Tuesday, June 12, 2007


New thread.


normabyrd said...

THANKS JIM---I think I am NO. 1 TODAY!!!

movin said...

I think you are too, Norma. Congratulations!

Thank you, Steve, for the new thread for today...Have you seen Liberty or Belle in the last couple of days?


normabyrd said...

THANKS STEVEN!! for the new thread on this BEAUTIFUL WV MORNING!!---Gov. pays me to say that 10 times a day!!!----ho! KIDDIN'----ENJOY YOUR DAY!!!-----JIM--Thanks!!!---n

movin said...

I saw the other 3 falcons eating about midway on the ledge, so none have fledged yet.


Suzanne said...

Thanks for the new thread, Steve!

Thanks for the heads up, Jim.

Brought this over from other thread.

Mrs. B is off those eggs again. What's the deal with that? Mits, think you asked Wanda if she had another one in her..didn't see where she answered you. Hey Wanda... are you home???? Come to the phone, please.
Norma, they changed the cam views in PA. Think I may like these better.

Suzanne said...
Now 3 are looking over the edge. Watching a sibling???

Still see only 3 on the edge, all looking out and down.

normabyrd said...

SUZANNE---I just checked the BARN OWLETS-----ONLY 3?---What happened to No. 4----???????---Did you see the 3 are flying around inside of the small box!!!

Suzanne said...

No, Norma, cam was down this morning, so I closed it. I will however, go open it now!

Suzanne said...

Norma, are you talking about the Benicia owls? That cam is still down, as of 2123 last night.

Suzanne said...

Made it, Jim. And I can see one of the PA falcons in the shade, and the others all the way down at the corner.

movin said...

Suzanne, I see 3 eyasses on the corner and a single eyass flaked out behind the post..probably the youngest.


normabyrd said...

SUZANNE---You are always right---The cam is up & I see 2 sleeping--standing barn owlets---But I watched the video that shows the 3 owlets flying inside their box!!!!

movin said...

Norma, did you get my So Cal weather report on the other thread?


normabyrd said...

HAVE you seen the RICHMOND FALCON nesting on the ledge----She is BEAUTIFUL---Setting on her eggs----but it appears she is in a box----

normabyrd said...

NO JIM---Too busy being FIRST--ho!----But will check it out!!!

movin said...

There's a pair of Ospreys on the BW nest, and they appear to be defending against something again.


paula eagleholic said...

MOrning, all.

NE chicks at Barton Cove are getting huge.

CT osprey look great, they are big too if you haven't on them lately, they will surprise you.

Feeding going on at DPOF nest = things are going well there too, chick #2 is as big as #1 now...

Santa Cruz A63 doing fine now!

normabyrd said...

NOPE JIM!---Didn't see your temp.--

movin said...

Got to go to work. Have a great day, everyone.


movin said...

Windows Media Player is working at the PA site now.


normabyrd said...

SUZANNE---Have you heard from the BLUEBIRD LADY---WANDA?----She really knows her STUFF!!---I have never seen a life blue bird?---They have such beautiful color---

MITS said...

Jim, did you say there was a new thread???? Go to the falcom forum and they are explaing what you can do to fix the problem....I'm not having any problems with it. off to dentist, wonder how Annemarie made out yesterday??

normabyrd said...

HI PAULA---SAW those CT CHICKS---All these CHICKS seem to grow over night----Those STORKS grew so fast-----& their appearances changed too!!!

normabyrd said...

MITS!---Hope it's NO cavities!!--I thought of HEIDIGIRL too this a.m.---when I was brushing my teeth ---

Suzanne said...

Eaglet and parent in BW!

Costume Lady said...

Just got in from the garden. Picked a bowl full of Snow Peas for supper/salad.
Has anyone seen our eagles? Must be at the Beach, MITS.
NORMA--It would be my guess that Mrs. B just can't get her GROOVE on. She needs to settle herself down. It is not unusual for bluebirds to leave their eggs frequently, but not more than 10 to 15 mins. at a time. It is possible that she will lay a 6th egg, but not likely. We'll see.

Suzanne said...

Wow, flaps at Kent! Awesome shot from cam2, let me know if you want it.

Costume Lady said...

MIT Red Tail Hawks are beginning to fledge. If you have a chance, read the update on them. One of them had to be rescued from a parking garage.

normabyrd said...

OH WANDA!!!---I LOVE snow peas!!!-----SUZANNE, ---Please send me the KENT shot!!!----I have been checking my email---so far behind!!!---Have lunch date---SO SUZANNE---SAFE JOURNEY HOME!!!---Talk later WANDA!!!--

Suzanne said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Suzanne said...

On the way, Norma. Enjoy your lunch date!

Suzanne said...

