Thursday, March 22, 2012


Evening thread.


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Sandi said...

Ooh! A new thread! Thanks Steve! So you were in DC today?? I'll call the others over!

WV sUSAn said...

Sandi, thanks for the call. Thanks for the new thread, Steve.

DanaMo said...

Thanks Sandi!

I am really enjoying watching these little ones.

Hoda said...

Thanks Steve for the new thread. Glad you had a good day at THE White House...pretty amazing

JudyEddy said...


WV sUSAn said...

Belle is up for a stretch.

Hoda said...

Tonight I will be off the blog form 7:00 to 9:00 my time PDT from 10:00 to 12:00 EDT. Karen Armstrong is presenting a live confeerence on the state of The Charter of is a live feed and she is taking question...I am very excited agout this opportunity...

Is Belle going to poof? Where to I wonder?Chicklets are both in the cup nd she is does not look like she is going to poof.

JudyEddy said...

WOW THE EGG CUP LOOKS DEEPER NOW than earlier maybe was the sunlight

WV sUSAn said...

Belle is feeding chicks again with fish that's at 3.

JudyEddy said...

They are being such well behaved chicks Staying in the cup area

stronghunter said...

Lots of baby fluff sticking out from underneath mom.

Thanks for the new thread, Steve.

Thanks for the call-over, Sandi.

Those babies are eating again.

Yes, very sad about Whitney Houston. I would think that drug use can surely hurt your heart.

WV sUSAn said...

Was it posted here about eagles having two sets of eye lids? Isn't nature clever?

DanaMo said...

OMGosh they are so active!

DanaMo said...

Yes, I posted it. I had read it when I was looking up feeding. I was curious since Shep hadn't been doing that job I wanted to see if there was any information. Then right after that he went to it!
Annemarie is hijacking my computer. Bye

Sandi said...

I don't know how they could have any more room for food - do these little guys have bottomless crops and stomachs??? By Saturday, Shep had better give up baby sitting - he will never get both of them under him!

paula eagleholic said...

Belle feeding 2 fat chicklets!

WV sUSAn said...

DMo, that was very interesting. Had never heard before.

Sandi, Shep is going to need to build a gazebo.

WV sUSAn said...

Full crops sure cuts down on sib rivalry.

paula eagleholic said...

I wonder if DanaMo is talking about the nictating membrane? That we do know about, although I hadn't heard about them closing it so the chicks won't accidently hit their eye.

hedgie said...

Not doing well after my outing today. Had a nap and ate, but still feel crummy. Don't think I'll be on tonight...sorry. Just not up to it. Pray Kay has done well with her injection and that everyone else is okay. Chemo in the I may be absent again. Time will tell. LOve you all.

WV sUSAn said...

Funny watching the chicks get into position knowing Belle is about to sit. Just precious.

WV sUSAn said...

LYNN, I so hope you are feeling better. Keeping you in my thoughts and love you much.

WV sUSAn said...

Paula, got to be it. Great, huh?

paula eagleholic said...

Yes, amazing!

Lynn, hope you feel better in the morning. Get some rest!

WV sUSAn said...

Belle has settled on the cup and not a chick in sight.

Lolly said...

Lynn, so sorry you are not feeling well. Prayers and love go with you tomorrow for the chemo!♥

stronghunter said...

Take care, Lynn. We will miss seeing you on the blog tonight.

Lolly said...

Belle know how to cover 'em up!! LOL

WV sUSAn said...

True, Lolly.

Sandi said...

Lynn, sorry you're feeling puny! Hope tomorrow is a better day and the chemo isn't too grueling!

Shirley, what's the online program that Hunter's teacher recommended? Funny, I thought he was already in middle school. He looks like a middle schooler!

WV sUSAn said...

Shep has arrived with dinner.

WV sUSAn said...

Belle will devour that little guy.

Sandi said...

Shep is outta there!

WV sUSAn said...

Can't belive the lil glutlets are moving over to Belle like they are hungry.

NatureNut said...

Good Evening Eagle Buds.
Decided to work on some pictures. Have one new set in Nook of just flowers---supposedly for Easter, but everything's out early! We're having TX weather!
Got some critter pics to put on after din din. Do we want Fish????LOL

JudyEddy said...

Out like a light the two chicks so cute

WV sUSAn said...

Babies back to sleep. Just eat that fish, Belle. Go for it!

NatureNut said...

Lynn, sorry I just missed you. Have a comforting night. Prayers and Love to you!! ☺ ♥

Hoda said...


WV sUSAn said...

Belle stands at 1 and works on her do. Babies are having a nap.

JudyEddy said...

