Sunday, November 18, 2007


New thread.


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Butterfly Mama said...

Thank you Steve for the new thread - I knew you'd be here soon!

Costume Lady said...

Costume Lady said...
She has already revealed herself:

Sunday, November 18, 2007 8:51:00 AM

Thank you Steve, and good morning to you. We hav 2 new Momsters. We sure are growing.

IMookey said...

Im Here ,Im Here. you can stop looking now

Costume Lady said...

GOOD GIRL CHERI--You are a fast learner.

Butterfly Mama said...

Good girl Cheri!

Dana are you still here? Should I hold the door for you today??

IMookey said...

wooo look at panda cam, What is THAT?

normabyrd said...

GOOD MORNING STEVEN!!---Thanks for the new THREAD!!---I have been invited to a FOX HUNT at the MELLON FARM in UPPERVILLE on THANKSGIVING DAY!!---COOL!---I am so looking forward to going!!----ENJOY this BEAUTIFUL DAY!!

Costume Lady said...

Our Eagle BIRDYS are having breakfast right now. They will be back later.

Butterfly Mama said...

Cheri - did you find Squiggles yet? She is laying alone on her back

IMookey said...

THanks mom! ;)

Butterfly Mama said...

Good Morning Norma.


IMookey said...

Is that her stomic Im looking at??

wvgal_dana said...

Good Morning again Karla, Wanda, Cheri and A Good Morning to you Norma. Are they calling for snow up your way Norma?

Our eagles were in today from 6:34am to 6:54am. Pictures are posted in the album on Momsters.

Butterfly Mama said...

Yes - and her little legs up in the air. Isn't she sweet?

wvgal_dana said...

Thank you Karla for holding the door for me ( :

IMookey said...

Oh I get it, its a pic from far away. I thought it was a close up of her nose. ooops my bad!

IMookey said...

Oh .... Guchy Guchy Goooo.

wvgal_dana said...

Cheri you fit right in here girl! ( :

Butterfly Mama said...

Anytime Dana - no one gets left out in the cold.

Butterfly Mama said...

Mother - have you heard from the boys?

wvgal_dana said...

Steven thank you for the new thread. I did send you a pic of eagle visit this morning. Was hoping you would put it with Sun. thread. Oh well....Have A Nice Day.

Yes Karla it was getting cold out there.

normabyrd said...

GOOD MORNING EAGLE BUDDIES!!!--HELLO KARLA--WANDA--DANA & WELCOME CHERI!!---It's a CLOUDY COOL day here in WV--temp. 37°!!!---SNOW maybe!!---WANDA---How 'bout them EEERS!!---They almost didn't do it!!---They did that last time!!---
(my nerves just can't take it) ho!!---

IMookey said...

Thanks Dana,someone call for the Birds,please.

Costume Lady said...

How about those EEEEEERRRRRS!!!!!?

KARLA--Havn't heard anything since Friday. Daddy will probably call today.

IMookey said...

morning Norma

Costume Lady said...

Oh my, Norma...I thought we were going to loose in the last 2 minutes. It was another UGLY game!

Butterfly Mama said...

Looked like something kinda in our nest - close to the cam - gone now

Costume Lady said...

Ladies, it has been great fun, but I have to get ready for church. Be back later in the afternoon.


wvgal_dana said...

Karla there have been small birds in and out all morning in our nest.

wvgal_dana said...

See you then later Wanda.

IMookey said...

lov ya ma

normabyrd said...

The "LITTLE PRINCE" is STROLLING--PACING---STROLLING this a.m.----I think he is "lonesome"----ho!

Butterfly Mama said...

BYE Mother - Tell GG I said "HI"!

Dana - but it was BIG like it might have been one of the eagles. Shhh - keep looking...

Costume Lady said...


wvgal_dana said...

Wanda sometime give Cheri my email address so I can forward her pics of the eagles.

IMookey said...

"If you build it they will come" Kevin Costner

normabyrd said...

I see the CLOUDED LEOPARD "pacing--pacing back & forth in her den!!---MUST BE HUNGRY!!

floralgirl said...

"If you give a mouse a cookie..."

floralgirl said...

Hey Norma, I hope the foxes get away!!!!

normabyrd said...

BEAUTIFUL little SQUIGGLES is sleeping alone!!----ADORABLE!!---

IMookey said...

the polar bear is needing coffie

Butterfly Mama said...

