Thursday, June 07, 2007

Thursday Night

Live from Moose, Wyoming, a new thread.


Mema Jo said...

Hope all is well up there in Moose, WY I was just remembering where you said you were going & there appeared a new thread! Everything down this way is ok - suppose to get up to 95 degrees tomorrow!

I will go extend the invitation to come on over! Thanks Steve.

Steve Chase said...

It is 50 here and it snowed in the valley the other day and the mountains are all white. What a change...

Anne-Marie said...

Good Night all. Enjoy your trip Steve. I will try and check in later. Blessing to you all.

Mema Jo said...

That is a drastic change - so glad your body can take it! It was really cold here last night - some turned the AC off and the heat on.

Mema Jo said...

We'll hear from you later, Anne.
Take it easy on the freeway!

Mema Jo said...

I will be gone for about 2 hours...

Jill said...

Wanda, Tops is it. Haven't been there lately. Probably Jan or Feb. Wonder what happened.

Costume Lady said...

I think TOPS changed ownership last year and they can't seem to get their "Mojo" going. We will give them another try sometime.
Winchester has a place called "The Red Panda". Their food is really good, but the crab legs aren't always good.

Costume Lady said...

The first time we went to Yellowstone, it was in June and there was a lot of snow on the side of the roads and on the hills. Had to wear my leather coat.
Enjoy the rest of your trip.

Mema Jo said...

All this talk about restaurants is making me hungry! Going to raid my fairly empty frig! I really don't do crabs unless they are already picked! Crab cakes or crab imperial at Mealey's in New Market or Dutches Daughter in Frederick are the best!!! They can almost outdo OC crab cakes

MITS said...

I don't know about that, Jo...Captains Galley in West OC has a mean crabcake...jumbo lump no fillers...YUM! Went shopping tonight all set for the wedding shower on Saturday. Got my Maggie, who will be 10 months old on Saturday, some cute 4th of July outfits. She is winging her way to Hilton Head tomorrow with her parents to celebrate her great-granmom's 86th birthday. She has flown more than I have in the past 10 months:).

MITS said...

Went to Carreba's for dinner, love their lobster ravioli....Jo, any news from NY...THANKS FOR THE WYOMING THREAD, STEVEN.

Mema Jo said...

Mrs Loon and LuLu Loonie are safely on their platform for the night, I hope.

Mema Jo said...

I have been wanting to read more about the loons - and especially about the chicks. I find fault with the 24 - 48 hr never to return to the nest again statement. For which I am thankful!!!
Nesting Habits
* Platform nests of twigs, grass, mud placed near edge of water or on island
* Eggs: 2
* Incubation: 29 days
* Fledge:
60-90 days

Mema Jo said...

No word is GOOD WORD.. Right?
They should be a family together again! Guess we'll get some photos tomorrow. I'll share them.

Mema Jo said...

Loon info came from the
Virtual Bird Field Guide

Mema Jo said...

Bluebird is back on her egg nesting OR maybe to lay another egg in the morning. The little Puget Sound eaglet - I like it when there are at least 2 eaglets in the nest - he doesn't know he is lonely!!
No one cam home at BW.
Now that it is dark, our cam is clear.
Well I have more of Suzanne's pics to post from today... I'll be back to say Good Night....

movin said...

A very good evening, everybody ...

Thanks to Steve for the new thread, and thanks to the Moose for having the computer hookup (broadband, I assume).

Congratulations to Nilla for almost a year of no smoking. I just went over the 5 year mark on May 30th.

I thought the cravings would never go away, but they've lessened a lot until I only get one once in a while.

I missed the loon cam in Minn. altogether...looked a couple of times, didn't see anything, but they have a new one in Maine, and the loony lady hasn't even laid her clutch yet...think they should have radar controlled cams that cover the whole area for birds that leave the nest so young.

Got to do a little chore shhh...tuff and make dinner, so I'll talk to you later.


movin said...

