Jo Sent Steve W and I a few pics from this AM. Above is one of them.
Steve is pretty convinced now that the bird hanging out yesterday is one of the original fledges from the NCTC nest, probably a male. He will likely set up a territory with 5-10 miles of here, find a mate, and work to build a new nest.
1 – 200 of 271 Newer› Newest»THANK YOU STEVEN!!!---BEAUTIFUL--BEAUTIFUL COOL EAGLES---AWESOME!!!--Not much happening this a.m.---THANKS AGAIN!!----WE NEEDED TO SEE THE ROYAL FAMILY!!!!!----
How cool is that!!
Kewl - Now can you track him down and set up a cam on him too? :):)
YOU CAN SEE A FISHING CAT AT NZOO asleep under a rock!!!!
too funny Paula I surely had the same thought!!!!
BUT If the limit is 2 cams then we will need to save our pennies and their cam for when you know who decides to nest in the area...Oh no of ocurse we don't have a favorite Young eagle Off to the grocery for dog food, OK and some comfort food for me too.
Of course well maybe we don't have to have a 2 cam limit.
ALRIGHT!!!! So good to hear, Steven! I'm so glad, that is just way too cool!! Thanks for the update, and thanks for the new thread.
Yiiiiipppppiiii!! Or however ya spell it.
Immature eagle at Maine Nest!!!!
Cool, Paula!!! That nest is really blowing around today!
Looks like it is eating
I see a white tail, and the head is about 1/2 white
Bet that forum is flipping out just like we were yesterday :)
Good morning all, so glad to see there is another eagle in the area, I only hope he finds a mate.
Raining and cool here not sure if we are suppose to get snow but they are calling for ALOT of rain.
He has a lot more white than our visitor did yesterday. Guess it's that time of year for the eagles to start looking around for mates and nests. Too cool! Wonder if Kent will get a returning or new immature eagle to stop by also.
OH, sorry, how rude of me.
Morning, Robyn!!!
Did you notice---STEVEN says the pic of the 2 EAGLES was taken today----It was taken yesterday!!-----He probably received it today!!
MORNIN' ROBYN!---I always wish they could find a mate!!----Reminds me of the OSPREY in the FINLAND nest!!---He flew off all alone too!!----
MORNIN' ROBYN!---I always wish they could find a mate!!----Reminds me of the OSPREY in the FINLAND nest!!---He flew off all alone too!!----
Good Morning Norma, Suzanne, Candy, Sharon, Paula, Glo and other coming in and those watching.
Yes that immature eagle at Maine is really riding the rough winds out. Something one of our nest offsrping comes to nest yesterday. Today maybe same thing happening in Maine.
It would have been nice if ours had gotten tagged. That way later years we would know who it was returning to nest.
SMALL CLAWED OTTERS are swimming around at the NZOO!!---They are a little hard to see---You can see the rain drops---CUTE!---But oh my--they are FAST!!
I think that eagle in Maine has less of a white head than our visitor did yesterday.
SUZANNE---I think the DIVERS slept in too!!---ho!---Don't tell me I have missed them!!!!
Oh, before I forget again, Jo, have you checked out Peggy's Cove lately? The lighthouse light is out. Was out yesterday morning when I first checked it, and still out now. Wierd. Thought they had to fix them right away, but guess not. The light that is on during the night down by the sign is working, but not the lighthouse.
LOL, Norma, was thinking about that, but haven't been watching that cam too closely!
Sprinkling here now, and cloud deck has lifted some....not quite so gloomy out there.
I do too Paula maybe it is 4 yrs and ours is 5 yrs old.
Oh this is cool. There is a DHL truck at Peggy's Cove, and A LOT of people unloading it. Bet they had to buy a new light bulb or something. Very foggy there, and rough seas!
Or then again, maybe they're just having a tail gate party! Who knows.
Headed to Post Office BRB
SUZANNE---Just checked on & saw the DIVER for a few SECONDS!!!---darn'----DID YOU SEE HIM?
Paula, think you're right. I said earlier that I thought this one had more white, but looking at this guy and pics from yesterday, ours definately had more white on the head. Can't see tail on the Maine eagle, but I'm guessing tail also has more white.
No, Norma, didn't see divers, wasn't watching. Did you waive to them?
Plenty of white under tail of immature eagle in Maine.
SUZANNE----SAFE JOURNEY HOME TODAY!!----BE CAREFUL!!!!---LOVE PATS TO "G" & PLAYMATES!!----(make sure they share with her)--ho!
