Saturday, June 11, 2011


New weekend thread.


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magpie said...

Well Steve, Thanks !
It seems hardly fair I would discover this when other have been so busy working on the other thread, but I will go tell them

Beautiful Day,...
we have seen both eagles in the nest for moderate amounts of time in the morning and evening

Have a nice week-end !

magpie said...

Well Hello Eagle Pals

Lynn - - I have a "timed" feature thing on there so that comments a little later on, will alert me they are askinmg me to approve them that way I don't miss anything...
Of Course I Will Approve..thanks in advance !

JudyE - - LOL
The killdeer was, safely in a parking lot
Her younger tyke was also running around but too fast for a picture - !

magpie said...

No, I can't say I can tell anyone how to tell the difference between a turkey vulture, and a black vulture when flying
Wish I could !
Can check my bird books when I get back home ! But someone is going to beat me to it

Lynn thanks for reposting the Estonia link
I have heard the cuckoos on the Goshawk nest
and also I think on the Loch of the Lowe's net, sometimes

magpie said...

Puala: hope the week-end feels like it is lasting, forever !
and that Nugz wants to fun and play and get wet all week-end

How is you garden growing?
read what you said about Celebrity tomatoes a few days ago...
oh boy,I like the sounds of what you report
I have three little ones on one plant, and two tiny ones on the second plant

magpie said...

Puala: hope the week-end feels like it is lasting, forever !
and that Nugz wants to fun and play and get wet all week-end

How is you garden growing?
read what you said about Celebrity tomatoes a few days ago...
oh boy,I like the sounds of what you report
I have three little ones on one plant, and two tiny ones on the second plant

hedgie said...

Thanks for the callover, Margy!

JudyE---I, too, love the silky feel of cow noses and the roughness of their tongues! Love horse noses, too!

Margy, Dana wanted to know how to tell a juvie eagle from a black vulture...see if you can find that when you get home to your bbooks!

magpie said...

We used to say, thunder, was the Giants Bowling
seems to make more sense it would be God....we KNOW he is up there

wvgal_dana said...

Thanks for the new thread Steve.

Margy thank you for the call over.

Margy it is not how to tell the difference in the sky between a turkey vulture and a black vulture. Black vultures "do not bend their wings like turkey vultures do". So the question was: How do you tell the difference between a black vulture and a juvie eaglet or juvie eagle and a black vulture that is up in the sky flying?

magpie said...

I see what you all mean about Service Error 503 !!!

I make a lot more typos typing from work
hope I have not messed up too much

putting my work nose back to the grind now....

Hope, everyone has a good afternon

xoxo ♥

wvgal_dana said...

Information I found brought from other thread: a black vulture only lives 5 years over 20 years in captivity. •Black Vultures can be distinguished from Turkey Vultures by white patches near
their wing tips and by noting that
their wings are held flat in flight.

That is why the question is being ask. That is in blue on here at 12:17pm.

magpie said...

still don't know DanaWV
guess you could put the question on the now-guitarless Google
just put as many words as you can and see what happens

magpie said...


I put the Train on my Avatar for Sharon ...

hope she hops on and gets gabby for a little while sometime today

well, better earn my money for the last half of shift

wvgal_dana said...

Hedgie-Lynn when I drive roads like I-81 my hands don't hurt afterwards. I can trust myself to whole a baby or pick a glass up. When I drive roads like I did to get to "your BEAUTIFUL HOME" hidden away in the woods. My hands hurt and I drop things. That is why I never picked Liesl up. You don't know how much I wanted too. Oh man the next time I will just tell you and ask you for your help. I didn't want to drop her.

Believe me everyone. The pictures you have seen of Liesl. Does NOT due her justice. She looks so much bigger. Even her face in the pictures. She is such a small loving and pettable and cute doggie. You just DO WANT TO PICK HER UP. When Lynn had her on her lap. I couldn't keep my eyes off of Liesl. I kept thinking oh how I'd love to have her landing on my lap. Next time Lynn you help me. So I can have her on my lap. Part of my dream was fullfilled by seeing her. Now the other part is having her on my lap and cuddling her. She is so "special" and you are so "lucky" you two found each other. It was a "God's Blessing" ( :

wvgal_dana said...

I could comment on the wildflowers. I keeps giving me the 503 error for the Killdeer, cows and the turtle. So I will try to leave my comment there later.

magpie said...

Nice comments Danawv....about Liesl

Road Trip to see Liesl...or bring Liesl to the next Road Trip ☺ LOL

by the way DanaWV, the Yucca plants on your Mother's property look nice !

magpie said...

Nice comments Danawv....about Liesl

Road Trip to see Liesl...or bring Liesl to the next Road Trip ☺ LOL

by the way DanaWV, the Yucca plants on your Mother's property look nice !

Kay said...

Thanks to all who are wishing me and Malcolm well ! He wasn't even phased with the kids departed. He's very comfortable here. We've walked and played and cuddled. He's now catching some zzz's. Had rain as late as 7 this morning, so the dog park is out for today--too muddy. Grrr.

MARGY, I, too, enjoyed your great pics ! Those cows are pretty smart about the way to cope with a heat wave.

PAULA, so glad you're seeing beautiful things like the juvie and that Nugz is feeling better now that you've increased the prednisone. I'm going to check the wmp factor right now and will let you know.

WVgal DANA, we're all so jealous, but glad you got to see LYNN's adorable Liesl. Do you have a dog ? Sounds like you'd really enjoy one !

magpie said...

have fun with Malcolm, Kay
have fun with Kay, Malcolm

okay ttfn xoxo

wvgal_dana said...

