Monday, June 06, 2011


PM thread.


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Hoda said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Hoda said...

Thank You Very Much STEVE and the NCTC crew for the webcam and all the wonderful work you do to keep us all connected. It is much appreciated.

Lolly said...

I just posted a book over on the old thread, so just brought it over.

Lolly said...
Hellooooo! Home from Denton. Have been speed reading the blog and sharing the screen with a beautiful nest. Wahoooooo!

We loaded Jack's truck, Joey's Explorer and Laurel's mini van. Got every thing in, so we only had one trip. Took everything to her new (but old) school. The teacher there who is leaving has not packed one thing, the room is a mess. The principal gave Laurel a room to store her stuff and she said the janitors will move it for her to her room. That is good as it is in the basement. (They call it the Garden level! LOL) Her new room is much smaller than her old room, also the teacher had tables, not desks. Laurel did not like that and hopes to get it changed. Told her I would help unpack and set up her room in August. Everyone was VERY friendly and nice. Laurel is very excited to be there, away from her old principal. Much nicer "atmosphere". Yea!

DanaMo said...

Thanks for the call over!

Thanks Steve and all who got the cam back up and running. We have missed it and appreciate your hard work and efforts!

Lolly said...

Steve......a great big thanks to all. We are so very excited to have the cam back.

Like what Jo said.....

"Where's da birds?"

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Good evening my eagle budlets.

DanaMo said...

Oh I had a basement classroom! Now I am moving upstairs. I like the garden level it always stayed cool. What grade does she teach. I am going from tables for the past 4 years to desks next year, my choice. I just hope it's the right one.

Lolly said...

Laurel teaches 6th grade reading. She was wondering if the teacher had tables because of the small classroom. hmmm??? I always had and liked tables in kindergarten.

Lolly said...

One of Laurel's new assistant principals introduced her to another assist principal, saying how thrilled they were to have her, she could teach a rock to read. I thought that very nice!!

DanaMo said...

The tables that I had were octagon and when the children were looking at the board they had to sit sideways which drove me nuts for handwriting. I am also going to have a SMART board in my new room and want the children all to be able to be in rows and facing forward. Kindergarten has turned so much into first grade that I think it's a natural progression for me, but we will see!

JudyEddy said...

saw new thread got 50 more to read from old one

HI JIM Now I know why he has his name MOVIN because he is always just passing through movin along pops in once a day

SHARON and HODA nice pictures I love all the daddy pics

MAGPIE Thank you for saying go away blue screen come back lives nest at 146 228 it worked and I know it was because of you incantations LOL you have magic powers you do

DANAMO so sorry you too lost your daddy so young same as JO

JudyEddy said...

little bird on nest startled me still reading

FuzzleMT said...

So good to have the cam back! Now to see Belle - TEAM LIBERTY - I see we are avataring our dads - here's mine between his mom and dad (1947) - I'll share another of him in his Navy whites (WW2) when I have something to say again - Dad's passed over, but he lives in my heart -

Lolly said...

I was editing my blog, going to change my avatar, when I saw a shadow of a bird fly in on the nest.

JudyEddy said...

The cam seems to be clearer that before OH I know why no ANTS HAHA The nest seems so green around the edge of it Has never been like that from what I remember and yep I see the darn branch that wants to grow and block our view maybe they can go trim in LOL YEAH RIGHT

JudyEddy said...

we will be offical in the am for our SPCC still got more to read only 38 yeah

Lolly said...

I was going to change my avatar, but guess I really need to go to the computer. The picture I want is not on my laptop.

Lolly said...

I was going to scan a new picture of Daddy, but found this one. It is the last picture we took of him. He died the day Michael turned 10 months old. In this picture is my paternal grandfather, me, holding Michael and Daddy. I love the way he is looking at Michael.

Hoda said...

Lolly it is a beautiful picture of you your Grand Dad, your Dad and your son...four generations in one pictures GREAT...

JudyEddy said...

I just read my own comment did anyone catch that I was shaving my money for vacation not saving spell check didn't catch that one DUH
Yeah I'm caught up on the blog and I didn't get a speeding ticket again BlogCop is good to me so far Gonna LM for a bit rest the old neck and sit and wait for our lady in waiting to show up Come on Belle HEY if we all keep saying to over and over maybe she will come it worked for DanaMo BBL

JudyEddy said...

Lolly love the picture also Ok did the person deleting their comment didn't think they would get the prize WRONG right ladies and gentlemen

JudyEddy said...

