Friday, June 15, 2007


New thread.


carolinabeachmom said...

Good eagle morning Jim! Thanks for the new thread Steve and the heads up, Jim

carolinabeachmom said...

I have been trying to see the egg that Suzanne sees in the Finland osprey nest.

carolinabeachmom said...

All the West Coast "kids" are up and so is Jim. Your eyes must still be half shut, Jim. It is early for you out there.

Suzanne said...

Thanks for the new thread, Steven. Only took 1 pic this morning and didn't even send it. Saw an eagle for 1 refresh, that's it.
Thanks for the heads up, Jim.
Candy, I just sent Norma a pic, gonna send it to you. Showing the egg.

carolinabeachmom said...

Baby osprey check's head is still sticking out from under Mama. He must be an adventurous, nosey or a stubborn one. :) It looks soooooo cute.

movin said...


Thanks much for the new start thread, Steve.

Steve, I was thinking of last year's eaglets yesterday, and that made wonder if there is a juvenile eagle area along the river near Shepherdstown ... like there is at Black Water and on the Channel Islands. They have certain areas juveniles can or prefer to gather.

If there is such a stretch of river near our nest site, might not the three eaglets be found there now or sometime in the future??

What do you think?


movin said...

By the way, I could just see the youngest eyass's head at the bottom of the frame at PA.

That one will probably fledge today...the experts at that site sure don't make many notes, do they?


normabyrd said...

THANKS STEVEN for the NEW THREAD & HAPPY FATHER'S DAY ON SUNDAY!!!CONGRATULATIONS CANDY!!---You are No.1 this a.m.---(even if you are still in your pjs)--ho!---THANKS JIM---(quite the gentleman)---for LETTING us WOMEN BE 1st!!!!

Mauley said...

Good Morning, Have a blessed day dear eagle friends. Donna

Costume Lady said...

Were our 3 eaglets banded last year, does anybody know?

normabyrd said...

SUZANNE---You are correct!!--THAT EGG IS THERE--BIG TIME!!---You give location of the FINLAND EGG---You are much SHARPER than I am----

normabyrd said...

GOOD MORNIN' MAULEY----I have missed you!---What's happening in KY?---Are you out of school or teaching summer school?---

movin said...

We've got 2-3 eaglets practicing take offs at West End nest.

Costume Lady said...

Does anyone know when the Finland babies hatched? I quess I need to pay closer attention so I will know these things.

Costume Lady said...

Jim, how much is GAS in california now?

normabyrd said...

WANDA!---NO--The EAGLETS were not banded last year---This may sound selfish---but I didn't really want them to be banded----Now I can always think of them SOARING!!---Didn't wish to know if SPUNKY had been hurt!!!

normabyrd said...

WANDA----CHECK LISA'S COMMENTS at BW----She give you all the info on the FINLAND OSPREYS---IT is truly the most beautiful site---

movin said...

Ah, gas prices, costume lady....

Hard to generalize, but the grade I buy has dropped in price about $.35/gal. in the last couple of weeks.

Let's hope it keeps going down. How about where you are?


normabyrd said...

JIM!---Checked the WEST END "crew"----The cam comes & goes--but LOTS of flapping wings!!!---"Kids" seem to be saying--"LOOK MOM--NO HANDS"----Love watching them!!---FUN!!

movin said...

Yeah, Norma, they've been going at it for about a half hour.

Thing is, the cam was dead steady until one of the eaglets apparently got airborn and crashed into the cam or its stand.


normabyrd said...

KENT CHICKS are so polite!!! ho!--STAR is there with FOOD & each is standing & waiting his or her turn!!

movin said...

Well, talk to you this evening, got to get ready to go to work.


Suzanne said...

Morning, Mauley. Hope all is well with you. Miss you on the blog!
What are the Kent chicks eating? Not a fish, has feathers or fur, can't tell.

Suzanne said...

Jim, did you mean $3.50 a gallon for gas? Or 35 cents. Haven't seen 35 cents for way too many years!

normabyrd said...

