Thursday, June 09, 2011


New thread.


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Lolly said...

Thanks Steve for the new thread!

Will call the others over!

Judie said...

Hi Lolly.

Thank you, Steve. Mighty fine of you to provide the new thread in all this heat. Hope you can stay cool and hydrated.

floralgirl said...

HEY LORI! Here's where I find the latest info on stink bugs Organic Management of Brown Marmorated Stink Bug website

USDA entomologist Dr. Tracy Leskey has released a report on the laboratory efficacy of a variety of OMRI approved insecticides for brown marmorated stink bug. Products that showed the most promise included Pyganic®, M-Pede®, and Entrust®. Pyganic® was especially effective when combined with Surround®. Of the compounds tested, only Pyganic® and Surround® are labeled for use for stink bugs.

Judie said...

Well, Shirley, you have gone above and beyond. Pack your boxes and don't look back except for the fun times and good memories. You've spent many years giving to the children of others. A salute to you!

DanaMo said...

Cool picture of Lori and FloBear! Love it!

wvgal_dana said...

Thanks Lolly for the heads up.

Brought over from old thread:

For others that are wondering like I was thinking. How can Lori and Flobear be on the West End cam. The 3 eaglets would be on there.

Well go to this link and scroll down below the cam
Lori and Flobear are there if you scroll on down below the cam

Hoda said...

Good morning all. Glad there was a visit from botth Belle and Truder.
Glad that Hedgie/Lynn in connected back to the blog.
Glad that for stronghunter not too many more days...HAPPY RETIREMENT.
Keep Cool and remember DRINK WATER everyone.
Have a GREAT day everyone.BBL

Lynne2 said...

popping in as I am leaving for work...will check in if I can from there....DRINK DRINK DRINK lots of water people!!!

Thanks for the info on the SBs Megan. Mysteriously, our SBs have least for now! YAY!!!!!!!!

BBL...hope everyone is well....haven't had a chance to catch up :(

Lynne2 said...

oh, thanks Steve!

Lolly said...

I was reading the old blog when Jack asked if I was ready to go to church to work in the prayer garden. I do appreciate his help and jumped up and we left. Now I am back. Had to water the Lantana and pull a few weeks, so it did not take too long.

Yea, Lynn! Glad you are back. Was thinking about sending you another text! I do hope you remembered me to Liesl this morning.☺

Golly, everyone has been giving treats to Buddy this morning. Thelma is going to have one fat dog for sure. Laurel posted a picture of Isabelle, her obese cat, and said she was her trainer. Laurel was on the treadmill and the cat was watching her. LOL Izzy-Belle needs to be on the treadmill.

Lolly said...

I was very happy to read that Belle and Truder visited the nest this morning. Such fun for the morning crew!!!

Guess I am going to go clean up now and head back into town to pick up a few things.

Have a great day!!!

stronghunter said...

Just had a delightful lunch from Wendy's. Had a student show up to take her exam today and I missed the school lunch, so I went out, a rare treat for a schoolteacher.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Hello everybody. Seeing the plane this morning was great. I sent pics out on Eaglet Momsters mail and posted on Facebook.

hedgie said...

I'm getting here, I'm getting here....slowly but surely. Having lots of email glitches, too.....almost finished with old thread! Glad that Belle made an appearance; Truder? Not so much. TEAM LIBERTY!

JudyEddy said...

Thanks for the call over was busy posting video on facebook of this morning adventures with Jordyn and thanks STEVE for the new thread

hedgie said...

Sharon, were there many people out there watching?? I so wish I could have seen it...:(

DanaWV, of course tried unplugging AND resetting modem, mutiple times last night. Did it once this morning to make sure that it WAS going to continue working....suspect that the wireless component is bad and that's why I can't get laptop connected......going to call Frontier help again later after the trial goes off air at 5.

hedgie said...

We are under a severe storm watch until 8pm. 90° now....stifling out. Liesl wants to stay out but I can't so she's miffed. Saw something on her lip. Went to pull ot off----it was a piss ant---appeared dead but firmly attached. Hope it didn't bite her!!

JudyEddy said...

Geez I have five post on the old thread didn't realize there was a new one
Thanks PAULA for the call over I would have been there for awhile because I was reading the blog the right way and just found it

JudyEddy said...

I see Memma Jo does the same thing as me gets the emailed to her I love it that way so glad someone else does it. I'll bring over my other comments that no one saw since I was all alone HAHA

JudyE said...
TBIRD I love your doggie he is so cute
Thursday, June 09, 2011 12:37:00 PM

Jordyn down for a nap and I need to start doing my chores which I never seem to get around to doing We went to Freedom Park today haven't been there in a long time I pass by it picking her up and on the way home It has a real Airforce Jet with a memorial there Not to keen of the park because the swings are down from the play ground bad set up its right on the lake It has the largest American Flag ever there and Jordyn just loves There were other kids to play with now that school is out that was nice BBL LM

Thursday, June 09, 2011 12:41:00 PM

Everytime I look at the triplets they aren't there just a big empty pen they must be at the other end

Thursday, June 09, 2011 12:43:00 PM

Right after this post NEW THREAD

JudyEddy said...

I forgot this one

I just heard a not so happy bird around the nest and off course I have no idea what kind of bird LM LM

Thursday, June 09, 2011 1:52:00 PM

hedgie said...

Shirley, is there someone who can carry your boxes out to the car for you??

Here's an excerpt from a cartoon in today's paper that I thought was appropriate for the school/testing discussion:

"Why have final exams?"
"They just encourage us to study for grades rather than retain and apply true knowledge."

Funny, but definitely some truth embedded in that line of thinking!

JudyEddy said...

Sharon the pictures are awesome

Mema Jo said...

Good Afternoon Thanks Lolly for the call over - Thanks Steve for
the fresh hot thread!

Mema Jo said...

