Tuesday, November 06, 2007


New thread.


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Costume Lady said...

Good morning steve.

Costume Lady said...

Costume Lady said...
Karla is with SHENTEL and
Verizon is not accepting email from them. Something about that doesn't seem right. I will check into that today Karla.

Tuesday, November 06, 2007 8:06:00 AM

Costume Lady said...

Where has everybody gone. We had a party going for a while and suddenly everyone is gone.

Suzanne said...

Thanks for the new thread, Steve, and thanks for the heads up, Mits. I'm just talking away on the other thread.
Wanda, think everybody is too pooped now, just like Mai and Tian! They were wrestling like made a while ago, now they're kinda chillin'...

glo said...

Good morning all. I am off for coffee and dog treats. Best nights sleep I have had since Fall back, for some strange reason it has been a restless few nights. I will check back on old theead quickly and then am out of here. Have to go in to work early today so won't be around much for eagle watching. Hope all have a great day. For those who do not get this from FeedBlitz, there is a short video of my recent trip to NCTC to meet many of you and visit this wonderful Nest Home on the For the Love of Eagles BLOG.
Video from trip

Suzanne said...

Wow, huge black and white bird on Africam, no idea what it is. Kinda of looks like a very long legged pelican, or heron. Had that kind of large beak. Neat looking whatever it is.

Suzanne said...

Morning, Glo. Have a great day!

Costume Lady said...

Bye Butterfly Mama---I must have missed you somewhere along the way. Have a GOOOD DAY TTYL/

wvgal_dana said...

Thanks for the New Thread Steven.
Mits ty for heads up.

Hi Glo good mornng gal

2 eagles where at Cape Coral was watching them. Then seen new thread came over. As I'm typing this they left nest and went up into tree.

wvgal_dana said...

Got my 1st cup of international coffee this morning French Vanilla yummmy nice and hot ( :

wvgal_dana said...

Suzanne did you put your morning pictures of today in album yet?

Suzanne said...

Wow, another bird just flew in and kept goin goff cam range, so the one that was on cam took off also. Wish I knew what they were.

Suzanne said...

No Dana, sent them around via email. Don't have time to put them in the album, so I just send them.

Red said...

Glo, your video was great. You sure had more color on your trip than I did the following week at Dollywood. I'm off this morning to get my nose stiches out. Oh Happy Day.

Suzanne said...

Woah, divers at Bonaire. They're like way, early!

wvgal_dana said...

Hi again Red on this new thread. Have a good day ( :

Suzanne said...

Dana, did you get the pics from this morning? Should be in your email.

wvgal_dana said...

yes I just wanted to wait till yours was in the album then I would see if I had any different. It's ok I have no problem waiting gal.

wvgal_dana said...

Glo I even refreshed video says "no longer available"???

normabyrd said...

GOOD MORNING EAGLE BUDDIES!!!---Another COOL--CRISP--SUNNY a.m. in WV--temp. 44° now!!---Might have rain or snow showers in Eastern Panhandle------WOW!!--SUZANNE---I might as well go back to "fast time"---need to keep up with you all!!---I HAVE MISSED THE ROYAL COUPLE & THE DIVERS!!!--ho!--HELLO--SUZANNE--DANA--ROBYN--WANDA--BUTTERFLY MAMA--CANDY--HELEN-- & RED--(male)--RED your are a brave soul--ho!--ask JIM---KIDDIN'!!

normabyrd said...

MORNIN' GLO-!!--I couldn't get your video---SAYS---It's no longer available!!!---W/try later!!!

normabyrd said...

I pray DOLLY-HOPE is enjoying her new world!----KEEP FLYING---

wvgal_dana said...

Morning Norma yes not quit as cold this morning as yesterday.

normabyrd said...

Watching the "LITTLE PRINCE"---He was strolling & now he appears to be sitting & listening---ho!---He knows something is happening next door???-----

normabyrd said...


wvgal_dana said...

