Friday, January 11, 2013


New thread.


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Jewels said...

New day, new blog!!

Jewels said...

I must go play a catch up!!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Good morning my eagle budlets.

Prayers for all. (((((HUGS))))


Hoda said...

Thanks STEVE for the new thread. Thanks CARO for the call over.
Good morning SHAR how is your foot?

Lori O. said...

YAY JEWELS! Congrats on the feather! Thanks for the call over!

Thank you, Steve for the new thread.

Hoda said...

I am hearing chirpping at the nest...not eagles though???

Hoda said...

Heard geese earlier...

Hoda said...

My comment box is on the side not at the bottom of the page...anyone know how to get it to the bottom of the page...we have had this discussion and I forget!!! Sorry. Annoying to have it on the side...

Hoda said...

Oh now it is on the bottom of the page...LOL maybe we just needed a certain number of comments before it moved...

Hoda said...

No I think these are eagle chirps...two different sounds...

Hoda said...

Have a terrific day everyone...

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

I love when I get to see our eagles in the nest.

We go tomorrow for the eagle spotting thingy at Bluestone! I cannot wait.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Looks like Belle is back with a fish.

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Good morning again folks!!

Jewels said...

my comment box is always on the top right hand side.

Judie said...

Good morning and thank you Steve for the new thread and Carolyn, congrats on the feather.

Paula, thank you for the eagles video. Lovely to see them this morning.

Hoda, please be extra careful going up and down icy/snowy hills.

Judy, hoping Angie's MRI will show nothing damaged or, if damaged, what is wrong can be repaired quickly.

Saw Shep a few minutes ago. Just hangin' out.

Very sorry to read about Isaac's continued problems. May he heal quickly.

Lori, your dad is on my calendar next week. Thoughts will be with you all.

Lolly, hope Laurel will find the damage is not so significant. What a mess to deal with.

Anyone else got mental images of Shirley and Hunter this morning?

Bird Girl said...

Good morning!

I was just enjoying watching the pine siskins at the feeders on my deck, they sure love that nyjer seed! They're used to me being there now, and I get to take lots of pictures :)

I saw Shep eating a big fish this morning, but he left SO MUCH behind! I guess fishing must be really good if he doesn't feel the need to eat the whole thing.

Wish they would hurry up and lay those eggs!!

Bird Girl said...

My comment box has always been on the top right side of the page.

glo said...

Good morning all. I too comment from the top right of my page. Its bath day for Dex. Shhh please do not say that word until I have him in the sink!!!! Prayers for all. Make it a good day indeed.

Lolly said...

Good morning! When I have the blog up full screen the comment box is on the left, but when I have a split screen of cam and blog the box is at the bottom.

59 here and partly cloudy. Front comes through with more rain tomorrow.

After lunch today, Jack and I are heading to Fort Worth to the RV Show at the convention center. I am so looking forward to that. No plans to get a new trailer today, but looking to see what we want to purchase this comming summer.(hopefully!)

LORI, our hearts and prayers will be with you, your dad and mom next Fridayand the days following. Do hope you will be able to communicate with us to keep us informed.

Poor Nicole! Certainly wish we knew someone who lived up that way that could help them out. Hope her mom makes it up this weekend.

Lolly said...

Makes that my comment box is on the right. Geeeesh! Do not know my directions. This is my right hand, I raise it high, this is my left hand, I'll touch the sky! lol

Lolly said...

Okay, I am going to get busy around here. Gone this afternoon, gone to Denton tomorrow...gotta put Christmas away!!!!!

Bird Girl said...

Shep is doing nestorations!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Shep is in da house.

Mema Jo said...

Good morning! Sharon please tell WV Susan hello and give her a hug from me! Thanks

Nothing going on yet with Michael - waiting for the Doc. Should be soon.

CONGRATS Jewels - You keep that feather safe!


Mema Jo said...

My comment box is like Delphia's - always top right.

Love seeing our eagles

Someone in Frederick spotted one
He was near the Sheetz Store, Judie lol

Mema Jo said...

Just called the hospital: The doctor had seen Michael this morning and will return this afternoon. Mainly to see if the drain can be removed.
I'll keep you posted.

stronghunter said...

Good morning,

I see Belle is in the nest.

Comment box--I usually squeeze my blog page into a column and the comment box goes to the bottom.

JudyEddy said...

