Wednesday, June 08, 2011


Fresh thread.


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magpie said...

Well Thank you Steve !!
And Thanks, for getting the cams brought back up...thanks to you and all the powers that be

I will go round up the others

Hoda said...

Thank you for the New Thread and for fixing the camera Steve and NCTC. It is much APPRECIATED.

magpie said...

Again, Howdy Hoda !
Thanks for the call over, I was trying to type I was so excited !

Loved the Mummy post !

We all, called our Mother, Mummy, for a long long time ♥

headed to meet a dear friend from High School, at Cracker Barrel, see you later !

magpie said...

Us 8 kids that is...
then it was "Mother"
don't remember every calling her Mom, or Mommy...

okay, see you later, Pals xoxox ♥

Lolly said...

I was reading the blog, thinking I am almost through when I saw there was a new thread. Almost groaned! LOL Happy to see only a few posts here.

Got out early and did the yard work. We mowed, weed eated, edged, blew, and then watered pots. Only 93 so far today! Wahoo!

Lolly said...

My mother I called "Momma". Sure do miss her. Though 500 miles away from her, I talked with her every evening on the phone. It has been 5 years since she died and I am just now getting over the habit of thinking I need to call her.

Lolly said...

Had a hard time while working in the yard. The tree service arrived while I was mowing to take the huge tree down in the neighbors back yard. They have been working on it all day and I am sick to my stomach. I really do not think the hawks are still in the nest, maybe just visiting it, but is a hawk nest!!

PA Nana said...

Just in time for a new thread.
Thanks Steve and howdy Hoda and all.

Lolly, it does take time missing your momma. It's 8 years for me and think of her often.

Lynne2, congrats on your job(s). Didn't know you found one until I came back on the blog. Did Steve find another yet?

Margy, good to "see" you again. We miss each other so often I forget to address you. Glad you got to spend some time with the wizard, James. He sounds like a very likable guy.

Thelma, finally get to "see" you. It's been a while and I hope you're doing well.

Shirley, only 5 days! Counting down with you. Do you have plans for the summer?

Hoda said...

Lolly when parents are as great as your Momma it is indeed very hard to accept that they die and I understand five years and still thinking you want to phone her...I find myself at times still wondering what they would think...and I have two sets of parents my birth Mama and Papa and my American Mom and Dad.

I also think of Judy E and the comment about her "two" fathers. It is clear that the birth father had major serious issues and he caused a great deal of damage with his inappropriate would a little child take all of this and process it to become a mature balanced and strong woman. It speaks volumes as to your inner strength Judy E and I am very glad you had a good relationship with your real father...fathering is a precious relationship and it takes a real strong man to do it well. I am glad you knew that with the man you call your father...

Margy have a GREAT lunch with your friend...See you when you come back.

PA Nana said...

Jo, please stay indoors. I am.

Lynn, how's Liesl today?

Judie, Judie, Judie, when are you going to publish your book? I'm putting my name on the wait list. I so enjoy your wit and look forward to your posts.

Now, who(m) did I forget??? Never could remember the proper way to use who/whom. I'm not ignoring you, my brain is not what it used to be. Overload??

What is CRS? I've seen this posted several times and must have missed the definition.

hedgie said...

I think that Finney2 cam shuts off at 2200 their time......apparently daily. So I guess no more news from that nest today.

Too dark to tell anyhting at FinFerry, so I'm closing it.

Finney1-- Mom is resting.

Getting ready for class tonight with Liesl. And Christie is phoning in a pixza order for me to pick up afterwards! She is in Frederick at the moment buying a new car!!! She's held out much longer than Shannon and I thought she would----about 3 yrs. I believe (since she paid off the Grand AM!). She's getting a Buick LaCrosse! A grown-up car!!!!

hedgie said...

No good news from the beach....only one that Frank and Irene liked has a contract. The one that we lost out on before is now a rental. The other one across from it that was in such bad shape has been torn down and is being rebuilt.....
:( We aren't happy. They are looking now for "Sale by Owner" places.....MTBR.

PA Nana said...

Lynn, hope your back is better today. Could the weather be the culprit?

Good luck with class tonight.

JudyEddy said...

New thread Thanks STEVE and the nest LOOKS BEAUTIFUL

PA Nana said...

Have our eagles been seen lately?

The live cam is just beautifully green and hope to see the inhabitants sometime soon.

Going to lurk for now..... later

Hoda said...

Howdy Pa Nana ;^)...I am glad you are staying in doors and I hope Mema Jo is too...drink lots of water too...I would send you some of our cooler weather if I could. I read today that Quebéc and Ontario are also experiencing a heat wave like you are...eventually it will come out west and the cooler weather will come your way...I cooked rice in my rice cooker and had to open the window as it steams things up in the little flat...I like it when I can open a window...

Judie said...

YIPPEE! Better than sex > AC is installed and working to get the house cooled. So happy to have some relief for sleeping.

Okay, I REALLY do say that in my classes. Trust me, it gets their attention.

Shirley can better explain the re-test policies. Students tell me they are used to re-testing so schools can show students have met the Standards of Learning.

I may take up some hysterical writing some day.

Hi T-Bird.

Been watching "the trial" all day. Not looking good for Ms. Anthony. Computer testimony has scared me, though. Knew much activity could be traced but not to this extent.