Has Belle ate herself at all today??? I don't recall in the afternoon but don't know in the morning????

Kay said...

Just a quick peek in to assure myself all is well at the nest !

Procedure over and of course, no change yet. No grogginess as it's all done by "local". Had dinner at Julie's and now ready to settle down in the recliner for the rest of the evening.

LYNN, so distressed to hear that the resumption of chemo acted that fast and negatively ! Prayers continue ! I♥U !


JudyEddy said...

LYNN I hope you have a restful nite and things go better with this next chemo ♥♥(((Hugs)))♥♥

JudyEddy said...

I have been on this tooooo much today need to go give the old neck a rest

Hoda said...

KAY LYNN did not have chemo today. She went tot he dentist...chemo starts tomorrow and we are all hoping it does not have as strong and impact on her energy level.
Glad your treatment well well today and wish you well too. HUGS.

WV sUSAn said...

Belle is still standing at 1. Babies look so big. Everybody is chillaxin'

WV sUSAn said...

Kay, glad all went well.

Sandi said...

Kay, Lynn's chemo is tomorrow. She had an eye appointment to get new glasses today. Still hoping the cortisone kicks in quickly for you!

Wanda, I agree with you that watching the chicklets has been wonderful! It was a long wait from last March til this one, but these 2 little guys/gals have been a real treat!

Lolly, loved the pics on FB, esp. the ones of Laurel with the hair!! Enjoy your lunch with Andy tomorrow!

Sharon, hope you're doing OK - I've been thinking about you a lot these past few days.

Jewels, hope you can come to at least some of the festivities the weekend of 4/20! Hope Charlie continues to improve in preparation for his gall bladder surgery.

Lynne2, bet you're enjoying Steve being home sweet home!!

Judie, sorry to hear about your decision with the cats. I don't know the background but I'm assuming they were feral or strays, you have been fostering them hoping to "tame them," and it hasn't worked out.

I'm going to sign off early tonight and go take a bath before watching some TV. I know this is greedy, but I'm hoping for 1 more fog delay for tomorrow!

Goodnight all!

Sandi said...

Hoda, I see where you said dentist for Lynn. I thought eye doctor. You may be right, but we are in agreement that she didn't have chemo today.

WV sUSAn said...

Lynn's chemo is tomorrow.

paula eagleholic said...

Lynn had an eyeglasses appt today, I believe

paula eagleholic said...

Judie, glad you and Darth have some things figured out. Sorry about the panthers...we know sometimes it just doesn't work out.

PA Nana said...

Back briefly. Can't believe there is so much light at the nest. It's dark here.

Kay, don't know what injection(s) you had but prayerfully it helps. Pain can be so debilitating.

I'm overdue for my third spinal injection but since I just had my knees done, I can wait a bit.

Wanda, hope your knee is doing great and that the pain patches work for sweet GG. Sorry, but have to delay our race a while.☺☺

Lynn, I will miss you and continue to pray that this round of chemo is not so hard on you. love you♥♥

paula eagleholic said...

Belle still at 1 standing watch over Thing 1 and Thing 2 ☺

paula eagleholic said...

Diann, are the injections helping at all?

Hoda said...

I stand corrected SANDI...LYNN had an eye appointment today. Sorry.

WV sUSAn said...

Judie, no cats? My daughter adopted a feral and he's doing ok. 9 mos old and he still has a rogue side, for sure. Have to watch that one.

PA Nana said...

Yes, Paula. The back injections have worked far more than I expected and am grateful that this is available to me.

The knee injections will take a few weeks to see the full benefit but i am hopeful.

PA Nana said...

Judie, sorry you have to relinguish the panthers. You did your best and it didn't work out.
You're better for trying which most wouldn't attempt.

Lynne2 said...

Evening folks!

HOLY MOMMA....I peeked in on the nest from work and the babies were OUT OF THE CUP!! I didn't have time to comment, but I assume that they are back where they belong now! Feisty littld blobs, aren't they!

WV sUSAn said...

Lynne2, in the cup at the last sighting. Belle is moving around.

Hoda said...

Belle went on railing and seemed to be off thenest but I could see the ends of her whirte tail feathers. Her head is visible again.

Yes LYNNe2 the chicklets are back on teh cup again and it looks like Belle is not brooding again tonight...

PA Nana said...

My Jimbo has spring fever real bad!! He decided he wanted to weed out my flower beds and was digging up the root system of my lilies of the valley. Wanted to beat him over the head with the shovel. He said they were weeds!
After all these years of trying I CANNOT make him a farmer.