The Catalina and Santa Cruz updates are posted on the IWS Discussion Forum...probably like to read those.


Mema Jo said...

Check your emails soon

I GOT NY PIC>>>>>>>>>>> WHOO HOO!

Costume Lady said...

I just checked in on Mrs. B. and she is off the nest now--if you look closely, you can see the Swallow egg underneath the nesting material. Wouldn't it be ironic if the Swallow eggs are still viable and would hatch along with the Bluebirds? Probably not likley but interesting.
Have a good night--see you tomorrow.

GOOD MORNING TO YOU. We had a lot of excitement today--Mrs Bluebird laying her egg and Mrs Loon and LuLu coming back to their nest. Hope this day brings more excitement.
Meet you for COFFEE around 6am.

paula eagleholic said...

"Went to Carreba's for dinner, love their lobster ravioli."

It is good, isn't it Mits?

SC Banding hopefully around midday tomorrow - hopefully cam will be working!!

paula eagleholic said...

Forgot to say Howdy to Nilla and Sharon! Good to hear from ya!!

Mema Jo said...

Wanda - I saw that egg and was thinking the same as you... I guess you would call that Diversity!

Hello Paula

I am almost ready to call it a night!

Mema Jo said...

Thanks, Paula for the info about the banding at SC tomorrow.

Good Night Everyone
Peace to all

Good Morning Suzanne
I know you know it is Friday

MITS said...


movin said...


I checked out the Channel Island reports, which are very interesting with a lot of pictures at the nest sites and at least one video. Recommend it.

Have a 'fabby Friday' (remember that?). Talk to you tomorrow.
Thanks for the pictures, Suzanne.


carolinabeachmom said...

Good Friday morning Suzanne and all you birdwatchers. Couldn't sleep tonight, so here I am. I think I was excited thinking that I might be able to get up early and see our birds in their nest. Our visitor is out for the night. I don't think it will happen now.

carolinabeachmom said...

Sad to hear from Bird Girl that her beautiful little road runner passed away. I was looking forward, like all of you were, to following it's progress, Well, God knows best, and as Bird Girl says, the Road runner didn't want for food, love and care. My heart goes out to her as she trys to get past this sad time.

carolinabeachmom said...

So glad to hear that Patrick made it home safely, and I too want to thank him for serving his country and us. May God continue to be with all our soldiers out there in the field.

carolinabeachmom said...

Well Suzanne, I have been watching the stork family, the owl family...looks like only 3 left? The loon wasn't on her nest with the baby at this time.

There was a lot of flapping of wings and jockeying for space in the owl box last night. I was afraid that one of them was going to get hurt.

carolinabeachmom said...

Well, I guess I will try and call it a night and see if I can get some sleep. Last day of school for the children here. :) I'll miss this years group, tho. They were a pretty smart bunch of kids. Now we pack up our room and look forward to coming back in the middle of August to unpack and meet the new bunch.

Good morning again Suzanne. You should be getting up shortly to be getting ready for your trip to work. I hope you see a full next again today.

Goodnight all. May your tomorrow, which is today, be a good one.

Suzanne said...

My goodness, good morning, CarolinaBeachMom, you sure are the early bird! Good morning, eagle world. Special good morning to you, Jo! PATRICK made it home! I'm so happy for you. That's wonderful! I'm so glad he made it back safe and sound! Carolina, had to chuckle when you said getting up and posted that at 1:30. By that time, I'm looking at the clock and saying geesh, better hurry! I get up (this is horrible!) at 20 minutes to 1 every morning! Have to be on the road by 2, in order to get here at 4! Was late today, didn't leave the house till 2:05, so naturally got here later than normal. Also stopped for iced coffee at an open McDonalds in Tyson's Corner. THAT turned out to be a mistake, the guy didn't put the $&(*) top on tightly, so first time I grabbed it, top came off and I was wearing iced coffee in my lap! Geesh! So had to clean that up, but it's pretty dry now, and with jeans on it won't show. Thank God!!
OH, speaking of jeans...don't forget this is WEAR RED FRIDAY. I have my red on!
Beautiful night out, moon was yellow, now very white and bright. 70° at my house, 74° here. Absolutely georgous, but supposed to get to 94° today. Ugh! Way too hot this early.
Our cam, and both BW cams are MT. Storks are awake, parent standing over kids, and kids are just looking around. Still only see 3 Benicia owls, so guess the first one really did fledge. One of the owlets was doing wing flaps, getting ready for her fledge. (She's a she, has spotted chest.)
All have a great eagle day. Yes, we made it to FRIDAY!!!!
Eyes to the sky, see the raptors fly!

