Sunday, June 05, 2011


New thread.


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JudyEddy said...

Thanks for new thread I'll fet the others

JudyEddy said...

That was I'll get the others see what happens when you get soo excited over a new thread LOL

JudyEddy said...

That video is well worth watching it I had chills and tears throughout the video it was 2008 I wonder is it the same eagle pair at both nest I would assume yes But you know what assuming means HUH

Kay said...

Thanks for the New Thread, Steve !

To anyone just coming on board for the first time today, do go back to the last page or two of the "old thread". You'll find good gardening tips, exciting news from Lori about her Vulture nest, some interesting videos, and the hightlight of the day for LYNN's litte Liesl. & much, much more.....

JudyEddy said...

I decided to put the picture in the nest it is in the Beach and Nature album BOB IN EAGLE NEST COOL BEANS

Kay said...

Neat picture, JUDYE ! I'm happy to see it, but will leave such antics up to you younguns' !

BBL, y'all !

JudyEddy said...

I also posted a picture of a man made nest in Falls Lake NC that was posted on FB just put in on same albummok I got to go eat BBL

stronghunter said...

Well, the cone has been taken off! Kathryn decided Flash was going to do her in with the dang thing, so she removed it. Flash just kept crashing into her.

stronghunter said...

Have enjoyed all of the gardening tips, father's pictures, and links to videos. Am still knee-deep in research papers, though.

JudyEddy said...

Hedgie posted this on Sat I posted to come on over I will never get out of here LOL I keep wanting to leave and then get distracted again
This is her post hope she comes on over

hedgie said...
Thanks for compliments on my Dad.
Lynne, great pic of you and yours---he was young!!! A little James Deanish, huh??? How is Bro Cat doing today??

JudyE---I think I've watched that video with Bob Anderson before....a good one for sure!

Kay, I sure hope the website IS what it appears to be!!!

Sunday, June 05, 2011 7:13:00 PM

hedgie said...

Thanks for compliments on my Dad.
Lynne, great pic of you and yours---he was young!!! A little James Deanish, huh??? How is Bro Cat doing today??
Gee, had to deal with getting him to the vet and home all by yourself? While Steve was "home" getting lots of mom-care???? No fair!!

JudyE---I think I've watched that video with Bob Anderson before....a good one for sure!

Kay, I sure hope the website IS what it appears to be!!!

Hope the system doesn't turn into anything significant, JudyE....just regualr rain!!

Lori, can't wait to see your pics!!! Lucky you and Kate!!!

JudyEddy said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
hedgie said...

Judie, so glad there are people smart about flowers and plants to give advice. I know basically nothing---and kill almost anything I try to grow. Of course, part of the problem is not enough sunlight and lousy shale soil here---as it has b een every place I've lived!

JudyEddy said...

This is the hurricane site that I like to view during season it is connected to our FOX 13 news

try again you can check out the spaghetti models of the possible track of any system that develops pretty cool site I love all the different maps

hedgie said...

LOL, JudyE...I brought my comment over with me!!!
I could not leave a comment on the pics---ARGH, stupid blogger cop. I DO remember seeing that pic of Bob in the nest! Love it!

Judie said...

I'm back!

Thank you, Steve for the new thread. Thank you JudyE.

Thanks to those who have endeavored to help me learn how to care for my butterfly bush and Lantana. I hope I can follow the instructions and have great rewards. I do appreciate the help.

We moved a birdbath today and there are a few very unhappy critters out there, not the least of which is a very angry chipmunk. Well, they will find their way. It's only about 15 feet from where it was.

Shirley, hang in there. The end is near and so your freedom.

I love the pictures of dads. None exist for me.

Going to try to find something to eat. Darth has a concert tonight so I'm on my own for food.

wvgal_dana said...

Back from running errands before taking Mom to dinner.

My blind broke this morning so had to buy a new one. Buy more weed/grass killer for along the white fence. So the weedeater doesn't have to be used. Weedeater throws dirt and grass onto white fence then you have to power wash down (white vinyl fencing).

Needed a black cartridge for printer. Plus more Vitamin water that stuff is goooooooood !! ( :

Loved the videos ty.

Hope I can scan one day a picture of my Dad.

All your Dad avatars look so nice.

JudyE I think it was you that had all those beach pictures. I couldn't leave a comment.

I don't know why you people's blogs we can't leave a comment anymore. Something went haywire and one day it will work again.

Margy when is the BIG MOVING DAY????

wvgal_dana said...

Thanks for the tips on pruning the butterfly bush. I got one and it is right by where pets are buried. It is a reddish purple. They had purple but I wanted something different. It is BLOOMING !!!!

wvgal_dana said...

Oh while I was the first one at the light coming out of Lowes. All these motorcycles was coming from the VA Center. I just kept honking my horn and they kept waving !!! ( :

wvgal_dana said...

I would love to do like Bob Anderson did. Lay in an eagles nest and watch the stars...that is what I would like to do.

Did someone say they have a video of an "eagle ice skating"?? If so I would love to see it.

wvgal_dana said...

Watching the 50 minute video. I heard somewhere else about an female eagle with one eye. I think it was Duke Farms. It was near a fish hatchery. I love the "skating eagle" lol

wvgal_dana said...

In the 50 minute video did you all notice the female is probably a 4 year old. It has a dark spot on head plus a few dark feathers within the white feathers on head.

paula eagleholic said...

Evening, all!

Lovely evening out, home early.

BBIALW gotta get laundry started and the trash out.

magpie said...

probably won't be moving DanaWV..
we would get to stay here,
building renovations HERE when and if the Sheriff's Department folks move to the old Martisb on South Raleigh st...someday

Happy Birthday to Thelma aka T-Bird ♥ and
Jo's great-granddaugher Elizabeth aka Izzy ♥

on this NEW THREAD

gotta celebrate these birthdays all the live long day !

magpie said...

I hasd a feeling Lori was out watching and picture-taking those vultures today

sounds neat Lori

must get back to work,
will be more talkative later, but everyone will be in bed by then
sorry that will be after midnight
when I get off work

wvgal_dana said...