Good morning eagle buds almost afternoon and Hello Shep and thanks for the new thread STEVE

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Nicole just requested prayer. They have stopped all tube feeds on Isaac because he is vomiting so bad. Please help us pray that this is just a bug. She is scared to death up there and all alone.

Jewels said...

Prayers and prayes and more prayers !!!! OH my goodness, the east coast is hit hard with both the flu and intestinal virus, so I pray that this all that it is and that they can give him some zofran to ease that uspet belly!!!!

Jewels said...

Lolly, sometimes I still get confused to which is my left from my right!!!

Mema Jo said...

The drain is OUT
Ready to come home! Whoo Hoo!
♥ God is good all the time


Lolly said...

Prayers, prayers, prayers...lifting him up!

Still see Shep in the nest.

JudyEddy said...

MY comment box is also like LOLLY on bottom if page is minimized and on the top right if full screen and it is so nice that Shep is staying in the nest

Lolly said...

Yea, Jo!!!!! So very happy for you. Now, let's get Isaac back on track!!!

Lolly said...

Flu is bad here, as well. Two children have died. We have all had our flu shots, but there are many varieties of flu. They say the hospitals are flooded with flu patients.

Bird Girl said...

Yay, Michael gets to go home!

Many positive thoughts for Isaac.

Bird Girl said...

Belle is finishing of that fat fish while Shep is on lookout

magpie said...

feet on top of nest
head on bottom of nest

Bird Girl said...


magpie said...

and food in the middle

magpie said...

and food in the middle

Bird Girl said...

Would someone remind me when this cam was started?

JudyEddy said...

I see Belle has joined Shep

Lolly said...

Just walking by and see two eagles in the nest.

Lolly said...

The nest is looking rather cozy!

Lolly said...

Delphia, someone else will have to answer your question. I started and 2008 and it was going before that.

Lolly said...

2006 maybe!

JudyEddy said...

This is going on the 8th year we just had a discussion on that last week or so from what I member LOL

JudyEddy said...

MARCH 2006 is when this blog was set up so probably them I would think

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

The cam was started in 2006 for sure. This is our 8th season.

JudyEddy said...

LOLLY hit the nail right on the head LOL

magpie said...

I was alerted to it in early Feb 2006 -
maybe Feb 9
but def 2006

JudyEddy said...

Shep is eating at 12 and Belle is in middle of nest looking around

JudyEddy said...

Just got through cleaning up a Christmas present I got and putting it up because its to much of a PIA to use

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

My first post:
eagle-eyed sharon said...
Okay, the spider is a little scary. It really is hard to see the eagles or anything else for that matter through the white legs and body. Nature is a wonderful thing. Okay, did you guys make provisions for things like this. Like -- how are you going to get the spider away from the camera?

Friday, April 07, 2006 6:16:00 AM

Mema Jo said...

Lunch time!
I've been so busy that I think I forgot breakfast........

Please hear our prayers Dear Lord - this little guy needs your healing powers - Praying for Isaac

JudyEddy said...

Its a OLD Fashion Kettle Popcorn maker It has the kettle hanging in middle and makes the popcorn like the movie theater but doesn't taste the same It uses oil and wow that is a mess to clean up each time you use it all oil splatters ever where on all the walls of the machine and its is just a pain to clean so its nice and clean and packed away I will buy bag popcorn from Publix when I want it so easier I don't like microwave popcorn at all Like the regular pop like you can buy at delis

JudyEddy said...

Velle is still sitting pretty like a lady in waiting and Shep is still chowing down like a typical male LOL OK LM for me

stronghunter said...

The flu--Rus is recovering. Hunter and I have had shots. Don't know about Susan. Kathryn and Will have not had shots, but Will wants one.

stronghunter said...

The cam view is truly wonderful. So much detail. Just wish I did not keep seeing that twirly arrow.

stronghunter said...

Shep looks to be enjoying his lunch. Belle is just sitting there looking regal, but I think there's some blood on her beak.

JudyEddy said...

SHEP poofed a few min ago and BELLE is at 5 ish eating and the blood is still on the beak messy gal needs a napkin

JudyEddy said...

looks like she has soemthng stuck on her beak and she just ate the tail feather looked like

JudyEddy said...


grannyblt said...

Happy that I was able to view the last hour or so of our royal pair...thanks for the opportunity...

Judie said...

Grand and glorious news about Michael. He's on the road to his handsome ole self.

Poor Isaac. Prayer for sure for him and Nicole.

