Wednesday, December 07, 2011


New thread.  Wet day.


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Lori O. said...

Thank you, Steve for the new rainy day thread. We really appreciate it!

Welcome Eaglet Momsters!

Lori O. said...

CarolAnne, thanks for sharing that fantastic scoop on who makes how much running the charities. Very interesting and I will definitely keep it in mind.

T-Bird said...

Thanks for the call over. Thanks Steve for the new thread.

T-Bird said...

They are calling for 2-4 inches of snow late this evening.

T-Bird said...

Does anyone else have this problem? Every day I have this obsessive to move something on the tree because something isn't just right.

hedgie said...

CarolAnne, thanks for reminding us of those charities' facts.

LOL, Thelma....know exactly what you mean! I want to paint that white spot on the front lower limb that looks like a bowed eagle head!!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Good morning from wet, soggy and cold Scott Depot, West Virginia.

Mema Jo said...

Good Wet Morning and Thank You Very Much
for the fresh new thread, Steve.
Lynn, those leaves will stay put now.
Good to see you Momsters - Lori you really made DanaMo's day yesterday - I can see all those little ears listening for their acknowledgement over the radio. Their 5 min to fame for the day!
T-Bird - good good morning! I always miss you on here and I am usually 2-3 hours late to say Good Morning to you on FB.
BBL Need to take my meds and get a cup of coffee. I am not really 'Up & About' just yet.
I will go back to read the end of the other thread.

Mema Jo said...

Whoops! Sharon I bet you are feeling
good today after the concert. Are you saying you have another one today.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Tomorrow night is the next concert Mema Jo. Andrew will be conducting a piece and so will Kelsey.

Mema Jo said...

All I can say it that those two young people certainly know how to make music!
You and Kelsey's parents are having a
great time, I bet! ♥

Lolly said...

Good morning! 25 and sunshiny this morning! My jubby is cooking breakfast! He wants a substantial breakfast before getting that tooth pulled today.

Have not read the blog yet...need to go back and do that!

Much later!!

LOL I ate breakfast, read the old thread, came here and see that I did not hit publish on my good morning message. Duhhhhh!

Lolly said...

Time for me to get busy! Have hair appointment later this morning and today I really start getting ready for the party tomorrow evening.

Have to set tables. Think I can seat 20. More than that will have to balance a plate on their laps or sit at a TV table. Going to make mulled cider, as well as coffee, tea, and hot choc. Also, I am baking my sweet potato dish but that is all the food prep I have to do. Mainly just have the house clean and tables set.

So, I am off.....

(but will be lurking on the cam!)

T-Bird said...

Good late morning to you to Mema Jo.

T-Bird said...

Good late morning to anyone I have missed.

T-Bird said...

I will catch you all on the flip side. Holler if we have eagles.

Ms Bookworm said...

Good Morning, Everyone!
Thank you, Steve, for the new thread.

Lynn, I see you had a couple of questions last night. I have all my report templates and everything I need to do my work on a flash drive--Phew! My big problem was lack of e-mail (all set now), and lack of an actual computer on which to DO the work. All set now, for sure! And, as we speak, Carbonite is working in the background to restore my backed-up files to the new laptop. It might take as long as a day or two, but I can tell you, it's the best $59.00 I EVER spent! ($59.00/yr. for 1 computer)

Jay is fine. She's over the case of strep throat, and her work is going well. We just got a Christmas card from Emilee, and although there's a lot of rehab ahead, Don should be home before Christmas! Thanking God for all the Momster/Dadster prayer warriors, and for God's mercy, grace, and blessings! I appreciate and love all of you SO much!--and we DO love each other through the rough patches! (((HUGE HUGS))) of thanks!!

hedgie said...

Oops---I had my history wrong!! My uncle was NOT in the Navy 12/7/41. He was at the family dinner table when the news broke. He joined the Navy 3 days later when he turned 19! He ended up in the South Pacific within 6 mos.! Mom straightened me out!!!!!

Ms Bookworm said...

Glad that Judie has checked in. Sorry that work has tired her out so much. Praying for a legion of angels to help her get it all done!
Hang in there, Judie! (((HUGS)))!
Can't wait until things calm down at the big schoolhouse, and you'll be able to be back with us here! Miss you! (Say hello to Darth and the panthers for me!)

Sharon and Lolly, both of you can be very proud of your musicians, Andrew and Joseph. Christmas concerts are just the BEST! Music is, indeed, the universal language of the soul!

Carolyn, that's GREAT that Charlie is doing so well! Prayers for him continue. Prayers for you for your 12-hour shift to go by swiftly and uneventfully!

Oh--Lynn, so glad your luncheon was such a success!

Kay, that's wonderful that your "Food Pantry" fundraiser was so successful, too!

Ms Bookworm said...

Margy, your post re Pearl Harbor is a definite keeper! Yes, God bless our Military, and those who lost their lives or family members at Pearl Harbor.

