Monday, June 18, 2007


Gonna be a hot one thread.


normabyrd said...

GOOD MORNIN' EAGLE BUDDIES!!!---THANKS STEVEN FOR THE NEW THREAD!!!---Hope you are sunburned from the DAD'S DAY float!!!--Think I am No. 1!!!---W/SEE!!

normabyrd said...

HEY STEVEN!---Not with the program yet------Hope you ARE NOT sunburned!!!!---ho!

movin said...

Good morning and thank you for the new start this Monday.

Good morning, Norma. I already gave the news to the people on yesterdays blog.


normabyrd said...

GOOD EAGLE BUDDY MORNIN'!---HELLO!!!---JILL---SUZANNE---JIM & WANDA----Gonna be a HOT ONE TODAY in WV!!!--Sun is shining & -Temp. is 82° !!!

paula eagleholic said...

It sure is! Stay cool!

normabyrd said...

THANKS JIM---GREAT MINDS!---ho!--We both gave the update at the same minute!!!---

movin said...

More tragedy has struck the Loch Garten nest....

This morning's blog entry:

Once again tragedy has struck the nest here at Loch Garten. Despite EJ feeding the chick and keeping it warm beneath her the it has now died. Words cannot describe how we are feeling here this morning. As I write the tears are hard to suppress.

That's kind of stunning, the few shots I saw of the chick, it looked very healthy.


normabyrd said...

HI PAULA!---Just read JIM'S update on the LOCH GARTEN nest---So sad!!

paula eagleholic said...

OH, no. Poor Henry and EJ.

paula eagleholic said...

I read somewhere, I think on the Maine forum, that the 3rd egg in Finland was laid 8 days after the first and 5 days after the second.

normabyrd said...

LISA at BW has info on LOCH GARTEN nest!!!---Still on 3rd egg----Thinks the 2nd clutch may have been inferior eggs!!!

normabyrd said...

KENT EAGLETS still snoozing---THEY ARE SO WELL BEHAVED!!---(can't resist saying that every time I check in on them)--ho!

movin said...

The Santa Cruz eaglet is very active this morning...busy, busy, busy.


movin said...

Have a good day, everyone...

Work calls.


paula eagleholic said...

Eaglet in VA eating in nest, one on branch above nest. Nice to see the cam working...been sort of iffy last couple of days...

Suzanne said...

Thanks for the new thread, Steven. Sounds like you had an awesome osprey sighting around Harper's Ferry!
Thanks for the heads up Jim, and Normabyrd.
Good morning, All!!
Brought this over from the other thread.
Morning, CostumeLady and Jim. Jim, I thought of blowing my horn this morning, I had a deer half on and half off the road on the other side, but I was afraid I'd scare it INTO my car. I dimmed the lights, but didn't turn them off, cause I was afraid I wouldn't see him if he shot out in the road. Yeah, lately, they have lots of new growth to munch, but it's very near the roads. I did blow my horn last year a couple times, and not sure it did anything but startle the deer. They didn't run, but they were kinda very jumpy when I blew the horn. I'll try it tomorrow, I'm sure there will be deer on/near the road.
Candy, I don't know when they'll fledge, have to go count days. Something like 45 days or so after they hatch, isn't it? Don't remember when Kent hatched, have to go look it up.
Finland chicks are getting fed, other parent just left. They are so cute. I'm with you Candy, don't think that egg will hatch now. they are so cute, such little chicks, such big mouths!
Jim, both BW chicks this morning brought in fish.
Monday, June 18, 2007 9:18:00 AM
Suzanne said...
Oh, there are 4 owlets in Benicia nest box! Haven't seen that for a while.

normabyrd said...

STORKS are a RIOT!!!---DAD (i think) ARRIVED!!!----with food---He couldn't get the food out of his bill fast enough---2 older ones were fighting---"bill to bill" contact!!! & screaming----All settled down when he had deposited the food in the nest!!!!---SPUNKY LITTLE CHICKS!!---TOO CUTE!!

normabyrd said...

MIT RED-TAIL HAWK cam is up--but a little off target!!--Saw the tail of one!!!----Note--Both chicks were in nest 6/17/06---

Mema Jo said...

