Tuesday, November 20, 2007


New thread.


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Costume Lady said...

Did you find your way over Cheri?

normabyrd said...


Costume Lady said...

Thank you Steve---Have a nice Holiday.

Suzanne said...

Thanks for the new thread, Steven, and thanks for the pic of Lib.

Belle is now back, and Mits, deer in PA.

Suzanne said...

OMG, Belle is gonna move the stick Lib moved. She never does like his arrangements!!!

Suzanne said...

Oops, Morning, Red.

Suzanne said...

Well, man, she's just in and out this morning!

normabyrd said...

GOOD MORNING EAGLE BUDDIES!!--CONGRATS!! WANDA---YOU ARE #1 AS ALWAYS---I am so sorry to read your MOTHER isn't well!!---Will keep her in my thoughts & prayers!!--GOD BLESS! -----

Costume Lady said...


IMookey said...

Whosh I didn't think I was going to make it But ... Here I am

Costume Lady said...

It takes some getting used to, Cheri.

wvgal_dana said...

Good Morning Red thank you for the heads up on the "new thread". Good Morning Norma lady. Again a good morning to Wanda and Suzanne. Holding door open for Cheri to get in. Good Morning Watchers.

Thank you Steven for the pic and the New Thread. Happy Thanksgiving to all those at NCTC

IMookey said...

Belle.." I said I wanted it over Here"

Costume Lady said...

Thank you ladies, for your prayers. We know that sure does help!

Suzanne said...

Well, darn, and there he goes.

Cheri, I apologize, I got your name wrong earlier! Think I said good morning to Carla! Sorry!!! I meant good morning Cheri!

Well darn, Lonesome Louie left too. So did the deer.

normabyrd said...

MORNIN' SUZANNE!---I came down EARLY this morning & WOW!!---I think the ROYAL COUPLE HAS MOVED IN!!-----At least they have been here a long time this a.m.---Which is a GOOD THING!!!---MUST CHECK TO SEE WHO ELSE IS HERE!!!

Costume Lady said...

You are right Cheri, Belle never seems to be satisfied with his arrangements.

IMookey said...

don't worry I just thought You combined cheri with Karla making Carla

MITS said...

I see them, Suzanne:):)

Costume Lady said...


IMookey said...

Typical Marriage.

normabyrd said...

COME SEE ME KIDS!!---I have a couple of deer in my lawn this a.m.

IMookey said...

Belle .." You want the dang thing moved ,Move it your self"

Costume Lady said...

You are right Cheri, they couldn't agree, so they just left.

Suzanne said...

Ohh no, deer are still there, just not right in front of the cam.

Suzanne said...

wow, morning, Norma! Cheri, good idea...if I had thought of it, I would say yup, that's what I did! :-)
Cheri, Belle never like where Lib puts the sticks, so she always rearranges after he does. She hasn't bothered his perch much, though. Maybe that's the "boy's" den..

MITS said...

Suzanne, your Squiggles is nursing:).

MITS said...

eagle at Cape Coral

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Normabyrd, I am on my way. My sister had a doe in her yard in the spring. That is the first time we have seen one around here close.

Suzanne said...

Thanks, Mits. She's such a cutie! They were snuggling for quite a while this morning, then Bai left for a while. Didn't see her return, but now it must be before breakfast snack time. DC pandas are chowing down on their bamboo. Squiggles is sooo cute!

Costume Lady said...

Suz, did you get the photo of Squiggles asleep in the hallway? That whole scenario was hillarious. Her leaving the den and wonderin down that hallway---what a great adventure for her. She really wore herself out and just laid ther and went to sleep. I didn't get to see how she got back in the den.

Costume Lady said...

Next Monday, Squiggles will have a name. Thank goodness!

Suzanne said...

LOL, yes I did, Wanda, thanks so much. That was too funny! That was a lot of work yesterday, getting there by herself! Guess she just had to take a nap after all that expended energy! I just knew she was gonna make it out of the den, and by golly, she sure did. Little Spunkster girl, we have here! Mom is holding her so cute!

normabyrd said...