Do full screen on Maine still blurry
Yea, Dana - it's tough to get a clear pic with all that wind!
Wow - some big gusts up there.
Paula too bad we can't snap pictures in Maine.
"11:30 a.m." or so---SAFEST TIME IN THE DAY TO DRIVE!!----HOW ABOUT THAT???
Mornin' eagle lovers. Weather report from North Mtn, Pendleton County: yikes, it's cold!!! It's 31 and windy, with occasional spits of snow. No snow on the ground, but when I look across the valley, I can see that the ground is white on Spruce Knob (highest point in WV)! It was good to see the picture of Lib & Belle posted by Steve.
The eagle in Maine just flew onto a branch and I seen more white throughout its feathers.
Immature eagle at Maine just flew off or on up into tree. Can't see him/her now.
Nice seeing you Carol ( :
Did Gene wave to you?
Hi, Dana. He's such a nice guy, of course he waved.
CAROL---I just checked SENECA ROCKS----LOOKS BEAUTIFUL!!-- Snow has been predicted for our area too---temps to drop this afternoon!!----Hey! have you found a place or person to get your some venison??---I know there is a food bank in WV & they send all unwanted meat there & it is given to people that request some!!----Might be for the needy!!---JUST TELL THEM--YOU ARE "NEEDY" FOR SOME VENISON!!----ho!
I see 4 moose at the moose site, and a whole lot of eland at Pete's pond.
Hi Carol! Did you waive back to Gene? Of course you did.
Morning, Jim. Dawdlin sounds jlike a fine thing to do!
All this talk of snow, hope it waits till I get home before it starts! Or at least out of this area! These people are nuts in the rain, let alone snow!
Norma, I did not know that about the safest time of day to drive. I didn't know there was one, actually. Very interesting.
MORNIN' JIM!!---Are you going DEER HUNTING?---Are you a hunter?---You once said a member of your family used to hunt birds--red-neck pheasant--I think!!
SUZANNE----Just thought that might calm your nerves while you are sliding around on the snowy roads!!---KIDDIN'!!---Really, I thought that was interesting too!!
Back from Post Office
Off for Haircut & then blood work BBL
It says it is 37° here in Bluefield but with this wind, I believe it is more like 7°. I am freezing!
I am a hunter, Norma, but the loss of habitat for wildlife in California also means a loss of areas which allow hunting. So I haven't been hunting in many years for that reason and usually a combination of other factors.
I do photography also, and that can be a similar "charge" as hunting.
Time for me to hit the road. Gonna sleep in a little tomorrow, don't have to open till 4:30ish, so may just catch a few xtra zzzzzzx'z!
All have a great eagle/panda day. Thanks for the well wishes for driving!
Eyes to the sky, see the raptor's fly!
JIM---I think the photography trips would be GREAT!!---Living in CA---Beautiful scenery!!----We are losing lots of our land to people from the DC area---They are building "summer" homes!!---Way up in mts.,---
You can see the front half of an eagle at BW now.
I don't know if anyone has commented, but I see there is a new exam report and video of our Squiggles.
YEP JIM!!---She doesn't look too HAPPY either!!!
I couldn't get in SD one time this a.m.---I love to watch those video EXAMS---I bet she yelled!---She has a set of lungs on her!!
SQUIGGLES is so ADORABLE-!!!--I watched the latest exam---She was kinda quiet!!---So watched Oct. exam.---They gave her a shot & she certainly let everyone-- within ten miles know----SHE DIDN'T LIKE IT!!
Wish I could hold her just once!!!
The visiting EAGLE IN MAINE is gone!!---The wind is still whipping the nest back & forth!!!
WOW!!!-----WOW!!!----It is "SLEETING" like crazy here----That's all we need with the temp dropping!!!
My IExplorer crashed again...good thing I'm not conducting business sessions on here!
Anyone out there have Mozilla?? I'm seriously thinking of trying that browser.
By the way I was interrupted while reading the latest Catalina Report by Steffi...looked interesting, think I'll head back over there.
Looks like the rain is outta here - I checked radar, and I do see the white snow and sleety stuff out there in WV!
Here's some video from Maine nest.
Maine juvenile visitor
Snowing pretty hard here in Bluefield right now.
Roof is getting white! Birds and squirrels are trying to get stocked up. They have been busy out here all day!
Now you can see a whole eagle at BW.