Good Morning It really is HOT out there. Good day for me not to do any errands! I am really sorry to hear about the Loch Garten osprey nest. Thanks for the pics from this morning, Suzanne. The egg at Puget Sound may have a hole in it now & I am not sure that I am sorry to see it flatten as I have attached to it a friendship for the lonely eaglet. lol

normabyrd said...

PA FALCON-----Have only seen one CHICK there this a.m.----Last night I watched---I think--an adult FALCON removing feathers from a bird----while CHICK was on the end of ledge watching & yelling every now & then---didn't watch the eating of the bird!!!

Suzanne said...

OMG, look at the WHALE the Finland ospreys have! Those chicks are gonna be eating that into next week.

Costume Lady said...


I think Jo is AWOL this morning. We might have to check in on her if she doesn't show up by noon!

Suzanne said...

Morning, Mits. It looks like 2 holes in it now. Yeah, I was also thinking it was a friend to our lonely eaglet!
Norma, saw 2 falcons this morning, but not sure 1 of them wasn't a parent.

normabyrd said...

SUZANNE---Need to ask some of my deer hunting friends---how to deal with deer being in the road---I don't think the horn business works at all-----just startles them----

Suzanne said...

Jo, I'm sorry! I meant to say good morning, MemaJo! I was reading an email and doing this at the same time. Obviously I can't walk and chew gum at the same time!!!

So good morning, Jo! Morning to Mits when she gets on here. Geesh.

Suzanne said...

Yeah, Norma, tried it last year when Jim mentioned it, and it didn't really do well. They were startled, and you couldn't even guess which way they were gonna go. I'm just driving a little bit slower now than normal!

Suzanne said...

Finland parent moved chick away from egg, but now she's laying on them again.

normabyrd said...

HI JO & WANDA!!!---Really going to be a SCORCHER today!!!----MEGAN--- if you are in your garden---BIG HAT & lots of sun lotion!!!---SANDYSHAW told us your FLOWERS were selling like "hot cakes"!!----COOL!

normabyrd said...

OH!--NORFOLK "REBELS"----are all grown----flying here & there---but still calling the nest HOME!!!!---RICHMOND HIGH RISE FALCON is on nest---STARING DIRECTLY at you!!!---Lovely Lady!!

Mema Jo said...

Hope we hear from Sandra concerning the possibility of the knee surgery for Tom.

Wanda - here I am

normabyrd said...

FIN OSPREY---EATING a hugh fish---Bet she shares!!----FORGOT SUZ---I checked the "4" BARN OWLS earlier!!---

sandyshaw said...

Good morning, all. Jo, we're still waiting for word. I'm not sure how many days they will monitor the culture before they feel certain that the infection is gone. The owl is back at Owl Cam 1. So sad about the Scottish ospreys.

normabyrd said...

HI JO!!---Just remembered that TOM was to get his test results today---Pray that he can get his surgery now!!!

normabyrd said...

MORNIN' SANDYSHAW----Pray that you get "Good News" today!!----STAY COOL---It's 89° here & it isn't noon yet!!!!!----Take Care & give TOM my best!!!

normabyrd said...

JO---The "Little Princess" in Atlantic is---where she always is every a.m.----ASLEEP ON THE TOP LOG!!!---Wish she had a different play area!!!-----I think she needs a tree!!! ho!

Mema Jo said...

Sandra I placed some Wood Duck news on yesterday's thread. It's the site you found.. very interesting. There is a link to it on previous thread.

Mema Jo said...

Little Princess is growing!

normabyrd said...

GOOD PIC OF EGG!!---MOM OSPREY feeding fish to CHICKS!!!

Costume Lady said...

Good Morning JO--
I was just a little premature in sending out the AWOL. Glad you are here and doing well.
Just came in from mowing and LAAAADIES--it is HOT! Stay indoors if you can.

normabyrd said...

Trying to find TAI!!---Want to make sure he is in a COOL PLACE!!!---Cam is having hard time finding him too---Guess we need to wait for MITS!!!

Suzanne said...

