Thursday, June 02, 2011


New thread.  The cam hopefully will be back up tomorrow.  The original problems were caused by a huge carpenter ant infestation in the box that had all of the electronics.  It has taken some timw to get the system stable after the ants were dealt with...


Kay said...

Thank you for the new thread, Steve ! I'm calling the rest over and am sure your message is going to meet with loud applause !!!!

I'm going to be reading back from 7a.m. forward and will join you all here in a bit.

Hoda said...

THANK YOU VERY MUCH STEVE for the new thread and for the MESSAGE. With Gratitude and Appreciation for your efforts and your work and for keeping us all connectd.

hedgie said...

He's in the nest!!!!!

Lolly said...

Wahooooo! A cam!!! Maybe, just maybe we get to see our Belle tomorrow.

Yep, finally see him in the nest. He is getting "the look" from the eaglet! A fiesty one!

Lolly said...

Thank you Steve for the new thread and the fantastic news.

Mema Jo said...

Watching the banding at the Sauces nest Links are on previous threads

Mema Jo said...

Look at those talons!
Sure hope the eaglet doesn't get
and injury from being so Fiesty.
Also I am glad that eaglet didn't
knock our Bander out of that nest

Lolly said...

Stuff that eaglet into a bag!!!!

Lolly said...

LOL Looks like he is having one tough time getting the eaglet in the bag. Poor eaglet, but it is funny!

Mema Jo said...

Jim may have gotten bit
his finger has got to be throbbing with pain unless he's superman.

Mema Jo said...

I don't envy the person who has to get him out of the bag to band him and measure him --and then to stuff him back in for the trip
back to the nest.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

So it really was ants, well. How do you like them apples?

Lolly said...

That nest looks like it is on top of the world.

Mema Jo said...

Thanks Steve for the fresh thread and the wonderful news
Hope they set some ant traps by
the tree!

Lolly said...

I always thought they used bags with zippers. He was stuffing and pulling on a draw string.

Mema Jo said...

On the IWS forum they are betting that it is a Female! lol

Lolly said...

My Zach just called me. His daddy is home early. Zach was running a slight fever. He told me "I am not well, Nana did not cook my mac and cheese enough". LOL

Lolly said...

A fiesty female? LOL I have never seen one put up such a fight!

Hoda said...

Oh Precious Zach, healing thoughts and prayers for bad tummy to go away soon.

Mema Jo said...

Great pics over on the CHIL eagle
forum of eaglet being placed in bag

Hoda said...

CBs news reports a shooting spree in Yuma Arizona. 5 killed and one hurt...OH DEAR!!!

DanaMo said...

Great news about the cam. Can't wait for tomorrow!

Lolly said...

Lynn, Jo, Lynne....posted another picture on facebook. Curious if you can see it. Reposted one of Laurel's pictures again, only this time she still has friends of friends checked. Wondering if when she first posted the video she had friends only checked and that is why I could not share even though she changed it later.

Kay said...

CHAR, we haven't "met", but hope you'll check in with us here soon ! Hope this has been a fantastic birthday, full of full and all the things you had on your wish list !

LYNN, Seth loved the ice cream ! Of course, I pulled my usual grandmother stunt of dishing up about 2 times too much. Will go with a smaller dish next time.

LYNNE, so sorry about Brother Cat's long absence. It really hurts when a family memeber is missing, I know. :(

I can't get sound on Sauces. We heard so much chatter with WE and it helped us know a little bit about what was going on. Seems like a long time for the banding of one eaglet, but she may have put up a fight. Has anyone with sound heard the adults calling out ?

Kay said...

CHAR, I meant "full of fun" !!!

Hoda said...

I don't have sound either Kay. Yes it does seem like a long time for banding and measurments.

hedgie said...

No sound for me, Kay. Glad Seth enjoyed his ice cream!!!

Yea for our cam....sure hope they sealed things up tight!

hedgie said...

Back ----sure hope she livens up!

hedgie said...

Duh---that was a bag!!! NOW there she is!

Lori O. said...


I'm so excited I may not be able to sleep! Wooooo-who!

Gracias Steve & everyone for the repairs.

Checking in on the banding and for the latest on LYNN's Brother Cat. I hope she has good news soon.

THELMA - I hope you continue feeling better. Prayers still going your way.

KAY - I hope you had a wonderful day of ice cream, Seth & Malcolm. Wish I could have been there.

JUDIE & LORETTA - sounds like you both had my kind of day - FUN at the nursery! Too many plants, too much money and not enough time.

WOOF for Patrick...and R-I-P Kettler.

Oh, heard two owls last night in the woods talking to each other. Now I have to find out what kind they are based on the calls...I'm not great, at all, with bird calls.

Brother Cat phone home!

hedgie said...

She's telling him off!!!

Kay said...

He apparently collected food samples to take back down for testing. She does not want to say Cheese !

Lori O. said...

ooops, meant LynnE's Brother Cat.

Glad baby Saucy is back. Whew!

Hoda said...

Ok Dr. Sharpe is out of the picture frame and she seems to be doing well vocalizing?

Hoda said...

How long before a parent returns I wonder?

Kay said...

LORI, I was hoping you'd see our cam news soon. No way to know if it will be back for the Early Birds, but sure hope so !

I did have a grand day with the boys ! Oh, having you here would have been icing on the cake, errrr I mean ice cream !

Maybe LYNNE can give you info on owl calls, or a site to listen to maybe. You must be another of those Momsters who lives in your own little chunk of Utopia ! Looking forward to seeing the flower pics on your blog ! ♥♥♥

hedgie said...

Lolly, saw the picture fine on FB!