Norma I still think Tai needs somebody to wrestle with.

Suzanne said...

Norma, good morning! Try Squiggles again, there is the same panda that was there yesterday, all in a bunch of bamboo. C29, but they don't say who C29 is. From reading their updated blog, I'm GUESSING C29 is Bai in her garden den. She was let in there yesterday for the first time in a long time, so I'm guessing this is that view. Looks kind of grown up in greens. But I don't have a blue pic.

Mema Jo said...

Good Morning Eagle Buddies! Cool & crisp but dry & sunny now. Frost tonight here in the valley. I need to read previous thread & surf the cams.
Also need some breakfast food..

Suzanne said...

Ok, they have a C29 today, and it is Bai Yun. She wasn't listed there yesterday, but maybe that's because yesterday was the first day she went back to her garden den. Anyway, it is now listed as Bai Yun. They also said she may take the cub in there, she has taken her cubs in the past there. That should be fun to watch. At least Squiggles can't quite get around, so she won't be getting lost in all that vegetation!

Suzanne said...

Morning, Jo! Hope all is well with you!

Suzanne said...


Suzanne said...


Suzanne said...

2 divers, back farther away than usual, but you can follow their air and see where they are!

glo said...

Sorry folks must be a gltich with You Tube... I just now tried and it worked OK for me...Followed my link in previous post earlier this morning at 8:19. Hope you remember to try again soon.

Suzanne said...

Think they're headed this way, Norma. RU watching????

glo said...

Norma...trust me its playing Your song...well others too but I know Norma loves the song.

wvgal_dana said...

Suzanne what color is "big bob"?

Suzanne said...

Our little cutie pututie Squiggles is sound asleep all alone in the den. But you can see her curled up on her side, adorable!

Suzanne said...

Dana, he's one of the bright yellow fish, his eyes look very big when he gets so close to the cam. Makes his eyes look like they're bugged out.

paula eagleholic said...

Morning, all. Glad all the early birds were up to get pics and give a running commentary on the nest activities. I'll stick to being a late bird, thank you very much!

paula eagleholic said...

Wanda and Butter - your pics really brighten up this blog!

wvgal_dana said...

Morning Paula

Eagle in nest at Cape Coral

Suzanne said...

Divers are going back...

Suzanne said...

Morning, Paula. Who's Butter?

Costume Lady said...

GLO--I was finally able to view your video. It is wonderful. Look it up girls.

Suzanne said...


movin said...


While trying to concentrate on today's comments, I realized I need to splash some cold water on my face and get some coffee, so ........ later, folks.


Mema Jo said...

The Trip youtube video is really good. I had watched it last evening and Norma let me know if you can't get it up - I will send to you the link from Glo's site. It's your song!
Red be sure to let us all know when you get home and the stitches are out successfully.

I still peek at Brisbane to see if Dolly came back to roost on her ledge. :(

Suzanne said...

Morning, Jim. Hope you slept well. Jo, I had the site opened for a few hours this morning, didn't see Dolly-Hope. Let us know if you see her!

wvgal_dana said...

GLO I GOT THE VIDEO THIS TIMEWOW it is AWESOME and love the song. Video is marvelous!!! THANK YOU GLO hugs to you VICKY AND IRIS

wvgal_dana said...

Morning Jim

I'll bbl

Suzanne said...

So where is Mits this morning? And where did Norma go?

normabyrd said...

SUZANNE----I have missed everything this a.m.----Thanks for the pics of the ROYAL COUPLE or I would have missed them----Computer needs help----SLLOW!!----BUTTER--I think if BUTTERFLY?---Every time I have checked SQUIGGLES---I get a BLUE PIC!!!---Now I have missed the DIVERS twice---(don't like watching them anyway)--ho! (white lie)---Have watched the TAI!--& reading about the ATLANTA BEAUTY!!---ZOO says she is getting too feisty in the a.m.---before LUN LUN has food!---LUN LUN not happy with that----tries to SWAT her away!!

normabyrd said...


normabyrd said...

