Thursday, January 17, 2013


Maybe a little snow today.

cool link.

New thread.


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WV sUSAn said...

Good Morning Sycamore Palace. Just sticking my head in for a minutes to say HEY and hope everyone is having a fabulous day. Will check back later.

WV sUSAn said...

Oh boy, oh boy, oh boy.... Feather Time. I'm doing the Feather Dance. hehehe

Lolly said...

Good morning! Love your feather dance Susan!!!

45 here this morning and bright sunshine! We have several days ahead of us with beautiful weather while you are cold and snowy!

Thought I heard an eagle call a moment ago on the blog.

Today...more closet...possibly the pantry. On a roll here!

Mema Jo said...

Good morning - The weather is calm here but I see my Cardinal not far off down in the yard. Snow ???????
Have a blessed day - make someone smile ♥ I am headed for a regular eye exam - I need stronger lens - Age sure make changes that I don't really appreciate!

Good for you Dancing Susan!
Morning Lolly !


T-Bird said...

Good morning again. Thanks for the new thread Steve and the call over WV sUSAn.

stronghunter said...

Almost time for Hunter to get home.

Noticed that they were putting down gravel in the driveway next door. Looks like Carla and family will be returning soon.

JudyEddy said...

Good afternoon get on here to find a fresh new thread THANKS for the new thread STEVE

magpie said...

Well that sounds nice, Shirley,
ref the graveling and paving

Okay, just about half time here
for Jewels and me...

Thanks for the New Thread, Steve
and the Alert, Susan...

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Good afternoon my eagle budlets!

JudyEddy said...

OK now the dishes are done and kitchen is sort of clean LOL
I email CA yesterday as well as HODA here is her note back to me

Dear Judy & Hoda,

Hubby mentioned you had sent emails. So nice to know you thought of me. Thank you!
Hmmmm - mentioning me on the blog - hope it was good stuff! :o)

Though not doing it individually, I do wish you all a great 2013. Stay healthy everyone. I try to light a candle often with my well wishes for the EM group.

My life continues to narrow as my vision slowly deteriates. Retinologist says it is still not severe enough to risk surgery. So - no more driving, no detail work, limited reading. I do try to view the cam often though. Dogs and I go on lots of walks - which is good for all 3 of us and weather has really cooperated this winter. The upside of bad vision - I don't see the dust anymore LOL.

Hubby & I have escaped the flu, not even a cold yet this winter. Hope it stays that way. Extended family is doing well.

Wishing you all well - Judy w/work & any travels you do, Hoda - all the best with your many ventures: dragon boating, yoga, Grans to Grans and all the many other things you do.

Plase extend my heartfelt Hi to all with wishes for a gentle & loving 2013.

as always,

magpie said...

Thank you so much, JudyE...
I just sent my snail mail off this morning on the way to work!

Great that you reached out girls and make contact with our friend

Mema Jo said...

Message from Candy's sister about her having the flu

Just wanted to let you know that Candy called me the other night to let me know that she is doing fine, although still resting.

magpie said...

ohhhhh rest....good idea
Germs HATE Rest.....

thanks Jo

JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...

Its SHEP and I saw cam rock he has red meat Belle in the nest the jerky cam motion sucks today

JudyEddy said...


magpie said...

am sorry of the problems CarolAnne is having more problems with her eyes....

JudyEddy said...

Belle is eating it was Shep who poofed he brought her a morsel of meat and it is gone now

JudyEddy said...

Belle is picking at flugg in cup area

JudyEddy said...

I love how we can see such detail in the nest with all the fine flugg there but I dislike that spinning arrow Just venting not complaining or is that the same ok stating a fact I guess

JudyEddy said...

She is picktig at flugg at 5

JudyEddy said...

picking not picktig LOL

JudyEddy said...

I think she is waiting for her hunny to come back

JudyEddy said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
stronghunter said...

Well, there he is!

DanaMo said...

Oh I just want to escape today.

My kids are so needy this year and I don't think I have anymore energy to get through the year.

Sorry, seems like I only get one when I need to vent anymore.

Are we going to have a gathering in the spring? I would love to see everyone again. It would surely brighten up my year.

Dad is doing well. Today is his birthday, 75 years old. So grateful that he is doing well.

How is everyone else doing? Anyone watching those cute puppies. Man are they adorable. That's enough to help me get through the day if I can peek at them and then go snuggle with mine.
I'm waiting patiently for Molly to okay my visit. Can't wait to hold those furbabies and get some puppy breath.

JudyEddy said...

SHEP is back Poof he just appeared in the spinning arrow

stronghunter said...

Suddenly, Shep just materialized.

stronghunter said...

Sorry your year is so tough, Dana.

stronghunter said...

Glad we heard from CA, but wish the news was better.

stronghunter said...

Going to try to take a nap, BBL.

JudyEddy said...