Is Zach saying that YOU undercooked his mac & cheese and that made him sick??????? Tsk, tsk....hope you set him straight!!!
Hope he feels better!

Kay said...

HODA, with other bandings I've seen, the adults can return as soon as about 20 or 30 minutes and others not for several hours. I think most of them zero in close, but do not necessarily land on the nest immediately.

Kay said...

LYNN, I think Lolly is Grandmommy to the boys. I'm thinkin' Zach just ratted out his other grandmother. ☺

hedgie said...

Here's a link to the story that Hoda mentioned:

Yuma, AZ

Kay said...

Time for my evening news and Jeopardy. BBL to pick up on prayer requests.

LYNN, has there been any positive turn of events for your pastor ?

Kay said...

Why can't these sickos just do themselves in and leave others alone. How sad.

Mema Jo said...

Lolly I can see the pic of the boys in the neighbors pool on FB.

Costume Lady said...

Wahoo! Cam up tomorrow! Hope Belle is still hanging around:)
Wonder what method they are using to keep the ants away?

Costume Lady said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
stronghunter said...


Tried to look at the cam you have been watching (Sauces, I think--Something like that) but it keeps freezing up my computer.

Hoda said...

Earlier today someone wondered about Owl song...I can not remember who exactly it was but thought to post this from my Favourite Tool Bar. I learnt a lot from here...


Hoda said...

The bird song link came from someone on this blog too and I can not remember who so I can give is a great site...Thank you.

Lolly said...

roflmbo Kay, you have it right!!! He was blaming the other grandmother. I love it!

Ok, have the problem on fb worked out. Even though Laurel changed her controls you could not see the video because she had friends only when she posted it. She has not changed it back, it is still friends of friends and you can see.

Laurel says she is going to change it back to friends only. She does not want students finding her posts. Well, dern!! I will not be able to share her pictures and videos.

Lolly said...

We are really enjoying Rodney. Fun to have a house guest! He was head of the NASA wind tunnel. He was here at Lockheed with Jack before he headed to NASA. His wife is an artist and has some shows this weekend, that is why she is not here. Their home in in the mts of Virginia. We visited them after Open House last fall.

Jack and Rodney are now out grilling. And, I am going to be preparing the rest of the meal, linguine with pesto and sliced tomatoes with basil, topped with olive oil and balsamic vinegar. ☺

Lolly said...

Hoda, I think that was Lynne! Or Lynnie the Pooh.

hedgie said...

Yes, I think Lynne gave us that sight, too, Hoda.

Kay, Pastor John is on sabbatical. Elder announced Sun. that he and hife wife are divorcing. John followed up with an email yesterday saying that he is doing what he needs for healing and to help his 4 kids through the ordeal. She is moving out of the manse this week....nothing said about who will have custody....he emphasized that he had done nothing immoral, and had tried very hard through counseling to mend the marriage, but he did say that "the other party committed immoral acts"-----which I think was not a very wise thing for him to say. Sad situation......but they never appeared to be a good match in many opinions.

hedgie said...

Oh-ho, are off the mac hook!!

JudyEddy said...

Just got back from my daughters BBL got to get a shower

paula eagleholic said...

The banding out west always take s a little longer because they have to put the transmitter on the eaglet as well!

Mema Jo said...

Dinner (hot dog) company have gone home. The corn on cob was very good. Must be good crops of corn
this year.

I'm watching 2 TV show finales
that I had missed.


JudyEddy said...

Gotta tell you a story of my grand daughter and biting. Angie picked her up from school and there was a note for her saying that Jordyn had bitten a child BUT the teacher didn't blame Jordyn he had it coming but by law she had to document it with all the details so here it is They were all given gunny candy well Jordyn had some left and the little boy wanted them Jordyn started eating her candy and the little boy then stuck his finger in her mouth and tried to take the candy out of her mouth and guess what got bit just wanted to share her story ok now to shower I was on Face book saw that a video was posted of the banding and I will watch it when I get out about 25 min I think BBL

JudyEddy said...

Oh and another thing I was a bad girl on the way home remember me and my hazelnut coffee Well I stopped at SONIC and got a delicious hazelnut java chiller MMMM goood

hedgie said...

JudyE---I think that Jordyn was perfectly justified! That little boy may think twice before he sticks his finger someplace it doesn't belong in the future!! Way to go, Jordyn!!!

Hi, Paula. How is Nugz this evening? Is he ready to head for the beach tomorrow night?

NatureNut said...

Oh, how funny! Just saw the new thread~~~the ants did it!!!!
The 1st osprey cam at the Park has solar panels. If the sun doesn't shine, batteries die a lot. We now have a 3rd panel on that one. The newer osprey cam has a cable buried from the river, up the hill, across the grass to the visitor center electric closet! Our naturalist, Greg K. made sure line was encased in PVC pipe to prevent the muskrats from chewing it!!
Saw the loon cam in AM, & Mom was swimming w/both chicks on her back. Could barely see them. Watch the Sauces cam for awhile, but didn't see any blinging.
Planted just about all my flowers. Need to get a few more & wooden bucket I always plant lobelia in croaked, so need a new container.
I need a popsicle!!

hedgie said...

So the video doesn't show the ground action....???? Shoot.

paula eagleholic said...


paula eagleholic said...

Lynn, Nugz is doing good this evening. The cool house has helped, but I turned off the AC...really nice outside. Threw the ball a little for him tonight. I think he likes swimming at the beach ☺

paula eagleholic said...

Oh, and the Sauces cam was originally on the nest just for IWS observation, that is why it didn't have sound on it. Hopefully they will replace it and get sound on it next year.

paula eagleholic said...

How was doggie class, Lynn?

hedgie said...