Oh, Thelma! Prayers for Buddy! Know just what you mean. Emma has an amazing talent for finding the most microscopic piece of WHATEVER is around that will make her (please excuse the expression) sick as a dog!

Ms Bookworm said...

Well, I need to get some bills paid online (yet another reason to miss having a computer for a day), so I'd better go into lurk mode for a while. Also have a washer that's dinging at me. Better get busy! Hope everyone has a great day, with safe traveling. BBL! :o]

Ms Bookworm said...

Oops! Almost forgot--Lori, my favorite Christmas carols are "The Christmas Song" by Mel Torme, and "Silver Bells", which brings back some special childhood memories.

Later, alligators!

Hoda said...

Good Morning/ Good Afternoon everyone.

It is COOOOOOLD here today. Car totally covered in frost.20 degrees here today and speaks of going up to 32....DANAMO was talking of 52 degrees earlier...balmy simply balmy DANAMO/

I enjoyed the conversations on Christmas outfits and classroom reaction differences between public school and private schools.

Did not much enjoy the conversation on bed bugs......scratch scratch scratch...

Hope the party goes well tomorrow LOLLY. ENJOY. I also hope that JACK has a painless tooth pulling experience.

AWESOME to have so much talent manifested over the Christmas Season.

Pearl Harbour, 70 years today. What a heroic action people took on that day to ward off the attack. I read the Association of Survivors will disband on the 31 of December. It was touching to see the salute given by the ships, with sailors in dress uniforms and rifles standing in columns on deck...

Lori O. said...

Home and happy now. Since Kay brought back memories of carolling Joy to the World, the Lord has come...Let earth recieve her King...Let every heart... Well, I cannot get it out of my head. Still, I love the song.

Then there's the 3 Dog Night version that you probably remember: Jeremiah was a bullfrog, was a good friend of mine...I never understood a single word he said, But I helped him a-drink his wine and he always has some mighty fine wine...
Lori: SING it with me...
Singing jo to the world,
All the boys and girls
Joy to the fishies in the deep blue sea,
Joy to you and me!

Yes, I know the rest, and now I have a new song in my head. :)

paula eagleholic said...

LOL Lori, love both of those songs for different reasons!

Hoda said...

IT ATE my post!!! How RUDE!!!

Hoda said...

lynn are you driving yourself to the appointment tomorrow at 3:30 or is one of your awesome daughters driving you? I wonder if you already have an idea as to what the treatment will be? Keep us posted. PRAYERS PRAYERS PRAYERS...

Sandi said...

Just checked the nest - still raining, and have read on the blog about folks who are having rain now and are expecting snow tonight. The sun is out here in Selbyville, DE (where I teach) and it's about 60 degrees outside! I guess I know what's headed our way!

Hoda said...

the nest is saturated with rain drops. I see the m dropping off the tree branch and the nest railing. Someone was doing some nail happering a little while ago.

Hoda said...

Some hammering any way...don't know that it was nails...LOL

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Kay said...

Lori, I love both Joy to the World songs, a lot !

Sandi, enjoy that sunshine while you can !

There are little white flakes falling in Central Ohio right now. It's not sticking since the ground is too warm.

I'm on my way to pick Seth up for a shopping trip. He'll buy presents for Julie and Hugh and store them here. We'll have a wrap session Saturday.

BBL in hopes of a early evening visit with our birds. I can hope !

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Favorite Christmas songs? Wow, that is not an easy question. Depends on the day and my mood.

I absolutely love Kenny G's Miracles but not just for Christmas. Kind of like the name Shep, just calms my soul.

Alabama's Thistlehair, The Christmas Bear.

We always sing Silent Night at the cemetery and it makes me cry. Did you know that a Pampers ad has "sleep in heavenly peace" on it. Really?

Hoda said...

My favourite Christmas song is from Handle's Messiah...The Hallelujiah Chorus, it is stunning.

hedgie said...

Missed you, Andy! Good news on all fronts!!

Watching for my free Humana food to come....want to ask the UPS/Fed Ex person to carry it down to basement door....since freezer is down there, it would be much easier for me.

Hoda said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Mema Jo said...

I had to show all the bloggers my Christmas Wreath that Megan made - it
is up on FB but I know some of you aren't over there.

I have guests for dinner - The
Alexis group.

This new song "Where's the Line to See Jesus' keeps running through my mind. It probably won't become a traditional song each year - but such a strong message! I love all Christmas songs from Jingle Bells to the Joy to the World and everything in between! ♥

Mema Jo said...

Thank you Hoda!

hedgie said...

Lori, Jeremiah was always a hit with me!!

Hoda, I will drive myself. The girls will both meeet me there.
Yes, unless something new has come along, I know what the "cocktail" will be.....Gemzar, 5FU, and some vitamin preparation. NOT sure about the radiation, tho'.

Lolly, hope Jack is getting along okay....and that you are moving right along with your table setting!