SHEP is at 545 Belle at 12 just a sitting pretty

JudyEddy said...

SHIRLEY yep that is the word I was looking for MATERIALIZED

JudyEddy said...

odd just sitting there no nestoration just sitting like statues

JudyEddy said...

Belle is now picking at flugg as well as Shep

JudyEddy said...

cup looks nice and deep now

JudyEddy said...

AWW shep trying out the egg cup I got a good pic too

JudyEddy said...

He is really down it in its really looks deep

JudyEddy said...

Just sitting again

JudyEddy said...


DanaMo said...

Thanks Shirley,it's been rough.

Sorry to hear the CarolAnne isn't doing well.

JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...

That was a nice long visit 51 min or so

Kay said...

Oof, I just missed a visit, but am so happy to read about it !

DANA, so sorry this year's batch of kiddies has been so trying ! I know you'll gather the strength needed for the remainder of their year, but also know how disheartening this has been for you. Happy Birthday to your Dad !

Love the vision of you Feather Dancing, sUSAn ! Lookin' good !

SHIRLEY, so happy to hear there is progress and that your good neighbors will soon return !

The weaning off of pain killers is a pain in the patoot ! Had to back off of easing up on Gabapentin while lowering dose of Lortabs. One step at a time. Thank goodness for little Penny ! She keeps me going regardless of how I'm feeling !

Keep the faith, dear Eagle Buds !

Prayers and love---♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

JudyEddy said...

Here is a real short video of the afternoon visit I love how SHEP snuggled in the eggcup
Short and Sweet

JudyEddy said...

HI KAY ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

JudyEddy said...

Back in the nest I see

JudyEddy said...

my pop up cam was frozen I saw in teh still cam got the cam back up

JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...

KAY are you here seeing her I hope Belle is looking up to the cam

JudyEddy said...

She is moving flugg in the cup area

JudyEddy said...

shep arrives

JudyEddy said...

doing nestoration now moving flugg in cup area dig dig dig

JudyEddy said...

a pretty bird is singing too

stronghunter said...

Snow forecast here has been downgraded. It is raining, raining, raining.

stronghunter said...

I see our royal couple in the nest.

Mema Jo said...

Just returned from eye exam - wasn't sure if I was looking at one or two eagles - My eyes have been dilated. I go back in 6 months to keep watch on cataract which may need to be removed.
Dr said I would be sent to John Hopkins.

Since I can't see much I will put my feet up for a while.


stronghunter said...

Hear that bird singing, Judy. So does George. He is looking out the window for it.

Sandi said...

Hi all - checking in from the garage where my Jeep is getting the oil changed and tires rotated. It's sleeting outside right now. Burned my snow candle all day and reminded the kids about their pj's.

I am sorry to hear that CarolAnne's vision is deteriorating. Thanks Judy for sharing her email reply to you.

Dana, I feel your frustration with your students this year! Can't believe the school year isn't even at the halfway point yet!

Will check in again from home. Later!

stronghunter said...

Snowing here now.

Sandi said...

Oops forgot to check the box!

NatureNut said...

Hi Eagle Buds. No snow yet, but schools in Southern counties closed 2 hours early just in case. I canceled my PM hair appt. down there. Shooting for Monday.

Still have to plug in camera & see if there's a decent eagle pic.
Happy to read JudyE's fb NBG letter from Steve! Didn't know they were harassing those birds other than destroying their nests. Tree use on other properties is ideal, but how do you tell the birds!!!! DUH If we're pushed into Maxine Mode, we can tell them, "move the stoopid airport! The birds were theree first!!!"

BTW, I have a great Math Wizard Dog video, but my cheat sheet on making a Bluey Link has disappeared.

Gotta read back, but hopes and prayers for little Samantha and all others on the prayer list. ☺ ♥

Lolly said...

See that I have missed the eales once again!

Cleaned the pantry and only had to throw out a few things and it does look better.

Filled the bird feeders.

It is presently 59 and bright sunshine. I will give you one guess what I then did! Now think....what do I love to do best. That is what I have been doing! Let's see who knows me best. lol

Going to go comb my hair and start taking it easy for the rest of the day.

NatureNut said...

Did you watch the nest, Lolly??????Either that or you cooked something?!!

Lolly said...

You are wrong, Loweeeeeda!! Think!

Lolly said...

I saw rs hawk hp while doing what I was doing! lol

Sandi said...

Home from the garage! Evening all! Lolly, I'm gonna say you went out and worked in the garden! Right or wrong???

Sandi said...

Just got an email from my brother-in-law that he got the shipment of our Africa photos! We decided to have 7 of the ones that Glo edited and have them made into canvas prints. My brother-in-law did the ordering for me b/c I had them done through Costco (their photo depts. get good reviews and have great prices) and they have a Costco account, while we don't since there are no Costcos nearby. Can't wait to see the finished products when we drive to Baltimore this weekend!!