Hmmmm....Loretta....hope that popsicle isn't in place of dinner!!!
All of the outdoor wiring that Bill did for my patio lights, post lamp, outlets and even the electric out to the garage is buried in PVC pipe. Don't have to worry about moisture damage that way, either!

paula eagleholic said...

Oh and I think both Nugz and I will be happy when we get to the beach and Michael is there!

JudyEddy said...

I love it the eagle tail seemed to be the hardest thing to get in the bag I hope they took a video from the ground like the other nest did and it took a day for it to surface, keep finger crossed someone did Surprised he didn't wear gloves like the other team did the other day Well if I don't check back in

God Bless this Nest
and all whom watch it
Healing Prayer for
those in need

"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."

magpie said...

Hello Eagle Pals,
Been scanning all the posts through to the last one hoping that Brother Cat would have returned...
sure hope he still does...
and that wherever he has been for the last few days, has been peaceful and comfortable for him...
prayers do continue

Good Report on Nugz, Paula...that is heartwarming

Hoping to hear that Flash is doing better this evening, Shirley

xoxo ♥

magpie said...

sounds like a good garden-filling day for both Judie and Loretta...

soon I will be searching for the wild Butterfly weed

stronghunter said...

Stopping in to say good night and God bless. I will see you tomorrow.

hedgie said...

Class last night was great, Paula. The 5 dogs are socializing really well, and all are learning quickly. The big dog in the class, Elmore, slipped his collar/leash during our store stroll.....trainer ran straight for the front door, locked it closed and sounded a "dog loose" alarm. Pretty cool!!! All associates rushed into action to basically corral Elmore in a single aisle so his person could get him re-collared!

magpie said...

sorry to hear of Pastor John's troubles
met up with an old friend today,
she had spent three months awhile back in Rumania working with orphans,
came home, decided that maybe she would just take care of someone else' children in her life
met up with fellow whose wife decided she didn't want to be a mother anymore to their three children, nor a wife, and had just left
So, gal pal, started talking with the abandonded Dad,
Bingo, she is now step-mommy to the three little girls
Sometimes, things work out well like that

magpie said...

Field day with grandson James was a lot of fun
as I gazed out upon the field of 4th graders, realized there is not a bird nor a wildflower nor a nest cam that meant as much to me during these moments as those precious, lively little rascals.
I had the bean bag toss station
James thanked me for not embarassing him - LOL

magpie said...

Sounds like a nice family evening,Jo
and for you and Seth, Kay.

and also, Lolly, sounds like a very nice visit with your friend Rodney, sure Mrs Rodney would have liked to be there also

hedgie said...

Goodnight, JudyE and Shirley. Peaceful rest.

Paula, great that Michael is coming down!

magpie said...

I'm very excited to read that the cam might be restored Friday...
Thank you Steve and all the Staff working on this

And, I still think that Liberty is soaring free somewhere....

Hope Belle has been doing well...

Judie said...

Thank you, Steve. We are all so appreciative of your efforts and your willingness to keep us updated.

Stupid ants. Carpenters should build not destroy.

Been a long day. Missed the banding activity but seems it was successful from what you all say.

The sandperson is standing at the doorway beckoning me to the land of sleep. Night light is set for 11:00pm. Restful sleep for all.

Sure hope BroCat returns.

Lynne2 said...

Lynnie the Pooh? Hmmm....LOL!

Evening all! Excited we are getting cam back hopefully tomorrow! Wasn't expecting that!

This is Brother, for those of you who haven't seen him before. I'm sorry to report that there has still been no sign of him, and no phone calls, either. Tracey is putting his picture up at Baltimore Co. Animal Control tomorrow and will be looking in the "lock up" for him every day, in case he is turned in there.

hedgie said...

Hoda posted Steve's message on OC forum.....OC has not posted anything! I'm surprised that no one has demanded to know how she knows!!!

magpie said...

had me some ice cream today also, at the Creamery in Berkeley Springs, which overlooks a little town run.
FOUR very large snapping turtles hang out in the stream, and we also saw one painted turtle.
Ice cream guy gave us a broken sugar cone to feed to them. Wow, they snapped up the pieces, but they had to chase all the little fish away from them while doing it
I had Cappucino Crunch, James had Birthday cake, which tasted exactly like that ! You gotta slurp fast when you have ice cream cones outside these days

magpie said...

okay Lynne, not what I was hoping to sorry...Saint Anthony , the patron saint of lost important things, is being called upon

Good Night, Judie, Shirley...
Sleep, Sweetly

Lynne2 said...

Glad Lolly and Jack are having fun with Rodney, and the Nugz continues to do well!

Hope Flash is calmer today and feeling better!

Not good about Pastor John's situation, but he probably should not have said what he did....on the other hand, he must be very upset about the whole situation, and he has every right!

So, JudyE will be needing a muzzle for that granddaughter of hers....LOL!

Glad you had fun with James and Co. today Margy! And Kay too, with her boys!

Hoping Judie's ankles have forgiven her by now.

Haven't seen the news in sad about the AZ shooting and pray for all invloved.

Lynne2 said...

wow Margy, FOUR Snappers AND a Painted Turtle! Way cool!

magpie said...

got a bit of a change-up in my week-end schedule, so I work noon to midnight Friday, then 4-12 Sat, Sun and Mon, that's seven days (well I was off today) Woof !
also got big car repair in the morning
need to finagle transportation
but I have a plan..going to have co-workers shuttle me hither and yon
I am grateful to have a secure job.

But, I am going to bed.
Oh my sister in Massachusetts was very close to the tornado action, but they got severe thunderstorms instead, click, bang, click, bang on the lightning and thunder, but they are okay, about one hour's travel time from Springfield, Mass, which got hit hard. Hope FuzzleMa is okay!