Wanda, Mrs. B is off the eggs again. She gets on for a few minutes, then off for quite a while.

Costume Lady said...

We've been think about you this morning. How did your Dental appointment go yesterday? Hope you aren't AWOL today.

Suzanne said...

Robynann, hope you read this. Glad you saw the spots on the Benicia 4th owlet. Means most of them were girls. Cam has been down for me for a couple days, sure hope they get it fixed soon! Don't want them to bring cam back up and find an MT nest box! Norma said there is a video on their site of the owlets flying around in the nest box, but of course I can't view that here. But think that would be fun to watch.

Costume Lady said...

Have a good day. See you tomorrow, same time, same place.

Suzanne said...

Ok, Wanda, you have a good day too!

Mema Jo said...

Would have been here sooner except I read all the morning comments - You all are a very enjoyable talkative group!!! Thanks so much for keeping me up to date!

Suzanne said...

Morning, MemaJo! Yes, takes a while to get caught up on comments, doesn't it? Some of us just rattle away sometimes!

Suzanne said...

Not sure Heidigirl will be here, but if she is, will you all give her this URL? She said she had 15 birdhouses, and no takers, so maybe this will help. She also said one time she was looking for Bluebirds, and this is will probably work for both Western and Eastern.


end is .org/ just in case it gets cut off.


Suzanne said...

Time for me to hit the road. All have a great eagle day. Eyes to the sky, see the raptors fly!

MITS said...

Annemarie, hope you check in soon....Back from dentist...no cavities, Norma. I go faithfully every 6 months,and, I floss:):):):)! Off to my regular doc now, have to cram in all this stuff while I'm here in Bethesda.

Robyn said...

Howdy all...

Suzanne I saw the Benicia video last night, my daughter thought it was so funny how they look down then pounce on pellets.

Seems I have a pair of warblers that visit my feeder as I saw 2 today eating side by side.

Been running errands most of morning so I haven't had a chance to check the cams which I will do now before I get busy with my classes.

Have a great day all

Robyn said...

Jo, PS still has the egg in the nest!

Robyn said...

Wanda, Mrs. B is back in the nest and on her eggs, nice face shot of her.

Robyn said...

Also 4 owls in box in Benicia, must be bedtime for those little buggers.

Robyn said...

Suzanne, No4 is getting so big, She looks like her siblings now, the only reason I know it is her is he still sits unlike the older ones.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Good afternoon everybody.

I just pulled up Buta Buta and her and Lun Lun are laying on the logs. I guess Lun agrees with Buta that it is a comfortable spot.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I am so excited. Sometime within the next month I am coming to Shepherdstown!!!!!! MTBR on the date but it will be soon! I will finally get to see the GREAT SYCAMORE TREE and hopefully LIBERTY AND BELLE!!!!!

Jill said...

Let us know Sharon, maybe we can get together for lunch or dinner. As well as see the tree. I am sure nobody will turn down that trip if they can help. As you know several of us live within a couple of miles of the nest.

Costume Lady said...

I'm so happy for you that you can make the trip. You will LOVE it!
It is so beautiful there at the tree, I could have stayed there all day. The buildings are charming as well. Shepherdstown is a quaint little town with some wonderful shops. I live about 3 miles from there. ENJOY!!

Costume Lady said...

Another trip would be great.

Jill said...

Well Wanda we can go anytime you want not just on special occasions. We could even go to the river and watch for them. And have lunch.

paula eagleholic said...

Sharon - We would all love to meet up with you - how long are you staying? Weekday or weekend? Tree trips are wonderful....Hoping to be there! There are some momsters I have yet to meet!

paula eagleholic said...

Is dam #4 the one with the power plant stuff?

Jill said...

I think Robyn said Dam 4 was where the power plant stuff was. It was on the thread a couple of days ago.

paula eagleholic said...

Thanks, Jill. I must have missed that. I have been back there...really pretty.

Robyn said...

Jill, there was no power plant at dam 4, just the dam.

Sharon I just noiced your pic of the towhee, Wanda that is the bird I saw at my birdfeeder, the one I could not figure out. Thank you Sharon :).

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

You are welcome, Robynann!

Paula, it would be a weekend, probably a Saturday. I would absolutely love to meet everybody!

Mema Jo said...

MITS & I are thrilled to be making arrangements with Liberty & Belle for Eagle Eyed Sharon's visit to the Sycamore Tree! Sharon says it will be a Saturday so we're hoping Steve can accommodate all of us with entrance into NCTC. We know that we have so many locals who will be there!!! A lunch or dinner or both will be planned according to Sharon's time in Shepherdstown WV. WHoo Hoo! Just can't wait!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Well, I am just getting more and more excited!!! This has definitely been a long time coming!

Robyn said...