MORNIN'--DANA--CHERI---HELEN & RED---Who must still be holding the DOOR!!--ho!----It is a foggy--cloudy a.m. here in WV--temp. 41°---but predicted to warm up!!---Isn't it a GLORIOUS day when BELLE & LIBERTY greet us so early & continue to rearrange their sticks!!---CHERI---That's the fun of watching them---BELLE always rearranges every stick LIBERTY touches!!--

Costume Lady said...

You can just see the LOVE Momma has for her baby. Squiggles is becoming an armful.

Costume Lady said...

Going to get ready to take Mom for her test. Prayers, please.

Suzanne said...

LOL, Norma, that's too funny, but she sure does, doesn't she? She is absolutely gonna have the last say, but poor Lib always tries to move those sticks!

She is getting big, Wanda. Absolutely love watching those 2!!!

IMookey said...

LOL Norma
Belle reminds me of your typical Nagging Wife..." No Silly if you can't do it then I will"

IMookey said...

Keep Me up dated Mom
Lots of Love

Suzanne said...

Awwww, Bai trying to tuck Squiggles in for a nap, and doesn't look like she wants to take one right now. Little squiggler that she is!!!

wvgal_dana said...

Cheri do you know how Karla is doing?

normabyrd said...

The "LITTLE PRINCE" is strolling this a.m.----But I think he is playing "CATCH ME IF YOU CAN" with the camera----SORRY--I missed seeing him in the basket!!---ADORABLE!!

IMookey said...

Yestherday Karla thounded like the was thalking with a closth pin on ther nose. But went into work anyway.

Suzanne said...


floralgirl said...

HA! Well come on over here then, I just chased away 16 deer, and then spent 15 minutes getting yelled at by the resident mockingbird who thinks my greens pile is his, and the darn carolina wren who lives on my deck and was caught trying to take bittersweet berries off a wreath I had made. After I scolded him, he spent some time telling me off from afar, gave him a birdhouse gourd full of seeds, maybe he'll leave my stuff alone for awhile. It's a jungle out there..lol.. Have a great day everyone, off to work! Good luck Wanda, thinking good thoughts for your Mom.

wvgal_dana said...

Poor Karla thought she said she was going to go to dr. hummmmm

Has anyone tried to get into the hummingbird cam? It won't take the password "guest".?????

Suzanne said...

There are 5 of them!
Dang, just lost my cam, gotta reopen it.

MITS said...


Suzanne said...

Wow, Megan, sounds like you sure have your hands full with all the wildlife at your house! Sounds kinda neat from my end, but I know you're not happy with it!

floralgirl said...

Your conversation makes me hungry for a turkey sandwich...

wvgal_dana said...

Good Morning Megan oh my that is such a "beautiful wreath you made".
Sorry about the wildlife into your earnings materials.

Have A Good Day

MITS said...

Dana, I can get into the hummer-cam, but it is only 5:00a.m. there.

wvgal_dana said...

Let me tell you it isn't easy getting those feathers plucked off those turkeys. You have to keep dipping them into hot boiling water. I didn't like the taste of wild turkey. Didn't hunt those anymore when I went hunting.

Now just beautiful to watch.

wvgal_dana said...

Hummm Mits it keeps telling me I am using the wrong password. I know it is guest lol

floralgirl said...

Oh don't worry, Suzanne, I love all my birds. Just despise the deer cause they eat everything I grow. That wren and I spend all day having "discussions" about his behavior. I think he slept in my wreath tent last night. The only good thing about the mockingbird is that since he has claimed the pile of greens as his, he won't let any other birds in it. It is an all day battle out there.

wvgal_dana said...

What sound does the female turkey make?

What sound does the male turkey make?

What is the name for a female turkey?

What is the name for a male turkey?

lol anyone remember taking this test lol

wvgal_dana said...