Mema Jo said...

Lynn I hope your UPS guy doesn't just
knock and run! Hopefully you will have a
very Christmasy Driver!

My feet are up. ♥

Hoda said...

Handel's Messiah HALLELUJAH

My delete...too loud the previous choice of Hallelujah

hedgie said...

I, know, Jo---all Christmas music is special. One of the many reason I love the season! SUre glad I realized that my CD player died ahead of time so that it got replaced in advance! I think I only have about 40 Christmas CD's!!

So what is for dinner tonight with the Alexis gang??

Sandi, you may luck out and not get any snow!

Sun is out in St. Louis area, but Mom said it was only 26°. THey had a little skiff of snow overnight which promptly melted in the sun.

Kay, have fun shopping with Seth!!

hedgie said...

I, too, love the Hallelujiah Chorus, Hoda, but more at Easter!!!

Mema Jo said...

Roasting chicken....

Selbyville has gotten MORE snow some years then we have here in the valley.


hedgie said...

Is that cam housing knocks I hear?

hedgie said...

Awwww....Harry Morgan has passed away. What a great actor he was.

Hoda said...

LYNN I knew you would makes it all manageable somehow. I will look forward to reading your post and learnig about the schedule for your treatment...
I do hope you get a Christmasy UPS chap and that he does take down the food to the freezer for you...
The WREATH IS BEAUTIFUL JO...GOOD ON MEGAN...I am sure you will much enjoy it...

Hoda said...

I think what I am hearing on the cam is rain drops. The nest must be saturated with moisture.

Hoda said...

I will go get ready for my yoga practice and then time with the Grans Christmas Cheer gathering...Love you all...{{{{{H♥U♥G♥S♥}}}}}

Sandi said...

Lynn, Lucking out = snow when you're a teacher b/c enough snow = snow day!! =)

Sandi said...

Jo, You're right. Selbyville gets more snow than we get right along the coast in Bethany.

Lolly said...

Yep, teachers like snow days better than the students!☺

Jack was sleeping in his chair, now he is reading. Still has a wad in his mouth but seems to be doing fine. We had a good breakfast and he has requested baked Mac and Cheese for dinner. I can handle that!

Got my hair done. Not sure what I think of it. Becky, new hairdresser since Barbara retired, cut it differently this time. I gave her the go ahead but I am not sure. Time will tell. Yikes!

Living room tables are set, will wait for tomorrow to do the kitchen table and the card table here in the den. Have straightened the two front bedrooms. That is where coats and purses will go. Need to clean in the kitchen now and clear off normal stuff that I keep there just to have room for food dishes. We will eat buffet style and I think all dishes will go on the bar and countertops.

hedgie said...

Wish the delivery would happen, so I can go down and build a fire. But can't hear/see anything when I'm down there.....44° now.....slowly dropping. Still raining but not hard.

Sandi, I'm sure the teachers DO appreciate snow days, too. I just always remind the kids that they can't count on it when they go to bed! Anything can happen overnight! Like NOTHING!

hedgie said...

I have the tree stand set in place, the cord run and the skirt down. So far, Liesl has only touched it once. Will give it a little bit and then try some lower branches......

Mema Jo said...

Let's see a pic of the new do, Lolly

Once that tooth comes out it is Heaven
as long as it wasn't the one that
chewed the steak lol

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Linda just posted this on Facebook:

Today, Wednesday, December 7, 2011 at 1:15am my mother went to be with the Lord! Hallelujah!! She is suffering no more. She had a long battle with Pulmonary Fibrosis and we can rejoice in the fact that she is breathing free now. We are having a Memorial Service at Christ Church United Methodist in Fort Lauderdale, FL on Saturday, December 10, 2011 at 3:00 pm. Immediately following we will celebrate her life at her and Art's home. Mom, we will dearly miss you, but know your life is eternal and we will see you again soon. We love you and thank you for loving your six children, their spouses, and your 14 grandchildren with all your heart! May the Lord accept you with His loving arms and take care of you until we meet again.

Mema Jo said...

Thank you Sharon for bringing over Linda's message - Praise the Lord ♥

Lori O. said...

Thank you, Sharon. So glad you saw Linda's post.

Linda, your prayers were answered and your mother suffers no more. We'll be praying for you and your family as you go through this looking for your new normal. Love, comfort, positive thoughts, light and prayers be with you and your family. (((Big, big hugs)))

Lori O. said...


Late Afternoon: Rain and snow. Steady temperature around 46. Breezy. Chance of precipitation is 100%. Total daytime snow accumulation of less than a half inch possible.

Tonight: Rain and snow before 11pm, then a chance of snow between 11pm and 1am. Low around 28 - Blustery, with a north wind to 20 mph, gusts as high as 40 mph. Chance of precipitation is 100%. New snow accumulation of 1 to 3 inches possible.

hedgie said...