Okay, bye.

JudyEddy said...


Didn't see Movin passing through maybe he was so fast and we didn't see you JIM

Judie said...

Oh cool, Lynn has a new item to add to our food group - pixza. Please send recipe!

DanaMo said...

Back from an hour and half long dentist appointment. I have a great dentist even though he had to tug and pull my mouth every which way! Temporary crown in place, three weeks till the permanent one come in! Might be time for some advil and a nap.

hedgie said...

Hi, Diann! Feeling better today? Liesl is fine.
You said it very well to JudyE----couldn't agree more.
CRS=can't remember s--t!!!

Kay said...

JUDIE, so good to hear your A/C is on and the house is cooling down ! Hope you sleep like a log tonight !

JO, I am conflicted about when to visit you all in the nest area. I'm not sure I can be there in October and again the Spring. Since the official Open House is in the Spring and we have the greatest chance of seeing our Eagles then, I'm leaning that way. I hate delaying meeting all of you for that long, however. Still mulling it all over.

Say, I don't think any of you have mentioned visiting the WE triplets lately. When you do, take note of the beautiful Momster who graces that "page" !

DanaMo said...

Me and my dad, I think we were camping. :)

hedgie said... was down until late visits that anyone has mentioned. Back is fine today....soak in the tub did the trick---didn't have to take the Vicodin!

Okay, Judie----want to join me around 8 for pixza!!!!! LOL!
Saw the other new words, too, JudyE!

Be advised......there is practically no way to totally erase anything on your computers!!! Unless you fill up the hard drive and it starts re-writing over top of old stuff, an expert can find it!!!! Learned that from the Anthony trial today---tho' I think I had heard it before.

hedgie said...

Nice pic, DanaMo!!!!

Judie has A/C!!!! Yep---I'm sure that's better than sex at this point!! I think I would chill that house so cold that I'd need a sweater just to make sure it's working right, Judie!!!

I don't believe that there is any way that Ms. Anthony as Judie so politely calls her, is going to get out of this. Liar, liar, pants on fire....what a tangled web we weave when first we practice to deceive....etc., etc. Don't see how anyone with half a brain could believe one word that comes out of her mouth.

Shutting down and heading out. Later, eagle pals! Will check out WE later, Kay!

JudyEddy said...

This is my DAD cooking I'm going to change my picture daily I have a few I want to post I have 11 more one for each day till Father Day

JudyEddy said...

I have heard that about computers that is why I don't like using it for anything but fun.

Kay said...

LYNN, glad you're feeling better ! Amazing what a nice long soak in a hot bathtub will do !

JUDYE, it's heartwrenching to think of what you suffered as a young girl. Thankfully when your Mom remarried she picked someone who could nurture and care for you as lovingly as if you were his own. As HODA and others have indicated, you overcame unimaginable cruelty and blossomed into the fine woman you are today ! Bravo !

LOLLY, so sad to hear that tree and nest could not be saved. Hopefully the hawks will start over nearby.

MARGY, what a wonderful life you have. Good times with James, Cracker Barrel with friends ! A special relationship with flora, fauna and celestial bodies ! I do so admire your zestful approach to life !

Hey gals, save some of that pixza for me !

Kay said...

Another good pic honoring your father, JUDYE.

DANAMO, a very sweet picture of you and your dear dad !

I spent 3 hours in the blast furnace heat this morning without finding the Dwarf Alberta Spruce I'm looking for. Came home empty handed and exhausted ! Hope to get out again tomorrow or the next day, but will run my fingers through the Yellow Pages first !

JudyEddy said...

I am waiting for my french bread pixza to get done I am so hungry Its the frozen pixza I bought through Jordyn school

Mema Jo said...

Thanks Steve for the fresh thread.
Hello to all this early evening.

C U All later...........

JudyEddy said...

HODA I love your collage
DANAMO Love your picture also
Didn't want to say anything but I just saw two ants I set up my video cam to see if I can get it LOL after I did that no ants DARN and my Google spell check isn't working little box comes up PLEASE WAIT and that stupid little blue circle spins and spins I dislike that little annoying blue circle

Hoda said...

Computers are tricky. You can not really erase anything off them, always an expert can retrieve from the hard drive even if it is written over. I am not comfortable enough to do my banking through them and I do not order on line either...Interesting what is coming out through the Anthony Trial and I feel very sorry for them all including the mother, if she indeed killed her youngster and is in denial, eventually she will come to realize it and it will be awful for her...I do not watch the story often but the Canadian news carries it every once in a while and I do not have TV so I get my American news through the internet...

Hoda said...

Judy E there are definitly ants going up and down the tree trunk at six position. Not many mind you but I see one at a time and infrequently at that...

JudyEddy said...

yep one just crawled down the tree

stronghunter said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
stronghunter said...

Pixza, Judie's really happy over her cool house, retesting--you all have been busy.

Yikes! 116 degree heat index here right now.


stronghunter said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Hoda said...

WOW!!!! 116 degrees is WAAAAAAAAAAAYYYYYY too much Shirley/Stronghunter...

