Sunday, June 10, 2007


New thread, back from the west.

Update--took this photo early friday of a mother moose and her yearling with the Grand Teton in the background.


MITS said...

Hope you had a good time, thanks for the Sunday thread..GOOD MORNING EVERYONE

MITS said...

It is so funny watching the VA eagles, walking around the nest. SUNNY, sounds like you had a great day yesterday, relax and catch up on the blogs.

sandyshaw said...

Welcome home Steven. I just discovered that the wood duck site has a blog. All 15 fluffies landed safely and joined Mama in a nearby pond. Then they moved on to another site, nearby creek or other ponds. Here's the web site. Jo can translate it into a short blue address.

normabyrd said...

GOOD MORNIN' EAGLE BUDDIES!!---"What is so rare as a day in June--then if ever---come perfect day--"---I may not have the quote complete---BUT IT IS A BEAUTIFUL JUNE DAY in WV--75°----Thanks for the update MITS!!!--Thanks for the SUNDAY thread STEVEN---GREAT TO HAVE YOU HOME!!!------So far behind on blog---MITS how was the MARTINI SHOWER!!---Bet you had a good time!!!---DELIGHTED to see so many back on the blog!!!---I love the VA "REBELS" too MITS----I think the pics make them appear eager to start something---ho!---That is certainly the BEST SITE!!!

MITS said...

Thanks, Sandra...How are things going?

MITS said...

Norma, the shower was very nice, and the weather was beautiful. I had 1 martini, but only after I had food.....

Mema Jo said...

Good Morning to All in Eagleland It looks as though it is very pleasant out-of-doors.
Welcome Home Steve Thanks for the new thread.
I need to check out previous thread and read what Sunny did & check out some cams. I'll get the Wood Duck posted in a few.......

normabyrd said...

HI SANDYSHAW & MEMA JO---I am anxious to see the wood duck site you all are watching----Is that the TX WOOD DUCK SITE?---I love watching the LOON & LULU?----MITS------That's the "In" thing now---Martini bars, etc.---Bet the shower was nice----

sandyshaw said...

Yes, Norma, it's the Texas nest. The babies followed Mom out of the nest yesterday morning.

Mother is doing very well. Please keep Tom in your prayers this week. On Wednesday his knee will be aspirated and then we wait to see if he is clear of the infection. If yes, he will soon get a new knee. If no, it's back to the antibiotics. We do depend on those Eagle Momster prayers. Thanks.

Mema Jo said...

Sandra, This is the Wood duck TX site
I don't think the cam is up so advise me that I have the correct one
Maybe since the chicks left..the cam has been put down. I see the comments.

Wood Duck TX,

I like your new "Wood Duck Nest Box" picture....

sandyshaw said...

That's it, Jo. I'm going to get dressed and go the market to see Megan and buy strawberries.

normabyrd said...

HELLO SUNNY---WANDA & ROBYN!!!---You folks were on before I was---Now we know where to go when it hits 90° here----ROBYN'S POOL!!---Hey WANDA!!---did the porch dry??---Bet it looks great!!!----I envy you SUNNY---always enjoying hiking & boating, etc.----It's those "young bones" you have!!! ho!---JO---How's your grandson adapting to home cooking?--ho! ho!Must run an errand---w/be back & try to catch up!!!

Mema Jo said...

Ho -Ho (As Norma would remark) Robyn, I consider that an invite! I hope you're doing ok with entertaining the young ones.. I'll be praying for your brother's safety during his tour in Iraq and for his speedy return.

Mema Jo said...

A63 is doing very well since s/he has gotten over the banding experience. I don't know how I would feel the next day after being placed in a blue bag and dropped 40+feet.

Mrs Owl on WildWatch is MIA again this morning!

Mema Jo said...

NEWS Lisa at BW said that
We'll shut down the Eagle Cam around the end of June. The Osprey Cam will stay online into the winter, since eagles will visit once the ospreys migrate.

movin said...