Sharon I loved your pics! Is that Mattie or Becky with you and T-Bird

Shirley - Just think - This is all
going to be memories soon! ♥

JudyE - Love you videos!Love that little gal of yours!

Not sure what you meant when you
said"I see Memma Jo does the same thing as me gets the emailed to her I love it that way so glad someone else does it. Whatis it that I do?

hedgie said...

Liesl and my leg cramps did let me sleep until after 8 this morning!! So nice.
I think she is still tired....only played ball for a couple of minutes....maybe it's just heat inertia! With A/C on 72, it's till 80 in here....sunroom primarily causes that!

JudyEddy said...

MEMMEJO checking the email box below the comment area I thought that what you meant having 100 emails to read I have the blog emailed to me

JudyEddy said...

I keep my thermostat at 78 with ceiling fans Jordyn is still asleep wore her out in the heat I guess

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone!...PHEW!!!!! Boy, it's taken a veritable act of Congress to get online today!!! Good Morning/Afternoon!

I had an error message again today when I tried to go online with IE 9. My computer did 50 million updates about a week ago, and I've had trouble off and on ever since then. I just spent 3+ hours on the phone with Earthlink, Time Warner Cable, and Microsoft tech support. (At least it wasn't "Peggy"!) Microsoft finally had me uninstall Internet Explorer 9, and I'm back to IE 8, which actually works! SOOOO glad to be able to get back here! :o]

JudyEddy said...

Thanks MS BOOKWORM for the IE9 warning sounds like they have bugs in it

Mema Jo said...

Judy E The 100 emails I was talking about were just 4 friends
chatting away - I mentioned to them that we need a Private Blog!
I really had to delete in order to
catch up. Sometimes I check emails
from these comments on special
occasions - hatching of an egg -
return of the eagles...

Mema Jo said...

My feet are going up for an hour
Son and family coming over for
dinner around 6:00.


JudyE - you should take a nap with
Jordyn... You have earned it!

Ms Bookworm said...

Well, my Sis- and Bro-in-law are headed to Phuket, Thailand! I think they have about 4 more hours in the air before they get there. They left from LAX late last night. They will be back home on Father's Day. I went over to take care of the bulldogs this morning. Haven't got long to chat here. I have more schoolwork to transcribe, and have to turn it in tonight--then do more for next turn-in date in 3 weeks!

Gosh, still hot back East! You'll hate me for saying it's about 66 and cloudy, and actually kind of misty, here this morning. Wish I could send some of it to you momsters & dadsters who are melting back there!

Would like to be able to spend the time getting caught up here, but can't till my schoolwork is turned in.

Did notice that WV Dana is having trouble with the internet. Are there others, too?

Ms Bookworm said...

JudyE, my first clue about IE 9 was when I went to pay one of my bills online. PayXpress doesn't recognize IE 9, so had to pay it by phone! Grrr!

JudyEddy said...

those leaves are going to cover up the whole tree trunk branch in the next day really growing

JudyEddy said...

66 sounds so nice

Ms Bookworm said...

Gosh, Lynn, sorry to hear about the p--- ant on poor Liesl! Are you drinking tons of water? Hope you are not dehydrated. Hope & pray the leg cramps scram soon!

JudyEddy said...

I dislike doing new thing on the puter I hate trying to figure out what to do I did do the IE8 and am thinking about downloading the program that Paula has to record the cam but can't figure out which one several out there and again I don't like change
LYNN hope you are feeling better soon

Ms Bookworm said...

Will have to go back later and read the link about stink bugs from Megan--bet it's interesting!

Well, gotta get busy on schoolwork. Will check back in later tonight after I get home from school and from taking care of the bulldogs, Charlee and Katie. HAGD, everyone, and hope you can stay cool!

hedgie said...

Andy, I got offer to update to IE9 and just ignored it!!! 8 is bad enough!!
Quite a trip for your sis-in-law. What kind of work does she do? Hope it's a quick trip for you to their house! What? Twice a day trip??
Are you still doing the police transcription? I would live that!! Much more interesting than straight medical!

hedgie said...

Awww.....court adjourned for the day. Casey is sick....maybe a good actress, too?? Yep, I'm a cynic!!

JudyEddy said...

I just had the crap scared out of me a LIZARD was on top of my screen and jumped down I 'm not for sure who is scared more me or it I tried to catch him and put him out but no such luck

hedgie said...

Leg cramps are ages old......waiting for my "foreign" quinine to come---only thing that REALLY works, but can't get it in US anymore unless you have malaria!
My cramps have nothing to do with hydration or any vitamin/mineral deficiency. They think MAYBE related to my awful varicosities. They say not related to poor O2 sats. Dr. said he would write script for Quinine from Canada---found out no script needed. Sold over counter!

movin said...



Quite a bit of cloudy out today, but the sun is up there somewhere. You can see hints filtering through.. "June Gloom" I guess.

C(°Ù¿°)D Jim

Judie said...

I'm back. Errands done. Darth is napping. I am catching up.

Poor Ms. Anthony. So sad that listening to the CSI/medical examiner details of her daughter's remains made her feel sick. Hope she's all better by tomorrow.

Andy, are you doing the police transcription. Hang in there with all the homework. You've come a long way, girl. Like Lynn, that would be my choice. So interesting. Would Emma get along with the Charlee and Katie? Maybe some play time together?

I always thought a piss ant was a not very nice person. Is there really some creature called a piss ant? Guess I'll Google.

Jo, have a nice time with family tonight. Stay inside, please.

JudyE, I cannot imagine having a lizard drop on me. Please keep them down your way, please and thank you. Glad you had fun with Jordyn today.

Lolly, so glad you and Jack got the church garden prettied up. I know your efforts are much appreciated.

Lynn, I see your 90º and raise you 5 -- 95º on the patio.

Going to pretend to be Jo and go put my feet up.


Judie said...

Jim, so glad you stopped by. Hope that means you are feeling better. June gloom it may be but I'm sure you would prefer that to our 100+º on the East Coast.

hedgie said...

