Sunday, December 25, 2011


Christmas thread.

My very best to you all in this holiday season.  Merry Christmas!


DanaMo said...

Merry Christmas, Steve! Thanks for the new thread.

Kay said...

Merry Christmas from me, too, STEVE ! A new Christmas thread, how nice !

Guess I should e-mail LYNN, she may be stuck over yonder.....

Kay said...

No evidence of a visit amongst the few posts, but the nest looks as if it's been messed with a bit since I left at 8 a.m.. Hmmm, I wonder....

hedgie said...

Merry Christmas to you and yours, Steve!

Kay said...

LYNN, you said:

My BFF in CA is winging her way to FL as we speak....with her sis and BIL and Bro and SIL...4 days at Disney, and then a weeks cruise in the Caribbean! Had her Christmas with her son and grands and new DIL yesterday. She is once again free as a bird! Her son got married last month, and he and the girls moved out of her house after 2 years of "invasion"----she is so glad to have a life again!!

Sunday, December 25, 2011 10:48:00 AM

I don't blame her a bit ! There comes a time when we need our own space !!!!!

Kay said...

PAULA, love your creative greeting ! Hope all is merriment and glee at your house !

Kay said...

DANAMO, what's up ? Are the kids all happy and busy with new toys, big kid toys, that is ! Hope Santa was good to you !

hedgie said...

Isn't that the truth, Kay? She became a full-time Mom again, and had to go back to a full-time job to support them all. It hasn't been easy. Think the girls were 5 and 8 when they moved to CA from VA. He fought a long battle getting permanent custody of the girls from a jailbird girlfriend.

Kay said...

LYNN, you're coming up with some beautiful avatars !

hedgie said...

Dishwasher is emptied and china closet is once again home to the good china! And that is all the work I plan to do today!!

Added sausage to my cinnamon rolls for breakfast---and all is well!

hedgie said...

Can you beleive that pro basketball is actually going to start today? Half a season.... how weird.

Kay said...

I'm glad to hear that's all the work you plan to do today ! You need a day of relaxation and a break from treatments. Your breakfast sounds yummy and you're not having "digestive" problems, I assume.

Kay said...

I'm so clueless when it comes to Pro Basketball. Do you have a favorite team ?

JudyEddy said...

G☺☺♣ M☼rning one and all

♥ ★ ♥ ★ ♥ ★ MERRY CHRISTMAS ♥ ★ ♥ ★ ♥ ★
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JudyEddy said...

Thanks for the Fresh CHRISTMAS thread STEVE

Kay said...

Good Morning, JUDY ! You and PAULA are thinking alike with your cheery greetings. Were you at Angie's for Jordyn's Santa time this morning ?

JudyEddy said...

NO visit huh maybe they were visiting relatives LOL

JudyEddy said...

No I am home going over later Angie and Carl have Christmas morning with his parents and me in the afternoon for dinner and yesterday was with her dad so its all up to her three family sort need split

JudyEddy said...

I got the graphic off facebook Some people can come up with some great graphic

JudyEddy said...

I'm just sitting here watching the parade and drinking coffee so nice just to relax

hedgie said...

Thanks, Kay. I thought it was a pretty avatar!
The only pro BB team I pay attention to is the Washington Wizards!

hedgie said...

Puter is being a PIA this morning. Finally rebooted.....will see if it decided to behave now!

Kay said...

Aha, I thought it was just me---it's Yahoo---I had to reboot, too. The cam came to a halt and would'nt refresh. I went to e-mail and the thing stalled when I hit send. So, then the reboot and it's okay.

hedgie said...

Kay, I may even try a ham sandwich for lunch soon!!

Kay said...

Good ! A good appetite is a good sign ! I'm getting hungry myself. I may just have a PB&J n' ice tea. See you in a few.....

Hoda said...


Cold morning but not much snow fell overnight.

You have a wonderful avatar LYNN. Glad you slept well in your bed and breakfast sounds great...

I am spending my morning opening Christmas cards and talking to friends and family on the phone.

Kay said...

I'm back with a sufficiently full tummy to tide me over til' I join Julie's family for fun and food.

HODA, Merry Christmas to you as well ! Glad you are enjoying the day and staying warm and cozy.

Kay said...

Belle and Shep are such a puzzling pair. They've spent so much time at the nest lately, but have decided to take a leave of absence most of yesterday and today. Think I'll take a look at the Vian, OK pair and see how those 3 eggs are doing.

