Thursday, June 06, 2019

737🐟Pic/ 1009WingersizVID/ 1108StumpClimpVid/ 740pm🐟SardineVideoPics and other antics

843pm Hope is wingersizing and having a hissy fit lots of whining. Hungry I assume. I think parent is in the attic he keeps looking up. This will make him want to hunt if he is kept hungry is what I have been told ........he soon will adventure out

740 🐟sardine was delivered and claimed quickly

1108 a few min of wingersizing and stump jumping

1009  a first for Hope attempting to climb the back tree branch trunk 

740 a small sardine was delivered and claimed It so small hard to see in talons and beak 
Look how little that sardine is 

543-7 set from wingersizing  

1009 climbing the back stump Pretty soon we won't see  above camera view can hardly see him here 

1111 I believe I can fly  

737am Fish delivery🐠

I recorded last night  Hope was up 4 times last night  One PS and on time grooming and the others just to move to get comfortable I assume 

I will try to keep all video to the top of the page for  enjoyment pleasure  then you can scroll the pictures if you want
Using blog as a way to record pic and videos  We have them on FB but those are groups you must join  This is for all public to see We previously used this as a communication blog  but no longer since our Matriarch Jo died. JO you  are missed. This blog was started because of her in 2008  She loved it so! 

I hope you enjoy the pictures and videos I do for the public to see If you have any suggestions please let me know
If you wish you may 
comment below ~~~~

2/21/25 PM fisj

 12:13 PM we arrive at the nest. Scout brings back a small fish.I am amazed at she doesn't eat that fish.All gone 1230.He exits the nes...