Monday, March 31, 2014


One of our birds over NCTC today. Trying to figure out an HD upload so you can really see it well.

New thread.


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paula eagleholic said...

Great video, Steve. Nice to see them flying around.

Thanks for the new thread. Thanks for the call over Jim. The feather is all yours :)

paula eagleholic said...

Very nice that we don't have any commercials, either. Hope that continues. Still only see one chick moving around and the egg. Can't tell if there are any pips or not.

CarolAnne said...

Thanks for the new thread.

Had to re-read last comment on old thread. . . . .feeding chicklet, Shep ate the head off.
First glance I thought the chicklet lost its head.

paula eagleholic said...

Sorry CA...fishy lost his head :)

paula eagleholic said...

Lost the cam for a moment...Shep gone. Still only seeing one chick and the egg.

movin said...

I took a peek at Mema Jo's link to U Tube, and I think I saw the youngest hatchling bobbling away right at beginning, and then it laid right down while the adult began to feed the larger one.

C(°ٿ°)D Jim

Hoda said...

Thank you STEVE. Great video. Was that your voice telling about three clutches of three eaglets?
Thank you JIM.

It is official!
We made it through winter!!!
They are sweeping and
washing the highway!!!
I am doing a Happy Dance.
Done with winter!

paula eagleholic said...

Chick snoozing on this side of the cup. Egg behind him.

paula eagleholic said...

Eagle approaching from the NHZ..pretty cool looking shadow. It's Shep...did see his spot :)

movin said...

Much of what looks like the remaining egg is too fuzzy and moves often, so I'm thinking that is the newer piece of fluff and the egg is behind him.

C(°ٿ°)D Jim

paula eagleholic said...

Hoda, he was talking about how many times the NCTC eagles have fledged a 3 egg brood.

stronghunter said...

Headed to baseball practice. Have to find a new field. I did not know there were so many we'd not already visited.

GPS is set and ready to go.

Hoda said...

One chick is a concern PAULA!!! What is up??? Did we lose one???When was the last time anyone saw two? I am sure the earlier feedings spoke of I am upset!!!

Hoda said...

Thanks PAULA. 3 eggs 3 broods. Was it STEVE'S voice?

Mema Jo said...

Good afternoon to all ♥

CA: head comes off first thing every time -- ♥

Jim: you have been our good omen for two days in a row. Thanks for the call over.

Steve - thank you so much for the fresh new thread and for the video.
It is a good day to be up in the thermals.

paula eagleholic said...

Shirley saw 2 feeding this morning. I checked Debs video...2 were feeding at 5pm last night. Only one seen feeding at lunchtime today. Debs (from the Hancock forum) has only seen one today also. She wasn't up yet to view the 630 am feeding that Shirley report on.

I don't know, we will have to keep a vigilant eye.

Mema Jo said...

Int that video I posted from Deb - I really think both the fish and
squirrel/rabbit were brought in at the same time..... Heavy load for sure... but they weren't there and then they were both there when she landed. ♣????????????????

paula eagleholic said...

Yes, that was Steve's voice!

paula eagleholic said...

Oh, could be JO...hadn't thought of that scenario! Fresh fish and carryout, LOL

Mema Jo said...

Going outside for a while - too beautiful to be inside...


paula eagleholic said...

Adult in NHZ. Can see one chick and one egg.

paula eagleholic said...

Chick eating, getting fed from NHZ

paula eagleholic said...

There must be a food stash back there...

paula eagleholic said...

Can't see any pips in the egg...too shadowy.

paula eagleholic said...

Brooding time.

JudyEddy said...

HOME from work to find a fresh thread and a cool video


I also am having cam issue not lasting but a few

JudyEddy said...

silly me forgot to check box

Hoda said...

Off to yoga and errands in town.

Budgeted and Balanced the cheque book and blessed be I always feel so much gratitude as all bills are paid and enough to live comfortably for the month and to do all of my courses...a Deep Profound Gratitude.

JudyEddy said...

eagle moving

JudyEddy said...

one egg and one chick

JudyEddy said...

one egg and one chick

Judie said...

Thank you Steve for the fresh thread and the video.

I just looked. One eaglet and one egg.

JudyEddy said...

can see shadow in the NHZ don't know if the other one is getting feed I see shadow but not the one showing being feed and see soemthing of egg also maybe stuck something of a pip

JudyEddy said...

now I see the one being feed we can see so maybe the other was being feed and we can't see it On the other side of the cup

JudyEddy said...




this occurs every now and then

JudyEddy said...