Watching the 50 minute video. The female brings in grass and the male moves it. HE the male is in charge of this nest.

It made me think of Liberty and Belle. How she was the one in charge. Lib would bring in something and Belle would move it lol I miss him...great history he has given us. I'm waiting till nest season to see what happens.

Hoda said...

Welcome home Paula, glad you made a safe trip and did not get caught up in is Nugz? Does he like travelling in the car?

Hoda said...

I could not watch the fifty minute video as "it is not available in my area..." it becomes very frustrating sometimes...I am glad those who watched it have said good things about it.

wvgal_dana said...

Hoda you mean if I would send the http of the video in an email. You still could not watch it???

wvgal_dana said...

lol the 4 year old female had her tail into the wind. Wind blew her tail up into the air and she blew on over into the nest from the egg cup. So just think of Truder being inexperience in ALL MATTERS lol

Hoda said...

Yes wv_gal Dana...something about happens often with videos from Huffington Post for example, the Stewart Colbert shows for example, always a rights restriction happens. Thanks for thinking of it though...I like your comments about how Liberty used to bring in things and Belle would rearrange them...They were indeed a GREAT Pair and he is always going to be a FAVOURITE eagle

wvgal_dana said...

I never knew that Hoda. I am sorry you can't get to watch this video. It is 50 minutes but it is really worth watching. I never knew some you aren't allowed to watch. That doesn't seem FAIR grrrr at them!!

I want a Momster friend to see what I get to see. I am sorry that is so unfair.

Hoda said...

I well understand WV_Gal Dana...PBS videos are with restrictions.They do not get public funding from Canada and they have to cover the cost of their shows...I can enjoy some of their work but not all...It is OK really you are very KIND.

Mema Jo said...

Hello - just reporting in ! I'll take Kay's advice and return to
old thread - Kay you make it sound so interesting!
I had a busy day visiting family and having an early Alexis & dad
day for dinner.

Loving the weather!


hedgie said...

Shirley, hope that the grading is almost finished. Your eyes must be crossed! So what happens to the kids that did not turn in their papers?? Just an F or do they fail the class??

Almost time for Army Wives. Sofa time with Liesl!! Heard that her sister Sassy MAY be getting a furever home!! She will come visit before she heads for NY!!

NatureNut said...

Oh Boy, a new thread. TY Steve!

Been trying to figure out how to hook 4 pics together! Took pics of banner at work--too big to hang. Oh well, just a seek and maybe find project! LOL

Someone asked about dead heading lantanas. I always break off old nubs with my thumb nail. Read it helps it to produce the new blooms w/the fruits gone. Fingers smell great, too~~like citrus!
Eating late--gotta check broiler. Fubby already ate his lasagna. I'm doing steak!!

Judie said...

Paula, glad you are home safely and hope you had yet another terrific weekend. It's nice you take Nugz with you. I know he enjoys the time there.

Hoda, sorry you cannot get some of the videos and PBS programs. Forgot about you being in BC.

Jo, extra meatball time this week? Nice!

Shirley, can't blame Kathryn for removing the offending collar. Bet Flash is happy, also.

Hello to those I have neglected.

The sandperson is making some not too subtle noises about sleep and my aching muscles are in agreement.

The night light is set for 11:00pm. Restful sleep for all.

hedgie said...

Margy, Carolyn told me that the move doesn't apply to you all---just renovation and expansion into the sheriff's office space....:( NO FUN! I had to chuckle when the paper said the trailers were for storage---we know not ALL are for that!!


Mema Jo said...

Returned and so glad to go back and read old thread - that is what we like about this blog - You don't ever lose any info or comments.

Going to TV BBL

paula eagleholic said...

tagging onto what Margy said

Happy Birthday to Thelma aka T-Bird ♥ and
Jo's great-granddaugher Elizabeth aka Izzy ♥

Lori O. said...

SO EXCITING - Here's the pictures.
Up late for me, but I'm still wound up.

Will try to go to bed and lighten the bags under my eyes! Thank Grandma for those. :)

Love you all and I'm thankful everyone had a nice, safe weekend filled with wonderful friends here on our slice of heaven! Not many would share my joy of a vulture nest like you!

Lori's First Black Vulture Chick Hatches

paula eagleholic said...

Got some cool pics this weekend, going to try to check them out.

Left the beach at 10 this morning to head to my there at 1, had a nice cookout, but I didn't go swimming but the kids did...think Nugz would have gotten in if he could have figured out a way...

Left bro's around 6ish, got my laundry started, birds fed and plants watered...time to check out my pics and the previous blog post comments...

paula eagleholic said...

Oh, we did have a thunderstorm over night and rain this morning, but the day finally cleared up this afternoon...

paula eagleholic said...

Oh Lori, your chicks hatched, going to check out your pics now, how exciting!

Hoda, Nugz likes to ride in the car :) And he likes to bark at other cars when we have to stop at a light LOL

wvgal_dana said...

Going to get my feeties up in recliner and watch some tv.

Prayers for those that need them and God knows who they are HUGS !

paula eagleholic said...

Lori, darn blogger won't let me post a comment, the chicks are pretty cute! What raptor chick isn't! Great shots! Sure hope the second egg hatches out.

Kay said...

LYNN, good news about little Sassy and how sweet it it that the sisters will get to see each other once more !

JUDIE, your aching muscles deserve a nice long rest after what you've accomplished the last few days. Wow !

JO, I don't think you're going to feel I over hyped the stuff available on the old thread. First I thought about bring a bunch of it over, but there was too much !

PAULA, glad you and Nugz are home safe and sound ! Hope the family time today was a lot of fun !

stronghunter said...

Lynn, if they turn in no paper, they fail the class. That is the departmental rule.

I had a boy with a B average last semester who told me that he just "didn't feel like writing a paper." He failed the course. I am not sure what he was thinking. He is an odd kid.