Hey I see ants on the limb on the tree oh no they were going up the tree not a good thing do you think they sealed the cam box Does Steve read the blog If you do Steve the ants are on the tree going up I hope that stay out of the box its a nice place to call home I guess OK bye again

Hoda said...

HA HA HA HA Judy E!!!The delete had to happen and I think you are funny.
I saw the ant going up the tree too and I said Oh no such a little creature caused so much trouble...How did they all get up the tree I wonder? They being Steve and crew to fix the camera or was it at the base of the tree that the ants found the wire box...

JudyEddy said...

I posted a Thank you card on Steve Chase Facebook wall here it is and this is what I wrote
THANK YOU THANK YOU FROM THE BLOG Tell everyone who was involved in fixing the camera thanks you from the bottom of our hearts Now we sit and what for Belle and Truder to show again Thank you ---------------Check out my newest post from Egreetings!


JudyEddy said...

I hope you all don't mind that I included everyone from the blog

Mema Jo said...

That is the thing with spell check
Unless it is a misspelling it does
not catch it. So hope that all
your shavings are safe & secure. lol

Hoda said...

I'll speak for myself JudyE I saw the card and thought it is in good taste and uplifiting and expressed a good thank you. I seconded your message on FB and I am very pleased you included me in the message...I think most will feel the same way.

I thought you were going to spend your bonus on car insurance...spending it on a holiday is much better idea...ENJOY

JudyEddy said...

Oh who needs insurance LOL Just kidding

Mema Jo said...

Irene aka FuzzleMA Good to see you
Plan to come back again soon and say something to us so we can see
your dad in uniform....

JudyEddy said...

The part of the can of stinky air and the sample are on the trail now Come on Belle we are waiting Ok I got to go potty don't come till I get back Ok

DanaMo said...

I still have my dad, not sure how there was confusion. Maybe DanaWV?
My dad is a 9 year, stage 3 lung cancer survivor.

JudyEddy said...

so sorry I must have miss read and don't want to go back and see where I ooopsed at

hedgie said...

Hi, Irene! Good to see you....perfect timing with the nest back in view! Nice pic of your Dad.

Lolly, good one, too----did your Granddad outlive your Dad? My maternal Granddad outlived my Dad (never knew his folks--long gone) and always said it should have been HIM who passed.....he walked me down the aisle. And he was the person that Carolyn took her first walk to!

hedgie said...

DanaMo...hurray for your Dad. I'm a 6 yr. survivor (limited SC). We rock!

Nice card, JudyE. Fine to make it from all of us!

Lolly, glad that Laurel at least got everything cleaned out of her old school!
She and DanaMo should compare notes about tables and desks! I HATE when something is set up so that anypne has to sit sideways or strain their necks to see. NOT HEALTHY!

Mema Jo said...

Headed over to son's house..

DanaMo said...

No problem JudyE!

My dad is amazing. Hurray for you too Hedgie! That is awesome!

hedgie said...

I just saw a Martian Manbug! Looked just like a ladybug but it was GREEN!

JudyEddy said...

DANAMO it was HEDGIE her dad was 50 it bugged me so I went back and found it so sorry you lost your dad so young Lynn and it is odd how most of us had at least one parent and sibling that are talented in music and we are not

JudyEddy said...


hedgie said...

Thanks, JudyE---it's been 41 yrs. and I still miss him something awful!

Time for Jeopardy!

Lori O. said...

My day has been made! The CAM IS BACK! YEAH!

Thanks NCTC and everyone involved in getting the nest back online!


Lori O. said...

JUDY, DANA, we'll have a cam tomorrow morning!

stronghunter said...

In my recliner watching Jeopardy.

The day did not end well. Parent is upset and acting very threatening. Saying things that really do not make sense. Wants a better grade for her daughter.

She wanted to know if I had graded her test myself or used a machine. I got the impression that she thought I might count the answers wrong just for the heck of it and a machine would be more fair.

She also claims that I could not have possibly added ten points to one test paper. I do not understand why she thinks that, but seems to be saying I am lying because it is mathematically impossible to have added ten points to the test. I think I can add any number of points to any other number of points. But I really don't understand what she is saying because it defies logic.

Anyway, she and her husband are coming to the school this week to do "what is right for their daughter."

One might think that there is nothing to worry about because the lady is not making sense. Unfortunately, that does not always matter.

I do not usually have this kind of thing happen, but it can happen to anyone at any time.

JudyEddy said...