It's ok Megan it was me not Suzanne but I figure. With all your wildlife creatures your dealing with. You can get my name wrong anything lol

IMookey said...

Just spoke to Karla, She has gone through two boxes of Tyl-Chest and Congestion and now moving to Mucinex. She in work signing pay checks and will try to log on soon. She says thank you for your thoughts

Suzanne said...

I know ya do, Megan, and you just make it sound so funny, you arguing with all that wildlife. But I talk to my birds, but they don't steal my work. They just stand around and yell at me to hurry up with putting that food out! Like, do IT NOWWWWW!!!!! They just chirp away till I'm finished filling their feeders, then they swoop in en masse!

wvgal_dana said...

That poor gal...Mucinex is suppose to be good. My sister caught hers and started taking the mix pack of day and night Nyquil. Then she switched to Alkster Cold & Sinus. That made her alot better.

Suzanne said...

Imookey, give her our love. I had it before she did, and the horrible cold lasts a good couple weeks! I finally ended up taking day and night meds (Target rip-off of Tylenol, I think), and Airborne, and finally Zicam. And lots of sleep!! Doesn't sound like she's slowed down any!

wvgal_dana said...

Eagle in nest at Cape Coral

IMookey said...

but nothing beats a good old fashion HOT TOTTI

wvgal_dana said...

Cheri link for Cape Coral

password is demo same as username


wvgal_dana said...


Suzanne said...

LOL, Cheri! I felt so bad, that's about the last thing I wanted.

However.........I'm better now!!!

Suzanne said...

Check out Tai, little mountain climber!

Suzanne said...

Well, darn. He climbed up those rocks, and now he's just doing his strolling at his top of the mountain.

MITS said...

poop-shoot by Tai

normabyrd said...

Just saw BOB'S new pics!!---WANDA says when BOB posts his pictures---It's like opening a "BEAUTIFUL PRESENT"!!----THANKS for sharing!!---Your light on the water & sky are just AWESOME!!---

MITS said...

just a gorgeous shot of the beautiful Mei Xiang

normabyrd said...

We have had wild turkey many times for THANKSGIVING!!----It is delicious---sometimes if it is an older bird---it may be tough!!---We have lots of turkey in this section of WV----CAROL has them too!----You can often see them flying across the road when driving up her way!!---(DANA--the key is enjoying the turkey is to find some one to clean it for you)---It works much better that way)--ho!

normabyrd said...

MORNIN' BLUEFIELD SHARON----I think you have the 'most beautiful' bird in WV---(I'm teasing SHARON!!)---That is our state bird!!--SHARON-- have you see MEGAN'S pics of her trees full of CARDINALS!!!!---It's a TREAT to see!!

wvgal_dana said...

Norma where we use to hunt is all houses up in the Mountains there now. Sad :( Wildlife had to move on someplace else.

wvgal_dana said...

Hi Carol !! Are you watching?

Suzanne said...

She is beautiful, Mits! She looks so relaxed! Just want to rub her ears. (Course she'd probably take off my hand if I tried, but would like to do that the way she's laying.)

wvgal_dana said...

Those eagle in Cape Coral are taking things seriously.

wvgal_dana said...

Cheri are you still here?

normabyrd said...

MEGAN!!---Your wreath is just beautiful!!!---Just teach that mocking bird to make wreaths!!--ho!!---Don't they like to imitate?? I bet it's beautiful in your lawn---all the birds & greens!!---Have you started selling?

Suzanne said...

Precious little Squiggles is alone. Tossing around in her sleep.

MITS said...

Yeah, Suzanne, she would.

wvgal_dana said...

I am watching her Suzanne moving her paws awww so sweet.

wvgal_dana said...

I had to get Ed some French Vanilla Creamer at grocery store. Yesterday morning he said, "taste my coffe". I knew as soon as I seen it and tasted it what he had done. I said, "you like that huh". "Yep", he answered back. I said, "Ed your using my International Coffee for a creamer !" lol that man.....( :

normabyrd said...