Of the ones who did not write one this time, I think all but one are failing anyway. One boy has done some work, but I am not seeing a final draft. I will contact his parents tomorrow and remind them. I am not really supposed to accept late papers, but he has turned in something, just not the most important thing. I have to make a call on that one.

stronghunter said...

Hey, I got to post on Lori's blog.

Kay said...

LORI, Aawww ! Vultures may not be the most gorgeous of birds, but they have really cute chicks, don't they ? The spotted eggs are interesting. I imagine they are just like other raptors and the second chick will emerge within the next day or so. So glad you and Kate got such good pictures !

Hoda said...

Stronghunter you are a GREAT teacher...phoning parents to remind them of papers and such is far and beyod the call of duty I figure, especially this time of the year...yet you take the extra step...good on you!!!

Lynne2 said...

I got to post a comment on Lori's blog, but it was different from other comment postings.

Kay said...

SHIRLEY, I agree wholeheartedly with HODA ! The teaching profession is losing one of it's finest. However, I'm soooo happy for you and glad you're going to get a chance to rest up soon. By next Fall you'll be so busy you'll wonder how you ever had time to work !

wvgal_dana said...

Lori it won't again let me leave a comment on someones blog. Thank you for posting those pictures of the vultures. I never thought I would lik vultures. You have changed my mind. Thank you ( :

Lolly said...

Lori....loved the pictures! But, I was not able to post. They are great pictures and the little vulture is cute!!

Have been struggling with sleepiness all afternoon. I am beginning to think it is this awful hot weather. Usually June is one of my favorite months but we are roasting in this heat and I am fighting to keep the yard and flowers alive.

Kay said...

I got to check the little "cool" box, but don't see how to comment otherwise. Guess our reactions here will suffice.

Well, LORI, provided what I was staying awake for. Heading for bed with a good book and hope to be up with the Early Birds in the morning.

Praying for all in need and saying thanks for a Momster/Dadster day with no big crisis or heartache reported ! God is Good !

♥L♥I♥B♥E♥R♥T♥Y !!!!!!! ☺☺☺☺☺☺☺

Mema Jo said...

Wow! My comment posted on Lori's
blog. I am wondering if Vincent
is still in Megan's yard. Hope her
market went well - I think Jenny
was going over to pick up her
cardinal vines.

stronghunter said...

I think Judie's sandperson has sneaked into my house. I am so sleepy. I will see you tomorrow. I will be finishing up those papers as quickly as possible. I have about ten left. Not too bad. I have time tomorrow to do some grading.

Mema Jo said...

My TV show isn't until 10ish!

wvgal_dana said...

Mema Jo What are you doing different in order to make comments on blogs?????? You stinker lol

JudyEddy said...

Wow just got back from my daughters got to get ready for bed I wish I could go over every nite so nice Jordyn picks me to put her to bed I love it If I don't come back everyone have a good night

God Bless this Nest
and all whom watch it
Healing thoughts for
those in need

"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."

If I were you all I would sleep in as much as possible in the morning because of resident pair will keep us busy in the future and we need all the sleep we can get for being old folks My daughter just left me a message saying I was getting old I left my pictures and stuff there walked out without it Oh well I'll just get at her work during lunch

hedgie said...

Shirley, glad that Flash has ditched the cone. Have always thought there needs to be a better invention. The cones are archaic---used to be called Elizabethan Collars. Seems to me a reverse contraption of some kind would be much kinder.

Lolly said...

I am with Dana....what are you doing to be able to post a comment? I check to sign in with google and it just throws it out! Very irritating!

hedgie said...

Lori, stoooopid blogger cop won;t let me comment. ARGH! Thanks for sharing the pics---not an ugly bird, and the vulturette is precious!!!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Good evening everybody. More painting done today and blinds hung. Really tired. Sis made T-Bird a pineapple upside down cake. It was a good day.

hedgie said...

Goodnight to all turning in. Rest well, and see you tomorrow!

Paula, glad your weekend was a good one----and not enought time for you to work TOO hard!

Wonder what Andy has been up to?? And Diann??

wvgal_dana said...

Sharon sounds like you are getting the house in order. It is going to look good I bet. So HAPPY for you and again Happy Birthday Thelma...yummy pineapple upside down that's a good cake !

wvgal_dana said...

Shutting down going to watch some tv.

Prayers for those that need them.

hedgie said...

Oh, we need to add our Mauley Donna to our prayer list....she fell last night when she stepped off a curb. Sprained ankle, skinned knees, and MAYBE a broken arm---sees ortho tomorrow. :(
Feel better, Donna!!!

NatureNut said...

Starting to konk out in front of TV, so better say Good Night--
Pleasant Feather Dreams to all ;>)

JudyEddy said...

I think I figured out how the comments can be posted Make sure you unchecked the stay logged in box at first I just left it checked like it always is then it bounced my to anonymous crap then I went back and UNCHECKED the keep me logged in box and YEAH it POSTED Cute baby bird You should be a proud grandma LOL

Try it good luck I am reading blog and may not be back not for sure left prayers earlier didn't think I would be back

JudyEddy said...


Hoda said...

Good night everyone. It is early here but I am tired and will head to a bath and some reading in bed. God Bless you all and see you in the morning.

JudyEddy said...

JUDIE What concert did Darth go to???

WVGALDANA I thought it was odd that the male did all the nesting at that nest and the others that Bob mentioned I think that is the best video ever I loved the way he told it as a love story how they started out bickering like some other eagle couple we know and then became a loving pair and how she was so inexperienced in the beginning like some other couple we know I wonder how old the male is there they said she was about 4 and he was the OLDER male

HODA I am so sorry you can't see certain video that sucks big time --it is all for the public no matter where I always thought it was world wide

HEDGIE my daughter watches AW she has wanted me to start watching it but I have enough TV without starting another series She said it would be nice to have someone to talk about it with tell me but goes in one ear and out the other I'll give you her phone # LOL

NATURE NUT Do you have a STAPLE store there they can help with putting pic together Just a thought OR if you have the Cloud with the new windows 7 it was on the commercial about doing that

PAULA funny Nugz barking at car when you stop he must be protecting his space or saying look at me look at me like a kid.Jordyn says that so much did you see that look at me over and over and dogs are just like kids in a way.
SHIRLEY Wow that a tough rule but they know in advance so there is no excuse not to turn in the work then they should fail I agree now

I DIDN'T EVEN SPEED just used cruise control reading the blog and now I'm done in more ways that one HA nite nite
OH the Sidney nest cams probably won't be fixed or cleaned was just on FB

hedgie said...