I have been on here---trying everything from NZOO to MCNEILL BEARS-----I don't know where HELEN is---PROBABLY CLEANING THE BASEMENT!!!---Her plans last week!!!

normabyrd said...

ATLANTA CAM--hard to see, but think LUN LUN & MEI are ASLEEP!!
That's what they do BEST!!

normabyrd said...

GUESSING GLO has JOHN DENVER singing on her video!!!---"THANKS GLO"!---I need that this a.m.!!

normabyrd said...


normabyrd said...

DANA---I called the big eyed fish
"BIG BOY"---after a drive-in restaurant in Charleston--(many moons ago)---They had this "BIG BOY" with "BIG EYES" as a trademark!!!-----

paula eagleholic said...

I didn't see Dolly on the ledge, either.

Suz - Butter= Butterfly Mama= Karla= Wanda's Daughter!

Good luck, Red. Hope it doesn't hurt too much!

Morning, Jim! Coffee is good!

normabyrd said...

GLO!---A WONDERFUL film!!------You made WV proud---Thank you for showing the SCENIC beauty of our state---Most of the land up through the "trough" has been in the same family for a 100 years or more---Geo. Washington, as a young man, was with the group of surveyors that surveyed the land in that area!!!---SO very sorry the EAGLES didn't escort your train---as they usually do----ENJOYED JOHN too!!---I would give it a "5 STAR" rating!!---ho!

paula eagleholic said...

Stormy in Maine...rain falling

normabyrd said...

"TWO" Sleeping Beauties under the logs in ATLANTA!!!!

glo said...

Glad folks are able to see the video. Norma your state is absolutely gorgeous. I miss the mountains so very much in the Fall as I grew up always looking forward to that kind of scenery. I loved every minute of it. I have of course many many more foliage pictures. Color was not at peak but was indeed beautiful. Yes the lady on the train was giving us some of that history as we went through the trough. I was happy to see the eagles I did. I did happen to quickly spot a Young Eagle on our return trip flying alongside the train, but I was on the worng side to get the capture on my camera. So in my minds eye I do have a juvenile young eagle soaring alongside and it was exciting. I quickly tried to alert those on that side of the train but of course The eagle was soaring in the opposite direction as the train was traveling ...so it was only a breif few secs I got to see, but it was cool.

normabyrd said...


normabyrd said...

My "LITTLE PRINCE" is lying on his grill!!!----SLEEPING!!---"probably dreaming of FRUITSCICLES"----ho!

normabyrd said...


Suzanne said...

time for me to hit the road. All have a great eagle/panda day.
Eyes to the sky, see the raptors fly!

Red said...

Happy happy happy Red. Got my stitches out and now I'm enjoying eagle watching. Do I need to be a brave soul on here. lol

normabyrd said...

LUN LUN is awake & roaming around---while the LITTLE BEAUTY---just can't get those little "black legs" movin'----Bet she goes after LUN LUN!!!---

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...


normabyrd said...

SUZANNE---I was afraid I had missed you!!!!---See you tomorrow!!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Appears to be lunch time! One eagle now.

glo said...

Well as far as bravery is concerned

Yes Red If you have noticed some of us do show up in eagle costumes...Ya never really know what you will find...simialr to chat. and Not always do they know who's on first here either...Just how it is. Glad the stitches are out.

normabyrd said...

NOPE RED!!---You--JIM & the CAPT. may be out numbered---but we are all a GREAT BUNCH!!!!---& WE WELCOME YOU!!-----WE HAVE FUN!!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Okay, has anyone seen that we have an eagle in our nest?

normabyrd said...

MORNIN' BLUEFIELD SHARON!!---Hey weather people are telling us we may have snow!!!---Bet you aren't serving LEMONADE either!!!---How's
the "COLLEGE MAN" doing?---REALLY MISSED YOU AT OPEN HOUSE!!---Next year!!!--

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Looks like lunch had some feathers on it.

normabyrd said...