Thanks, Sharon, for bringing Linda's message over. Sad but joyous, too.
Linda, we love you and are here for you through this difficult time. Prayers for you all.

CarolAnne said...


May you all find peace in knowing she suffers no more.

hedgie said...

Just let Liesl out---for all the good it didn't do! BUT---I THINK I heard a few tundra swans!!! Couldn't see anything, tho'. Up too high I guess in the cloudy sky.

hedgie said...

No food delivery. Promises, promises.

Mema Jo said...

So the Tundras are finally passing
over ♥ I wonder if our Margy heard
them. Perhaps?

DanaMo said...

Oh Linda, so sorry for your loss but with our faith we know that she is in a better place. (That sounds so cliche).

DanaMo said...

Is Liesl not being a good girl Lynne? I wish mine would stay in for the evening they are just tracking mud in the house!

Lori O. said...

Still raining here. I'm so excited. Had a cup of coffee this afternoon because I'll be staying up late tonight, or until the snow has been falling for awhile. I love to watch it fall and hopefully it'll be the big, pretty flakes! Must be the California girl in me.

Lori O. said...

Dmo, just tell the labs to fly, and keep their feet off the floor!

Mema Jo said...

Lynn -- stay on guard UPS deliveries
sometimes are as late as 7:00pm
Keep you outside lights on....

Mema Jo said...

Bluefield has snow on the roof tops and covering the grass.

Are you sure Lori that we will get some? ♥

Hoda said...


God's Blessings and Grace surround you and your MOM LINDA...Much love to you and your family as you learn to deal with this second loss so close to the loss of your brother too...In HIS GRACE all is manageable and all is doable and all is remembered...Much love to you and to your family.

Kay said...

No visit with da boids, I see. Lots of windy noises at their nest and it's as dark there now as it is at 5:30 in the morning. Hope we see them tomorrow.

Sharon, thanks for sharing Linda's FB message with us. No more suffering, no more sorrow as she's welcomed by Angels on high. What a wonderful place she's in and just in time for Christmas ! Hallelujah, indeed ! God bless and comfort Linda and the whole family.

Sandi said...

I know what you mean about Liesl not wanting to "do her thing" outside when it's raining! And going out in snow was even worse w/ Bella. Then again, when your legs are only about 4 inches long, I can understand not wanting to go outside in the snow! Now that we live in a house that's built up on pilings, the weather is never an issue. She just does her business under the house! =)

Kay said...

Jo, Megan's wreath for you is lush and gorgeous ! Wish I lived close enough to order one myself !

We want to see the new do, Lolly ! I missed out on learning what group you and Jack are hosting tomorrow.

Kay said...

Enjoyed helping Seth shop for his parents today. He found earrings for his mom at Kohls, decided on a Starbuck's GC for dad and musical cards for each. We sat at Starbucks for a while, he with hot chocolate and lemon pound cake and me with a tall Decaf coffee. As so many of you know, such moments with a grandchild are priceless. After dropping him off at home I did some grossery shopping. Hoping I won't have to go back out for a few days as it's going to be getting colder by the day for a while.

Kay said...

Have a super duper evening and get a good nights rest dear Eagle Buds !

Keeping all in need in my prayers.


DanaMo said...

WHAG says 2-3 inches for Hagerstown. We will see, not sure if I want a snow day tomorrow.

DanaMo said...

Thelma, can't say I have that problem with the ornaments on the tree. I barely even do anything with the tree. The kids put the ornaments on and I take the tree down by New Years Day.

hedgie said...

No, DanaMo, Liesl isn't being bad. She just hates to get her feet wet!!!

Okay, Jo----never have had them come that late here.

Down to 38°. Wanna fire!!!!

DanaMo said...

oh, Lynne, they can be so funny about that kind of stuff. She's just a little thing I can imagine how she is in the snow. Like Sandi said, when your legs are only 4 inches long. LOL! We don't have that problem in this house.

hedgie said...

LOL, Sandi, the kenner IS under cover of the sunroom. Liesl doesn't have to go out into the open, either, if she doesn't want to. BUT-----when it rains this hard, the run-off leaves big puddles with only a couple of high, dry spots under there!! I even have a little wooden ramp for her and she still hesitates!
She doesn't know SNOW yet!!! We were at the beach when we had the late Oct. snow!! Can't wait to see the reaction her first time!!!

paula eagleholic said...

Prayers and peace for Linda and her family.

paula eagleholic said...

Aw, would love to see Liesl in the snow.

Nick wasn't too sure about the snow last time, although he did enjoy trying to eat it :)

Heading out shopping for the grandkids...catch ya later!

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Gang,
I'm back, after a nice long nap with Emma as my furry hot water bottle.

Sharon, thanks for bringing Linda's message over.

Linda, my heart goes out to you and your family. I am so sorry for the loss of your Mom. Prayers for all of you. I know there must have been quite a reunion between your Mom and your brother! (((HUGS))) for you! Love you!