Kay I did his name was Little Man he was a chihuahua. He would have been 16 years old April 13, 2011. I had to have him put to sleep on Feb. 11, 2011.

I am not ready for another yet.

In God's timing maybe. Not sure though just not sure. I had a small poodle years and years ago.
So maybe I would get a smaller one of those to cuddle. I just am not ready.

Little Man was both of ours but he clinged to my husband. When my husband passed Nov. 25, 2009. I had to do a lot of hand feeding to keep Little Man going. It was a battle the whole way. I think he really wanted to go with his Daddy.

movin said...


Good Morning,


Anybody got a long shot for the Belmont today??

Looks like the weather will be cooler for the race today.

C(°ٿ°)D Jim

magpie said...

Not sure how often the Forget Me Nots exist in the wild...
probably a lot, they are so delicate and little
guess they could be overlooked pretty easily

this is the only wild patch I have ever known of,
same place, I have found them last 4 yrs @ Swinging Bridge
my first home-garden ones came as plants from my sister in Massachusetts after a visit there 8 years ago...they have overwintered every year but this past one
I had saved seeds every year...
now I have sprouts in my garden once again....
but these wild ones were a great sight to behold

Hoda said...

Good morning is only ten in the morning here and I just came in from paddling...

Magpie/Margy...give Liesl a rub behind the ears for me and tell her hoda says WOf WOf!!!that is Good Girl!!!

Thanks Steve for the new Saturday Thread...

WV_GAl is lovely to be out on the we saw a muskrat, a family of geese, and an osprey as we were coming in...I like it when I first get there as it is very calm and peaceful. During the paddling itself it is like being in the army...too many instructions and the count is like a drill...we all have to be doing the same thing at the same time...I am sometimes slower by half a beat and I surely notice it... so I work with the is a humbling experience to co-ordinate with others..."what you mean I can not do it as I want to when I want to???what do you mean???" LOL!!! Wrong attitude in these sort of questions, yet I am tempted and they are in my mind!!! ;^). This is the hardest to overcome since I have never been a team sports kind of a person...
I have been on the water when it was calm and peaceful and like you say a spiritual experience, on a sail boat when everything is going OK for example. This does not feel like that for me yet...I suppose when we are all in sync it could be like that and when I forget about myself and think I am part of something bigger it would be a kind of surrender that is not ego centred. So I am still working at it and today fewer corrections...I did enjoy being on the water and it was good to come back in as the clouds were getting much darker and lower on the mountains...I am sure we will get a storm...yet the water was very calm...

Lori O. said...


A Black Vulture has white on the tips of its wings on the "under" side, so the white tips are easy to see while they are flying. A juvie eagle, depending on its age wouldn't have any large, solid white piece so precisely on its wing tip.

I hope that helps.

Lori O. said...

SHIRLEY - can't wait to hear how your day of RETIREMENT went! Wooo-who!

I did the mowing and now I'm a dirt clod. Everything is so dry the dirt just becomes its own cloud and I drive right through it.

Saw the vulturettes when mowing and then took some food and a water bucket I used to use to feed the deer.
I have ten BV Entrees in the freezer now, yummy: beef liver, chicken breast, gizard, heart, ground turkey or ground hamburger and sirloin steak. I thought it best to mix the proteins. Everything but fish since you don't find many fish roadkills!

HODA - love your thoughts. I was never a team sports person either. I'm just not the athletic type. Throw like a girl!

Have to take a shower - I'm probaby as dirty as EMMA was at the dog park!

Hoda said...

I post this article as it has two pictures of Dragon boats, one with people the other tied up to the dock.

Images of Dragon Boats similar to what I practice in

Hoda said...

Lori thanks for the white tips on wings clue vultures vs Juvie eagles.

I have to say if you "throw like a girl" It must be an AWESOME THROW...I know what you mean though about not being a team sport type of a person...walking/hiking, cycling, cross country skiing is more my I age I find yoga a wonderful daily exercise experience...

Hoda said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Hoda said...

Trooping the Colour in Pictures to Celebrate Her Majest the Queens official Birthday The Royal Family and Trooping the Colour

hedgie said...

Gee, Dana, you should have said something! I would have put Liesl in your lap!

Lori, I bet you're lovely even as a dirt clod!!! Are your BV entrees frozen raw or did you cook it? THose birds are goona get spoiled!

Hoda, glad you had a good row. Is your team all women??

hedgie said...

This is where my Mom used to live and where Robyn's Mom, Bobbi (Roberta) lives:

Eaglets tear down nest

Hoda said...

yes Hedgie/Lynn, the Dragon Boat team is all women. Today when I arrived there was a man in the boat, I thought to myself I know him but did not know who he was from a distance...When he came ashore, I recognized him for my chiropractor...I said hello and he said he was there to go out with us and experience the Dragon Boat so he could tell me what exercises to do if I hurt my back. I think several of the women on the team go to him for adjustments. He is not the crack and crunch type of chiropractor he gives lots of exercises and he makes minor manipulations. I had told him I joined the team the last time I went to see him and he also volunteered his time to the BC Seniors' Games this summer...He is a good chap.

Hoda said...

Did magpie/Margy come to visit you and Liesl this morning hedgie/Lynn? What a great time that must have been...

NatureNut said...

Happy Warm Saturday to Everyone! Glad that most of you have AC working & hope GG gets hers ASAP!