What time do you think I should set my clock for 530 or earlier???

Mema Jo said...

Home Again - Hubby says there is an 8:00 movie
I am going to check it out - sorta like a Hallmark he said.


wvgal_dana said...

I've been working on the old computer. Oh Lord! Probably just need to go to geeks to be cleaned up but so much slower. I needed to use the printer.

One day when I have time to mess with it. I want to scan a picture of Dad.

Thanks for sending the "Thank You Card and including all of us" ( :

wvgal_dana said...

I just had to sign in. grrr lol

stronghunter said...

The student has a C in my class. She had a C in my class last semester. Her GPA comes out to a C for her years in high school. She made an unimpressive grade on her state test.

But her parents are objecting to the fact that I apparently said she is a C student. They are also objecting to the fact that I gave her the same grade and made the same comments on her two research papers, and that she got C's on the papers.

wvgal_dana said...

I think I am getting away from computers for the rest of the night.

Prayers for those that need them and if might be the cam with ants crawling up there oh NO Mr. Bob!!!! :( :(

stronghunter said...

Okay, sorry to complain. I have 5 days, not counting Saturday.

This time next week, I will not be concerned about this person. I keep telling myself this.

Hoda said...

Oh Stronghunter, how well I understand how so very shaking an experience it is to have an irrate does not matter how many years of experience I had under my belt when ever it happened it shook me up to the roots. It also depended on how much the administrator incharge had on their plate as to the outcome of the confrontation. We always had an administrator attend these meetings...Hang in there and I know it is easier said than done but do not personalize this whole is more about how difficult things are in their lives than it is about us as teachers...the yelling and the accusations were usually a reflection of the over load they were carrying. You are right it could happen to any of did happen to me several times during the course of a year, sometimes more severe than others...I send you prayers and put you in God's Light so you can have the courage and the strength to go through this in God's Light...

Lori O. said...

Sorry Judy was trying to find Kay.

Last time before the camera went out it was 5:15 that Truder showed up that morning.

I'm soooo excited. Now, I can't go to bed - or maybe I should because then they'll show up for you and SHIRLEY!

SHIRLEY - I'm still laughing at Luna counter-surfing for your makeup! LOL!

JudyEddy said...

HODA Pretty cool that you got to sign on the the card site and send a mssg to Steve also I just noticed that

Hey you all keep that site in mind it is really nice can post on face book or send as email and it FREE

Hoda said...

Stronghunter your reaction is so very gentle and kind to your self.I used to second guess myself and become a bit defensive, did I do anything wrong? It is so natural and I would see through it became easier after about the third generation from the same family when comments were made about how the kid was not getting a better grade and I would say they come by it honest...I wanted to say you have an over inflated idea of what your kid can achieve but never had the heart to voice it out loud.
When you retire you will have empathy with all those who continue to face this same struggle. God Bless you and Keep you in his Grace as you face this one final hurdle in parent/teacher relations.

hedgie said...

Da Bears

stronghunter said...

On Musical Fathers:

My family is not particularly musical, but my father used to walk around the house singing church hymns. I remember him belting out such things as "Praise God from whom all blessings flow . . . "

I tried to play the clarinet in high school, but I was not very good at it. We did not have much of a band. I had to miss history class twice a week to take band class.

Lori O. said...

I tried the trumpet in grade school, and was not even accepted for the Glee Club in third grade!

stronghunter said...

Thank you, Hoda. You make a lot of sense.

Lori O. said...

A big HODA hug tonight! You always have the kindest thoughts and such widsom - at the right time, HODA. So glad you're here.

Lori O. said...

So, should I stay up? Is there any hope that B & T will show up soon?

stronghunter said...

I never even considered trying out for glee club. I took up clarinet because I wanted to be a majorette, but our band never got to that point.

I practiced twirling a baton a lot, but I don't think that was my talent, either.

Hoda said...

Right back at you Lori and Strong hunter{{{{HUGS TO THE GROUP}}}}

JudyEddy said...

Stay up I say I hope I hope they show up

JudyEddy said...

I see ants

Hoda said...

Lori I am glued to the computer in the hopes and the prayers that we get a glimpse of Belle and is still day light over there and I wonder if the camera will switch to night vision soon...

Lori O. said...

You must already have a nice big monitor JUDY if you can see ants.

JudyEddy said...

one on theleaf right now

JudyEddy said...

My monitor is 19" I think I could go look at the box I saved has decorations in it but I don't want to leave the computer still watching the trial I forget to FF it DUH me

stronghunter said...