Coon fight out in the woods---not close to trail cam cause corn is all gone. Which reminds me that I forgot to tell you that squirrels have chewed a 3' hole in the metal feed station. SIL will try to weld it with aluminum or tin or something sometime this week. I'll get corn tomorrow when I go to town.

hedgie said...

Sidney cams in trouble!

NatureNut said...

Dear Lori, Couldn't post comment on vulture pics, so here it is! Good ol copy & paste. I'll have to remember that in the future!
"Trying again! Oh how wonderful to see a hatch like that! The top of it's black face is almost heart-shaped.
Saw some juvies once who were raised in an OLD falling down house and one was swinging on a vine in front! Cute, even tho not real cute."

hedgie said...

Tried your hint, JudyE, on posting to Lori's blog---it WORKED! TY!

JudyEddy said...

COMMENTS did you try unchecking the keep me logged in box at first it wouldn't let me post a comment when it bounced me back to logn I unchecked the box and it took my comment TRY IT

Wanted to use my favorite picture of my DAD and I. That's why I went to my daughters tonight scanned it in her computer I have a scanner but it stinks scans the pictures in really really small of course it was a cheap printer/scanner you pay for what you get that for sure

OK It nite nite for the third time tonite

Costume Lady said...

Lynn, you should have kept Liesl's puppy food for your animals. Kit-Kat, apparently loves it. Came to the feeder before dark and we got him live on the video. Posted on Wild and Wonderful:)

He is so cute, but growing up fast.
Thank you again for the chow:)

NatureNut said...

Boo, wouldn't let me post checked or unchecked.How do we get ahold of Blogger techies?? LOL

JudyEddy said...

Hedgie we teach each other and remember great minds think alike we both posted something on the Sidney nest Ok it late I got to get to bed I took my Tylenol PM too late and it hasn't hit yet so glad my hint help I just thought it couldn't hurt NOW NATURE NUT need to do it she said her comment wouldn't post BYE for good I promise

Costume Lady said...

Loretta, I posted a comment on Lori's blog about 15 mins. ago with no problem...try again.

Lolly said...

Fell asleep again. Heading to bed. Going to Denton very early so will not be on in the morning.

Prayers for Donna! She broke the rule. NO MORE FALLS!

Enjoying all the Daddy pictures. Need to put mine back on.

Night all! Sweet dreams!

Costume Lady said...

Nite, Lolly♥

NatureNut said...

Wanda, just saw your films===just fantastic to see foxy! Reminded me that I saw a possum next door at dusk. It's fur was too light to be the groundhog that has a hole nearby. Then I reasoned OP was there because of the mulberry tree!

hedgie said...

Saw your video, Wanda! Ha---the coons and squirrels would have that puppy food gone in two hours!!! I can't hike out to the feeder TOO often!!

NatureNut said...

Nighty-nite again! ☺

Lolly said...

Had to come back to tell you I was finally able to comment on Lori's blog. Wahoooo!

Nite Wanda! (((Hugs)))

Costume Lady said...

Glad you got to see Kit-Kat, Loretta. I was thrilled that he came before it was too dark to be caught on video...wish he would have stayed longer. Maybe next time:)

hedgie said...

Tub time for me!
See all y'all in the morning. Wishing a peaceful night for all. Prayers going up. Peace.

Costume Lady said...

We are weaning the animals from the feeder...babies need to learn to hunt their own food. Giving them just enough to keep them interested in that area.

Costume Lady said...

Nite, Lynn♥

paula eagleholic said...

Got busy with household stuff and phone calls, didn't get a chance to get on here or work on my pics...but there is always tomorrow.

Gnite and

(((Hugs for all♥)))

Costume Lady said...

I hear Judie's sandman coming up the stairs...better jump in bed before he puts sand in my eyes!


Mema Jo said...

Wow! I know the sandman has gotten
everyone of you! He missed me!!

Good night Friends - Prayers for all our needs/wants and special
prayer for Donna's healing and her
comfort! Hugs to all ♥♥♥♥♥♥

Lori O. said...

Still very excited about the vulture baby - THANK YOU guys for sharing my enthusiasm.

So glad the blogger cop was being generous with the number of posters last night!

JO and KAY, I loved what you said about FloBear, that you like a ride on the uphill parts of a walk, too. You are both so sweet! Could I Love you more? NO!

He has been not himself in many little ways, and a few big ones, this past week. I think Kate is worried and tries to pass it off as no big deal because she knows I'll not deal well with bad news about my boy.

HODA - 66 dgs...that will feel very nice later this week when we're expected to have heat indices near 100 again.

THELMA - I hope your birthday brought you lots of nice suprises and smiles. OK, I'm probably the biggest fan of presents, so a lot of those! And, hopefully your cake was so big that there's enough to make it last your entire Birthday Week! Scratches for Buddy boy.

WV DANA - your flashy red avatar is gorgeous, so bright and vibrant. Lucky you with the white VINYL fence - much nicer that you don't have to paint it!

Time for another cup of coffee. I'm going to need it this morning.

Lori O. said...

SHIRLEY - FREEDOM, less than a week away! Woooo-who!

LYNNE - Still so happy that BC is home. And, I still have to get you an email of things for Steve. It's growing daily.

I read where the NBG trips cam won't be back until Tuesday when they've finished their new flight pen and their 5 day course of meds for a parasite. They don't want to infect the new pen.

Lori O. said...

JUDIE & LORETTA - I hope your pots and new plants are gorgeous already. It's amazing who fast they fill in and how much joy and beauty they bring.