I hope your western trip was useful, Steve. Welcome back.


MITS said...

Cool...when are we going to Robyn's? We can bring the food and even get out of our PJ's:):):):) Prayers for Tom and your Mom and you, Sandra

Jill said...

Robyn, I have never been to Dam 4. Is it open to the public? What is there?

sunny said...

I live close enough to visit Robyn's pool! And Norma, there's nothing YOUNG about these bones! That's why we play on Saturday, and suffer on Sunday. We went to Dam 4 once, but a lot of the boaters don't practice boat safety, and it was too dangerous too be around them in kayaks. Dam 5 is nice, as are other areas on the river.

sunny said...

Jill, do you still have your scrapbook store? Do you ever come up to ScrapMania?

Jill said...

No Sunny I closed my store about a month ago. I usually go to the store in Leesburg for supplies now. Do you scrapbook?

movin said...

Speaking of A63, Mema Jo...

I watched an earlier version of Glo's Feed Blitz last night...the one with the juvenile intruder on the nest a few days ago.

They didn't seem to be able to I.D. the bird, but I think I read the number 27 on its blue wing thing at the end of the clip. I couldn't get 'signed on' to make a comment, so somebody pass the info on please.


sunny said...

Sure I do, Jill! I think I was in your store one time with my friend Cammy.

Jill said...

Had a couple of Cammies that came in. I am still doing die cuts if you need any. email me directly if there is something you want. Not had time to get the site back up yet

Mema Jo said...

Mrs Bluebird is in the nest on WildWatch...... Wanda says this is about the time of day that the eye
laying occurs....... Looking for #4

movin said...

A63 at S. Cruz was just getting some serious wing flapping in...even got some lift. Then he starts moving things around fixing up the nest.


Mema Jo said...

If anyone knows why I typed
EYE LAYING when you know very well
I meant to say EGG LAYING...

Let me know! lol
I think I am just keeping my EYE on things to intently,,

Mema Jo said...

Still only 3 eggs - Funny she looked right up into the camera as if to say
I need some privacy, please

Mema Jo said...

Jim On the day of banding when he actually branched to get farther away from Jim... I am wondering if A63 remembers that he did that? lol

normabyrd said...

HI MOVIN' JIM & JILL!!!---JILL--just scanned the blog----Where is the EAGLE that belongs here in Hampshire---SEND IT HOME!!----We only loaned her to you folks!!!--ho! --JO!!!---I owe you BIG TIME!!---You called me back to watch the banding----AWESOME!!----This a.m. when I turned on TV---Nature show on CATALINA ISLAND---Dr. SHARPE & EAGLES----JIM & PAULA you all might be familiar with the endangered SMALL FOXES living there---(only place in world that they are found)---They are treating them about the same as they have treated the EAGLES---They catch the foxes---give them check ups--along with shots, etc.---Nature Commentator could not touch the foxes---He (Commen.) doesn't have all of the shots, the US Govt. requires!!!---VERY Interesting!!

normabyrd said...

SANDYSHAW---I will certainly keep you & TOM in my thoughts----Will pray he can have his knee surgery-------Nice to learn your MOM is doing well----God Bless---

Jill said...

Norma somebody told Nilla about it. Was last seen heading towards Berkeley Springs. Should be home by now. Could you keep them up there please? LOL

Jill said...

I am off to the park for June Jubilee. BBL

normabyrd said...

JILL---So glad you & NILLA sent her on her way!!! ho! ----Didn't you see banding Fri.?---I just couldn't believe we actually go to see every step!!!---I WORRIED too about keeping HER still & in the mask so long----Wasn't she VOCAL!!---This must be your weekend off!!!!---ENJOY!

Costume Lady said...

Good Afternoon to all of you--
Just got back from Church and visitng My Mom.
I see Mrs. B has her 4th egg.
Have to check and see if I can spot LuLu.