Kay said...

Well, that was a jolly good idea, but none of the OK cams would work for me. I can see there are comments dated today, so it's not been a problem all day at least.

Kay said...

Taking a break away from the puter, BBL. Merry Christmas to anyone checking in !

hedgie said...

Megan posted on FB that she has seen the eagles soaring near her place! Of course, guess no way to know if it's Belle and Shep....but we will assume it is! Just a hop and skip across the river!!

Howdy, Hoda! Merry Christmas to you.

Ate my ham sammich---tasty! Feeling a nap coming on!

Lolly said...


Have been up since 6:30.! Presents have been opened and the house is smelling of turkey. Yum! Our plan is to eat in an hour.

On here using my new cordless mouse for the first time. Now all I need is a typo free keyboard! ☺

I do hope each an everyone of you are having a wonderful day.

JudyEddy said...

Cool all four cams have a eagle in in at OK Getting ready to head to Angie and Carls

NCSuzan said...

MERRY, MERRY CHRISTMAS, friends. A beautiful yet chilly day in N. C. Hope everyone is having Christmas spiritually. We don't have to be around lots of people today to experience the true meaning of the day.

Finally an update on the Jordan Lake Eagles. He has had some dificulty getting equipment installed properly and hopes to have it worked out this coming week. No news on the eagles nor the eggs.

Again, safe travels and good health. Eat all you want today for Monday is a new day.

Hoda said...

My very best to you all in this holiday season. Merry Christmas! Steve added the above to the heading new thread.
And to you STEVE thank you very much and Many Blessings come your way and of course that includes your family.

Getting ready to go to Yoga...BBL
All I ate this morning is Christmas Cake!!! I have to be mor careful for the rest of my meals today!!! LOL!!!

hedgie said...

Hi, Lolly, Suzan and JudyE. Everyone's day is rolling along, I see! Good on you!

My semi-nap was nice---watching White Christmas---had to rewind a little!! Did I ever tell you that Bing Crosby and my Dad looked very much alike??

Wish we would hear from our morning gLori....hope she is having a great holiday in PA. I believe that Kate's family is local, so hope she is also having a great time.

hedgie said...

Suzan, too bad about the cam problems at the Jordan nest....thanks for the update. Sure hope he gets it resolved soon!

Kay said...

Just back after an hour long nap ! You made me sleepy talking naps, LYNN !☺

JUDY, Sutton has two camera views, a close up and a wide angle at the Vian site and also at Sooner Lake. An eagle at Sooner Lake ? That's a good omen. Hope the pair is successful this year. Mama Vian is sitting on her three eggs right now and the weather looks tolerable.

Glad things are going well in TX, LOLLY and that you are enjoying your day in OBX, Suzan !

HODA, what goes into your Christmas Cake ?

Another wish for merriment and I'm off to Julie's for a few hours.


Lolly said...

Reporting in again, boys are playing and Jack, Joey, and Laurel all have their noses in books.
We have had dinner.
All is quiet until dessert time. LOL I am sooo sleepy but I am unable to nap with people around. Never have been able to do that.

hedgie said...


hedgie said...

AND POOF ONE! Had just been telling Carolyn goodbye at the door...turned and there they were!
Merry Christmas, Belle and Shep!!!!

hedgie said...

And POOF, two. Short and sweet.

Lolly said...

I hurried to the cam, Lynn, but missed them.

Lolly said...

Just lost the color!

Hoda said...

I just got back in and missed Belle'n Shep. Good quiet yoga practice with around fifteen people.
Night light just came on and thanks LYNN for reporting that they were in. Like KAY this morning I could tell they were in because the fluff was moved about...
KAY I di dnot make my fruit came from the health food store with organic rice flourwonderful nuts and dried fruit and sweetened with maple syrup...Very decadent in richness and dark in colour...hazelnuts, almonds, pistachios and walnuts cranberry, ginger and apricots are the dried fruits that stick most in my taste buds...

I am more than half way through with THE HELP. It is a good book and I like the way the characters are developping yet it seems the story line towards this section is simply repeating itself...I hope it moves out of this experience of stuckness and develop the events. The historic events of the sixties should have helped the author not get stuck in repeating the sentiments and the events expressed...I would have liked it if Stuarts character was developed a bit more...I will see how the rest of it goes...

hedgie said...

ROFL, all those things stuck in your teeth as well as your tastebuds!!!! :)
Glad Yoga was a good session!!