Nothing falling from the sky as I drove home but the forecasters are still predicting a couple of inches for us, which just may be enough to close schools for tomorrow! Fingers crossed!!!

glo said...

Sandi I do hope they did a nice job for you. You have some gorgeous memories of an awesome trip that is for sure.

Lolly said...

Sandi is the winner! LOL I worked in the yard for a couple of hours! I dug in the dirt!!!! Yea!

Actually, while cleaning I realized my tulips were still in my refrig. Whoops! Should have planted them about three weeks ago. So, today I planted 96 red tulip bulbs and before I planted them I needed to clean the bed around the pond.

Bird Girl said...

I did another volunteer shift at the thrift store today, and stopped in the tattoo shop to visit their Mexican hairless dog, Twila. Haven't been able to check in here...did anyone see our eagles today? Are they using the other nest instead?? :(

Sandi said...

Lolly, what a slacker - only 96 bulbs???

Heard from my sister that Mom's pneumonia in both lungs is clearing up. But she only has decent hearing in one ear (minimal hearing in the other) and, along with the pneumonia, she developed an ear infection in her good ear. Two days ago, she realized that she couldn't hear ANYTHING in her good ear! Lisa got her in to see an ENT yesterday who couldn't figure out what's going on, but for now, she is totally deaf - can't hear a thing! I can only imagine how discouraged she must be feeling about the past few months - toe amputated, aneurysm that can't be repaired, flu, pneumonia, and now losing her hearing! My worry is that, at some point, she is just going to give up! Please keep her in your prayers!

Speaking of prayers, praying that today was a good day for Miracle Michael and little Isaac, and a very happy birthday for Dana's dad, and that Lori and her mom and dad will have positive results tomorrow.

Time to feed people and dogs - later!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Delphia, our eagles were in the nest today. Brought in a lot of fluff and Shep was even lying in the cup pulling in fluff around him.

Bird Girl said...

That's great news! Sorry I missed it :(

magpie said...

NIce link that Steve put up with the New Thread for today on the USFWS National Wildlife Refuge System
Lots of great pictures,
Thanks Steve....

I says "Cool Link" under here he posted about Maybe a little snow today

magpie said...

I totally missed seeing it was there earlier
maybe due to the white letters on black background

magpie said...

Prayers for your dear Mom, Sandi.... am sorry to read of the downturn....
and hope that healing and wellness will come along quickly

Hoda said...

Gardening in JANUARY!!?? Now I know for sure things are not fair!!! Glad you enjoyed the time and saw the hawkes to boot...eggs in a month or so do you think?

Stay safe everyone with the weather reports that I am hearing back east folks have something to contend with.

Thinking of LORI and her DAD and MOM...prayer circle for tomorrow for sure LORI.

A reflective and catch up day for me...good day. Much to be grateful for and much to wonder about at the same time. LIFE!!!

Hoda said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY DANA'S DAD 75 years today and many many more.

Hoda said...

JO I am glad you went for your eye check up. I go in for every six months too for cataract and for ...God I forgot the name of the other thing...seperation of retina and there is a dry kind and a wet kind...hello...sorry I can not remember the words...

Hoda said...

Macral degeneration...
I had to think of a fish to remember the words!!! HA HA will be fun when I am in my 80's or maybe the fun is already starting!!!

Judie said...

Good evening everyone.

The sandperson is growing exceedingly impatient and, I must confess, I am ready for sleep. Darth did not have a good day and I am tired tonight.

I do hope everyone had good day, or as good as possible. The night light is set for 11:00pm and the sandperson will soon depart to visit the momsters and dadsters. Restful sleep for all.

Hoda said...

Prayers for DARTH and I hope things are better tomorrow JUDIE

Hoda said...

Lance Armstrong's interview is live on the Huffington post internet...I feel very sad...he is still a person I admire and what I am hearing is causing me a great deal of conflict yet I am glad 13 years later he is coming clean.Sad for his children who will have to deal with their dad as a lier!!!

JudyEddy said...

Hello eaglebudlet home from evening with the kids had a good time now sitting here in my footisie pj little chilly the cold front came through today rain on and off most of the day Here is a shot video of Miss Jordyn dancing tonight at her house she was watching the movie RIO and get up and performs Cute kid

the dancing queen

Lynne2 said...

evening all!

WOW, I like the snow candle thing, and all of the OTHER things too!

OK, I am missing stuff. What's wrong with DARTH?? And I didn't know CA was having such eye trouble! And have we gotten biopsy results on Capt Father Gene yet??

Safe travels for Lori, happy b'day to Dana's dad, YAY for Wanda and her good reports on her bionic knee!

Hoda said...

JUDIE did not say why DARTH had a tough day today. He had gone to the VA for some tests the same time Captain Father Gene was there.
No further news on the Captain.

Lynne2 said...

JUDIE JUDIE JUDIE don't leave us hanging!!!