I would love to go back to the Sycamore tree but I am also leaving for Houston then off to Fl mid July for 2 or 3 weeks with my daughter and her friend.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I am thinking around the 30th or so for my trip. MTBR!

Mema Jo said...

Sharon, you are talking June Right?

Mema Jo said...

We just had a quick storm - looks as though the leaves in the nest are wet.

Lisa BW has her final entry for this season on the Eagle Cam Web Log.
So glad the osprey cam will be left up

Robyn said...

If in June that would be perfect as I have a 2 week break from school the 21st thru the 9th of July.

Robyn said...

well almost 3 weeks since they cut classes back by a few days

normabyrd said...

WOW!!!----I DON'T BELIEVE IT-----DID I READ THAT SHARON---"Our BLUEFIELD SHARON"!!!! is coming to Shepherdstown!!!-----We must plan a PARADE THROUGH TOWN for her!!!!-----SHARON!!!---That would be REALLY GREAT----LIBERTY & BELLE have MISSED YOU TOO!----

sandyshaw said...

Hurray! Welcome to Shepherdstown in advance, Sharon. Maybe you can gather here for g&t and iced tea. Please keep Tom in your prayers tomorrow. Jo, I had lunch at the Stone Soup yesterday. Good food.

normabyrd said...

HEIDIGIRL----Have you been back to work??---Been thinking & worrying about you----HOPE TOOTH IS FINE--ho!---WE have MISSED you---LADY IN THE RED DRESS!!!!

Costume Lady said...

You have been AWOL most of today. After 24 hours, you will need a written excuse from your next of Kin or you will be kicked out of the PJ Club. HaHa!
(Hope all went well with your tooth)

normabyrd said...

HI SANDYSHAW---I told SHARON if she comes to Shepherdstown---WE WOULD HAVE A PARADE FOR HER!!!-Wouldn't it be GREAT to finally meet her!!!----Been thinking about you all-----Will have TOM in my thoughts of tomorrow!!---Take care------

Mema Jo said...

Sandra - great to hear you had a good lunch at the Stone Soup - I still haven't made it over for us to go to the Juice Bar! It will happen!

I've been remembering in my prayers Tom's appointment tomorrow.

normabyrd said...

HEY WANDA----Have you eaten your SNOW PEAS yet!!----Just checkin'--ho!

Mema Jo said...

I am also a Snow Pea Lover
I like them freshly picked or cooked.

Mema Jo said...


Costume Lady said...

Yes, I did eat my Snow Peas. I pick them when they are just about half grown and we had them in a Ceasar Salad for supper (raw,of course)

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Might be July 7 for my trip. MTBR!

paula eagleholic said...

The bunnies used to mow down my Dad's snow peas all the time...he finally learned to plant a few extra rows....:)

paula eagleholic said...

Let us know when you have picked a date!

movin said...


How's the birdwatching game going?? Anybody seen the local pair?


Mema Jo said...

Hi Jim - My evening got away from me
It is time for me to call it a day - No Belle or Liberty sited today.....

Good night everyone
Prayers for those in need being said

Morning Suzanne
Tony's tonight at 5:30!!

MITS said...

GOOD NIGHT EVERYONE Prayers go out for Tom tomorrow,and, Annemarie, who we did not hear from today, hope you are out of pain, or, at least enjoying your drugs.

Suzanne said...

Good morning, eagle world. Hump day! Geesh, woke up early, came in early, what's the deal with that???? Course I was so tired last night, went to bed early, so tonight I'll be even more tired, so will probably try to go to bed even more early. Figure by Friday, I'll be here around 3 or so at the rate I'm going. (GOD, THAT'S DISGUSTING!!!)
Nice night out, 65° at home, 66° here. But streets are wet, had some rain, and wispy fog up north, none here.
May try to read blogs. Jo, you and family going to Tony's tonight? Or was that last night?
Had psychadelic dots and lines on our cam when I first brought it up, now we have a nice pic. MT, but nice pic. Both BW nests are MT, and haven't opened any other cams yet. Also see the sod ball has been kicked over the side, I guess. It's no longer in the osprey nest.
All have a great eagle day. Eyes to the sky, see the raptors fly!

Suzanne said...

PA Dep has an update on the Falcon page. They treated the eyases on the 5th for the infection they found when banding them. It also explains their rescue operation, which is going on now. Interesting reading.
All our nests are MT, and of course, still dark out, so can't see much when there are no lights. Stork babies are alone, parent may be out of cam view, but they're snoozing. Mrs. B is on her eggs. Wanda, did she have a 6th egg? (Haven't read back on the blogs.) Also see the Benicia owl cam is still down. Geesh, they're all gonna be gone when it comes back up again. if it comes back up. And I see our WDFW owl has not returned to the nest box. Maybe she moved elsewhere, she's been gone a few days now. Also see Albuquerque fixed their burrowing owl cam, but it's not on yet, too early. About 3 hours or so. Also too early for other cams. It's also too early for me, come to think of it!
If they're coming, Lib and Belle may be here in about 10 minutes or so.