As yes, good old Boris. Spiders -- one of Lynn's favorite

Stopped after cardiologist yesterday at nearby CVS to get flu shot. Two weeks to take effect but hopefully it will fend off germs from the wannabe adults. Back to school Tuesday. Supposed to help protect against three strains.


JudyEddy said...

I got a 11 sec video I posted on Misc video and pic blog of the eagle I got in flight going to the cell phone tower yesterday
When we got there I didn't see any eagle at all just assumed was down in the tower on the nest and I was right all a sudden I say her fly out of the nest just to turn around and fly back I could get my camera out of my pocket fast enough only to get 11 sec of it Better than nothing I guess

Eagle flying to cell phone tower

magpie said...

I'm sorry.
I'm really not hiding my head in the sand
or in the nest cup either

I am very concerned for all our many crises over the last few days

I care very much and am keeping
my prayers and positive thoughts going...I just don't have too many words to say very much

(( Hugs ))
xoxox ♥

Lolly said...

Feel your love, Margy!!! (((hugs))) right back at you!♥

Bird Girl said...

Wow, 2006? I guess this IS my 8th season. Amazing!

Mema Jo said...

Newspaper article Eagle in Frederick

Jewels said...

so happy that Michael gets to come home!!! Can't wait to see these words from Nicole about Isaac!!!!

Jewels said...

Shar, new update on caring bridge for Isaac, cannot see the caring bridge site at work, anyone else see it and can post here??? please?

Linda said...

Good Afternoon!! Sorry to be a stranger of late. Just can't find the time.


Here is the latest post from Nicole about Isaac:

I will praise Him in the storm...

Written 45 minutes ago
Isaac is resting right now and seems to be comfortable. His feeds have been cut off and he is on IV fluids. He's "nursing" in his sleep so I am thinking this little Riffe man is going to wake up hungry. I haven't heard anything from the docs yet but his CBC was normal. They drew other labs again b/c they didn't feel like they had an accurate sample/results. Nothing has come back on the cultures yet but no news is good news on that end of things. Please continue to pray for my sweet baby boy. I am trying to focus on how blessed we have been through this entire journey and remember that God will take care of this in His time and in His way. God is good ALL the time...I will praise Him in the storm!

Linda said...

Must try and read back to catch up....

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Momsters and Dadsters, we are going to stop at 6:00 pm and lift Isaac and family up in collective prayers! I love us!!

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Thanks Linda for posting that from Caring Bridge!!

Jewels said...

Thanks Linda, appreciated that news. Praying heavily for lil man!!!

Janet said...

good afternoon....long weekend ahead. certainly not what we had planned....

my grandson, jack, was just diagnosed with influenza type A. that means, likely, amelia may get it too. jacks' temps right now is over 104. doc told chelsea to take the baby and her out of there.

so chris will be with the older two during this and she and the baby will be here.

i hope neither of them have been infected. we have all had our flu shots...but....

pharmacies here are running low on tamiflu. i warned her about that.

Janet said...

certainly not how any of us want to spend the weekend....but we do what we have to do.

keeping all of you in my heart and thoughts....

hugs to all

Janet said...

egad. cheslea just called. she is running a temp now. not sure if she will have me to come and get lorelei for a few days, or what. yikes. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Janet said...

Our insurance does not cover the tamaflu

Yeah like at 200 dollars a dose who can afford that especially when you need 3 or 4 doses because there are 3 or 4 people in the family

I am heading over to get the baby here we go

Sandi said...

Good evening all my eagle friends!

Glad to read the good news about Michael coming home!

Shep is in the nest!

Sandi said...

He landed as I was typing.

Still more bad news than I would hope for our blog family!

Sandi said...

So sorry to read that little Isaac is still not doing well!

And that Janet's family is coming down with the flu, one by one!

Sandi said...

Both eagles are in the nest now - didn't see belle land b/c the page froze. She's eating leftovers from earlier today.

Sandi said...

Poof Shep. Belle standing at the edge of the nest at about 12, still eating.

Linda said...

Almost caught up on the goings on here the past week.

JANET - So sorry to hear the family is coming down with the flu. Praying little Lorelei is protected and won't get it. That would be REALLY scarey.

Will certainly be a part of corporate prayer at 6:00pm for Little ISAAC. I can only imagine the fear Nicole is feeling. She does have strong faith and trusts in the Lord, so Praise God for that.

Sandi said...