Okay Ladies,
My coffee pot is empty and it's time for shots!!!

Of Nyquil! LOL

Cheri - welcome to the group!

See ya'll later........

wvgal_dana said...

Good Morning Megan. ( :

2 eagles at Cape Coral in nest

Cheri all on one line

normabyrd said...

MEGAN---I do too!!---I don't see that part!!---But seeing the beautiful horses--men & women in their riding habits-- those beautiful dogs!!---All of the pageantry---it is really something to see!!!!----

IMookey said...

baby elephant just ran away from mommy.Toooo Cute!!

floralgirl said...

Shots of Nyquil- Butterfly Mama.. ugh... Hey Dana, welcome CHeri:)

wvgal_dana said...

Still there working on nest Cape Coral

wvgal_dana said...

See you later Karla hope the NyQuil works.

IMookey said...

Karla ... Hot totties cant be beat.

wvgal_dana said...

Cheri Megan is out flower lady. She plants and waters and works like crazy. Megan sells her plants, cut flowers, etc. down in Shepherdstown. She also makes wreaths for Christmas which she also sells down in Shepherdstown.

Megan is it just wreaths or other things too? duh me can't remember

wvgal_dana said...

1 eagle in Cape Coral (live feed there)

IMookey said...

megan nice to meet you. I love flowers, Just can't keep them alive.

MITS said...

GOOD MORNING EVERYONE Have a good Sunday...Welcome Cheri:)

IMookey said...

Everyone is so nice I like it here.

IMookey said...

Ok how do I get to cape corals cam??

wvgal_dana said...

Cheri that is Cape Coral cam

wvgal_dana said...

Good Morning Mits. Are you at home or at the ocean?

IMookey said...

really ? Oops my bad.I didn't see any.sorry

normabyrd said...

MEGAN---Have you gathered enough greens---Wish I lived closer---I would enjoy helping you!!!---I used to do alot of that---

wvgal_dana said...

That's ok everyone see's me mess up. This is a friendly place. ( :

Mema Jo said...

Good Morning Everyone - Welcome Cheri - Hope you enjoy our company! Just checked out emails-Dana, Thanks for the pics you captured of this morning's visit. Took care of the dup for you.
Norma - How cool to see the beginning of the hunt! Hi Megan- I also hope that little fox hides in that hollow log & doesn't get caught!
Going for a cup of coffee & check out some of the cams. BBL

IMookey said...

Ok .... Thank you everyone for making me feel welcome. Im going to call San Diego now to tell them to wake the baby up, he's been sleeping too long. Got to go......

wvgal_dana said...

Good Morning Jo...thank you for deleting the dup.

Cheri bookmark some of your cams. Easier to get back too. I am telling her this and she is probably better on a computer than I am. lol

wvgal_dana said...

Take care Cheri...hope you will come back...good talking with you. The eagle will arrive again in our nest. Somewhere possibly from 4-7pm

wvgal_dana said...

3 Moose on the moose cam

BW empty all morning as far as I know.

Eagles gone for now at Cape Coral

Kent getting lighter. No eagles at nest.

Can't get Maine up again today. darn

Squiggles a sleepy bug today.

floralgirl said...

Oops, sorry, had to wolf down some breakfast, gto to get back to work now. HI JO and MIts! have a great day everyone;) Dana, yes, mostly wreaths, going to go make some now, hubby just brought a vanload of bittersweet . Beautiful!!

Anne-Marie said...

Good Morning all. The sun is just coming up and its foggy and cold. I will have to turn the heat on for a few minutes.

Anne-Marie said...

Eagle at Black water.

Anne-Marie said...

Be sure and check out the photo of Bob Quin's golden eagle on the BW sight.

Anne-Marie said...

Oh I didnt mean to forget "a welcome to Cindi" We are a diverse and wonderful bunch of people.

Anne-Marie said...

I mean Cheri. Sorry I'm still asleep. I think its time for coffee.

Mema Jo said...

I am finding lots to do today in the house - Really windy outside & cold -
I'll check in every now & then - Stay warm - Love that bittersweet - Both eagles in CC nest - BBL

movin said...


Hope you are all well. Just got my coffee and haven't read the comments yet....


NillaWafer said...