DANA---A male turkey is referred to as a TOM & a female is called a HEN!!----Is that what you were talking about?

wvgal_dana said...

Yes Norma someone had sent around a test all about the turkey. I was just seeing who all remembered the test. Your answers are right; of course you are a smart lady and knew that. ((hugs))

wvgal_dana said...

On this page are some good pics of last seasons Eagles and the 2 eaglets. All on one line


glo said...

Good morning all I am BACK from coffee and dog treats. I am getting slower these days I guess. Looks like I missed the royal couple too. That nest certainly has some good size limbs in there. They are making a fortress for sure. Everyone have a great day.

wvgal_dana said...

When you go there click on the picture of bald eagel eaglet harrassed by blue jays wow it is incrediable !!!!

wvgal_dana said...

Good Morning Glo look back at the link I put in of pics of last seasons eagles and eaglets at Cape Coral. If you click on the pics they get bigger. Beautiful exciting the one about the blue jays.

Anne-Marie said...

Good Morning all, just stopped by to say Hi before my day start. I'm dressed but thats all. Even Heidi didnt want to go out to do her thing this morning. Burrrr.

Suzanne said...

Morning, Glo! Have a great day yourself.
Bai just covered Squiggles with her bamboo, now Bai is holding the baby and washing her oh so sweet.

Anne-Marie said...

I am still trying to find some bittersweet. If any of you know where I can get it will you let me know. Maybe Megan will know.

wvgal_dana said...

Good Morning Anne. Have a great day.

normabyrd said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU---SENATOR BYRD!!---HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!!!---SENATOR ROBERT C. BYRD IS 90 YEARS OLD TODAY!!!!------He has served 9 terms & is the longest serving SENATOR in US HISTORY----"truly a humble man and a mountaineer at heart".........

Anne-Marie said...

thank you Dana. Its still dark here. I wish I could crawl back in under that quilt.

wvgal_dana said...

This is a comment from the man at Cape Coral taking the pictures: My wife and I discovered these Bald Eagles several years ago spending the winter about two miles north of our home, but they had never raised eaglets before. These pictures try to record their progress.

Anne-Marie said...

9 terms and 90. boy thats a goal. Amazing. I get tired at 65.

wvgal_dana said...

Norma nice singing there...you have a beautiful voice. ( :

Anne-Marie said...

Dana I have never see the cape coral eagles. Where are they?

Mema Jo said...

Good Morning Looks like full house of Eary Birds and a visit from our special birds.

Anne-Marie said...

I am finishing my scrapbook of my trip to West Virginia today so I can have it for Thanksgiving and show my family. I really fell in love with that state and its people.

Anne-Marie said...

Morning Jo, I missed them. I have about 5 more min and then its off with me. I am working today and taking tomorrow off to bake. I will work Friday because its payday and I let everyone else off for vacation.

MITS said...

Anne, I sent you the link last week, will send it again.

Anne-Marie said...

Mits is Cape Coral Florida? Thank you for being do patient.

MITS said...

Anne you have mail

Suzanne said...

wow, Norma, that's awesome! And he's still going strong. Geesh, I hope I'm half as energetic as he is when I get that old...if I live that long.

Morning, Jo!

Suzanne said...

There goes Tai, climbing on a fence. He does like to climb!

Anne-Marie said...

Well I had better get going and get the curlers off and the makeup on. I looked like I just crawled out of bed which I did. May your day be a happy one. I will be watching.

paula eagleholic said...

Morning, all!

Chatty group today! I see we had visitors....it will take me awhile to get caught up today!

BTW, the Maine cam live feed is working this morning :)

MITS said...

Yes, Anne you are correct...

Suzanne said...

Oops, morning, Annie! Morning, Paula. Nice visit this morning.

MITS said...

its morning at the hummer nest.

normabyrd said...

MORNIN' GLO--JO & ANNE!!---ANNE---MEGAN has lots of 'bitter sweet'--maybe she might know some one in your area that carries it!!---!!---

SleepTalkinDog.com said...

