Wednesday, June 27, 2007


New thread. John is still assessing the damage to the cable.


Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Okay, Jim I hurried. Did I make it?

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Thanks Steven for the new thread!

Costume Lady said...

Did anyone see Mr. & Mrs. Fin in nest with fish and baby taking a bite? Sooo cute!
SUZ--Did you see that?

Suzanne said...

Thanks for the new thread, Steven. Sure missed our early morning visit again this morning!
No, Wanda, wasn't watching. Saw them both when they brought the fish in, and the chick on the left kept wanting to grab a bite after one of the parent left. Did you get a pic?

Suzanne said...

Oh geesh, brought this over from other thread.

Morning, Dana. Glad you got into the site to view the Finland cam.
By looking at bluebird pics, I think we still have only 2 chicks and 3 eggs. Wanda, don't those other 3 eggs need to hatch very soon?

Wednesday, June 27, 2007 9:22:00 AM

Jim, sorry, thanks for the heads up about the new thread!

Jill said...

Hey everyone. Checked all the nests I could, everybody seems okay. Well except 63 sitting on the edge trying to figure out what to do.

Hey Norma, didn't really need the gavel last night. Only had one, and he is a regular. Knows the rules and not to break them, although he pushed the limited. Heat today, with storms tonight should be really fun. As bad as we need the rain, I almost hope it doesn't storm.

Suzanne said...

Where's Jo? Her burrowing owls are all over the place at the WDFW site!

Suzanne said...

Good grief, Jill, he's a regular? Does he never learn a lesson? We're supposed to get thunder storms also, just hope I'm home before it starts!

wvgal_dana said...

Thank you Steven for the New Thread. Boy it is good to hear me say that again. hee hee

Seen Finlands fish babies hungry.
Been watching Conn. Osprey one is sure larger than other. Was glad when she fed the little one. I know one of them had that bubble wrap around neck. Good to see littlest on eat though.

Still on connect with Santa Cruz=SC.

Jill said...

Learning would require working brain cells. Most of the regulars have already pickled any brain cells they had. Unfortunately, brain cells don't regenerate at that fast of a pace. HA HA.

Sun is out here. Getting hotter by the second. 86.2 already.

Costume Lady said...

Sounds like you really have your hands full with your job. Think you need a SLEDGEHAMMER instead of a GAVEL!

I emailed you a photo of Fin Family sharing the fish.

normabyrd said...

CONGRATS!!! SHARON!!!----SEE---YOUR STILL #1 HERE---(along with JIM)---He's #1 too!!!---ENJOY THE DAY!!----KEEP your EYE on #63!!----
See you all later!!!

movin said...

Good morning again...

I did ask a question last night in the "Discussion" area site of A63's care can read it in the "questions" section.

Basically, 'Harpo' said he watched most of the day and didn't see any feedings either. I suggested he might have been fed while 'branching' off-camera, but Harpo didn't think so ... thinks the parents 'took a day off.'

I guess they might have had a bad day at fishing... They'll probably resume today.

Kestrels: the oldest is getting pinfeathers on her back and is spending time in a corner flexing her wings this morning.


normabyrd said...


Mema Jo said...

Good Morning Everyone! I checked out Limaw and Bluebirds (also saw the burrowing owls out sunning) before I came online. Another 'mucky' weather day. I hope John finds the fault in our cable soon - maybe a squirrel chewed on it. Thanks Steve for the new thread.

movin said...

Looking at the Kent nest...

Oldest is looking out into the area from the nest's edge, and there are pieces of structural lumber being moved around...somebody is probably practicing their flying.

No breakfast for Limuw, A63, yet!??


Suzanne said...

Thanks, Norma! Gypsy thanks you too, she likes the extra pets!
LOL, Jill, that's too funny. Guess you're right, brain cells are required to actually learn something. I agree with Wanda, you need a sledgehammer, not a gavel! Wanda, got the pic, thanks. I just love those guys!!! Maybe that big chick can give eating lessons to the Kent eaglets! Fin osprey sure didn't seem to have a problem this morning, did he?
Jim, forgot to tell you yesterday! I had a chance to use your beep beep coming to work. Don't know what's with the deer last couple weeks, but they want to stand right next to or in the road in the mornings now. One yesterday just kinda strolled off to almost the shoulder, then looked at me. So I beep beep'd him. Then he did move farther into the woods. Took his time, but he did move! So thanks for the tip.

Mema Jo said...

Jim Maybe K10 & K26 are preparing Limaw for 1st flight. I could be wrong.. Glad Harpo mentioned that they can go a day or two without food. I really didn't think he had gotten fed out on the patio but the point of 'hearing' an arriving parent was pretty good proof that he didn't.

movin said...

Yes, Suzanne, I remember that once the deer got a 'fix' on your horn, they weren't so panicky (sp?) and were able to stroll out of the way.

Limuw still awaiting breakfast, but I've got to sign off and get ready for work.

Have a great day today.

Mema Jo said...

Wanda - Thanks for the info about MrB not sitting on the chicks but sitting beside them..And especially about his being the Blue feathers that I see.

movin said...

That also occurred to me, Mema Jo, but it's very early for him. He hatched well after the Catalina chicks.

But they could be trying to entice him out of the tree. He's getting strong (when he eats).


Mema Jo said...

Need to check out my emails......

Limaw doing his wingercises!

paula eagleholic said...

Limuw will be 11 weeks old on Friday. Plenty old enough to fledge. There was no feeding there watch out Mom or Dad today!

Good Morning, all!

Good to see you here, Dana and Sharon!

Suzanne said...

Mrs B off the chicks and eggs, and it's daylight. Look quick, before she returns. Still see 3 eggs. Darn, want to see 3 babies...

Suzanne said...

Wait a that a new naked chick right in front? Somebody else look, better eyes than mine!

Suzanne said...

Never mind, parent back.

Jill said...

Suzanne they took the gavel away from me, so I guess that means not sledgehammer either. I am on my own. Maybe I could sneak Norma's cane in. They might not notice that. Sometimes they even take away the stapler and other heavy objects I could throw. LOL

Going back to check the cams, then turn on the AC

wvgal_dana said...

Okay for now I have #63 in my sights. Phew exhausting trying to get it. But I made it somehow. He is spuawking and just sitting there for now. 10:40AM EST

wvgal_dana said...

Jill where are you working at? lol

Suzanne said...

LOL, Jill, sounds like they won't let you have ANY fun! Bummer!!! But bet you could get away with Norma's cane!

Suzanne said...

But maybe only once, Jill!

Suzanne said...

LOL, crow is visiting the visiting osprey in BW! too funny.

wvgal_dana said...

Well this new type of "lounge chair by Quest" helps for brinning leg up. Yet I still need to lay in bed some.
So I have SC on full screen and will be watching it. I comment if I see anything. The buzzing might not be a bee it just might be how the wind in going through the audio jmg=just my guess.

Mema Jo said...




2/20/25 PM bird

1203 PM NN Scout comes to the nest with a load of bedding again. He seemed to leave with something in his talons. He has a beak full of bedd...