Just when I had the bed the way I wanted it - a ground cover - Jimbo took a rake and shovel to it!! He trampled my bleeding hearts (which are blooming) and daffodils. What am I to do?!!

Hoda said...

Belle on duty she is just not brooding.

Hoda said...

OH NO Pa NANA...sorry abou tthe flower bed.

WV sUSAn said...

All is quiet at the nest. Belle continues to sit guard on the side at 1. Car pulls in at the house and gets her attention.

Lynne2 said...

Oh Diann......I'm so sorry, but I had to laugh at the thought of you beating Jim with a shovel!!! Geez, that is much worse than when Steve weed wacked my Morning Glories!! Poor MEN....they try to help.....LOL!

Lynne2 said...

Glad the chickies are back where they belong!

Lynn, sorry you are feeling puny today. Prayers for a smoother after chem this time. ♥

CarolAnne said...

Oh PA Nana - sorry about the flower bed. Get him to edge the driveway or walkways. Or hand him a paint brush or window washing equipment.

Good grief - an earthquake in northern WI. Just a tiny one, but geesh - snowstorms yes, earthquakes - no way!

Wishing a restful night to all.

Lynne2 said...

aw, Judie, sorry about the cats. I was really hoping it would work out.

Lynne2 said...

I had to stop twice today on the way to work to take pictures of TVs. I think with the heavy humidity they are not soaring much.

The lady who lives in the house next door to work put out a really cool Finch Sock....instead of being the plain white usually found, it's colorful with butterflies and flowers! And just outside my window at work! She ordered it from some catalog.

paula eagleholic said...

Diann, tell him to stay the H*** out of your flower beds!

PA Nana said...

Okay, I can laugh now. The damage is done and there's nothing I can do.

Yes, Lynne, even I had to laugh at the prospect of me raising a shovel over his head. hehehehe....

CarolAnne, I've found him some jobs that he should be able to handle. Now, it'll rain tomorrow and that won't get done. Geez, I just can't win......... Calgon, take me away!

PA Nana said...

Paula, ☺☺☺

PA Nana said...

Just realized, today is my baby sister's birthday! Must call her.

Lynne2 said...

CA, how far was the quake from you and did you feel it at all??

Lynne2 said...

OMG....STINKBUGS EVERYWHERE!! I've killed 8 since I've been home, Steve has killed 10 more. YEEEEE HAAAAAAAW Soper's Stinkbug Ranch is in full SPRING SWING!!

CarolAnne said...

Quake was closer to our cottage then here at home. Residents of small town have been feeling a rumbling for last two days. Finally a small quake was noted by the national agency (can't remember name) that monitors that sort of thing. No damage.

PA Nana said...

Lynne, Penn State University is asking for live stink bugs for testing. Must be at least 50 per mailing. Of course, that's only in PA, but thought it interesting.

Since we had some tree sculpting with the wind & snow storms we're not seeing as many. TG!!

Time for some tv with my gardener.

Lynne2 said...

Wow Diann....I could provide SBs for testing! It would be nice to see SOME good come out of this! I'm going to google that and see if I can find any info!

CarolAnne said...

Lynne2 - there is a Stinkbug Ranch in Montana, named for . . .you guessed it . . . . the yearly stinkbug invasion.

And did you know if you google "Stinkbug Ranch" your entry on the blog from Feb 23, 2012 where you refer to Soper's Stinkbug Ranch, also appears in the listings.

Nothing is sacred on the internet!

Lynne2 said...

the info came in my email....

WI quake

Lynne2 said...

OMG CA that is HILARIOUS!!!!!

Lynne2 said...

and yet scary what you can find on the are right, NOTHING is sacred!

magpie said...

Good Evening Eagle Pals...

Thinking of Lynn♥

I see she put the Jefferson Memorial up, with her beloved Cherry Blossoms !

(( Hugs in the Night, Lynn ♥ ))

Lynne2 said...

Mom is on the phone, Wendy is back in hospital. Will get details when he's done talking.

magpie said...

Glad about your injections working, Diann
Sorry about the Flower Beds....

I put Lily of the Valley plants in late fall, and was there to help when the lady who gave them to me worked so hard to get them up roots and all....tough plant !!!

CarolAnne said...

Oh Lynne2 - prayers for you all.

Lynne2 said...

I've always wondered why the DC Cherry Blossoms look white in pictures! Saw them in person when we first moved to this area....a sight to behold for sure!

Lynne2 said...

Link for you above CA, in case you missed it!

paula eagleholic said...

Oh Boy, Lynne, hope it was a voluntary check in.

magpie said...

Thinking of Judie and Darth....
supporting your decisions all the way, with both the cats and your other personal and Darth know what is best...


paula eagleholic said...