Tell me more about retesting, a state law I read, how close to the passing grade do they have to be to be given the opportunity to retest? We used to have to round the grades to the closest five and I took that to mean 45.3 could be rounded to of my administrators begged to differ. a 47 therefore could be rounded to 50!!! I always wrote 47 and required his signature to change it to 50...he thought I was a pain and I argued it was not fair to those who achieved 50 on their own speed to have the rounding do tell me about retesting...please

JudyEddy said...

Local Man arrested for hacking facebook acct This was just on the new

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Well, we have a venue and a wedding date set. University of Charleston on June 9, 2012. Andrew just called to tell me and is pretty excited about it.

Lolly said...

Just fell asleep with a glass in my hand. Yikes! Guess I am plumb tuckered out!

Well, dern...just heard on the news that there are races this weekend at TMS. I am going to Laurel's Thursday and coming home Friday evening. Sure hope I do not have traffic problems. glad you have your AC back. Just in the nic of time for this scorching weather.

Hoda said...

Lolly, did you see Shirley/Stronghunter post of 116 degrees F heat index where she is...what is it doing in Texas? YIKES I hope not that high...DRINK LOTS OF WATER EVERYONE...

Hoda said...

Congratulations Eagle Eyed Sharon, great news...

Lolly said...

Not sure of the heat index here. It is presently 93 at our house. We are always about 5 degrees cooler than the city.

Lolly said...

I hear wedding bells....♪♪♪ Going to the chapel and I'm gonna get married♪♪♪

Lolly said...

Going to be an exciting year, Sharon, planning the wedding.

JudyEddy said...

SHARON Oh a wedding what fun you are instore for I help plan my daughters I did all the flowers, and table arrangements and some wall wreaths with flowers I had such fun Did not know that I could do that What a surprise and what fun it was You have to keep us informed of all the going on with it and CONGRATULATONS

PA Nana said...

Hooray! Judie has a/c. Just in time!

Lynn, doing somewhat better today but have to thank the vicodin.

Sharon, date and place set and now the planning. Congrats to you and Andrew and his special someone. Kelsey, I think, right? Perfect song Lolly.

JudyEddy said...

Ok all together now lets YELL COME ON BELLE!!!!!!

JudyEddy said...

Watching the news LM engaging

Judie said...

Good grief. Had to get my winter coat out! lol

JudyEddy said...

77 Airforce Cadets were struck by lightening at Camp Shelby Ms just alittle bit ago

JudyEddy said...

Oh Judie don't get a cold being to cold LOL Bundle up Better yet get your SNUGGIE out we know you have one LOL

JudyEddy said...

Lightning hit a power pole near their tents that how so many were hurt no fatalities

Judie said...

So incredibly nice to have cool air again. 99º with heat index of 106º Really nasty today. Planting the remaining flowers will have to wait a bit.

Kay, call all the places you might visit for finding the spruce to see if there is one. Then head out.

Lynn, I'm on my way for pixza and if yours is eaten gone I'm headed for JudyE's place.

Kay, Margy is a true dynamo. You will adore her. We all do.

Congratulations Sharon to you and Andrew. I know I don't have to ask but please keep us posted on all the doings.

Lolly, finish that drink and take a panda nap.

Speaking of pandas, hope we get a report soon from Natl Zoo.

DanaMo, glad the dental visit is over and the rest will be easy. I just don't like the prep part.

Jo, will be waiting for an Alexis meatball report.

Little blue circle means the computer is thinking. Sometimes computers "think" faster than other times.

I do not round grades. It's in my syllabus.

Heard on the news that Delta charged returning military money to check their bags. Quick reversal on that policy. Sad when $ continue to take priority. Shame on Delta.


JudyEddy said...

Sorry ate the whole thing only have one more left to cook Darn it if I knew they were that good I would have bought more I only bought one box had 6 in the box. Just the right amount of pepperoni on it and enough cheese Next time I will remember to buy more Back to LM

JudyEddy said...

Ok you know how they give you a tease on whats coming up on the 10 or 11 news Well the story is that they (scientist)have found a way to make cows produce human breast milk

JudyEddy said...

and they will tell us when it will be on the market bye bye formula they say

magpie said...

It is very enjoyable, the Dad pictures, and inclding when there is a child in it also

Red-Bellied Woodpecker making that neat noise at NCTC


magpie said...

Oh Yeeeeeah, Judie.
And Lord Fairfax of course

Air Conditioning Resumed

xoxo ☺

JudyEddy said...

Check out this is from the Hancock form Eagle nest vocabulary

magpie said...

That's really neat, see some familiar expressions there, and some brand new ones!
Saved it to favorites
Thanks !

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

I sure would love to see our Belle.

Mema Jo said...

Sharon - This is good good news about Kelsey and Andrew! Be sure to
enjoy yourself when the event comes

Mema Jo said...

Alexis and her dad have gone home
Bath time and relaxing before bed
Her dance recital is this Sunday
This is the 3rd year that I have
gone. Love watching all the dancers
especially the younger ones.

magpie said...

I read what you said about your Momma...and my heart ♥ is holding on to it

sadly, my mother had a lot of dementia-related problems for the last 15 years of her life, so we missed out on a lot of those late-life phone calls...but I was sure glad she was right here in Martinsburg, because I had a different kind of special time with her.
After she died,
my car still wanted to drive straight to the nursing home.