I went to full screen and thought that I might have gotten a glimpse at one ant on a nearby leaf. Where do you see ants, Judy?

paula eagleholic said...

I didn't see the ants cuz I was reading the blog ☺

Done mowing, waiting for eagles here too....

Lori O. said...

Hi PAULA! Thanks for your help with NCTC in getting the cam back up. You have helped make many Momsters very, very happy!

JudyEddy said...

While we are waiting I have another question.. Would NCTC let someone go to the nest. Like when I go on vacation in Oct. I still could come up to see the nest. I would love to go and see it so do you think that is possible?? Just asking I figure what could it hurt to ask HUH

paula eagleholic said...

Shirley, sorry the parents are being such a PIA...sounds like the girl is a C student...and Hoda is right, some people just don't have it in them!

And Hoda, I agree with are a calming and wise voice!

JudyEddy said...

the lower branch and annoying leaf that want to grow some one earlier saw it also don't remember who CRS happens all the time now

paula eagleholic said...

Your welcome, Lori, but I didn't do anything but relay messages! NCTC deserves the thanks.

I got the circling arrow and had to refresh

JudyEddy said...

OK who ever saw the ant beside me YELL out maybe three different times today I saw them one at a time

Lynne2 said...

deep breath Shirley, and (((HUGS)). Just a few more days....

YAY YAY YAY cam is back!

stronghunter said...

On the positive side, I get to go out to dinner with some teacher friends tomorrow night. We are going to celebrate my retirement. Another friend is going to join us. I still don't know if she is retiring, too. She was at the retirement meeting I went to.

Lynne2 said...

pretty evening here....too bad the heat and humidity are coming back.

Think I'll go watch some mindless TV for a while....

stronghunter said...

The baseball game is over. Kathryn and Hunter are home.

Oh my, the peace and quiet is over. Hunter just got called by all three of his names.

hedgie said...

Eaglets rescued

JudyEddy said...

I posted the cam link on Facebook the Eagle Cam Addict and Friend of Ponca page invited them to join in to see if Belle and Truder show up also put on our fan page

Hoda said...

It is now 8:41 PM EDT yet it looks like daylight from the feed!!! Could the camera be frozen? Is it not getting darker back east? What say you who live back east is this an accurate reflection of daylight at the nest?

JudyEddy said...

ON NO the three name Watch out

JudyEddy said...

HOD its still light there and here also

JudyEddy said...

Hey I already got response on FB Nilla shared the link also and someone on the eagle cam page asked a question about the activity I told they that we were getting at least 2 visit a day and was waiting

Lori O. said...

It's getting dark here HODA, but easy for the cam/infrared to pick up the light and make it bright like now. Sometimes I'm amazed in the early morning how dark it can be outside and the cam makes it look like full daylight. You can see where the green is not as vivid now, too.

JudyEddy said...

WHERE IS THIS NEST AT is there at was on face book

Institute for Wildlife Studies
Dr. Sharpe will be heading to West Anacapa Island tomorrow in an attempt to check the outcome of a nest that was last seen with eggs at the end of March. Landing is only possible when the sea is relatively calm

Hoda said...

Thanks Judy E I see a difference in the lighting now.
I too saw the ants when they were on the leaf closest to the camera, around six o'clock position, and I also have seen the ants on the closest tree branch.

Thank you Paula...this community is pretty precious to me. We share well with one another...

Lori O. said...

Mister Sandman, sing me a....

Forget the lyrics, but I'm off to hit the hay! Truder comes EARLY in the morning.

Thanks again - for passing notes PAULA!

Have a good night everyone.

JudyEddy said...

Looks like a no show I am so sad
;-{ maybe tomorrow

JudyEddy said...


hedgie said...

Light just came color now!!

JudyEddy said...

the nest with the silvery lining so pretty right now

hedgie said...

Shirley, I am ORDERING you NOT to WORRY about anything having to do with school! Let those stupid parents do whatever they want. And if the admin won't stand behind you, just pack up and leave. What can they do??? Dock you a few days pay???? DON'T take any you-know-what off anybody!

JudyEddy said...

Well I'm heading to the shower want to get to bed before 11 my normal time if I'm getting up earlier

See ya in the am

God Bless this Nest
and all whom watch it
Healing thoughts for
those in need

"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."

Hoda said...

Good night to all those who are heading to bed, sweet dreams and God Bless.

hedgie said...