Suzanne said...

Carolina, you still up?
SOMEONE IS IN THE NEST, but very hard to see! Cam is good, just dark out!

Suzanne said...

You can see the white spot and glowing eye in center of nest.

Suzanne said...

Standing sideways now, think it's Belle.

Suzanne said...

Still there, turning sideways and moving around a bit. Hard to see when she puts her head down, then ya gotta find the tail. Got the glowing eye things going on again, sorta facing the cam. Hope she stays till daylight!

Suzanne said...

Still there, head down, tail visible, right in center of nest.

Suzanne said...

Now big head up by tree. Not sure if she moved, or if that was Lib and she just arrived.
Well, crap! Gone. Hope she/he/they come back! Very short visit this morning.

Suzanne said...

Eaglet just arrived in BW.

Suzanne said...

BW eaglet is in and out this morning. Our nest still MT. Osprey nest MT. Getting hard to tell the difference between the little falcon and the big falcons! Little ones are getting so brown and sleek looking! Storks still just hanging out, Benicia owls just hanging out. BW eaglet back.

Suzanne said...

Wow, 2 ospreys arrived same refresh. Cool.
Have to ask, is that an egg in the bluebird nest? Something is there, but I didn't see the last eggs, so not sure that's what it is.
Don't think the WA osprey cam is updating again. Time changes, but pic is just black with a couple spots that are lights, but that's all it showed all day yesterday, too. Darn! They're growing and we can't see them.
Hum, both ospreys still there. Only now one in back is on one leg, and one in front is on one leg. Can't see necklace on either of them, but maybe one in front. What's the deal, they all got together in South America and decided they were REALLY gonna confuse us this year! Well, kids, it's working!!

Suzanne said...

This must be a pair, such as the ospreys are pairs...but one is flying in the nest, and it doesn't seem to be bothering the other one. Guess that's a good thing.
Now both just standing there, one in back, one in front, both on one leg. Geesh....

Suzanne said...


Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Good morning. Getting ready to start my work day! TGIF!!!!! It actually means something to me now.

Andrew made it home safe and sound last night. He had a blast!

Remember, do random acts of kindness. The rewards are great for the giver as well as the receiver.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Mema Jo ---- BOOYAH!! I am so grateful Patrick made it home safe and sound!! What a blessing!

Suzanne said...

Belle's back. Didn't see her arrive, but she's up by her tree. We also have lots more leaves in the nest. Guess they make a nice carpet.

Suzanne said...

We also have an eaglet and parent in BW nest, and now just 1 osprey. Looks like a female, can see necklace. Belle still there looking around.

Suzanne said...

Morning, Sharon. Enjoy your workday. If that's possible. Belle is in the nest.

Suzanne said...

Belle left.

Suzanne said...

BW parent left, eaglet still there. Appears to be eating.

Costume Lady said...

Suz, yes that is an egg in Mrs. Bluebird's nest and if you look closely, you can see the Swallow egg underneath the bedding material. Maybe both will hatch. Wouldn't that be a hoot?

Suzanne said...

Oh my goodness, I didn't notice that, Costume Lady! I thought that was an egg, but I didn't notice the white under it. Yup, that would be a hoot if bothe of them hatched! Wow, that would be one for the books. And good morning, to ya.
Both eaglets now eating same fish, that's also a first! Osprey still hanging around in nest. Our nest MT, maybe they'll be back.