Linda said...

Good Evening!

Have finally caught up - not that I can remember everything!!

Unfortunately my incision got infected, so we headed back to the doctor's today. Started an antibiotic and hopefully the redness and swelling will subside soon.

At least I am sleeping better!! I rarely have problems with that!

Lynne2 said...

my avatar is the January birth month flower, the Snowdrop!

Lynne2 said...

Geez Linda....hope the infection clears up quickly, and glad you are sleeping better!

Linda said...

Thinking of LORI and her Dad preparing for surgery tomorrow. What time is his surgery?? Either way, will be keeping him in prayer tonight and tomorrow!

JO - Great news that Christine has some appointments lined up for Samantha.

SANDI - Your Mom sure has been through the ringer. Will pray that she continues to heal and that she doesn't get too down about all the things that have happened in recent months.

Linda said...

Thanks, Lynne! It's not been one of my better weeks!

How is Steve doing?

Mema Jo said...

Hoping all have hd a decent day. No Precipitation here but cold cold cold.

Michael is doing well - Sammny has all her dr appointments set up = mainly at the UNC (University North Carolina)
I'll keep you posted.

Thinking of you Lori and family
Judie - Hope Darth has a better day tomorrow
Sandi - prayers for your mom. She will go to an audiologist to check on
her hearing - an aid may help. I know she feels helpless being by herself.
Lolly - those red tulips will look beautiful when they bloom

Lynne2 said...

Doing well Linda. But VERY bored!

Linda said...

Glad to hear Steve is doing well. Can he get around with crutches at all? When can he put weight on that foot?

Lynne2 said...

apparently I'm reading way too fast...missed the post about Sandi's mom and the ear infection. Hope it all resolves fast!

Lynne2 said...

no crutches because of the broken wrist. He has to use a walker with a special thing on it to rest that arm on and a strap holds the arm in place. He goes back Feb 6 and at that time he'll have rads to check progress of both the wrist and the heel. Hopefully, the wrist will be healed enough to move him out of the cast and into a brace. It will be mid March at the earliest for weight bearing on the heel and sometime between mid April and mid June, he should be completely healed.

Linda said...

DANA - Hang in there!! It is a shame that this year's class is so tough. Praying that one day very soon, things with your class will turn around and you will see progress!!

JEWELS - How wonderful that the guy that bought your Mom's house is nice, welcoming, and truly loves the house! When it was a home you loved and were attached to, it is so much more comforting to know it will be appreciated and taken care of! You girls did good!!

Mema Jo said...

Tomorrow is my retina eye dr check up.
Praying he thinks that things are looking well .

I know it is early - BUT I am closing down for the evening. Prayers for all our needs and for our loved ones.

I love us ♥
Good Night

Linda said...

Wow, LYNNE! That is a LONG time. I remember that the wrist was also broken, but didn't realize how bad of a break that was. Certainly don't want to put your weight on your wrist if it is broken.


Linda said...

Dennis is doing his nightly chores, so I know we're heading upstairs..... Wish I had a little more time to visit!

Prayers for healing and wellness for so many in our extended family!!

Lynne2 said...

think I need to get to bed.

work is going to be pretty bad the next 2 weeks. Dr Baker is having TOS surgery tomorrow and will be out for the next 2 weeks. This means almost half of our appointment slots no longer exist. Not good....

Lynne2 said...

time to walk the curs, clean the chamber pot, shower and get to bed...good night everyone, prayers for all!

Hoda said...

You are an ANGEL LYNNE ♥



paula eagleholic said...

Evening, all.

Been keeping up with the blog, but not a lot of time to comment. Been throwing out old papers, junk, etc. Have lots more to get through.

Listened to the Lance Armstrong interview while I was working. Glad he is finally coming clean.

SED, Love and Hugs to all, here and not here ♥

Lolly said...

Hoda, it was beautiful today. 59 and sunny. My daffodils are up..several inches, the larkspur are up...spring will be here before we know it. Still have leaves in the flowerbeds...lots of yard work to do on nice days.

Sorry Darth had a not so good day. What's up?

Linda, so sorry about the infection. Things that should be simple seem to go wrong. Get well quick!!

Heading to the shower...then to bed. Tomorrow going to make cinnmon rolls to take to a meeting on Sat. morn. Also, tomorrow evening we are meeting Michael and family and Laurel and Jacob at Joe T's in the Stockyards. Joe T Garcias is a well known Mexican food restaurant and Michael's choice to celebrate his birthday. Joey and Joseph can not make it as they have basketball practice.

Night all! SED!!!

Lolly said...

Paula, sounds like you are doing a lot of cleaning out as I have been doing all week! Have fun!

Costume Lady said...

Good night my friends...sending my love and prayers to you all♥

T-Bird said...

Good morning my fine friends.

T-Bird said...

Am I the first one on this morning?

T-Bird said...