Belle just standing and looking around now.

Sandi said...

Now moving some sticks.

Linda said...

SHEP returns!

Sandi said...

And Shep returns!!

Linda said...

JO - Am keeping Sammy in my prayers for better information about her tumor. Good that Christine has such great patient advocate experience over the past few months. She has a lot on her plate.

Happy to hear Michael is home!!

Belated Birthday Wishes to LyNNE, JANET, and LOLLY this past week. And to SUSAN and Will, too!! Lots of celebrations this week!

Linda said...

I think Belle Poofed!

Linda said...

LOLLY - Any Cancer diagnosis is scary and leaves you with many questions and few answers. Will be fervently praying for you and JACK as you begin this journey of what to do to rid his body of this cancer.

I remember being told much the same about bladder cancer, but I can tell you it has NOT been a fun 9 years and this last bout of mistakes has taken its toll on Dennis......still to this day.

Praying you find the best medical specialist and the best treatment for JACK!

((((( BIG HUGS )))))

Linda said...


Linda said...

WANDA - Hoping to hear from you about Gene's biopsy results this evening..... Praying he is okay.

DANA - Is your Dad doing any better with sleeping yet? Bless his heart. He has been through so much and still has to go through surgery. I pray the blood transfusion is taking effect and boosting his overall energy and well being.

Linda said...

LORI - Will surely be keeping your Dad in prayer as he prepares both mentally and physically for his surgery one week from today. Another very difficult situation and you are in my prayers, too!

Linda said...

KAY - If you can read this.....YIPEE for your final neurosurgeon appointment. You must be elated to have been discharged from her care knowing you are making milestones in the recovery department. That PENNY sure is doing the trick for you. Hope you both are doing well and that you did well with both dogs while Julie was away!! ♥

Linda said...

JUDYE - That was some accident Angie was in this week. So very thankful she is okay, yet I am sure she must have been really shaken up and sore this week. Prayers that she is okay and thankful Jordyn was not with her.

Linda said...

PAULA - Loved the eagle video in slow motion!!

MAGPIE - How are those hands doing?? Hope you are taking steps and feeling some relief from the treatments you mentioned you were going to focus on.

DanaMo said...

Thank you for asking Linda. He slept like a baby last night with a little help from a prescription! Thank God!

Linda said...

As we prepare to corporately pray for Isaac, I would like to offer a prayer, if you don't mind....

Linda said...

Maybe we could read it together and storm the Gates of Heaven for Isaac...

glo said...

Go ahead Linda

Linda said...

Prayer for Isaac

Father, we come to you praising your Holy Name with grateful hearts for the many blessings we receive each and every day. Without you, nothing of any good is possible. But we know that with you, all things are possible. We trust in Your promises, in Your Word, in Your Love for us and in Your Sovereignty.

We come to you tonight for One in our midst. One tiny little boy, Isaac that we just know You have plans for and that You love deeply. We know that your Word tells us, “Whatever you ask for in prayer, believe you have received it, and it will be yours.” We are approaching Your throne of Grace beseeching you to heal Isaac, to quiet the battle in his body, and to give him the peace he needs.

We ask that You surround Nicole with your loving arms as she is in such a difficult position, all alone up there without the physical support of her family and close friends. Help her to feel the love and support from her family and friends that reaches from areas all over this country and beyond. Give her the strength and perseverance she needs to get through all of this. She is so strong in her faith, in her dependence on You. Let that not waiver.

We are all praying, Lord, for a break through with Isaac tonight. We are all praying for his complete and quick healing.

Your Word also tells us to “ask in faith, with no doubts, for he who doubts is like a wave of the sea driven and tossed by the wind.” We boldly come before You knowing that you can and will take all infirmities from Isaac’s body.

We ask this in the name of Jesus, the strong Son of God. Amen

glo said...

Amen and amen

Linda said...

Let it be so, Lord. May Your Mighty Hand touch and heal Isaac and put him back on his road to recovery.

Costume Lady said...


Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Please hear our prayers!! Linda, there are no words to express my gratitude for that prayer. Nicole said she absolutely could feel them raining down on her. She said she has struggled all day and at 6 a peace came over her that just calmed her soul. They were going to take Isaac to interventional radiology this evening and insert a GJ tube, which would be further into this gut and not his stomach. They could not get him in for the procedure this evening. She prayed for God's will and let it go. She said she believes he will be healed and it was not meant to be. They have started the feedings back at 1/2 the rate and so far so good. You all are such amazing people and we are blessed to call you our family.