Phoebe's 2nd egg has hatched!!

NatureNut said...

Gosh Darn! I just wrote a big comment and Error 503 ate it!!!AARRGGHH
I don't want to repeat it all, but we had visit from our friends from Paw Paw on their way home.They had AC off & just called now. It was 60° in basement and 85° upstairs! They took a Mem. Animal pic for their SIL, Barb. She introduced us to NCTC cam in '06!!!Never joined Blog, but has been to NCTC.

Kay said...

Wahoo, LYNN, you just don't know how you were missed and how pleased we are to have you back ! Carolyn was so sweet to offer messenger service, but it's good to "talk" to and hear directly from you !

JudyEddy said...

Lizards are quite common in Fl my yard is full of them The neighbor child would want to sneak in my yard to play with them His name is Dillon and that was in 1997 He hates it when I say something now FUNNY
I'm teaching Jordyn how to catch them its really hard and you can't grab their tails otherwise they fall off and your just stuck with a wiggle piece of tail and the lizard has run away I'm sure you have the willies by now I'm a tom boy I guess

hedgie said...

Don't know if this will work or not, but give it a try!
Play Guitar

You can record, too!

DanaMo said...

Well I've been floating around the pool all day, and eating...not good! If I spend the summer like this I will huge and I really want to lose some weight. Yikes.

I think I'm going to move over to the tv area and watch whatever is on, can't be outside unless I'm submersed in the water. Temps. are in the 90's.

Kay said...

As I said yesterday, AHEM, Lori is pictured at WE with T.T, not FloBear. Kate gave her the gift of that lovely tribute. Check out, perhaps some of us will want to do the same thing in the future. Pretty neat !

hedgie said...

It's in honor of Les Paul's birthday!!!

Mema Jo said...

My feet are down.......
but I'm not really up/running yet

Kay said...

WVgal DANA, Jim will be so pleased once he has those cataracts taken care of. Had mine removed in 2006--didn't realize what I was missing til' they were gone. Now only use glasses for small print. Don't need them for driving, TV, etc., like I once did.

For those who've been asking, I finally found my Dwarf Alberta Spruce today. I called a nursery Julie and I hadn't been to and Voila`! We are so happy to know about the place. The 40.00 spruce was marked down to 20.00, found a nice umbrella marked down from 110.00 to 40.00 and they had the soil, pot, roller thingy, too. Julie went along and then helped me pot it, swept up our little mess and put the sage green umbrella up. The deck looks nice and I'm so relieved to have it all done !

JudyEddy said...

Well heading out to Angie and Carl for dinner Darn it I will miss the visit Probably will be late getting home so may not check in until am so I hope all has a good day and night Later Gator

Kay said...

Too bad the folks at WVC didn't paint that end fencing white or use light colored wood so we could see the eaglets better. Can just pick up the yellow talons grasping the "swing". Guess they have their reasons.

Look at that wind kicking up at our nest. Oh, oh, JUDYE is heading out and she's our ant detector. Maybe HODA will be able to tell us if they are still around.

PA Nana said...

Hi everyone. Just a quick check-in.

Welcome back Lynn. We'd all be lost without our connection.

Nice picture of Lori and friend. Thanks DanaWV for the link.

Judie said...

Headed to the kitchen to prepare tonight's gourmet entree.

JudyE, again, please keep your lizards to yourself and Jordyn. Gross!

Kay, so pleased you found the spruce and got it planted. Now you can truly enjoy your deck area.

Hi Lowreeda.

No running, Jo. Running is not allowed.

DanaMO, so nice you have a pool to use to stay cool. Enjoy!

Congrats to Phoebe. She sure does a good job.


hedgie said...

From WCV:
It's raining eaglets ... two more Bald Eagles were admitted this morning -- one from Hampton and the other from Virginia Beach. One appears to be mostly healthy -- the other is emaciated. We've added them to the "what's new" page ... and the Bald Eagle tally here at the WCV.

paula eagleholic said...

Kay, bet the deck looks great now! deserve a day of relaxation!!

Heading home, cya later.

wvgal_dana said...

Back from town and dragging 2-40 lb.bags of salt for the water softner.
Loaded them into truck of car. Used
wheelchair to push up ramp. Those
suckers are heavy. Bet I feel it
tonight (cramps legs) and back.

Lolly on your comment about the
prayer garden. You can come to
my house and pull a few "weeks" anytime.

Sharon thanks for those pictures
of the Hudson.

Thanks Andy know not to do IE9
still haven't done IE 8. Was
worried there would be problems.
Those of you that have IE 8.
Are you having any problems?

Hedgie-Lynn can't you put up
those roll up blinds in the
sunroom to help the A/C keep
things cooler during the real hot days??

Andy not me must be another Dana
having internet problems. Hedgie-Lynn does on her laptop. She is using her other computer.

JudyE has momsters in her house. Man eating lizards!!!!! Run, Run, Run for your life!!!!! Giant piss ants attacking a beautiful doggie named Liesl in West Virginia. Kill those giant piss ants!!!!

Well Casey should finally get sick.
When she listens to the Medical
examiner giving details of that
poor child she killed.

Lynn I played the guitar but I sure
do not sound good. That is neat will send it to someone who has some talent lol

Kay so nice you found your tree and you even got a good price on umbrella. Bet your deck does look nice.

Oh Kay I don't want to go there about cataract surgery. Girls what was it 2008 I had mine. Have had problems every since. Didn't have any problems before the surgery. Same doctors has done others they did just fine. That is why Judie or Andy puts that "thumb print thingy on for me". lol

WOW Hedgie-Lynn WCV is getting hit.
With injured or sick eagles. Thank
God they are there to help!!!! Thank you WCV!!!!!!!

hedgie said...

Kay, so glad you found everything you needed! Take a pic for us to see!!!! Yep---fouynd out it was T.T. and not FloBear with Lori!