Mom osprey in Finland is playing with her food! She took that whale and flew to the other side of the nest with fish in talons. Then she took off with the fish. Now she's back, and I think she's gonna eat it now.
Can also see the egg in the shadows, and the edges look rough. One of the chicks is awake and watching her, the other sleeping right through it.

Costume Lady said...

Thanks for the photos---Did Lisa say if she thought the egg would hatch?

Suzanne said...

Haven't gotten an answer back yet, CostumeLady. I'll let you know what she says.

Costume Lady said...

That fish Mama Osprey has looks good enough to throw on my grill! Yummy!

Costume Lady said...

Did I send you a pic. of the Osprey Family with the sun rays shining on the nest. I think you enjoy those sunrise shots as much as I do. I posted it to the Momsters.

Suzanne said...

Lisa said she tried translating some of the Finnish, and she thinks they're saying the 3rd egg hatched on the 16th. But the egg looks whole, and she said if it is whole, it's not likely to hatch now. It's already six days after the second hatching, and normally it takes no more than 3 or 4 days after.
Told her the egg looked "fuzzy" this morning, not a clear smooth shell.
Now you know what I know.
Time for me to hit the road, have a couple stops to make, and it's sweltering out there.
All have a great eagle day. Stay cool.
Eyes to the sky, see the raptors fly!

Suzanne said...

Wanda, yes you did, this weekend. I love the sunrise shots! Finland should be pretty much daylight all day now...summer, it never really gets quite dark. It will get dusky, but not dark.
Thanks for the pic. Outta here, talk to you tomorrow. If ya don't sleep in!! LOL..

MITS said...

GOOD AFTERNOON EVERYONE Haven't had a chance to read Saturday or Sundays blog, maybe tonight. Norma, I just got a report from zoo and they are letting Tai go into the other yards, if Mei or Tian are in the adjoining yards at these times, they are all ignoring each other and just sniffing where the other panda has been, Giant Pandas are solitary animals, and like to be off by themselves. We are being kicked out of the panda kitchen in anticipation of a cub that might be born. Our relocation will be in the visitors center as of June 30th. Mei Xiang is sleeping more and eating less. They are estimating that, they THINK, implantation might have taken place on the 28th of May, and if it did, gestation is around 50 to 60 days past that, but this is only a guess,and they are keeping a close watch on her, but my fingers are crossed.

normabyrd said...

SUZANNE---MOMS always look out for No. 1----YEAH!!----MOMS NEVER do that----SUZ! that must be DAD eating the fish!!!

normabyrd said...

SUZANNE----SAFE RIDE HOME!!!---Meant to ask you about GYSPY???---Hope she is enjoying the short hair this summer----------STAY COOL---93° here now!!!

normabyrd said...

HI MITS----Thanks for the info---Because I was "almost" sure I saw TAI earlier---But surroundings didn't fit!!!---Hope the "Little Prince" stays COOL!---BLESS HIS LITTLE HEART!!!!!

normabyrd said...


Mema Jo said...

Hi Mits
Company coming in - BBL

Jill said...

I saw Tai earlier. Mei has been sleeping most of the last two days. I am not as good with the surroundings as the rest of you. Still trying to figure out who is who but I think I have it now. We shall see.

In regards to the deer, if you can slow down and turn off you lights safely that is the best bet. If you can't, flash them. I have never tried the whistle things people put on the front of cars but I know others who swear by them. Guess I should since I have hit 3 over the years. First one was in DL where, at the time, the white tail population was almost non existent. Leave it to me to hit a deer where there aren't any.

Jill said...

Two of the pandas are enjoying popsicles. I want one. LOL Looks like Tai and Mei but I can't be sure about Mei. MITS?

MITS said...

HELLO JO Heading to the beach around 2...LATER:).

Anne-Marie said...

Good Afternoon, Its been a busy morning. Thank you all for keeping me posted. I worked in the yard most of the weekend until it got too hot. Cleaned out the fish pond and bird feeders. I'm not finished but I got a good start. I had to keep stoping and resting. The birds are taking all my apricots and plums. They think I planted for them. I would at least like to get a little jam out of the deal.
Sandra, I have had a knee replacement. Three years ago April. It was one of the smartest things I have done. I can now hike with the kids and keep up with the grand kids. The scar is so light it can barely be seen. The only time I have problems is when its really cold.I cant seem to get warm. I'm a sissy anyway. The best to your husband. I know he wont be sorry.Back to work. Back later.