JudyEddy said...

Synchronized Smokey Mountain Fireflies I found what you talked about the other night so I am posting the link to the video

magpie said...

Well, Sharon
Go to the Loo!!
Maybe she will fly in

But be sure to come back !!!

Yes One year and ONe day, and you will be the MNother of the Groom, and a brand new Mother in Law

Hi Jo, sounds great, and Sunday will be such fun !!

magpie said...

new word

Judie you will not need a spell-checker, you are catching all of you own and most of ours ☺
Another new career for you one day:

magpie said...

going out to count small tomatoes...

I'm stuffed, great Chef Salad at Cracker Barrel, and friend and I exchanged dragonly gifts
I got a necklace, she got wind chimes, and a neat dragonfly wall hook


Judie said...

Margy, what did you have to drink with that salad?

magpie said...

C5 that just flew ovewr HERE sounds like it is over NCTC NOW

JudyEddy said...

MAGPIE One tomato
Two tomato Three tomato Four

magpie said...

one problem, my computer realllly hangs up when I have live feed going...
cannot even see what I have typed for a few seconds

That's Ghost Writing, eh ???

magpie said...

and then I just get lazy about [rppf-reading
see what I mean
PROOF reading

magpie said...

ROFL JudyE!!

two pea-sized ones
and one golf ball sized one
bunches of yellow blooms though !

magpie said...

tiny white moth??
just flew over the nest

magpie said...

I am trying to behave
but I have to change my moniker to
"Invisible" or "Not Here"
I'll be quiet now until eagle-watching time is over ☺

stronghunter said...

Okay, on the subject of retesting:

On the VA SOL Tests:

The highest possible score is 600.
An advanced score is 500 and above.

A passing score is 400-499.

If a student scores between 375 and 399, he or she may re-test within a couple of days. The immediate re-testing is called an expedited retake. It is assumed that anyone scoring below 475 needs more intensive remediation, but for the expedited retake, we do a short remediation and let them take the test again. It can get a little crazy.

I did review some testing items, but when you have only about 90 minutes to remediate, you mostly advise them to read carefully and psych them up for the test.

Unfortunately, all of the students I tested today failed again. Some made lower scores than they did before. These kids have serious attendance problems, so it is not a surprise. Kind of painful, though, when the kid's name is on your list. Then there is the language problem. Two of them are not native speakers.

One of the retesters was my student. She has probably been absent from my class at least 50 percent of the semester. She is in the eleventh grade, has been married and divorced already, and is the mother of a toddler. One of the saddest kids I have seen.

I hear that her parents made her marry the man when they discovered the pregnancy. Her child is disabled. Her ex-husband was beating her.

There is no way she can pass my class, but she occasionally tries. I got very frustrated yesterday when she was taking a test and her mother showed up (again) to take her out of school.

I got a phone call that she had an early dismissal, so I explained that she was busy taking a test. Mom agreed to wait until she was finished, but then a kid showed up from the office and announced that this student needed to leave for her early dismissal.

Although I explained to the girl that I had already arranged for her to finish her test, she grabbed her things and asked if she could make up the test later.

She has already made arrangements to take her exam, because she has a lawyer's appointment on Friday. It is a tangled mess with at least two children (my student and her child) in it.

JudyEddy said...

I saw the moth also

paula eagleholic said...

Judie, glad that new AC is working great!

Margy, sounds like a nice meal with your friend!

Diann, glad you are feeling a bit better!

Kay, sure hope you can find a spruce.

No pixza here tonight, leftover steak from last night and salad with homemade bleu cheese dressing...yummy.

Sharon, glad the date and place is all set!

I sure would love to see Belle, too.

paula eagleholic said...

Kay, thanks for the heads up on WE...parent just arrived with dinner...LOTS of peeping going on !!

paula eagleholic said...

Actually, more like screaming, LOL

JudyEddy said...

I just saw a eagle fly

JudyEddy said...

flew like inbetween the branches

Hoda said...

Good God stronghunter!!! What a mess. I feel sorry for the impossible situation that you described. It does not look good for the student nor by extension her kid...Are they allowed to take this test over and over till they get it? Do you have a bank of tests so it would not be the same one that they see several times? Good Courage as you go through those final days of school and THANK YOU for explaining the retake...anyone below 375 requires a lot of extra remedial attention...where do you all find the time to do all that and cover the curriculum to boot?

JudyEddy said...

Hey the other day the cam was posted in a different direction in the new enclosure now it looks different the entire length can be seen now do the move the camera on occasion's??

paula eagleholic said...

Oh, I missed that, was watching the WE nest.

NatureNut said...

Good Evening!!
What a colorful nest!Don't see any large birds.
Margy, how can you count tomatoes? I'm just starting to count first flower on mine. They were leftovers at Park & I didn't have a lawn spot ready, so they are in pots! Only place w/good sun is front of house.If they get too big, they may have to go between azaleas and pretend they're ornamental!!!
Gotta eat something~~~~

stronghunter said...

For English, they must take a writing test and a reading test over and over until they pass.

There is an opportunity to remediate and re-test in summer school.

I do not have anything to do with the test except to administer it. I am told that I am not allowed to read it. My students are not supposed to tell me what is on it. It comes from the state. The writing test is pencil and paper and the reading test is done by computer. I have to sign agreements that I will follow all of the rules.

stronghunter said...