Oops--Kubby just got home from work. Will BBL. :o]

Lolly said...

Peeked in earlier and saw Linda's news.

LINDA, love you and we are with you in spirit. (((Hugs)))

I have been doing stuff all afternoon to get ready. Have accomplished a lot.

Jack is doing well, not taking any pain meds and is doing great. Says it is not hurting at all. He ate some yogurt a little while ago.

Have been thinking of Harriet all day today. Will call her hubby this evening to get a report.

Lori O. said...

It's so wonderful being able to play with pictures on my computer again! SO, I've been playing and posted some new pictures on my blog of some very sweet visitors I had this week, my Christmas tree and the wreath I made today. Fun!

Lori O. said...

Doing everything I can to stay awake - I want to see the snow fall! Think I'll take a shower. BBIALW.

DanaMo said...

okay well, Java just had an accident in the house! Raining, pouring, thunder and lightening here in Hagerstown. No snow yet.

DanaMo said...

Sometimes these dogs ring the bells so much we stop opening the door because we feel like they are just playing games.

DanaMo said...

Boy if this was snow we would have a foot! Temp is still at around 39. They say 9:00 for us before it turns to snow.

hedgie said...

Fire is going!!!!!
Big sloppy snowflakes mixed in with the rain....and wind is blowing. I can hear the windchimes tinkling so it's pretty gusty.

hedgie said...

Heading for the sofa for Jeopardy. I will then have to vacuum me----Liesl is shedding badly!!! Cinnamon never shed this bad!

DanaMo---sorry about the oops!!!

Lori, love your pics!

Hoda said...

Your weather conditions don't sound so good. You all will have to be VERY CAREFUL driving tomorrow. I hope you do not have icy roads...

Hoda said...

LORI what GREAT PICTURES. I love your visitors and the cat under the Christmas Tree. Very classy taste in wreath making...BRAVO.

Lori O. said...

Thanks Hoda and Lynn. I had a fun day.

HODA, your lotus is gone...but I like the flashy, splashy new avatar. Very pretty.

hedgie said...

Check out my new avatar---compliments of Mits!

Hoda said...

LOTUS is not gone for long LORI...I will wait till after Christmas...I very much think its symbolism applies well in my come you are not asleep yet? you will get up early for your radio show?

Hoda said...

I like it HEDGIE!!!

Lolly said...

Love your pictures, Lori! If I ever saw deer in my yard I would go bananas!!

Think I am going to go change my avatar!

NatureNut said...

Roll out the Arks! This AM drove past a creek at an intersection that was so high, thought the road would be closed on the way home. It was open! Flows on down to Western Branch in Upper Marlboro which always has a flooded "Water St."!!, then into the Pax River right near the Park. We went up West. BR. on boat tour to visit the resident owls 2 1/2 yrs ago!
Our friends in Paw Paw have had snow for awhile that is sticking to the grass.

Lori O. said...

Lolly, I would go nuts if I saw an armadillo here! :)

Lynn, adorable avatar! Tell Mitts hello.

Hoda, I'm off tomorrow and Friday, then a five day week the next week, and the following week is Christmas, or just before it. Also up because I want to see the big, pretty snowflakes falling. I turn off all the lights inside, and turn all the outside lights ON, and it's just beautiful to watch that way. Takes my breath away.

NatureNut said...

Prayers for Linda's family on the passing of her Mom. Although it is sad for those who will miss her, it's a Blessing to have her at Peace with the Lord.

Lolly said...

You should know by now where to send your extra rain water. Do you need my address?

As you know, I collect Santas. My avatar is now my favorite Santa.

Hoda said...

Enjoy the snow are artistic

NatureNut said...

Lori, see you're staying up to see snow!!! Hope you sipped some coffee, or you could set your valarm to take a peek!! LOL

Lolly, you in the great state of TX haven't seen a deer???? My daughter had plenty.Although there's hardly any woods, they are putting out corn and bird dfeeders for any wildlife coming thru. I'll have to ask if the corn disappears.
I saw more deer across the street in neighbor's yard ---and that's thru a chain link fence!
I had an armadillo in the yard one winter~~~it was made of snow!

Hoda said...

More Christmas Cheer. This is HILAIOUS...a CAMEL SANTA!!!

Hoda said...

HILARIOUS not hilaious

Lori O. said...

LOL, Hoda! I love it! Now that is original.

Hoda said...

LORI...Life is good...much gratitude for the laughter and the peace and the joy that we all experience...Namasté. It is a Hindu greeting that says THE DIVINE IN ME SALUTS THE DIVINE IN YOU... My wish:if we can only remember to see the DIVINE in ourselves we can see the DIVINE in others...

hedgie said...

Lolly, is your Santa an antique?

Hoda, love your camel Santa!!

Not snowing at all here now...just rain. Temp has actually gone up one degree.....wonder what caused that?

Almost time for new Criminal Minds, Jo!