We had loud thunder bumpers this AM, but not much rain. Sun & humid now. Got Email from daughter & SIL--they were just landing on TH in Hawaii. Bet the weather's better there than here or TX!

Have any of you had more flies getting in the house lately???We only use one door mostly & check when coming & going, but they're getting in somewhere. Scooter, the great striped hunter, is helping Dad nail them. She's a good scout!
Gotta read mail~~~

hedgie said...

Hoda, how very cool that your chiropractor takes such great interest in his patient's activities!! Cool guy!
No, Margy is working...she hasn't been to visit yet...hope she does soon, tho'!

Loretta, no fly problem up here.
Gnats are bad, tho'!
Is Sherry's trip to Hawaii a real vacay or a work trip? Bet it is totally delightful there!

Very overcast here....82°, humid, and I think I just heard thunder.

NatureNut said...

Hooray, Lori!!! I was able to leave a comment finally on your vulture pics! Made sure I did the uncheck thing!

When I see vultures flying overhead, they almost never flap, just soar w/wings straight & flat. I think most juvie eagles have some markings, not solid brown & black Vs have very short tails. There's also the lite patch on BV's wings when soaring.(Also the ugly head)☺

NatureNut said...

Great story, Lynn about destructive eaglets!!
Hoda, love your rowing adventure. Guess you'll have more enjoyment later when you can go on your own & not be a team thing! Hope you don't have a leader pounding on a drum like the poor rowers in Ben Hur!! LOL

Hoda said...

NatureNut,Loretta, actually there are two who are like a drill sargeant...they do drum and they shout out there instructions. I laugh at myself as I am beginning to think I have to stand in attention when I first see them...I like the image of Ben Hur...LOL!!They are kind though and almost every one on the team is a Breast Cancer Survivor, so they have a drive that is very strong. I have luckily not had breast cancer but I support fund raising events for cancer research and this is why I am on the team to raise awareness...they are a tough group of women those survivors of breast cancer...they are all kind the Sargeant Majors included...!!!LOL!!!

Mema Jo said...

You all sound like you are well into the afternoon hours.. I have had a relaxing day so far. I hear some thunder rumbles - I am treating myself to some strawberry
cheesecake Yopoait! It's not the
real thing but it tastes delicious
and it is cool and creamy

Mema Jo said...

Hoda you are fortunate to find such
a worthy group of females with which to associate. They know the
true value of Life. The more you
talk Hoda, the more I like you as
you become our friend. ♥

NatureNut said...

Hoda, I'm a BR CA survivor, but not a drill sargeant. I used to do the Susan Komen walks, not runs! I think the 3 day marathons would send many to the ER!!! All of us near DC would meet near the Wash. Monument to start! Huge crowds. I enjoyed it & many from different orgs. and our Support Group joined.

Been searching for old pics. I have many on this blog--saved some to replace tyhose in sleeping hard disc land! Now will check first really old'puter that does work!

Hoda said...

I am honoured Mema Jo. Thank You.

Hoda said...

NatureNut, Loretta, my hat is off to you, much respect and gratitude come your way for the wonderful example that you are.

JudyEddy said...

Home fresh thread must have been right after I left my luck

Mema Jo said...

Well, it is time for this old gal to head to Mass - prayers for all will be offered (also for our feather and fur friends).

BBL this evening.

Hoda said...

I am off to my yoga practice so will be back in a few hours...

JudyEddy said...

When I got home my record holding cam was no longer was a beige screen with a odd circle and a explanation point in it Never seen that one before

JudyEddy said...

OH yes horse nose are so soft also I am always stopping at the farm up the road trying to get Jordyn to pet the nose but she doesn't want to

Did I tell you that the little city or town of Pinellas Park is a horse community YEP we are funny we ever have horse crosswalks on certain streets with flashing yellow lights on 94th St where the equestrian place is a horse arena From what I remember there are about 250 horses in this area

JudyEddy said...

alright I got the darn 503 service again this is three times today I am stepping away for a few gonna start back with the trial BBL LM always

wvgal_dana said...

The blue Indigo Bunting has been off and on the feeder all day. I looked it up to see what the female looks like. So she has been coming in a lot too.

JudyEddy said...

Is it still storming Or am I just hearing things at the nest???

wvgal_dana said...

I finally got to leave my comment. On Margy's pictures of the killdeer, cows and turtle.

Now I'm getting error 503 here again.

I don't hear any storming coming from the live feed JudyE.

JudyEddy said...

I thinks its just the wind

hedgie said...

Definitely 3 osprey-ettes at Finney1----no sign of the 4th egg.

stronghunter said...


Been sleeping in my recliner this afternoon.

I see the Finland osprey babies. So cute.

Costume Lady said...

Hey, it all over but the shouting? How was the ceremony...tell us about it!

hedgie said...

Hoda, when you come back.....Shirley is also a BR CA survivor, and I'm a lung CA survivor!

JudyEddy said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
JudyEddy said...

Snooty the manatee and winter the dophin this is a cool cam of a manatee they are soo cute and to the right of the cam is a link to winter the dolphin just in case you want to check it out

JudyEddy said...

MY delete on the one link didn't take

stronghunter said...

The ceremony was very nice. I do have some pictures. I have to figure out how to do some cropping to make them better. Sometimes I can crop, sometimes I can't. I think that means I really do not know what I am doing!

I go back on Monday to finish up and check out. If I do not finish--and I may not--I will go back on Tuesday and take Hunter with me.

However, I am supposed to be at a school board meeting at 6:00PM on Monday to be recognized, along with other retirees, so I will probably just put in a long day on Monday and then go to the meeting.

