Saturday, December 31, 2011


New Years Eve thread.


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Joyce said...

Happy New Year everyone here! YEAH we have Liberty and Belle doing nestorations.. although they were having a tug of war and marital scrap there!
Haven't been around much here for a long time but wanted to stop in and say HELLO!

magpie said...

Thank you Steve....
Happy End of the Year 2011, and
Best Wishes for a Great New Year 2012

magpie said...

Hello Joyce !

The Eagles, Belle and Shep, are in the nest....
and a pile of people are over on the old thread....if you haven't told them we have a new thread...I am about to....


Joyce said...

okay. Someone just refreshed my memory! I had not watched the nest much and forgot about the tragedy last year with Liberty. Sorry everyone for not doing my homework first.EEKS!

paula eagleholic said...

That's OK, Joyce!

We named the new male Shep.

Belle off to the right.

Welcome Back!

paula eagleholic said...

Shep off to the right.

Joyce, please remind me where you are from!

paula eagleholic said...

That avatar looks familiar!

Joyce said...

...and by the way, hello Magpie!

paula eagleholic said...

Oh, quickie in and out by a bluebird!

magpie said...

Boo thread scared them off the nest...

Good Morning Eagle Pals...

am at work can't stay long...

Sandi said...

Morning Margy! Thanks for the call over! Morning Joyce! We haven't met - I'm new as of about a month ago. Welcome back!

paula eagleholic said...

I have got to get a move on here!

I am heading to the Inner Harbor this afternoon and this evening for New Years!

Sandi said...

Ooh, think I forgot to say good morning to Shirley! I am closing the cam b/c, if I don't, I'll never get anything done today! Later!

hedgie said...

Thank goodness for a new thread! And hmmmmm....can't get Joyce's profile to open to refresh my memory. Hi, Joyce.

Okay....gotta get stuff done. Later!!

Joyce said...

Hi Paula!
I'm actually rejoicingmom, rejoicing1 or Rj, take your pick! lol
Live in Los Angeles, and have been around nests since 2006! Started at the Sidney BC nest, and you sporadically " here and there" during eagle season! lol

stronghunter said...

Hello, Joyce. Welcome back.

stronghunter said...

Good morning, Sandi.

NatureNut said...

Happy New Year. Just saw them both in nest, but didn't know there was a new thread! They sure do visit a lot. Maybe I'll drive down to Park nest at lunch time & see if anyone's there.
We still have lovely, smooth water and a kayak group came in. Learned one man wanted to camp in one of the Water Trail sites yesterday because he got a new paddle for Xmas!!

Joyce said...

Hi Sandi !!
Nice to meet you! I've been a eagleholic since 2006 but scattered here and there in different chats.
Had fun with three who watched this nest in 2008...GLO, IRIS and JUSTVICKY. Not sure they are still around watching this particular nest or in the chat but if so.. HI, HI, HI!!!

stronghunter said...

Oh, look at the sunlight on the nest. Glowing in the center.

Joyce said...

GM Hedgie, Stronghunter and Naturenut!

wvgal_dana said...

They you Steve for the new thread we really needed it.

They you for the call over.

Had to get a bowl of cereal.

Oh Paula the fireworks at Inner Harbor should be a wonderful site.

wvgal_dana said...

Maybe if Belle can find some carcass that is "liquored up and feed it to Shep he might get HP right".

paula eagleholic said...

Oh, Hi Joyce!

wvgal_dana said...

Oh yes Hi Joyce who was "rejoicingmom" I found you on my cheat sheet. Welcome back!!!! Please drop in more often.

wvgal_dana said...

Good Morning Loretta. I hope you do find eagles when you go to your park. Maybe you will be able to get a couple of pictues.

Mema Jo said...

Happy Happy New Year's Eve Everyone
Thank you Steve for our fresh new thread!

Joyce said...

Good Morning WVgal!! Waving wildly from my recliner with coffee!

Joyce said...

GM MemeJo and Magpie!

Mema Jo said...

Margy - I just saw a flying flock of snow geese - heading South
Maybe they will pick up the one that you saw all alone ....
Almost 20 of them!

Mema Jo said...

