Friday, June 01, 2007

Couple more ST. John River Shots

Some new shots sent from my friend Phil, who flew out from Montana to join us on the trip.


paula eagleholic said...

More nice pics. Thanks, Steve. Have a great weekend!!

paula eagleholic said...

LOL, they finally found that fledgling in VA!

Mema Jo said...

Thanks Paula for the invite!

Steve - That river sure looks inviting. You going to put any pics and commentary of your trip over on your private blog?

Robyn said...

Just like a teenager, put he food out an they come home, finally!! My mom has called me maybe a dozen times all worried about him.

Hope everyone is enjoying the HOT day.

Great pics Steve

paula eagleholic said...

Couple of new videos....

Eagletmomsters blog

paula eagleholic said...

LOL, he finally found his way back, didn't he Robyn. That's what I call "branching" :)

paula eagleholic said...

The Norfolk video is still processing....

Flounder being served again at CT - see alot of that there....

Mema Jo said...

STEVE Just was over to the
View from the Quay Great that you are starting the album.....

paula eagleholic said...

Still 2 osprey and 2 eggs at CT - not sure there will be any more chicks there....

Costume Lady said...


I would send a GOOD LOOKING STATE TROOPER out to find you, but I don't know what state you live in.
Darn! If you don't talk to us soon, we will have to kick you out of the PJ Club. Jo almost got kicked out this morning.
Hope everything is OK.

Mema Jo said...

That sure is a treefull in VA.
That is the moveable camera like the one (I HOPE) that Steve wants for next season.

paula eagleholic said...

Need a WV Mountie to find Norma :)

Jill said...

Norma is in WV. Guess she still hasn't chimed in. NORMA-Don't make me come over the mountain to find you. I will take your cane away. LOL

Mema Jo said...

Wanda - that gave me a good chuckle!
Norma is probably out running traffic off the roads! I really do love you Norma - lol And I sure do miss you when you don't show up!

Mema Jo said...

On the IWS forum, Harpo posted this:
Bling info:
Pinnacle Rock 00, 71
West End 72, 73, 74
Twin Rocks 75, 76
Two Harbor 78, 79
Seal Rock 03, 77

I think we all go view the forum and it is best to know who is where!!

Mema Jo said...




Time sure does go way too fast!
We need to show the video & read Sharon's description for our celebration.

Mema Jo said...

Great Videos, Paula. The Dennis Puleston osprey one was fantastic. Great captures.. Shows that the
chicks come first!

Mema Jo said...


paula eagleholic said...

Thanks, Jo. See ya later, friends. Heading home and out to dinner.

glo said...

You got it MeMa Jo




Time sure does go way too fast!
We need to show the video & read Sharon's description for our celebration.

I will post it on the nCTC Eagles of Shepherdstown BLOG On June 14th for sure. Awwwww Sigh. I am glad he/she doesn't have a bling in may ways....and yet someone there has actually already seen that bird but can't positively identify it and tell us so. OK just thinking outloud. And while I am posting
Congratulations to Sharon and her fine son Andrew on his graduation.

Mema Jo said...

Thank you Glo! I sure do miss not knowing his whereabouts too.
You and I know he is Soaring up there with all the big birds!

Jill said...

I see Norma hasn't appeared yet. GEEZ, I dont' want to drive across that mountain to look for her. It's scary over there after dark. LOL

MITS said...

RollCall.....Mits here. Annemarie, I tried the unplug thingy, it really hasn't helped much, called Comcast and the earliest they can send a tech is Tuesday a.m. He checked my modem and says something is running high, says it sometimes does that with extreme weather, since there is no such weather now, I'm assuming it happened sometime during one of our nor'easters, when I wasn't here. Glad to hear the news about the whales.

MITS said...

Talked to Sharon this afternoon as she was getting ready for the big night. Ceremony starts at 7. The band plays one last time tonight. She is very excited:).

MITS said...

Thanks for the afternoon thread and pics, Steven.

MITS said...


Anne-Marie said...

Mits I have no pull there. Sorry too far away. I could get someone there in the morning here. Hang in there the calvery is coming. I hope they dont send a contractor out. They arent always the most knowledgeable.