I will take along a change of clothes, so I don't have to go to the board meeting with my grubbies on.

stronghunter said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
stronghunter said...

503 is alive and well.

My delete. Double posted. Even got a 503 trying to delete.

paula eagleholic said...

something new toady....diamondback terrapin turtle...headed from the grass into the water....too quick for a pic...then we noticed. Turtle tracks all. Over the beach

Mom osprey is keeping the chick(s) shaded...have not seen them yet

JudyEddy said...

Boy 503 has been a bugger all day I know I got him 5 times so far today

hedgie said...

Storm ribs on the grill...sure hope they get done fast!!

stronghunter said...

Posted some graduation day pictures on my blog.

stronghunter said...

I got a peek at the little ospreys awhile ago.

stronghunter said...

Kathryn and Hunter went shopping at Khol's with a $10.00 coupon. Bought a $10.00 item, so they got it for free!! How cool is that?

paula eagleholic said...

Storm headed this way....they need it here

JudyEddy said...

GGGGG after two more 503 I finally got to see your pictures and I got to leave a comment Love them. I really love the video SHIRLEY How do you post a video on the blog?

JudyEddy said...

I for got my R's in GRR

hedgie said...

Ribs done---looks like just in the nick of time.....very dark...thunder...

Shirley, was the ceremony "comfortable" or do you have heat exhaustion??

JudyE--I've watched that manatee the seacows!

stronghunter said...

JudyE, you just click on the video icon.

I have a video of the graduation ceremony I would like to post, but first I have to edit it because I didn't turn off my iPhone. As far as I know, it was still recording inside my pocket!

stronghunter said...

It was hot for awhile, but then it cooled off a bit when a breeze kicked up, Lynn.

stronghunter said...

I have a short video of the kids cheering and throwing their hats. Hunter wanted to see hats being thrown at Susan's graduation.

hedgie said...

Nice that the board is going to honor you, Shirley. Do you know how many are retiring?

Cool, Paula!!! How big was the turtle?

stronghunter said...

Don't know, Lynn. I will find out more about that at the meeting.

stronghunter said...

I have seen so many turtles crossing the road in the past few days. I figure I cannot stop and rescue a turtle at my own peril, though.

I saw one today and was able to straddle it with my car. I looked back to see if it was okay, and I have never seen a turtle move so fast.That turtle was high-tailing it for the edge of the road.I did not need to do anything.

A few days ago, I saw a very large turtle on the road, maybe a snapper. I would have been afraid to try to move it, both because of the traffic and because it might have gotten me.

paula eagleholic said...

Wow it is really blowing the hatches battened down :)

paula eagleholic said...

The turtle was about 10"

paula eagleholic said...

Also found a really cool egg...maybe 2/3 of it....very speckled and ponited on one end

hedgie said...

Storm is here! Lots of wind....thunder in the distance. Rain pelting....

hedgie said...

BAd one headed for St. Mary's Co., close it that to you?

paula eagleholic said...

DanaWV...a vulture has no head compared to an eagle in flight

stronghunter said...

Funny Cat Video

JudyEddy said...

I just got through watching the videos I put on face book and something either fell or flew black thing behind Truder sitting in the nest I can't figure out what it it Has any one gone over to look at it today

paula eagleholic said...

Lynn St Mary's count is acreoss the is already here for 10 minutes or so

stronghunter said...

I took a quick look, JudyE, and I saw something odd, but I am not sure what it was.

JudyEddy said...

Hey I'm in process of downloading the video to a blog one is done and waiting on the other Pretty cool I guess I never looked for that icon BOY is it windy I bet the eagles don't show up in this oh the tree is rocking so BAD

JudyEddy said...

I'm gett oozy watching the nest sway WOW

stronghunter said...

Yeah, it is really swaying/

JudyEddy said...

YEAH I successfully posted one video and the other is still processing on a bog titled Nest Video
NEST VIDEO of this am visit

JudyEddy said...

Denise Allen commented on your video "Early Morning 6-11-11".
Denise wrote: "The view looks so different with the leaves on the trees. Are they thinking that Liberty has given up on Belle as his mate? I was heartbroken by what happened this season, but it was fascinating at the same time."

This is from our facebook page Not for sure who this is but neat that they visited our page Cool Beans!!

I hope you guys don't get anything from the storm WOW it is super windy at the nest I don't hear a storm yet
I have never seen the tree sway so much in the wind

JudyEddy said...

OH NO I can post videos on the blog ARE you guys in trouble or what LOL

stronghunter said...

Post away, Judy!

JudyEddy said...

Hey I googled our error 503 and there is info on funny huh says network is busy as if we didn't know that

JudyEddy said...

I guess its like a busy signal

JudyEddy said...

and we thought we signed up for call waiting OK LM engaging I'll hush up LOL

paula eagleholic said...

Just sprinkling here now...might get a sunset :)

JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...

just sitting there waiting on belle like last night

JudyEddy said...

A little early tonigh picking at 11

JudyEddy said...

Is anyone else here

JudyEddy said...

Picking a crib rails at 10 11

JudyEddy said...

moivng big rail now at 11

JudyEddy said...

just sitting now

paula eagleholic said...

Thanks judy I am watching but can't comment at the same time

JudyEddy said...

I still think he needs to go get Belle preening his chest real quick moving to 6 behind leaf

JudyEddy said...

sitting behind limb and leaf

JudyEddy said...

looking out

JudyEddy said...

wow looks like a plus sign now big time

JudyEddy said...