SHARON---The ROYAL COUPLE appeared this a.m.----They have been coming back in the late afternoon---evening!!!----Sometimes moving the "stick" around---That's COOL!!

normabyrd said...


glo said...

Hi Sharon...good to see you on the BLOG. Cam is behaving super now...it is so wonderful to enjoy this pair again.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Normabyrd, I just watched one of them eating lunch in our nest. Haven't seen that in a long time.

Andrew is doing great. He went to Columbus last week for a Percussive Arts Society International Convention and had a blast.

It rained here all evening yesterday. Last night about 11 p.m., our power went out and stayed out until around 5:30 this morning. Transformer blew. I saw the sky light up from it. Cold, cold today. NO LEMONADE IN SIGHT!

Did you all know that Dr. Phil was in Bluefield last Friday for Toys for Tots. They have Bluefield all decorated for Christmas. Way too early.

normabyrd said...

GONE!!-------SHARON---BET YOU SAW HIM BEFORE I DID!!!----Thanks for the ALERT!!----Isn't he GORGEOUS!!!!--------


Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Hi, Glo, good to be on here. I keep the cam up all day but most of the time work instead of blogging. Today is going to be a long day though so I may as well blog a minute!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I snapped a few shots of this lunch visit. Will email them after while.

glo said...

Well I have a long day ahead of me too. Actually its fix osme lunch and feed the dogs time here. I am going to work early today. Will pull the cam up if the internet is working...never know til I get there about that one. We know they will be back for supper or there abouts.

normabyrd said...

Isn't the NEST GREAT!!----Wonder if all 5 of them will fit in there---ho!----Can't wait!!!---Hope you have been watching that feisty "LITTLE BEAUTY" in Atlanta!!----She is so COOL---Drives LUN LUN "MAD" some times!!

normabyrd said...

THANKS SHARON---Will certainly look forward to them---W/share with SUZANNE---She always gets all the early a.m. shots---LOVE TO THE "COLLEGE MAN"!!!---(seems like yesterday)

movin said...

Excellent slide presentation, Glo. Beautiful everything in your scenes.


paula eagleholic said...

Norma - I am sure our nest will fit 5 if need be. Those eaglets will be stomping on those sticks and kicking them out of the way!

paula eagleholic said...

Was just checking on some other nests....

What is in this nest? Are those pellets or poop? Yuck!

Owl Cam

movin said...

I was just looking at the SD Zoo prices. Wow!!

I remember when we lived in Del Mar Terrace and we used to take the relatives from the Midwest or just go on our own, the tickets were free for kids under 12 (or so), and they were only around $1 for adults.

They went up very gradually for a long time, but like all the tourist attractions, they've skyrocketed in recent decades. (Not sure how it compares if adjusted for inflation though). Most of the parks have a lot more and a lot more expensive attractions now too.


paula eagleholic said...

They have risen since I was out there 2 years ago...son was out last summer, he paid more than I did...but it's a great zoo!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I guess northern WV is yankee territory and southern WV is Dixie!

movin said...

Paula, I took a look at your owl nest, and my guess they are the cough "pellets" that scientists like to analyze to see what owls of a particular region and time have been eating.


normabyrd said...

SHARON---I was a 60% DIXIE---I don't think I am Southern at all----I still cling to the other side of the state where I was born---This Eastern Panhandle is very--very Southern!!----Still discuss the war, etc.--ROMNEY changed hands 56 times during CIVIL WAR!!!----

normabyrd said...

PAULA---JIM---They be "cough pellets"---but honestly---I believe they comes out the other end!!!---Could be wrong----I always am---ho!

Red said...

Paula they do come from the stomach through the mouth. They literally "cough" them up.

Red said...