Good Morning Everyone... Welcome mookey....Sure felt like snow out there this morning.. Very busy weekend had Jasmin yesterday we went shopping.. Got her and Diana's picture taken with Santa at the Mall ..and wouldnt you know it walked out and forget to bring them to scan and add.. Tomarrow i will... I checked many nest and most empty... BBL checking zoo cams...

wvgal_dana said...

An A HAPPY THANKSGIVING to you too Nilla "blink blink lights on this is blinking too" lol ( :

paula eagleholic said...

Morning, all...oops, afternoon!

I Slept in and missed the eagles. Thanks for the pics!

Welcome, Cheri!

I need more coffee, too.

Drizzling here now...maybe I won't have to work in the yard today...plenty to do inside, too.

paula eagleholic said...

Finally all caught up on the other thread...

Peoples Drug Store....I remember Peoples before it became CVS...with the lunch favorite store...used to go in with my girlfriends and get shakes...

paula eagleholic said...

Little birdies at BW

normabyrd said...

A BIRD at BW---maybe a vulture!!

normabyrd said...

YEAH--It's a turkey vulture at BW!

carolinabeachmom said...


NillaWafer said...

Hey Hey Hey Paula yup i remember Peoples Drug store use to go into it was in the square in Hagerstown on the corner... Made the best chicken salad and cherry cokes... Anyone remember the Majestic Resturant up from the square on South Potomac street... Man the best hot dogs in the world and cole slaw.. I went there as a kid and then i also took my childern there to eat but its closed now many years ago.... McCorys had great food too at there cafe area.... Woolworths to dang im hungry now!!!!!

normabyrd said...

SQUIGGLES is moving all around!!--It's very hard to see her!!---Wish they would allow more light!!

carolinabeachmom said...

DID I SEE JO ON HERE EARLIER? Hey NORMA how about those eeeerrrrrsssss! We lost by two points again.

carolinabeachmom said...

Bou you ladies had a good look see at our eagles yesterday while I was helping at a year sale. Didn't get home until middle ot the afternoon, got home and layed out and of course fell asleep. Soooo sidn't get on yesterday.

carolinabeachmom said...

What is that on the BW nest? I made a mistake about the Maine nest; it was Cape Coral and they left.

Anne-Marie said...

Hi everybody. Got a few minutes to kill while waiting for my daughter. we are going to see the globe Trotters . It will be a good family day. The sun came out and burned off the fog. Its warming up. Maybe I wont need that sweater after all.

carolinabeachmom said...

Sorry I missed JIM, Megan and Anne
There seems to be a full house there.

Anne-Marie said...

small falcon? at BW

Anne-Marie said...

Boy that was fast.

normabyrd said...

The "LITTLE PRINCE" is asleep with his bamboo on his GRILL!!!----MEANWHILE---the HATFIELDS & MCCOYS-
MAMA BEAR & PAPA BEAR are wrestling BIG TIME!!---Seems tame enough now!! ho!

Anne-Marie said...

Hi Norma. Hear you won you game . Hope you having a great day.

paula eagleholic said...

Nilla - I remember Woolworth's and McCrory's as well...

Those were the days...all gone now..

paula eagleholic said...

Hey Anne and Candy!

Hey Norma, I saw those EEEERRRSS win last night too!

normabyrd said...

HI CANDY!!---LET'S ask ANNE if we can go with her to see the GLOBE TROTTERS!!!----Wouldn't that be COOL!!!

Anne-Marie said...

Hi Paula. Hope you day is going well too. Stay warm. I have been working on a blanket for my grand daughter.

Anne-Marie said...

Candy can go too. I have enough tickets. I am kind of spoiled. I get perks where I work. Its in the company suite.

carolinabeachmom said...

HEY NORMA! I with you and going to the Globetrotters with Anne. They came to my Jr. college when I was there. They are something else.

normabyrd said...

PAULA---I thought they might not win!!!!----They played like that last time!!--But they won!!

HELEN---Why aren't you at the game---aren't they in BALTIMORE?

Anne-Marie said...

Norma, arent you going to yell WAX

normabyrd said...

I saw them many--many--many MOONS ago!!----The are REMARKABLE!!---Love to watch them!!

Anne-Marie said...

This morning Jo was talking about bittersweet. do you think Megan might have some. We can get it out here.

normabyrd said...


paula eagleholic said...

I saw the Globetrotters a long time ago, too. Cool show!

paula eagleholic said...