Suzanne said...

Turns out the eaglets aren't exactly sharing. The one stole the fish from the other, now the one that was eating is sitting on side of nest watching the one that stole his fish!

Suzanne said...

One of the BW eaglets left, one still there eating. Osprey just hanging out on side of nest.

Costume Lady said...

Sorry you had to "wear" your coffee this morning. You know you can sue McDonalds for a coffee accident. (It was done for HOT coffee; maybe you can do it for COLD coffee) HaHa. I'm going to get mine now. TTYL

Suzanne said...

LOL, yeah, I remember the hot coffee suit against McDonalds! Geesh, what some people will do. But I'm not gonna sue, it's dry now, and you can't even tell. Thankfully! But I will check the lids in the future!!!! I also know why I keep an abundant supply of napkins on the passenger seat!!

BW eaglet still eating, think it's Justice, it's a big one. Now mantling, parent arrived. Both look like they're eating.

carolinabeachmom said...

Gooooood Morning Suzanne and all you bird lovers out there. I didn't quite make it up for viewing our nest this am. :( Finally got to sleep last night, but didn't want to wake up for the last day of school with the kids. :)

carolinabeachmom said...

Good morning Sharon and costume lady. No Suzanne, I didn't see the eagle in the nest. :( Hope you got pics.

carolinabeachmom said...

Well, Suzanne, that is one way to drink your coffee. :0 Doesn't that just make your day? I can't believe that you get up at 1am to get to work at 4am. What a bummer, but then you get to see all the things we miss and get your day over sooner.

carolinabeachmom said...

Well you all have a good TGIF. Children will be coming in soon, so I have to split. Keep your eyes on those fine feathered friends of ours. BBL

Suzanne said...

Morning, CarolinaBeachMom. Sorry I missed you. And yup, makes my day wearing my coffee! Just glad it's Friday, and I'm wearing jeans. Have a great last day with the kids. Just think 3 more to go, then summer break! I did get pics of the visit this morning, and I'll send them around shortly. (Thanks for the reminder, actually, I forgot to send them.) I'm glad you got some sleep, though! You'll be ready for a nap this afternoon! I always am, I try to stay up on Fridays and watch TV, but I never make it. I go through the motions of selecting reminders of what I want to watch, and end up just switching channels when I wake up. Want to see my shows that I selected to fall asleep by...

MITS! You're not gonna believe who is on the front page of the Washington Post Express... Mai Xiang. Good pic, sacked out on the rocks. Said they think she may be pregnant, but won't know for sure until July! So now everyone is wonder what our little Tai Shan will do with a sibling. I sure hope she is preggers!

Suzanne said...

Ok, Belle's visit pics just went out.

Suzanne said...

Almost dawn in Kent. Can see parent in tree.

There are also 4 owls in Benicia nest box! Maybe either mom or the fledgling returned.

Suzanne said...

PA falcons are doing wing flap practice on ledge. Kent parent gone fishin' kids are asleep. Bluebird egg is just sitting there. Sure hope it's ok, haven't seen a parent there yet this morning. Parent stork standing over babies. There are 4 owls in Benicia nest, not sure if that's 4 babies, or 3 babies and a parent. Our nest MT, BW eagle nest MT, sticks all over, and there are 2 ospreys back in nest.

Costume Lady said...

Mrs. Loon is in nest and Dad is swimming nearby--they don't seem to realize the egg is gone. No wonder they are Loonie!( My humor is not very good this early) Baby LuLu must be under Mom's wing.

Jill said...

Good Morning everybody. Heading out to do errands now before it gets too hot out.

New thread is up

paula eagleholic said...

New thread is up

2/20/25 PM bird

1203 PM NN Scout comes to the nest with a load of bedding again. He seemed to leave with something in his talons. He has a beak full of bedd...