Lynne---if you are lurking.....check my Jobs posting on FB!!!! If Steve hasn't already applied to all those places......

hedgie said...

LOL---weather trailer on TV calls for COSTAL flood watch!!! Never saw flooding around ribs before!!

magpie said...

Thinking of dear Linda and all the family....
even though...death is near and not unexpected, it is still a shock...a separation...even just for a little while
Knowing that God and all the Angels and Saints and those family members and friends who have gone before..have put out the Welcome a comfort, indeed, a Blessed Comfort

God Bless You Linda
We have you encircled with Love, Prayers, and Hugs

Thanks, Sharon...for sharing the information, know it was a difficult post to make

Good Evening Eagle Pals xo ♥

magpie said...

O Holy Night, playing here at my place

magpie said...

Beautiful Wreath, Jo...
crafted with L♥ve

magpie said...

I bet you DID hear Tundra Swans, high and in the rain, they do that!
I did NOT hear them, I was out trying to find some things for my "Secret Santa" person at work for gift exchange...

magpie said...

I know you might already be gone for the night...
I can picture you and Seth, and Yes!! These kinds of moments are absolutely dear...

magpie said...

I do hope you get to see snowflakes out of the big window you have...and if not tonight, for sure another time, but how great, No Work for the Next Four Days !!!
Now That's Christmas-y !

magpie said...

driving rains, wind, ponding water, big puddles, and downturning was downright Nasty out earlier !
Has eased up some...

paula eagleholic said...

Back from shopping. Made out pretty good!

Still rain here, Son has snow already.

magpie said...

went for stamps yesterday, wanted some Christmas stamps...
"the only" ones store-owner "had left" were the Madonna and Child...
Suits me!
No apology necessary, Mr. Store Owner....
it did strike a chord though....
The stamps I got are the Best Ones !

Lori O. said...

Lolly, not only is your Santa gorgeous, but that is a beautiful wildlife scene around him. Love the owl!

magpie said...

good going, Paula...the rains might have held down the crowds some...
did where I was at....

Hedgie...did UPS guy show up ???

paula eagleholic said...

Lolly, love the animals around your Santa!

Mema Jo said...

OK Lynn - headed for the TV now

magpie said...

Ditto on Paula's post, Lolly, it's wonderful

Like yours too, Lynn, and Hoda's
and Loretta's! and Yours Paula....
and ALL the other seasonal ones appearing, including Shirley's Egg Ornament !!

magpie said...

Best wishes on your appointment Thursday, Lynn

I have the try-to-find-them, squishy smashy and take pictures screening in the morning at 7 am
That's how I feel about Mammograms...
It's BEFORE work...
But I value the opportunity to get this done (And Over With !)

paula eagleholic said...

Gotta find some grub...bbialw

CarolAnne said...

Evening all!
If you have not seen pictures of Arlington Cemetary at Christmas I have a pic on blog.

The wreaths -- some 5,000 -- are donated by the Worcester Wreath Co. of Harrington, Maine . The owner, Merrill Worcester, not only provides the wreaths, but covers the trucking expense as well. He's done this since 1992. A wonderful guy. Also, most years, groups of Maine school kids combine an educational trip to DC with this event to help out. Making this even more remarkable is the fact that Harrington is in one of the poorest parts of the state.

magpie said...

Well I see now I guess I initially meant to say
Ditto Lori's post about Lolly's Santa and friends...
and now Paula's too!

Hi Lori !
going to check your pictures, and
check out for the night.....
earlier start to my day Thursday...

Special thoughts of Dear Linda...hope her rest is Peaceful...and that she knows how valuable her time with her Mother has been....

Prayers for All with Needs of the Heart, Soul and Body....

Good Night, Precious Pals

God Bless This Nest, and
God Bless Us, Every One

xoxo ♥

NatureNut said...

We saw an amusing sight today at work. Put pics on Blog.
Had a snack, but gotta eat a real meal & work on Xmas stuff~~~~~~

stronghunter said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Hoda said...

CAROLEANNE, I tried to leave a comment on your Arlington Blog and did not succeed.
"YES the line has held and GOD BLESS. THANK YOU" is what I wanted to say...
Generous and aware gentleman who offers the wreaths to Arlington.

stronghunter said...

Prayers for Linda and her family this evening. Good that her mother is free of pain now.

stronghunter said...

I am about ready to head upstairs. It will be interesting what we wake up to tomorrow.

Lori O. said...

Anyone have any snow yet?

paula eagleholic said...

Lori, You should take a nap and get up early, like midnight or 1 to see the snow.

Lori O. said...

No big, Paula. I'm off tomorrow.
Tell Nick he'll have more white stuff to eat. :)

Hoda said...

Your excitement is contagious LORI!!! SO AWESOME !!!I hope you get snow soon...

Lolly said...