Candy = were you talking about Cape Coral nest? 1 on the branch.

NillaWafer said...

Anne i remember watching the GlobeTrotters on tv as a child thats when Meadow Lark Lemon was with them guess back in the 50's N 60s... Very talented and funny group of guys,,, Norma out on the family farm each Thanksgiving we buthered hogs... But they also had a pheasent hunt... my dad would go up into Pa n get the birds... I sure could eat some fresh Ponhause (scrapple) fried up nice and crisp with King Syrup...

Anne-Marie said...

Nilla I remember the butchering of the hogs in the fall. They had to wait until cool weather came. The heat from the hogs would steam.I would get the tail to roast over the camp fire. I remember Meadow Lark too.

Anne-Marie said...

My Shari is here. Got to go. BBL

carolinabeachmom said...

Yes PAULA. I had said Maine, and I saw it was Cape Coral. They weren't there too long.

NillaWafer said...

Well when you stop and think about it now days we dont have cold winters like back then neither to butcher this early... Deer i would hang up in the garage over night after skinned and cut up and stick in freezer awhile... easier to cut meat... Then can 3 hours in jars on the stove in the canner pot... the meat taste like roast beef.. Awwww those were the good ole days !!!

carolinabeachmom said...

The only thing I can rememger being killed to eat when I was a child were chickens. They would chop their heads off and the would go glapping around the yard until they finally stopped. I can remember plucking the feathers out of chickens. I can also remember my Great Aunt Annie churning butter on the front porch of her farm house. I used to love to visit there. My mother's cousin's kids and I would play i the hay loft of the barn.

carolinabeachmom said...

I can remember everyone gathering at my Grandparents house to make maple syrup over the wood stove in the kitchen. My grandfather would tap the maple trees for the sap and bring it on to the house.

NillaWafer said...

Oh i remember my uncle Bill killing chickens and we thought it was the funniest thing watching them flop around... All summer long i stayed down at Sharpsburg on my aunt n uncles dairy farm...Big ole dirt lane and huge house from the civil war... Use to look out the windows at night and watch lightening bugs and hear what i thought were soldiers marching... Dummm Ewww Loading up the ole wagon behind the tractor and going back to the swimming hole...they drank milk str8t from the cow Yuckkk always made me so sick...

paula eagleholic said...

Got to go get some stuff done...BBL

normabyrd said...

WOW!!---Two CLOUDED LEOPARDS sleeping together in the den!!--AWESOME!!-----Also just saw a SLOTH BEAR!!!

carolinabeachmom said...

NILLA I am with you. YUK! to the milk straight from the cow. When I was little my mother's other uncle had a corn and dairy farm; still milked by hand and they drank the milk right out of the cow. I did not like it one bit. We would ride up to Binghamton, NY on the train and go to his farm. It was a big deal when he got the electric milkers!. They also had a little store that I used to like to go into and help out.

normabyrd said...


carolinabeachmom said...

PAULA I just love your new pic, a flashing turkey! :)

normabyrd said...

HI CAROLYN & NILLA!!---I take it you don't like the farm life!!---I used to visit my uncle & aunt who lived on a farm!!----I didn't like it much!!---I was afraid of the cows & chickens----ho!----I DO REMEMBER WHAT GOOD FOOD THEY HAD!!----They had this huge "dinner" at lunch time & they had "hired help"-- who helped in the summer!!---We thought that was so COOL when our aunt let us eat with them!!

normabyrd said...

HI PAULA!!----That is one COOL TURKEY!!----ho!---I guess he will help you get to work!!----

carolinabeachmom said...

OK NORMA It is Candy and I loved going to both farms. I just didn't like the milk from the cows. I have always wanted to own a dairy farm since I was little, and have a collie dog and a horse to ride to bring in the cows. Never did get that.

carolinabeachmom said...

Pete's Pond has a different looking bird on a branch.

normabyrd said...


normabyrd said...

CANDY---CANDY---SORRY!---I was mixing up my CANDY & CAROLINE!!---You are just like my kids---when I mix up their names---"They always knew who I was talking to"--ho!----I never wanted to live on a farm--I was afraid of every thing!!!--

Mema Jo said...

Memories Memories Memories
I can connect with all you are remembering due to my age factor lol
I can remember holding my hands over my ears way down under the bed covers so not to hear the shots & pig squeals on Thanksgiving morn... Other then that part of butchering day, everything was great! Pig tails and all!
Nilla - we probably passed each other and never knew it at the Hgstwn eateries! Also the Chinese place - way up those stairs - And yes! Majestic hotdogs-there are none like them!