Yes, Hoda, that girl is in a heartbreaking mess. And I understand she has found a new boyfriend at the high school. His teacher is worried about him.

paula eagleholic said...

duh, my cam needed refreshing...

magpie said...

from Hedgie via text message:

"Power went out while out.. now NO Internet
Waiting on Frontier "
(our telephone people here)

WOOF !!!
Told her we are waiting on Eagles....

stronghunter said...

The curriculum gets directed by the test. Not as much for English as for other subjects, though. We need to teach them to read and to write. There are several ways to do that.

But we check out the released tests and try to cover the stuff that is on them.

Hoda said...

I can see why the other teacher is worried young so young and with so many problems already. I always say a prayer that my worries would turn out to be wrong and maybe the ALMIGHTY will show her a path where she can have a break and turn her life around...Prayers to her...

Kay said...

JUDYE, neat vocabulary list, love the term diction-aerie ! Like MARGY, I put it in Favorites.

magpie said...

black crawly thing on the sycamore leaf

stronghunter said...

Yes, if anyone needs prayers, this girl does.

magpie said...

down on my hands and knees, Loretta
Golf Ball is easy
two pea-sized ones
I really have to strain
trying not to touch any of the flowers !

Hoda said...

Magpie, thank you for letting us know what is happening with Hedgie.I was wondering where she was as she was so very silent.

magpie said...

She's on the list, and "troubled girl student" on a piece of paper in my prayer jar, Shirley
Glad you are there for her, sounds like you have done your best

magpie said...

Yah Hoda
(shhhh, she had a cuss word on her txt msg, I did not include that ...)

Hoda said...

We won't tell anyone magpie about that...not hedgie she would use any such words!!!

I LOVE the idea of A PRAYER JAR. Put the names of people who are on my prayer list...I hope you do not mind I would like to copy it...I will look for a special jar...

stronghunter said...

Tawanda!!! Watching Fried Green Tomatoes Just saw the part in the parking lot--"Face it honey, I'm older and have more insurance." Love it.

Sorry, just had to do that.

Sometimes I am ADD. They say many teachers are.

JudyEddy said...

Look like no visit tonight SO SAD

JudyEddy said...

Gonna go watch some of the trail BBL

JudyEddy said...

Flock of geese flew over

magpie said...

I totally love that movie, Shirley
think I could watch it every day!!

I am going to include the words that are on the prayer jar
next message
JudyE - sometimes they come in very late...
don't give up quite yet
plus, we will get a littl half- moon light on the nest tonight
Happy Week-end by the way ☺

Kay said...

SHIRLEY, my Julie teaches Biology at Columbus State and has been giving finals this week. She shared a student exchange with me a few minutes ago. John Doe missed many classes, failed 3 out of 4 tests and failed the final. Sent her an e-mail asking what he can do to make up the 19 points he needs to pass the class. "I'll do anything", says he. He continues saying he thinks the 100 miles per week he drives and the gas money he spends, "just to be in class" should count for more than test scores !☺ He adds, "I've never been disruptive in class and that should count for something, too." Hmmmm, me thinks he forgot to listen or to read her handouts which define exactly what items count towards the grade.

wvgal_dana said...

Thanks JudyE I saved
to favorites also Margy.

Sharon contragulations
to you and Andrew & Kelsey.

WOW Shirley that poor girl.
Already married and divorced
and has a child. What a mess.
Guess the parents thought they
were doing right by making them
marry but a lot of times too young
doesn't work out. She really seems
to also have a controlling Mom.
What do you think on that?

Did you all know the new tower that they are going to build in New York. I can't rememeber how many floors but TALL. To be
finished in 2013. Just seen it on Uncover Boss.
The lay out of the plan. Can't remember the name they are going to call the tower.

Hoda said...

Judy E at least you saw an eagle at the Y branch...lucky you...I was writing at the time and missed it...thanks for reporting it.

magpie said...

on my Prayer Jar:
From Philippians 4:6

Do not be anxious about anything,
but in everything,
by prayer and petition,
with thanksgiving,
present your request to God

I prayed the 23rd Psalm the whole way to grandson's school today AFTER I got stuck in traffic; I was quite anxious, but all calmed down when I got there, safely ! And I arrived just in the nick of time.
Then came the Thanksgiving Prayers ♥

JudyEddy said...

SHIRLEY I liked Julies story strange thing kids think of saying

DANA 2013 unbelievable

HODA My heart jumped in my throat if you know what I mean When I saw her (hoping it was Belle) I started typing eagle nest but it never happened :-{

MAGPIE I like your Thanksgiving prayer

magpie said...

New Message from Hedgie:

"Down til MONDAY....ARGH...."

replied that this is unacceptable, and the Momsters will be SAD !

JudyEddy said...

I'm not giving up COME ON BELLE or we will settle for Truder

Hoda said...

wv_gal Dana, are you talking of the buildings at ground zero? They were going to call it Freedom Tower and then changed it to One World Trade that what you are talking about?

paula eagleholic said...

Dana, are you talking about the Freedom Tower at the World Trade Center site??

paula eagleholic said...

Gotta go do some more serious watering...

magpie said...