I have never been down to see the cherry blossoms....would love to one year.

Lynne, maybe MD is looking for bugs for testing, too ☺

paula eagleholic said...

Gotta go fold laundry, back in a bit

magpie said...

Oh dear sorry, another troublesome phone call Lynne.....
I hope there will be a good outcome....
(( Hugs ♥ ))

CarolAnne said...

Lynne, thanks for the link. Pretty much what we've had on TV today.

Lynne2 said...

they are blooming a couple of weeks early this year....a shame for the folks who plan trips around the estimated bloom time in early April.

Margy, everyone, I got many details that I was unaware of about Wendy's past and the pain my MIL has been through.

magpie said...

I am so sorry there has been such heartache....
it is comforting she has you and Steve in her life....

Hoda said...

Sorry to hear WENDY is back in teh hospital but would be a good thing if it was voluntary...72 hours does not solve squat!!!

Hoda said...

Glad to see Belle is brooding....I am going to sign off now to participate in Karen Armstrongs Live presentation on The Charter of is broadcast from Vancouver BC and I have always loved her books...Talk to you all later.

paula eagleholic said...

Enjoy, Hoda!

Lolly said...

Watched AI and now doing laundry since I played all day and going to Denton tomorrow.

Lolly said...

Lynne, so sorry to read that Wendy is back in the hospital. She does have big problems.

Mema Jo said...

I had gone out to dinner with son and his daughter and hubby with Izzy & Sam.

I have scrolled this new thread in order
to catch up to you.

Enjoy the presentation this evening Hoda.

Lynne - I feel sorrow for all the troubles and concerns that Wendy is causing the family. Praying that they don't go too deep into Yours and Steve's lives.

Mema Jo said...

No Hummers at Megan's garden to date.
She is ready for them. I was hoping to
see Cedar Waxwings but only saw the tree
in the yard that they had stripped from top to midway all the red berries.

I am thankful our little explorers are
back in the egg cup. Their little jaunt
should have tired them immensely.

Mema Jo said...

I need to check out some emails and

stronghunter said...

Stopping in to say good night. I will see you all tomorrow.

Good night and God bless.

Lynne2 said...

Steve's sister Shari has been looking in on Wendy several times a day. Wendy will not eat, will not go out, and said she wants to die. Shari pleaded with her to go to the hospital, and Wendy actually agreed. She is at the Northeast Fla. St. Hospital, but it's unclear if she is in their psych ward right now, or being treated further for her lack of eating. I think it's a good sign that she went to the hospital of her own free will. The only thing, the only one who can save her now is HER. MTBR....

paula eagleholic said...

Ok Lynne, that is good news. Glad she voluntarily went.

Lynne2 said...

there was a lot of things about Wendy's recent past that I was not told until all of this happened. I have to say that my MIL, and her sister (despite her stint in the pokey) have done all that they can do. My heart is breaking for her and the family. We can only hope that somewhere deep inside, she wants to live.

Thank you for your thoughts and prayers!

PA Nana said...

Lynne, sorry to hear of your woes with Wendy. The family is lucky to have you in their corner. God bless them and you.

I'm going to say goodnight to all and prayers will be said for all in need, especially Lynn.

God bless!!

Lynne2 said...

LOL! I was just checking my bird geek coworkers FB page, and there is a link on there from one of our clients to her for OUR nest!!

NatureNut said...

Dear Lynne, Sorry to hear about problems in FL. Maybe it's a good thing, tho, that she went to hosp. voluntarily.Sure hope she gets the help she needs.
On a lighter note, so glad the Soper Stinkbug Ranch is famous! LOL
Also, love the Mourning Cloak!
I put pics of some flying things in Nook. One is a tiny butterfly that comes out early, but this year it's on Tx Time!

Got an AM meeting at Park, so gotta do the do.
For all hitting the hay~~Pleasant Feather Dreams, Prayers for good health & Xtra ones for our Lynn ;>)

Mema Jo said...

Good Night Shirley ♥

paula eagleholic said...

Belle looks like she is trying to tuck the chicks in , although she might be on the rails and leaning over into the cup....I find it hard to keep the perspective on the zoomed in nest

But now I see she is on the rails or close to them at the noon spot

Lynne2 said...

Loretta, great pictures! Love the Falcate...I have yet to see a Male, but saw and ID'd my first female last year!

magpie said...

It IS comforting to read, Lynne,
that Shari reached out with a helping hand to Wendy....and that Wendy responded...hope this is the first of the baby steps that leads to better things....

magpie said...