Someone needs to go and trim that leafy branch for us YA think

JudyEddy said...

BELLE is ringing IN

JudyEddy said...

He is just sitting there at 5 when flew in

JudyEddy said...

poof beele

JudyEddy said...

POOF truder

JudyEddy said...

early and short I wonder if they wil be back a wait and see

JudyEddy said...

about a 9 min visit

JudyEddy said...

BELLEs new name for slang is Beele
BELLE rang in and Beele rang out LOL

JudyEddy said...

Is that rain drops we hear or the eagles on cam box I hear it once in a while but don't see any raindrops

Hoda said...

What a HUGE storm we are having here!!! I got drenched when I was walking back to my car from Yoga...It is also Grad here today and the kids have a parade downtown where they block off the roads and get a full compliment of RCMP vehicles, sorry no horses today,LOL!!! Well they were in convertibles. They got drenched but had umbrellas and were BEAUTIFUL and Cheerful and full of life...In Eastern traditions it is an auspicious not really a rain on their parade, they were being blessed...Their parents looked so proud and they were taking pictures and the sirens were on and the music was loud and here is a new class of young Adults joining the adult world. I wishe them luck and God's Grace to guide them.

JudyEddy said...

HODA sound really nice I love parades

wvgal_dana said...

Shirley I will have to try later to look at your pictures. I can't deal with "error 503" grrrr anymore.

Going in and get my feet up in the recliner.

Drink a cold pepsi lol

I did get a picture of Truder.

Cat video was funny.

Try to see ya later.

Hoda said...

I watched them too Judy E and was very pleased to see them. I posted on the WOW site...

It is GREAT JudyE that you posted the morning visit on this blog...THANK YOU SO MUCH.

Hedgie/ Lynn I knew you and Shirley were strong women and with lots of back bone and strong character...and then I read you are both SURVIVORS and I say a prayer in Praise with gratitude and joy that you continue to live your purpose and bring us all a wonderful example of the way to be...YOU ROCK SHIRLEY AND LYNN...

Mema Jo said...

I have returned - 9:00 movie on TV

Judy - your video came across
very very well - I enjoyed it -
Keep them coming! I was able to
leave you a comment also.

stronghunter said...

How kind of you, Hoda. I do feel blessed. I was diagnosed in 1995, so it has been awhile now.

stronghunter said...

But a cancer diagnosis changes your life for good, that is for sure.

Hoda said...

JudyE not only do I appreciate your written posts I appreciated very much the VIDEO post of the morning visit.THANK YOU VERY MUCH...

JudyEddy said...

No problem I enjoy doing it I am in process of doing tonight to Face book and I am still waiting for the other one to finish to the blog of this am visit it was a two part-er Its easier to post two smaller that one big I can't edit my sim card hahaha

JudyEddy said...

HEY PAULA does it take such along time the first one went quicker than the second and off course the second is longer really taking along time

FuzzleMT said...

Oh my word - I think that leafy branch at the bottom of our nest screen is waving to us!!!!!

FuzzleMT said...

Very animated - maybe it is telling a tale - and, no, didn't even have wine with dinner ;)

FuzzleMT said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
hedgie said...

Great video, JudyE....I didn't see the thing you mentioned, tho'.

Thanks, Hoda. 2005 for me! What doesn't kill us makes us stronger!!
One good thing---it got me an early retirement; tried like h--- to get an early offer when GM was cutting back....turned out I wasn't expendable....but then I was only 6 mos. out from qualifying based on points (age+years of service).....but doing it on disability got me much more money!

hedgie said...

Storm was mostly just rain....only one close clap of thunder. But I'm hearing it maybe a round #2 coming.

Do you only have one high school, Hoda, or do they just all graduate at the same time? Neat that they have a parade like that for them!

FuzzleMT said...

My delete - posted twice - I SWEAR I'm not drinking . . .

Hoda said...

I know number two sister in Egypt, her name was Azza, and she had colon cancer and she gave it such a strong fight and it lasted for five years where we thought she beat it and then it would come back...Mama was in her eighties then and Azza lived with her and she could not bear the thought that she would die and leave Mama alone. She actually died of a heart attack in 2002, her body fully gone to cancer but her will to live ever so very strong. It changed her five last years to no end and changed our family life to an incredible degree...every day that we are here is precious because it could all go so fast...She was the first daughter my mother lost...two and a half years later she lost my first sister Fatma to kidney failure for a misdiagnosis...they were treating her for heart problems and giving her heart medication and it lasted a year and in reality it was her kidneys and they shut down... So this way I became the oldest of the sisters in the family...we were four girls in my birth family in Egypt...My youngest sister Samia has heart problems and her husband just came out of the hospital with cancer surgery, again the colon...

You are PRECIOUS and you are STRONG and I am glad you survived it...God keep you in his Light always.

stronghunter said...

I see the dancing, waving branch, Fuzzle.

stronghunter said...

Yes, it does change the whole family, Hoda. You are definitely a strong woman with a very interesting and strong family.

You have lived so many places and had so many experiences.

stronghunter said...

Prayers for Samia and her husband.

Judie said...

Here for a quick visit.

What a lovely day everyone seems to be having.

JudyE, thank you for the link about Winter. I had no idea about the injury and the amazing survival.

Yes indeed! We have some very, very special survivors as our friends. Much to be grateful for.

Hoda, what a really great physician to actually take the time to try to figure out exercises for his patients. Could you please send him my way?

Feel as if I am quickly becoming a vulture expert -- NOT.