Costume Lady said...

I know one day I will have to have a knee replacement. It was good to hear you say it was a smart thing to do. All I ever hear is how awful it is! I had a Cortizone shot last Dec. and felt as if I had a brand new knee. It is just now starting to give out on me. I guess I will keep on getting shots until they no longer help.

Anne-Marie said...

I admit the first time I had to walk on it it hurt. I thought they were crazy to make me get out of bed that early but they were right. Hang in there it was worth it.

Mema Jo said...

The wood duck that Sandra brought to our attention is very interesting

Wood Duck Videos -Chicks leap out
of nest box & it is 35ft down

Anne-Marie said...

Thank you Jo. I saw something like this on the Animal Planet.Dont you wonder how they keep from hurting themselves.Its so strange why a water bird would make a nest so high up. Yet when I think of it the Egrets and Cranes around here do the same thing. My Egret nest is in a redwood.

Mema Jo said...

Those little guys were just following their instincts, I guess. Blind Faith. Funny about the last one - didn't seem that he was too sure of it all as it took him forever to jump.

Anne-Marie said...

Maybe he is like me and afraid of heights? LOL.

paula eagleholic said...

Oh my gosh - you have to watch the wood duck video!

I wish it had out below!!

paula eagleholic said...

Thanks, Jo, for insisting we take the time to view it!

It is really cool.

Mema Jo said...

As I watched on the ground where they landed - the little black dot - I never did see one move.... What do you think? lol

Costume Lady said...

Those ducklings jumping is hilarious. I had to email that to my Grandson. He is a bird lover from the age of 2. He is a Junior at Lord Fairfax College, majoring in Environmental Science and the class and their Professor go Bird Watching and hunting often. I bet they never saw anything like that.

Costume Lady said...

As I watched the video, I thought someone with the know-how,could have a lot of fun puting sound to it!

paula eagleholic said...

In case I don't get on here later tonight....I won't be around tomorrow. I am going to go down towards the Patuxent River and help band osprey at the Jug Bay Wetlands Sanctuary. One of the highlights of the day will be meeting Lisa from BW. I'll also get to meet Melanie, who writes for Chesapeake Bay Magazine and some of the folks from the Dennis Puleston Osprey cam site.

I'll take lots of pics and video to post later for everyone. It should be a pretty neat experience!

Anne-Marie said...

Sounds wonderful Paula. What a great way to spend the day. Have fun..

Mema Jo said...

Paula You're a Lucky Duck

That is going to be a day you won't ever forget. Hope you aren't too busy that you don't get some pictures.

sandyshaw said...

Thanks for the wood duck info, Jo. I hope to see more of those little fluffies. We're still waiting for word, Tom says no news is good news. We'll see.

Mema Jo said...

The wood ducks are cute little chicks! I like to see them when they get their first glimpse of daylight & the big world. They are quite a few of the videos from 2006 and there is also a forum that is interesting.

MITS said...


Mema Jo said...

Everyone have a peaceful night
Prayers for all!

Good monrning Sandra & Tom.

I am going to bed - Hope it is not too hot tomorrow! Jo

movin said...

Good Evening, Eagle Folk...

I really enjoyed that video on the leaping fluff ball ducklings, Mema Jo.

I can't exactly tell what they are landing on, but their fluff and stubby wings slow them in the air, and they bounce like badminton birdies owing to the fluff again.

I saw a TV program on the Wood Duck years ago...they were jumping about 40 ft. onto what looked like almost barren ground with some brown dried grass. They would hit that grass and bounce about 6-8 ft into the air, come down and join their mother for an immediate trip to the water ... food. She can't feed them directly, but she can protect them and show them what to eat.


paula eagleholic said...

Sandra, thanks for introducing us to the wood duck video. Hope you get good news on Tom's knee. See you all late tomorrow!!

Anne-Marie said...