If you can not the picture Santa is reading the Christmas story in the Bible to the animals. No, it is not antique. First time I saw it was in a gift shop in Alaska. Jack came home and found it on line and surprised me with it. I just love it. The animals are awesome!

Lolly said...

Oh, Loretta, I have seen many deer in Texas, usually close to lakes. I just have never seen deer near us and never in my yard. Someone in town saw one cross the road and it made the paper. lol

Hoda said...

I do love your avatar LOLLY...JACK is so sweet. Lovely surprise...

Lolly said...

And, not far from here, just a few miles there is a deer sign by the road. On the way to Laurel's there is another deer sign by the highway, but just do not see deer.

stronghunter said...

Check, Lori. Looks like snow and ice are coming into the western part of DC.

stronghunter said...

Three deer ran across the parking lot at school one morning just as I got out of my car one morning, Lolly.

Lori O. said...

Starting to get slush balls mixed in with the rain and it's getting colder fast!

Lolly, very, very sweet of Jack to surprise you with your Santa.

stronghunter said...

Somebody said Judie posted earlier today, but I couldn't find her post. Anyone able to help me?

Yes, I said I was going to bed. Will do that soon.

magpie said...

Jo had gotten an email and posted some of the message on here....yesterday

magpie said...

it was about...
that Judie is pretty much overwhelmed with end of semester things, and
Being Tired, is an understatement

so as far as I know, Judie herself did not post...

magpie said...

all my wind chimes are playing
Jingle Chimes
Jingle Chimes
Jingle all the way

Brisk out there !

Hoda said...

Sorry SHIRLEY I did not see a post from JUDIE today...I saw a reminder of JUDIE'S message, from a day or so ago, about being busy with school term ending. It was from Mema Jo I think it was earlier the day.

magpie said...

also Shirley

that Judie would try to be back soon to chitty chat...
that's a paraphrase, but not plagiarism

I was going to bed and I still am, got caught up one little project here...

Lori O. said...

I think I may take your approach, Shirley, and just go to bed and look forward to the surprise of the morning! Well, I almost made it to 10!

Hopefully, I'll wake up afterwhile and get to see it.

Prayers for Lynn and her appt tomorrow...and for Linda and her family...for Kris, Buddy and Charlie.

Night. I love, love, love you all!

stronghunter said...

Thanks for the Judie info. I have not kept up with all of the posts recently and I was confused.

Believe it or not, I stay pretty busy around here.

Hoda said...

LOLLY have you heard from your friend who had her surgery today? how did it go?

stronghunter said...

You have to be exhausted, Lori.

I get up about 6:30, and you have been going full blast for a long time by then.

stronghunter said...

Read on FB that some people around here have heard thunder. We thought we heard thunder a few times ourselves, but also some really strong gusts of wind and things blowing around.

stronghunter said...

Going to shut down now. See you tomorrow.

Mema Jo said...

BIG FLAKES coming down in the Middletown Valley ♥

Hoda said...

JO up here we say, " The bigger the flake, the smaller the batch"
Enjoy the snow.
I am glad LYNN'S weather speaks of warmer temperatures for driving tomorrow.

Mema Jo said...

Lolly The animals are very life like -
especially the little snow owl.
It is a beautiful piece.

Mema Jo said...

I have always said that also, Hoda.
When it starts with large flakes you
know it isn't going to be much...
It will probably be a heavy snow and
that plays havoc with limbs of trees and
power lines.

Hoda said...

JO God keep you all safe and sound without power outages and fallen tree limbs.

Mema Jo said...

Hoda, I enjoy seeing your Santa Camel!

Now the valley is back to rain...
Have no idea what I will see in the am

Lolly said...

Just heard...we had an earthquake today around 5. It was small, 2.7, and we did not feel it but it was very close to us.

paula eagleholic said...

I don't see deer in my neighborhood...although they did walk up the street many years ago in a snowstorm..I did see 4 deer cross the road near work yesterday...had to stop and let 2 of them cross.

It's still raining here, will see the snow in the morning.

Ring Christmas Bells, merrily ring, tell all the world Jesus is that song too.

Night all. Prayers for Linda and Lynn.

Hugs for all♥

hedgie said...

Good TV evening. Not doing anything here, but blowing hard. Temp is up to 37°!
Hoping that means that we aren't going to get anything else!!

CarolAnne....I HAVE seen Arlington with the Harrington wreaths.....absolutely beautiful and such a wonderful gesture. It's been featured on news programs through the years.

Hoda said...

Well it is 19 degrees out is a clear night and rather lovley to see the stars.

Good night, God Bless.

Prayers for the SOUL OF LINDA'S MOM.

hedgie said...

Lolly, sure glad that quake didn't shake your table settings!!!

Goodnight to all turning in.
Wow--early morning smashing for Margy: didn't know they opened that early!
Shirley: you have been scarce!! You have email---did you see my bowling info?
Lori: you gave it the old college try! Sleep tight--y-a-w-n!
Hoda: bet you have another jam-packed day tomorrow, right?!