We got over a foot of snow here yesterday.

T-Bird said...

It is so beautiful.

T-Bird said...

No loss of power, what a blessing. No family stranded on the roads-many roads were blocked. Many, many accidents.

T-Bird said...

We were getting over an inch an hour.

Janet said...

A quick good morning to all.

Clear starry skies and 29 this morning. Haven't seen clear skies in about a week. Birds are rather loud this morning as Guess they like the clear skies as well.

Its a red TGIF day. Hope everyone has a great day.

Keeping you all in heart and thought. :)

magpie said...

Nice, Both Eagles in the Nest

Good Morning and Good Day

magpie said...

And now Color

Prayers for Wellness All Around,
and for all Medical Things going on today especially...

(( Hugs ))

ttfn time go get ready for work
xoxox ♥

magpie said...

God Bless Our Military

magpie said...

My Goodness that's a LOT of snow, the school kids and teachers are DEE-Lilghted !

ttfn xoxo

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Good morning eagle buds!!! We got pounded yesterday, 11 inches of snow total I think. Tom stayed home from work today and Mattie didn't have school, so I am the only one stirring around here this morning!! Hope all is well in your respective corners of the world. Special request for prayer this afternoon. Love y'all!!

Nicole has asked that we join in prayer today at 3:45. Isaac is scheduled to go in to surgery at 3:45pm EST for his endoscopy & dilation. Please pray that the procedure goes as well as possible...that the tissue looks normal, the esophagus is still wide open & strong, that the hernia remains insignificant, and think big--MIRACULOUS results. We prayed for this before and He delivered. Please share this on your walls and we will stop what we are doing and lift them up.

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Thinking of Lori and her family today, praying Mema Jo gets a good report. Prayers for all!! Back to work. Will check in later. HAGD!!!

T-Bird said...

Yes they are MAGPIE, they have a three day weekend. I remember the excitement of those days!

Costume Lady said...

OMG, Thelma, a foot of snow is more than most of us have seen in a long time. Yes, I'm sure it looks so beautiful...snow covers all the ugliness around us.
We didn't get any...not even a flake, which is good, we still have a little left-over (in piles) from Christmas Eve. It is very cold, 26°, with clear, bright blue skies and quite windy.

T-Bird said...

You too WANDA.

magpie said...

thinking of Lori and her Dad and Mom,
Mema Jo with her retina check today
Isaac this afternoon
with prayer and positive thoughts

and so many other things we have going on amongst us....

magpie said...

I nused to totally love snow days, T-Bird...
and there were time when we would have one whole week, and then another snow and another whole week

It's not so fun as an adult...
but I still like Snow !!

magpie said...

he's glorious

we had snow flurries when I got to work

I was looking for a Snow Bow

Linda said...

Good Morning Pals!

Praying for LORI's Dad today and for Lori and her Mom. We are keeping you in thought and prayer all day long. Hoping for the best results possible and that your Dad quickly heals as he adjusts to the necessary changes in his life. Praying they get all the cancerous stuff out of his body!

Linda said...

Lots of snow in Bluefield!! Yipee!!

We're coated well up here, too, but did not get a foot of the white stuff. We've got about 6" between yesterday and today. I love it!

LOLLY - I didn't get a chance to mention your doctor visit with Jack earlier this week. I am happy you and Jack liked the doctor and feel comfortable with the options and decision you made. Maybe some miraculous prayer to some Awesome God can take this away.......

magpie said...

And hoping YOU heal quickly Linda add some yogurt to your diet on your antibiotic days if you like it...
restores some of the good
'bacteria' to your system

Linda said...

Will surely be in prayer for little ISAAC today at 3:45...

We have to take all three animals in for their yearly check-up and shots at 3:15, but the great thing about our we can communicate with God anytime, anywhere, anyhow!!

Linda said...

Thanks, MARGY!! I love yogurt and have almost daily for breakfast with cereal, since I don't tolerate milk!! Today it will be working all the more in my body!!

Linda said...

Well I best get some things done around here. They're not going to get done on their own!!

Wishing everyone a great day.

Will be checking in for news on LORI's Dad and ISAAC's surgery later today.


Mema Jo said...

Morning! Hate to do this to you all but I need Prayers for Christine

She is in the Hospital on Base and
They did labs and found i had elevated emzymes levels. They also saw some problems with my pancreas and liver. They did an ultrasound and my gallbladder is full of gallstones. I also have one that is stuck in the duct feom the gallbladder to the pancreas which ks a huge problem. The surgwon just came in and talked to me he said they will likely have to do one procedure and go in an remove the stong blocking thw duct and then get me stable and keep me in the hospital and then remove my gallbladder.


glo said...

Good morning. Its a good day. A good day to start in prayer for still so many needs on here. Lori's dad and little Isaac immediately come to mind but hey it's early before tea and I have been up since sunrise. I always add prayers for all the needs of my friends and family here and everywhere.