LOL OK how many of you are doing what I just did Tried to peek up under the screen for the eaglet hidden LOL If only we could see the other side of the cup

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

I am home with 2 dogs in cones and a lot less money than before I went. They are not loving their cones either. I am supposed to leave them on for 10 days. Ugh! When I had Lyttle Byt's other cherry fixed, that vet didn't put a cone on him so I am thinking only a day or 2 for him.

JudyEddy said...

WOW 65° at the nest

JudyEddy said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Kay said...

Good Evening Eagle Buds !!!

STEVE, thank you so much for the beautiful video of one of the eagles flying overhead. Nice to hear your voice, too !

JIM, you have a couple of nice feathers now---thanks loads !

SHAR and SISSY, ecstatic over Ellie Mae's healing ! God IS good ! Glad you have the little guys back home, cones and all !

I get the impression that CA is acting up. Who knew a nice girl from Wisconsin could stir things up this way ? Momsters are an impatient lot---this will be a long two weeks !

Kay said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
JudyEddy said...

eagle up and gone

JudyEddy said...

see one egg and one chick so hope the other is on the othr side

magpie said...

Good Evening Eagle Pals...

I think I am 3rd hatch yet but cannot tell for sure from the posts....could not tell anything much from the still cam at work but I can see lots of food in the nest

magpie said...

Good Evening Eagle Pals...

I think I am 3rd hatch yet but cannot tell for sure from the posts....could not tell anything much from the still cam at work but I can see lots of food in the nest

JudyEddy said...

with my ear uop to the speaker I can just barely hear the eagle chirping mouth was open so I listened really faint

no eagle back yet

JudyEddy said...

eagle back

JudyEddy said...


magpie said...

But let me pass this along...
Carolyn Jewels has a request for prayers and asked me to post

Shortly after Carolyn got to work,
a call came in, and it was that hubby Charlie had been involved in a ATV (four-wheeler) accident...
one four wheeler's brakes locked up and crashed into his, flipping it over....

He is conscious and alert, was in X-ray when Carolyn left the hospital (both his daughters and another little friend are with him at the hospital) to return to work....

He has scrapes and bruises on arms and legs, knees especially.

He did NOT need to be airlifted out, that was one good sign....
the decision made by the paramedics on the scene..

We'll know more later...and I will post as I can...when I know, but
anything for pain management
could be a challenge so this, and recovery from the injuries....
are the prayer needs at this time

magpie said...

Carolyn and Charlie HAD had plans to do some four-wheeling together on she thinks this, if there was a problem with one of the four-wheelers, then this in itself could be a blessing....because maybe something WORSE could have occurred then

Charlie is in good hands, told Carolyn he would be fine and he wanted her to return to work....

(( HUGS )) and Prayers for our
Jewels please, and for Charlie to have complete recovery and be allowed to return home tonight

Thank You xoxox

Lynne2 said...

evening all....

Prayers for Charlie..

CA. As acting QUEEN, I must insist that you divulge your secret immediately. To tease my subjects with talk of a secret to be kept for any length of time causes unrest, and unhealthy speculation. Rumors will run rampant and we cannot have this!

Lynne2 said...

OOOOOO let's play a game! We will ask CA one yes or no question about the surprise and see if we can figure it out!

Mema Jo said...

I hope someone gets a look at 2 eaglets and 1 egg in our nest. Can't understand where 2nd eaglet is hiding. Looked at other site but can't find the little rascal.

Kay said...

MARGY, assure JEWELS that we are "on it" and wishing Charlie a quick and complete recovery ! Give her some hugs for us ! {{{{{{Carolyn}}}}}}}

LYNNE2, as one of your loyal subjects I do appreciate your attempt to bring CA into line ! She knows several of us are Jeopardy addicts---might she have appeared on that show and her appearance is coming up in two weeks ? Or, since she is our Wisconsin Momster has she won the "Mrs. Cheesehead" crown in the recent pageant ? Yes, unhealthy speculation and rumors running rampant, indeed !

JudyEddy said...

eagle up again and I don't see them

Kay said...

Oooohhhh. I wonder if Belle, Shep and the eaglets thing rabbit tastes like chicken ?

Mema Jo said...