More Eagle and other animal cams at Animal Cameras.com"

glo said...

Thanks Dana I found your link. Great Find

MITS said...

4 moose on their cam

normabyrd said...

ANNE!!---Remember, we here in WV. fell in love with you & DIANA!!---as they used to say:---"you'll come back now---you hear"---

normabyrd said...

I bet JO went back for a PANDA nap!!---Perfect morning for one!!

normabyrd said...

SUZANNE---Just caught the back of a DIVER going back---DARN!!---DID YOU SEE HIM?

Suzanne said...

Darn, no didn't see them, Norma.

Suzanne said...

Oh, they must be cleaning Squiggles and Bai's outside areas. They have the door closed, Bai is outside, and Squiggles is moving around inside. Hard to see her with door closed.

Suzanne said...

Awwwww, Tai has his wand treats. He chews so nicely! Other panda doing the bamboo thing.
Tai may chew nicely, but he sure can roll that to get the treats out! Too funny.

MITS said...

Tai is playing with his biscuit wand

wvgal_dana said...

Sorry everyone I just brought the blog back up. Glad Anne got the site although it is on this blog.

I've been over at the site for the pics wow. The eagles have been several years at Cape Coral. They never had raised a family until last season he says. Makes me wonder if they had two nest before and used another one. Then switched to this one last season.

Neat pics all the way back to nestlings.

paula eagleholic said...

Nice Pics of the CC eagles from last year. How in the world did you find those, Dana?

Suzanne said...

Oh he's funny. He rolls it around until a treat falls out, then stops to eat IMMEDIATELY!!! He doesn't go another step. Too funny.

MITS said...

he's a good panda:)

paula eagleholic said...

Thanks for the link, funnyanimalcameras.

Suz - there is a deer cam on there. Is that the one you are watching? It is in NJ.

wvgal_dana said...

Good Morning Paula. I just had it in my mind to try to find out about the eagles of Cape Coral. Started a search. Got really invovled when I found the right place. Looking at those pics reminded me of watching our eagles and eaglets from nestlings.
Luck Paula it was Luck lol

wvgal_dana said...

Paula deer cam we are watching of course all on one line:


Suzanne said...

He sure is, Mits. He's so funny!

No Paula, I'm watching a deer/ animal cam in western PA.

I couldn't get on that link, and I also couldn't get on Dana's. Finally gave up. I mean I got on, just couldn't open any videos. Couldn't get on Cape Coral at all, told me demo was incorrect, to please sign in correctly.

MITS said...

Suzanne, that's how his Dad does it, Mom lays on her back and empties them into her mouth

normabyrd said...

TAI is certainly enjoying his "toy"----There has to be food or something in it!!---

Suzanne said...

Thanks, Mits, I knew you called that wand something yesterday, but couldn't remember what it was. So.. Tai had his biscuit wand. He sure loves that!

normabyrd said...

SUZANNE---Have you checked in the DIVERS?----Something is wrong with the cam---When I first turn it on--THERE IS A DIVER WITH SOMETHING LIKE A GUN POINTED AT ME---Then all of a sudden---GONE!!---turn off & come back--same pic!!---(of course--he probably doesn't like my face)--ho!

Suzanne said...

Norma, I still can't get Atlanta! That little Atlanta Beauty is gonna be full grown by the time they get that cam fixed. Their last update about it is dated Friday! GRUMBLE GRUMBLE....

Mema Jo said...

Not time for Panda napping yet - Went to find some breakfast food...
Lots of activity on here - can't keep up with all of you! Thanks for the pics from this morning's visit, Dana.

wvgal_dana said...

Suzanne that deer cam link is for Western Penna.

wvgal_dana said...

Norma I just tried the divers/fish cam and it loaded ok for me.

No gun with a gun pointed at me.

wvgal_dana said...

No man pointing a gun lol

Mema Jo said...

Love your wreath pic, Megan.