I have 2 praises. My son finally succesfully completed interview number 3 which included a 2 1/2 hour welding test this past Monday and received his job offer call from Mitsubishi on Monday. This whole process started in late Sept when he first got his lay off notice. For 90 days his pay is fairly low without benefits and he has a lot of overhead to take care of but I trust he can and will budget. After that given he has done well he will get a $2 hour raise and full benefits which will make things better and hopefully in 6 months or so another $2 and he will be back on track.

The second praise is all of the eagles fishing where I was at sunrise today. I wanted to check out a spot for when Dana comes to visit and see how the light was. Not so sure we can get many good photos there but the sights and sounds that surround you when countless eagles get up and go fishing at sunrise is gosh words fail me {exquisite). I have had a very blessed start to what I pray will be a good day for all.

glo said...

And I will add Christine to my prayers right now. Bless her heart.

Costume Lady said...

OMG, much more can that poor woman take? My heart aches for her and the family! Prayers for her situation to be remedied quickly!

Mema Jo said...

Yes, Wanda - seems she has more then her share these past few months.
My heart aches that she is so far away!

Michael is in his first speech therapy session. Hope the therapist is knowledgeable with Aphasia

I'll keep you posted on Christine - she is expecting to go up to surgery very soon

Costume Lady said...

Thinking and praying for those of us who need prayer today and family many in need, makes me sad, but hopeful with all our prayers!

Costume Lady said...

JO, watched a TV show last night, called SCANDAL and the President had been shot in the head and was suffering from Aphasia.
I hope Michael's Therapist is an expert on the subject!
I, sometimes, have that condition...Gene has to give me the word that just won't come to me!

magpie said...

(( HUGS)) and Prayers for
All your family...
Christine, Micheal, Sammy and JO are surely in all those prayers

magpie said...

your news is positive and uplifting...
Bravo for your son
Bravo for you on that Eagles at Sunrise

Lolly said...

Good morning! Need to get busy but wanted to take a moment to pop in and say hello.

Prayers today and every day for Isaac, Michael, Lori and family, Samantha, Jo, and now Christine! Wow!

We are having such beautiful weather. Headed up to 60 again and bright sunshine. Hard to believe the WV southern delegation has a foot of snow! Wow!

Need to get busy with baking. I'll be popping in! Have a great Friday. Oh, and today my Michael is 44. How on this earth do I have a child that age? LOL

JudyEddy said...


Bird Girl said...

Good morning everyone!

Starting to warm up here in Rim Country, after very low temps for a week! The sun has lit up the Mogollon Rim, and critters are out and about foraging.

Another fun shift at the thrift shop yesterday, followed by a nice visit with a Mexican hairless dog named Twila, the doted-on pet of the tattoo shop's owners. She's just a tiny little thing, and wears cute sweaters and loves to be cuddled!

Today is Take Care of my Back day, as I have been dealing with a flare up of sciatica. Hoping to get into the chiropractor tomorrow.

Would love to see our eagles today! I noticed a lot more grass in the nest, and a little cup, but no eagles every time I've checked :(

Hope you all have a great day, many positive healing thoughts to all who need them!

Bird Girl said...

Judy, I see the smiley face too!

glo said...

Thanks I am glad someone saw and read my post. We have so much going on here right now and I totally understand. I agree though it does lift your spirits to see something good too. Eagles almost always lift my spirits.

magpie said...

Yes, Get thee to the chiropractor..sciatica, OUCH...
Hope you get relief

magpie said...

OH I might go a good 24 hours before I remember or get back to something I have read here....
and unfortunately sometimes I totally miss the boat :(

Bird Girl said...

magpie, yes I'm trying to get in tomorrow. This is the worst it's ever been :(

Mema Jo said...

Word has it that the blockage will be taken care of today and then on Monday the removal of the gallbladder.

Once that is all take care of - then we'll get on to the next thing! Life is always interesting ♥

Mema Jo said...

Praying for Lori and her dad and for Isaac. So many prayers!

magpie said...

I can only or heat whichever makes you feel better, any mild stretching things you could do...
drink water....
maybe elevate legs on pillows....but I am sure you already know all this...

magpie said...

OH Man Jo..
okay....Steady as She Goes...
hope each procedure goes along perfectly

magpie said...

and for Isaac also...
and and and and

stronghunter said...

Prayers, Jo.

And for Isaac.

Lori O. said...

Hi everyone...Dad is in recovery now. Still haven't seen him, yet....sorry for my typing on this touch keypad. The doctor said he removed a walnut sized tumor and put in a permanent colostomy bag...and that the cancer in the tumor looked well contained. We'll know when we get the results back from the lymph nodes that they took out. Thank you so much for all your prayers. If there's no cancer cells in the lymph nodes then he'll be considered cured, but just have to watch it closely from now on. Monster Prayers rock!!! God is GREAT all the time1
Prayers continue for JO, Isaac, Michael, Dana's DaD, Sandi's Mom, Ann-Marie, GLO's MIL and Thelma's BIL....and Sammy....and all in need. I love you all!!!!

stronghunter said...