Oh Man Judye I thought you were talking about WE ealier about the eagle flying between the branches

I can't believe it will be Monday before we have some Hedgie posts...
guess it could happen to any of us

like it did to JudyE

Lynn has a contact in Ranson she will check with in the morning to see about getting that speeded up !

Hoda said...

Thank You Magpie for the Prayer. I am grateful.

Hedgie will be off till Monday from the blog...definitly NOT ACCEPTABLE...tell her she will be FB either I bet you since there is no Internet connection...oh my!!!STAY WELL HEDGIE!!!

magpie said...

I mean, like Judy not being able to get on HERE !

Kay said...

MARGY, Lynn says "down till Monday ? Wow, this is going to be as tough as waiting for the nest cam to come back to us. What a bummer !

PAULA, the WE threesome are a kick to watch. Did you notice the pic of Lori with T.T. ? Kate placed the tribute to her for her birthday. T.T. is a very special dog--born with Spinal Bifida and definitely a special needs pooch. Did I get that all right, LORI ? I have made the pic my background wallpaper--love seeing that smile !

wvgal_dana said...

Well I like the name Freedom Tower. Wish they would name it that instead of that other name

Going to watch tv

stronghunter said...

Trying to keep up, but am very tired. I am so happy that I have no classes to teach tomorrow. They are giving exams to Blocks 1 and 2. Bl. 1 is my planning time and Bl. 2 is the senior group. They are finished already. Of course, on Friday I have two exams to give.

wvgal_dana said...

That is TERRIBLE Lynn-Hedgie can't be on all weekend plus the rest of this week.

Is that that Frontier?

stronghunter said...

Margy, I like your prayer, too.

magpie said...

msgs delivered to Lynn
told her no eagle visit yet
darkness is increasing
I'm going to water just before bedtime, hope things are cooler then
got to fill up all my gallon wtr bottles, transfer to watering sprinkler can, no garden hose here :(

Kay said...

Are the withdrawal pains going to be harder on LYNN or on us ? She's a vital part of this blog. Good thing she can get the trial via TV, so at least she has that.

stronghunter said...

I haven't watched any of the trial. I guess it is on Court TV?

stronghunter said...

I will be in eagle withdrawal unless I get a laptop this weekend. I have to turn mine in when I leave my job.

Hoda said...

WV_GAL DANA, I agree with you that FREEDOM TOWER seems to fit so much better to the ground zero site...Lots of American Patriotic feeling that needs to be respected.

FREEDOM TOWER, it even fits more with what is happening in the world and the youth uprising that we keep hearing about on the news.Freedom as an ideal rising from the ashes is very powerful.

magpie said...

Yepper, Kay, agree.
I told her I would do my best to keep her up to date
will need to make phone calls as well as text messages sometimes.
Maybe her daughter Carolyn aka Jewels can help out too...if she has time to read the blog

Kay said...

MARGY, that's the way I have to water my outdoor plants/flowers, too. There is a hose connection on the building, but it would take a humungous hose for me to use it. Besides, it's off limits right now because if someong turns on that faucet, water pours into the basement and right into one of my neighbors basement storage area. I just consider the trotting back and forth to the kitchen with the watering can to be good exercise !

magpie said...

wee bit more light on the still cam than on the live feed

Kay said...

MARGY, did Lynn and Liesl go to school tonight ?

magpie said...

Yes, Kay
I call it my "little old lady" way of watering

JudyEddy said...

Well I'm calling it a day

See ya in the am

God Bless this Nest
and all whom watch it
Healing thoughts for
those in need

"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."

magpie said...

I think so, I think she was saying she was going to stop for Pixza on the way home

magpie said...

'Night Judy
will try to "see" you in the morning ☺

stronghunter said...

I am going to have to call it quits for the night. Really tired and sleepy, and I still have to decide what to wear tomorrow.

God bless and good night.

Costume Lady said...

Margy, please don't let your neighbors see you on your knees counting tomatoes! LOL
Golf ball?...ours is only in bloom. You are a city slicker gardner:)

I cannot believe all the STUFF that Shirley is, and has been, going through. It is unbelievable the way some of those students try to get their way and try to wiggle out of the mess they made!
Shirley, you truly deserve retirement!

magpie said...

OK 'NIght Shirley
did you ever find that outfit ???

Lynn says
excellent class for Liesl,
one pooped pup

Kay said...

Okay, now I understand where Pixza originated ! I hope Lynn has plenty of her favorite Turkey Hill ice cream on hand for comfort food !

magpie said...

..and she is looking forward to leftover PIXZA

her A/C there working just fine !
the pixza got cold ..
teased her about her spelling

stepping away for a little bit
back before bedtime
xoxo ♥

Costume Lady said...

Gene and I went shopping at Lowes, he inside the store and I in the garden dept. outside. Must have been 100 or more degrees...I sweat so badly, I couldn't see. Had 1 tiny tissue in my purse and the edge of my blouse. Bought some more flowers for GG...hope to plant them tomorrow morning, before it gets hot.
Worker is coming to repair her crippled A/C tomorrow afternoon. Hope he doesn't have to order any parts!

Hoda said...

Good night Judy E and Shirley. Sleep well and God Bless.