Linda said...

Oh, Bev, I am so thankful Nicole felt that peace that surpasses all understanding. She knows!!!

It was my pleasure. His Words, not mine. We aren't amazing. He is!!

Nicole's faith is truly exceptional. She is so strong in her faith and has done so well through each and every step of this process.

God will see them through this, for sure!!


Mema Jo said...

I sure am anxious to get the next Isaac Caring Bridge report!

Michael is home - looking great and feeling fair! I am going to put some photos on FB after I send to family.
Told him we would have a contest on the number of stitches!


Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

What will the winner get Mema Jo? I am gonna say 53 stitches!!

I know about being anxious for the next update. My niece Jenny, has jumped on a plane to go to Boston for the weekend to be with Nicole. She has two small children at home herself, 5 and 7 years old. Our nephew Greg is holding down the fort so she can go up there and support Nicole. What a great family we have!!!

stronghunter said...


I was here at 6:00 and said a prayer for Isaac. Kathryn came in, and I went to talk with her. She has been having some issues at work, but today was good.

Kathryn and Hunter have gone out for the evening, so now I am back on the computer.

Hoda said...

Beautiful prayer for ISAAC LINDA I was not on line and I did do my prayer too...Beautiful beseaching and a sense of gratitude to GOD.

YAY MICHAEL is home...Pretty awesome...I do not know about stitches but will guess 57...LOL do let us know JO.

I had all my application forms filled and checked and I wrote a cover letter for the one question that was very difficult to answer...the one that wanted me to present proof of where I lived day/month/year since I was 18 years of age.
I had my documents in order and went to the Govenrment office today. Forms were all correct. She checked them. Stamped them and made copies of my documents and she thought I had plenty documents.So as of today I am in the system for OAS and CPP and I really did not ask for them before my Birthday and so the deposits should start December 2013...
They were friendly and very curteous and I got a hug and got wished well and if I needed anything to please come back so they could help me...they are kind people really.
There was one very angry man there that I thought was abusive and I kept praying that he settles down and allow them to help him, he simply was angry that is all and it got in the way of his hearing...he stomped out of there and there was a collective sigh of relief in the office from the people waiting and from those who worked there. I prayed that he be healed from his anger.
So now I presume I will not hear from them till autumn unless the people in the specific office dealing with my documents have a question in which case they will get in touch...

I feel relieved and I know gratitude.

THANK YOU JUDIE...walking is all good and while it was a challenge yesterday on the icy sections I managed alright with the poles and I did not even use my far so very good.

Tomorrow I start an aqua fit classs so will let you all know how that goes.

Judie said...

Ah, a Michael stitches contest. Well, I'm guessing a whole Sheetz load.

Hoda said...

Thank you for the reports on the eagle visits and for the food being brought to the nest. I enjoy the posts very much...

There but for the Grace of God go I...I have been living this since yesterday and the encounter with so many people who are dependent on the food bank...there but for the Grace of God Go I and so those of us who have enough extend a hand to those who do not have as much...
In the Government office there were people who were applying for Unemployment Insurance some were applying for Welfare Cheques, some were applying for passports and some were applying for OAS/ CPP and then there were those who were applying for disability and the social safety network programs...all the while I was there I felt "Just like me we all want to be well, just like me." Truly "we are all simply walking each other home"...There but for the Grace of God Go I...

magpie said...

I saw the pictures you put on Caring Bridge..
Handsome and Beautiful Respectively!

Feb 10, 2006, my friend Jenny,
Rockin' Cirle R....sent me the link

Good Drizzly Evening, Eagle Pals
xoxo ♥

PS Judie, You are simply, magnificently, Hilarious especially when it comes to Sheetz!

magpie said...

We must be getting some of Lolly's Leftovers: RAIN ☺

magpie said...

I was in the hospital visiting an elderly lady 6 I missed the prayer circle for Isaac...but I have since said them

Wonderful, Nicole will have some Family company, can't say enough about the beauty of that !

magpie said...

oh, Jenny sent me the link to the Eagle Cam! That's what I meant to say.

Lynne2 said...


Lynne2 said...

hi all!

Lynne2 said...

Prayers for baby Isaac....

magpie said...

Don't think I get the Animal Planet channel, Lynne2 but I will "feel it" vicariously through you....I surely had a boatload of 'em to deal with at The Big House !