Hoda, your words to Shirley are perfect. You are very wise!

JudyE.....Dr. Sharpe's nest territory covers the Channel Islands and Catalina off the coast of California.

Hoda said...


Pretty impressive actually. God Bless them...sorry there were casualties today.

hedgie said...

I'm glad Lori went to bed! Her alarm goes off AWFULLY early!

Lolly said...

Shirley, know what you are feeling. It is a shame that this had to happen right now at the end of your career. Confrontation with parents is the pits! You know that you are right so try not to let it bother you. Easier said than done...I know.

Lolly said...

Yes, Daddy died before his father. However, Grandpa was not himself at that time. He did not have alzheimer's but was definitly senile. He really did not quite understand that Daddy died. He lived with us and his other son came down from Michigan and took him to live with him.

hedgie said...

Anacapa is part of the Channels!

stronghunter said...

Thanks for the support, everyone. It helps.

Lolly said...

The nest looks really pretty. Not sure that it has ever looked quite like it does right now.

stronghunter said...

It is pretty, isn't it?

Lolly said...

Shirley, I remember a conference with parents. They came with a stack of professional articles for me to read. They went right into the trash!!!!

hedgie said...

That was sad, Lolly, to take him away from what was familiar....:(

Good night to all turning in. Sweet sleep.

Wild Bird mag has an article on the Channel Island eagles! And there is also an article about the nictating membrane and they have good pics of eagles!

hedgie said...

Called both of my girls around 7---got no answer....and neither has called me back....:(

JudyEddy said...

Night has fallen upon our NEST
Our heart weight heavy in our CHEST
For we shall return in the MORN and hope I hearts won't be FORLORN

Kay said...

Good evening ! Took me a while to read back over all the posts since about 6pm. Had to forget about watching for Belle and Truder, but see I didn't miss a thing. Julie and Hugh were offended when I said I was going to hire a power washing co. to clean my deck. She came over about 6:30 and cleaned about half of it. They'll both be back tomorrow evening to fishis it off. Do they spoil me ? Yes and I love it !

LYNN, appreciate the heartwarming eaglet rescue stories ! Is Moosehart in Glo's neck of the woods ?

Hey, hey, LORI, DANAMO, JUDYE, MARGY, MEGAN... looks like we can have a SSCC reunion tomorrow morning. I hope we have more than ants to watch !

hedgie said...

This edition of WIld Bird isn't up on website yet. As soon as it is, I'll post a link to the story about Channels/Catalina.

hedgie said...

Kay, no, Mooseheart is my Mom's neck of the woods---St. Joseph, MO!
Ha, the kids weren't OFFENDED, Kay---you guilted them!!! Glad they are doing the deck and saving you money!

Kay said...

They'll be over to finish the deck cleaning, not "fishis" it !

Shirley, LOL Hunter being called by all three names ! A sure sign a kid is in big trouble with a capital T ! Sorry you're facing some negatives as the school year comes to a close. I think it was George Carlin who said, "Don't sweat the petty things and don't pet the sweaty things." Hang in there and hold your head high ! You've no apologies to make to anyone, least of all parents who can't see where the trouble lies !

I'm really too pooped to pop, must call it a day, "It's a Day !" Prayers being offered up for all need, be they two legged or four.

♥L♥I♥B♥E♥R♥T♥Y !!!!!!!

Hoda said...

Good night Kay...I am glad your deck is being looked after and what GREAT KIDS you have.
Sweet dreams and God Bless.

Lolly said...

Lynn, it was not sad. He was happy to return to Michigan. He could not live with Mother. He was too cantankerous.

Kay said...

Ah, so ! Thanks for the correction on Moosehart, LYNN. I "guilted" the kids, huh ? Do you think asking them to recommend a power washing company was a little over the top ? ☺

Okay, I'm through pulling a MARGY and really,really saying Night, Night, now ! ♥♥♥♥

Mema Jo said...

My movie is over and it was 'sorta' good - Last Man Standing.
Sitting her now using my nebulizer.
These days coming up are going to
keep me inside hiding from the heat. Hoda I wish we could send you

I need to read comments....

Lolly said...

When Larry, my brother, told Grandpa that Daddy had died, Grandpa's response was "We all have to go some time." I have always thought it was the way that Larry told him that Daddy had died that Grandpa did not understand. Larry said to him, "Daddy died." If he had said, "Your son, Orson, died." He might have understood. But, he was probably better off not understanding.

Kay said...