Mema Jo said...

Off to the Zoo cams.........

normabyrd said...

JO--The animals have all been out at the NZOO this afternoon---Most of them are sleeping outside ---But there are 2 SLOTH-BEARS sleeping & 1 or so strolling-- ho!-----How many fish do the FISHING CATS eat at a time?---

NillaWafer said...

Hi Jo i bet we sure did only i thnk your just a tad older than me.... do you remember when Newberrys burnt down??? Use to go in there as a kid n ride the elevator to the 2nd flood and take the escalator down was a treat back then.... I have 2 little white dresses (cotton) and a small white slip although they are alittle brown with age now i think my grandmother bought at Woolworths i wore... would love to have them cleaned and have Jasmin's picture taken in them ...

paula eagleholic said...

Username and password are both guest

Live Hummingbird Cam

Mema Jo said...

They had finished eating by the time I got to their cam. I have only seen the video of them catching the fish-so cool! The one lone sloth bear is the Dad and the two together are the Mom & baby - they were playing around like Tai & Mei used to do.

OK I am off to my cousin's home for dinner & b-day party for my aunt I'll check back in upon my return! cu

normabyrd said...

This CLEVELAND/BALTIMORE game is good-----BUT I need a nap though before the DALLAS/REDSKIN game!!

NillaWafer said...

HAHAHAHA you need anap i will need to take aProzac Norma....

NillaWafer said...

Only have afew more minutes till the game starts... All US REDSKIN FANS.... HAIL TO THE REDSKINS... PUSHUM BACKKKK WAYYY BACKKKK... ^5

Just Vicky said...

Helloooooo Eagleland! I see Nilla has had too much Halloween candy!

Just Vicky said...

Helloooooo Eagleland! I see Nilla has had too much Halloween candy!

NillaWafer said...

They are playing in Dallas also... Redskis have alot of defensive players hurt and not playing but they have Santana Moss playing...

carolinabeachmom said...

Eagle Alert in our nest.!!!!

carolinabeachmom said...


NillaWafer said...

Hey Hey Hey Vicky ... well just ate one of those new Reeses candy bars.... I got a real bad gut feeling about this game and it just

NillaWafer said...


carolinabeachmom said...


NillaWafer said...

Just beautifull

IMookey said...

their there!!!!Kissing too!!!!

paula eagleholic said...


carolinabeachmom said...

Hi Vicky and Nilla. Gald you found the nest. I haven't seen them lately and am soooooo exxcited.

NillaWafer said...

Cant tell if thats Belle over in big sticks moving them.. Oh they are both busy... hes helping her

Costume Lady said...


paula eagleholic said...

One left

Costume Lady said...

NILLA, VICKY, CANDY Oh my, I didn't meant to step over you. Good to see you all this afternoon. Oh, and you too Paula.

paula eagleholic said...

Other gone now too

NillaWafer said...

%^@$%^%$@^%$ blogger cop see when we all try and blog at same time he get sout his ticket book and stops MT NEST

carolinabeachmom said...

Is that Liberty that just left? The remaining looks big; like Belle?

IMookey said...

hello Momma
You were right on time . You said 4pm to 5. On the clock.

paula eagleholic said...

Ravens and Browns are tied with 30 seconds left

Skins inside the 20!!

NillaWafer said...

Portis is moving down the field and the eagles showed up.. I will need a Nitro Yyesssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss
Touchhhhh Downnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn

paula eagleholic said...


Costume Lady said...

CHERI--You know I'm good!

carolinabeachmom said...

hEY THERE WANDA! I was hoping for a longer stay now that I am on. I have been cleaning out Josh's room to get it ready for his coming for Thanksgiving on this Wednesday. I think I have been doing more nest watching Nd Pete's Pond watching, than cleaning.:)

paula eagleholic said...


Costume Lady said...


carolinabeachmom said...

Hi CHERI. Nice to see another new momster on our blog. They are all the nicest bunch of ladies and men anyone could want. Welcome aboard.

IMookey said...

Mom How is our Butterfly? Too may Hot Totties yet.

Costume Lady said...

I have got to get a TV in my computer room!

paula eagleholic said...