Robyn said...

The pool should be open Wednesday, most definitely this weekend... open invite :).

Jill dam 4 is off Berkeley Station Road right before you approach the single lane bridge, there is a sign that says public stream access. You take that road all the way to the end maybe a mile or so. There are 3 little islands right in front of the dam which is maybe a 30 foot drop. We were guessing that is where the herons were nesting.

If you do go I advice wearing sturdy water shoes or sneakers as it is very rocky and of course the stones in the river are very slippery. We also saw a water snake swimming by so another precaution to look for.

Jo my brother sent a pic in his Navy Blues I will send the pic your way, he is starting to feel sad bout going as his life is right where he has always hoped for, a wonderful wife and family, it makes me want to cry just thinking about him leaving again. I can only imgine what our mom is going through.

normabyrd said...


1)---"Sleep with the fishes"
2)---"Go back to the FAMILY"


Jill said...

Robyn, send me your brothers name and we will add him to our prayer list.

Just walked to the park and back. Not much excitement out there. I am so hot. Could use that pool about now. LOL

Mema Jo said...

Wanda I watched and watched Mrs Bluebird on the nest - and you were so right it was just about 12:30 - She was right on time.

Jill said...

I want Steven's job. LOL. Have your checked out the moose picture? I want a moose too.

MITS said...

Steven loves his mooses:):).

Mema Jo said...

I see the MOOSES (2 moose)!
I remember last year another moose picture from Steve....

Costume Lady said...

That's MEESE.

paula eagleholic said...

Jim - That was A27 that visited the Santa Cruz nest.

Dam #4 - pretty area - checked it out last year,.....

Party? Did I hear Party?

paula eagleholic said...

Is it dam 4 or 5 where the power station equipment is?

Mema Jo said...

LOL Wanda! you mean like
goose and geese?

Mema Jo said...


my song IS ON 106.9FM

Mema Jo said...

Need to leave for a few

MITS said...

Mooses, bamboons:):):) Right if a goose is geese, why not moose being meese???

Mema Jo said...



AS OF 6:07:24PM


normabyrd said...

WOW STEVEN!!!!---Your photo is spectacular!!!----Appears the Moose posed for you---ho!----Thanks for sharing!!!

MITS said...

Lisa has some neat pics of osprey chicks, that were taken by her cam tech, he has a platform near his home.

MITS said...

yep, our cam is kaput:(

normabyrd said...

MITS---That's a standing joke in our family----MEESE & MEESSEES (PL)
---started years ago with MOUSES---ho!----

Mema Jo said...

Hi Norma and Mits -

Lisa-BW should have her cam man set up a cam at his house!!!!

normabyrd said...

ROBYN---You must be so PROUD of your brother & sad at the same time-----Please send me his name & I will add him to my study group's prayer list----Will keep you & your Mom in my thoughts-----

MITS said...

Good idea, Jo, you should write her.

normabyrd said...

WV PBS has the story of the Red-Tail Hawk who built his nest in NYC!!---Named "PALE MALE"---is on now----Beautiful Bird!!!!--Just showed him swallowing a whole mouse!!!

MITS said...

Now where does Mrs. B go?? She lays the eggs then disappears

Mema Jo said...

Norma Was that a mouse or was it a MEESE?

Mema Jo said...

I will BBL

normabyrd said...

HI JO!!---Started with MOUSE & MOUSES (no mice)----Then later moved to MOOSE ---MEESE & MEESES!!-----This PBS RED-TAIL HAWK is GREAT----Shows the whole city "HOOKED" on the HAWK FAMILY!!-----& the change that the watchers feel about the neighbor-----JUST LIKE US & our EAGLES!!!

MITS said...

Norma, so glad they love their new neighbor

movin said...

Hi, everybody,
I just came on-line and the Kent adult has brought in a furry something for dinner...maybe rabbit.


Mema Jo said...