Congratulations, Hoda !
Plowing through and getting
'er done!
Poor angry guy.....hope things improve for whatever his situation is

Comment Box: Bottom Left for me.

magpie said...

Hoping to hear a little bit more from Wanda tonight...wondering if this is Friday Night Fun Night...
and praying for good reports on the Captain's biopsy

Lovely to read that Nicole felt the presence of peace tonight at 6

magpie said...

Yep, Judie...I had images of
stronghunter versus Hunter this morning....

Lolly said...

Hi Lynne! I was not here at 6 for prayer but have been keeping Isaac in constant thought and prayer.

LINDA, that was a beautiful and heartfelt prayer for Isaac.

We had a fun afternoon at the RV show. We found two that we liked and now are comparing and trying to make a decision, but really did not have plans to buy it right now, but who knows....

The two we looked at are a wee bit bigger and heavier than we have now. We would be very happy with either one we decide on.

Lynne2 said...

oh my....

prayers too for Jack and Chelsea. The flu thing is really hitting so many SO hard. Glad I got my shot, but I just had the money to get it this week and it takes 10-14 days to be fully effective....UGH!

Lolly said...

They had many of the great big, huge, humongous, gigantic RV's and 5th wheels. lol We did not even go into them!!!

Lolly said...

Wash your hands often and keep your fingers out of your mouth, Lynne!!!lol

Yes, feel very bad for Janet's family.

Lynne2 said...

Glad niece Jenny was able to go to be with Nicole!

magpie said...

or maybe that was yesterday morning.

Loved the Conowingo YouTube from Paula...
reminded me of the wonderful Road trip some of the Momsters, Captain Gene, Hunger and Dustin made there Jan 16, 2010
Now THAT was a great Trip !
Pics are in the Momsters Albums

magpie said...

Wheee Lolly, sounds fun !

Hope you decide to just go ahead and get one you both like....

I hear voices at the nest

magpie said...

So sorry about the flood mayhem at Laurel's Lolly....unwanted water is really a bummer !!!

Lynne2 said...

glad Rus is recovering from HIS flu!

Glad Angie wasn't seriously hurt in the accident and SO glad Jordyn wasn't with her!

LOL Lolly! I suggested at work that we require ALL CLIENTS to use our hand sanitizer prior to entering the office! We actually had a very sick person come in today. UGH....STAY HOME SICK PEOPLE!!!

I'd survive if I got it, but geez, doesn't that sicky realize that she could be passing her flu or whatever on to an unsuspecting elderly person, or someone with a compromised immune system, or someone caring for one, or a child???

magpie said...

There's quite a lot of light at the nest considering that is absolutely no moon tonight !

Lynne2 said...

OMG, so sorry about Laurel's flood......GGGRRRRRRRR. WHAT NEXT???

magpie said...

Glad to see Linda back on today!
But sorry to read that Dennis is still not altgother better...

Hoda said...

Thank you for the feed back on place of comment box. Mine has gone to the bottom again and I think it has to do with the width of the screen. It is all good now. Mine is lower left corner and I am glad as I can read as I go along.

Caringbridge notifications are not getting through to me so I missed the pictures that JO posted over there...I saw an awesome picture of her and MICHAEL in the hospital. This is very good.

magpie said...

Sure is wonderful working with Jewels....she is like a Momma to me, believe me....!

Hope the Eagle Search at Hinton goes Well Saturday and that the weather is Eagle-perfect for Sissy, Sharon, Susan, and whoever else can tag along ! Eyes to the Skies, Ladies !

Going to check on out now...
Have each and every one of you in my thoughts and prayers...especially those in difficult Medical and Physical needs and those of the heart and spirit...

Prayers for Wellness...

God Bless Us,
Every One xoxo ♥

magpie said...

Hoda, that picture of Michael and JO is the one I was referring to....

G'Night Pals !

Mema Jo said...

I have not posted the picture yet - waiting for Michael's kids to see them first. Sharon - 50 wouldn't get you very far. Wait till you see it! Wowser!
He has had a great evening !

Lolly said...

Laurel sounded right chipper tonight. hurrah! She found none of her crystal broken. Her Waterford wine glasses were in a box that landed upside down. She packed well!Has not unpacked her china but that box did not fall. It was on the bottom and when it got wet the weight of the boxes on top squished it. I will unpack it tomorrow!!!