Okay, so I lied ! Just have to thank HODA for the sweet thoughts. I agree with all those who spoke of your grace and kindness this evening. I've decided I want to be like you when I grow up !!!!xxxooo

Lolly said...

Yes, would love to send Hoda some heat. It is so hot and so depressing! And, it is still early June!!!

wvgal_dana said...

Well I have been working on this all evening and night.

Hope it will work. Trying to scan on old computer and send to laptop. A picture of my father in his Nursing Assistant Uniform at Veterans Hospital Martinsburg WV. He worked on Surgical Ward was at the Hospital I think 31 or 32yrs. maybe. Dad passed at age 58 on the ward he worked on there.

NatureNut said...

New Thread??? Here are my almost current posts!~~~
Well gang, it's late again! I must check if we had a bird sighting. Saw from one of Chrissy's emails that Isla's eggs must not be viable. How sad--she may not produce fertile ones again. I hope they can retrieve eggs for testing later.

BTW, meant to tell Mema Jo that the wonderful email she sent about Eagle Car should go in the OH raffle!!! LOL (the car)

Gotta shampoo the do, so if I don't return, please have
Pleasant Feather Dreams ;>)

Just saw Lynn's link about the Fort Wash. eaglet. Unusual!

Monday, June 06, 2011 10:42:00 PM

wvgal_dana said...

Well it worked ( : and I'm in tears. He served in WWII and was injured. He worked a lot of times in more pain than some of the people he took care of. Some people called him "Cookie" down there or even some of the Vets he cared for.

I worked there when he was in the hospital on his Ward 102 Surgical. I would go and see him on my breaks. I love the Chapel they had there when the Hospital was all on one floor. All the nurses knew when they couldn't find me. I was in the Chapel.

He said I had to let him go. He was going to walk and talk with Jesus and ask for a baby for me. I only waited since age 19. He pasted Oct. 23, 1980 she was born Oct. 20, 1981 I was 32 yrs. old when I got my girl ( : Thank you Dad and Jesus.

hedgie said...

WOW!!!! The Miracle on the Hudson plane will be passing right "through" Martinsburg on the interstate on it's way to Charlotte! Sure wish I knew the schedule----would love to see that convoy!!! Can you imagine a fuselage that size on a flatbed????

hedgie said...

Glad you got the nice pic of your Dad scanned and posted, Dana. Nice story!

Loretta.....EAGLE car??? Was that the Camaro? Didn't I send that to you??

Kay.....not over the top at all! Very subtle, LOL!!

Lolly, good that your Grandpa wanted to make the move. How well did your Mom handle widowhood? Mine has never done well.

hedgie said...

Jo, most definitely we MUST stay in the next couple of days. Stifling with bad air to boot---ugh!

Lolly said...

Lynn, Mother did fantastic. I was always so proud of her. She had not worked for years. She got a job but did not care for it. Got another job and was fantastic at it. She worked until she was 65. She was 53 when Daddy died. Never took her rings off. After a few years she sold her house and got a smaller newer place. Lived there until we thought she needed to be with others. She moved to an apartment in a retirement living facility. She died at 90 5 years ago.

hedgie said...

I am going to call it a day, gang! Y-A-W-N! Can't wait for the late-nighters! I was up at 6 this AM....ridiculous for a retiree!

Prayers for all. Peace.

Mema Jo said...

I see the sandman coming after me..

Shirley - Hold your head high!
enjoy your evening dinner with
teachers and friends tomorrow.

Good Bless all of you and your friends and families....
Prayers for all in everything they may need. Hugs to all! ♥♥♥♥♥♥

Lolly said...

I am heading to the shower and then to bed. Hopefully I can find energy tomorrow.

Night all! Sweet dreams!

Hoda said...

Mema Jo and Lolly I will look forward tomorrow for some warm weather from your way!!! Such a kind and sweet thought...God Bless you both, I have a BIG smile. {{{{HUGS}}}}

Mema Jo said...

If you find their travel schedule Lynn - spread the word! I would
give anything to see that
Wide Load

hedgie said...

P.S. Lolly, Mom still wears her rings, too. Never has had a date. Kept the house for about 10 yrs., then went into an apartment...until she moved to FL and then bought a house there, and n ow has the villa in MO. She went to work about 3 yrs. after Daddy died---had not worked since before I was born. She worked in a daycare center, and then was a receptionist in a beauty salon. But she has never been happy...and a bit needful emotionally most of the time.....we could never get her to volunteer, or join any kind of group, etc. :(

Costume Lady said...