Hope everyone survived the storms and sprinkles. Had a serious downpour here but only lasted about 30 minutes. However, it was nice to have all the outdoor plants and vegetables watered by nature. Will do some dead-heading tomorrow.

Hi Lowreeda! Hi Dana! Hi Jo! Hi Paula!

Did almost nothing today. Not a high energy day. A quick visit to the Farmer's Market. Need to wait another week or two for the corn and tomatoes I would like.

Shirley, I can only imagine how your emotions must be at this time. Congratulations on a job well done! How's Hunter? All recovered I hope.

I think I will be headed to the pillows very early tonight. Have another two chapters of a book to read and then, hopefully, some sleep.

The night light is set for 11:00pm. Restful sleep for all.

stronghunter said...

Hi, Judie,

Yes, I am waiting for the corn and tomatoes to show up at the farmers' market, too!

Sounds like you had a restful day. After the graduation ceremony, I did not do much, either.

JudyEddy said...

I have two videos on facebook I will down load on the blog if the other one ever get done I think its stuck odd taking this long but the blog is acting odd I can type and the words don't show up right away funny May have to cancel the down load maybe because I'm doing too much at once Could be huh

Judie said...

Hoda, you and your family have been through many difficult times. Just know you now have yet another family to be your friends and support.

Kay said...

WVgal DANA, sorry about the loss of your dear little dog. I don't blame you for waiting for a while to get another, in fact I think it wise. We can't replace a family member and must wait to feel closure before moving on. The right dog will come along and you'll know it when you see it !

Kay said...

PAULA, WMP checks out, up and running. Eventually something will dawn on me or it will just start working. These puters do, so often, seem to have a mind of their own.

JudyEddy said...

OH shoot Internet explorer not responding I guess too many browser open the live cam, the still cam, this blog, and face book and another with blog uploading video well that one is being a pain so before it takes possession of the rest I guess the one video is really stuck will have to do over darn it BBL LM

Kay said...

LYNN, thanks for sharing "eagles tear up nest". In all the nests I watched the last 3 years I've not seen that happen. I guess there are a variety of personal habits and differences in brain power among Bald Eagles.

stronghunter said...

Hunter is having a glass of milk and a pickle slice. Only Hunter . . .

JudyEddy said...

this is toooo weird my video is no longer on the blog Internet explorer not working did something ODD Bad computer you are grounded to your room LOL

JudyEddy said...

I got the video back for some reason it wanted me to publish it all over again The other one didn't get put on it will do another time need to step away from the machine for the evening

Well I'm calling it a day also

See ya in the am

God Bless this Nest
and all whom watch it
Healing thoughts for
those in need

"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."

Kay said...

LYNN, I love the way you cook for yourself ! I've gotten lazier and lazier in that department. I take in the recommended food groups each day, but do so with little cooking or fuss.

Hoda said...

Shirley Thanks for your prayers for Samia and her husband. I appreciate it.

Judie, I feel very blessed with my American Family and also my Friends.Coming to the blog is a very positive experience for me and I thank you all. God shows me HIS GRACE every day of my life. The St Francis Prayer resonates with me and I have a blessed life full of gratitude and Light.

Kay said...

Sorry each time I miss a Belle n' Truder visit, but so happy there is always a Momster around to give us a nice play by play ! I'm always comforted just to know they're still around and seem to be healthy.

Lolly said...

Hi all! I am finally home. Ended up spending two nights at Laurel's. I was helping her with yet another garage sale. She still had so much of Faye's things and did not just want to throw them away or just give it away. She made over $500. That will help pay for their vacation in Colorado and she can now park her car in the garage. Yea! She still had a lot of crystal bowls and candle sticks, that kind of thing left over and she donated 3 boxes of "stuff" to Ruth's house that profits Habitat for Humanity and baby items to Twice as Nice, a charity babies. Then we put 3 boxes at the curb and they disappeared fast. NO MORE YARD SALES!!!!!

We put up an awning and stayed in the shade as much as we could. The mornings were nice but around 11AM it started getting quiet warm!!

I have not read back on the blog so yell if there is something I must know.

Lolly said...

quite warm....not quiet! LOL

Kay said...

Wishing God's richest blessings on you all ! Prayers as always.

Time to take Malcolm out once more and then we are going to crash. He seems to be tired and I sure am !

♥L♥I♥B♥E♥R♥T♥Y !!!!!!!

paula eagleholic said...

Sure was nice to see an eagle in our nest5

Lori I hear ya on the dirtball feeling...I got the mower running and there was dirt flying everywhere....just grabbed a shower and I feel like a new woman...even though I am on town water, the water is so soft and feels great

Michael left about 1/2 hour ago...he may just run into sprinkles or light rain

hedgie said...

LOL, Kay....I love to eat, but it's not much fun cooking for one...except for fresh corn, green beans and tomatoes (all of which I am anxiously awaiting!), I don't care much for a meat and a starch is all I usually fix. I had long-grain wild-rice compliments of Uncle Ben with my ribs. E-a-s-y!

Judie, glad you took it easy today!

Hoda, prayers for your sister and her husband. Have you been home recently?

JudyE, sometimes posting stuff on blog is impossible!!! Persistencce pays off!

Wonder where Lynne and Lolly have disappeared to????

stronghunter said...

Hmm, think we just found Lolly.

JudyEddy said...

I posted the video on the blog of tonight's just the one with Belle not the over 3min with Truder alone NESTVIDEOS

Wasn't going to let the puter get the better of me I showed it who is boss IT IS LOL

ok night again

Lolly said...