Prayers for Charlie to heal and feel
better. Really thankful this didn't
happen when both Charlie & Carolyn
were out. Glad the girls are at the hospital with their dad. Prayers for the whole family. ♥

JudyEddy said...

eagle in standing on squirrel

Kay said...

Wouldja look at the time ?

Jeopardy just came on here.

Prayers, make that mega-prayers for all Momsters, Dadsters, Kidsters and Petsters in need of God's blessing.


Costume Lady said...

OMG...PRAYERS that Charlie's injuries are minor and nothing more serious than cuts and bruises.

Sandi said...

Hi all. Read the comments on the new thread but forgot to check the box to send them to my email.

Have been watching the nest and, like the rest of you, I am only seeing 1 chick. Don't want to be an alarmist, and I know there's lots of nest that we can't see, but still ...

Lost all track of the time and forgot to fix anything for dinner. Oh well, everyone will have to fend for himself/herself again tonight. I have schoolwork to do. Later - will keep watching for that 2nd chick!

Mema Jo said...

Kay how do you rate? My Jeopardy will not come on until 7:30 DST.
Are you sure you aren't watching the
Wheel of Fortune??????????????

Hi Wanda - I think Charlie is more
bruised then busted! (((hugs))) Thank goodness ♥

JudyEddy said...

I think she gave up on feeding the squirrel went back to the fish got some snips of landing and moving the squirrel and tugging on fish- and only saw one chic and the egg Keep thinking on the other side were we can't see gonna go post pic now on FB and in album

magpie said...

Yes, soon as I know, I will post more, Carolyn will either call or send me an email from work....

It was just so difficult to see this happening, us at work on 9-1-1, Charlie being tended to by the other ATV driver, and a speedy response by the ambulance crew....
But he sure was glad to see his lovely wife show up at the ER....I was willing to cover Jewels' shift as long as it took....
Jewels is a tough cookie! Comes from good stock....
She will surely appreciate all your prayers and Positive Thoughts,
so I thank you on the Family's behalf....

Mema Jo said...

Please holler loud to whomever sees
both of our chicks... I just want

JudyEddy said...

all pictures from today are now in both spots EM and FB now I shall go take a shower or maybe I will wait till sun down at nest still want to see if the little bugger is on the other side STEVE on FB also said that maybe that is where he or she is

JudyEddy said...

eagle up and one chick where did eagle go

JudyEddy said...

adult back

JudyEddy said...

I guess nature called LOL

Lolly said...

Still at game. Prayers...!

Also concern about # of bobble heads!

Judie said...

Post dinner post.

Prayers for Charlie. No doubt he will be fine and up and around very soon. Hugs to Carolyn.

Since I am not the only one concerned about an eaglet, I was watching a feeding early evening yesterday. One eaglet was eagerly accepting food while the other seemed completely uninterested. Thought at the time it was fed and full. Now, not so sure.

Okay, now for the CarolAnne game: C/A, does you secret involve a book or picture book?

Headed to point my toes toward the ceiling.

magpie said...

I'll call in and check in with Carolyn after 9, when more people show up on shift, hope to have an
update later on in a little bit

will be back on after that
xo xo

paula eagleholic said...

Prayers for Charlie here too.

Don't want to alarm anyone either..but we saw both chicks for 2 days and now we can only see one...doesn't sit well with me.

magpie said...

I am sharing the angst about the nest happenings as well, relying on what YOUR eyes are seeing as I am unable to get to the computer quite so often....

did speak with Carolyn, and with her
permission, this update:
no broken bones found at this time,
but some bruising to one lung,
some significant swelling to one of his legs, and he has been transfered to a higher level of care in Winchester....
Carolyn is OK, will call when and if she or the girls need anything it is Carolyn will be finished her work shift at 1 a.m.....
I told her of the Prayers and Positive Thoughts being offered
from those amongst us here....

And thanks again, to all

CarolAnne said...

Judie - I am not an author, though at one time I did attempt writing articles for Demand Studios. Note, that is no longer the case. :o)

Hint #2 - the secret doesn't involve me directly, I just happen to know about it.

Mema Jo said...

Thanks Margy for keeping us posted about Carolyn's Charlie. Thankful
he will stay in hospital until he
gets a little better - has to be in pain. Prayers for the family..

CA: I just don't know how you are going to get 10 more days of clues for us..... so far I can't begin to

Mema Jo said...