MITS said...

I think I have had them before, Annemarie, some know less then me:(

Mema Jo said...

I am having a feeling of excitment for SHARON just about now

Anne-Marie said...

I have seen them come into the office looking like they just roled out of a drunk tank. That was a few years ago. We just have two contractors now. The rest are in house. They are hiring as fast as they can. Too many complaints because of contractors. It was frustrating for us too.
Well its time for me to sign off. Have a great evening all. I have chores to do before I leave for Southern Cal. I'll check in later.

Mema Jo said...

I never thought that the Local Time on the beakspeak log was of any value until I started watching the storks again. It is only 1:43am over there Guess I'll wait a few more hours before bringing it up....

Eagles Are Awesome said...

I am going to see the VA eagles tomorrow at NBG. Can't wait, maybe I will see one of the 'little'ones soar!

Mema Jo said...

All 3 VA eaglets have found their own branch!

Costume Lady said...

I watched the Bluebirds come and go numerous times today. I believe they were removing the feathers of the Swallows. They must have won that argument. Can you imagine what went on outside that Birdbox?
There are still 3 eggs inside. Don't know if Bluebirds will remove them or not. Will see.

Jill said...

Mits, have you cleared your temp files? I know you unplugged the cable. Try unplugging everything. If you havent' already. Also, there is a reset button on the back, if you haven't, push it in for 20 seconds and let everything reset. Sorry don't know any cable guys up there.

NORMA-Where are you???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

Mema Jo said...

Wanda, I saw your comment on Kent Forum... Was so glad you mentioned about the feathers being removed!

Mema Jo said...

Momsters' Photos has the road runner under BirdGirl's name & today's pics from Suzanne are in the new album for June. Robyn had sent me some of her photos after she cropped them and they are now in the NCTC TRIP album.

I will return later this evening....

MITS said...


MITS said...

THANKS JILL, I'll try that....Norma is probably out and about showing off her cane...

Mema Jo said...

Just so she is NOT out and about swinging that Eagle cane at anyone lol

Well Sharon has a graduate in her
Sooooooooooooo Proud!!

Eagles Are Awesome Please, please come back on the blog once you have been to the Botanical Gardens & give us a run down of your sightings. Don't forget to take your binoculars (not sure how close you can get to the tree since they have already fledged) & your camera with a ZOOOOOM lens. We will be waiting to hear & maybe see some of your pictures.

sandyshaw said...

Hello, all. Tom's infection specialist says the leg looks good, and he is cleared for going off antibiotics until June 13 when his knee will be aspirated. He had three swabs for MRCA and will get results in a few days. If he is clear, he can schedule surgery. If not, he will have do go on a different antibiotic regime. So we wait.

If Norma is in Shepherdstown without checking in with me, I'll send out our police chief to bring her in. And I'll tell him to watch out for that cane.

Congratulations Andrew and Sharon. Good luck to you.

Jill said...

Sandy don't send Chief after her send one of the cute young guys after her. She will like that. LOL

Storm here getting bad, probably came through Norma's area. No excuse for her not being here earlier.

Brace yourselves to the East of Martinsburg. It's heading your way. Pretty good rain with lots of thunder and lightning.

Mema Jo said...

Good news - Whoo Hoo! We'll still keep praying!

Hey Hey - Do you mean that MEGAN may be going to get some rain. I just want to know so that I can stop doing these tiring Rain Dances! To much jumping around for me but if they work - I guess I'll do them during her next dry spell.

MITS said...

LOL....I can just see Norma's face light up now when they come to take her away.

MITS said...

Send that rain down to Bethesda, I had some new bushes planted this week.

Mema Jo said...

Just heard the BOOM BOOM MAN

Hope it's already been to Megan's

Eagles Are Awesome said...

I will take binocs as well as camera - hope to get a few pictures as well and will try to post - limited experience with technology. Will give full report upon return.....

Jill said...

Sharpsburg should have had rain by now. Headed towards Bethesda. It wasnt' enough but it was something.

FYI-I am going to be gone most of tomorrow and Sunday, so if you dont' hear from me don't send the police. They hate it when they have to come find me. LOL

MITS said...