SUZ---I thought it looked like a bird????

Costume Lady said...

Gas here is 2.99 a gal. but, in Winchester, Va. (just 25 mi. down the road) it is 2.75. We have 2 daughters in Winchester, so we fill up when we go to visit.

Suzanne said...

Norma, look at the osprey cam now. you can clearly see the egg. On the left of the chicks. White with brown spots, sorta rounded. Sun is shining on it.

carolinabeachmom said...

I am going to put my two cents worth in. I thought it looked like Kent was eating a squirrel. I thought I noticed two ears on head and squirrel tale. Anyone else have any ideas?

paula eagleholic said...

Morning, all. TGIF!!

carolinabeachmom said...

Suzanne, now that we know where and what to look for, we can sure see the egg. Maybe Mama osprey is sensing something about that egg that is making her so jumpy.

Suzanne said...

Puget Sound parent is visiting chick again, but sitting on the egg while visiting. That's twice today I've seen that. If eggs get solid, that ought to be pretty solid by now!

carolinabeachmom said...

Good morning Paula. We are watching an object (egg) in Finland's nest. Mom has been wiggly all morning and can't seem to sit still. Suzanne spotted the egg and now we are all wondering what, when. if, whatever. A little excitement for the day.

paula eagleholic said...

I heard some parts of CA are at $2.99 gallon, which is really cheap for them. It was 3.40 when I was out there.

Suzanne said...

BW eaglet in for a visit. Osprey still alone in nest. Our nest MT. Oh, Jim, there were 2 falcons wing flapping at each other this morning. Only see 1 now on the ledge.

carolinabeachmom said...

Parent is off the nest again in Finland. Does anyone hear a cracking sound? :)

Jill said...

I said a couple of weeks ago, I wasn't putting gas in my car again until the price dropped to 2.85. Well I almost made it. Light was on when I pulled in and the price was 2.89. And it held 14 gallons. HUMMMMM. I think it is a 14 gallon tank. Oh well

PS I have found the one sane criminal in Martinsburg and to honor their sanity, I turned them lose.

MITS said...

GOOD FRIDAY MORNING EVERYONE I got gas in Salisbury, Maryland for $2.79 yesterday, not bad, but had to take my credit card inside to pay, and, could not really fill the tank, the owner was a former DC cab driver, need I say more. Sun trying to peek out from behind the clouds:). Computer here is not running as smoothly as I like. Heard they sell DELL produts at Wal-Mart, might have to go and see if I can get a new ram card. Have a good one everyone.

Suzanne said...

Morning, Paula. Blogger cop keeps stealing my comments!
Both parents in Finland!
Ok on the squirrel in Kent. Wasn't sure what it was.

carolinabeachmom said...

Both Finland parents back now looking at the nest.

paula eagleholic said...

At the Finland nest, if you click on the "sulje videot" link, it shows picture videos of earlier in the season....

Suzanne said...

Oops, Morning, Jill, morning, Mits. Getting excited watching Finland! both parents in nest now. Jill, are you a judge or something? You keep talking about criminals, and you work as strange hours as I do.

MITS said...

JILL, Can you tell everyone on the blog exactly what you do for a living, some people just read the blogs, and, I think your job is interesting.

normabyrd said...

Just saw a "poop shoot" from the a STORK CHICK---Never seen that before----ALSO just read that after the CHICK is 20 days old---Each CHICK requires 9 lbs. of food!!!---& if weather goes to 85°---Parents carry water in their beaks to cool the CHICKS!!!---

Jill said...

I am a city court magistrate.

Mits-whats up with one of the pandas. Keeps pacing up and down and scratching. Was doing it yesterday seems to be doing it today. Looks miserable. Poor thing. It is Tian looking for Mei? I can't seem to get a good enough look at the face to tell.

Jill said...

Suz-at least you know when you are going to work. I am on call so I could go anytimd day or night.

MITS said...

I'll go look, Jill

normabyrd said...