Man oh man! I just read your comment Jim at 10:15 & looked in the nest & they must have eaten the whole thing-whatever it was.

MITS said...

Mom and Dad at KENT are up on the branch wating the youngins.

Robyn said...

Jill, Norma my brothers name is QM1 Scott J. Schonhans, thank you so much. I practice a private spirituality but my brother would truly appreciate prayer.

Steven beautiful pic, I have never seen a moose in person before and I heard they are huge animals.

Jo I see or saw about 8 burrowing owls on the wildwatch cams how adorable. Hve you seen the kid movie Hoot? It is about kids who save the burowing owls.

MITS said...

Jo, would love that movie:).

Robyn said...

Paula it is dam 4 off state road 12 or Berkeley Station Road, the road is Dam #4

Mema Jo said...

Robyn - Someone else mentioned that one time. No haven't seen it.. Is it recent or can I rent it?

Did the boys go home? If so, I bet it is quiet around your house..

Mema Jo said...

I am going to sign out for the day

Good night everyone
Pleasant dreams & peaceful sleep
Prayers for everyone being said

Good Monday morning Suzanne
Cam was frozen yesterday...It still is

Robyn said...

Jo it was on ne of the movie channels so it should still be playing as well as on DVD.

Yes the boys went home and yes it is quiet though my 13 yr old kept going on and on how the little was so annoying so I said...Like you LOL she gave me a look.

My nephews lived with me when my brother was overeas before, talk about a full house!

Jill said...

Robyn, I have added your brother to the list. No matter what one believes, saying a prayer to somebody or something doesn't hurt.

13 year olds are such loverly people arent they? I have one of them too. Good news is one day they will turn back into real people. LOL

Robyn said...

I sure had the age group here 10, 12, 13 and 14 the river wore them out yesterday even me. I noticed it was quiet last night by 9pm. I'll be helping out their step mom this summer by bringing them to the river again and letting them swim in my pool anytime they want, they sure are angels when they fall asleep hahaha.

movin said...


I was going to say the camera had frozen at 6:07, but I see Mema Jo already did. I don't think it was frozen earlier today though.

Is there any word on when they intend to do the camera changes and maintenance??


MITS said...

They are going to have a meeting re: the nest at NCTC sometime in July, per Stevens' remarks from the other day, Jim....GOOD NIGHT EVERYONE

Jill said...

Yes they are lovely when they sleep. Problem is teenagers dont' seem to sleep. Are any of them into skateboarding? If so, they are welcome to come here and skate with the gang that lives on my front porch. LOL. Seems like it anyway.

Suzanne said...

Good Monday morning, eagle world. Yup, Jo, back to Monday...already! Ugh! But nice night out, 63° at home, 67° here. Had lots of moisture on my windows this morning, good think it's not cold, I'd still be scraping ice!
Did any of your guys watch the Belmont Stakes????? Awesome race! And you GO GIRL!! Rags to Riches, a FILLY beat all the boys! Thought for a sec that Curlin was gonna win, but then Rags to Riches took over and took it to the finish, Curlin came in 2nd. Street Sense didn't run, but it was an awesome race! First time a filly won since 1905, and that was a horse names Tanya. Rags to Riches half brother won the Belmont last year. She has Secretariet blood in her. I'm still excited, what a race! Don't watch sports, but do watch the Triple Crown every year.
Phew, ok...see we are frozen in time, last night at 1807. Pretty pic, though, but we're gonna miss any visit this morning. BW eagle nest MT, and see where they're gonna turn the cam off at the end of the month. BW osprey has a sod ball, and someone on the end of the nest. I sure hope they don't have eggs at this time of year. See 2 owls in Benicia, and the stork kids are getting big.
Not gonna try to read the blogs, I'll read them later. All have a great eagle day.
Eyes to the sky, see the raptors fly!

Suzanne said...