I'm frustrated, I cant find my phone. I have looked everywhere. Ten years ago this would not have been a problem. I lived all thoes years with out a cell and now I panic when I cant find it. I had it on my desk at work. Maybe I left it there. good night all.

Suzanne said...

Good morning eagle world. Beautiful warm night out, gonna be a hot one today, I'm afraid. 72° at my house when I left at 2!! 78° here at 4, geesh.
Had those psycho spots on our cam when I brought it up, but it has since cleared. Nest still MT, however, they're due in about 45-50 minutes or so. Both BW nests MT, Lisa has updated yet again the osprey web page. You guys may already know it, they lost the 2nd chick in Scotland. Still incubating the 3rd egg. Man, I sure hope the 3rd one makes it, EJ and Henry are trying so hard! Falcon ledge MT when I looked, Benicia owl nest has 2 owlets in nest box, Mrs. B on her eggs, the stork babies are out and about on the nest. They are getting very big and beautiful! The WDFW owl nest box is MT yet again. However, in Finland, parent on chicks and shading them with her wings. Also trying to catch a few zzzz's. Still dark in Kent, and I've given up on the WA osprey nest, never seems to come up more than a sec for the last week or so. All have a great eagle day. Eyes to the sky, see the raptors fly!

Suzanne said...

Well, our kids aren't here yet, but there is an osprey in the BW nest. Eagle nest MT, and falcon ledge MT. Mr and Mrs Finland Osprey were both in for a few minutes, but then Mr left, Mrs is feeding chicks I think, but all she's doing is mooning me! She won't turn around, and I can't see the chicks. Darn! Mrs. B still on eggs, owl nest box still MT, so I closed that cam, still 2 owlets in Benicia. Still dark in Kent. OH! Falcon on ledge in PA. Wow, has a very long tail, wonder if it's one of our falcons? Still kinda dark, can't see much. Dang, refresh, bird gone. We now have those psycho spots on our cam again! Go away!!!! It's time for Lib and Belle to visit.

Suzanne said...

Hark! Mrs. Osprey just got up, there is a baby! Can see 2 chicks, and I THINK the egg, not sure. Parent left, back in 15 sec!

Suzanne said...

There is a doting parent watching the chicks, that is so cute! they have a partly cloudy day today, one time sun is out, next time it's cloudy! Oh, switch! That was cool.
Can't see our nest at all through the phycho dots and lines. Think I can see something white, but could be their carpet leaves.
LOLLLLL!!! Not only got mooned, got a great poop shoot! Tried to snap a pic, but it refreshedd too quickly! That was priceless!!! Good thing I'm standing here and not by that nest!!!

Suzanne said...

Oh god, people are coming to work and I can't stop laughing. Gotta get out of here for a minute, BRB.

Suzanne said...

Our cam is clearing up in the daylight, but nothing there but lots of leaves. Looks like more than yesterday, so somebody has been by for a visit.
There is a falcon on the ledge in PA. Osprey still in BW, storks are just hanging out, still 2 owlets in Benicia, Mrs B still on eggs, and both parents are in the Finland nest.

Suzanne said...

Both parents are watching something.

Suzanne said...

One took off, think it was Mom. Dad on chicks.

Suzanne said...

Benicia owl cam is not updating. No wonder those 2 have been there for a while...

Suzanne said...

Benicia owl cam is fixed, pic updating, and still 2 owls in nest. Looks like they're rooting around looking for something. Maybe one of them lost a contact...
yeah, best eyes in the world, hardly think they need contacts!

Suzanne said...

OMG, got a shot of the falcon flying off the ledge. Guess that's our last one to fledge! I'll send it around. Awesome!

Suzanne said...

One of the barnowls has a meal, and the other is watching her eat it.

Suzanne said...

Well, that was quick! Meal on the way to the tummy...all gone.

Suzanne said...

Other parent back in Finland. They appear to be talking...

Suzanne said...

Well, dang, gone again.

Suzanne said...

Either the Benicia owl has something else to eat, or he didn't get it down the first time. Other one sure is watching closely!

Suzanne said...

LOL, the owl is taking her meal back to the corner, so it won't be stolen. Too funny.

Suzanne said...