HI PAULA--MITS & (JUDGE JUDY)--!!!sorry I mean JILL----ho!---I really don't think she works in the court system----'SHE JUST HANGS OUT WITH THE FELONS'!!!---JUST ENJOY KIDDIN' JILL!!!---ho! ho!

carolinabeachmom said...

Hey Jill and Mits. My other half is still out so I am having a ball watching and reading. I hope I am not Suzanne's blogger cop! ;) I feel for you all that have to drive any distance to work. That has to take a big bite out of your paycheck. I am lucky in that I only have to drive about 3 miles to school and 3 miles back. I don't know how anyone who has to really travel does it.

carolinabeachmom said...

Hey, we just passed another milestone on this blog. Norma saw a "poop shoot" from a baby stork. So now we know they are like the eagles. Interesting. :)

normabyrd said...

"FIN CHICKS" all alone!!

carolinabeachmom said...

I, myself, was wondering how the storks get the food up into their long beaks. Do they use them like a straw. hahahahaha

MITS said...

Just checked, they were showing Tian Tian in his den eating leaf-eater biscuits, then they switched to Mei Xiang sleeping out in the grotto, and, Tai Shan was eating bamboo down by the window of his exibit.

carolinabeachmom said...

A funny thing just happened. Santa Cruz parent was feeding the chick. The chick must have gotten impatient with the small pieces and leaned over and grabbed up the chunk of whatever and devoured it whole.

Suzanne said...

Thanks for the info, Jill. Yea, I know every day when I have to be here. Not sure I'd like to be oncall. Sounds kinda interesting, though. I just wondered, you're here before I am some days, or have just left, and yesterday mentioned about the guy that went for bail money, got insufficient funds so bank was out of money...duh! Then letting someone go today, so was just curious. And yeah, I read the blog, don't usually take the time to look at profiles. I will start that someday!
Norma, I had no idea the storks had to have 9 lbs of food a day! Good grief, that's quite a lot. No wonder those little buggers grow so fast!!! Interesting about the water too!
Finland parent not on chicks or egg, but one chick is laying next to it. Has his head up now.
I still haven't gone through my pics of this nest today, need to do that before I leave. Geesh, so many cams, so little time.

Suzanne said...

Forgot, Puget Sound parent is still on egg visiting chick!

Jill said...

Mits, must have been Tian. I see Tai and Mei but not Tian. He was acting like he couldn't get inside or something. Looked really stressed.

Suzanne said...

Puget Sound parent just left, egg still unbroken. Chick on side of nest.

MITS said...

Not stressed, Jill, just impatient:):):)

Jill said...

Well he sure was pitiful. But he is male and you know how they are. LOL

carolinabeachmom said...

Well, my other half just came home and here I am in my pj's yet. I just saw some huge wing flapping going on in the Germany nest. Keep a watch out.

Suzanne, you have a safe trip home.

sandyshaw said...

Good morning, everyone. The barn owl is back at Owl Cam 1 in Washington. Lovely, cool day here in Shepherdstown.

MITS said...

And he is typical MALE:):):)!

MITS said...

Morning, Sandra, how are Tom and Mom doing today?

Suzanne said...

Wow, incoming, Finland. Both parents in nest again.
Thanks, Candy, I sure hope so!
Morning, Sandy! How are Tom and your mother? Still think of you, and you're in my prayers.
Sent some Finland pics around. If you don't want them, please let me know. If you know someone else that may like to see them, feel free to forward. Norma, some egg ones just for you!

Suzanne said...

Ewww. Kent parent in tree, but lots of blood in nest. Chicks are full, though!

Mema Jo said...

It's not the same barn owl - who do you think it is??? The male or a juvie

Costume Lady said...

Sandyshaw, it sure is a nice morning in our area. It was nice and cool when I picked my peas this morning, but I sunk to my ankles in mud.
Had a baby Hummer on feeder this morning and it did poop shoots all over my patio. Have to get the hose out!

Suzanne said...