Had an email from Anne from her work:
...Hurray, I have found a way in. Well, not all the way in but I can read your blogs by clicking on the date.Its lets me read but not sign in. Thats ok, at least I can read whats going on. I agree with Jim, if you haven't read the Catalina last entry October 31 do go and read it. Great pictures and info.
Talk to you later, folks. I need to take care of business around here.
Check the Catalina reports...interesting this week.
Just looked at Jefferson cam--- roads are wet and the roofs on those buildings are WHITE! Oh No, Sharon! I'm not really ready for this weather.
You can really see the BW eagle now.
Off again - BBL
Our nest looks so different with an eagle standing in it. Looks a lot smaller.
nice pic
I'm liking this follow up e-mail, when my bell goes off, I know when someone is visiting.
I like it too, Mits!
Think this is probably Lib, what do you think?
Can't wait to see eaglets filling up the nest!
I'm thinking it went poof!!
another thing I like about the follow-up comments, is when I come on in the a.m., all the comments are there, don't even have to go over to blog
eagle at BW
What a shot!
LOL too many people refreshing...aRGGGGhhhh
Looks like Lib is up on his perch!
Now looks like one on the perch one in the nest moving that looong stick.
tried to take the money shot, and computer got mad at me and threw me off the cam
Can't tell if one on perch left or not.
I think the one on the perch did leave, Paula. Don't see the talons anymore.
eagle back!
LOL, probably never, left...I'm back!
Paula, that is funny cause I was thinking - I didn't know she had left?
No, you are correct, one left MT for a few, then other flew
Okay, so now she is gone!
Hi everyone got back in time to see Liberty in the nest.
Mitswhat do you mean by follow up email and bell goes off so you know someone's in the nest??
then other flew in....blog monster is editing me now
Okay, Mits, so I guess I missed it myself! :)
Dana, you can click below for the follow up comments to be sent to your email. Then your email will ding when it arrives. Sorry, Mits, answered for you!
Dana, look below, it says follow up coments will be sent to:....I have mine sent directly to my e-mail, and on my computer I have chimes when I get an e-mail, so I can stop what I am doing and check mail, usually when we have a visit the bells are going full blast, so then I come to the puter faster.
Mits - but during the second visit, did one leave and come back?
Is anyone confused yet??
you are younger and faster eagle-eyed:):):)
Belle left and Lib came in and then he left. I was going to mention that it was like a revolving door
Might be a little bit younger but don't know about the faster thing, Mits. Moving kind of slow these days.
Snowing pretty hard in Bluefield. Ground is starting to turn white!
I am breathless as I just finished reading those comments from 3 experienced Momsters trying to keep up with 2 special eagles.... lol
You gals are great! I hope you have some pics already in the album - I really want to see this spectacular visit!
Mits do the chimes come with comcast and not yahoo mail?
Thanks for clarification, Mits. Thought maybe YOU were losing it :)
I have lost it, Paula, but I am looking for it.......DANA, my chimes are on my computer, I go to Control Panel and click on sounds etc, then I pick which one I want.
BIG Moose on the cam
Lonely Louie at BW platform
Cape Coral MT nest
OR nest MT
Kent MT nest (Still has a hole)
TH, WE and SantaCruz MT nest
Squiggles has 12 teeth!
Tai inside den getting biscuits
Adults outside roaming.......
Sharon - your town is getting a whiteout look on the cam.....
We've just had rain - windy - colder temps coming in.
Jo - Santa Cruz is not working - it is stuck on the last picture before they started working on moving the antennas...which still aren't back up yet...they keep saying soon!
Sharon, the snow looks pretty, with the fall leaves as a background
Brrrrr Baby its cold outside.. winds a whippin leaves blowin off the trees and spittin snow... but the sun is out... Howdy Folks... Looking at the nest and all those big sticks n such i was thinking maybe they are laying another layer to the nest floor and then build up the sides??? JMHO.. Thye certainly are and ambitious{SP} couple of eagles... Off to check out cams... BBL
Dana - Yahoo mail won't ding. But if you are using outlook or outlook express, it could ding for you...
Its fruit and vege time at the zoo.
Mits Thanks very much I'll try this out. Cause I would like to know when the eagles come in.
So you don't have to have your mail open "outlook express". If you set the sounds and check the box where to send follow-up it will do the sound you selected. Do I have that right?
I always have my outlook express on, Dana, so I guess that is yes
Can you change your email for the follow-up comments?? Cause mine now reads yahoo.
don't know how to do that, have always had mine as my personal e-mail
Dana, I think you would have to change your email address under your account on here.