Those crazy lizards would sometimes get in Mom's house and die! Often found carcasses behind the drapes at the lanai door!

I remember finding one in a plant here at KMart once....brought it home for the kids....he didn't live long!

Think storm is getting close...a bit a hot air blowing....92° now...very cloudy.

Hoda said...

It is 67 degrees F and I finally could walk around in a blouse and capri pants with no jacket!!!It felt wonderful. It looks like a storm is rolling in so I came in as the blue skies are quickly disappearing. It was great to have the spell of warm weather for a few hours today...

KAY I have the camera up and I do not see any ants on the branch right now. Have seen them before, maybe it is too windy there today...I will keep an eye out for them. That leaf sure is growing fast...

I so like the idea of weeding the prayer garden. Good on you LOLLY it must have been very meditative.

HEDGIE/LYNN say hi to Leisl and I hope your leg feels better soon...were you already able to buy the medicine through the internet or do you want me to buy some and send it to you? Would you have to pay taxes on such a package I wonder?

Stay hydrated everyone...I ate ice cream today...YUM YUM YUM

hedgie said...

DanaMo----you are ENTITLED to a few days of do-nothingness! Enjoy that pool!!!!

hedgie said...

I have vertical blinds, DanaWV, but then no a/c goes in there and it becomes unbearable. Plus closing the blinds makes the house SO dark....and they blow in the air from the a/c and fans so make noise!!!

hedgie said...

Thank you, Hoda.....MAY take you up on your offer. I ordered it online...tracking it's's coming out of INDIA!!! A little you know if a lot of your drugs come from there??? Worrying a little about safety factor. ????

Lolly said...

Hodo...weeding the garden at church was not really meditative. It was weed, water, and get home. It is in complete sun and it was HOT. I think some trees need to be planted there as well as more shrubs in the background,but that is a matter of more $$$.

Lolly said...


hedgie said... laptop back up!!!! Techs can be amazing....and it WASN'T "shirley" guy!!!!

He did say, tho', to keep work ticket for Monday open because they are having so much trouble that I could very well lose internet again. AARGH! Almost a repeat of last summer when we first were switched to Frontier....heat caused frying of their stations....maybe it's happening again.....

hedgie said...

Time for chow. BBL!

magpie said...

I discovered that guitar on Google at work this morning Hedgie, one computer in the whole room has sound
it was hilarious!
If you hadn't posted I was getting ready to...
Les Paul:
June 9 - 1915 - Aug 12, 2009
A true musical genius

Glad you got your Alberta Spruce and all the fixin's, Kay

Glad things in the weather department were pleasant today, Hoda
I really like your collage avatar, of your father

Nice pictures, Sharon, of the Miracle on the Hudson, must have been breathtaking, thanks for posting pictures on E-M

It's almost over, Shirley, almost over. Check it all at the door, close the door, and wave Good-Bye, Proudly

Hello Eagle Pals ☺

wvgal_dana said...

Hedgie-Lynn I thought I would see more pictures on fb of Liesl???

magpie said...

Please tell your Paw Paw friends, I said Thank You for introducing you to the NCTC Eagle Blog and Cam

magpie said...

I'm not running up posts
I'm saying Ta Ta For Now

Hope all have an enjoyable evening

xoxo ♥

wvgal_dana said...

So happy ( : your laptop is fixed HUGS

Lolly you are so sweet to take care of the prayer garden. I remember last year you caring for it also. With all you planting and growing flowers. Your the perfect person God choose.♥

wvgal_dana said...

Is anyone else but me hearing a pop pop pop on the live feed lol

wvgal_dana said...

Wait a second that was on White Rock hee hee on me!!! lol

wvgal_dana said...

That site is so beautiful with the water.. just looking at the water cools me off. The eaglets are beautiful.

wvgal_dana said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
wvgal_dana said...

Delete by me it posed twice

NatureNut said...

Just checked the nest & doesn't look like the rain storms hit there. Weather just mentioned Front Royal & Winchester.

magpie said...

Spacewather which posts the ISS and other Satellite FlyBys
has updated their website, Endeavour no longer shows with ISS
some neat flyovers coming up
starting June 12 hereabouts

Gabrielle Giffords turned 41 on
celebrated the day in the Rehab Center in Houston

okay 'bye

NatureNut said...

Just read back & saw Margy mentioned the Google guitar.They just mentioned it on the news!! Cool!

NatureNut said...

If Shirley is home soon, want to Congratulate her on short work countdown!!!!The story she wrote the other night about both parents coming to complain about daughter's grade was anxiety- ridden! (if that's proper wordage!)

Hoda said...

HEDGIE/LYNN I just phoned my pharmacist about the Quinine. She tells me that what is sold in Canadian drugstore is made in Canada and could not make a comment about what is sold on line. She also said that in Canada we require a prescription from a Doctor...I asked if she would accept a prescription from an American Doctor and she said they would have to be registered in BC so that makes it impossible for me to buy it for you...How sad it was worth the effort though...DO BE CAREFUL AS TO WHAT YOU BUY ON THE INTERNET...I think it is smart to consider many questions as to quality...who is selling it and where is it coming from. Canadian medication is made in Canada or we get rights through American companies and sometimes rights of European drugs...but they must be approved by an agency...The pharmacist was skeptical about Quinine drugs from India...ask some more questions.Quinine in BC Canada is a prescription drug.

stronghunter said...

I'm here Loretta. I am relaxing in my recliner. I think supper will be a bowl of cereal.

Funny you should mention the unhappy parents. I thought I was in trouble for sure today. Got a call on the intercom system to report to the office. But when I got there, my good friend Ellen was sitting there with a package.
She was laughing and saying, "No, you are not in trouble."

Ellen retired in '04, but has been subbing for us ever since. She brought me a very pretty bird feeder as a retirement gift. I will have to post a picture.

Lolly said...

Leaving to prepare dinner. After dinner I am heading to Laurel's. I will be up there until tomorrow evening, so no need for a Silver Alert.