Suzanne said...

Right on time! EAGLE ALERT!!!

Suzanne said...

Head is down now, can't see a thing. Oh, BW eaglet just arrived.

Suzanne said...

Dang, BW eaglet just left. That was quick! Still can't see a white head anymore in our nest, so either eagle took off, or has head down still.

Suzanne said...

Must have left, cause I don't see any white movement. Hopefully, they'll be back. Got a couple pics is all.

Suzanne said...

Purple sunrise at BW osprey! Wierd.

Suzanne said...

Ok, going blind here. I THINK I see a white head on perch in back. It sometimes moves during the refresh, but so do the leaves blowing.

Suzanne said...

Ok, whatever that is in the back is not a white head. Nest is MT. Still purple at BW osprey, but MT. BW eagle MT too.

Suzanne said...

Well, my 3 main nests are MT, and so far, have only seen one falcon on ledge. I'm sure others are there somewhere, just not in cam view.
My monitor is going in and out today, so if I leave in a hurry, it went out. Takes a couple minutes to cajole it back to operations.

Osprey just arrived, BW.

Suzanne said...

Man, it's really foggy in BW. Looks cool! Our nest still MT, leaves are blowing. Storks are all out of egg cup, parent with them. They're getting big. Mrs. B still on her eggs, and still too early for the burrowing owls and WA. Closed the barnowl cam since it's still down.

Suzanne said...

Miller Park Zoo just came online. Poor Beauty is still on that egg.

Suzanne said...

Well, such as they are, I sent 3 pics around of the visit this morning.

Suzanne said...

Awww, must be lunch time in Storkland. Parent has beak in egg cup, and all 3 chicks have their little heads in there too. That is just too cute.

Costume Lady said...

You sure did come into work early. I'll bet there wasn't a lot of traffic.
No, Mrs B didn't lay a 6th egg. She thinks 5 is all she can handle. Hatching should be 23rd or 24th.
EAGLEYESHARON from Bluefield told us yesterday that she is coming to visit Belle & Lib. Everyone is excited about her trip and have invited ourselves to go with her. Have you been to Shepherdstown? Maybe you can come with us.


Suzanne said...




Suzanne said...

Morning, CostumeLady! That's the main reason I work the hours I do... no traffic. At least coming in, going home there isn't as much as there would be later. Except on Fridays, they are always a nightmare.

Yes, I've been to the nest. When is everyone going? I'd love to meet you all.

Suzanne said...

Lib is rearranging sticks on his perch.

Suzanne said...

Wanda, get your coffee and come watch Liberty! BW chick still there too.

Suzanne said...

Looks like he may be getting ready to leave, and there is a blackbird in background.
He did leave, but other fledgling arrived in BW. Osprey still there.

Suzanne said...

Sent pics around of Liberty's perch nestorations this morning. At least it's daylight, you can see him clearly!
Both BW eaglets still in nest. well, no, one left, one there. Osprey still hanging out in nest in the fog.
2 falcons on corner standing in the sun.
Storks just hanging out.
Mrs B still on eggs, and Beauty still on egg.

Costume Lady said...

Wow! That was a treat; I haven't seen either of our pair in a long time. I tuned in just in time.

Suzanne said...

2nd osprey has arrived, BW.

Suzanne said...

Lisa has updated the egle webpage, and 2nd eaglet left. MT nest, still 2 ospreys in their nest.

Suzanne said...

BW eaglet back.

Suzanne said...

Oh, I'm glad you got to see them, Wanda!
BW eaglet is in and out.

Costume Lady said...

Your computer or mine must be acting up; your comments seem to be stuck on 6:59.

Jill said...

Norma??????????? Are you okay? Hear some bad storms went through your way last night. I will write you a note in case there is no electric.

Jill said...

Dear PJ Club,

Norma's area had bad thunderstorms and a possible tornado last night. Please excuse her from the PJ Club til further notice.


Costume Lady said...

Thank you JILL for reporting in on Norma. That is all it takes to stay in the PJ Club.
(Do hope she is alright)

Suzanne said...

Oh, thanks Wanda, hadn't even noticed. My computer now says 8:30, but don't know what time it will show when this is posted.

Morning, Jill. Nice of you to write a note for Norma. Hope she's ok! We had a storm last night too, but think I slept through it.

MITS said...


2/20/25 PM bird

1203 PM NN Scout comes to the nest with a load of bedding again. He seemed to leave with something in his talons. He has a beak full of bedd...