Happy to read that you had some family dinner time tonight ! ☺♥

which also reminds me:

RED FRIDAY tomorrow...
God Bless Our Military

magpie said...

well at least you got to see where the Cedar Waxwings WERE, Jo...
I hope to see them at Swinging Bridge on my next jaunt out there

magpie said...

Going to pass along my well wishes for a night of Good Sleep, and Healing where it is needed, amongst our many friends and family...

Prayers for our many needs of all kinds....

Good Night, Precious Pals

God Bless This Nest, and
God Bless Us, Every One

xoxo ♥

paula eagleholic said...

Whoa..on my phone now....picked up a virus or malware...running computer scan npow

Costume Lady said...

Well, now, if Jo had dinner with, among others, Izzy & Sam...must mean her Ft. Bragg bunch is visiting...what a sweet family that is. Jo, I do believe you are the winner of the largest family of all the Momsters:)

Diann, I am so outdone with 'you know who' suggestion for him, DIG A VERY LARGE HOLE! No, I don't think you will make a Farmer out of him:)

LYNNE, try not to let all the worrisome things down in Florida, creep inbetween you and Steve. It can happen so easily:( Stay the sweet couple that you are♥

MARGY, this is a beautiful time to visit Swinging month will be even better!

Kay, I do hope your shots begin to help. GG is scheduled the 1st part of May to have the injections from a new doctor. I pray these will work for her~

LYNN, I do wish I could do something to make you feel better. All I know to do, right now, is to pray and I do that often♥
I'm so grateful that you have Carolyn and Christie...they love you so very much...very evident!

Bedtime for me, have an early wakeup time in the morning.
Good night and blessings to you all, dear friends.


Mema Jo said...

Closing down for tonight..
Prayers for all of you
** (((HUGS))) **

Good Night and Sweet Dreams

Robyn said...

Ok Good news, Tori had her first outpatient visit with Dr. Iacono, and it was good. Tor should have the trache removed Tuesday at her next visit, then most likely off oxygen by the time she goes home, so far March 30.

On a bad note...

Mary Perry, I truly thought she was my friend but it seems she has been all cozy with my ex's wife and it isn't nice. She is no longer doing any fundraising for Tori, I am going to be taking over know that I am going to be home, I will also ask my sis in law, she tried to work with Mary but couldn't. Mary is no longer involved in anything.

Mema Jo said...

Robyn - Your good news about Tori is
overwhelming! I pray for her first
step without any outside help!
Happy Happy Dance!

Robyn - saddened about your friendship with Mary ending. It is what it is!

Robyn said...

I haven't had a chance to see the nest today but did catch some pictures on FB

Mema Jo said...

Prayers & Positive Thoughts for

Our Lynn

We Love You

Lynne2 said...

Very good news about Tori! Sorry about the other news, though.

Well, tomorrow Andy and Lolly will be meeting! Can't wait...don't forget to take lots of pictures!

Heading for bed. Good night and prayers for all!

paula eagleholic said...

Robyn that is great news about Tori

Lolly said...

Yes, tomorrow we get together. Really looking forward to meeting her for real....sounded really nice on the phone!

I am so tired tonight. Those boys wore me out and walking all over the zoo wore me out, too.

Not only am I seeing Andy, but afterwards I am going to Laurel's and going to get acquainted with new granddog, Luke.

Nite all! Sweet dreams! See ya in the morning lite....I gotta get to bed!!!!

Robyn said...

Good night to all leaving.

Kernan's is allowing Bre to stay Saturday night with Tori. I think it is great, Tori really needs that.

Any word on the Lady? Susan?

Hoda said...

LYNNE thank you for th e update on WENDY...good that she chose to go to the hospital a first step...

PAULA I hope you can clean your computer. I find it useful for the zoomed in nest to remember that the cup rim is straight up from "Live eagle cam words under the frame.1/2 to 2/3 of the way up the screen.

The presentation was terrific and I am wondering if I can get Nelson BC to sign the Charter of Compassion.Karen Armstrong is terrific.

Hoda said...

Belle is brooding facing eleven

Hoda said...

Good news on TORI ROBYN... a blessing indeed. Sorry for the fall out with a friend.

paula eagleholic said...

Thanks for the tip Hoda...ran a scan, all seems OK now.

Hoda said...

Glad that the computer is OK now PAULA.

Belle is awakemoving and looking in the cup.

paula eagleholic said...

Heading to bed, see ya in the morning!

(((Hugs for all)))♥

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone,

It's 11:37 here in Texas, and I just now got caught up on the blog!