Hurrah!!! for Liesl doing well in class and I too hope Lynn has her favourite ice cream around for comfort...

magpie said...

So good to see you Wanda

is the A/C at GG's working and how are you all doing ??

I put some fish emulsion in the watering cans every three weeks, that might be helping, and I talk to the plants, don't dare scare them by singing to them !

"Celebrity" tomato is the name for these two plants

Kay said...

Many calling it a day and I believe I will, too. Prayers for all in need, for all Momsters/Dadsters, Belle and yes, even Truder.

Wishing you all a good nights sleep and will "see" you tomorrow.♥♥♥♥♥

♥L♥I♥B♥E♥R♥T♥Y !!!!!!!

magpie said...

see your answer, Wanda
Geeze, all this time without A/C there...

ice cream? think I might have some too
will remind Lynn she should have some
ttfn xo

Costume Lady said...

Lynn stopped by here the other day and gave us Liesl's puppy food for our fox kits...they love it. I have a PENDING video of them, need to put some music with it so it won't be so boring. Anyway, when Lynn spoke about Liesl, you could hear the love in her voice and see it in her eyes. It is so wonderful that this pup came into her life after all that she experienced with Mai. Bless her heart, I hope she is well and happy with her new home.

Costume Lady said...

GG's A/C works very weakly, but we took two fans in to move the air around a little bit. Going to put a ceiling fan in the kitchen. When I cook up there, it gets stifling and takes a long time to cool down. I think a ceiling fan will do the trick.

stronghunter said...

Kay, Interesting story about the college student. Nice try, but, no, you can't get biology credit for the miles you drive.

Lynne2 said...

Hi all, just popping in to say Hello! WOW, what a difference in the new place (Randallstown AH) and Manchester....details later. I've had no time to read back but I hope no one has fallen today, or otherwise had car trouble, pet trouble, other health trouble, internet trouble or any other trouble!

Costume Lady said...

I think I ran everyone off...I'll come back later:)

Judie said...

Okay, so Lynn is powerless for the time being. I don't have FB but will try to email tidbits of info. Does anyone think the pixza caused the power outage?

Shirley, the situation with your female student is beyond sad and even more sad for the child she is responsible for. Hope the little one finds, or is given, a different path to follow.

So I'm not the only one who has students who think occasional class attendance is the basis for extra credit. I tell them that I attend every class but I don't get extra credit.

The trial is TruTV (Court)9am-3pm and after 3pm you can follow on Headline News (HLN) (channel 204 on DirectTV.

Oh dear. I hear the sandperson lurking outside the door. I'll turn the night light on for everyone and send wishes for restful sleep.

Lynne2 said...

oh, and I hope everyone is staying cool and don't forget to check on others!

Costume Lady said...

Lynne, just HEAT trouble:)

Costume Lady said...

Good point, Lynne, check on the elderly and infirmed~

Judie, what did you have interestin or delicious on the Buffet, last evening?

magpie said...

You never chase us away!
Never !
Good night Judie ♥

Lynne, no new boo-boos reported
but Hedgie has no internet

asked her about taking laptop elsewhere, not really an option, 'cause she would have to leave Liesl for too long...
let's just hope that friend of her comes through with a quicker fix !

Judie said...

Ooops, doing a Margy.

Wanda, sure hope GG's A/C can be repaired to full strength. A ceiling fan will help even with A/C.

Margy, Celebrity tomatoes are supposed to have been developed for VA/WV area. They are my favorite and the ones I have the best luck growing.

Okay, no ice cream here so just going to try to out run the sandperson until the news is over.

Again, restful sleep for all and the night light is on.

paula eagleholic said...

Oh Poor Lynn, that sucks for sure!

So how is the new job, Lynne?

paula eagleholic said...

Oh, I had my ice cream tonight, bought some Klondike bars last week at the store. ☺

paula eagleholic said...

Yes, Kay, I saw Lori's pic at WE...that was the thanks for the heads up I posted.

Judie said...

Doing a double Margy.

Wanda, buffet was prepared by Great American Restaurants. Absolutely delicious. Sole stuffed with crab imperial, a Penne pasta w/tomato sauce, marinated chicken breast w/Marsala sauce, crisp-cooked asparagus, Waldorf salad, some other salad, and roast beef, a dozen desserts. No! I did not have some of each. Yes, I did have some of most.

I really am leaving now. Bye

Costume Lady said...

What an impressive Buffet, Judie...sound wonderful. Maybe they could cater our party during Open House in April!

magpie said...

Yes, that's is some heavy duty chow! Not everyone gets a meal like that on their Anniversary ☺
I am hungry all over again...
Thanks Judie for posting the menu

Hmmmmm, just checked ISS Flyovers coming up, two times on one day, June 12 then a couple of days after that one time each day.
However, it says : "ISS-Endeavor"
just sent them a feedback email inquiring about that
Probably just a slippo/typo

Plants got a little drink, don't want to spoil them too much in the water department...yet...

Paula, how does Nugz take it when you are watering the garden, does he like to get sprayed ?

almost time for bed, then I will be quiet on here for sure ☺

Lolly said...

The three at WE are being fed. So nice to see and hear three eaglets in a nest, all healthy and normal!!!

We had dinner and then I headed outside. 86 but low humidity so it was very pleasant sitting on the lawn and working on some nasty weeds.