Hello Joyce and welcome back to our blog.

hedgie said...

Joyce, Glo, Vicky and Iris are still around, but don't post often. They are all alive and well. Glo and Vicki are on Facebook a lot, and Iris has had LOTS of puter problems.

hedgie said...

Shirley, I see that it was already 62° in F'burg at 10 am! Lucky you!! Up to 47° here now, but very cloudy.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Good morning everybody.

Joyce said...

Thanks Hedgie.
I do keep up with Glo's Photography, but miss Iris and Vicky so much!!...
Hopefully I will connect here soon again with them.
I long ago gave up Facebook! I can't keep up with the pace of that world.Yes, it is a world in itself! LOL
Beautiful day here in Los Angeles. going to be in the high 70's!
Time now for breakfast. I will try and check in often here.

stronghunter said...

Yes, it is balmy here, Lynn. I put out peanuts for squirrels, and they are very busy little guys. I suspect they are burying them back there somewhere. Maybe I will have peanut plants eventually.

Funny thing, my bulbs are beginning to sprout. A bit early. I may need to do something to protect them.

The ones I have noticed are in the window box. If necessary, I could put them in the garage for awhile, I guess. But then I will need to keep them watered. Must be the crocus plants. They would be the earliest, but it is not time for them yet.

Lolly, have you planted your bulbs yet?

Lolly said...

Good morning! Hi Joyce! I too am waving wildly from my recliner with my cup of coffee on it's heating pad! LOL

I think I am going to start saying good morning BEFORE reading the blog. Geesh!

Love the talk about height and finding clothes. Sandi, you and I are on the same soap box! I am
5'9" and though I do have osteoporosis, I have not lost any height. My daughter, Laurel, is
5'11". She, too, is a size 10. Wish I was! LOL Anyway, finding jeans and slacks for Laurel is particularly hard!

DanaMo said...

HI Joyce, your 70 degrees sounds wonderful. Wish I was in California!

I missed the visit. Reading my book, dozing and feeling a little bit guilty about it. The pups joined me of course, with Java at my head like a good cat! LOL! NOT! When is she going to realize she is 70lbs and too big for that?

DanaMo said...

BTW I think this blog moves much faster than FB! I can keep up on there, but have a much harder time keeping up on here!

Lolly said...

Going to plant my bulbs today, Shirley. I had to removed some leaves from the bed first. We have such a mess around here. The leaves have just now fallen. Well, they are actually still coming down.

Lolly said...

My daffodils are coming up.

Lolly said...

Hi Dana! Wow, you are a shortie! A couple of Laurel's good friends are your height. We called Laurel and Bip, Mutt and Jeff! Joseph at 11 is now 5'2". He would love to stand beside you!☺

Lolly said...

Laurel's hubby or jubby is 6'6". We expect Joseph to be that tall and Jacob to be taller.

Lolly said...

Excited to hear that there were HP attempts, but disappointed to hear Shep is still clumsy. Good grief!

Sandi said...

Wow, just got back from the post office - it must be 60 degrees outside! =) Lolly, saw a little sports car with its top down!! My turkey vultures are back today - there are 4 of them on the ground and 2 on the roof of the neighbor's house! I think there's just 1 dead squirrel for all of them! Posted a few pics of them on my blog.

Sandi said...

Lolly, my boys are both 6'5" but it's still easy to find slothes that fit them. They have stores for big and tall men, just no stores for tall women! Grrr!!!

Lolly said...

I know Sandi! However, right now it is hard to find clothes for our Jacob. He is in first grade and finding pants to fit him are hard. He is as tall as some of Joseph's 5th grade friends.

Love your pictures!

I am in Texas, north Texas. It is presently 57 but heading up into the 70's today.

Lolly said...

My son and his family are presently in LA. They have gone to the Universal Studios to see The Grinch. They sent pictures last night of Zach painted up as the Grinch. lol He has the grimace down pat. I will have to post the pictures.

hedgie said...

Gotta make a quick run to the PO and bank. BBIALW.

Lolly said...

Zacharooski has gone to Grinchmas

They sent pictures last night I will get them and post them. So cute!

Lolly said...