Can't wait for your report EAGLES ARE AWESOME have a safe trip:).

Mema Jo said...

Thanks for the warning, Jill. lol

Eagles Are Awesome
We'll be waiting and if you need help, never hesitate to ask.. We (well most of us) started from scratch & will be glad to share info. Would love to have you as a member on our Eaglet_Momsters. Best things are the emails of any news and Photos are there to view. If you wish here is the url:

You can click my name & personal email address is there.


Mema Jo said...

Going to sign off for today.

Good Night
Pleasant dreams & peaceful sleep
Prayers being said for all my
Eagle Buddies

movin said...

I hope you are all well and happy tonight.

I stopped on the way home from the bank at a new restaurant that has the best tacos and burritos. It's called "Chipotle" (CHEE-pote-lay). If they have it back East, be sure to try it.

I sure want to add my congratulations to yours for Sharon and her hard working son, Andrew, for his graduation. Way to go, Andrew.

Doesn't seem that long ago I graduated, and now their inviting me to the XXth anniversary of the event.

Well, I got my replacement fan for my was noisy as "h" early this morning I guess I'd better shut it down and get busy. Shouldn't take too let's see what actually happens.


MITS said...

We do have them back EAST, Jim. I've only been 1 time and it has been several years ago....I'm headed to Nite-Nite also. Jill what ever you are doing behave yourself:):):)!PRAYERS FOR ALL IN NEED

Costume Lady said...

Please remember to check in with us and if you can't, you must have a written excuse from your next of kin. Otherwise, you will be kicked out of the PJ Club.
NORMA--you will have to pay a fine to get back into the club. You must pay it to the BEST LOOKING Cop you can find. Please don't hit him with your cane!

Jill said...

I am traveling through PA. Chambersburg to Gettysburg. Visiting scrapbook stores and Boyd's Bear Country.

Hagerstown is getting a Chipolte's soon. Cant' wait.

Jill said...

PS: I think Norma has already found that cute cop. LOL

movin said...

Enjoy the weekend.

Me and my puter are back. I did take the power supply out and disassemble it partly (first time) to exchange the noisy fan; however, when I got the fan out, I found that the connectors and wire-end contacts were nowhere near the same size on the replacement fan... and I don't have the soldering supplies to splice the wires here.. AAAAGGGHHHH!!!

The old fan is back in there ... I tried to oil the bearings, don't know if it helped. Now it's making a constant noise, but it's not as loud as the morning startup noise. Something unforeseen always happens when I work on computers.

At least I found out how to do it and can probably do it again more quickly. And the replacement fan seems to be a lot better quality. Back in business on-line.

Have a great, relaxing, restful weekend.


Jill said...

Just sneaking a peek before leaving. Nobody here. Later folks. Have a nice hot Saturday.

Robyn said...

Good morning Jim, JIll and the rest of your sleepy heads.

Up way to early on a saturday and here I thought summer vacation meant sleeping in... Yeah right! lol

We got a nice amount of rain last night and the fog just hangs in the air giving moisture hopefully turning my browning grass back to it's natural green and helping my buds to burst open.

Haven't checked any cams yet but I was wondering... In the Va cam does anyone noice a bird off to the right of the nest in the back, my mom first bought it to my attention and it looks like another juvie or is it actually leaves on the other tree that causes that illusion?

Ok off to look in at the cams I have overlooked the past day or two. Sure wish Suzanne and Norma were here to help me stay updated to the Benicia Owlets

Have a wonderful day and remember no matter how bad life gets or how difficult some obstacles become... It is all good

Costume Lady said...

Robynann--Did you know that Norma has been AWOL for 24 hrs.? We would send STATE TROOPERS to find her, but afraid she might hit them with her cane. ( Do hope there is nothing wrong )

Robyn said...

No, nothing wrong, been working on reports, gardening, visiting with friends and trying to understand a hormonal teen princess.

Hope all is well :)

MITS said...

GOOD MORNING ALL Norma goes missing sometimes for days, don't worry she will pop up soon. Another MIA is Donna/Mauley, must be grading papers are watching the grandkids. Jill, know you are gone, have a good one. 68° here in sunny OC.