Prayers for all our needs, here, and everywhere, especially for wellness, and lost Brother Cat

God Bless This Nest, and
God Bless Us, Every One

xoxo ♥

Lynne2 said...

Yesterday, I saw several local news helicopters heading to Carroll Co. Then later saw them return. Figured something big had happened, but again, we haven't seen the news.

Got to work to day to find that the accident was at the Random House warehouse...and so very sad to say that one of our clients was the man killed. He was JUST in the office with his dog Tessa on Tuesday. He and his wife are very good friends of one of our techs. Only 44 years old.

Lynne2 said...

Glad your sis is OK Margy...and I was wondering about Irene FuzzMa as well. Hope all is OK with her.

Your schedule SUCKS!

Kay said...

LYNN, will certainly continue to pray for your pastor and family. We often hold such families to a higher standard, too high, forgetting they are just like the rest of us. It is kind of sad that he assessed blame the way he did, but it shows just how much he's hurting.

JUDYE, Jordyn can hardly be blamed for biting down on a hand jammed in her mouth ! I guess teachers do have to file reports on such incidents, but I don't think it should go any further.

MARGY, LOL James thanking you for not embarrassing him ! Kids are so cute. They want parent and grandparent involvement on one hand, but worry about what they might do on the other ! ☺

Praying tonight for Pastor John and for Momster/Dadster hips n' knees n' backs n' ankles n' tummies n'..... Praying for furry friends, precious grandchildren and our beautiful eagles, too.

You all have an open invitation to join the Early Birds at SSCC !

♥L♥I♥B♥E♥R♥T♥Y !!!!!

hedgie said...

Margy, that's a nice story about your friend's love story. :)

Now, now....why would James say that???? You would never dream of embarrassing him!!!! That little stinker!!!

hedgie said...

Margy, Carolyn got pulled in for an extra shift tomorrow, too....4-MN, so you two can have some time together!!!
So glad that your sister was not affected by that tornado.
Sleep tight! Good luck with your shuttling!!!

Hoda said...

Was that OK to post Steve's note on WOW and the OC forum...I say it is from the Shepherdstown Blog...if it is not OK do let me know.
Yes of course it is Lynnie the Pooh !!!;^) !!! who posted the bird song site first on this blog and I reposted it to answer the owl request earlier the morning...

So much like the school system in terms of writing reports and documenting...a kid sticks his finger in her mouth and she was chewing and yet it needs to be documented!!!

Supper sounds delicious at your house Lolly...enjoy.

I just came back in again from paddling and it was hard tonight even though the water was very calm...I will try a shorter paddle next time...

Lynne2 said...

Hoda, wow, you sure are full of spunk! I can't wait to loose this dang weight so I will be full of spunk again!

Lynnie the's growing on me....

Lynne2 said...

anxious to hear from Lori to see if she was able to ID the owl song!

hedgie said...

Lynne, so sorry that Brother Cat still has not come home. DO implore St. Anthony!
What kind of accident was at the Random House plant? A fire or explosion, or a machinery injury? So sad about the young man.

Thanks for your prayers and support for John....and yes, Kay, you are right.....many people DO hold them to higher standards which is not fair because they are humans with the same foibles as the rest of us.

hedgie said...

I can remember when I was a young teen, our youth group was VERY active-----and the minister's kids were b-a-d, and ALWAYS trying to push the envelope.....the rest of us had to try to tame them!!!

hedgie said...

Wanda----are you lurking??? I'll be over between 10 and 10:30.....if you aren't home, I'll leave the bag on the porch!!

Lolly said...

Dinner was great! Now tomorrow is the party!! Jack and Rodney have talked all day! Neat that they have had so much to enjoy talking about. Though Rodney is younger they are both Ramblin Wrecks from Ga Tech! Rodney is really excited about seeing the guys tomorrow night.

They are now watching basketball.

Going to say good night now. God bless! And, sweet dreams!

Lynne2 said...

Lynn, the guy was driving a forklift, moving pallets. It/he hit a shelving unit that then came down. He was pinned between the two and did not survive. Police/OSHA investigations going on of course.

Most disturbing to me about this accident is that Steve spent a lot of time doing the same sort of thing...and their forklifts had not been inspected as they are supposed to be in many months.

Lynne2 said...

I had been giving some thought to have Chris the dog trainer's friend and business partner come here to help find Brother. She has tracking dogs and has found many lost pets for people. HOWEVER....much of the property is literally a dump. The landlord allows people to come and dump stuff here, and then they bulldoze it down the hill out back. It's a very steep hill, and


hedgie said...

Lynne, scary for sure. We had several rack spills at our plant, but fortunately none were fatal. Sometimes if one gets snagged and starts to fall, they domino....but eventually the bottom racks all were concreted in place, which prevented a lot of that kind of accident.

Retiree breakfast in the morning....the months sure do roll fast! So will say goodnight to all of you dear folks. Prayers for all.

hedgie said...

WHAT---WHAT-----is he home????

Lynne2 said...

OH man....I thought I heard him outside. I'm sitting here and it's really quiet and the windows are open and I SWEAR I heard him. But he isn't out there. DANG.

paula eagleholic said...

I'm waiting for Lynne to get back!

Lynne2 said...

Joker and Mitzi are sleeping. I guess I must have heard the TV upstairs....

paula eagleholic said...

OH Lynne....(((Hugs)))

Lynne2 said...

It sure did sound like him outside though.....DANG DANG DANG

Lynne2 said...

still could be though, right? Maybe he is just scared SH**less for some reason and he be back....