Have a great Friday!

Kay.....we really need a picture of the deck with it's new furnishings!

Bye all!

PA Nana said...

Look out below! We just had a storm with hail,wind and rain and it's thundering now. The sky is a weird yellow color and it's dark.

wvgal_dana said...

Shirley that was really nice of Ellen. I will be looking for the picture you are going to post.

PA Nana said...

Okay, now it's getting more weird. It's now windy and thunder seems closer so I'm signing off for now.

Stay safe everyone.

paula eagleholic said...

Rats, tstorm missed us,,,headed north.

wvgal_dana said...

Stay safe Diann

Sorry they missed you Paula.

Don't know if we will get it or not. Suppose to tonight.

Robyn put that video of Elvis on fb. I'm going CRAZY!!!!! Lord did I love his song and watching him sing and his smiles. Then his movies were just GREAT!!!!!! Oh my heart is beating too fast when I watch that video!!!!

Yep now you all know what gets my heart ticking lol lol lol

paula eagleholic said...

Rats, tstorm missed us,,,headed north.

paula eagleholic said...

Hmmm got the google 502 error, but hit refresh and it posted.

paula eagleholic said...

Cooking up a fresh batch of chicken soup for nugz...then heading over to a friends house for a little while

It did just spit a couple of drops, and some thunder, but the sky is still bright here

paula eagleholic said...

Ha, and I see my post had already posted!

paula eagleholic said...

Hoda, glad it warmed up a little for you today ☺

paula eagleholic said...

Shirley, that certainly was a nice surprise from Ellen. Bet that made your day...that and cereal for dinner ☺ (no cooking, yay!)

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

This is a picture of where Andrew and Kelsey's reception will be. The wedding will take place on the terrace.


paula eagleholic said...

Bald Eagle Explores Downtown

Hoda said...

Eagle Eyed Sharon, Pretty fancy place for Andrew and Kelsey's wedding, lots of room and lots of light,
I like the windows and the floor is good for dancing I think even though the surrounding is very formal and it is not where you are going to dance or is it?

Hoda said...

Paula thank you for the video of the eagle downtown...interesting situation.

While it was warmer earlier now I am watching the thunder clouds and wonder if we are going to go out paddling this evening in the Dragon Boat. I have forty five minutes before I leave and then at the beach the coaches make the decision after we do our stretch exercises. It does not look too promising right now, wind however is not strong so no white caps on the lake...

PA Nana said...

Whew! What a storm. Quite a few big tree limbs down and an antenna tower blew down - almost on my car. Fortunately it rested on a big limb and didn't hit the car for Jim's truck parked beside.

Sharon, that looks like a nice place to have a wedding. Can't wait for pictures of the celebration.

Hoda, sorry you can't help Lynn with her medication. so very considerate of you to even ask your pharmacist. That's what friends do for each other and I, for one, am proud to include you in my friend list.

The live cam is stopping at 14.52 minutes again. Earlier today I was aat 2 hours +. Did I miss a visit?

Hoda said...

PA NANA, I am honoured and blessed to have your friendship. I felt sad that when I investigated it turned out that I could not do much without a doctors prescription. I wished I could have done something about it from here...I feel very blessed to be part of our blog family and I know gratitude.

Hoda said...

WOW That is some STRONG WIND happenig at the nest right now. It is affecting the camera with horizontal lines...WOW GOD BLESS THIS NEST AND ALL WHO WATCH IT...BELLE AND TRUDER TOO...

I hope the camera does not go down...

Hoda said...

TRUDER ARRIVES from five position goes to cup area.

Hoda said...

What a storm, he keeps adjusting his wings and is digging in the grasses.

PA Nana said...


hedgie said...

Hoda......thank you so much for your efforts. Yikes! Here is the website I used:
Canadian Pharmacy
Read About Us and Delivery Information.....sure sounds legit, doesn't it??

Hoda said...

He moves to the centre of the nest and continues to move grass, the quality of the feed is deteriorating from the strong winds

stronghunter said...

Wow, windy at the nest.

Hunter and Kathryn just came in. He was playing baseball and almost passed out, so she brought him home. I thought it was too hot for the kids to be playing today. She took him upstairs for a cool shower.

PA Nana said...

Haven't seen an eagle in weeks. Such a treat irregardless which one it is.

Hoda said...

Arranging twigs at two position and tracking

wvgal_dana said...

Well Well he still has that mark on his head.

Moving a long thin stick.

Hoda said...

Moves to six position and sharpens his beak on twig. Now on railing facing away from the camera

Hoda said...

I am glad others are to run for Dragon Boats. I will read up when I come back SOOOOO happy to see an eagle Come On BELLE where are you...Bye love you all see you later...

wvgal_dana said...

Hedgie-Lynn Ed was told by his Pulmonary Doctor to go online and order a certain medication. It came through Canada. I have to tell you that since the doctor said he already had a lady on it for a long time. We didn't think anything about it. Until the 2nd bottle. All the pills were white there were some black pills in there. We showed the doctor he had no idea. Ed said he wasn't taking that medication anymore. Even where we ordered it said the pills should be white. That was too scary!!

BEagle said...

Hi Eagle People!

I thought I would check the cam. WoW!
There's an eagle on the nest!

That wind just might blow that dot off his head!

Now to check out Paula's eagle posts.

hedgie said...

I see Belle, I gather??
Wind here is nothing like at the rain...haven't heard any thunder.
Diann....YOUR antenna tower blew down??? How high? Oh glad it didn't hit the vehicles. I think storms were moving maybe we have been spared.

hedgie said...

Sharon, looks like a lovely venue for the! a whole year to wait......hoew can you stand it??!!

stronghunter said...

Truder, Lynn.

stronghunter said...

Oh, sorry, I thought you were thinking it was Belle.

hedgie said...

The breeze we have is out of the east and it is cooling. Temp is down to 81°!!!