I am here, Lynn! LOL Read back to see why I disappeared.

stronghunter said...

Time to call it quits. I will watch your videos tomorrow, Judy.

I have not done a lot today, but I did get up really early. I will be able to sleep in, soon. After Monday. Monday, I need to be in Culpeper by 7:00AM for breakfast with the English department. We are gathering at IHOP.

NatureNut said...

Oh, I missed seeing Turd, No big deal!What shall we do when his head turns white?? Guess we'll recognize him by his (sloppy) actions.
WOW, Paula, you saw a real live terrapin!! I've only seen them in tanks.
Hoda, prayers for your family members who are ill. CA does change your life--at first is terror, but when you've overcome it, you are thankful for each day you awaken. I'm lucky that I seem to get excited about little things that happen. For the first time this season, Hummer boy came to sip at one of my new lantana plants & THEN went to the feeder!

BBL, I hope

Hoda said...

Hedgie/Lynn, When I emigrated I knew I did not want to be a Canadian who earned money here and called somewhere else home...So Egypt is my Birth country but Canada now is my home.
Also things have been very unstable in Egypt of late and I have not been back since 1985. I am not married and the laws there would say that a male relative would have to give me permission to leave the country if things went wrong and I just do not want to risk it. I travel with my Canadian Passport and it is a very good Passport but in the country of birth if things were unsettled the Canadian embassy could only provide advice but I would be subject to Egyptian law...Mama and Papa are now gone and my two oldest sisters are now gone and while I have many aunts and uncles and cousins and nieces I do not feel I want to risk it.They have come here to visit a few times and we do the Skype thing regulary...

The above might sound so weird to you all, but I believe that in emigrating there is a price to pay and while there are many benefits needless to say, I did not want to be an immigrant who earned money in Canada and called Egypt is a choice and I grew up because of it... I am blessed.

paula eagleholic said...

Laundry is in the dryer...dishes are done...guess I can relax for a few

Lolly glad Laurel is done with all that stuff! How are the boys?

hedgie said...

Well, there's one of oyr strays! Hi, Lolly!!! You had a full 2 days, for sure!

I missed the nest visit, too---:( I've bbem catching up on some shows and reading the book about Isla. Tears re-living last year--both of pain for what we all went through with her, and then the joy and marvel of her recovery!

Goodnight, Kay and anyone else turning in. Gonna go take my bath. BBL.

paula eagleholic said...

Hoda are things any better under tthe military? I hope and pray that Egypt gets their democratic government...I wouldn't blame you for not going back...independence and freedom are something to be cherished

Hoda said...

Welcome home Lolly. You were missed and I am glad it went well for you and Laurel.

Has anyone heard from Lynne2 lately? Am I being confused? I have missed her postings...any news of Steve? I read he was driving home as posted by Lynne 2 and someone asked if he found another job but I have not seen the answer to that...

Goodnight to all who are turning in and God bless.Sweet dreams to you all.

Hoda said...

Paula it is very complicated in Egypt right now and I think some things have improved but military rule is not a good scenario in the best of times.My sister thinks things are less secure than they used to be before the uprising. To go to the bank for example or to the ATM machine she has to hire a guard so she would not be robbed because people watch who has gone in the bank and then they assault them for their money. It is a stop gap measure and I worry that the elections will bring some of the Moslem Brotherhood to power and I feel very uncomfortable about the way they see things...Democracy is a process and they are in the beginning phases and it will take a while for it to be stable...God Bless them and guide them.

paula eagleholic said...

Gonna go read for a bit

paula eagleholic said...

Hoda it does take awhile for a new democracy to become good and respected and well functioning...hope Egypt can head down the right path

Lolly said...

Hoda...we are blessed to know you and to have you here on the blog. Your posting on Egypt are very interesting. Thank you for sharing. Definitely will keep your sister in prayer.(((Hugs)))

Well, I fell asleep between posts. I have been getting up so early the last two mornings and then being outside in the heat has done me in for sure!

My boys are just great! They are certainly enjoying being out of school. Joseph had basketball camp this past week, but was home Friday afternoon and today. He earned the "Hustle" award. He is one active kid when it comes to sports. Jacob is just delightful. On my way home he called me. He had lost another tooth. LOL He told his mom, "guess you are calling Grandmommy." He is always saying the funniest things and he is still a cuddle bug. I love that!

paula eagleholic said...

Lol Lolly sounds like you need some ZZZZ's...gonna read till I fall asleep, catch you in the mren

(((Hugs for all)))

Lolly said...

Oh, and the most exciting news...Michael, Ashley, and Zach are making it to Colorado!! Wahoo! Laurel and the boys are always camping with us in the Rocky Mts. Joey goes when he can and this year he is going. They have our old tent. Michael had made a campsite reservation but it was doubtful that they would make it. Well, today he called from a sporting goods store. He was buying a tent, air mattress, etc. Wanted to know if we could haul it up there. They are flying to Denver, renting a car and joining us for three nights. Michael always LOVED camping, so I know he is excited. Zach will love it too. We will see how Ashley does! Laurel asked if Ashley knows she will need tennis shoes. LOL She is always wearing very high heels. This is going to be interesting!!!

Mema Jo said...

I watched the TV for an hr and a half. Now my eyes are very heavy
and I will just need to read all
the evening chatters tomorrow
Sunday 2:00 I will be watching
Alexis at her dance recital. It
is exciting to see what these
little minds and feet accomplish!

I will see all you lovely friends
tomorrow - I am beat and if I were to stay I would be typing some new words for our blog dictionary.