Anyway, too dangerous I think to have a search dog running through all that rubble on such a steep hill.

magpie said...

well, maybe he IS out there, Lynne
sounds like the dog tracking would be worth a try...

someone forgot she needed a shower after a day in the field
and also nearly forgot:
Red Friday, tomorrow !

had a little trouble remembering what day was which this week

also wondering if NU ☺ was part of the ant-butt-kicking brigade

magpie said...

trying this go to bed thing again...

Lynn - just think James did not want a lot of obvious affection today, but we "signed" I Love You, and have a little thing where I touch my nose then his, or vice versa,
few would notice that ☺

hedgie said...

LOL, Margy....I suspect that the ants were closer to ground-level!

Lynne, yes, it's very possible that he is out there.....maybe he's afraid that mom will scold him!! Put some fresh food out!! Paws crossed!

Goodnight again.

Mema Jo said...

Finished watching my 2 TV shows
Both left me hanging until next
season (I probably won't remember)

Once again I'll say that it was beautiful weather we had today!
And I am hoping for another one just like it tomorrow.

JudyE I think Jordyn may have tired you out at the park today! She is one super little gal!

Really happy that Nugz is thriving
at the beach! Brother Cat please come on home!

magpie said...

Good Night, Precious Pals
glad Judie left the nightlight on, this place has things piled all over the place tonight and there are some toe-stubbers for sure
Oh Wanda
I got a pair of leopard print PJ bottoms at Goodwill this evening ☺
James wanted to go find a pair for himself in the Boy's department...LOL
aaah, my wind chimes are a'tinkling

xox ♥

paula eagleholic said...

Margy, guess he didn't want to be obviously "grandmothered" today! Subtle things are good!

Love ya'll, but gotta hit the hay.

(((Hugs to all ♥)))

Mema Jo said...

I am going to say
Good Night to everyone and want
you to know that Prayers are being
offered up for all of you.
((hugs)) to all my friends
♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

Lynne2 said...

Goodnight everyone...prayers for all!

Hoda said...

Good night ot all who are signing off.Sweet dreams and God Bless...

Bro Cat PLEASE come home soon...Meow...

Hoda said...

Our weather forecast speaks of sun for the next three days...What joy, I have to bring my herb garden in again tonight...

Hoda said...

Goodnight all I will sign off and will see you all in the morning...God Willing.

Costume Lady said...

Spent a good part of the afternoon loading Food Bank groceries, then putting them in their place at the church. It was a wonderful 'load' of goodies, except for the canned corn, we have corn coming out our ears (no pun intended).
Among other things, we were given 100lbs. of ground venison

Costume Lady said...

Need to get some sleep, back in the morning:)

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone,

I didn't make it here last night--fell asleep after dinner in front of the TV. Didn't make it here this morning because I fell asleep after breakfast, with Emma! Feel somewhat caught up on sleep tonight, but it's taken FOREVER to get caught up on the blog!

Mighty grateful to hear that our cam is going to be back soon! Steve, thank you for the update, and many thanks to those working on the equipment!

There are many prayers needed tonight!
Prayers for Brother Cat, Lynne & Steve, Nugz, Pastor John, Flash, Shirley & Kathryn, Lolly's Zach, and for those involved in the AZ shooting spree.

RIP, Kettler.

Actually, I'm saying prayers for everyone, and all creatures, just in case I've missed someone.

I've been pretty busy today trying to catch up on housework and laundry. Made some progress, but not enough yet.

There have been some new birds in the yard! Saw a female Black-Headed Grosbeak (back from last year), and our pair of Band-tailed Pigeons were here. There is also a juvie Band-tailed pigeon! Have seen 2 female hooded orioles, and one juvie male. There are at least 2 baby Black-Crowned Night Herons in the nests in our trees, judging from the eggshells found on the ground.

Ms Bookworm said...

Margy, prayers for you too! Your weekend work schedule sounds pretty crazy!

Well, think I will adjourn to TV land. Making sure that the porch light is on. Enabling both security systems. Prayers have been said for all. Sleep well, everyone, and I will talk to you tomorrow. God bless, and goodnight! Love all of you! :o]

Lori O. said...

Good RED FRIDAY Morning!

LYNNE - That was like a suspense movie waiting for you to get back when you left that post like that!!! Sorry it wasn't Bro Cat. If you don't like your landlord you could always let the DNR or whatever the environmental dept is in WV know about the landfill in the back of the property! I hope you do try to scent sniffing dog but keep it away from the hill of unwanteds.

Thanks HODA & LYNNE for passing along the link, but haven't had time to check out the owl sounds yet. Would love to have resident owls!

Both cams still down but I'm so excited they're coming back.

Thank you, Thank you, Thank you Steve and camera repair helpers!

KAY - wanted to take more pictures yesterday as it was such a gorgeous day, but you know, there are a lot of "want to's" in every day and I just never got there. I did get to stand on the deck and gaze around at some new offerings like the yellow ornothera (MEGAN will know the name). I'll take a picture of it for you and MARGY since you two are the Yellow freaks and this is a bright, clear yellow. So pretty.

Hydrangea flowers are starting to make themselves blue and more visable as they grow.

Prayers for PASTOR JOHN - I think you're right on that KAY. They are held to higher standards. He may not have been assigning blame, it may just be the truth as he saw it.

LOLLY - hope you have a fabulous party tonight! Oh, how tall are you? You mentioned that you were not short, but I picture you as smaller. Still, I bet your a fabulous hostess! :) Would love to hear about Rodney's wife's artwork. Does she have a website?

Hugs and extra cookies for LIESL (who has been a good girl), EMMA, NUGZ, MALCOLM,FLASH, LUNA, FloBEAR and DALAI.