Was just outside, getting daylight out. Saw a sliver of a moon, didn't see it earlier. Saw a few stars, but then, wispy fog coming down. Sometimes it was on the ground, sometimes it was above the car. Neat looking.
Osprey is up by the cam now, with his/her back to us, eagle nest MT, our cam frozen, falcons on ledge. Think the falcon rescue starts today, so they should be starting to fledge soon. Still see 2 owls in Benicia, and the bluebird is in the nest. OMG, she just got off, she has 4 eggs!! How cool is that! Storks are awake and really growing fast. They're so cute.

Suzanne said...

We had 2 ospreys in the nest, but now just 1. We also have an eaglet visitor in their nest. Stork family is just talking away to each other. There are still 3 owlets in Benicia, and Mrs. Bluebird is still off her 4 eggs. Eaglet has head down, so I presume he/she is eating. Stork is standing in nest... on one leg. Looks like a male though, chest looks totally white.

Suzanne said...

Uh oh, our eaglet is mantling now, somebody must be coming to join him/her.

Suzanne said...

Well, guess not. Head back down, no mantling.

MITS said...

GOOD MORNING SUZANNE AND EVERYONE. Suz, thought you meant there was an eaglet in the osprey nest:). So I rushed over, but just osprey...I forgot how soon after the osprey leave that the eagles take over their platform, always something to look forward to.

Costume Lady said...

Yes, I watched the race--very exciting. I believe the Filly stumbled a bit at the begininng of the race, but she certainly gained her composure quickly. It was almost a photo finish. She is quite a Lady.
Mrs. B has 4 eggs now. I think one more and then she will start incubating.
Have you checked out the Loon cam? they now have the report on the fate of the egg which they removed.
Saturday, we watched the Banding of the Santa Cruz Eaglet: it was breathtaking to watch.

MITS said...

I just realized the VA eaglet tree is eaglits this a.m.

Costume Lady said...

I have to laugh when I think of you and Nilla quitting smoking together and Dubbing yourself those names.

Geula said...

HI! I think I don'rt remember my google account info!

Geula said...

See? I remembered! YAY! My gray cells are NOT all gone...

So how have all you wonderful folks been?

MITS said...

Well, stranger it is so good to hear from you....we missed you. How are things over in you side of the world, Geula?

MITS said...

Wanda, it was Jo, that stopped smoking, not me:). Yes, I was jumping up and down Saturday, watching the race.

Costume Lady said...

MITS--So is your nickname Thelma or is that Jo?

Suzanne said...

Wow, look at everybody here! Morning, Mits, CostumeLady, and Geula! Geula, so good to hear from you! Yes, CostumeLady, got my iced coffee this morning, and I am happy to say I am not wearing it today! Yes, she did stumble coming out of the gate...but she recovered nicely. Awesome race! Glad you guys watched it. Mits, didn't mean to confuse you about the eaglets and ospreys. Eaglets are gone now, just skulls and bones in the nest. Osprey still in osprey nest with a ball of sod. Guess that'll be nice and green this winter for a while. CostumeLady, saw the 4 eggs this morning, she was off them for quite a while. Dang, she's still off them! Hope it's warm where she is.

Suzanne said...

LOL, it's confusing isn't it, CostumeLady? Mits is Thelma, Nilla was Louise... I think. Or do I have that backwards??? See, I get confused too! (Course some people will tell you I stay that way, but hey, what do they know?)

Suzanne said...

CostumeLady, what did they find out on the Loonie egg?

Suzanne said...

Stork babies are in nest alone. First time I haven't seen a parent there!

Suzanne said...

4 owlets in Benicia nest! Haven't seen 4 there for a while..

MITS said...

LOL....I'm Mits and Thelma, Nilla is Louise.....just dropped by the Indy osprey site, they are having a bad year, they have already lost Hokie the female falcon and some others are missing...that's nature.

MITS said...

Feeding time up at CT osprey nest.

MITS said...

MMMMM, coffee tastes good this a.m.