Thank you Sharon I'm trying to work on this. Your idea might be very helpful.
my favorite cam operator at the zoo, nice close-ups
Anne has emailed me pics from this last visit.. I will try to get some posted into the Momsters album for her... She can read this blog from work but can't sign on...
Hi Anne
Mits also got some pics.. Paula do you plan to put any of yours in??
Jo, those pics are from Sharon, I didn't take any.
Jo, I just sent more pics to Mits and she will hopefully forward them to you. Might be some different ones but might not.
Dana Look down where you are going to Check off:
email follow up comments to
That is the email address in bold that will be used for this blog alert
More pics from SHARON on their way to you, Jo.
Sharon - you could go ahead & place in the album on Momster's - If your memory needs refreshed, the Momsters' site on the links has the instructions... Really user friendly
Cause Paula wrote them.
what a treat!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
that is so weird one second they are there and then poof they are gone
Sorry - I have to leave. Have to go home and let out the dogs then back into town - rare night, have to work.....
WOW didn't mean to scare them away...gone again
Catch ya'll mucho latero.
Jo, I am still working but I will do that in just a little while.
adios, Paula
Sharon Keep on working - I'll get the pics in there tonight! loL
I think Lib flew off & Belle is still there.
you are correct, Jo
that was a blurry take-off
I refreshed & caught the wingflingy
Then she was gone..... I thought I messed up the cam pic for me....lol
the sun set there 10 mins ago, how come its not darker??
Busy little eagles this evening. One is back!
honestly this is great.
And Poof - gone again!
This has been a busy little evening at the wonderful sycamore tree!
lots of incoming and poofing.
Dinner time here at this table. BBL
what a fun afternoon at our nest.
Hello Glo. Yes it was a fun afternoon in our nest!
Is anyone watching Squiggles trying to walk? It is hilarious. She looks like a drunken sailor.
Don't you just want to pick her up and hold her?
Yeah..she did it!! She is trying to go after Mom--heading for the door.
Wanda I am glad for your heads up on Squiggles - I had to take a break from what I was doing and look at her. She is really trying out those little legs. Rolly Polly we should call her now...... lol
She is really entertaining me. I am alone now, you know. I missed all the excitement with Lib & Belle today. But this little lady is a treat to watch also.
I got your email Sharon! Must be working now...
Wanda I will be sending you a PPT in about an hour.Part 1 & Part 2
Is Gene able to call you? Did you spend the day at your mom's?
Little Squiggles is like a breath of fresh air !!
I got there to late, she was sleeping , now has disappeared....prompted me to go look at the old videos of Tai Shan when he was young..they can be found on the panda cam page right underneath the cam...Headlined, Giant Panda videos, he was something else
Sorry...didn't mean to run off. Granddaughter came to visit. Now Squiggles is gone. Did anyone see if she got out the door by herself or did Mom get her?
JO...Yes, Gene can call me. He got to Elkins safely and waved to CAROL when he got to Seneca Rock.
My Mom baked me a pumpkin pie and we spent the afternoon eating it and chatting.
Going to watch some TV.
Unfortunately, despite improvements in research, captive breeding, and habitat protection in recent years, the giant panda is ranked as the bear species most at risk of extinction.
Taken from the lastest report from San Diego
I am trying to send out emails & my hotmail is telling me the server is busy! I am getting frustrated !!
Clear & Cold out tonight! Looks like the snow is covering the grass in Bluefield...
Squiggles is MIA... I guess her mom took her with her to another room...
She sure was "moving" on her own!
Just checking in for a minute...
You TV buffs I am sure are watching ER
BBL to say good night!
Having a ball with my hotmail..Going to just close it down for the night!
Good Night everyone
Peace to You & Yours
Prayers for all being said
Hey there Early Birds!
It's Friday which will make a few of you happy!
Good morning Suzanne, just walking past the computer, thought I would say "HI", sky is clear and beautiful with stars.I know you aren't do in til around 4:30 a.m. Have a good weekend.
Oh my, good morning, Mits! I see you have Jim-itis this morning! Good morning, world. Had over 300 visitors yesterday to the blog, guess the excitement of the immature eagle has stirred everyone's attention.
You're right, Mits, beautiful night out in most places! Gazillions of stars, and LOTS of wind. Some places north of Thurmont have sprtizers, but no heavy rain. Guess we're gonna lose the rest of the beautiful leaves we didn't lose yesterday. There goes my beautiful ride home! Bare trees.