Kent parent in nest with chicks. Those guys looked soaked! Think they're getting our rain now.

Mema Jo said...

Good late late morning Oh so much to read. I think I should get my day started at an earlier hour
I do believe everyone has been here this Friday morning - except our
Floral Girl, Megan. Miss her.

Suzanne said...

Morning, Jo! I have 1 pic to send you for momsters. Only saw an eagle for 1 refresh this morning. Was hoping they'd come back, but not yet.

sunny said...

I just read the blog for thw hole morning, and I have to agree with something Norma said a couple of hours ago. I'm glad OUR eaglets weren't banded, because I don't want to know if anything bad happened to them. I read the PA falcon board a couple of times during the winter, and learned much more than I needed to know. I'm a softie!

Mema Jo said...

Got the pic, Suzanne - thanks. I did put 2 pics on the momsters for yesterday of Spunky's anniversary.

Suzanne said...

Morning, Sunny. Hate to say hello and run, but time for me to hit the road.
All have a great eagle day. You Finland watchers, take pics if the egg hatches!
All have a great weekend!! Eyes to the sky, see the raptors fly!

Suzanne said...

Oh, great, Jo. I haven't gone out to look yet. I've been in Finland too much today!
Ok, outta here.

Costume Lady said...

Thanks for the Finland Pics.
Have a good day.

sandyshaw said...

Jo, I saw Megan at the Farmers Market Sunday and she's working so hard. She's Market Master now, on top of her regular job. I don't imagine she has time to blog, but I miss her too.

How can you tell the owls apart? The barn owls always look so mysterious and smug, but I can't tell one from the other.

Off totake a shower and get dressed.

normabyrd said...


normabyrd said...


Mema Jo said...

Just had email from Megan
Her computer had died..

normabyrd said...

HI MEMA JO---SANDYSHAW & SUNNY!!-----SANDY!! I have you & TOM in my thoughts today!!!---SUNNY!--Where are you hiking this weekend???--MEMA JO---Won't it be a HAPPY FATHER'S DAY at your house---With your GRANDSON home!!!

Anne-Marie said...

Good Morning all, just read the blog. Dont bother with the newspaper any more. You guys are a joy to visit with. I filled up the tank last night and it was $3.11 for reg. Last weekend in beautiful downtown Burbank it was $3.48. It differs from what part of the state you are in. I am north east of San Francisco.Its going to over 100 again today but promises to cool off for the weekend. Cool off means 90's. I get up before dawn on the weekend to get my yard work done. I have a service for the lawns but I do the beds myself. I really burn so I take cover before it gets bad. I am feeling better and looking a bit better. The swelling is going down. My girls at the office said I looked like a chipmunk.Sleeping is easier now.I had better get to work. I'll be back and forth.

Mema Jo said...

Check out the Kent cam - Adult and eaglets NOT looking as though they are Happy that it is raining.

Mema Jo said...

Happy to hear you are starting to feel better, Anne. Have fun - it's Pay Day!

Robyn said...

Good afternoon everyone,

Just popping in to send along this link I found yesterday off another site, I am not sure if anyone has it...
There has 6 different cam alas it is in dutch, my daughter and I found a translating program to decipher some of it.

You can see 2 stork families nesting on chimneys

Mema Jo said...

That link is great, Robyn. Glad you all found it. Everything from storks to barn owls to many other birds.

Mema Jo said...

Sandra - the owl in the nest box now is smaller and the markings are not as pronounced as the other. This could be a male - not sure.

normabyrd said...

HI! HEIDIGIRL & ROBYN!----HEIDIGIRL---SO HAPPY you are feeling better!!---& I know you are DELIGHTED!!!---ROBYN--Anxious to see the STORKS---They are one of my favorites!--Thanks!!----OH JO----THE KENT EAGLES have the "wet-blown" look & no--I don't think she likes it!!!---Hey, I feel her pain!!!

normabyrd said...