Birds were too fast for me to get a capture---I wasn't sitting down. :( Sorry.

hedgie said...

Hoda, don't get your hopes too high well the development of the book.....or Stuart!

Linda said...

Merry Christmas!! Hope everyone is having a wonderful day with family and friends!

We are having a quiet Christmas Day, but it is really nice to have some peace and quiet.

We will be having our dinner a little late. It will be worth the wait, especially since I didn't have a Thanksgiving meal this year. Looking forward to the traditional turkey dinner!

Love to all of you as you celebrate the birth of our Wonderful Savior!

hedgie said...

Good to see you, Linda! Did Riley get a special present from Santa??? I know your meal will be well worth the wait!!

hedgie said...

Nest has lost the light....too dark to see much of anything---IF it were to happen!

Got confused on Christie's schedule. She doesn't work unntil late this evening, she is on her way now for leftovers! For the cook, it always tastes better the second day!!

paula eagleholic said...

Evening, all!

Wonderful day with John, Michael, Ajay and grandkids...they loved all their presents, and it was so much fun watching them opening them. They have headed home...Michael my go up there a little later, but I'll probably stay home.

Nick got a stocking full of toys and a new flatlet piggie! Plus, a bowl full of goodies for Christmas dinner.

Merry Christmas to you and yours, Steve, and thank you for the Christmas thread.

Hoda said...

I like your Christmas decoration PAULA...your day sounds good too...

Judie said...

Merry Christmas night to everyone. So happy everyone seems to have had a very special day and that includes momsters, dadsters,children, grandchildren, great-grans, and all our fur-ever companions.

Steve, thank you for the Christmas Day thread. I hope your day was special. May the New Year be happy and healthy for you and yours.

May the New Year bring strong and healthy eaglets to Belle and Shep.

The night light is set for 11:00pm. Restful sleep for all and for all a good night.

paula eagleholic said...

Michael and I have been playing words with friends here at the table...he has finally gone up to John's for a little while....I am pooped!

paula eagleholic said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
hedgie said...

Christie is gone. I ate leftovers, and she decided to take hers to go, but she did eat pie!

MArgy called....she is still I S'town...dinner soon to be served.
After that she will take James home to Berkeley Springs. Long day, but sounds like she's having a nice time.

Paula, glad you are in for the the kiddies were fun to see!

Judie, glad you stopped in!!

paula eagleholic said...

going to watch the Good wife, then probably crash after that...probably see you tomorrow!

Kay said...

Sounds like I'm not the only one who feels happy, but very tired ! Had a great afternoon and evening with the kids, but am ready for a couple of quiet, restful days ! The Old grey mare, she ain't what she used to be !

LYNN, happy you got a quick glimpse of Belle and Shep so we know they're aok ! So sweet that Carolyn and Christie made it a point to see you on this special day !

LINDA, good to hear about your quiet, peaceful day. Just the kind of restoration you need.♥♥♥

HODA, that cake is downright decadent and can't help but be absolutely scrumptious !

Thanks to JUDIE for checking in and setting the night light ! Others have been sweet in stepping in when needed, but I'm sure we all agree you have a special touch.

Hope you each have sweet dreams as you remember your Christmas 2011 !

Praying for all in need and in thanks for blessings enjoyed across Momsterdom today ! Safe travels to those heading home this evening and tomorrow !


Lolly said...

Watching The Grinch on tv, boys staying up late..I am sleeping late in the morning, for sure!!

It has been a great day!

hedgie said...

Hello, Kay. Sounds like you have the pleaant tiredies, too! I think we are all there!! Just finished my bath, and I think Liesl is ready for her beddie-bye routine. BBL.
Of course, The Good Wife is a repeat but I know Paula missed a lot of episodes.

Lolly said...

Joey is going home in the morning and taking Bosco. Yes, Bosco is here too. Poor Annie is housed in our bedroom with her food and box in our bathroom.

Laurel and the boys are here until Tuesday. Laurel and I are going to a movie tomorrow. We want to see the latest Twlight movie.

Lolly said...

Oh, Lynn that sounds great. Wish I was bathed and ready for bed!

Lolly said...

I am right with you, Kay. I am exhausted and so ready for peace and quiet. It will come Tuesaday after they leave, but once I rest I will miss them.

Mema Jo said...

A beautiful Christmas is coming to the
end BUT I pray the peaceful feelings will continue all through the new year.