My coffee is done. Time to start my day. Next week I am going to start going to bed earlier and getting up earlier so I see more folks in the morning on the blog. LOL Think it will happen????

magpie said...

Checkinkg in...
Hi Jo - from your posts 90 mins ago...wish I could see some of these geese and ducks flying South...
the one I saw, pretty sure it was Tundra Swan, long mostly straight neck, blackish bill.....I am hoping it did not get injured and have to fall out of flight from the others...

Snow Geese! Bet that was beautiful...wondering if they were honking or squawking much

Tall versus short...definitely some pros and cons both ways!
Hard for me to find pants short enough...

Lolly said...

Who receives the Washington Post. The WP Magazine tomorrow has an article about the daughter of a friend of ours and her picture. "Explosive Confession"

Her mom put this on fb. "This photo of our daughter, Michelle, will appear in the print edition of the Washington Post magazine on Sunday, January 1. The article tells about her work as a forensic chemist for the Bureau of Alcohol, Toabacco, Firearms, and Explosives. Please forgive this proud mother for sharing so blatantly, but her daddy and I think this is very exciting news!"

magpie said...

Don't feel guilty about rest, relax and reading...
you are practicing the Three R's

magpie said...

when the sun comes out, the breezes die down...
pretty nice weather all in all hereabouts

magpie said...

Oh boy...daffodils already, Lolly ☺

Lolly said...

Ah, but Margy, you can have them altered! Tall people can not have them altered! There is never enough hem to make them longer.

magpie said...

guess I better get back to end of one year start of new year stuff here at the office....

Good to see Joyce staying for some chitty chat...
beautiful collie avatar....

See You Precious Pals later on
xoxox ☺ ♥

Lolly said...

Daffodils are just peeking out of the soil, not blooming yet.

magpie said...

Understand completely Lolly....
wish I was a seamstress, I could do a decent job of alterations myself...
but instead, I have cut more pants than I have hemmed....

magpie said...

oh my bad...I jumped the gun on the bloomings..... ☺

won't be too much longer though....

okay, tata for now, fine ones....

Hoda said...

Good morning/ good afternoon everyone. Stayed up most of the night reading my book and finished it. I am still not sure what I think of it...It is by a Canadian author and it was called HELD...hard to know what to believ was the truth in this book...was she having a psychotic episode? STRANGE.

LORI, I wished I had thought of a DRAGON BOAT party for all of us on the is a good idea... we are however going on a road trip with LOLLY and JACK and they will tow the DRAGON BOAT so we can all go to FIJI as it is the happiest place in the world...LOLLY agreed but I do not know if JACK knows yet that we are all going with them and that he is towing a DRAGON BOAT!!! LOL

Hoda said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Hoda said...

First it askedme to log on. Then it told me that I do not have access to this page. Then it posted my comment twice and how strange it all is...HAPPY NEW YEAR BLOGGER COP...this is JO's philosphy of embracing the frustrating and thinking kindly of everyone!!! Hard to think kindly of blogger cop but I will try...

stronghunter said...

Well, the Blogger Cop is not human, so if you want to think unkindly thoughts about the Blogger Cop, that is fine.

Joyce said...

Thanks for the nice comment about my avatar , Magpie. That is our dear Collie Shallie, who just turned 10 in May. The love of our life here!

Lolly, we are about 20 mins from Universal. It should be a very warm and loverly day to visit there.

magpie said...

little nuthatches were just on the nest thihnk they are gone now

You're welcome Joyce ☺

Hoda said...


stronghunter said...

You are welcome, Hoda. We all need to vent our wrath upon something. A computer cop is a fine target.

stronghunter said...

It is a very beautiful day outdoors, and after Luna barfed in the kitchen, I decided the dogs could jolly well be out there. There is insistent barking. They do not understand. Thank goodness, the barking should not be enough to bother the neighbors. Just an occasional "woof."

stronghunter said...

I liked the glow of the nest in the morning light enough to post a picture in the Momster album. I hope that the nest is soon filled with happy eaglets.

Lori O. said...

Well, Hoda, I think I was hoping we were coming to see you...that would be a fun trip, but if FIJI is the happiest place on earth - wonder how Disney feels about that - then we're goin' to Fiji! Another reason I need to start taking notes of posts again!