MITS said...

Yes, Suzanne, they start the fledge watch up in PA today.

Suzanne said...

Geesh, this is turning out to be a really bad year for young birds! And eggs, I guess. I sure hope next year is a lot better for all the critters we watch, and for those we don't watch!!! Just need a better bird year!

Suzanne said...

2 ospreys in nest, but no clue as to which 2.

Suzanne said...

Osprey cam, quick! One of the ospreys is taking the sod ball!!

Suzanne said...

Fooled me. Took it to the far end of the nest, then brought it back, I guess. But now it's in the center of the nest. Too funny.

MITS said...

They were moving it all around the nest yesterday, Suz...I never knew where it was going to end up.

Suzanne said...

Eaglet just arrived, BW eagle.

Costume Lady said...

The Loon egg go wet and cold when the Eagle disturbed the Nest some time ago. After X-Raying the egg, they determined it was 1/2 to 3/4 in it's developement.

Mrs. B will not incubate her eggs until she gets them all laid (probably 5 altogether). Then she will sit on them and seldom leave.

Suzanne said...

Oh, ok. Guess they're still not satisfied with the loccation! Too funny!

MITS said...

I really love the osprey, they are so entertaining.

MITS said...

Juvies are back in the nest at VA:)

MITS said...

An adult is there also.

Suzanne said...

That's too bad about the loon egg, CostumeLady. This has been a bad year for eggs and babies!
I like the ospreys too, Mits. You're right, they are entertaining! I'm just glad they're all not like our cam...As the Osprey Cam Turns...

Suzanne said...

Mits, KY osprey is feeding those 2 big babies.

Suzanne said...

Dang, keep forgetting this cuts off the end of a URL.


Suzanne said...

OMG, they have FINALLY fixed the barn owl cam at WDFW! Nest is MT, no eggs, no owl. Darn, thought for sure we'd have an egg or two by now.

MITS said...

They are beautiful, Suz.

MITS said...


MITS said...

SC chick still resting...

Suzanne said...

Those Kent kids are getting big, aren't they, Mits? Looks like they're looking for leftovers.

MITS said...

Yes, they are huge, love watching that nest.

Suzanne said...

I do too! That's my favorite nest this year! Well, that one and BW.

MITS said...

Yes, BW, with Lisa's wonderful updates and info has been awesome.

Suzanne said...

You got that right! I told her that the other day...loved reading her informative updates all the time!

movin said...


Have a great week this beautiful June.


MITS said...


paula eagleholic said...

Good Morning, all.

Is that a new sod ball in the BW Osprey nest?

MITS said...

Yes, PAULA, they brought it in sometime yesterday and have been moving it all around the nest.

movin said...

Looks like the Two Harbors eaglets are picking over the leftevers and calling for Mom to bring the breakfast.


normabyrd said...

WOW!--GREAT to see so many EAGLE BUDDIES!!!!----HELLO EVERYONE!!---GEULA---How are you?---Love your puzzles!!---I work them as soon as you send them----Thanks!!---HELLO SUZANNE---MITS---WANDA--& JIM!!!---WANDA---Don't worry about the name mix-up---It took me for ever to get the names right!!!---STILL GET CONFUSED----BUT I STAY CONFUSED--ho! ho!----SUZ--Thought of you Sat.!!!---SHE made me forget CURLIN & JUMP FOR JOY when she WON!!!!----Wasn't it FUN watching her "sober trainer"---Knocked his wife's hat off!!! JIM was a "happy camper" too!!

movin said...

Steve has started a NEW THREAD.

Come on over...


normabyrd said...

MORNIN' PAULA----Isn't it a BEAUTIFUL JUNE DAY!!-----GEULA What's the weather like at your place?----It's 71° here in WV----

2/20/25 PM bird

1203 PM NN Scout comes to the nest with a load of bedding again. He seemed to leave with something in his talons. He has a beak full of bedd...