Sorry Paula, that was for Norma

My memory's not as sharp as it used to be.
Also, my memory's not as sharp as it used to be.

Red said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Mema Jo said...

The larger the owl - the larger the pellets. The site you found Paula is the "Owl Motel". Some of us on the Kent Forum try to keep track as to when Mrs Owl spends her days there - I haven't seen her for a while. She is a large barn owl with beautiful feathered markings and yep! she coughs up pellets! They do clean out the nest box for her. I didn't have time to dissect any pellets at the NCTC Open House exhibit. I didn't really want to :(

Mema Jo said...

RED I am glad you remembered to repeat that for Norma! lol Gotcha!

Red the small trash can will delete a comment if you wish.

The moose cam is not working for me today... Have you seen anything? It was down completely last time I looked.

paula eagleholic said...

Thanks for the info on the pellets, I know that owls and eagles cough them up, just never seen them laying around in an owl box before.....

The moose cam was up this morning Jo.

Mema Jo said...

I am off to decide what we're eating for an evening meal......
Anyone cooking up anything good & tasty....... ?

wvgal_dana said...

Jo you have mail

Mema Jo said...

When the Moose cam was up - Was that deer still on it?

Red said...

I'm cooking chili for dinner tonight. I'm the domestic goddis in this family since I'm retired and she is still working.
Chili over rice.

paula eagleholic said...

Jo - there was one moose and 2 deer.

wvgal_dana said...

Chili cooking weather is getting here Red. I just loaded up on Kidney Beans. Also tomato soup to have with grilled cheese sandwiches....yummy cold weather food.

My husband Red wouldn't eat his chili over rice though.

wvgal_dana said...

With cooking dinner I might just miss Liberty and Belle if they come in. Boy they have alot of large sticks in that nest.

wvgal_dana said...

Forgive me trying to do too many things at one time here.

Hi Sharon, Jo, Red, Glo, Paula, Norma, and Jim. Don't know where my matters are. I think before I said hi to some and not others. Oh yes Hi to the watchers.

normabyrd said...


IrisF said...

Hi Everyone, (can't remember who is still here and who is not, so please accept my Everyone for now. Red isn't the only one with memory problems!!!

I ended up 65% Dixie - pretty cool, my grandfather would love it!
He was from North Carolina.

Thanks to Suzanne for great pics again from this morning - Dana, can't wait to see yours too.

Norma, what do you mean - and here I beleived every word you said! Or, are you just being modest again?
Hugs everyone, love this group!

Carol_in_WV said...

Hi, eagle lovers! Have been busy and haven't been on here for a while. Just went back and read yesterday's blog. Saw your "hello"s to me, Dana and Wanda. "Hello" to you too. I see that we have some new bloggers - Butterfly Mama and Red. Welcome to both of you. Also - a costumed eagle. That's pretty wild. I thought it was a parrot at first! You all are not going to believe this - but it was 32 degrees up on this mountain when I got to work this morning and if I looked real hard, I could see a snow flake every now and then. It's still cold and very windy at times, but no snow flakes! I'm ready to join you, Nilla and Dana, on that trip west to see all the eagles! We have a cat in the office and she is bugging the heck out of me. Keeps stepping on my keyboard and telephone keys. Her name is Kathmandu. Have you ever heard the saying: "Dogs have owners and cats have staff"? This one really does have staff!! She is facinated with our printers. As soon as she hears a printer printing - she runs to it and watches the printed papers come out. She has messed up several of my print jobs by sticking her paw in where the paper comes out. Sometimes she jumps in the shredded paper trash can and takes a nap. Well, I gotta do one more thing before I go home. Bye.

paula eagleholic said...

Oh no, looks like fws.gov is doing their maintenance at the wrong time again :(

paula eagleholic said...

Carol - that is too funny about the cat....

wvgal_dana said...

Nice hearing from you Carol have a safe journey home.

Well our nest cam came back ty ty whom ever made that happen.

paula eagleholic said...