Linda said...

Good Afternoon this New Year's Eve to all those in Eagle land.

Hope everyone is having a good day today. Feeling a little better, myself today. Guess the muscle relaxer is helping. Couldn't take one this morning, though. I need to be awake!!

Need to catch up as well as get things done around here, but wanted to check in and say Hi!

Welcome, or should I say Welcome Back, Joyce!

Linda said...

Hi Lori ♥ Nice to see you!

I didn't see where you posted a picture of your newest kitten on the blog.

I guess I should do the same. Dennis brought home a kitten two weeks ago that was just a mess. He is twice the size now just two weeks later!!

He looks like he has mittens on his front feet (too many toes), so we may name him Mittens!! He is an orange tabby mix of some kind. Didn't you say your newest one was orange as well?

I'll have to put up some pics of our new one, too!

hedgie said...

Just saw a lovely blue bird in the nest. I THINK it was a bluebird---a little light for an indigo bunting.....will put pic in album.

Hoda said...

LORI I would love it if you all came to Nelson. What great fun that would be...
I will go get ready for yoga.
See you all later...

Lori O. said...

Linda, little guy is growing...I noticed this morning is feet (and body) are already much bigger in only five days! I think he's benefitting from the antibiotics and good food! YAY! He is orange, too.

LYNN, I was just thinking about you and wondering how you're feeling today? Is Zofran doing the trick?

Lori O. said...

Dang, I missed a bluebird in the nest. Thanks for the pic LYNN!

Paula is going out to party tonight, is anyone else? I think I've read that most of us are staying home, except for those who are booked on the Fiji excursion.

Joyce said...

Thanks Linda. 'Tis nice to be back! Gives me a excuse to sit down today and take a break. Taking down Christmas and starting 2012 fresh!

Lori, Love and agree with your avatar!

Lynne2 said...

Happy New Year Eve everyone! We're getting ready to head out to Dave and Wendy's for early dinner.

hedgie said...

Joyce, we also have Jim and Andy in the LA area.....Santa Ana and Anaheim, respectively.

Linda, glad your neck is doing better. Wow---another rescue! Way to go!!! Hi, Mittens!!!

Margy, the wind has started blowing.....and the temp is stuck at 48 out here in the 'ville... :(

Lynne2 said...

What a beautiful warm day today! Sat out front in the sun to drink my coffee this AM! Cloudy now and wind has picked up though.

Hope you all have a good one....BBL!

DanaMo said...

WOW I haven't been gone that long and there are a ton of posts to catch up on!
Lolly-yes, I am short :( I didn't find the picture of Zach as Grinch. Where did you post them?

Saw Sandi's pictures of the turkey vultures. Cool.

Thanks Margy, I think between today and tomorrow I will be doing a little more of those 3R's but I will have to get dressed and out tomorrow for Mass. Especially since I read tomorrow. Gonna have to put on a dress and heels.

hedgie said...

Sandi....thanks for sharing the TV pics. We've had a small flock working on a deer carcass on the side of the road for the last two weeks....they've made a real mess!

When we did a field trip to Loretta's park, we saw scads of them on a huge manure pile in a field along one of the roads. Remember that, gang??

Linda said...

New Kitty Pics

This is the kitten Dennis brought home in his jacket two weeks ago! Such a softie!! He is sooooo cuddly, which is so opposite our GiGi. She likes to be around us, but doesn't like to be held and pet to much.

hedgie said...

Lynne, enjoy your dinner with your friends!

Hoda, don't get too twisted at yoga!!

Okay.....time to start vacuuming here.....and nope, I am not taking Christmas down yet!! Love it too much---plus will need Carolyn and the girls to help get it all upstairs and stowed away!

hedgie said...

P.S. LORI---thanks for another lovely, inspiring card! Lovely flowers for sure, and a cute cartoon!
Feeling a little queasy today....just took my 2nd Zofran.... :( Hoping it kicks in...planning on making a quiche for dinner to finish off the Christmas ham.

Sandi said...