It was great to have her sound so much better. Last night was awful. She called at 10, I was expecting one of the boys to be sick.

glo said...

I am surely hoping those headed out to enjoy eagles tomorrow indeed have a wonderful time. . No matter what is happening in the real world cares etc when i am out with the eagles it is like R and R for a little while. It lifts the spirits for all of us who love them just to be around them. Hoping for an update on Baby Isaac tonight Prayers for all. This is a mean flu season I am afraid. I got my shot 6 days ago. Encouraging everyone I know to get that shot!!!

Linda said...

LOLLY - I am so happy to hear Laurel was in a chipper mood tonight and her china and crystal was spared. That would have been awful. This move has been a LOT of work for all of you!!

JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...

Had a nice dinner out at the Olive Garden with Angie Carl and Jordyn of course

JudyEddy said...

Angie goes on Mon for her MRI she saw the dr today

Mema Jo said...

My Miracle Michael's pic are up.
If you are faint of heart don't look

I am closing down for the evening
Very eventful but tiring day
I need some sound sleep....

Love you all ♥
Hoping to hear about Isaac

Prayers for all

Judie said...

The sandperson is breathing over my shoulder. It will be only moments before departure to visit momsters and dadsters. Heard some mumbling about making a specific visit to Michael and the family Lennox.

Prayers for Isaac.

The night light is on. Restful sleep for all.

Linda said...

Praying that Baby Isaac has a peaceful night tonight and that Mom gets some rest as well.

Keeping so many of our Momsters, Dadsters and family members in prayer tonight for the many ailments afflicting them. May tomorrow bring strength and healing to those in need!


Lynne2 said...

Loving this Time Life informercial full of classic 70s and 80s country music. You should hear how good Steve and I sing!!! Wish you were all here to sing with us!

stronghunter said...

Time to say good night. See you all tomorrow.

Prayers for Isaac and Michael.

Lolly said...

Still thinking about trailers this evening. Guess that is sorta like sugar plums dancing in my head! lol

Now, I want to sing along with Lynne and Steve, but they would definitely kick me out of their home!!!

Heading to bed. Up early in the morn to head to Denton. Will be home tomorrow evening....exhausted. Yes, this move has been very hard...mentally and physically. Trying oh so hard to be positive. Breaks my heart when my baby is sad, tired, and hurting. Laurel is my hero. She works so school and home and tries so hard to keep a happy face when the world is crashing in on her.

Night all!! SED!!!

Costume Lady said...

Bedtime here at this roost.

Kinda skipped Family Friday this evening. GG had a late doctor appointment, Karla had squad duty, Denise was working in her studio, Brandon was in Morgantown with his NEW girlfriend, Jillian is nursing a sore back, etc.
Gene's doctor said his kidney biopsy showed protein in there (we knew that) still waiting on another set of results~

Good night dear friends, sleep well and take my love and prayers with you♥

JudyEddy said...

GOOD MORNING EAGLE BUDS looks like I am the first one one the blog this am

Sandi said...

Good foggy, damp Saturday morning my eagle friends!

Boy, more folks than I can even recall to pray for right now. Let's see ...
Dana's dad,
Lori's dad,
Lolly's Jack,
Wanda's Gene,
Lynne's Steve,
Linda's Dennis,
Thelma's brother-in-law,
Glo's mom-in-law,
Bev's mom-in-law,
Jim's sister Ann Marie,
Judy's Angie,
Janet's children and grandchildren,
Lolly's Laurel and family,
Bev's foot,
Shar's foot,
Margy's hands.
Sorry for anyone I've forgotten, but I do keep all of my blog family in my thoughts and prayers. I am especially hoping that Isaac's recovery gets back on track so that family can get out of the hospital, be back together, and get on with their lives.

Since I know you all have powerful prayers, please keep my mom on your lists. She has not bounced back from the flu she got when she was in TX visiting my brother's family. Yesterday, my sister took her to the doctor who did a chest xray and she has pneumonia in both lungs. The doc really wanted to admit her but, after just being in the hospital for 2 weeks back in November when her toe got infected and then had to be amputated, Mom didn't want to go back into the hospital, so he has agreed to wait 2-3 days to see if oral antibiotics will do the trick.

Lazy day for me today. temps are supposed to get up to near 60 - hoping to take the 4 dogs to run on the beach before the Ravens - Broncos game at 4:30pm.

MT nest at 7am.

Make it a great day all!

Sandi said...