Off to find something RED to wear to work. See you all at the SSCC.


Belle - all your Momsters are hoping to see you very soon!

Lori O. said...

MARGY - Thanks for the WEAR RED reminder. Hugs for James who sounds like such a wonderful boy.

LYNN - They were expecting to reach halfway point of prosecution's case in the Anthony trial this week. It may be over sooner than we expect.

OK - going. Going.

Lori O. said...

PAULA - forgot. Check your trunk before you leave for the beach. There may not be room for ME and all your stuff! Just saying. :)

Kidding, have a great trip!

Lori O. said...

Up and at 'em EARLY BIRDS! The SSCC is open and eagerly awaiting the returns of our cameras - as Steve says - hopefully sometime today.

Kay said...


Happy Wear Red in Support of Our Tr☺☺PS Day !

Kay said...

This will truly be a Red Letter day if the cams come back. Can you imagine how many times we'll all check as we lie in wait ? Sure hope Belle n' Truder haven't decided to take a vacation !

Kay said...

LORI, what a pretty red flower you've chosen for an avatar !

DanaMo said...

Good morning Kay and Lori. Really need my coffee this morning. I'm exhausted from all the moving and cleaning out in my classroom I did yesterday. I still have so much more to do, teaching is more fun than moving.

Kay said...

Hi DANA, are you getting a bigger n' better room with this move ?

Lori O. said...

Good Morning KAY & DANA-MO!

Yes, moving is a _itch DANA. Right up there with doing your taxes. Finish today & you won't have to worry about it until next yr - just like taxes!

Hi KAY! That's a new first year blooming Clematis that I've forgotten the name of. I know I've got another type that'll bloom soon the same trellis and one of them is Nirobi Clematis. Thanks for asking.

DanaMo said...

No, but I am joing a floor with other classrooms on it. I was in a lower level all by myself. Now I will be with the first and second grades. We are adding a preschool at St. Mary's and they are getting my classroom. The bad news is that being in the "basement" I was never bothered by the hot weather, now I am going to be directly over the kitchen. We have no a/c in our school.

DanaMo said...

Unfortunately it's going to take more than a day! I will probably be working until next Wednesday.

Kay said...

Eeww ! That does make the move seem like a bummer, but I'm sure you'll make the best of it. With preschoolers there you'll get a chance to see and meet future K kids, huh ? How many students do you expect to have in your class in the upcoming school year ?

Lori O. said...

KAY are you doing another day with Seth and Malcolm today?

floralgirl said...

Oooh, I don't like ants...
Morning all:)
Today's nest weather is just perfect-Sunny. Highs in the upper 70s. Northwest winds 10 to 15 mph.
I'm headed out soon to watch my baby graduate from high school.
Have a great day everybody!

Kay said...

LORI, today I'll join Seth and Malcolm at their home for lunch. Julie has a shorter day today and says Hugh went grossery shopping, bringing home sliced turkey, cheese and a good bread so we can make good sandwiches. Their house is just 3 miles south of mine and in a great neighborhood with sidewalks. I love to walk there and like to ride their recumbant bike, too. The painters finished their exterior painting yesterday. Now the pool must dry for a week before they can fill, treat and open it. It would have been nice to have it during the heat wave ! Geez, you ask a very simple question and I go into novelette mode !

DanaMo said...

Have a great graduation day Megan!

I will have 17 students next year, although there is a set of twins that is visiting today to take a tour. They are moving here from NC, hopefully we will get them! Our enrollment is really down and we are losing students due to the economy.

Kay said...

MARGY, thanks for the perfect weather report ! Congrats to your grad ! A milestone event for her and her proud parents ! What are her plans following H.S. ?

Kay said...

17-20 sounds like a handful when they are about 5 years old, Dana !

Kay said...

MEGAN, what's the matter with me, sorry I called you Margy !!!!

I'm thinking about whether or not she'll join us this morning. She outlined a weird work sked for the weekend, starting today.

Lori O. said...

MEGAN - Congratulations on your daughter's graduation. Is she going to continue? You sure can't get better weather than today if it's outside. Cheers!

KAY - why don't you get a recumbent bike? You don't like the type to let it become a clothes hanger.

Kay said...

The Goshawk nest is a peaceful one this morning---almost afternoon there.

LYNN and MARGY, those Finnish cams may not be frozen, but I never catch them doing anything but brooding. Have never seen more than one adult at each nest.

DanaMo said...

Just saw someone pedaling down the road yesterday on a recumbent bike yesterday.

17-20 depends on the kids. This years class was a piece of cake and I had 19, they just clicked and were well behaved, quick learners. Every year is a new adventure!

Kay said...

LORI, I really don't have room in my small condo for a bike. Could easily go to Julie's for a daily ride, but do I ? NOT ! I really like walking better than any other exercise.

Lori O. said...

KAY - A small condo - perfect for one person without a lot of clutter. I understand.

So you get to eat all the good groceries (grosseries) at Julie's? That's always fun when the good stuff is still there and you have lots to choose from. Remember, smaller ice cream bowl today. lol

Kay said...

DANA, I should have identified the kids bike as stationary. The recumbents like you saw always look awkward and uncomfortable to me, but I guess they're actually a great way to go.

Lori O. said...

There are stationary recumbent bikes. Kate has one for her back therapy.

Kay said...

LORI, you've got that right about the small, easy to care for and uncluttered condo being great for a single senior. The process of weeding down and deciding what to keep in down sizing was arduous, but well worth it.

Kay said...

LORI, sorry to hear Kate has back trouble. Is it due to an accident or just wear and tear over the long haul ?

Lori O. said...