GREAT SITE ROBYN!!---They aren't as vocal as the ones we have been watching in GERMANY!!---That is so interesting seeing how the nest is built on the house top!!---Thanks!!

Anne-Marie said...

Oh Jo, you do have a wicked streak in you. PAY DAY. YUCK. Happy to say it was last week and I lived through it pain and all. Today is the day I finish paying for my Alaska trip.I get excited just thinking about it. I have been invited to visit the eagle rehab center in Sitka. I wrote to them and told them of my love and got a nice letter back. I'm so excited I could fly.

normabyrd said...

OH HEIDIGIRL!!!----I am so EXCITED for you!!!---But a "wee" bit envious of not being able to go!!----Some time soon--hopefully---I will make it to ALASKA!!!--------So many EAGLES to see!!!---WOW!--ENJOY!!!

Mema Jo said...

Heidi - that should be a highlight during your trip! I guess I should have said it is your Pay Up Day! lol

I am really happy you are making one of your dreams come true!

Mema Jo said...

Need to run out for awhile

Costume Lady said...

Now I know why they speak of STORKS bringing babies down the chimney. ( I found mine in a Pea Patch)


Costume Lady said...

Are you still on a soft food diet?

sandyshaw said...

Heidigirl, my sister lives in Jackson. Sounds like you live in the general area.

Anne-Marie said...

Costumelady soft food is still the diet. I'm full of stiches so I dont want to break anything. I have a chinese restaurant close that has great wonton soup. It a favorite.I'm being good. The appetite is gone anyway.
Sandy, Jackson is close. She lives is a very pretty place. If you havent been there its in the foothills of the Sierras and has pines and hardwoods. I live in the city. Its about 45 minutes fron my house up hill going about 70. Its off the beaten path of highways and is on Highway 49 named after the 49ers who came here for gold. There is still plenty to be found. One of my childrens favorites outings was to go gold panning. They would get a few flakes and end up playing in the cold water to get away from the heat. Lots a memories.

MITS said...

ROBYNANN, THANKS FOR THE STORK SITE! Annemarie, take care of yourself.

Anne-Marie said...

I'm doing fine Mits. Enjoy your weekend.

Mema Jo said...

I have returned but it seems as though everyone is napping!
Sooooooooo --- I'll take the hint.

Mema Jo said...



Anne-Marie said...

Who's napping? Not me.

NillaWafer said...

Beautiful afternoon to everyone... have not checked any nest out yet, but i do enjoy watching the Finland nest also... Doesnt Petes Pond come back on soon?????? I sure miss Fatty... hey For any one intested over in Glo's chat room on her For The Love Of Eagles page.. on friday nights we play Bingo along with the TV Show National Bingo.. Just print out your cards at ABC.COM and join us we put the numbers in the chat room as they are called. Hope to see ya'll stop in and say hello and play along... Nilla

Anne-Marie said...

Took a minute while the rest of you are getting your beauty sleep to check on babes. All is well. I woke up the owl and scared mama bluebird off her eggs. Everything was fine until I peeked in then they left. I could get a complex doing this. Back to work. I do less harm there.

Mema Jo said...

Make a difference!

Show your support

Mema Jo said...

Mrs Bluebird is back on her eggs
Owl is sound asleep

It's all ok Anne!

I haven't tried the bingo, Nilla.
How cool for you not to have to go far to play!

Mema Jo said...

Dinner time here in the valley.

I'll be back later....

MITS said...

Got some errands to run...TTYL!

NillaWafer said...

Those beautiful faces of the barn owls in California are mezmerizing those big dark eyes...

NillaWafer said...

Alot of noise in that barn scared those babies they jumped and in the corner.. sounds like some one building something ot beatng on metal...

Anne-Marie said...

Nilla, I dont have sound at work. Ive been watching them too. Let me know if you can figure out whats happening.

NillaWafer said...

Its quiet in the barn now , just think someone was working in the barn and making some noise...Although they are still backed into the

NillaWafer said...

watching the news a pair of Black birds out in Peoria Illinois are sky diving and picking at people walking in the area of the nest,going by. Even landing in ladies hair pulling

carolinabeachmom said...