Taking a little break from un-Christmasing! Hoping to get the inside of the house done today (except for the tree) and then the outside and the tree tomorrow. Lynn, I'm sad when I take everything down but I always want it done before I go back to work, plus my cleaning lady comes on Monday and I hate to have her move all the Christmas stuff to dust when I'm just going to turn around and put it away. BTW, loved your Christmas tree pics - is that an entire wall of glass behind the tree? How gorgeous - and what's the view outside beyond the wall?
Linda, what a beautiful little kitten! Definitely a keeper!
Lori, still waiting to see pics of your new little guy!
I see I haven't missed an eagle visit. Back to work - will check in later!

NatureNut said...

Hi Gang. Road down to nest at lunch. Nobody home, but took pics of nest. I swear it looks like nestorating has been done since the hurricane. I'll have to compare it to older pics.
Getting breezy and cloudy~~Boo!
Saw Lind's new kitten. How sweet---does it have extra toes or just fat thumbs?

Lots of hikers today~~most had read the Wash. Post article a few weeks ago.

hedgie said...

ARGH---one of my pet peeves even tho' I'm shorter than I was is that vacuum wands (and other such tools) are too short-handled! WHY do I have to bend over to do a floor chore???!!!!! Back-breakers....obviously NOT designed by women!!

hedgie said...

Sandi---the tree is in my sunroom. Oh, yeah, glass on three sides, plus the roof. The "view" is just of my winter-dead forest!

hedgie said...

Joyce, don't get The Post anymore....maybe if my daughter comes to visit tomorrow I'll have her stop and get me one. (My ex used to deliver the Sunday edition to our entire county....when we got divorced, I couldn't afford the luxury of a subscription!! Just never got back into the habit of reading it every week.)

hedgie said...

Sandi, if you go to May '09 on my blog, you can see my sunroom from the outside!

wvgal_dana said...

Hi Joyce nice to see you back again. (:

wvgal_dana said...

Our nest tree is shaking

hedgie said...

LO---subconscious thought after all these years: I couldn't "afford" the Post subscription back then because I didn't want him delivering it to my house!!! ROFL! But it really WAS a big chunk of change then because you had to pay in advance 3 mos. at a time.

Linda said...

Loretta - "Mittens" has extra toes. When they have additional "digits" they are called polydactyl cats. I have heard it is from genetic mutation and have also heard it is due to inbreeding. Either way, he's a keeper and a lover. Maybe he will be like JO's Marvelous Marvin!!!

Lynn - Thanks! I am thankful my neck isn't as stiff, but not happy about your being queasy. Hope the second Zofran does the trick for you. Maybe you'll have to have some bubbly!!! It is New Year's Eve, you know!! LOL

Lynn - Your pictures of your tree were beautiful as well. Just gorgeous!!

hedgie said...

Vacuuming done. A little dusting and scrub the bathroom and I'm done. Think I'll play a little ball with Liesl first. She does NOT like the vacuum, so is acting a little miffed!

Lori O. said...

Welcome Back, JOYCE! Those of us who weren't around in '06 look forward to getting to know you.
Thanks for the avatar compliment. I love it because it focuses me and I start singing the "Awesome God" song when I see it. :)

LINDA, Mittens is adorable!!! I've always wanted a polydactel but I don't see them very often. I just adore chubby feet on animals! LOL!

LORETTA, so cool that you get to check in from work, and check on eagle nest FOR your work! Trade ya!

Linda said...

Lori - Thanks! I don't think I had heard that name before. The wonderful world wide web can give us so much information!

NatureNut said...

TAA DAAA! We zoomed and moved the osprey cam and found an eagle sitting in tree way across and down the River fairly close to another nest. Went out and could find him in telescope. Aimed camera at the treeline, but don't know if we got him/her. At least we can say we saw one today!
Gotta run out all the reports of the day.
BBL yippee ☺

JudyEddy said...


Lori O. said...

LYNN, LMBO that you didn't want ex, "him", delivering the paper!

Pictures of the new rescue kitty are NOW SHOWING on my blog. Still searching for that perfect name.

Sandi said...