Lynn, sorry to hear that you felt lousy today. Hope that a good night's sleep will help, and praying that another chemo treatment will NOT cause you any problems! Love you!! (((HUGS)))!!!
Think of you constantly. Prayers are nonstop!

Judie, sorry that the panthers are not working out for you and Darth, but support your not-so-easy decision 100%. Just not worth it for you to be stressing about the situation. You and Darth get an A+ for effort!

Lolly, I'm so excited that we will finally be able to meet in person tomorrow! Can't wait! Hope that you and Jack are keeping your heads above water! We had more rain here too, both this morning and late afternoon and evening.
We visited Sierra's school this morning, and met her teacher. Got to see the baby ducklings her class hatched out (talk about cute!), and read some of her daily journal. Sierra has a great imagination, and her stories are a lot of fun to read. Tonight, we went to Courtney's school's open house, and watched the play "Charlotte's Web." Courtney handled the props and lighting for it. It was very enjoyable, and extremely well done!

I was too tired to transfer any pictures to the laptop tonight. Will try to do some if there's time in the morning.

I see that the bobbleheads are really venturing forth today! Golly, they are growing so fast!
Hoping that Belle and Shep add some height to those crib rails very soon!

Lynne2, glad to hear that Wendy is voluntarily in the hospital. Hope they can get her on a more even keel while she's there. Sorry about the added anxiety, though. Hang in there! We're here for you.
(((HUGS)))!!! Prayers, too!

Hoda said...


Thinking of LYNN♥


Ms Bookworm said...

Well, the froggy chorus here is louder than ever tonight! It's making me sleepy, so think I will go hit the hay. Prayers have been said for everyone, and for every creature. Making sure the porch light is on, and enabling both security systems. Sleep well, everyone. God bless, and goodnight.
Love all of you! :o]

Ms Bookworm said...

Here is a picture taken on Fishtrap Road, just outside the kids' housing development. This place is SO beautiful and green!

Lori O. said...

Gonna be a wet weekend, but today will be HOT!

Mostly sunny, with a high near 80!

Good Morning Eagle Family!

Jewels said...

Here at work, feeling like poo my self. I guess its a good thing that Mom "headwuarters" gave me strict instructions to go home and sleep, becuase if I indeed am coming down with a cold, I canot and would not go around her. :(
I hope I get better fast!
NOt sure if its head cold or jsut allergies. scratchy throat and eyes, runny nose. ugh...watched our Bobbleheads some this afternoon/evening. Getting so big already!!

Jewels said...

make that "headquarters" LOL, guess I am laying back in my chair too much, shhhhhh!!! LOL at least I am awake!

Kay said...

Up for meds and ice pack. It ain't over, but pain down from about "9" yesterday at this time to "4"ish ! Thought I might catch my beautiful morning gLORI checking in before heading to work.

Thinking of you, LYNN, and hoping the treatment goes well today--sorry I got my days and types of appts. mixed up and thanks to the gals for settin' me straight !

LYNNE, glad Wendy is seeking help--one day at a time. Sorry the SB's are back ! Seth found 1 in his room yesterday afternoon and sent it down the toilet. I've yet to see one here, knock on wood.

WANDA, why does GG have to wait til' May for that injection ? Here's hoping she and I get relief, big time, from good ol' cortisone !

SANDI or CAROLANNE, please send me the dog food recipe. I thought I'd saved it, but cannot find. Julie, my quilter, seamstress, soap making, recylcling queen, daughter has decided she wants to try the recipe for Malcolm. Thanks !

Getting excited for LOLLY, ANDY and hubbies ! Can't wait for details !!!

Heading back to bed, but BBL !


Kay said...

Oh, my, JEWELS, forgive me for neglecting to tell you, I hope you awake refreshened and with those cold and/or allergy symptoms greatly improved. Hard not to get a bit run down when you are taking care of loved ones needs. God Bless You Sweet Girl ! ♥♥♥

Lori O. said...

Good Morning KAY & JEWELS!

Lori O. said...

I hope both of youm are feeling MUCH better after you get some sleep this morning. Go back and rest, Kay...Jewels, I bet you can't wait to plop into bed!

KAY, so glad to hear your pain is down by half! Looks like it's off to a good start! xoxo

Jewels said...

Moring Kay, Hope you feel eve better when you awake again! Good morning Lori,
you have no clue how much I can't wait to plop into bed!!! But I can't sleep long As I have to get CHarlie to Dr again for more bloodwork.
I think I have run myself ragged this last two weeks or so!

Sandi said...

Morning Lori and DMo (and Kay and Jewels if you're still here)! Happy Friday!

DanaMo said...

Good mornin!

Fog delay Sandi???

Sandi said...