Good afternoon,

Glad that it is over, Lori, and the doctor's report sounds great! Love you, too. Prayers.

stronghunter said...

Hunter has informed that we are out of A1 sauce. Imagine that. I am not rushing to the store.

Mema Jo said...

Phone call just received from Patrick - obstruction removed -Christine in her room for the past 1 1/2 hours and resting - IV only - nothing by mouth - will been in hospital tonight.
God is good all the time

Linda said...

Wow is my first word this afternoon!!

Beautiful fishing Eagles at sunrise must have been an extra special treat for Glo as she began her day of praise, thanksgiving and prayer!!

So happy your son has completed the long process of testing and interviews and has landed a job with Mitsubishi!! The perseverance and long wait has paid off with the $2 increase and full benefits!! Congratulations to Glo's son!

Wow.....that Christine is suddenly in the hospital herself with major problems going on. Thankful the blockage in the duct has been removed and praying the gallbladder surgery goes well. She's young for that, but the surgery is so much less invasive that it used to be. Had mine out a couple years ago. Hopefully everything will go back to normal once she gets rid of the gallbladder and all the infection and inflammation surrounding it. She has been through so much lately!!

Mema Jo said...

Lori! Thankful that the surgery results are so promising ! You take mom out to dinner this evening - you 22 gals deserve some gal time ♥

Linda said...

Lori - So relieved to hear your Dad is out of surgery and recovering. The initial reports sound promising and we will continue to pray for those labs to all come out clean as a whistle!! What a blessing that would be!

Linda said...

Hoping for word on Isaac very soon!! He has had such a good week that I feel good about this procedure!! God is good.....and is working in the lives of His children!

Lolly said...

Lori, thanks so much for keeping us in the loop. Sounds very promising. Will continue the prayers.

Cinnamon rolls are cooling, last batch in the oven, certainly smells good around here!

We leave in 45 minutes for dinner out.
Looks like we will be going to Great Wolf Lodge in a couple weeks to celebrate Zach's 7th birthday.

glo said...

A link to eagles fishing at sunrise. This is just a small point and shoot video. I can not share it on FB right now so please don't comment about it over there. Eagles at sunrise on the Rock River

I have a couple of nice stills from my big camera that I will share sometime in the future.

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...


Nicole and Isaac are coming home Sunday!!!! What a miracle!! The docs said he couldn't look better!!!! No stricture, no dilation, no reflux!! We can't put this on facebook yet as she has some phone calls to make. After she posts it, then we can shout it from the roof tops. He went up there on 11/11/2012 and is coming home! She was just bawling when she called me. There are no words to express the gratitude in my soul!!! Thank you all so much for all the prayers. He will have speech therapy and all of that here at home. It is just the best of news!!!

Linda said...

Praise the Lord!!

ISSAC is going home!!!

Thanks so much for the update, Beverly!! I just knew this was going to be good news, but had no idea it was going to be THIS GOOD!!!

Happy, happy, happy!!!

Linda said...

God is surely good....all the time!!!

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

I am in awe of our God!!! Just dying to get on facebook and shout it from the roof tops!!! She is calling all of the family!! The Riffes are a very happy family tonight!!!

Sandi said...

Afternoon all! While I was catching up on the blog, both eagles showed up in the nest and had a little HP again today! They sure are serious about havin' some babies!!

Sandi said...

Now Shep has poofed and Belle is looking ready to do the same! There she goes!

Sandi said...

Jo, I am so sorry to hear that Christine is in the hospital - sometimes, when it rains, it truly pours!! Glad to hear that today's procedure went smoothly. Hopefully she will be in less pain until she can have the gallbladder removed on Monday!

Lori, thanks for sharing the encouraging preliminary news about your dad. Prayers continue that the cancer was all removed and hasn't spread!

Wow, what incredible news about Isaac!! His journey has been a real miracle!! I bet the Riffe family will be dancin' in the streets!!!

Sandi said...

Bev, wasn't the original timeline for Isaac more like 4 months in Boston, not just 2? Absolutely FANTASTIC!!!

stronghunter said...

Wonderful news about Isaac!

Glad that Christine's surgery is over.

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Don't y'all forget, we CANNOT put anything on facebook until Nicole does. I am going to explode!!!! LOL!!

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Yes, the best we could hope for was possibly March for his homecoming. Angel Flight will fly them right into Mercer County Airport Sunday!! We will be there with bells on for sure.

Jo, I am so sorry about Christine and am praying she gets better really quickly. So many of us needing prayers right now.

glo said...

Awesome news about Isaac Tears here but this time they are indeed such happy tears. I get chills as I type.