Whew, it's back!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...


paula eagleholic said...

eagle in the nest!

paula eagleholic said...

Lib, moving a stick

paula eagleholic said...

Now both

Mema Jo said...



Mema Jo said...

They are busy........

paula eagleholic said...

One gone

paula eagleholic said...

Now Belle is moving a big stick.

Mema Jo said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
paula eagleholic said...

And again.

Mema Jo said...

Building the snow barrier up higher

paula eagleholic said...

Now she is looking off the back of the nest

paula eagleholic said...

And gone

Costume Lady said...

BUTTERFLY MAMA--Did you get to see our visit?

Carol_in_WV said...

Wow - I got to see one of them. (I can never tell which one is which). I checked the cam before I turned off the computer and got rewarded! I haven't seen either of them for a while. A good way to end the day :-) Bye again.

Costume Lady said...

Hi Dana, Paula and Jo---Tuned in just in time to see them leave.

Mema Jo said...

See you Carol! Stay warm!

Mema Jo said...


paula eagleholic said...

Glad you got to see them Carol!

Costume Lady said...

CAROL--Hello and goodbye.

paula eagleholic said...

Heading home, cu later!

wvgal_dana said...

Carol was so glad you got to see them. What a way to end a work day ( :

NillaWafer said...

Brrrrr baby its cold outside!!!! Missed the couple in the nest was busy... Hope everyone had a great day... Wanda always keep and extra egg timer handy...lol

NillaWafer said...

Check out my newest picture and enlarge it and read it... and like Edith Anne always said "AND THATS THE TRUTH"

wvgal_dana said...

I enlarged and I like it I like it ( :

Costume Lady said...

NILLA, NILLA--What would we do without you and your humor?!

NillaWafer said...

Has anyone heard if the panda got to China ok from San Diego Zoo? Wanda lifes to short to go thru it not being 1/2 crazy...

Mema Jo said...

Link for today's visits to the nest

Love your avatar, Nilla!

NillaWafer said...

Thanks for the link Jo great pictures.. loks like the picutre thingy is getting full at the bottom now and the real season isnt started..lol Will you get more space in the picture thing? Just alittle humor add Jo... Thanks

Mema Jo said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Mema Jo said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
NillaWafer said...

Well you and Paula handle the picture situation over there and yup getting time also for a big pot of homemade vegetable soup to... I still have not made the home made bread but i am off this weekend and going to make a Pineapple Upside Down Cake... My new daughter in law just brought some pictures in of the wedding well them eating cake and drinking champain (yuck it taste terrible) I am going down after work and her and i are printing out all the wedding pictures on the digital camera...

Mema Jo said...

NEWS: Mei Sheng arrived safely in China.

That is all I can find on the site at this time....... No details yet.
We'll probably see it on CNN or some other broadcast.

Mema Jo said...


Mema Jo said...

I think I see a sleeping moose on the cam!

Moose Cam Link -

Mema Jo said...

Closing out early this evening.

Good Night Everyone
Peace to You & Yours
Prayers for all your needs

Good Morning all you Early Birds

MITS said...


Costume Lady said...

Haven't seen you all day. See you tomorrow.

Costume Lady said...

I guess I will turn in too.

movin said...

Nilla, I used to love pineapple upside down cake when my Mom used to make it...haven't had it since then I don't believe. Is there such a thing as peach upside down cake? Seem to remember something like that.

Remember Apple Pan Dowdy? Used to love that too.

Mema Jo, I took a look at the Moose cam and added it to my favorites, but I don't see where it is located. Do you know?

There is a Moose asleep in the shade, but it's still light in the picture, so I guess the cam isn't rolling now.

It's early morning at Pete's, but there's not too much action except for a myriad of birdlife.


movin said...




Suzanne said...