Can't wait for the early birds to check out our nest. We know the little bugger didn't fledge -
frustrating - we know he didn't fall through that deep deep egg cup -
frustrating....... I want to see that little bugger bobblehead right there beside his sibling and eggbert.

Yes, Paula too many others have only seen one lately.... Please let him be behind the egg.

CarolAnne said...

MemaJo - it's been a long winter in Wisconsin. I'm sure I 'll think of something.

magpie said...

Just about ready to call it a night here

Night, Energy and Everyting-Else Bandits ganging up on me...
I donate my share of the Sleepy Dust to others tonight, thanks in advance, Judie

Thinking of all, and Prayers for Wellness and Peace for all amongst us

God Bless This Nest
and, God Bless Us,
Every One xoxox

magpie said...

I'm pretty sure Carolyn will be able to communicate well on FB when she can, and as time I'll stay in the loop as well as I can also

Paula: Special Thoughts for Larry this week....hope all goes well
and comfortably
G'night, now, My friends

CarolAnne said...

Day is over, night has come
Today is gone what's done is done
Embrace your dreams thru the night
Tomorrow comes with a whole new light

Good night all, prayers & peace to one and all.

stronghunter said...

I have been looking back through the posts to see what was the last time two babies were spotted. I know I saw two being fed early this morning.

stronghunter said...

6:46 this morning

stronghunter said...

Have not read all of the posts to see if two were seen since then.

Hoda said...

6:46 AM is waaaaayyyy to long for the eaglet to be not spotted or incubated!
I might as well say it as I am thinking it: I think we lost one. Very disturbed because we do not know how...not well did not eat as JUDIE noted? We could speculate but I do not know...I am just sad we lost one!!!

Hoda said...

too long

No SHIRLEY you were the last one who saw two in the nest!!!

Mema Jo said...

Goodnight to all ♥

Look for those eaglets as soon as you turn on your computer right after your feet hit the floor.


stronghunter said...

I will be looking.

I was away from my computer for a good while today, so that was really the last time I saw a feeding.

Mema Jo said...


And if he isn't - well then we will deal with it.

Please keep the faith -- ♥

stronghunter said...

Sorry to see that Charlie had an accident today. I do hope he is doing okay.

Baseball practice was way the heck out in the country. It is a very good thing I had the GPS. I was even thankful to have it to get myself home.

We get to go back down there on Thursday. Balls were flying over the low fence with such frequency we had to move our cars further away.

I tried to check in from there, but had problems because it is a very small park in a very remote location. I tired to add it to the Facebook list and got a message that I am now blocked from adding any location for two days because it looked like I might be doing something improper. Goodness!

Judie said...

It is time to let you know that Sandperson has departed with the contribution from Margy.

Night light is on. Restful sleep for all. Bless our little eaglet(s).

Hoda said...

Keeping the faith.

Good night
Prayers for LARRY and CHARLIE
Prayers for all
God Bless Us All

stronghunter said...

I think the Sandperson has been here already. Very sleepy. Being pestered by a cat who thinks I should show him more attention.

Bowling tomorrow.

stronghunter said...

SED, everyone.

Kay said...

Good Very Early Morning Eagle Buds !!!

JUDIE, the sandman went scanty on me last night---didn't go to bed til' 11:30, but here I am all bright eyed and bushy tailed.

Hope CAROLYN got off work and to Charlie's side to find him resting and under the influence of pain relievers. Hope all injuries are well defined and dealt with in short order today.

JO, Jeopardy precedes Wheel in this area. In AZ Wheel came first just as it does in your market. Years ago my sister lived in Vegas where Jeopardy came first. Her husband was an avid Wheel guy and tried to arrive home from work in time to see it. One night I called Karen and fed her all the answers. When WOF came on Ed was agape with surprise as Karen called out the answers with only a few letters on the board ! She said it was hilarious. A thing that could only work once !

Kay said...

SHIRLEY, you are being chastised by FB for "perhaps doing something illegal" ? They could have just sent you to bed without any supper for heaven's sake !

Kay said...

I'm trying to stay calm over the possibility that we've lost a chick. Hope it was just a bad camera angle that kept it hidden yesterday afternoon.

Going to say another set of prayers and attempt to get a few more zzz's. I'm surprised there are no late posts by HODA or ANDY since the Sandman was already running low on supplies by the time he reached Ohio ! BBL

Sandi said...