Morning Judy. I'm here but I was still typing when you posted.

JudyEddy said...

This was from Caring Bridge last night after midnight.

"I'm so glad I'm part of the family of God..."
Written 6 hours ago

As I begin to type this evening, I'm not even sure where to begin. I'll admit that I have been struggling the last couple of days. I pleaded to the Lord this morning/afternoon, as I was walking the halls at the hospital while Isaac was sleeping, to carry me through this day because I am unable to stand without Him. I receieved many encouraging messages/calls/posts throughout the day that really helped to lift me up. Then, this evening, I felt the Holy Spirit come over me in a way that I cannot explain. I was praying and holding Isaac and my soul was flooded with peace. Tears of joy/excitement/touched by the Holy Ghost kind of tears streamed. I just believe in the depths of my soul that he has been touched and is going to be just fine. God bless all of you who have prayed, sent good thoughts, and offered words of encouragement. Keep 'em coming! "I'm so glad I'm part of the family of God..."

Lori O. said...

LINDA, that was a beautiful prayer for baby Isaac! What a beautiful woman you are. Thank you. So glad you are part of this wonderful group!

LOLLY, wishing you an easier day today as you head to Denton. Keep those visions of new trailers dancing in your head! RV's are so fun!

Hoping KAY is able to get online today - I miss her!!!

Just working this early morning and waiting for the eagles to show up. At leat they've been making more of an effort on nestorations these pasat few days. :)

I hope everyone has a great day, filled with love and joy, light and NO stress!

Prayers for all in need including Dana's Dad, Sandi's Mom, Glo's MIL, Thelma's BIL, Baby Isaac, Sammy, JO, Michael, Jack and all.

JudyEddy said...

GOOD MORNING THERE TO you SANDI and will keep you and yours close to heart and thought also

Lori O. said...

That was a great prayer list SANDI!

JudyEddy said...

HEY LORI I see you sneeking in tooo

Lori O. said...

Prayers, also for Angie, Ann-Marie and the feet of the Bev and Shar!

Lori O. said...

Good morning JUDYE! How is Angie?

JudyEddy said...

She is doing ok little sore the arm and shoulder are really brusied but other wise ok

Sandi said...

Good morning Lori!

Lori O. said...

Good morning, SANDI! Hoping the eagles show up soon!

JudyEddy said...

Angie and Carl came to the park yesterday when I had Jordyn they had gotten the rental car
You will never guess what happened they were sitting at the light to get out of the park and someone tapped them in the rear NO Damage but scared them They was the thrid car another car pushed the car in to the back of them and she left the scene no damage and everyone one went on the way Angie said she was so happy she didn't have to call the rental co and say I just got hit in your car

Lori O. said...

JUDYE, that's good to hear. It surely could have been a lot worse. Prayers she heals quickly.

JudyEddy said...

I heard a eagle wings

JudyEddy said...

or rustling in the attic

JudyEddy said...

heard it again

JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...

went to 12 rail and picking at nestovers that were left yesterday

Lori O. said...


JudyEddy said...

we have a headless eagle in the nest lol at 12

JudyEddy said...

Chowing down on the nestorvers

JudyEddy said...

nestovers duh

JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...

and now Shep

JudyEddy said...

moving sticks and flugg

JudyEddy said...

both are eating nestovers at 12

JudyEddy said...

shep hops off rail to 6 and moves stick

JudyEddy said...

Belle is still eating

JudyEddy said...

He is having a good ole time with thoses sticks at 5

JudyEddy said...

Belle is still eating and Shep is still at 5 tugging on the on branch that seems to be stuck can't figure out what he is trying to do LOL

JudyEddy said...

Shep gave up moved to cup area and picking at flugg Belle is still eating

JudyEddy said...

Hey we have to ask Shep what he used to get the blood stains off his tail from the other day No sign of it LOL

JudyEddy said...

Belle is still eating and Shep moved to 7 picking at sticks

JudyEddy said...

at 6 picking at 5 picking

JudyEddy said...

Shep is tearing the bark off the stick

JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...

that was good HP

Sandi said...

I saw that!! =)

JudyEddy said...

I did get it on cam but I must leave for work so can't post till I get hom later

JudyEddy said...

Yeah we had HP HP HP

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2/20/25 PM bird

1203 PM NN Scout comes to the nest with a load of bedding again. He seemed to leave with something in his talons. He has a beak full of bedd...