I finished off today quietly watching some of the Hallmark light-hearted movies.I am so ready to hit the pillows.

My Christmas was wonderful with all the family gatherings. Peace To All

Good Night - Prayers being said -
Hugs to all ♥♥♥♥♥♥

Lolly said...

It has been a wonderful week as well as a great day!

Wish I could quote all the wonderul Jacob statements. He gave us several good laughs today.

Nite all! Sweet dreams!

Hoda said...

Good night and God Bless. I wish you all sweet dreams and JUDIE set the night light and in case ANDY does not log on I will set the security systems...

It sounds that everyone who chimed in tofay knew the meaning of Christmas and enjoyed themsleves in celebration.

Good night.

hedgie said...

Oh, my-----sofa time almost turned into the big sleep! Whew----almost missed the chance to say a final Merry Christmas to all---and Peace.

Now to catch up again while I eat a piece of punkin' pie.

hedgie said...

Well, that was fast. Most everyone is either still celebrating, fell asleep in their chairs, too.....or still traveling.
Jo, Lolly--glad you are good-tired, too. Even Hoda is an early bird!
Well, I will join you with saying goodnight, God bless, and see you tomorrow! Sleep well, dear ones Love you all!

stronghunter said...

Merry Christmas!

Back from family celebrations and a trip to visit Rus and Rebecca. I will see you tomorrow.

Very tired. It has been a long Day.

magpie said...

Good...evening, morning, & late Christmas Greetings Day, Eagle Pals...

I see many reports of good, warm, Christmas day times...♥

I konked out Christmas Eve night at 9:30 and awakened at 0110 - I missed the Midnight Animal Talking Fest...but I went outside anyway at that time of 0110 and saw one shooting star, and heard a Canada Goose honking one in awhile.
James's Walking Stick Gifts for his father and his maternal grandmother were a Big Hit !
And I came home with a gift of several Corkscrew Willow sticks for future "projects"...

The evening and the entire day was glorious....many good and warm times with James's "Shepherdstown Family", his father, and some close friends of the family.....
and I had a couple of nice telephone conversations with Lynn ☺

We had a very late evening meal of Superbly prepared Prime Rib!

Been catching up on blog posts and some picture links...all lovely to behold.....

"Today" is Boxing Day, and the Feast of Saint Stephen...the very first Christian martyr....

magpie said...

I also watched the Disney parade and some Hallmark Shows....

And now it is surely time to dent some pillows, forget about the alarm clocks, and take the luxury of waking of when I wake up

I have many grateful thoughts and emotions for the events of the last 48 hours

Prayers for Wellness and more Christmas Blessings.... every day

God Bless This Nest, and
God Bless Us, Every One

xoxo ♥

Lori O. said...

Good Morning everyone! I hope your Christmas was the merriest. I hate for it to all be over so soon, so I will pretend that today is just a continuation of this glorious holiday! I wish I could have checked in sooner, but this house, I'm at my parents, has been full since a few hours after I got here! Not now though!!! I have the ipad with me and I thought I had the issues solved to where I can see the nest, but I can't! URGH! But, I see we had a short fly in and out last night. YAY!

JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...

started moving flugg right away

JudyEddy said...

still moving and picking at flugg don't know who it is either

JudyEddy said...

sitting in middle of nest

JudyEddy said...

turned around and started picking at the other end but still in middle of nest moving to the 6 now

JudyEddy said...

picking at stick on the rail now and just looking around sometimes

JudyEddy said...

two eagles now

JudyEddy said...

i thnk that was belle that just came in saw the v

JudyEddy said...

beaking beaking and moving flugg

JudyEddy said...

both in middle of nest picking at flugg now looking at each other beak to beak

JudyEddy said...

one is at 10 other in middle of nest picking

JudyEddy said...

one is at 10 other in middle of nest picking

JudyEddy said...

now just sitting still and looking around the one in middle is crouched down

JudyEddy said...

picking at flugg in middle of nest while the other sits pretty the wind looks bad still and is blowing the ones wing funny looking

JudyEddy said...

I guess everyone is either off of work and now getting up or toooooo much partying

Lori O. said...

Hi JudyE! I can't see the nest, but I hope it's a great visit!
Hope you had a very nice Christmas with Jordyn, Angie and your family. :)

Oh, dang, I don't have the weather, sun times links with me. I'm so sorry.

JudyEddy said...

the one went to bottom of nest and is picking on the stick that shep picked on last year and now the other is moving to the same area

T-Bird said...