I know Lynn, I have those days,too. Up and attem when I would rather be sleeping. Glad it's not always that way!


Hoda said...

It is 54 degrees F now and tomorrow is supposed to be 60 degrees F, with rain and thunder showers, so I will walk around tomorrow surrounded with your warm wishes of sharing your warm weather THANK YOU...

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone,
Dropping in to say goodnight before I manage to fall asleep in front of the TV! Emma has already fallen asleep. She went to bed early tonight.

Still have much transcription to work on, so you may not see much of me tomorrow. Have to turn more of it in on Thursday. Will try to visit with the "early birds" in the morning. Could use a good cup of coffee, and maybe a sighting of Belle and Truder.

Golly, in 2 days, my Sis-in-law and Bro-in-law are leaving on a vacation to Phuket, Thailand! We will be babysitting the bulldogs again, AND SIL's Blackberry! She's gonna call a few times to see who it was from her work that sent her messages. Her boss wouldn't authorize payment for international service for it. I think e-mails are $6.00 apiece! I think they plan on making a couple of side trips while they are there, too.

Well, prayers being said for everyone, and for every creature. Hope Mauley Donna is doing better! Did we hear from her yet?

Checking to be sure the porch light is on. DON'T want anyone else tripping and hurting themself! Sleep well, everyone, and I will talk to you tomorrow. God bless, and goodnight! Love all of you! :o]

Hoda said...

It looks like you all have signed off. Good night and God Bless to one and all.

magpie said...

I'm caboosing it here in Martinsburg WV

just read the posts, lots of musical notes ♪ ♫ in them
ha ha, that's a pun for Kay
in the early morning hours

Hi Lori You will probably be the next one on.....
No Eagles in the evening, so you might get first glimpse amongst the other SPCC'ers...

Hello !
4-12 shift is officialy Complete for me...

Lovely thoughts amongst our group through the afternoon and evening

xo ♥

magpie said...

checking the night-time daylight cams overseas

Thanks for sending that card to Steve...very thoughtful and am sure he and the staff will appreciate it.
Are you going to tell him about the ants ☺ ?
Hope he comes on with a post about how it all got worked out

Lori O. said...

ANDY - you lucky dog! You'll have Emma and BULLY's - what I call bulldogs. I have two. Love 'em!
I read where you were going to be visiting with the Early Birds this morning and wanted to issue a special WELCOME ahead of time.
This will be our first day together since we've had the camera back so we are all very excited to see Belle and Truder. Sorry about all the transcription you have to do, but if you're still up, we would love to have you EARLY!

KAY - I'm so happy to hear that Julie & Hugh take such good care of you. You absolutely deserve it!

SHIRLEY - I pity the parents who think their children are perfect. They are never aware of what fools they look like even in their child's eyes.

magpie said...

Wow I snuck in just before Morning Glori arrived
Hello and Good Morning Lori,
get that coffee brewing when you get to work ☺

magpie said...

just had a real good view of the two unhatched eggs and the one chick at Finney1

Lori O. said...

Hi MARGY - we were both typing away at the same time and I forgot you would be here.

(((Big hug honey!)))

Are these temporary hours for you?

Don't let me keep you. You need to get ready for bed and I need to get ready for work and hopefully a visit from B & T at the nest this morning.

Have a great day Margy. FloBear just came walking in. Guess he wants a bisuit, or to tell you hello! :)

magpie said...

Well Hello back FloBear !
and you too, Lori

I was covering 4-12 for another supervisor who has been ill these last few days- I go back to dayshift Thursday, I HOPE

I'm going to water my plants, take a nap and try to get up with you and the Early Bird Gang in a few hours ☺
I am off Tuesday, I can nap anytime I want to later on

magpie said...

It's June 7!
Happy Anniversary, Judie and Frank...Best Wishes for a Special Day, as Special as You Two Are
xoxo ♥ ♥

magpie said...

To answer Wanda's Question,
Yep, it was luck, I got up from nap in the afternoon...still cam view was blue before nap, and
Green after nap !

magpie said...

chick being fed at Finney1
great view of the eggs

magpie said...

two chick Osprey hatches at Finney2
not sure if that has been posted yet
one egg left to hatch

magpie said...

Hope to see some of you around 5:15 or so.....

zzzz I go for now

God Bless Us, Every One

xoxo ♥

Lori O. said...

Will try to be here as much as possible... computer system took a dump which has put me severly behind! UGH!!