MITS said...

Good idea, Wanda a written excuse:).

Robyn said...

Morning Mits, Costume Lady

Tivia here... What bird has a black head with the black running down it's back. Browninsh wings with, it looks like, a hint of a red with a whitish/grey underbelly. It is almost the size of a cardinal...

Thank you

Mema Jo said...

Good Morning Everyone
Not too often that I get to see the Kent sunrise. Really beautiful but blinding.
Not much planned for today - Checked out most of the cams(too many) but have not entered email world yet.

MITS said...

A pileated woodpecker??????? Robyn

Costume Lady said...

Your mystery bird sound a little like a Rose-Breasted Grosbeak, but they have a lot of redish-pink on their chest. What kind of beak did it have?

Costume Lady said...

Check out the Bluebird House. The Bluebird has been in and out quite a bit in the past half hour. She is definately getting the nest ready for another Brood.

Mema Jo said...

I can never catch the bluebird in & out of the box. What will happen to the other 3 eggs in the box?

paula eagleholic said...

Morning, all. Been fixing computer here and work and all is finally well!

Parent and 2 eaglets at BW - almost a full nest!!

Costume Lady said...

I'm not sure what will happen to the eggs. They are usually removed first thing when anothr bird takes over a nest, but the Bluebirds are acting as if the eggs are theirs. It has become a very interesting saga.

Mema Jo said...

Headed out the door to the My Gym to watch a little one perform.

paula eagleholic said...

Sandra - good news about Tom, glad to hear it.

Hope Megan got some of that nice rain last night....lots of lightening with it too! We got 1/2 inch...

paula eagleholic said...

Hope eagles are awesome has a nice day visiting the VA eaglets, only one on the cam now...

Robyn said...

No mits it isn't a pileated nor a grosbeak. It had a roundish head. When it returns I will take better look, if it stys long enough.

movin said...


Hahahaha, my puter fan is quiet as a church mouse this morning.

I assume Sharon and Andrew graduated without getting kicked out and denied his diploma last night; so, MANY CONGRATULATIONS again, Andrew.

I don't see any e-mail from Norma yesterday either, but I did get a great birthday card on the 31st. I suppose if somebody had her phone number..................

I'm off to check the nests looks like it's going to be a beautiful day in So Cal today. Enjoy your weekend, everyone.


paula eagleholic said...

Almost a full house at VA - need one more parent....

sandyshaw said...

Hi. There' s a new osprey cam at

And the tree swallow eggs are gone.

movin said...

Boy, I 'opened' the VA site, and there were three eaglets on various branches...I could easily tell from their position and size which ones they were.

Then A BIG GUST OF WIND came up, and there was a session of enormous wings flapping, eaglets blowing around and finding different perches on new branches! Now, I have almost idea of which one is which...have to start all over.

Good new is, it looks like the baby of the group might finally be out on a distant limb like the older eaglets.


paula eagleholic said...

Eagle alert in our nest! How about that!!!

paula eagleholic said...

VA eaglets staying put in the branches - maybe because of the impending rains?

Eagle in our nest might be eating, head down a lot.

movin said...

I can barely see it, Paula.

The picture has been clear when there were no birds in the nest, but now it's nothing but colored, streaky lines.

Now, it's cleared up and I can see Beautiful Belle at 12 o'clock.


paula eagleholic said...

Eagle still in nest, eating!!

movin said...

By the way, I saw the Santa Cruz chick, which is barely able to walk sometimes, with her right set of talons implanted on a large food item, and she was tearing off chunks and feeding herself just like her momma does...not too long ago.


paula eagleholic said...

Now she is at this end of the nest

paula eagleholic said...

Still eating, must be something good! And large!!

paula eagleholic said...

I saw SC eaglet also, Jim.

paula eagleholic said...

Looks like Belle has a nice big fish.

movin said...

Paula, I found a way to view the pictures (one-by-one) in the VA slideshows.

I just 'right click' on the link, then 'click' on open in a new window. Then I can see the whole list of pics.


movin said...