Will try to go back and see what I missed, but gonna be busy today I think.
All have a great eagle/panda day.
Eyes to the sky, see the raptors fly!
OMG, just opening cams. Bai and Squiggles birthing den is totally MT!!! Guess Bai and Squigs are camping out in another den tonight. Not unusual to see Bai in there at this hour, but it sure is unusual to see the den MT!!!
Good morning, Suz...
If you can get Pete's, Fatty the Crocodile has caught something and is holding it under... perhaps an Impala.
How are you this fine Friday morn??
Good morning, Jim! No, can't get Pete's Pond, just the Africam. There was a whole herd of something on there a sec ago, but now I'm not getting a pic. Oh, there it goes, and whatever it was is totally gone. They were all standing under that tree. Which of course, is still just standing there.
I'm great today, thanks for asking! How are you? Still up, I see. Mits was up earlier, told her she had Jim-itis! You're not sleeping is spreading on the blog.
Wow! Whatever he has caught, he's holding it under in the shallows, and two turtles (about a foot across) came right up to his mouth to try and rip off some meat!
Fatty has repositioned the kill, and I can see it is not an Impala...it's a large catfish, maybe 40 or 50 lbs.!
He's backing into the deeper water, and here come the turtles again (as long as his mouth is shut, I guess).
Oh cool, sounds exciting! Glad it's not an Impala, but don't care if it's a catfish. Hope those brave turtles get a bite or two!
Fatty just did a "death roll" and ripped off at least 5 lbs of one end of the catfish...turtles will be getting some portion themselves now.
Actually, Suz, I fell asleep 3 or 4hours ago, got up to go to the boys room, looked in before turning the puter off, and there's Fatty thrashing the catch around.
Wildebeest group drinking on another side of the pond.
Cool, some excitement to get the ol' heart pumping when you're just trying to make a quick stop before heading back to bed. Those death rolls are kinda interesting to watch.
I made a comment Wed on here that last Sunday I had a visitor, a red-tailed hawk on my chair by the bird feeders. I took pics and am gonna put them in the Momsters album in a few. Kinda neat to see him/her so close. Pics were taken through my back door storm door, but you can still see the hawk quite well.
The turtles getting very insistent about getting some catfish, so Fatty is taking the fish and trying to exit stage left.
I can hear something in the background that sounds like a small dog yelping in pain, but I can't see what it actually is.
Wow, all kinds of excitemeent. Hope it's not a dog in pain!
Pics of the red-tailed hawk visitor to my house on Sunday, 11 Nov have been added in new album on Momsters. Guess he stopped by for Veterans' Day. That was nice of him! He was also very accommodating to stay there long enough for me to change camera batteries and take some pics! Thank you, hawk.
I missed that comment, Suz, but Red-tails are pretty common in So Cal too, and they're beautiful raptors.
They died back in Orange County when they started developing the Irvine Ranch into industrial parks, but they've come back and have learned to hunt the freeway dividers and borders along the exits. Also there are some undeveloped sections here and there.
Fatty just released the fish, which he had by the tail end, checked it all the way to the other end for movement ... definitely dead.
Now he's back at the tail, slowly chewing on it ... maybe going to take another bite.
The turtles are still approaching underwater, grabbing scraps, or tearing off small pieces.
Reminds me of Hemmingway's "The Old Man and the Sea." Did you ever do the book or the movie of that?
Yeah, Jim, this guy has been a not very frequent visitor for a couple years now. I haven't seen him in a long time, but my neighbor told me he saw him on the fence a month or so ago. Evidentally, he has favorite stops he makes. I was talking to one of the guys where I buy my bird seed (he loves me!), and he was telling me about the different houses this guy visits. But you know what? Poor hawk has yet to get a bird at any of our feeders! Doesn't stop him from trying, though.
No, Jim, never read it or saw the movie. Should I read it?
Wow, Peggy's Cove lighthouse light is still out, and Peggy's Cove is TOTALLY fogged in! Sure glad I don't have to drive in THAT soup!
Maybe he's a "bird watcher," Suz. Hahahaha.
Well, I never saw a Red-tail up close at home in Del Mar Terrace, but the area is famous for it's updrafts and thermals (Torrey Pines Glider Port might still be nearby), and we could see Red-tails and Buzzards circling high above our area all day, every day.
Those sandstone cliffs and hills are great for soaring birds... usually a steady wind from the sea in the west.
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