Howdy Wanda Cheri and Norma and Candy again. Nice to see everyone here!

Costume Lady said...

I don't know Cheri, for some reason we can't e-mail anymore, and I don't want to call in case she is sleeping.

paula eagleholic said...

And Hey Vicky! Did you see them!?

carolinabeachmom said...

Maine is getting really dark now. Haven't seen any eagles today on BW either.

IMookey said...

Thank you for the welcome,Butterfly MAMa and Costume Lady are Family to me.

IMookey said...

I told the Lodge to call me in case of a 911 for the same reason.

NillaWafer said...

Is Mits at the game??? If so i hope she is all bundled up it feels like snow outside!!!

Costume Lady said...

CHERI is my adopted daughter.

paula eagleholic said...

Did ya'll check out the hummingbird cam link I posted? Mama is on the nest now...two babies in the nest...

Costume Lady said...

I did, Paula. Wonderful! I have alredy snapped 5 photos.

paula eagleholic said...


go skins!!!!

NillaWafer said...

Ohhhhhhhhh yeahhhhhhhhhh Paulaaaa ^5 and they intercepted the ball!!!! Redskins take over....

Costume Lady said...

Got a beauty of Momma with her long beak down baby's throat.

carolinabeachmom said...


carolinabeachmom said...


carolinabeachmom said...

PAULA What day did you post the hummingbird site?

carolinabeachmom said...

HEY PAULA. That turkey is making me nervpis flapping his wings so much. :) I'll have to take an extra Xxanax! I wish you would calm him down a little. :)

paula eagleholic said...

Ravens and Browns tied 30-30, now in OT

Costume Lady said...

CANDY--Look back at 3:53 doe Hummer Link.

paula eagleholic said...

Candy - Look up this thread for the hummingbird cam link!

Cool, Wanda! Haven't seen them feeding yet

Costume Lady said...

Yep, nervous Turkey. He knows what is coming! Nilla, we need one of your Prozac. LOL

paula eagleholic said...

How about the waving turkey, Candy?

NillaWafer said...

Wanda did you see i said i had Jasmin's & Diana's picture taken together on Santa's lap at Mall will put on her tomarrow... I am waitng on son to bring Jasmin to me in alittle while and i will have her til her mother picks her up after work tonight... Bon Ton has a great sale bought both some beautiful things there yesterday...

paula eagleholic said...

This is how I like turkey the best...

Yum! Can't wait for Turkey Day!

carolinabeachmom said...

Thanks all of you for the site and PAULA that is one friendly turkey you have there.
Five fat turkeys are we,
We slept all night in the tree.
When the cook came around,
We coulldn't be found.
That is why we are here, you see!
One of our Kindergarten songs. ;)

NillaWafer said...

Thats cute Paula but i dont know if he is waving or giving someone a talking to saying"Say whattttt??? Ohhhhhhhh NO YOU AINT CHOPPIN MY HEAD OFF"...LOL

paula eagleholic said...

Just hope my Turkey on Thanksgiving doesn't do what this one did!

carolinabeachmom said...


carolinabeachmom said...


NillaWafer said...

Opsss to late he went to the choppin block and off with his head.. Now he lays cooked a deep beautiful brown waiting to be sliced... and covered with gravey... Please pass the peas... and then the Fillin.. I will take some Sweet Tators and Ohhh a Big Drum Stick Please!!!!

carolinabeachmom said...


carolinabeachmom said...

PAULA You are too silly with your turkey birds. They are cute.

carolinabeachmom said...

I can already taste a good turkey sandwich. Yum. After you kill your stomach by eating a huge turkey dinner, then you have that humungous turkey sandwich later in the day.

NillaWafer said...

Ok what does everyone love about The Holidays??? a Childhood memory??? What makes it so special??? Just share your feelings....

Costume Lady said...

NILLA...I had a turkey leg for supper last night. I always cook one before Thanksgiving so I will have breast meat to put into the dressing. YUM!!

paula eagleholic said...

I love the leftovers!

I put turkey, dressing and gravy together in a pot on the stove and mix it up and warm it gently...yum!

Costume Lady said...

Well, Nilla, for me...having the whole family together is the best part. And the next best part is eating the dressing! LOL

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2/20/25 PM bird

1203 PM NN Scout comes to the nest with a load of bedding again. He seemed to leave with something in his talons. He has a beak full of bedd...