Morning, world. Chilly out, 42 when I left my house, 32 here at work. Brrr. And the wind is just a'blowing! Flags are straight out.
Beautiful pic our nest, now I hope we get visitors this morning.
F&F cam is showing daylight on the ledge, so maybe cam is kaput, as of today, 09:25 their time. Oh well. Bai and Squiggles are snoozing and both NZ cams are MT.
All have a great eagle/panda day.
Eyes to the sky, see the raptors fly!

Costume Lady said...

How's the cold this morning?

Costume Lady said...

I was remembering that you had your flu shot, so you shouldn,t be coming down with the flu. I had mine the same day as you.

Suzanne said...

Morning, Wanda. Still there, thanks for asking. I'm taking so many pills now it should be going away soon!
I'm hoping the kids show up this morning!

Costume Lady said...

Gone for coffee....BRB

Suzanne said...

I don't think it's the flu, but I sure was achy last night. I took a night-time cold pill and just went to bed under the covers. I was freezing, but warmed up quickly. I sleep good with those cold pills, and I guess that's what the ol' body needs.

Suzanne said...

So ok guys, anytime.

Butterfly Mama said...

Morning Ladies,
There is a nasty cold going around. Everyone of my bartenders have had their turn with it.

Costume Lady said...

Did you have your flu shot?

Butterfly Mama said...

No Mother - not yet but I will. I need to call and make an appt for that and other things

wvgal_dana said...

Good Morning Suzanne, Wanda and Karla. Morning Carol I know you'll be watching sometime today (:

It is going to be a cold one tonight!! Praying everyone keeps warm.

Well yesterday SD panda landed back on China soil so I hear.

Costume Lady said...

Did you hubby get his at the MOOSE?

wvgal_dana said...


wvgal_dana said...

Both now

Costume Lady said...

Yes, It is going to colder. We just had our oil tank filled and I am going to pray before I open the bill!!

wvgal_dana said...

Belle in front Liberty in back

Suzanne said...

Eagle in nest, just saw them, was in a kind of meeting!

Costume Lady said...

They are so beautiful together.

Butterfly Mama said...

Mother - thats the e-mail joke thing - right?

So happy to see them both this AM

Suzanne said...

Hi Dana. So nice to see those beautiful eagles!

wvgal_dana said...

Suzanne which do you think is first?

Costume Lady said...

Karla...I don't know what you are referring to?!

Butterfly Mama said...

I wonder if they know we are invading their privacy. Sshhhh -

wvgal_dana said...

Oh if this was the live cam we would probably see beaking alot.

Suzanne said...

Morning, Butterfly! Think they're getting ready to do some stick moving!

wvgal_dana said...

They are moving sticks around both of them. Switched places also.

wvgal_dana said...

Moving that BIG stick around

Suzanne said...

Oh, Belle flying to move sticks, how cool!

wvgal_dana said...

One gone

Suzanne said...

Guess Lib cutout when Belle started flapping and moving sticks.

Costume Lady said...

Belle reminds me of the song; "what makes that little ant think he can move that rubber tree plant".

wvgal_dana said...

Up close and personnel Belle Beautiful lady

Butterfly Mama said...

What a sweet start to the day. Time to go ladies - Suz , Dana, Mother have a wonderful coooool day!

Suzanne said...

Have a good day, Butterfly!

Costume Lady said...

Bye Karla---kisses for Dustin.

Suzanne said...

Wish Lib would pop in again! But she sure is pretty, isn't she? Beautiful Belle!

wvgal_dana said...

Karla tc and Have A Nice Day ( :

Suzanne said...

Well, bye beautiful Belle! Thanks for stopping in!

carolinabeachmom said...

Boo Hoo! I just got on in time to see one eagle in the nest. :(

wvgal_dana said...

WOW an awesome visit thank you Liberty and Belle.

wvgal_dana said...

Aww sorry Candy but you did see Belle

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2/20/25 PM bird

1203 PM NN Scout comes to the nest with a load of bedding again. He seemed to leave with something in his talons. He has a beak full of bedd...