JudyEddy said...

GOOD MORNIING EAGLE BUDS SSCC is open for business

magpie said...

Well Poop, Lori, here's a
(( hug ♥)) for your computer...

Hi Lori and JudyE !

OK, let's see what happens here this morning !

JudyEddy said...


magpie said...

Get your BOLD

Eagle Arrives

JudyEddy said...

and it truder spot looks bigger

magpie said...


Lori O. said...


JudyEddy said...

picking at top of nest

magpie said...

I cam barely blog when live feed is going

Lori O. said...


magpie said...

that was a glorious sound, the beat of eagle wings flapping
when Truder flew in and landed ☺

JudyEddy said...

just sitting at 6

JudyEddy said...

maybe he's waiting for Belle

magpie said...

Thanks again, Steve
We have been sooooo waiting to watch the nest again !

magpie said...

yah, JudyE, saw him gazing up above a few mins ago

magpie said...

The coffee's great girls, Thanks
I have my largest mug going, fewer trip to the kitchen

JudyEddy said...

I have a large mug also I can get three cups from a pot that how big itis

JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...

short visit that was

JudyEddy said...

Let hope he returns with Miss Belle maybe he went to get her LOL

magpie said...

Wow that was nice, the flyout
my live feed had just stoppped at 14:44 when he started to take off,
it came back up righ away.
thanks, Arrow !

Lori O. said...

Well, is he coming back. I sure hope Belle comes in - or did I miss her?

magpie said...

LOL Judy!
Mine's not quite THAT big
think I will just park the pot out here with me !

magpie said...

No, you might be missing Belle, Lori, but you didn't miss a visit !

magpie said...

guess they could already be out fishing!

He sort of flew in the direction of the river

JudyEddy said...

MagiePie so glad you are done with the bad shift PRETTY COLORs

magpie said...

they both need to come in and wish Judie and Darth a Happy Anniversary ♥ ♥

magpie said...

and in Color Now !

JudyEddy said...

come on birdies you would looks so good on the nest in the light

magpie said...

Thanks Judy
I've been missing you folks !!

magpie said...

When Truder left
He flew out from about the 3 or 4 spot on the nest

JudyEddy said...

I just put a picture in the album of him at 5:09am I wish it was Belles picture also

JudyEddy said...

I hope that's not all we are going to get for today

Lori O. said...

What a wonderful morning! Except one thing...


Excepting that trio, it's gLORIous being here with everyone this morning. I worry about our KAY.
I hope MEGAN gets to check in, AND DANAMO who is probably sleeping in since she's been so busy moving her classroom lately.

Lori O. said...

Good thing you set your alarm earlier JUDYE!

magpie said...

It was our beautiful Eagle-Eyed Sharon that named the nest the Sycamore Palace, and if not Sharon, then it was her wonderful sister Sissy ☺

now come on Sharon on and set the record straight...☺

JudyEddy said...

I am so surprised I am wide away I didn't get to bed till a little after 11 trying to go to bed early never works out for me

magpie said...

Team Liberty

JudyEddy said...

so we are both SSCC or SPCC I saw the SPCC earler and forgot to ask thanks for the explan

DanaMo said...

Good morning. Checking into the Cafe. Just got my coffee, pulled up the cam, and I'm working on kindergarten report cards. Yuck!

JudyEddy said...

they better show up I got a video of Truder that I'm putting of fb

magpie said...

I got two pics, Judy
will go post them also

Yes, missing our early birders...
I slept for one hour, will surely replenish that later on ...
speaking of "Surely"...

Shirley Best wishes for your day today, and a wonderful evening tonight with dinner and your fellow teacher pals
xoxo (( hugs ♥ ))

Lori O. said...

Hey, the NBG eaglets should be in their new pen and back on cam today!!! Double yeah!

DanaMo said...

squirrel in the nest!

JudyEddy said...

SQUIRREL on nest

magpie said...

Hi DanaMo ☺ !
Hang in will make it just fine!

Keep an eye, SPLIT is not far away

JudyEddy said...

I did grab a picture he is still

magpie said...

first time I have seen a LIVE squirrel on the nest...LOL

DanaMo said...

It's just that my report cards are so out of date, they have never done anything about updating them and making them more accurate, so it's all BS. Sad but true and I really dislike BS.

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2/20/25 PM bird

1203 PM NN Scout comes to the nest with a load of bedding again. He seemed to leave with something in his talons. He has a beak full of bedd...