Nice spot for Belle to dine, but she never brings her Margarita
to the table with her, which kind of ruins the total effect of the scene.


paula eagleholic said...

She is still eating

paula eagleholic said...

She is barely coming up for air, or a sip of that maggie - Pic horrible now

movin said...

One of the eaglets is on the nest at BW now too.


paula eagleholic said...

Moving around now

paula eagleholic said...


What a nice visit!!

movin said...

Camera man doing close ups at VA now.


paula eagleholic said...

Album has been updated = heading home -

If you can look at VA NOW _ UP CLOSE EAGLET!!

paula eagleholic said...

Eaglet at BW

paula eagleholic said...

Really nice close ups, weren't they Jim.

paula eagleholic said...

See ya later - have a great evening, all!!

movin said...

Good close-ups, Paula, and I think it looks like F, M, M for Nos. 1-3, what do you think?


movin said...

Eaglets feeding in the nest at least the oldest is.


sandyshaw said...

Hi, Jim. I feel invisible, but here's a link to a great childrens book with Gorbatov's illustrations.

It's about young falcons in hack boxes like those in WV. Beautiful, great for grandchildren.

The osprey nest at Briloon has something blue in it. They must belong e to the something borrowed, something blue tradition!

Jill said...

I am back. Still no Norma, I see. It has been a long day. Going to rest now.

Mits-Thanks for the weather update in OC. It is hot and humid here still at this hour, heard a little thunder as I was coming in.

MITS said...

GOOD NIGHT EVERYONE Beautiful day at the beach....forcast for rain and wind tomorrow....hubby says we got nothing in Bethesda last night...hope we get some tomorrow.

Mema Jo said...

I just got off the phone with NORMA

She had been feeling ill but now is feeling better. Was coughing a lot with chest congestion.


Said she would try to get online in
a day or two.

Mema Jo said...

Sandra The bluebird didn't move those 3 swallow eggs - she just covered them up with the new straw!

Mema Jo said...

Beautiful pics in the Momster's album of Belle, Paula

sandyshaw said...

Thanks, Jo. I never see the birds only eggs or no eggs. MTBR I guess. Check out my earlier post about Gorbatov's book for children. I think your grandchildren would like it--and I'm sure you would.

Good night, all.

Mema Jo said...

Will do - Good Night Sandra

Jill said...

Poor Norma. Hope she is feeling better soon. We need her back here.

Mema Jo said...

Hi Jill I am just about ready to call it quits. Did you rest up?

Mema Jo said...

Calling it a day

Good Night Everyone
Pleasant dreams & peaceful sleep
Prayers being said for all my friends

Mauley said...

Good Night Dear Ones, I have had 7 grandkids for 4 days and haven't had a chance to read blog. God Bless You all and Praise Him on His Day tomorrow. Love you all. donna

movin said...

Hi, everybody...
I like the way the adults at Kent are both perching on the same branch overlooking the eaglets in the nest...been doing that for a couple of days at least.

Did you look at the recent update to the Eaglecam Gallery at the BW site? It's getting toward the end of the season, and the pics are very interesting, and funny sometimes.

Thanks, Mema Jo, for getting the info on Norma...sounds about like what I've been trying to 'sleep off' today. I'll be happy to see her back soon.



Jill said...

Just passing through. Eaglets on edge of nest at BW. Sun starting to peak through the trees at Kent.

Now I am off to PA for the Veteran's benefit motorcycle run and then a graduation party this evening. Is the weekend over, I am tired. LOL

Costume Lady said...


No one home at our nest. Sunrise at Kent is, as usual, beautiful. No activity yet there. No one in Bluebird Box (eggs are buried under nesting material). Hawks in NY may have fledged.

Have a blessed Sunday and remember-"IF GOD BRINGS YOU TO IT, HE WILL BRING YOU THROUGH IT".

movin said...

Looks like some of you, who were wishing for rain, will be getting it from tropical storm 'Barry' today and tonight.

I looked in at Norfolk a few minutes ago, and it appears they're 'hunkered down' and getting ready to ride it out.

The Channel Island cams are showing some good pictures this morning. And Kent is bright and interesting.

The BW Osprey cam is still down, and because of the storm they aren't sure when they'll be able to fix it.