I'll be out & about today - will check back later.. Thinking about Wanda & her mom - hoping for the best

wvgal_dana said...

Good Morning Jo the moose cam is working. 4 moose there

normabyrd said...

SUZ!!--I checked that earlier---They seem to enjoy telling us all the NEAT things BUTA BUTA is doing!!!

normabyrd said...

JO---I was KIDDIN'---I thought maybe you were getting an early start on the BIG day!!---The PRESIDENT just pardoned the 2 turkeys--MAY & FLOWER---they get to live their lives out in DISNEY WORLD!!!

normabyrd said...

SLOTH BEAR out at NZOO!---HELEN-- have you ever seen them brushing their teeth???---That would be a FUN WATCH!!

MITS said...

No, Norma, stuff like that takes place behind the scenes......Mei and Tian are wrstling.

MITS said...

good lord, there goes the pretty maple tree.

MITS said...

move away from the little tree.

normabyrd said...

DANA---He's still there with a gun----only lasts a second---POW! gone!!!---(need to comb my hair) Ho!

wvgal_dana said...

All bets are off in this wrestling match. Teeth, hind feet anything can be used. lol

normabyrd said...

JO---There are at least 6 OTTERS huddled together at NZOO!!--cute little devils!!!--aahhhh!!

Suzanne said...

Eagle at BW.

normabyrd said...

YOU can view the FISHING CAT in her den!!!

wvgal_dana said...

If that branch can hold Mei and Tian then it is stronger than I would have thought.

normabyrd said...

MEI & TIAN certainly aren't good role models for the 'LITTLE PRINCE" this a.m.----You can hear them!---I think she wants to KILL for real!!

Suzanne said...

Just read back, had to step out. Mits, that's too funny about mom just laying on her back and emptying them in her mouth. Leave it to the girls to find the easy way!
Norma, haven't really been watching that cam. Look at the bottom and change the refresh rate to 2 seconds, see if that changes the pic.
Yup, Dana, western PA...just like I said a few blogs before yours.
Not sure I'd want to watch a sloth bear get his teeth brushed! I try to brush my kitties, and that's definately what you call MISSION IMPOSSIBLE! They want no part of it!
Eagle at BW has a nice fish!

movin said...

Good Morning, Everyone...

It's 54° and FOG-GY in So Cal this morning, but the weather channel is promising a high of 66° before the day is out.

If you like fog, it is an extremely beautiful day for birding.


Carol_in_WV said...

Hi, Dana & all you other eagle lovers. I just browsed the blog for last evening and today's comments. Can't stay on here very long - just had a federal form dumped on me that has to be completed today, so the boss can sign it before he leaves for the rest of the week. I saw sevveral hunters with bucks in their trucks on my way home last night. Also, saw 6 deer on the hillside right behind my house this morning. They seemed skiddish - or am I just imagining that!?!

Suzanne said...

Morning Jim and Carol. Fish in BW just took a big bite right out of the middle of that fish!

Suzanne said...

Moose are still hanging out.

movin said...

Got on early enough to wish Suzanne a good day and a safe drive home.

Good morning to the rest of you...Wanda, Norma, Dana, Mits, Megan, Glo, Anne-Marie, Mema Jo, Paula, and the new bloggers too.


Suzanne said...

Thanks, Jim. It was very very foggy this morning coming in here too! Like driving in pea soup!

Suzanne said...

wow, 5 moose on cam!

Suzanne said...

Oh, 2 males just locked horns. One was eating, one way laying down, then both to same bowl.


movin said...

Strange thing at BW... Mr Eagle had eaten the head end of his fish, and I was thinking what a good-size fish it was for a breakfast, and I was wondering if he was planning to save the other half for the Missus ... at the next 30 sec. refresh the fish was gone!!


normabyrd said...

MORNING' CAROL!---I read you are going home to spend THANKSGIVING with your family!-----Want to wish you a safe journey home & a HAPPY TURKEY DAY!!----I have seen a few deer hanging out or in the back of trucks too!!----ho!

paula eagleholic said...

