ever.
Same here Shirley...
Hidey looks great in the sunshine...
as does the spindly deer at PIX, and there is another eaglet at BWE.
I don't think Hidey will ever have any problems with assertiveness.
Good morning everyone! Got her just in time to the Hidey Miracle this morning!
Hidey doesn't act as hungry as usual. . . but I bet s/he would not allow anyone else near that food regardless.
the nest is nothing more to her/him than a nestaurant now!
If that is a fish, it is only a part of a fish. Hidey is just kicking it around.
Nestaurant . . . good one.
I'm checking in on the barn owl babies, boy are they making a racket!!! Hidey would be so pleased!
they look like little ghostyl apparitions in the pre dawn darkness of the box.
ghostly, rather. pardon my dyslexia.
Lynne, could you tell me how to get to the barn own site?
they are also having breakfast.
Can't stay long. Time for sleep.
Wanda - glad you got your Eaglet fix this morning.
So sad for the victims of the Metro Crash in the Washington area. Prayers for all, including the heroic Fire Department responders.
Hello and so long to our morning people here, and those to join.
Best wishes for a Good and Safe Day.
Prayers for Comfort and Strength, and Wellness, and that the trials and troubles of yesterday, fade away with the new morning.
xo ♥
That is the link Shirley, I can't do that fancy blue link thing everyone else does!
Good morning everyone. So glad to see Hidey this morning, I haven't seen him in several days. It's so sad tuning in to an empty nest. Saw something funny at the lake this weekend, two buzzards sitting on a sign that said private swimming area. Wish I had taken my camera. Hope everyone is feeling good today. Love, Gwen
You can also see osprey, herons, bluebirds...just click on the left to which ever one you want to see!
Thanks, Lynne. I can't do the link, either. I looked at the directions once, but haven't absorbed all of that info yet.
Hey there Gwen! I know what you mean...I NEVER seem to have my camera when I need it....worse, I NEVER LEARN just to keep it with me!!
Hey Margy!
Shirley, just goolge Wild Watch Cams and then click on the site for the Wildwatch cams Washington Dept of Fish and Wildlife.
I also meant to say I'm so sorry about the tragic derailment in Washington. I couldn't help but cry this morning watching the news. Thankfully none of you were on that train. Gwen
Thanks, Lynne. They do look ghostly. I have added it to my favorites list.
Yes, Gwen. We are thankful that our own are safe. Sorry for the victims.
Thanks for your concern.
I must get on with the chores now. Much to do today.
the owls are of 2 different broods! Two of the babies are much larger than then the other two. I was pretty worried for a while when they were really much younger that there wouldn't be enough food for them all and, well, it would not have been pretty.
New kind of exercise Hidey is doing?
I saw that they are very different in age. Is that normal for owls?
I don't know! I knew that they could have more than one brood a year but not going at the same time! I will try to look up some info on that...I've been meaning to anyway.
Is that your kitty on your avitar?
GOOD MORNING EAGLE BUDDIES!!---Have you ever seen a more beautiful EAGLET---I think not--she may need some 'MS MANNER- lessons!----WHOA!---She is WAY COOL!-----CONGRATS!!---LORI---you are our #1 EAGLE MOM--today & every day!!!----MORNIN' LORI--ELKINS BILL--TAMMY--SHIRLEY--MOVIN'JIM--MAGPIE--WANDA--& LYNN2--
WOW!!!---Another GLORIOUS am in WILD & WONDERFUL WEST VIRGINIA---sunny skies---puffy clouds---singing birds----temp 61°---BELLE & LIBERTY'S BABY'S tummy is full---all's right with HER WORLD!!---It takes so little to make her HAPPY---When she's HAPPY--We are HAPPIER!----Let us give thanks! --HUG A TREE---& REJOICE!--LIFE IS GOOD!!
morning Norma! I always love your morning messages!!!
Good morning, everyone.
So happy to see Hidey for a few minutes this morning. H/she just flew off into the sunshine. Now I can finish my coffee and head outside to attack the weeds.
Prayers for the Metro injured, those who died and their families.
I'll do some research when I've finished some of those chores. I just hung a bird feeder on a spindly limb. It will be interesting to see what the squirrels do about that.
Yep, that's my kitty. George was checking out some flowers I was about to plant.
George has gotten used to hearing bird calls coming from my computer, but he still gets interested from time to time. Someone has a bluebird call on their blog. George really liked that one. I am afraid to leave the computer on with George nearby. Wouldn't want my work computer to suffer cat attack.
They have just changed the death toll from the Metro accident downward to seven. I don't know how that happened.