Just in for a minute to check on the osprey eg in Finland. I have the owl cam on and there is someone working somewhere around them. I can hear a sawgoing in the background like someone is cutting wood.

carolinabeachmom said...

Barn owls are safe now. I just heard a car/truck just start up and drive away. So now they can all start flapping around again. :)

carolinabeachmom said...

Parents have changed places on the Finland osprey nest. I think that I still saw the egg. I was watching for awhile to see if it had hatched this afternoon. Maybe soon tho.

carolinabeachmom said...

Owls are still being calm, Mrs. B is still on her eggs, no baby osprey is going to get out from under this parent, no osprey at BW. the storks are in bed for the night, Santa Cruz Eaglet sitting pretty on the edge of his nest, showing off his new blue bling, bling; meanwhile, two chicks sitting in Two Harbors, and chicklets taking it easy in West End nest. Now I guess I'll get out in the kitchen for supper.

NillaWafer said...

Howdy CBMom i have Finland up and also see the 3rd egg, mom is feeding the babies right now...

NillaWafer said...

Mom sure does not stay off those chicks very long.. she just finshed turning that egg also..I wonder what the temperature is there in Finland? From the looks of that area its very sparse with vegetation...

MITS said...


movin said...


There's not too much cam action tonight, but there are some interesting entries by the pros in the Channel Island "Discussion" blog.

Hope you have a great, great weekend.


Mema Jo said...

Hi Jim - Did you get my email about the different sexes of the eaglets?
Looks like we need some more females...

I am going to call it a day
I hope everyone has a great weekend
especially with Father's day on Sun.

Good Night
Prayers for all

carolinabeachmom said...

Good morning all you sleepy heads in eagleland out there! I slept in myself a bit.

The Barn Owls are sleeping, Ms. B is still on her 5 eggs, Finland osprey is sitting on her nest covering her babies (so don't know yet if the egg has hatched), the storks in Germany are up and one was trying out his wings......lookout everyone else in the nest. :)

carolinabeachmom said...

No one is on the Pa. falcon site, a parent eagle is on nest in BW and gone with baby, no one on the BW osprey nest yet, eagle parent back at BW, our nest MT of course. parent eagle with babies at Puget Sound just sittine, just chicks in Kent, egg still in nest at Puget Sound, California eagles haven't checked in with video yet.

carolinabeachmom said...

Both Burrowing Owl sites has at least one owl sitting up watch for the rest this morning.

carolinabeachmom said...

It looks like a nice, pleasant day all over eagle/bird land and should be a nice day for viewing. But nice days also mean nice times out of doors. It also looks like a baby Red Tailed Hawk in in it's Queens NY nest this morning. All is right with the world.

Jill said...

Sun is shining here but I haven't been outside yet.

carolinabeachmom said...

Not much more to catch you all up on for now. Hope you all have a very nice day today. Stay safe and have fun. I know this isn't as good as Suzanne, but it at least gets you started. BBL Have a fun and safe day. Remember your sunscreen!:)

carolinabeachmom said...

Good morning Jill. I guess you and I are the only ones up today. I have to go with my husband in a minute, so I guess you will have to take over here. Have a nice day. Keep your eyes on the Finland osprey for a hatching! BBL

Jill said...

I am just up long enough to get food. It was a long night. I won't see much of that beautiful sun this morning.

Costume Lady said...

I have been watching the Finland Family and I think I see a baby where the egg was. The picture distorts so much, it is hard to tell for sure. Keep looking!

paula eagleholic said...

Good Morning :) New Thread is up!

Robyn said...

Good morning!

I have a cute stoy from my former hometown paper the NY Daily News about a baby red-tailed hawk who took his first flight but didn't do so well but all is well with him.

2/20/25 PM bird

1203 PM NN Scout comes to the nest with a load of bedding again. He seemed to leave with something in his talons. He has a beak full of bedd...