Eagle at BW

paula eagleholic said...

Thanks for the link for the deer cam, Dana.

paula eagleholic said...

Only one Moose left now

normabyrd said...

MORNIN' JIM!!---Are you getting on schedule now!!----It's FOGGY here too!!---temp. 48°-- is supposed to climb today & tomorrow!!!---

paula eagleholic said...

Well, one is back in the woods....

normabyrd said...

WOW---PAULA!!---That's one "SHAKEY TURKEY"!!---Guess I would be shakey too---if I thought I would lose my head tomorrow!!---ho!

wvgal_dana said...

Your welcome Paula you have helped me alot....share share share...we Eaglet_Momsters share.

wvgal_dana said...

Morning Jim

wvgal_dana said...

Vulture at BW

Suzanne said...

2 moose now, and I think that's an ewwie in BW?

normabyrd said...

HELEN---I asked you about the teeth brushing of the SLOT BEARS because I read---They like to take the tooth brush & play with the brush--but then give it back-- kind of a game!!--The have VERY BAD TEETH because of their diet of ants, bugs, etc.!!

Suzanne said...

Those moose keep butting horns!

Suzanne said...

Bw pic locked up, and those 2 moose ight be Primo and Scarface. Read the guy's update from Saturday. He said Primo loves apples, and will eat all his, then chase off others to eat their apples. Ripple effect, till last one standing doesn't get any.

Suzanne said...

BW back, 3 ewwies.

paula eagleholic said...

Eagle at BW now.

Suzanne said...

Whole herd of Wildbeeste chilling on Africam. Getting dark there.

paula eagleholic said...

Norma - that was supposed to be a glittery turkey!

Too small to see....let's try this one instead :)

normabyrd said...

CHECK---GEO. GRAPHIC ---A 15 FT., 12 TON MINKIE WHALE ran aground on a sand bar in BRAZIL'S JUNGLE AMAZON TRIBUTERY---swam 1,000 miles from the ATLANTIC OCEAN----Attempts are being made to bring it home!! ???

normabyrd said...

PAULA---I thought the shaky one was COOL!! ho!---I like this one too!!---

normabyrd said...


(better teach those kids to brush--or they will be going to dentist with your---KIDDIN'---but would be fun to see)---

Suzanne said...

LOL, Norma, I have finger toothbrushes for them, and kitty toothpaste. They like the malt toothpaste, but they also want to bite my finger. Uh huh, don't think so! When they get older, 6 to 8, and they get physicals, if their teeth are bad, they will be cleaned! Only thing is they have to go under for that, and I don't like to take that risk!

MITS said...

clouded leopard has a bone

Suzanne said...

Thanks, Norma. Gonna head out, all have a wonderful day. Blog at ya tomorrow. Yippiieee, tomorrow is my Friday! Doesn't get any better than that, 2 weeks in a row with a 3 day work week!
Eyes to the sky, see the raptors fly!

paula eagleholic said...

2 eagles back at BW - like a revolving platform there this morning!

movin said...

Well, guess I'd better get another cup of coffee and get to work around here.

Have a beautiful day.


paula eagleholic said...

LOL - eewwiiies back at BW

paula eagleholic said...

Early Eewwiiee Thanksgiving Party on the Platform.

paula eagleholic said...

One moose resting in the meadow

MITS said...

The Oregon nest looks so pretty and clean.....and the ewwies, well, so, um, nice?

paula eagleholic said...

Eagle at BW

paula eagleholic said...

BW eagle keeps looking at something on the ground behind him

Costume Lady said...

Squiggles is trying to go out the door again and Mom isn't around to stop her.

glo said...

Hey check this out I think you will like what you see and hear
Bald Eagle Festival

Costume Lady said...

She is just sitting there right now looking one way then another. Looking for Mom, I guess.

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2/20/25 PM bird

1203 PM NN Scout comes to the nest with a load of bedding again. He seemed to leave with something in his talons. He has a beak full of bedd...