GOOD MORNING, JUDIE...glad you came back to see us today. We enjoyed chatting with you yesterday:) Yes, lots of outside work to be done.
Hi Judie, Happy weed wacking this morning!
Shirley, George is cute! I have 3 cats of my own, Joker, Mitzi and Brother Cat. And a collie!
Good morning, Judie. Welcome back this morning.
George is a sweet guy. He's my only pet at present. I had a basset hound for years, but Sassafras passed away awhile back.
Lynne, I am sure all of your pets keep your busy. I love both cats and dogs. Over the years, my children had a huge variety of critters. Even snakes. I kind of just tolerated the snakes.
MORNIN' LOVELY GWEN---We all need to keep the victims & the other folks involved in the DC METRO crash in our thoughts and prayers!!
Prayers for the METRO workers--for strength---
. . . that's keep you busy.
It's so hard when they pass....this is actually the first time in 15 or so years that I've only had one dog. I lost 2 last year within 6 months of each other. But Raven will be 13 next month, and I think she'd like to be an only dog at this stage.
They do keep me busy, especially Brother Cat who is ROTTEN!!!!
Beautiful sunny morning at the NORFOLK 'REBELS' site---I see '1' EAGLET branching---The JUVIE EAGLETS are returning to the nest daily for R&R---'food'---ho!
WOW, look at that leopard.
THANKS EVERYONE for the rain you sent to my house yesterday.It was so nice.. I hate to be greedy, but, if you have any more you are not using send it on
Good morning, again.
Just a quick update. The local news channels in the D.C. area have now indicated 9 known fatalities from the train crash. Been using the system for 25 years without concern but now - hmmmm. Prayers for all.
Okay, I've procrastinated long enough. If Hidey is out and about so must I be out in the weeds.
Happy to see you got some rain, GA.
Loaded dishwasher. More to do . . .
MORNIN' GA-GIRL---We didn't have rain yesterday---so I GUESSED the rain had been sent to you all!---
Did you dance in the rain??---ho!
HEDGIE---aaaw!--I feel your pain--just keep praying---
My apology: Just one last look at local news before heading outside and the number of deaths from the train crash has been revised downward to 7. Didn't intend to provide misinformation.
WHOA!--SHIRLEY---I like your style---I can't seem to work like that--I have classes this am at Wellness Center--so I need to get movin' too--
Good Morning In Eagleland this beautiful day..Lori, Bill, Tammy, Jim,
Shirley, Margy (sleeping now), Wanda, Lynn2, Gwen, Norma, jmp (judie welcome),
Prayers for those and families of the DC train crash.
MORNIN' JMP!---SORRY---forgot to say hello--Have a great day-----
NORMA I come you go .... how many days are you doing at Wellness?
MORNIN' DANA!---How is ED this am?----pray he is feeling better--& that you are too!!!----haven't checked the DONKEYS yet this am!--ho!----
The FINLAND NEST is just AWESOME this am----Sun is shining---& the little 'fuzz balls' are lying beside the OSPREY MOM!!---they blend so well with the nest--hard to see sometimes!---but that's a good thing!! ho!
I can't seem to remember GA-Girl's name?
I see I missed Hidey. Well maybe there will be another visit.
Norma we go later today to find out about what the PET Scan showed.
We both are tired.
Yesterday he had his ultrasound for the abdominal Aortic Aneurysm. They should be calling to set something up soon on that.
It's all in the Masters Hands.
Squirrel already munching on my birdseed. The spindly branch is almost to the ground. May have to move feeder.
Oh that was a cool pic where Deb put on of the tiny red pandas.
Lots and lots of Donkeys Norma scattered about. Don't see the black one though.
Squirrel laughing at me. I haven't even challenged him with bird feeder placement.
Shirley I'm the one that has the bluebird button to hear their call.
Glad you cat likes it lol
Those squirrels didn't like the bird feeder I used that went by the weight. We laughed and laughed at them trying to get into it from every direction.
Good morning! Could not get back on last night. Wifi must have shut down or something.
We are eating a quick breakfast then heading on to Rocky Mt. Natl. Park.
The five of us sleeping in this trailer was quite cozy! But we have always referred to our 23 foot trailer as our new tent! LOL
Sun is out, beautiful cool morning, going to get much cooler as we head north.
I will be talking with you in a week!
I sometimes put out squirrel food...but this one is for the birds. I'm going out there!
Hi Dana, continued prayers for you and Ed.
Yes, prayers from me for you and Ed, Dana.
I could not remember who had the bluebird link. Thanks. Yes, George perked up when I played it. I guess he likes bluebirds.
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