Lynn, Your house is a real log cabin??? How cool is that and the sunroom is beautiful! I'm sure the view is spectacular, even in the winter! Are there other houses around? Thanks for pointing me to the pics!
Loretta, Sounds like you have a job that I would love!! Wanna trade?
Inside is unChristmased, with the exception of the tree. I need to wash my hair - going to see a movie this evening, though we'll be back well before midnight. Don't think I could stay awake in a dark movie theater til midnight, no matter how exciting the movie was! Back shortly to see if I can catch the late afternoon eagle visit!

Linda said...

Lori - That kitten is beautiful!! If that is a before picture, he surely will be more beautiful after he is healthier!! Looks like he likes to play, too.

Ours didn't play for most of the first 10 days or so. He just slept, ate, used the litter box and took his medicine. Now he is EVERYWHERE!! Amazing what a good home and health can do for you!

Sandi said...


Sandi said...

Just brought the cam up and he/she flew in.

Sandi said...

SHEP. Big clunk on cam

Joyce said...

Eagle on the nest! Don't ask me if it is Belle or Shep! lol

JudyEddy said...

I know I was surprise to see one and I hear the other also

Sandi said...

C'mon down Belle!

JudyEddy said...

what is the three visit no four I think

JudyEddy said...

HI Joyce are you a newbe don't recall seeing you on here I could be worng as I sometime am lOL He has a stick stuck on his tail

hedgie said...


hedgie said...


hedgie said...


JudyEddy said...

picking in cup off a little now

Joyce said...

Now I seem to have a flash back from last season. " Dark spot on top of head... called the Intruder!"...hmmm

Sandi said...

A lot windier at the nest now!

JudyEddy said...

just sitting still again what he is good at lol

JudyEddy said...

I don't hear Belle up there any longer I wonder if she left

hedgie said...


JudyEddy said...

Where is my manners WELCOME JOYCE

JudyEddy said...

Very pretty dog JOYCE also

JudyEddy said...

Shep is still sitting at 7 sideways

JudyEddy said...

he looked up I wonder if Belle is there

JudyEddy said...

I can hear her

Joyce said...

Hi Judy! I like your avatar too! Sweet!

JudyEddy said...

he has always been a itchy one and come on down BELLE

Sandi said...

She's def. still up there!

Joyce said...

LOLOLOLO!!!!! Well that goes to show I am really going blind! It wasn't a kitty...but a talon!
Oh my!!

From a glance it looked like a adorable kitty. Maybe I am seeing one of those Psycological blots! LOL.. all in how you look at it.
Time for more coffee!

JudyEddy said...

still sittingin same spot looks around but that it

JudyEddy said...

Too funny

JudyEddy said...

ok he turned around did something sitting at 6ish maybe 530

Sandi said...

Don't hear Belle anymore.

JudyEddy said...


Sandi said...


JudyEddy said...

nice fly away

hedgie said...


hedgie said...


Sandi said...

Guess she wasn't in the mood, Lynn!

Sandi said...

Graceful landing - NOT!!

wvgal_dana said...

Seen the kitten Lori he is so beautiful and happy. Lori gives kitten's such a good home.

Lolly said...


Kay said...

I love to tune in to see an eagle in th nest ! Hi, Shep ! He's working at getting some downy white "baby" feathers to let go--doing a molt. He's gotten several of them today and it was cute to see one of them go floating off beyond the nest. And POOF already.

Hi, Joyce, long time no see ! I remember your name from early this year. I see LYNN has reminded you we have a couple of other L.A. area people. Wish I had some other Columbus, Ohio momsters to get together with !


hedgie said...

Sandi, yes--it's a real log cabin! I am on two acres, but unfortunately have had a too-close neighbor for just over 2 yrs.---and they are the worst kind of trashy WV'ians, so I now hate it here. Had to put up a large---and expensive---privacy fence to tey to block out the terrible mess.
I put the sunroom on 11 yrs. ago.

hedgie said...

EVERYBODY wants Loretta job!!!!

JudyEddy said...

picking on sticks and moving to other side of nest from 3 to 10

JudyEddy said...

moving another one down from 12 to 5

Kay said...

Two adorable orange kitties. Thanks for giving us a look see, LORI and LINDA !