Goodorming Kay and all my eagle friends.

Glad to hear that Shar's and Bev's pups all did OK at the vet yesterday. Shar, I know those vet bills! We have decided to have just one dog at a time when Bandit is gone - too expensive!!

So sorry to hear that Carolyn's Charlie was in an ATV accident but thankful his injuries weren't worse. One of our students was in a very bad ATV accident in November and he is still in a rehab hospital for a traumatic brain injury (wasn't wearing a helmet).

Paula, so today starts Larry's radiation treatments. Does he already have his "tattoos" or will he get them today? I hope he responds well and the side effects won't be too bad. Prayers for him.

Janet, good luck with the home schooling decision - and with the school this morning. I still say a private tutor - maybe a high school or college student - would be worth a shot instead of Sylvan. I also still say Livvy should be diagnosed with a learning disability and be on an IEP for math at least, JMO. It infuriates me when we identify a kid at my school in the 8th grade - it means the system has failed that child for too many years!

Hoda, thanks for the input on my guilt - wasted energy - I'm working on getting rid of that. You are right.

Kay, prayers continue for Gary - what's the latest.

I have the live feed open but it's too dark to see anything. If we have lost a chick, and I say if b/c there's a lot we can't see, then s/he must have been sickly from the start. This is real life after all.

Have a good day.

stronghunter said...

Good morning,

Seeing what looks to be one eaglet and a broken egg.

stronghunter said...

Now being covered.

stronghunter said...

The night light went off awhile ago. Belle got up for a moment and the egg look to be in two parts.

Belle is now settled back on the egg cup.

stronghunter said...

Jeopardy--At one time, Rus was living in the same house as Tom and Kathryn. He and Kathryn would watch Jeopardy on their respective TV sets. One night, Rus was watching the DC station and Kathryn was watching the Richmond station on which the program always ran a couple of minutes ahead. She had great fun calling out the answers and keeping Rus amazed. (She did the same thing once when there was a spelling category and she had the closed captioning feature turned on.) Kathryn can be tricky.

Oh my, the nest is a bloody mess this morning.

stronghunter said...

Anyone else watching the nest?

stronghunter said...

Kay, I am not too bothered by the "punishment" of being blocked from adding any new places on the FB list. I think it was probably the first time I have ever tried to add a place.

The message said that I was trying to add a place that was already on the list. I saw it pop up and disappear. Do not know what that was about.

Eagle in.

stronghunter said...

Both adults in nest.

stronghunter said...

Egg cup visible.

stronghunter said...

Pretty sure I am seeing two babies, but I think the third egg has hatched,

JudyEddy said...

I see one eaglet and adult in HZ maybe feeding sort of I see egg also The other maybe there Half a eagle showing

JudyEddy said...

hard to tell if that is a whole egg being eaglet is on part of it still wating

JudyEddy said...

That does look like half a egg

stronghunter said...

I think we've had a hatch. I am quite sure I saw two babies moving around. One was on top of the other one, and I think it was one of the older ones and the newly hatched one. One looked bigger. It was dark then. I got one screen grab that looks to show the egg in two parts. I will post it.

JudyEddy said...

I also thought I saw two halves of the eggs

stronghunter said...

I posted the picture on my blog.
I can't do video, just still pictures, so I didn't try for a picture of the two babies because what I was seeing was two separate individuals moving and a still picture wouldn't have meant much. I can only save one pic at a time and didn't want to lose the one I had.

stronghunter said...

Must have coffee. BBL.

Mema Jo said...

Morning to all ♥

stronghunter said...

Have been watching the babies again. Two egg halves visible.

stronghunter said...

Hi Jo,

Morning Report:

Egg has been broken open. I saw two babies. I think one of the older ones and the third one. It is entirely possible that a third one could be there, but I can't confirm that. I saw two.

Mema Jo said...

I agree it looks as though the last egg has hatched. Whoo HOo ♥
Sunshine at the nest.

Now to solve the mystery of our missing eaglet. I really want to say "Dern that camera angle"

stronghunter said...

It may take awhile to determine whether we have two or three little ones.

stronghunter said...

Yes, the camera angle is a problem. There could be another baby just out of the camera's view.

stronghunter said...

I have posted a couple of pics on my blog. Not sure the most recent one really shows much.

Must get ready to go bowl.

Mema Jo said...