HODA - I didn't get to congratulate you and your GRANS walk for AIDS. BRAVO! The lesson on the RCMP was great - but I'm a horse person. I thought gee those horses must go crazy with those sirens! lol. Sure wish you lived closer and wanted to be a yoga instructor in the Mid Atlantic! Momsters would fill your classes.

KAY, if I ever move I'm getting you a MIL apartment for the half of the year you spend with me. Tell Julie I may have to sue her for part custody! LOL!

Can't wait to see you all in the morning, or later THIS morning - JUDYe, DANAMO, MEGAN, KAY AND MARGY! Here's hoping we'll have at least one Belle and Truder cam back this week.

magpie said...

Best wishes for a good day at work, Morning GLori ...
nice to see you this morning, you are starting your day, mine is coming to an end for a few hours...

Get that coffee going at the SBBC -the early birds will be a'waiting ☺

Hoping that FloBear makes a comeback to his normal old self
xoxo ♥

magpie said...

I see baby chick at Finney2
and maybe a second chick,
yes, I believe there is a second chick...that would mean, one unhatched egglet to go

magpie said...

Sneaking off to bed...will miss the early birds

Best wishes for a good day, everyone

God Bless This Nest, and
God Bless Us, Every One

xoxo ♥

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone,
Sorry I have been MIA a lot this weekend! Have been VERY busy.

Absolutely THRILLED to hear that Bro Cat is home, and doing well!!! Thank GOD! Hope he continues to improve.

Prayers for FloBear and Nugz, too.

Emma has has a lot of time at the dog park, and she LOVES that! Sunday we went and saw "Water for Elephants", and we enjoyed it. Love the elephant!

I need to wish a BELATED HAPPY BIRTHDAY to T-Bird, and to Izzy. Hope the day was fantastic for both of you!

Praying some heavy-duty prayers for Mauley Donna. Hope you feel better very soon!

Napped a lot this weekend, too, and feel much more caught up on sleep--it feels GOOD. Didn't mean to get here so late, but Emma fell asleep in my lap after dinner, and she was so cute I didn't want to wake her.

Well, I need to try to get some sleep. Prayers for everyone! Making sure the porch light is on. Enabling both security systems. Sleep tight, and I will talk to you tomorrow. God bless, and goodnight. Love all of you! :o]

Lori O. said...

Glad everyone is sleeping in this morning since the cams are still out.

If you can, GO BACK TO BED! YOU deserve the rest. ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

Lori O. said...

ANDY - Isn't it funny how we hate to disturb our sleeping babies? I'll lie in bed for as long as I can stand it if I think I'm going to distrub FloBear. If they only knew. LYNN I know you're guilty of that, too, LYNNE!

DanaMo said...

Good morning. The Flying Labs gave me an extra hour.

Still need to go into school today and go to a meeting and clean out my room and move everything upstairs.

On top of everything I broke a tooth yesterday so I guess I will take a trip to the dentist today.

I, too, lie still so I don't disturb a sleeping lab! LOL!

stronghunter said...

Good morning,

Foggy here this morning.

Judie, not too much planting today. Reminds me, I need to check on my butterfly bushes.

Lynn, I hope Brother Cat has another good day.

Lori, I need to find out what station you are on. I've lost Lynn's link back in past posts.

Take care, DanaWV. Do not carry too many buckets of water.

Good to see you back, Andy.

Please, everybody, have a good day. I will check in again later.

stronghunter said...

That's Lynne, I hope BC has a good day!!

Lori O. said...


SHIRLEY - do you stay so still in bed so you don't disturb Flash?

Kay said...

G♥♥d M☼rning gL☺RI !

No doubt it was hard to get back in the saddle today after the day you put in on Saturday for Komen and the excitement the Vultures provided yesterday. However, I'm sure your listeners are happy to hear your lovely voice---oh, yeah !

Hope FloBear is doing better today---will the Vet see him this afternoon ? So right about not disturbing a sleeping dog and the same goes for babies !

LOL, the MIL apartment ! You're so sweet !!♥♥

Kay said...

Hello DANAMO and SHIRLEY ! It won't be long before you can both sleep in, at least as long as dogs, kids and grandkids will allow. Too bad about that tooth, DANA, I hate when that happens !

JudyEddy said...

Good morning Lori, DanaMo,Kay and Shirley and whoever in LM out there MAGPIE hope you got some much needed sleep after working late shift which I hope was uneventful for you all No ERs.
DanaMo hope the tooth can be fixed quick
Back to watching the news while getting read HAGD

JudyEddy said...

Boy am I glad I don't live in Lecanto Fl they were 98 yesterday they are north of us and toward the center of the state where it gets hotter than the coast. we were 92 and suppose be same today

Kay said...

Hey there JUDYE aka "Eagle Lady" aka "Video Goddess" ! Hope you'll have a super day at Wally World. Do you work behind the scenes as "price coordinator" ? How about a brief description of your job. I hear WalMart has a new plan for some small venues for small towns---kind of sounds like returning to the good ol' days and a recognition that mega stores aren't appropriate for many communities.

Lori O. said...

JUDYE - where in FL do you live?
Decided how or if you're going to spend your bonus?

Lori O. said...

KAY - How is Columbus weather treating you this week? Julie's pool should be ready soon, right?

Kay said...

JUDYE, that weather isn't just for Florida anymore. We are to have a week of sweltering heat here in Columbus, too. Far too hot, far to early in the summer. Looking for a positive side to that weather outlook---Saturday my kids will head for a week in Philly and D.C.. That means I'll have Malcolm, whoopee ! He gets zapped by the heat, too, so it will put him on a par with me and my energy level. We'll go to the dog park each evening, after the worst heat of the day. Then he should sleep like a baby each night.

Kay said...

LORI, guess I was answering your weather question as you framed it ! Yes, the pool will officially open upon their return on the 18th. The painter said to let it dry a week and add a day if there was rain. That means they can begin to fill it Thursday. It takes two days to do that and the water temp is about 65 degrees. So, before leaving town they will shock it with chemicals and it will have a week to warm up so with just a little adjustment it should be usable on Father's Day, the 19th. This is the latest opening in 12 years, but that's another down side to the long, rainy, cool Spring we had.

