Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Hope had a odd landing video below He hung in attic most of the day callingout

841 Adult arrives but Hope insist my nest No food no entrance Odd little thing Hope seem I wonder if there was nestovers he was defending  Who knows with this one 
904 stump to stump and poof right at ya 
Hissy fit all day long it seemed 

607  Hope on outlook post and calls out hops in nest   leaves at 611 beautiful exit You can see adult fly around I do think they are trying toe entice hope from the nest to learn to grab etc  or eat on ground 

329  Hope floats down a better landing

159  slo motion of the landing  turn down sound Hope sounds like a injured animal  

159 Check out the lading Almost reminds me of the albatross on a Disney movie 
756am Another fast visit
546 eating parent lands in attic  talking to Hope

528 22 seconds long  Hope visits nest and there is a fish must have been dropped by parents 

I think the parents are trying to entice him off the nest

611 flying off to the right aftr bouncing around the nest to post back and forth while calling out 

Calling out and talon out stretched  Playing Hokey Pokey maybe

300 chilling in the nest

159 Coming in a little low Eyesight 
off or is the instrument panel gone wonkers LOL

201pm Picking on nestovers from last night feast by parents

532 dropped in nest 

I will try to keep all video to the top of the page for  enjoyment pleasure  then you can scroll the pictures if you want
Using blog as a way to record pic and videos  We have them on FB but those are groups you must join  This is for all public to see We previously used this as a communication blog  but no longer since our Matriarch Jo died. JO you  are missed. This blog was started because of her in 2006  She loved it so! 

I am sure JO  will approve of the blog being used like this  Well at least I hope so!!!
I hope you enjoy the pictures and videos I do for the public to see

 If you have any suggestions please let me know

If you wish you may 
comment below ~

1 comment:

JudyEddy said...

WOW Today was the nosiest day ever at the nest Most of the day Hope hung and called and seemed to have fits LOL The parent circled the nest in one of the video First I thought a threat but then maybe not Maybe parent trying to entice him out to hunt or eat on the ground. My local est is awesome to witness this Plus stealing in the air Oh my I wish I lived close I would go video it I have may hours of video of my own nest

2/21/25 PM fisj

 12:13 PM we arrive at the nest. Scout brings back a small fish.I am amazed at she doesn't eat that fish.All gone 1230.He exits the nes...