Good morning my eagle momsters and dadsters.

JudyEddy said...

both sitting and picking moving stick on rail is hard work looks like

JudyEddy said...

Shep is doing all the moving of stick and Belle just looks pretty

JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...

that was poof BELLE

JudyEddy said...

Good Morning Lori in all your glory and Good Morning T Bird

JudyEddy said...

one eagle left Shep just sitting there at 6

JudyEddy said...

looking around thats all now

JudyEddy said...

now preening at wing

JudyEddy said...

got a itch

JudyEddy said...

looks around and back to itching

JudyEddy said...

wind is blowing the freather on our poor bird

JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...

that was a false alarm looked to poof and now its poof

Lori O. said...

Great job, on the nest report, JudyE!!! I could follow along and visualize the whole thing, Thank you!

Good Morning, Thelma and Buddy and the entire gang which I imagine, the critters anyhow, are up and running around by now. It's still pretty dark here in NW Pennsylvania.

JudyEddy said...

visit over that was really odd went to poof and just back down in the same spot and then a POOF

JudyEddy said...

So glad I got to see them since I won't be home to see them in the PM

JudyEddy said...

Yesterday was nice but I was a little disappointed I was under the impression that we were having dinner at Angies but we went next door to the IL house Little bird iin nest

JudyEddy said...

Put three pic in album

Lori O. said...

Thanks for the pictures, I'll have to check and see if I can get to those...

Sorry, Angie's IL's wasn't what you were expecting...sometimes it's just the surprise that throws us off. Still, I'm sorry it wasn't as great as you had hoped.
Big hugs, JudyE!

JudyEddy said...

I am posting two short video on my youtube channel may not have time to put on blog before I go to work Will have to see other wise will do when I get home at lunch EddyJudy is my channel name

JudyEddy said...

Ok I'm gonna go watch some news before I have to go to work and will let the puter finish the youtbe download says 13min on the one to do and the other hasn't started so I wil let you know if I get them on before I leave OK DOKEY

DanaMo said...

Blogger kicked me off!

Good morning JudyE. I did catch the visit, but didn't get up until 7:00. Thanks for the reporting.

JudyEddy said...

Two quicky video of this am visit is now on blog
I turned off camera before fly out darn it

Am visit

JudyEddy said...

I just noticed the post time on the blog says 5am I got to figure out how to change the time on my blog post when it was 8 not 5 anyone have a clue??????

JudyEddy said...

I think I fixed my time stamp

JudyEddy said...

Yep I fixed it I just went and redid just to see if I was successfully in fixing it and I did Ok now I need to sign off to go to work OTWIG

Lori O. said...

Thanks, Judy for the link - I loved the videos. I didn't think I was going to be able to see the eagles. I really appreciate it and the link. I've got my Ipad with me that I'm on and it's an entirely different animal than my laptop...but so great for traveling.

Good Morning, DanaMo!!! I hope you had a beautiful Christmas with your family, and that Monte got you something fantastic for his loving wife!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...


hedgie said...

Good morning! Happy Boxing Day!
Slept in a bit....kind of a fitful night---wind howled badly which always unsettles me.

Glad JudyE saw our eagles!

GOod to see Lori, Shirley and Margy checking in---and hoping that Margy is STILL sleeping!!
Recharge those batteries, gal!

Costume Lady said...

I must have typed comments last night, as I headed for bed, then forget to post them...or they are on the wrong thread somewhere. Not going to bother to look:)

Had a great time at GG's...a houseful at times, with visitors stopping by for a while.

I was able to talk GG into taking a nap as soon as we got there from church. Gave her a mid-day pain pill...when she woke up, she was in the best of moods!
The whole family came, including the elusive Jillian and her friend, Aaron. But, alas...I missed Jayden SO MUCH. He was with his Maternal family.
We had plenty food and gifts for everyone.
Forgot to mention that we had a beautiful church service to start the day. Beautiful acapella rendition of OH HOLLY NIGHT by a young church member and, a short and sweet sermon!

Costume Lady said...

One more thing...My Karla is having a hysterectomy tomorrow, and although I know she will be just fine, I would love for her to have Momster's prayers follow her into surgy~

Costume Lady said...

I give up...what is Boxing Day?

2/20/25 PM bird

1203 PM NN Scout comes to the nest with a load of bedding again. He seemed to leave with something in his talons. He has a beak full of bedd...