Kay said...

Time to move on if I'm going to get the errands done before the heat gets too bad. Hope you all have a grand day !

Here's hoping we have our cams back tomorrow !

BBL ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

Lori O. said...

KAY - have a wonderful day. I'm so happy you're excited about having Malcolm for a week. You'll have so much fun!

Lori O. said...

KAY - I still am going to take pics of my yellow ornothera flowers for you since you like pretty yellow flowers. I'll email later.


Lori O. said...

Testing new avatar.

Lori O. said...

Nope. That was too dark. Oh well, Mom or Dad it is. Did I mention it hissed and growled real mean like?

hedgie said...

Good (?) morning. Not really too good here. Up way too early with Liesl! And not feeling too great.

EXPERTS: what lays a blue egg that is abut twice the size of a robin's egg?? Found one next to driveway--hole in it. When I picked it up, it caved....very yolky.

Lori, sorry that FloBear is not doing well. How old is he? Prayers for him and you.

hedgie said...

The pen renovations at WCV for the NBG triplets was completed last evening around 6!! And now the birds aren't ready? Well, shoot.

Lori O. said...

The triplets are supposed to be put in their new enclosure tomorrow after the've been weighed and had the last of their parasite medicine.

Sorry you're not feeling well, LYNN. Maybe just take it easy and leave your long to-do list alone today.

FB is 10 1/2 ... vet will come Thursday unless we feel she needs to come sooner, then she will. So we'll have a few more days to document his behavior and things.

hedgie said...

No, Lori, you DIDN't mention before that the vulture was nasty!!! Shame on him!

Saw a squirrel INSIDE the feeder, enlarging the hole. Dart!
Pretty deer out there nosing through the corn hulls.

Only 62° here now.....close to 100 by come Weds. per prediction.

Have to go to court this morning...the guy who shot a poor kitty in a cage is up for
a hearing. We like to show the court that we support Animal Control.

Lynne2 said...

hmmmmm....laying in bed quietly so as not to wake the dogs. Huh. Well, we do that, but it's for selfish reasons. Usually the little Spazoids are waking US up mercilessly in the morning. When WE are quiet, it's because we've had the rare experience of waking before they did and we don't want to get up yet!

Lynne2 said...


hedgie said...

Saw your clip from Sat., Lori!! Great!!

hedgie said...

D-day---Normandy invasion--- happened on this date in 1944.

Lynne2 said...

Lori, in what "big" ways is Flobear not acting right? You mentioned you suspect CHF....if so, he could be building fluids in his chest. That would make it hard for him to breath eventually, but can be helped by the vet able to do x-rays when she comes?

Lynne2 said...

Sorry you aren't up to par this morning Lynn. Hope this too shall pass.

Yes, it is the anniversary of D-Day....

stronghunter said...

Hello again,

I am now monitoring an SOL test--the last one for me as a regular teacher. I might be back doing it next year, as they do call in retired teachers as helpers.

Lori, Flash is not allowed upstairs, but we do try to keep quiet in the early morning so that the dogs to not wake up before we are ready for them.

Flash has a bad habit of nosing through trashcans, etc., so we keep him confined to part of the downstairs area. All the more reason we need fencing. The dogs really should have more space to explore.

Luna has been known to counter-surf in my bathroom and once chewed up my electric toothbrush and removed cosmetics and other items to chew. She likes things that come in tubes--toothpaste, medicines, whatever. Luna once chewed up a box of staples she found in my purse.

Lori O. said...

rotflmbo!!! Luna counter surfing has got to be belly aching funny!

Lynne2 said...

that Luna....what a HOUND!

stronghunter said...

The squirrels are chewing holes in the metal feeder? Yikes! You have some tough squirrels, Lynn. Are you planning to dart the darn thing, Lynn? As smart and tough as your squirrels are, they might just fling the dart back at you.

Hmmm, I just love it when a kid raises his hand and I ask what he wants, just to have the kid say he was "just stretching." Didn't happen this time, but I watched a prolonged stretch that had me wondering.

Already had one computer glitch that had me calling the techies, so I have to watched for raised hands.

Lori O. said...

As you know most mobile vets don't have x-ray equipment. Whenever anything else is needed we usually take him to his Internist, Dr. Chiapella in Manassas. LOVE HER!
So she and the mobile vet work together. In fact, I'm half expecting a referral to Chiapella.

One weird thing, is that once again he isn't retaining his body heat well, and he'll roll over on his back and sleep all sprawled out. He usually only does that when he's hot. I figure it's a fluid thing.

hedgie said...

Finney1 has a hatch!!!

stronghunter said...

. . . to watch for raised hands.

Lynne2 said...

Lynn, I'm searching through my nest book....who knew so many birds had blue eggs!

Wood and Hermit Thursh, and Catbird are the larger birds with blue eggs, but they wouldn't likely be twice the size of a robin egg. Crow eggs are blue with brown spotching on them....I'm stumped!

Lynne2 said...

LOL Shirley.....I saw that too! Dart!

Lynne2 said...

yeah Lori, it could be a fluid thing and he is trying to find a position that is comfortable for him to lay in.

Lynne2 said...

I didn't know this...."the National D-Day Memorial. Located in Bedford, Virginia— the town suffering the highest per capital D-Day losses in the nation. "

hedgie said...

Gotta finish getting ready. See you all later!

BTW---re: my question earlier----please don't say a BIG ROBIN!!!!! I can hear that one coming, LOL!!!

hedgie said...

Lots of wood thrushes here, Lynne....

I shared the Bedford info when Thelma first moved there!!!

stronghunter said...

Okay, one of the prompts on a kid's computer has been changed to German. I asked the kid if he had done it, and he said that he hadn't, but then went on to explain that it was German and then he told me which word was "yes" and which one was "no." Very interesting. Will need to get the techies to fix that.

And, yeah, I did recognize the language and the two words.

Lynne2 said...