Regular school day, DMo! But it's Friday, so it's all good!!

Lynne, glad that Wendy has returned to the hospital - hope she allows them to help her - you're right that it's up to her.

Lynn, hoping for a better day for you today! ♥

Jewels, get some rest, girl!

Kay, hooray that the pain is already better!!! :)

Robyn, more wonderful news about Tori's progress - a miracle, for sure!

Andy and Lolly, enjoy lunch today!!

Sharon, hoping you're just a little happier each day.

Belle is awake, but all I can see is her head moving - nest is still black!

Will check in from school if/when I can!

Have a great Friday, my eagle friends!

Sandi said...

Kay, I emailed the dog food recipe to you! Tell Malcolm I said, "You're welcome!!" He'll LOVE it!!

WV sUSAn said...

Good Morning Sycamore Palace! Hope that everyone is on the mend with shots, therapies, aches and pains of all kinds.

LYNN, thinking so much of YOU today. Love and HUGS.

Belle is calling out.

WV sUSAn said...

Hello little wing walkers. I see two litle heads moving around under there.

WV sUSAn said...

Belle is feeding chicks from the small fish Shep brought in last evening.

WV sUSAn said...

Lots of fog at the nest this morning. The chicks are eagerly eating and playing nice.

Sandi said...

Looks a little foggy at the nest - wouldya look at those 2 little eaglets! So alert and upright and not looking very bobbly at all! Wow! Off to work for me! TTFN!

Janet said...

Just a moment; peeking in on the babes!

Hope everyone has a fantastic Friday.... its been yet another busy week. Love watching those babies though.....I am glad I am not an eagle, I'd have a heart attack finding my babies that close to the edge of the nest! :)

Will try to touch base later/this weekend. Be well to all...


magpie said...

Good Morning Eagle Pals ☺


Thinking of Lynn ♥

magpie said...

Best Wishes to Every One for a good day...

Lynn with Chemo,
Charlie and Carolyn with Doctor's appointment,
Kay with reducing the Pain Numbers

Lolly and Andrea and families for their Visit Today....

And so many things I am going to run out of time to list !

xoxo (( All-day Hugs ♥ ))

magpie said...

I think Robyn had a late night question for you...
Any news on Lady? Maybe inquiring about Loch of the Lowe's ..

magpie said...

Babies had a little breakfast,
soggy Belle just checking out the morning sights now

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Good morning my eagle budlets. I got up to work and got the "no jobs available" message. Might go crawl back into bed for a minute. I see a foggy nest and a damp eagle.

magpie said...

Hi Sharon, and Good Morning to all already up and here, and all those to come....

ran out of time in a hurry...worktime looms

God Bless Us, Every One
xoxo ♥

WV sUSAn said...

Margy, thanks, I'll read back. Lady is not due until probably next week or so. If she shows, I'd think she will a little later as that's a long trip for the ol' gal.

JudyEddy said...

GooD Morning Eagle Buds I see they are alone she just POOFED

JudyEddy said...

ROBYN great news about TORI and is always sad no matter what the circumstances when you loose a friend

LYNN Good luck with the treatments today I hope that they don't kick you in the bum again

LYNNE2 its good news when she wanted to check herself in that is a step in the right direction

LOLLY and ANDY meet a greet day is today

I also like Jewel feel something coming on I did stop taking the zertex and the pollen still is bad don't know if its allergies or a cold I also worked in the dairy cooler the other day that could have brought it on just feeling stuffy noise itchy eyes same as two weeks ago Start taking the zertex again will see Maybe being outside most of the day brought it on with the pollen who knows

WV sUSAn said...

Robyn, no word on Lady yet. Personally, I hope she does NOT return this year... and go out in a blaze of glory. I'd rather think of her sunning in Africa and enjoying her retirement days relaxing. She's done so much already.

Babies are alone on the nest... in the cup.

WV sUSAn said...

Belle has returned.

Lori O. said...

Good morning Margy, Sharon, Susan and Judy!

T-Bird said...

Good morning my eagle peeps.

JudyEddy said...

I love the foggy looking nest soooo pretty I know you all don't you have to drive in it and Fog delays what a bummer but still pretty and morning back at ya LORI

JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...

Time to head out the door to go get Jorydn I wonder where she wants to go today Odd how she wants to go to Freedom Park lately NO KIDS at all instead of Largo CentralPark Her decision

stronghunter said...

Looks very foggy at the nest. It has been foggy mornings here, but this morning, it is sunny.

T-Bird said...