Hoda, hope your storms don't ruin your outing.

Shirley, Ellen knows your tastes! Nice gift!

DanaWV, no new pics of Liesl.....she won't hold still for a photo op! She hasn't changed, tho'!

hedgie said...

wow, what a story, Paula! Scary for those handlers, I am sure. So glad that Louis returned okay. Funny that they have to practice so far in advance!

hedgie said...

Truder back....still no Belle.

Lynne2 said...

WHEW.....I just had to drive home in a HORRIBLE storm. SO much lightning. Steve is fishing...he called, they were on there way back to the cars...a mile trek through the woods. Waiting to hear from him.


stronghunter said...

Poof Truder.

hedgie said...

Poof again.

wvgal_dana said...

I'm heading in to get my feet up and watch tv.

Prayers for ALL that need them.

Stay safe if storms are around.

hedgie said...

Light just came on. Bleached out look!

Lynne2 said...

Steve is almost home, need to take dogs out now...I think Daisy is calm enough but it's still lightning.

Lynne2 said...

another line of bad storms developing just outside western MD heading in our general direction....worth keeping an eye on.

Kay said...

Lizards are great Spidey eaters ! Keep em' around if you can.

LOLLY, have fun with Laurel--daughters are so much fun, but hey, so are sons ! Nothing like getting one on one time with each of our kids, is there ?

I hear the call for pictures of my deck do over, but must wait til' Julie and the boys get home from vacation. I am not a camera person and wouldn't know how to get a pic from camera to puter even if I were. Sorry to be such a klutz, because I do so enjoy the pictures you all share.

Kay said...

DIANN, glad you weathered the storm ! Be safe all of you with storms headed your way !

SHARON, that is a beautiful site for a wedding !

Calling it night and saying prayers for all in need. I♥U all !

♥L♥I♥B♥E♥R♥T♥Y !!!!!!!

hedgie said...

Just saw my first lightening bugs of the season!!

magpie said...

Saying Good Night to All, with the weekly reminder:

Tomorrow, is RED FRIDAY...
have a look in those closets for something RED to wear to honor our Military Personnel ♥

What a Blessing to wake up Free every day....

Prayers on the wing...
for the needs we share, and for the many needs of which we are not yet aware

God Bless Us, Every One
xoxo ♥

JudyEddy said...

KAY she knows what she is talking about a woman of experience with the lizards I think they are really neat to watch in the yard They are always comin in the house and yep I find dead on curtains I hate that part
It is raining when I left Angies it was nice down the road a mile and ran in to a down pour and it is raining here I called he from the road and she looked on radar and yep a big one on top of my part of town not south where where is. I did a quick scan and saw that there was a Truder visit tonight Well gonna power down Thundering that means lightening

see you in the am

God Bless this Nest
and all whom watch it
Healing thoughts for
those in need

"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."

hedgie said...

Oops---missed BEagle!!! Hey,'s everything in the capital??

hedgie said...

Goodnight, Kay, Margy, and JudyE.

Judie said...

Hopefully, not too much unpleasantness from the storms that moved through quickly. Diann, glad you escaped serious personal/property damage.

Shirley, what a nice gift for retirement. Looking at the bird feeder will be a wonderful remembrance.

It's that time. The sandperson is waiting to sprinkle sleeping dust on my eyes. The night light is set for all coming in later. Restful sleep for all.

magpie said...

I just finished watering the plants
...and remembered something

Shirley... I hope Hunter is okay now... heat and humidity can be tough for those of all ages
Cool (( hugs ♥ )) for your dear grandson

Good Night Again, Friends
xox ♥

PA Nana said...

Goodnight to all hitting the pillows.

I'll be a while. Having some internet problems since the storm.
I didn't get things shut down before the power went off and on.

I hope the storm brought more seasonal weather for the rest of week and weekend. That would make the mess in the yard somewhat worthwhile. I hate summer!

Hoda said...

Goodnight to everyone who has already signed off.God Bless. I read that Belle did not come to the nest and Truder was here twice. It was hard to leave for paddling. I just got back in again and the lake was calm and I saw geese and ducks. Lovely, very good paddle and I continue to learn a lot. I have never done team sports before and this is certainly a challenge but I am improving, I am told.I actually enjoyed it very much this time and I am not as tired...

Hedgie I am going to go and read the site that you posted for the quinine...I do not know much about it but I can tell you my impression. I might phone tomorrow to check with the better business bureau to what they think of ordering on line for medication...

stronghunter said...

Hunter seems to be fine now. He had a cool shower and some Gatorade. He collapsed on the field, though he did not pass out or anything like that. He had a headache. They put a cool towel on his neck, gave him cool drinks, and Kathryn brought him right home.

He was wearing catcher's gear. Kathryn had a fan with a little spritzer they were using to cool the kids off.

It is supposed to be cooler before Saturday. I hope so; we will have a very hot graduation if it does not.

hedgie said...

Okay, Hoda. Thanks!!
Glad you had your "row" and that you felt more comfortable!

Diann...hope your computer is okay. SO thankful that I had shut mine down before I left yesterday---I might have had a bigger problem than just losing the internet!
My daughter Carolyn (Jewels) lost a TV to a power surge at about the time mine went out.

hedgie said...

Shirley, I can't believe they had the kids playing in that heat. Parents should have protested!! Hope Hunter will be fine by AM.

Mema Jo said...

Well no rain here for now.. I was
wishing some for Megan's Gardens.

Hoda - Paddling on a clear calm lake must have been beautiful.
Probably brought more strength to your arms!

I'm still catching up on the latest
remarks...... BBILW

hedgie said...

Down to 75° here now! Perfect!