Mema Jo said...

Christine called a bit ago - said they were going to do blood work tonight around 6 and if it was okay, she would be scheduled for surgery tomorrow morning at 8 - when done and she has kept down some food and liquid, she would be able to go home. Hopefully the blood work will be fine and she can get it over with. She said that many doctors remove the gall bladder when they do the surgery that she had as it so frequently causes problems. Said they are very short of help as it is a 4 day week-end. Sounded good - just relieved to have the pain gone.

DanaMo said...

So glad the weekend is finally here!

Sandi said...

Glo, watched your video. WOW - just WOW!!! If I could drive 3-4 miles from my house and see that every winter morning ... What a way to start a day!!

Sandi said...

Jo, glad to hear the docs are moving so fast with Christine's surgery. And on a weekend even!!

Mema Jo said...

Isaac has been touched by our Healing God - Such a happy moment to know he is coming home so ahead of schedule.
Prayer Power is Good

Janet said...

Good evening to all.

Its been a productive week.

And in reading back over today's posts, lots of good news, and some difficult news.....

Hugs and love to all....cheering with those cheering, and hugging and comforting those hurting and worried.

I thougth about you all today, those in the snow region as well as my sister, JUDYE: we had 50 degrees and sun, and I was zipping around town with the convertable top DOWN DOWN DOWN getting some much needed sunshine and fresh air....

hope everyone has a pleasant evening....we are meeting friends for dinner at our favorite mexican joint! yum yum! i love cammarones! (shrimp!)

Later gaters!

stronghunter said...

Hunter was not sure he wanted any supper because he had a stomachache. Wonder how much A1 he ate? Supposed to go to a gym and to spend the night with a friend.

I told Kathryn what is going on.

Hmmm. . . I do not know.

magpie said...

Hallelujah Isaac,
Hallelujah Lori's Dad,
and Hallelujah, Christine !

This is all good news....with more to be determined and accomplished...but wow...what
wonderful and welcome news on these fronts
xoxo ♥

magpie said...

Hunter...hmmmmn, well I hope HE is going to be okay.
Sounds like a pretty good dose of
A-1 sauce he has had. Maybe too spicy, think it would give me a stomach-ache also

JudyEddy said...

Hello and good evening eagle budlets Had a nice day with Jordyn we went to Largo Park being school was closed for inservice day etc I got to pick her up at 230 instead of 4 more park time just got back from eating at AppleB'S

JudyEddy said...

such great news about baby Isaac being able to go home

magpie said...

Oh Nice, JudyE.
Extra time with grandchild is always welcome, for sure !

paula eagleholic said...

Isaac is going home? What wonderful news!

Lori, very promising news on your Dad!

Lolly, Happy Birthday to your Michael and enjoy your evening with him!

Congrats to your son, Glo, on his new job.

Jo, it is always something, isn't it! Glad they got the stone removed and will be doing surgery in the morning on Christine.

The sun was very lovely today, wasn't it?

Brensin will be 5 on Monday, oh were does the time go? His party is tomorrow afternoon, then I go back up later to watch the kids so John and Ajay can go out.

Michael is down this weekend as well, but is spending a lot of it with his best friend from high school. He'll be at the party, and here on Sunday.

Tonight I am working on throwing more papers out! I am really getting into this! Haven't decided if the other "stuff" (clothes, toys, whatnots, etc) is going to be yard saled, auctioned or pitched.

magpie said...

I see the MOON is alive and well, has been DAYS since it was visible here and it is about "half" right now.
The skies are clear and the star field is beauteous...
also Jupiter is out and just about straight UP.
Pleiades, Orion and a few more of my favorites are nice and twinkly

stronghunter said...

Well, Hunter has gone out to the gym with his friends. He was not sure he wanted to go because he said his stomach gurgles unless he is lying down. He did eat the food I gave him. Kathryn told him to try and go. She is home now, so it is her problem. Nice thing about being a grandma.

magpie said...

I am Jonesin' to dig into stuff HERE too fact, I have a week off in February and that could be the right to time to dig in.

Sounds like a busy but FUN week-end for you ☺

stronghunter said...

Five years, Paula? Wow. An early happy birthday to him!

JudyEddy said...

So glad to have some good news on the blog Promising news on DANAMO dad, and Issac for sure and JOs Christine sure is good to have some turn around good news

JudyEddy said...

PAULA Jordyn will also be 5 this April Angie asked me to take off the 13th to help with a birthday party she wants to have for Jordyn Either a fairy or princess dress up fantasy party No parents will be invited just the kids The kids are now old enough that the parents don't need to be there and it will save big bucks too won't have to feed them like every year in the past We check in the a princess party and the want 400. for 8 kids a little pricey so we will do it on our own

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2/20/25 PM bird

1203 PM NN Scout comes to the nest with a load of bedding again. He seemed to leave with something in his talons. He has a beak full of bedd...