I hope you have a great Sunday in spite of the storm.


movin said...

At least one eaglet just hopped back into the nest at BW.


Eagles Are Awesome said...

Good Sunday Morning All!

Had a WONDERFUL time watching the VA eagles at Norfolk Botanical Gardens -

Eagles Are Awesome said...

First I was amazed at how quickly you can get to the tree and when I saw the adult (babies hard to see in the tree when it is cloudy out) it was awesome!

We took out binocs and proceed to get the sight of a lifetime! They are HUGE and awesome!

They live not far from Norfolk Airport - Runway not far away at all - they listen to jet noises 24/7 - they don't even flinch when the big jets take off.

Met and interesting older gentleman there that visits everyday and has kept a journal about this particular pair for years now.

It is amazing that they picked the spot they did to nest in - easily viewed from a few spots in the garden - - but they do have areas around the tree roped off to keep people from getting too close.

The older gentleman there told us that they all flew a little yesterday - and also that one had fallen about 25 ft from the branch yesterday - nothing hurt but his pride.

Eagles Are Awesome said...

There were many visitors - lots of folks that watch on the web. Each as excied as we were to observe them.

We sat for a few hours waiting for these little ones to get the nerve up to fly - but if you were watching yesterday afternoon - Mama Eagle sat on the launch pad all afternoon - the winds were gusting at times and I really think she was "trying to keep the kids at home".

We never did see Dad - but an older juvie (probably one of the ones from last years brood) flew in the flight path.

NBG has done an awesome job of maintaining the camera - we could see where it is installed and these guys thrive in the area due to the food supply - water all around, a large amount of fishing opportunities.

I took some pictures - none compare to what is avaliable on the web site - but I did take them from different areas to show you all some of the surroundings that you can't see on the web site.

It was the perfect day to go and observe and we may try to get back and see them again before they leave the nest for good.

Couldn't help but think about the Lib & Belle and the three little ones from last year - the VA mama is so proud of her babies.

With the binocs I could look into her beautiful blue eyes and it sent shivers down my spine - such a majestic creature.

Mema Jo said...

WHOO HOO! You are now an official Eagleholic You have described your visit soooooooo well that I too had some shivers and adrenal shooting as I read your comments. I say that anyone who sees a real live eagle - will never be the same. Where will you post your pics? Shoot me an email if you wish:
There is a video Glo caught of the Falling eaglet..

For the Love of Eagles

Mema Jo said...

Sorry - it isn't a video it is a commentary on what happen - same as what the gentleman was speaking about.

Mema Jo said...

I will be back later - BBL

paula eagleholic said...

Morning, all. I heard about the eaglet too, although I didn't see it. The biologists posted this yesterday about it.

Saturday, June 02, 2007

Yesterday morning about 10 am, the young male tried to hop from one branch to another next to his sister. He miscalculated slightly and fell about 20 feet to a lower branch. While uninjured - it took him a while to build up the courage to try to fly back up. Around 2 pm he flew to a branch about 15 ft away. He has since made his way back to the nest.

Unsuccessful flights are not at all uncommon. As many as 50% of first attempts may end up with the young eagles on or near the ground. When this happens, the parents continue to bring food to the grounded eaglet and soon enough it takes to the air.

posted by VDGIF Wildlife Biologist at 9:03 AM

paula eagleholic said...

eagles are awesome it sounds like you had a great time! Isn't it awesome to see them in person!!

MITS said...

GOOD AFTERNOON EVERYONE Temp here is 62°. some rain and some breeze, not bad at all, most of the heavy stuff is off shore.....EAGLES ARE AWESOME, thanks for the details of your visit, glad you got to see them and meet some interesting eagle-lovers. PAULA, thanks for the info from VA.

MITS said...

NORMA MISS YOU AND HOPE YOU ARE BACK HERE SOON. We really miss your always "KIND" commentaries.

paula eagleholic said...

For those of you that missed the nice closeups they were doing with the VA cam yesterday, I posted a short clip.

movin said...

Norfolk seems to be in the nest really looked like some of the eaglets would blow away earlier in the morning.


movin said...