Uh oh, another one has joined the fray. Now there are 2 watching very closely to see if she eats whatever it is.

Suzanne said...

Dawn is coming to Kent, parent in tree. Both Finland parents have been in and out of the nes all day, but in quite a bit.

Suzanne said...

There is a falcon back on the ledge.

Suzanne said...

4 owls are in Benicia, and parent is gone from tree in Kent. Chicks are still sleeping. Storks are moving about the nest. Mrs B on eggs, and Finland osprey on chicks. Our nest, and both BW nests, MT.

Suzanne said...

BW eaglet has brought a fish for breakfast to his home. Our one legged faker is in the osprey nest. Our nest is MT, but cam is clear. PA falcon ledge MT now, but there was 1 there a while ago. Finland osprey grooming, stork babies are all snuggled under parent's tummy, Mrs B on eggs, 1 owl in Benicia nestbox, and the Kent kids are awake and watching for breakfast delivery. That's the only cams I have open.

Suzanne said...

BW eaglet left nest, but left the fish.

Suzanne said...

Things to do, BBIALW.

Suzanne said...

PA falcon back on corner of ledge.

Suzanne said...

Finland parent off chicks and egg.

Costume Lady said...

It was such a beautiful morning here in Martinsburg/Shepherdstown, that I had COFFEE on my deck. That is one of my favorite things to do in the summer. We live in a wooded area and first thing in the morning, we have all kinds of birds, deer and various wildlife. We have a screened in area and they can't see me, but I sure can see them.

normabyrd said...

GOOD MORNIN' EAGLE BUDDIES!!! SUZANNE & WANDA!!!----GONNA BE "WARM" DAY IN WV TODAY!!! Not as warm as PA SUZANNE---Only 71° this a.m.----FIRST thoughts this a.m. are with SANDY & TOM---prayers for good test results!!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Good morning everyone!!

It looks like the date of my visit to Shepherdstown is going to be July 14. YEAH!! I am so excited about finally getting to see the ole sycamore tree, hopefully Liberty and Belle and all my eagle buddies (or at least the ones that can make it).

normabyrd said...

WOW!! SUZANNE you seem to have covered most everything this a.m.-----Great commentary--THANKS!!---I checked the RICHMOND-HIGH RISE & I think an egg may have hatched!!--MOMMA FALCON is behind some sort of plastic or glass & the reflection makes it hard to see!! But seen an EGG & an open hatched EGG---

normabyrd said...

HELLO SHARON!!!---That is GREAT NEWS-----We will mark JULY 14 with big RED LETTERS!!!----"....We will kill the ole RED ROOSTER when you come....when you come.."--ho!--SHARON you may be familiar with that song!!!--ho!---IS ANDREW COMING TOO?----Feel I know him too!!

normabyrd said...

MRS. FIN & the LITTLE FINS are enjoying the beautiful sunshine & the EGG is still there!!!---appears she is still setting on it---Aren't her feathers beautiful!!!

Suzanne said...

Good morning, Wanda, Norma, and Sharon! Great news, Sharon, look forward to meeting you.
Wanda, if I had a deck like that, I'd be outside with my coffee too! Love to watch the wildlife when they don't know people are around! Norma, consider yourself lucky right's gonna get a whole lot warmer!!!
One of the Kent eaglets is attacking the cam on the tree. Both are looking at it, one tried to eat it. Now neither cam 2 or 3 has refreshed for a couple minutes. Little toots!

Suzanne said...

There it goes! Phew! Don't need to take an eagle to the hospital with a cam in his tummy!

movin said...

I just opened the blog and there's a



Suzanne said...

Yeah, she just turned it a second ago, Norma. Not sure it will hatch now though, but she's not giving up!

normabyrd said...

YOU WON'T BELIEVE:--"POOP SHOOT" from a STORK CHICK!!!----They have their backs to the cam & all are screaming for the other parent to arrive----SUZANNE---Which stork has the most black feathers??

Suzanne said...

Norma, Jim says there is a new thread, see you there!

2/20/25 PM bird

1203 PM NN Scout comes to the nest with a load of bedding again. He seemed to leave with something in his talons. He has a beak full of bedd...