Hoda said...

hedgie/Lynn They are from Ontario according to their seal at the bottom of the page. The price seems to be right for a canadian medication. I checked testimonials for Quinine and there were none listed.
Two things make me uncomfortable...They use the word Canadian way too much and the photo of their site includes no minorities which tells me that they are trying to convince people that this is from Canada...However most of our ads for in country products have minorities in pictures...I could be off base but it caught my attention...
You said they told you it comes from India but their add does not indicate that they are outsourcing where they get the products.They are over selling Canadian so the impression I had is that the products are made in Canada/Canadian..I copied down their name and will see what the Better Business Bureau says about them. Have their been any complaints and so on...

Hoda said...

OK What happened to young Hunter? I missed it in my reading yet I caught hedgie/Lynn to Stronghunter...did he have heat sickness? Did he dehydrate? I DO HOPE THE YOUNG ONE IS WELL...I liked his picture with the NCTC group in 2010 and his Grandma is so very proud of him...

stronghunter said...

Hoda, Hunter got overheated at his baseball game and collapsed on the field. He did not lose consciousness or anything like that, but he had a bad headache. Kathryn brought him home and he took a cool shower and had some Gatorade. He is okay now. It was 97 degrees here and he was wearing catcher's gear.

Hoda said...

HEDGIE/LYNN...This might just be the teacher in me talking. In Canada we spell neighbour not neighbor...The Canadian Neighbor Pharmacy is not spelt like the Canadians would spell it...They are playing on the concept of friendly neighbourhood gramatically it is should read THE CANADIAN NEIGHBOURHOOD PHARMACY...This might not be much but it sends a red flag up for me...for sure I will check tomorrow with the Better Business Bureau...

NatureNut said...

Was watching TV, but gonna have to wrap it up. Go to Both work places tommorrow, one for staff mtg., so won't do bankers' hourShirley, what a wonderful gift you got. Hope Hunter is feeling better. I heard on news of a sports tounament today (high school, I think) and 15 players fainted! How stupid to have kids play in this heat when some schools even closed!

Paula, neat eagle story!!
Time to say, Pleasant Cool Feather Dreams to all ;>)

Hoda said...

THANK YOU STRONGHUNTER...It must have been hot with all the gear. God Bless him and Keep him healthy and safe...I am glad he balanced his electro lights through his must have been upset and also Kathryn...thank you for updating me...

stronghunter said...

When Kathryn was in Brownie Scouts, she was at day camp, and they had a flag ceremony at the end of the day. She thought she had to stand at attention for the ceremony and she got overheated.

She came home and threw up. I explained that it was perfectly fine for her to go find cool shade, even in the middle of a flag ceremony.

She still gets overheated easily.

Once when she was delivering newspapers, she got too hot, and stopped on a street in a neighborhood to throw up. A woman came along and said in a snooty tone of voice that she had left something in the street. Anyone with an ounce of compassion would have asked her if she needed help.

I would like to have known who that woman was.

Mema Jo said...

Sharon - that will be a beautiful setting for Andrew and Kelsey's wedding. I am sure they are excited
but of course not as much as you
are! Proud Momma! loL ♥

stronghunter said...

I agree that the kids should not have been playing today. The city of Fredericksburg cancelled games, but Spotsylvania County did not.

Hoda said...

Stronghunter, I already know who that woman was...a person full of judgement and lacking in compassion and a sense of caring for her fellow human beings. This to me is normally a sign that a person is suffering from a lot of difficulty and with major problems in regards fellow human beings...she has many problems and Kathryn is better off without her help...your kids come from strong stock it seems like to me...they take after their grand parents/parents...

hedgie said...

How awful can a person be with a kid, Shirley? That was terrible. Kat is so fair, that I bet she if affected by heat faster than many.
Bad storm warning for Culpeper now.

Thanks, Hoda. Appreciate your attention and efforts. Good point about the spelling. Never would have caught the lack of diversity, either.

stronghunter said...

Beautiful comments, Hoda.

stronghunter said...

I always get a kick out of my students when they see British spelling and tell me that the word is misspelled.

hedgie said...

Oh, Hoda....forgot your earlier question......about ants: they are real!!

Hoda said...

As a teacher we see a lot and it is cute sometimes to experience the students in their wanting to relate to the teacher aspect of us and do the must be very proud of your career looked very regal in the photo at NCTC 2010 reunion.

hedgie said...

Heading for tub, and then calling it a day. See you dear friends tomorrow. So very thankful I was able to rejoin you today and didn't have to wait til Monday! I'm glad you missed me!!
Hope the kaffe klatsch gets a good visit in the early hours!
Prayers for all, and Peace.

stronghunter said...

Remember the student I called Johnny--the big goofy kid? He recently turned 18 and stopped coming to school.

The last few days, he has been back. He said that he was living with his father and that his father drinks a lot. It seems that his dad got drunk and threw him out of the house.

He told me that he lived in his car for awhile, but that now he is living in the home of one of his friends, and that the mom is trying to help him get back in school. The boy's real name is Jimmy. He needs some Momster prayers.

I encouraged him to come to summer school. Maybe I should stop by the office and put in a word for him. I very much doubt he can afford the tuition. Surely, the school can help with that.

It seems like the kids with problems are coming out of the woodwork right now.

Glo, I hope you are not too upset with my postings. I was a little worried about posting hard luck stories. I know you do not like to read about sad things.

I have to think that these kids will be able to find a way out. It is not a situation without a solution, though the solution might be hard to find. I'm trying to be a friendly listener. Sometimes that is all you can do.

Hoda said...

Oh Hedgie/Lynn and little Leisl had one,Pissant ants, stuck on its snout...poor darling, her eyes must have looked at you for help...but in the morning you said she was OK...did not get an infection I hope...

Mema Jo said...

Ladies I am going to sign off

Good Night & God Bless Us
one and all
((hugs)) ♥♥♥♥♥♥

stronghunter said...

Storm headed this way. Severe thunderstorm warning. The weather radio just went off.

I hear thunder. We need rain. my poor dogwoods are sad. They do not like this heat.

stronghunter said...