'Eagles are awesome', I enjoyed your recounting of the trip to The Botanical Gardens very much, and I hope to see some of the photos posted before long.

Did anyone get a pic of the eaglet missing the mark and falling?

While I was looking at Glo's article, I checked out Sharon's early morning video, which was loaded with short flights from branch to branch. And then right at the end of the clip, the female eaglet takes off for a long flight away from the tree altogether, and the two younger ones are frozen in place with their eyes riveted on her in the distance.

Anybody, know what the smaller birds were, which were flying through the picture close to the camera?

Great story of your trip 'Eagles are awesome'.


Mema Jo said...

Perhaps the crows have returned:
This is from Friday, June 01, 2007
posted by VDGIF Wildlife Biologist at 7:46 AM
The two oldest eaglets have been edging further and further out on the branches surrounding the nest. Two days ago these intrepid eaglets were mobbed by crows, driving them back to the nest. The parents have been feeding their brood, but much less frequently - attempting to convince the young to leave the nest.

This morning the two eaglets briefly flew from the nest tree! Although their initial sojourn was brief - they have officially fledged! The youngest eaglet will likely follow its siblings lead soon. The eaglets will continue to return to the nest frequently and will still be fed by the parents for some time.

Mauley said...

Eagles Are Awesome, I loved your trip to the Botanical Gardens and reading your script made me feel as if I were there. If you aren't into journalism, you have missed a calling for sure. Thanks so much. I wish I could have seen it myself, but thanks to your gift of reporting, I enjoyed it vicariously. Hello to all, Have a blessed one. mauley donna

movin said...

The Shepherdstown nest looks drenched...I bet Floral Girl is getting the rain she wants.


movin said...

If you are interested in seeing the Santa Cruz nest closer up, here are some photos taken last year when A-49 was banded...found them in the "Discussion" area of the Channel Island site.

I tried to make a 'clickable link' out of this address, but for some reason it wouldn't work; so just copy-paste it into your browser, which did work for me.



movin said...

Let's try that Santa Cruz 'clickable link' again...

Santa Cruz pics

OK, that works. Enjoy.


sandyshaw said...

Loon on nest in Minnesota.

sandyshaw said...

The loon is at

Mema Jo said...

Sandra - She is really beautiful! Almost the same beauty that a falcon has.
Still raining over there? It is here. Megan should be very relieved & maybe she gets a day or two off from watering!

Mema Jo said...

The loon is rockin' & rollin' with the current!
Sandra: I was looking at the books
you suggested. Are they the series about Fidget.

Mema Jo said...

Sandra do you see the little chick to the right of the momma loon? His little pure black head just popped out! I was just wondering how God got such a perfect black/white pattern on that loon! lol

Mema Jo said...

Another loon just swam by with his/her baby swimming beside him/her.

This is great!

Mema Jo said...

WHOA Did you see her scramble off of her platform. Now I don't see a chick - But do you think that is an egg in her nest???

Mema Jo said...

If there are any lurkers click link

Live Loon Cam

sandyshaw said...

There was an egg yesterday,Jo. Beautiful cam.

Mema Jo said...

If you're watching the Loon cam, click under the cam on Larry's Loon Log....... Very interesting

Mema Jo said...

The egg is passing the normal incubation period but the loon is still nesting on it... Did you read the fact that when the chick hatches it only stays around for 24 -48 hours and then never returns.. That is amazing!

sandyshaw said...

Hi, Jo

Here's Fidget info.

Mema Jo said...

I googled Gorbatov last evening & it was very interesting. I need to go to the bookstore or library now.

Mema Jo said...

Sandra - have a pleasant evening.
I will return later

Mema Jo said...

828pm Beautiful loon back in nest with chick up by her right side.

sandyshaw said...

Loon & baby in water. 10:00

Jill said...

New Thread

carolinabeachmom said...

To whomever is still on here, Steve put up a new thread for Sunday at around seven thirtyish. He said their internet was down due to a Friiday night storm.

2/20/25 PM bird

1203 PM NN Scout comes to the nest with a load of bedding again. He seemed to leave with something in his talons. He has a beak full of bedd...