Yes, Shirley I think our eyes are going to be strained by the end of today just trying to get a good bobblehead count

Judy - did you already leave for work

Mema Jo said...

Roll a good game and I sure hope your team stays #1

stronghunter said...

It is a bit challenging to determine that you are seeing two separate moving blobs. Determining that you are seeing three is even more challenging. And then there is the possibility that the third one is not in the cam view.

stronghunter said...

Thanks, Jo. Must really get moving now.

Mema Jo said...

Need some fresh fish delivery

paula eagleholic said...

Morning, all!

So Larry went off to treatment without me :)

If he doesn't feel good, I will drive up to get him.

He does have his first radiation treatment today. They did put a small mark on his chest...he actually has a mask that fits over his face and neck. The radiation marks are actually on there. The mark on his chest is for placing the mask. I'll call him later while he's getting his chemo.

Glad to hear we have a third hatch. Will be keeping my eyes open as well.

If we can only see two this morning, I would think that we lost the second chick.

Mema Jo said...

Morning Paula - Hoping Larry's radiation treatment goes well.

Trying to keep a watch on the nest.
Praying 3 little heads pop up - but you just never know - If he is out of cam range we will get a surprise
if he suddenly shows up.

Mema Jo said...

Egg cup is uncovered

Mema Jo said...

2 for sure - Adult is
having difficult time wiggling back down on them -
rearranging the flugg around egg cup

paula eagleholic said...

I see 2 eaglets and 1/2 an eggshell. Thought the eggshell was going to get tossed...nope covered it back up.

NatureNut said...

Good Morning Eaglebuds. Just had a neat surprise here at Park. Large group of tundra swans just flew over!!! Love that sound! Think I got some pics, but can't really see them in back of camera, they are so high. I thought it was late to see them, but naturalist, Greg, said they're returning to Alaska!
Understand an egg has opened. Hard to see and I don't like glimpsing poor squirrely.
Paula, Best wishes for Larry's treatment today. ☺

Mema Jo said...

Loretta - I have never heard or seen the Tundra Swans during my life. I
would love to have been there.
Have a beautiful sunny day. ♥

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Good morning my eagle budlets.

Bird inventory: I have 4 (flying) squirrels, starlings, juncos, brown thrasher, robins, cardinals, chickadees, blue jays, titmice, house finches, gold finches, song sparrow, house sparrows but not a partridge in a pear tree.

Mema Jo said...

As of yesterday afternoon there were 2 eaglets and 1 egg in our nest cup.
Debi from Eagle Cam has a pic of it.
Makes me a bit hopeful that they may all be there. I think all eagle watchers are waiting for a good look into that egg cup.

Adult changing position now....

Kay said...

Oh, LORETTA, tundra swans ! Like JO, I've never seen or heard them and would like to. Lucky you !

I see morning light has done nothing to relieve the tension re:dear eaglet #2.

Some parental movement going on now, but I'm catching only a glimpse of eggshell and one eaglet. Eagle settling back down without letting us see much at all.

Mema Jo said...

Morning Sharon! You may never get that Partridge in a pear tree - where is the closest pear tree to your house. You may need to plant one.

I am overjoyed at Mattie's straight A
report card - again!

Kay said...

JO, Debi's findings are encouraging. I hope it's just been a matter of camera angle. We knew this was not going to be the best viewing year, due to the limited nest view. And, we've all said it is what it is. But what it is IS frustrating !

paula eagleholic said...

Up for a wing stretch...

Mema Jo said...

Morning Kay ♥ I saw you were a very early bird this morning. Hope you got some zzz's .

Mema Jo said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Kay said...

PAULA, prayers for Larry. Hope you don't get that SOS phone call for it will mean he's coping well with the treatment !

MARGY and JEWELS, so anxious to hear about Charlie's condition today. Prayers continue.

No word on Joplin Shirley's Gary today. I imagine they have to let some healing from those two surgeries occur before the heart transplant feasibility tests can continue. Appreciate all positive thoughts and prayers !

Kay said...

Yes, JO, I did get more zzz's. Penny has never adjusted to DST and sleeps til' 8, so that gave me plenty of time for my much needed beauty sleep.

Judie said...

Good morning.

Tuned in and looked as if the live cam was stuck. Read up on the block. Checked the nest again. Too late. Big wing stretch and back down. Didn't see anything to report. Drat!

Wishing Larry an easy day of treatment and mild, if any, after effects.