OK Lynn, Green Herons, Black-crowned and Yellow-crowned Night Herons would have larger eggs and they are a pale blue color. Not at all unusual for them to nest away from water.

stronghunter said...

It seems that some chickens lay blue eggs.

Blue Eggs

Don't know anything about this place. Just Googled "Blue Eggs."

Lynne2 said...

Great blue herons lay pale blue eggs as well. More likely to be found near water source.

Lynne2 said...

this book gives the size of the eggs, but in metric! doubt the Vulture hissed and growled at you! I guess you have to be pretty fearsome if you are going to lay your eggs on the ground like that!

Mema Jo said...

Good Morning Everyone - I need to read from the bottom-up to know
what is happening!

Hope your feeling up to par by the time you get home Lynn - You are
speaking well for all of us as you
appear in court to make a statement

Love your beautiful avatar Lori..

Need a coffee - BBILW

Mema Jo said...

Who - I had to sign in - I do it so few times that I almost forget!

Costume Lady said...

Not sure what kind of egg was in Lynn's yard, but do know that starlings lay blue eggs. The less of those birds, the better!

stronghunter said...

All kids are now finished with the test, and there is an hour to go. I require them to remain seated and talk quietly. Of course, this is not my class. But they seem like a good group, better than my group.

stronghunter said...

I was searching for hissing and growling vulture sounds, which got the kids interested. I played a loon call, a peacock call, and, of course, an eagle call for them. I hope the class next door is okay with this!!

I always like to play the loon call because Thoreau mentions it in Walden.

stronghunter said...

Is the Finny site with the hatch the one on the water?

Is that a little bird sitting on the nest or part of the nest?

I'm confused. I have not been watching this nest this season.

The teacher in this room is collecting research papers today. Oh my!! I hope he has more energy than I have.

magpie said...

Good Morning Eagle Pals,makd that Good Sunny M☼rning Eagle Pals...

I've been watching Finney1 and thought there could be a hatch... Lynn,
Thanks for the alert ! Mom has been up a lot looking, and I see their site reports the hatch on Nest News ! It appears that Finney2 might have a second chick, but it is really hard to tell on those nests

Hello ☺

stronghunter said...

Hissing and Growling Vulture

Maybe it was a courtship call, Lori.

magpie said...

Prayers for Donna, darn it!
A slip tumble fall and boo-boos!

know you are on the way to the court hearing, but hope you feel better pronto!

stronghunter said...

Kids are enjoying some yearbook time.

stronghunter said...

Finny on the water mom is off the nest. I see what looks like two eggs and something maybe a baby, maybe two babies. Hard do tell.

stronghunter said...

Finny mom back.

stronghunter said...

Hard to tell . . .

magpie said...

Finney1 is the original land nest

Finney One Land

Finney2 is the second land nest they have a cam on for this year:
Finney2 Land Nest

and Fin-Ferry is the Finland Water Nest:
Fin-Ferry Finland Water Nest

I hope all these links work !

stronghunter said...

Thanks, Margy.

magpie said...

Special thoughts on this D-Day, for all our Veterans and all who lost their lives, and their families.
The National D-Day Memorial in Bedford, is a wonderful place, I know they had cutbacks there during hard financial times, hope they are still up and running, very much worth the trip if so.

magpie said...

Kudos to Judy E for figuring a fix for the Post a Comment problem!

It works ! Thanks Judy !

Judie, ..when I deadhead the blooms on my lantana, if they are ready to be beheaded, the little bloom-heads just fall apart while I am doing it....

magpie said...

You're Welcome, Shirley ☺

Finney1, is the nest where Koo the baby osprey encountered problems due to a disfigured leg, and eventually died ♥
It occurred during the banding there..
Two years ago, I think.

Must go now, taking 92 year old lady pal to the bank and the store

Best Wishes for a Good Day, Everyone

will check back later before work time at 4

xoxo ♥

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Lived in Bedford almost 3 years and never went to the D-Day Memorial.

Lynne2 said...

I just posted some old school pictures on my FB, but if you don't have it supposedly this link will allow you to see it....

Old School Pictures

I didn't tag myself....can you find me? LOL!

wvgal_dana said...

Hope it is a nice morning for my eagle friends.

WOW that hissing in the background sure was scary. lol

Shirley so happy kids are getting their yearbooks.

Prayers for Donna...hope she lets us know what Ortho. Dr. says.

Lori ty that is the flower and color of what is to bloom on fireball hibiscos. I planted this past week.

A BIG large blue egg well could have been a heron egg. Dropped by an intruder. hummmm

Hedgie-Lynn prayers that person gets the most. Like throw the book at him but they probably won't.

Kay sounds like swimming in that pool when it is ready. Will be a nice added enjoyment. Take care at the doggie park.

JudyE I am going to try you fix for leaving comments on blogs. Thank you ( :

Mema Jo see your gal Alexis and Dad made their normal visit. Which is always a good time.

Loretta can't wait to see that "banner".

Lynne2 hoping things work out for BC.

Paula sound like after the beach house. You had a great time at your brothers. Nice you are home safely.

Thanks Margy about the Finney nest. Will check it out again.

DanaMo so sorry about a broken tooth.

Good that when the 3 NBG eaglets move into new pen. It will be all cleaned and they will be too.

wvgal_dana said...

Margy you are so nice to help out your neighbor lady.

Mema Jo said...

I found a pic of my dad. He died at an early age of 48 of cancer.
He did get to meet our 1st child
Kristen. His musical talent was a
gift - piano and guitar. No leasons
ever - just an ear for music.

wvgal_dana said...

JudyE you have the magic touch. I did what you said. I went back to leave a comment at Lori's site. IT WORKED !!! Thank you Lady Hugs ( :

wvgal_dana said...

Yesterday I looked and looked for hours. Trying to find an old picture of Newton D. Baker. When it was all one level. Still have not found any pictures on the computer sites of it like that.

wvgal_dana said...

I got this email from Iris. It shows 13 different dogs. Tells how each one with picture is amazing and why. Take a look -- when you get to #13 is that Liesl???