Oh, and NO----no delivery made. :(

Lolly said...

36 here, has felt very cold all day!

Lolly said...

LOL, Lynn!

hedgie said...

Heading for the tub as soon as the weather report ends. Will check back afterwards to see if any late-nighters show up!!
BTW---I had deer on the corn this morning when I got up....does only.

Hoda said...

Pulling a MARGY!!! LOL!!!
LYNN tomorrow I have yoga nad my Conditioning class. Friday I have yoga and a Chritmas Concert at the Church...So not too busy but enough to keep me focused and active.


Mema Jo said...

Calling it a night before I am the last one around. Have a great day tomorrow Hoda.

Lynn, my friend, I am thankful for your
daughters and the way they are there for
you! Keeping you and them in my prayers.

Praying for Linda and her family to
remember the happy times and find in
those memories Peace in their hearts.

Mema Jo said...

Since I am late - on goes the night lights to keep all safe in their travels throughout the dark night. ♥

Mema Jo said...

Good night to all
May you all have safe travels tomorrow
Prayers for each and every one of you
& your loved ones & your critters!!
Hugs for all ♥♥♥♥♥♥

Mema Jo said...

Pulling a Margy too

JudyE please come back soon

Lolly said...

Everyone seems to be turning in. Guess I will do the same. Prayers for healing, Lynn. Prayers for comfort and peace for Linda, prayers for Steve and Lynne for a job and to win the lottery.☺(How is that, Lynne?☺

Night all! Sweet dreams!

stronghunter said...

I went to bed and got back up. Rain has slacked off, so I walked out to the street and retrieved a small table that blew out of my neighbor's yard. I will return it tomorrow. It might not have been anywhere around by daybreak.

Also found a funny picture on FB and posted it on my blog.

Lolly said...

My turn to pull a Margy! HODA, did not hear about Harriet today. Time got by me and did not want to call Neil late. They had to be at the hosp. at 5 this morning. Hope to learn something tomorrow. Thank you, for asking.

stronghunter said...

Hope all is well with Harriet, Lolly.

stronghunter said...

Trying to bring in a new day here.

stronghunter said...

Ah, got the midnight post.

Lolly said...

Thanks, Shirley!

NatureNut said...

Going to hit the hay soon. So Pleasant Feather Dreams & Prayers for all ;>)

Gonna check if any of you have snow!

Lolly said...

Well, let me wish you a very very happy birthday, Shirley!!

stronghunter said...

Well, thank you, Lolly.

Lolly said...

Hey everyone...........Shirley is another year older, wiser, prettier and sweeter!!!!

♪♫♪♫ Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday dear Shirley
Happy Birthday to you....and many more!♪♫♪♫

hedgie said...


Hope it's a fabulous new year for you. Love and hugs!!

Lolly said...

Okay, now off to shower. Still have 50 minutes of this day...not a new day here...not yet anyway!

NatureNut said...

Going to hit the hay soon. So Pleasant Feather Dreams & Prayers for all ;>)

Gonna check if any of you have snow!

hedgie said...

You're a brave soul, Shirley, to go out in the wind and retrieve the table! It is blowing fiercely here----but the MOON is shining!!

Good night, dear friends. Thanks for all your sweet well-wishes and prayers.

I pray that Linda is sleeping peacefully and deeply tonight.
She can surely benefit from that.

stronghunter said...

Has calmed down a bit here, Lynn. It is a little plastic table. The next door neighbors put it by the mailbox and place packages on it for the mail carrier.

Never saw someone do that before, but it seems to work for them. (At least when the wind isn't blowing.) They cover the packages with plastic when it rains.

They send a lot of packages. I think it is something she does for a part-time job.

stronghunter said...

Going to head back to bed now. I do need to get up early.

Thanks for the birthday greetings, Lynn and Lolly.

stronghunter said...

Almost split time. Stay alert!

Lori O. said...

Good thing I didn't wait up for the snow. There's nothing on the ground this morning, but I see Jo had some not far away.

Lori O. said...


Happy Birthday to YOU
Happy Birthday to YOU
Happy Birthday dearest, most wonderful Shirley
Happy Birthday to YOU!!!!
♪And, many more♪♪♪

Lori O. said...

Lucky for you, Shirley, this is cyber singing because I couldn't carry a tune in a bag!
I hope today is very special in every way you wish it to be. ♥

Lori O. said...

NOTE TO SELF: The split is coming up so don't get lost!

That's another thing I could do with a paper bag...get lost in it!

Good Morning, DanaMo!

Lori O. said...

I'm so excited about having a day off. I hope to get lots of things done. I want to do a lot of, so fun, but it feels good when it's done.

DanaMo said...

No snow boo hoo!

Good morning Lori!

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2/20/25 PM bird

1203 PM NN Scout comes to the nest with a load of bedding again. He seemed to leave with something in his talons. He has a beak full of bedd...