JudyEddy said...

he is doing some re arranging with out Belle will she be mad

Lolly said...

He is really working.

JudyEddy said...

at least he is doing somethng instead of sitting on his tail feather

JudyEddy said...

having a heck of a time with that sitck

JudyEddy said...

still messing with sticks at 5

hedgie said...


JudyEddy said...

Yes I would love Lorettas job and Lynns house

wvgal_dana said...

Shep does act like a tough guy when it comes to those sticks lol

Kay said...

I don't want LORETTA's job or any other. I sure do love getting her reports from that lovely work place though !

JudyEddy said...

carring another stick from 5 to 1

JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...


Kay said...


JudyEddy said...


wvgal_dana said...

little bird on stick by white treee just flew off

JudyEddy said...


hedgie said...

Nice kitties, gals.....thanks for posting pics!

Gotta get this quiche going. 2nd Zofran did the trick! Whew.

JudyEddy said...


Sandi said...

Just read this update on FB about the eagle that was recently taken to the WCV:
Dr. Miranda reports that Bald Eagle #11-2673 looks slightly perkier today — though is still is very quiet and is far from being “out of the woods.” The bird is still not standing and is resting in one of the Center’s critical care chambers, on oxygen. Chelation therapy continues.

JudyEddy said...

Almost time for me to head back to work I don't like these hours

JudyEddy said...

wow a nice long visit Would be nicer if he did something LOL looking at his back now

Kay said...

Yep, JUDY, she rules the roost--it is HER nest and most of the time I think he gets it !

LYNN, so glad Zofran works quickly and well ! Your hamy quiche sounds sooo good !

JudyEddy said...

Thanks for the update Sandi on the eagle

JudyEddy said...


Sandi said...

Wonder why Belle is staying up in the tree? Surely she's not happy with the work that's being done! =)

Sandi said...

About time!!

Lolly said...


Kay said...


Lolly said...

Good grief, Belle! Tear the place up!

Sandi said...

See, and now Shep's back to work! My husband is the same way - if I don't keep an eye on him, he'll plop himself in that recliner and not get a thing done!!

Sandi said...

Here we go again. Shep says, "I can DO sticks!!"

Lolly said...

Arguing over a stick. Shep, you better watch it!

Sandi said...

Hey Lynn, did Shep just dig up a colabear?? =)

Sandi said...


Lolly said...

Poof Belle!

Sandi said...


Lolly said...

Poof Shep!

PA Nana said...

Good afternoon everyone. Watching Belle & Shep.

Before time gets away from me, happy new year to all. ooooo

Poof Poof

Sandi said...

Hi Diann, same to you!
Lori, thanks for posting pics of your new boy - I see you still haven't decided on a name.
OK, I'm off! Have a good evening all!

Lolly said...

Just came in from working in the yard. Planted 80 red tuplp bulbs and hauled 4 huge wheelbarrow loads of leaves, etc. Jack is watching GA Tech in their bowl game so he did not come out. I am through. Not great working by myself.

wvgal_dana said...

Hi Diann Happy New Year to you too (:

PA Nana said...

Changed my avatar. Testing!

wvgal_dana said...

Nice avatar for New Years Diann

wvgal_dana said...

click on link below


magpie said...

That's a Good Test Diann....
Happy Almost New Year to you and yours....

All the "new" avatars are classy!
And the old ones also!

SPLIT coming up pretty soon...don't get lost on THIS side of it

xoxo ♥

magpie said...

Quiche, good choice, Lynn...

glad your second pill did the trick

See I missed a rousing Eagle Visit home too late !

magpie said...

I must go "See" Mittens and No-Name...

Hope Everyone's Evening is Enjoyable...

Lolly said...

The kitties are darling! Have a name suggestion for no name. It was going to be Brandy, so how about Cognac for a boy?!!!!LOL

hedgie said...

Bye, Sandi! Have fun at the movies!

Hi, Diann! Happy, happy to you, too. Max and Teresa still there? Does SIL have a gig tonight?

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2/20/25 PM bird

1203 PM NN Scout comes to the nest with a load of bedding again. He seemed to leave with something in his talons. He has a beak full of bedd...