Tomorrow I am going to the church garden to water and weed. Have neglected it, but it has been doing okay, just has some weeds in the patio stone cracks that need tending.

Oh, poor Lynn!! That is so frustrating! Think I will text her!

magpie said...

nice that you and Gene have set GG up with fans, Wanda
guess it is kind of like "the old days" before A/C which a lot of us can relate to I guess
that and black and white TV

magpie said...

She would like that L☺lly...
last one I sent I was asking if she has fax options and if her landline is working...
have not gotten a response on that one yet
over 30 mins ago

Lolly said...

Got my phone out of my purse and it is dead. Charging it now.

magpie said...

Well, Precious Pals...think it's that time for me to stop being gabby
Lynn says landline is fine, no fax (I will keep her posted thru the days by regular phone then)
thanks for that nice description of Lynn and Liesl, very heartwarming, ♥ ♥

My prayer jar is filling up, going to read all the names and say a prayer before sleeptime

See you Thursday
God Bless This Nest
God Bless Us, Every One

xoxo ♥

magpie said...

OK "Looly"
can you use it when it is charging?

magpie said...

Awesome YouTube link on the BWO site of three chicks being fed in Wales...only 1:14 mins long
sorry, pulling a "me"

Lolly said...

I thought I had Margy's phone number but something is wrong. Will check the list. Have tried twice to send a text.

paula eagleholic said...

Margy, Nugz likes to drink from the hose...he doesn't mind getting wet. Boo was the one that always used to jump into the hose water, LOL...couldn't keep him out of it...what a rascal he was.

Getting ready to hit the hay, pleasant dreams for all and

(((Hugs for all ♥)))

Hoda said...

Good night to you all and I will see you in the morning my time. God Bless and sweet dreams...

magpie said...

'Night Paula and Nugz

'Night Hoda - I meant to tell you much earlier, I like the collage of our Dad's pictures !

Lollly - check your email...
pls and thanks.

magpie said...

oh you know, Hoda, I meant to type YOUR Dad's pictures...
maybe we were sisters for just a minute there ☺

okay, signing off For Real now
xoxo ♥

Costume Lady said...

I'm signing off for real, too:)


Lolly said...

Thanks Margy! Sent text! Was using wrong number.???????

Nite all! Sweet dreams!

Mema Jo said...

I'm coming in on the tail end again

Lynn's situation just Isn't Right!
I'll try calling tomorrow and hope
the phone line is ok - or I'll just
call her cell.

Good night all
Prayers for everyone
Hugs for all ♥♥♥♥♥♥

PA Nana said...

Well dear friends, I'm barely holdling my head up and my eyes open, so I'll say goodnight until tomorrow.

Prayers for all needs and wants. God bless everyone.

Jewels said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Jewels said...

LOL! Anything info...too funny! I meant to say Any info..

Jewels said...

Margy, have a good day at work tomorrow!! I will see you Friday at 8am!
Glad your two days were spent well! Sounds like you had a real nice time!

Lori O. said...

Best Morning to everyone in Eagle Land, or at least I'm hoping.

Sounds like the cam is back up but we didn't have a visit last night.

Truder usually comes by first thing, we seriously mean first hint of daylight around 5:05AM if anyone feels like getting a glimpse of an eagle in the S-Town nest this morning.
What a great way to start the day.

I am lacking in time to make my usual list of acknowledgments, so please forgive me.

See you soon at the SPCC, should that be the name for Sycamore Palace Cyber Cafe?

Must give KAY a ((BIG HUG))... and

MEGAN I'm so sorry you are having to work outside in this awful HEAT. Please be gentle with yourself.

Lori O. said...

Yeah, yeah, yeah!

We have a little light at the nest so the cam is still working and Truder expected to arrive, hopefully with Belle, in less than 20 minutes IF he stays true to form.

magpie said...

Okay Morning GLori
I am perched

I don't get up this early for just ANY Eagles

Good Morning !

Lori O. said...

Morning MARGY!!!

Kay said...

Good Morning My Dears, LORI and MARGY !

Lori O. said...

Wonderful morning to you MS KAY!

Lori O. said...


Kay said...

I've already visited all the Finnish Osprey families. Forget what the one on water is called--adult there brooding, quiet nest. Finney 1--yeah, both parents at nest and I believe 2 eaglets being fed--adult shadow over nest cup--hard to tell for sure, but it looks like 2 fuzzballs and one egg. Finney 2 standing over a couple of very little chicks. Does that compute with what each nest has in terms of eggs and chicks, MARGY ?

Kay said...

That's Finney 2 adult standing....

Kay said...

MARGY, since I "upgraded to Windows 8 I can't get the Goshawk cam. Have to figure out what they want me to download for access. So, what is going on there these days ?

magpie said...

You see the Truder...
Good Morning Kay

Come to the Nest Belle !!

Lori O. said...

AWESOME! He's here!

Kay said...

Had to hit Play on our cam at 17:04. When it refreshed, there was TRUDER. Must have landed at about 5:18 ?????

Lori O. said...

Truder slept in this morning.


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2/20/25 PM bird

1203 PM NN Scout comes to the nest with a load of bedding again. He seemed to leave with something in his talons. He has a beak full of bedd...