Also thinking of Charlie and Gary.

Kay, will have an updated training session with Sandperson.

Don't think I've ever seen a real live tundra swan. Lucky Loweeeda.

Have an excellent bowling day, Shirley. Yes, have done the same sneaky trick on Darth years ago. So funny.

Wonder if CarolAnne will leave another clue today?

Jo, step outside and enjoy the warmth today.

So, going back to check the nest again. Hope to see something definitive.


paula eagleholic said...

Jo, which picture of hers? I don't see anything different. Thanks.

Lolly said...

Good morning! Happy the 3rd egg hatched, but sorry three heads have not been spotted. Wish we could tell more that is going on.

Heading out today to do some shopping.

It is warm and humid here and heading up to the low 80's. Chance of rain coming up. Sending up prayers and also shaking the rain stick. Please pray for rain for Texas. Last year was BAD but it is getting worse. Towns are running out of water, lakes are way down!!

Lolly said...

Just saw a first...a little bitty poop shoot! One being fed and one struggling with the egg shell. Wish they would get it out of the cup. Can not see three.

Mema Jo said...

Feeding taking pace

paula eagleholic said...

Viewing coming up

paula eagleholic said...

See yours is ahead of mine :) See 2 chicks and 1/2 an egg.

Mema Jo said...

get this dern egg shell off of me, MOM

Lolly said...

Got a picture. I truly think there are only two. :(

Lolly said...

I went full screen and searched as best as one can. Saw the one being fed and one struggling with the egg shell and attempting to sit up. No sign of a third.

paula eagleholic said...

Oldest being fed. Newbie chick is flopping around some, but mostly resting.

Kay said...

Have been staring intently at the nest action--see the little one with egg shell still hanging on--saw the largest one pecking at it and doing a little poop shot, but could not find the middle child at all. That was a very little, if at all feeding. I wanted more time with that open view ! I will have to tear myself away from this now and then, but it will be difficult !

Judie said...

Have to agree with Lolly. Just saw a feeding. One eating, a second trying to escape the half of shell. I, too, believe #2 did not survive. Very sad BUT so very grateful there are two.


Kay said...

The Berry College, GA eaglet has graduated from the nest cup and is looking good ! No longer any sign of the non-viable egg, so a parent disposed of it somehow.

magpie said...

Good Morning, Eagle Pals

Happy to hear the 3rd egg has hatched...and that we are still searching for the middle eaglet...
Maybe Steve and his team could get a better look with their closed circuit and other equipment? Could someone [besides me, sorry] get a request in and let him know about
the new hatch, if he does not already know?
Just a thought


Mema Jo said...

Paula I put a pic on your FB page taken with the last feeding minutes ago. Debi took it....... She knows we were looking for 3.

magpie said...

My last communication with Carolyn was shortly before midnight....

Charlie's bruised lung presents a
precaution for pneumonia setting in
so his treatments will be alert to that...
Charlie chose Winchester VA hospital
over Fairfax Va hospital....
he was transfered to Winchester
shortly after 8 p.m.

Kay said...

Seems we have consensus re:eaglet #2, the middle child, Lib. Will still hold out hope, but if that's the case we'll have Prez and Capt. to enjoy. Seems rather ominous that Lib would be the one to go, if it's true. I wish I hadn't suggested that name.

magpie said...

I will mostly out of communication
for most of the rest of the day,
have a doctor's app't, and hope to
get to Clothes Closet around 3 or so...
and so on like that...I do hope and
expect that Jewels might be able to
give some news on FB to some of us...

Prayers and Hugs for Larry, and YOU,
Paula, with today's radiation

Kay said...

MARGY, thanks for the word on Charlie. We appreciate your being our go between !

magpie said...

Oh Lolly, it was a good name...
and if little Lib is not with us,
then he is with Big Lib perhaps...

Hope y'all Get Rain !!!

Mema Jo said...

Judie - I have been out with my bag of peanuts and bag of sunflower seeds. Beautiful ♥ I was even in my
nightgown..... Impatient squirrels.

magpie said...

Oh Lolly, it was a good name...
and if little Lib is not with us,
then he is with Big Lib perhaps...

Hope y'all Get Rain !!!

magpie said...

lost my internet trying to post
I think that's how it came up before and after Jo's post !