God Bless you one and all
♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

Lolly said...

Yep, I need to get some ZZZZZ's for sure. I am heading that way right now.

Night all! Sweet dreams! ☺

I did tell Laurel about all the Anniversary wishes from you all.

hedgie said...

Oops....I completely forgot that Loretta is one of our CA survivor's, too! Sorry, Lowreeda!!!

Hoda, I understand your decision and reasons for not going back.....imagine it must be very hard for you, tho', not to be able to be there during family crises.

Hoda said...

Goodnight Mema Jo, Paula and Lolly, God Bless and sweet dreams.

NatureNut said...

Lolly, you're back from Grandma fun!!
How does it get to be 11 PM so quickly???

Blessings for all &
Pleasant Feather Dreams ;>)

hedgie said...

Cool policeman save of a choking toddler in Port St. Lucie, FL yesterday....two news stories in one day from that county!

hedgie said...

Well, sounds like many are really worn out, too, tho' I haven't done anything all day! Liesl is asleep, I need to paint my nails, and then head for the pillows. Including all of you in my prayers, as always. And always remember: ♫ "Let there be peace on earth, and let it begin with me."♫

Hoda said...

Goodnight Lynn and Loretta sweet dreams and God Bless.

magpie said...

...because the night bandit lurks, Loretta... happens to me all the time! I keep asking Judie to work her police voodoo magic on him !
The St Francis Prayer
do you mean, "Lord, Make Me An Instrument of Your Peace..."
I memorized the prayer when my sister Katherine ws so ill with Alzheimer's Disease at an early age, several years ago. She died in December 2007 at age 60.
I say it, daily, sometimes two or three times

It says it, all....
You seem to be very much, that Instrument of Peace
♥ Hello, late, Eagle Pals, might as well pretty much make that
Good Night......soon

magpie said...

caught up
glad to read Lolly is back in her roost

pretty tired and cramped up, and computer is doing its ghost writing trick while I try to post on the blog

magpie said...

I failed to call in Sharon with my TRAIN, so I am going back to my "Paula's Magpie" again...maybe that will work, sometime Sunday

just double-checked ISS flyovers...a good one scheduled in these parts at 5:17 am, about the time the Eagles should be visiting the nest

Maybe they will wait on me 'til after I try to see ISS

magpie said...

Dinosaur is siimply not playnig nicely
takes forever to finish and post a comment

Better go for a reboot

SPLIT not too far off.....

Good Night, Eagle Pals
Hello Any Night Owls...sorry to miss out on schmoozing with everyone

God Bless This Nest, and
God Bless Us, Every One

xoxo ♥

magpie said...


Except, for those last few closing-out details you mentioned ...

Job, Extremely, Well Done !
xoxo ♥

Costume Lady said...

Another hot day...not as bad as the past two. We had been grilling on the deck for supper 2 days in a row, but just couldn't handle it this evening. So, instead of steak on the grill, we had Liver on the hardship, there, we love liver:)
Must say good night now.

Hoda said...

Margy, I am sooooo happy that you like the St Francis Prayer...It is indeed with all the lessons of life that can see us through thick and thin...I can see it bringing you strength as you were dealing with your sister's sickness...

I think most every body has signed off. I was talking on the phone with friends who used to live in the town where I taught and have since moved to Panama a good ten years ago,they are in Canada visiting their children and grand children so we had a GREAT visit on the phone... We talked for over an hour...oh my!!!

Good night and God Bless...
Good Night all and God Bless and I'll see you all in the morning God Willing...

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone,
I've managed to make it back here tonight! We were so busy today I didn't get a chance to call Microsoft tech support back, but maybe tomorrow. Hope they work 24/7! It's just goofy that I would get dumped off the intenet randomly. No rhyme or reason for it. Plays havoc with my school work, too!

We were out and about today, so have recorded the Belmont, and will have to watch it tomorrow.

Interesting news to report! We have a "flock" of some kind of medium-sized parrot that flies over our neighborhood. They are green, and have a very distinctive call. There must be about 20 or 25 of them. Hope they will come to our bird feeders some time so I can see them better! They fly fairly high in the sky. MTBR...

Well, calling it a night. Hubby and Emma are already snoring. Prayers for everyone, and for every creature.
Checking to make sure the porch light is still on. Enabling both security systems. Sleep tight, everyone! Will talk to you tomorrow. God bless, and goodnight. Love every one of you! :o]]

Ms Bookworm said...

Oops--almost forgot! Here is a picture of Katie, my other puppy niece. She and Charlee are sisters. They are both 6 years old. Katie has a mostly white face, but her body is fawn colored. Both of "the girls" are so affectionate that I laughingly say you could get away with doing open heart surgery on them WITHOUT an anesthetic, as long as you PET them! LOL

JudyEddy said...


Lori O. said...

Good Morning Eagle Land Friends!

Lori O. said...


Lori O. said...

Wasn't easy hearing the alarm - didn't get to bed until 12:30!

JudyEddy said...

SHIRLEY is a FREE WOMAN a woman of leisure Celebrations are in store The best is yet to come enjoy your new found freedom

JudyEddy said...

BACK AT YA LORI I am tired too

JudyEddy said...

I hope they show up for us Being we drug our butt our of bed

Lori O. said...

ANDY - The bully sisters, Chalree & Katie are adorable!

«Oldest ‹Older   1 – 200 of 1054   Newer› Newest»

2/20/25 PM bird

1203 PM NN Scout comes to the nest with a load of bedding again. He seemed to leave with something in his talons. He has a beak full of bedd...