It's still the same thing. She tweaked it several months ago - had an anular tear. Most get surgery to repair it but she's toughed it out with therapy and it's much better.

Kay said...

Wow, she must tolerate pain well. I'm sure her way is better than surgery, but tough to go through ! Ouch !

Lori O. said...

CAMS are still down . . .
but MAYBE today they'll be back.
I can hardly stand it!
You're right Kay, I bet we'll all be checking multiple times an hour.

Okay, let's make it fun. The first person to accurately report that either of the cams is back gets __________. KAY?

Kay said...

I've got my thinking cap on, but it ain't workin', LORI ! We're going to have to bring LYNNE in on this one !

Kay said...

It's "that time" of the morning for me. Moving on to newspapers, e-mail.... Will be checking back often, in hopes of seeing our nest and our dear eagles.

Wishing you all a great day !

{{{{{{{{LORI}}}}}}} thanks for keeping the SSCC open for stragglers ! ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥, for Lib !

DanaMo said...

well...sometimes it would be good to re-read what I type yesterday, yesterday! Really. Maybe I need more coffee.

BBL I hope I can check the cams at work. Maybe I will bring my computer with me so I can check the blog, school computer has "social networking" blocked.

hedgie said...

Good Friday morning.....wonderful weather...and today is my gd Jessica's 17th birthday!!!! Happy b-day, my sweet!

Lori, Lynne lives in MD----Randallstown area.

No cam yet......wait for it....wait for it.

Megan, congrats to Madeleine! And to the proud parents!!

Lori O. said...

Here's the prize list if you are the first to accurately report that either of the cams is back online!

The winner gets:

1. Soft ice cream fresh (?) from the hot car from KAY

2. Dinner with HODA at your expense in BC.

3. A party thrown by the world's best hostess LOLLY!

4. A year of personal spell-checking from JUDIE, LYNN and KAY.

5. Free bird call ID lessons from LYNNE.

6. Virtual tree climbing lessons with NU. (WANDA or LORI will take this if you don't want it.)

7. Free videos for a month from JUDY E.

8. A day with the BIG dogs, Nugz, FloBear, Buddy and DANA MO's 3 Flying Labs!

9. A season of viewing NCIS with JO.

10. Bouquet of Wild Flowers from MARGY.

Feel free to add to the list if you would like to donate something to our winner.

Lori O. said...

Obviuosly, all Momster winners always get the traditional Poop Shoot Facial and WAX!

magpie said...

Good RED FRIDAY Morning Eagle Pals

Congratulations to Megan and Russ on the Gradutation of their daughter, and yesindeedy, it is the perfect day here in this area

that is incredible, YOU are the Energizer Bunny these days...
great Food Bank report, but how about YOU? Hope things will be well with you and GG

looks like I just missed Kay!
JudyE - don't see you here either, what a crazy report about the biting incident yesterday...brave kid, must have really wanted that candy ! Enjoy your day with Jordyn ☺

xoxo ♥

magpie said...

I love Andrea's Wild Bird Reports..was just looking at the Black-Headed Grosbeak in a book yesterday, realized I would probably have to go out West to see one !
Sounds great, Andy !

JudyEddy said...

Good morning eagle buds no camera still will be keeping my fingers and toes and legs crossed it comes up today I will be at park with Jordyn this morning as usual will check back in sometime today

magpie said...

That's great, Morning GLori very creative...!
You could add, a Field Trip to Lori's Roost !

I hope YOU see the cams come up first!
Not likely I will...

90 minutes to freedom for you, coming up !

Thinking of Lynne, and Steve, and Brother Cat....♥ ♥ ♥

I have to go get the buggy to the vehicle doctor, will check back later

Best Wishes, for a Good, Safe, Healthy Day, to Every One
xoxo ♥

Lori O. said...

Have a great day MARGY. We'll hope for a low cost car repair.

hedgie said...

Margy, I always marvel at what Andy has right there in her YARD!!!
So cool---and seems so unusual in an urban area!!

Andy---if you are lurking---sure hope you are caught up on rest SOON!

Lori, great list of awards!!!
I may be a good spellchecker, but sure could use a typochecker!! I have SO much trouble on the laptop!

hedgie said...

Well, kiddos, I'm outta here in a few. See you later! Have a good morning!

magpie said...

whoops Lori...
I am not allowed to pick wildflowers! You might have to modify Item #10 on your list
Could end up in the pokey if DNR catches me...
but, well, how about Pictures !

Good Morning Again Eagle Pals...
Kidnaped the county van (the old one) to shuttle me back to work at schedule change out of my hands...had to get the Blazer in for Brakes and other things

Hope everyone is doing OK.
Need to write out some checks, and catch a snooze before returned the hijacked old Safari van and clock in at noon....
xoxo ☺ ♥

Oh, My Stella D'Oro - a Megan Flower, is blooming. Three Yellow Beauties....and I have chicory on the edge of the parking lot here.

magpie said...

My Forget-me-Nots are leafing out well, no blooms yet
Hope yours are doing well also...
xo ♥ ttfn

stronghunter said...

Good morning,

Monitoring an Algebra II SOL test this morning. Room full of kids with computers and graphing calculators thinking away. The quiet click of calculator keys. Noises from the room next door. What in heck is going on over there?

Tried to read back, but confused. Someone stuck his finger in someone else's mouth and someone got bitten? What would one expect?

Reminds me of a time when I was in elementary school. We were in the auditorium, sitting in those plain wooden seats that folded up. A girl behind me kept sticking her foot in the little opening in the the back and kicking me in the backside. I asked her to stop, but she persisted.

I got a brilliant idea. I sat forward just a bit and opened up the gap. Sure enough the smarty-pants brat stuck her toe all the way in, and, of course, I came down as hard as I could on the offending toe. She could not get her foot out.