Hoping STILL at some time to
see and or hear Tundra Swans....
I'm sure there are some remaining waiting to migrate

Yay for Loretta....! As it should b,
NatureNut sees Nature !!

NatureNut said...

Found the Cornell bird sound site for the Tundra Swans. I can't do a Bluey, so will copy & paste. I think they sound like high-pitched Whooo's, not the usual goose honk.

Think I got a pic of them. Will try to count if I don't wear out battery!

Lolly said...

Time for me to get busy. Have plenty to do today!

Prayers for Larry, for Charlie, and for rain!

magpie said...

You're Welcome, Kay...and to all....I wish I could do more today with news, but I'll be out of touch for many hours, at least, in getting back on here with information

must run along and find the Fairy, PJs are not OK for the doctor visit

Best Wishes for a Good Day,
((( Lovins' and HUGS ))

xoxo ttfn

NatureNut said...

Hi, Margy! Yes, it's just a matter of being in the right place at the right time. Lots of luck involved!

magpie said...

Happy April !!

I don't know of any "Aprils" on
here amongst us....unless my
old brain forgets

magpie said...

I have seen them and heard them just a few times.
Yes, a whooo whoooo whoooo,
haunting yet lovely at the same time

will check the sounds again a little later on

xo Bye Now !

Mema Jo said...

Margy - hoping for you to have a good report from your doctor.
Please say Hello to our gal, Wanda.
I am sure she will appreciate your
visit. ♥

paula eagleholic said...

Jo, I watched the feeding too. Only saw 2 eaglets. I asked Steve if he could see anything different on the in-house feed.

Big tree shake.

paula eagleholic said...

Eagle up and out.

paula eagleholic said...

Big on right, Lil on left. 1/2 shell still there

paula eagleholic said...

Eagle in from the right

Mema Jo said...

My eyes are glued on the nest

paula eagleholic said...

Eagle grabbed something and is eating by the pantry

Mema Jo said...

I hope Steve gives us a reply

paula eagleholic said...

Shep is brooding.

Kay said...

MARGY, good luck at the Dr.'s office and on all your rounds today. Hugs for WANDA !♥

Kay said...

Thanks, PAULA ! Hope Steve can shed some light on this situation.

I was out Penny and missed the last viewing of the cup.

Julie has invited Penny and me over for dinner tonight. Yeah !

Mema Jo said...

Kay it is so great how Julie is there
for you to Make Your Day

Enjoy ♥ Are you taking the dessert?

Kay said...

Yep, JO, I'm just hoping it isn't an April Fools Day joke---if I get there and she yells April Fools, I'm going to blow my cork ! As if ! No, I'm just taking my sweet Penny and myself. We only eat dessert on special occasions. Hugh and I are always watching our weight and Julie doesn't have much of a sweet tooth.

Rhonda and her pups must be outdoors and in a vet exam---all I see there is carpet right now. It's getting grimier by the day !

Kay said...

I meant OR in a vet exam.

Lolly said...

from Carolyn on fb

Carolyn Riner Smith

56 mins ·

Here at the hospital, took him down for another X-ray. Alot of shoulder pain, so going to rule out broken shoulder. He's very sore. Alot of swelling in arms, hands n legs.

Kay said...

Thanks, LOLLY ! Praying for Charlie and CAROLYN, too.

Mema Jo said...

Good point just made that we are only seeing on the cam HALF of the nest bowl... I won't give up hope yet.. I am a Tough Old Bird.

Kay said...

JO, I love Tough Old Birds like you ! So right, there is much we don't see. Like I said earlier, we knew the fact that we have only a half nest view would cause some angst. Let's stay positive !

Mema Jo said...

Adult may be leaving the nest in a few

Mema Jo said...

Don't you wish that eaglets were pure white!

paula eagleholic said...

yup...but they were pretty covered in flugg!

Steve is having as hard a time as we are....

paula eagleholic said...

Eagle off the cup, not in view.

See Capt flopping around..

paula eagleholic said...

Oh, looks like the furry animal has been moved. Possibly feeding in the NHZ

paula eagleholic said...

Shep tucking the babes in.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Additions to bird inventory: Chipping sparrow, hairy woodpecker, downy woodpecker, cowbird, rat, cardinals.

Mema Jo said...


Judie said...

Ready for a split.

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2/20/25 PM bird

1203 PM NN Scout comes to the nest with a load of bedding again. He seemed to leave with something in his talons. He has a beak full of bedd...