13 Amazing Dogs and Why

wvgal_dana said...

NOT #13 PHOTO # 12

movin said...


Good Morning, aLL.


C(°Ù¿°)D Jim

Mema Jo said...

Checked on the Itchy Withers farm
I see Lily and Lacey - both looking
very well.

Decorah eagle nest - Love hearing
the young eaglets chirping!

Lynne2 said...

Jo, was the Clint Eastwood movie you watched the other night Kelly's Heros?

Hi Jim!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Decided to join in the Daddy pictures.

Hoda said...

This is a picture of Dad with Hope and Susan, the two oldest in my Aperican Family. Dad served in the Navy during the war in the 40's.

Hoda said...

American instead of Aperican...fingers not working too well this morning...I wished I still had the delete option, have not had it for weeks now and do not know how to restore it. Sorry for the errors.

JudyEddy said...

KAY I don't work behind the scene I work on the sales floor doing all price changes ROLLBACKS etc for three depts all dry groceries, chips,soda,alcohol depts I ensure that all signing is correct and everything is on feature tracking Yes walmart is trying to take over the world LOL smaller Neighborhood markets are nice but they are 6% higher than a super-center on grocerys with the exception of DSD which is soda, chips, cookies, crackers those prices are the same I use to work in the office for about 12 years Workmancomp put me in the office thinking it would be better on my neck WRONG I was always in pain then and now not at all working on the floor I walk the floor twice a day in case features are changed out I walk anywhere from 4 to 8 miles a day in a 8 hours time span I wear a pedometer on my foot. I use to live in Ohio when I first got married and I do remember it being hot also that was the norther part of the state Akron area for a couple of years

LORI I live on the west coast on the little peninsula that stick out near Tampa if you know were that is (half way down the state on coast if you don't look at a map gives you an idea)

WOW 71 comments since I left this am I will never read all during lunch and I will not speed not ticket wanted LOL
No new thread yet HMMM I guess they are working on camera I immediately looked when I came home at lunch no cam ;-{
Ok back to reading I just started and wanted to start answering question if I don't I will forget who asked what so I read a little and then comment and read and comment but now I got to go back to work BBL HAGD

JudyEddy said...

OH OH I got to tell you my pedometer story before I leave One of my customer had given it to me I get a lot of gift from customers especially eagle stuff any why It is an old fashion on about 2" square and black one day I had it clipped on my sock and put my foot up on a display to scratch my foot saying the stupid thing makes me itch Well at least 6 of my asst mgr were there and one of them said WELL JUDY I AS JUST BESIDES MYSELF looking at my black box(thinking it was a house arrest monitor tooo funny) and of course I said Oh I forgot to tell you I was on house arrest and allowed to work well three of them thought I was serious and I just couldn't keep a straight face and burst out laughing and then they said they were going to wright me up just for getting them all worked up FUNNY I did it on purpose also I think you knew that because it does look like one ok now I history

Mema Jo said...

Lynn - I had forgotten that you asked me this earlier..
Movie was from 2008 Gran Torino
Not the typical Eastwood movie
A very heartwarming movie!!!

He plays A racist Korean War veteran living in a crime-ridden Detroit neighborhood is forced to confront his own lingering prejudice when a troubled Hmong teen from his neighborhood attempts to steal his prized Gran Torino We loved it!

hedgie said...

Back---catching up....Court case was postponed....defendant's attorney was tied up in another court. ARGH!

Okay, Wanda and Lynne and Shirley.....I would suspect either starling or wood thrush. Egg was probably at least half again as big as a robin egg....but a paler blue. Hmmm, Shirley---green eggs with eggs with WHAT???!!! Never knew there were colored chicken eggs!!

Mema Jo said...

Jim I didn't see you come in! Pretty early for you today?
Weather here is another 'can't sit in this house any longer' type day!

Ms Bookworm said...

Good Morning/Afternoon, Everyone!

Dragging in a bit late. Emma is still sleeping! She doesn't sleep in late very often, so I'm being really quiet, and keeping busy by paying bills online.

Lynn, sorry you're a bit under the weather. Prayers that you'll feel much better, VERY soon!

Need to search through my pictures. I know I took a picture of a Night Heron egg last year. Might give you some idea of how big the eggs are.

hedgie said...

Shirley, glad that you had a good class to proctor!! Cool that you shared the bird sounds with them!!
That vulture stuff is cool---but doesn't sound pleasant at all!!! Since he recorded them at a carcass, bet there was a lot of fighting going on.

Thanks for giving Shirley the Finney lowdown, Margy. I sure wish we could see in FinFerry better....sure miss that close-up view from last year. :( Glad you saw what appears to be a chick, Shirley. The other thing at the 5 position has been there for over a week---no idea what it is!

hedgie said...

Okay, Lynne---I know which is you in the group photos! As for the class shots: First one: 4th row, 6th person? 2nd one: 3rd row, 4th person????

Ms Bookworm said...

Aha! Found it! Here's the picture of a Black-Crowned Night Heron egg that I took. Found it on the ground under one of our big Ficus trees.

Ms Bookworm said...

It might be too big. These herons are about the size of a chicken. It's a pretty blue color, though.

Ms Bookworm said...

I'll BBIALW. Still have a couple of bills to pay!

magpie said...

Wonderful picture of your Father, and the comment, Jo

also nice to see more Dad and Children photos arriving

Wow, Andy....what a neat egg picture

sorry Lynn about the postponement...think that guy is going to spend some time in the pokey...he needs to, very cruel act against the kitten

Hello !

magpie said...

Good to see you and your Pop on here, Sharon

and Hoda and JudyE, enjoy the variety of different pictures...

Lynne2 said...

YES, and YES Lynn!!

Cool picture Andy!

magpie said...



magpie said...


«Oldest ‹Older   1 – 200 of 263   Newer› Newest»

2/20/25 PM bird

1203 PM NN Scout comes to the nest with a load of bedding again. He seemed to leave with something in his talons. He has a beak full of bedd...