Her cries of pain eventually attracted the teacher who made me let go. I knew I was considered to be the villain, and I felt a little bit guilty when I heard the teacher comment to another teacher about how cruel kids could be to one another. But I did not feel too guilty. The kid did not bother me again. I wondered if the teacher even thought about how the kid got her toe in that spot anyway?

Okay, I hope you do not think I was a mean kid.

paula eagleholic said...

Hoda, forgot to say YAY! for your sunshine!

Andy, you have quite the bird paradise in your yard!

Lori, I might have room in the backseat, LOL, that is if you don't mind sharing it with Nugz ☺

Megan, have a wonderful day at Graduation!!! Congrats to Maddie!!

Happy Birthday Jessica!!

Lori, love your prize list!

JudyE, I was LOL about Jordyn biting that boys finger in her mouth!

Lori, are you going to check on your vultures this weekend?

magpie said...

Never in the world would I think that, Shirley

You got to do what you got to when when kind and reasonable entreaties fail

Might not be get back on before work, but I wanted to let you know you are A-OK in my book !
The essence of kindness, actually
..disappearing now...

paula eagleholic said...

Shirley, you were a smart kid ☺

Lori O. said...

SHIRLEY - you sound like you were an adorable child with a mind for fairness!

PAULA - I should be at 36 days since discovering the Vulture eggs, and they go to 40, so I'm planning on taking my camera to check on them today or this weekend. Don't want to see chicks and wish I had taken the camera. I've gone over it in my mind a thousand times. Think I should wear a helmet? :)

Judie said...

Good morning!

My goodness, I have many comments to share.

Lynne2, BroCat is on my mind. Do so hope he returns safely.

Megan, congrats to Madeleine.

Margy, glad you had a fun day with James the Wise, that your sister is okay, but sorry about the car repair.

Lynn, sorry about the Pastor's personal life. I'm sure his congregation will help him through this.

Lynn, happy birthday to Jessica. Special plans to celebrate?

Hoda, you go girl! Cannot imagine all the rowing without having to be hospitalized for severe aches & pain therapy.

DanaMo, when exactly is your last day of school? I know moving to another room is tedious so hope it goes smoothly.

Kay, have a nice time at Julie's.

Lori, I love the list of "prizes" and would be happy to win any one of them.

Hi to Jo and Andy.

Now, time for me to step away from the computer and step outside to begin planting yesterday's acquisitions. So pleased the weather is so much cooler this morning.

Wishing everyone a lovely red Friday morning.

Judie said...

OMG - Shirley, I cannot imagine you squishing that girl's toes! Well, yes I can. Bully for you!

DanaMo said...

No cam yet?

Mema Jo said...

Good Morning - my RED shirt awaits me. Beautiful day in the valley.
Congratulations Megan and Russ - you have a beautiful daughter of who to be proud.
Shirley - you got her! And best thing is you stopped her from bullying.
Lori - trunk or back seat with Nugz That's not a hard decision, Gal! Give my best wishes to Kate!

Mema Jo said...

Whoa! Shirley, Judi, Lolly hope
my gramatical error (typo really) doesn't ruffle your feathers too much..... Of WHOM not of who
Geesh-- that would have bugged me all day!

Shirley Shirley Are you getting
anxious yet? Thinking of you and
remember some tears are great stress releasers!

Happy birthday Jessica - 17 is such a beautiful age so enjoy it to the fullest

Kay said...

LORI, nothing wrong with your thinking cap today ! Great list of prizes. Don't forget, along with the PSF and Wax there is the Fisheycure ! I love MARGY's addition of a "field trip to Lori's roost" !

LYNN, Happy Birthday to your dear Jessica ! Seth will turn 17 on July 2nd. Can you believe it ? These kids will be voting in Nov. 2012. How did they grow up soooo fast ?

SHIRLEY, that teacher might have thought you a mean wittle kid, but your eagle buds say, Bravo, that's our girl !!!!!

JUDIE, always love your take on things ! Enjoy planting your new posies !

Just had to check on the cams before heading for Julie's....later !

stronghunter said...

One kid still working on her test. Everyone else is waiting. They are used to this and are being good.

stronghunter said...

I think I was probably in the second grade when my toe-squishing event happened. Long time ago.

magpie said...

Happy Birthday to Lynn's dear granddaughter Jessica ♥

I do recall and just read backwards and confirmed that Jessica's "Mom Carolyn" is spending the evening with me at work 4-12

Sigh...Good for Me, though !
She's Sharp!

Okay Judie, my lantana is yellow and thriving here in my little container...will post pictures in a day or so...

Time to shake both of these legs and get ready to head to work....
Got my RED SHIRT laid out for the second time this morning
God Bless Our Military ♥

Take care, Good Friends, and Be of Good Cheer, hope your respective days are Good Ones !

xox ☺

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...


Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Lynne2, my thoughts and prayers have been with you.

paula eagleholic said...

Shoot...Michael's not coming down to the beach this weekend. Long story short, he lost his phone last night, when he had to stop his vehicle in a residential neighborhood. He and another staff member had residents in their vehicles, and they had a problem with one of them. They had to restrain her, and he lost his phone in the scuffle.

The good news is that a good samaritan found the phone and called "Mom" on the phone. So Michael got in touch w/ the good samaritan, but has to wait until probably tonight to get his phone back. Hopefully he can come down next weekend!

Mema Jo said...
This comment has been removed by the author.

2/20/25 PM bird

1203 PM NN Scout comes to the nest with a load of bedding again. He seemed to leave with something in his talons. He has a beak full of bedd...