I must sign off, too. It is much too late for me to be still awake. I just hope the storm isn't too bad, but would love some rain.

Hoda said...

Goodnight MEMA JO, STRONGHUNTER and HEDGIE...sweet dreams and God Bless...see you in the morning God Willing...

paula eagleholic said...

Thunder and some lightening here, but no rain to speak of...

Hoda said...

The Adjustment An American School Has Made


Hoda said...

Paula you are up you want to see rain where you are?

Hoda said...

I hope you have gone to bed Paula...Good night to you and Nugzster...Sweet dreams and God Bless.

paula eagleholic said...

Hoda, I love Canadian/European spelling...

I ate some of Nugz' soup! HOPE YA'll don't think I'm a bad dog mommy, LOL he got some too ☺

Truder visited...certainly nice to see an eagle!

Shirley, sometimes listening is enough! Hope Hunter feels better, I know that heat situation thing and kids and sports!

BEagle, you need to visit more often ☺

I am leaving hopefully around 1-2pm tomorrow for the beach! YAY!

(((Hugs for all ♥)))

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone,

Dropping in to say goodnight. Got my work turned in at school. Not doing any more tonight--tomorrow is another day.

Shirley, saying prayers for Hunter. Can remember one time when our oldest GD, Jay, got overheated playing a softball game. She had a headache, felt nauseated,and actually STOPPED sweating. She took a lukewarm/cool shower, drank Gatorade, and we put a big fan right next to her, blowing toward her on high speed. She recuperated fairly quickly, and I hope that Hunter has, too. Also saying prayers for your student Jimmy. Hope the home situation gets better for him, and that he can continue with school. Tough situation!

Hoda, thank you for your comments about the Canadian pharmacy. Appreciate your help for Lynn! Bless you!

Got the bulldogs taken care of, and oh, boy! When I got home, Miss Emma wanted to know WHERE I had been, and WHO I had been with! She was indignant, and nearly inhaled me up her nose! Wish there were a way for the 3 dogs to meet on neutral ground. The "bullies" are too territorial to take Emma there, and we have no really safe way to transport them in our car. No room for 2 big crates. Maybe SIL will agree to meet us at the dog park sometime, after they get back from vacation. I bet that Charlee and Katie would like the park!

Ms Bookworm said...

Well, it's getting kind of late here. Think I will call it a day. Making sure the porch light is on. (Judie, thanks for the night light!) Enabling the eye-scanner security, and WV Dana's thumbprint-scanner security. Prayers have been said for everyone, and all creatures. Prayers of thanks that Diann escaped physical injury, and that the cars were not damaged.
Sleep tight, everyone, and I will talk to you tomorrow. God bless, and goodnight! Love all of you! :o]
P.S.--Sharon, the Rotunda is a beautiful place to have a wedding! You must be getting so excited!

Costume Lady said...

I'm too tired to comment...
Did get GG's flowers planted in front of her house. Extremely hot, soaked in sweat


Hoda said...

Goodnight and God Bless everyone...I think I will sign off too.

Lori O. said...

Good Morning Eagle Lovers.

IT'S FRIDAY! AND, supposed to be cooler today. Yee-hah!

SHIRLEY - HOW MUCH IS THE TUITION FOR JOHNNY? I'm sure if you think it will help we can do something. I, for one, would love to help.

Lori O. said...


Thanks for the Organic Control of STINK BUGs link.
How is Vincent? Has he been back?

GREAT VULTURE NEWS: Took out food for them yesterday (chicken gizards, hearts and hamburger) and the SECOND VUTLTURE EGG HAS HATCHED! The parent seemed calmer this time so I don't know if it's getting used to us, or it was the other parent since both parents tend the nest. I'll post some pictures later.

The vet came to see FLO BEAR yesterday and pulled some blood. Even she noticed his energy level is greatly reduced. Should have results of blood panel today.

KAY - How wonderful to find a new nursery with great prices and lots of stuff! I bet you had a ball. Hug that Julie for being such a good daughter.

PAULA - I know you'll be blowing out of town early so have a great weekend at the beach with Nugz, and know that we'll be living vicariously through you and your wildlife reports! ☺

Lori O. said...

SHARON, THELMA & Buddy - Thanks for the Capt. Sully Plane pics. AWESOME. That must have been some sight. Does anyone know where the plane is going?

ANDY - Glad you're having fun with your bulldog neices and nephews! Do you have pictures of them? There are a few "bully" fans on the blog. :)

WANDA - I worried all day about you being out in the heat planting. You had many prayers. :) Glad to know you're okay, but I gather it was brutal. So happy we'll have a little break in the heat today.

Lori O. said...

three days left? Sure hope Hunter is feeling better. I had a heat stroke many years ago in Mexico and was violently ill. Poor little guy.

Lori O. said...

We did get a decent amount of rain here and gumball size hail last night. The power went off a few times and came right back on - but it was long enough to have to reset all the digital clocks, coffee pot, microwave, etc.

Oh, the West End pic is something Kate did for my birthday, only the space was sold out that week, so she took the next available. You only get so many words, but she wanted to salute the Momsters, WCV, Dr. Sharpe, etc, as all the people who love and care for the eagles. It doesn't cost much to do and it's a good donation to Dr. Sharpe's programs. So, we Salute you eagle loving Momsters!

Better get moving. I already know today is going to be a long one at work. Be safe everyone.

Hoping to see both Belle & Truder again this morning. Was so excited about that all day yesterday! :)

Lori O. said...

Getting close to the Belle and Truder time!

Come on in to the SSCC & mingle with the regulars like myself, Kay, DanaMo, Margy, Megan & JudyE!

Lori O. said...

Have to thank you and giggle a bit about the Pissants! Loved the info and link. :)

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«Oldest ‹Older   1 – 200 of 298   Newer› Newest»

2/20/25 PM bird

1203 PM NN Scout comes to the nest with a load of bedding again. He seemed to leave with something in his talons. He has a beak full of bedd...