JudyE-we never know what a kid will fancy to. I have that obsessive quality to. I have to have my fill of something and then I'm through. This might not have anything to do with what we are talking about but there is a song (I love it.) that has this line in it, "Change your plans and then you are free."
I love the spontaneity of kids.
I want that freedom.

WV sUSAn said...

Good day to all. Must get to work. HAGD

paula eagleholic said...

Morning, all!

I'm sure most of you remember TJ from last year...the park ranger with the 5 little boys. He emailed me the other night about an update on our nest...I gave him the scoop about Belle and Shep, the mating eggs, incubation, fish catching...and Shep finally feeding the chicks and sent him the video of Shep's first feeding of the chicks....Here is his reply, which he said I could share with you...though ya'll would find it as interesting as I did.

Great news Paula, and thanks for the reply back!

That's interesting about it taking the new male 5 days to feed the chicks. About four or five years ago, a good friend of mine was in charge of a refuge and they put a camera overlooking an eagle nest delivering live feed back to their visitor center. They observed the pair starting to court the previous year as four year olds (had a lot of dark plumage still left on the head a tail), and when they started nest building in the fall, they set up a camera just in case they decided to use that nest the following winter/spring. Well they did as five year olds (still had a few smudges of black left mainly on the tail). Everything went text book.....until it was time for feeding the chicks. The female laid 2 eggs a full four days apart, and they hatched three days apart. They took to brooding the chicks just fine, but neither the female or the male attempted to feed the first chick. Three days after the first chick hatched, the second egg hatched, and the first chick perished shortly there after.

At two days old, the second chick had still not been fed and was really starting to look weak. They honestly believed that chick was going to perish as well.....I'm trying to remember the exact details of how this happened, but sometime on day two for the second chick, the male relieved the female and he stood by the egg cup feeding on a fish. I think the chick crawled over to the male, and at one point when the male was tearing off a chunk of fish, the chick reached out and tried to take it from the male....he may have actually taken it, I'm not sure. That seemed to be the trigger which kicked in his instincts, the beak to beak transfer of fish. He went straight away to feeding the chick, although he wasn't real good at it for a bit. The chick did get some food in it, and the next day was a bit stronger. The male continued to feed the chick, although it wasn't much since the female was doing almost all the brooding. A full ten days after the first chick had hatched, the female had still not attempted to feed the second chick, and they were really not sure the chick would survive, as it was not getting much food from the male. Then on day nine, the chick did virtually the same thing it did with the male, and once again it was like a switch went on.....and she went straight to feeding the chick. The chick went on the fledge, so it was a successful year at that nest.

It was probably just a coincidence, but it really made us wonder if a significant number of first time eagle parents need some sort of a stimulous to trigger their feeding instincts. My friend told me that they really appeared to have no interest in feeding the chicks.....that is until the chick tried to take it from them while the parents were feeding themselves. It was almost like that first beak to beak transfer of food, although not intentional, was the trigger that kicked in that instinctual drive.

I may try to stop by sometime and say hello to everyone on the blog, as I'm sure everyone is terribly excited with two new chicks in the nest! Going to have limit myself though, as you all are an addicting group, lol!

paula eagleholic said...

Belle is up, chicks are snug in the cup, tho sorta waking up

paula eagleholic said...

Poop shoot! A good one LOL

paula eagleholic said...

Back to snoozing...I think 1 is laying on 2

hedgie said...

Morning all. WIll have to read that later Paula. Just saw my first poop shoot from a chick for the season! Real squirter!!!

Chris will be here soon an d we'll head out. I will need a wheelchair at the hospital.....that's how weak I am right now. ARGH!

Later. Love to all.

stronghunter said...

Interesting story, Paula. Thanks for sharing it.

paula eagleholic said...

Is that Shep in the nest now?

paula eagleholic said...

I think it is...dirty tail, which someone mentioned a couple of days ago...and I wonder if we are just seeing his tail better with the up close view, and it is the immature coloring still.

stronghunter said...


Babies alone.

stronghunter said...

Yeah, I saw that poop shoot, too. It was impressive.

paula eagleholic said...

Chicks alone

DanaMo said...

Aw those babies look so cute!

stronghunter said...

They are alone and snuggled deep in the nest cup.

Costume Lady said...


Paula, what an interesting email from TJ. Never heard of such actions we know Shep was not a slacker, just didn't realize feeding was his job too:) Thanks for sharing that story with us, Paula!

KAY, hope your pain is down to a '2' when you wake up. Pain numbers is so familiar to me. When I had my surgery, the nurses would ask me, seemingly 10 times a day, what my pain level was. I guess to decide if I need pain meds. My pain level was never above a '7', except the first time they got me up, then it was a '12'. Hurt so badly, I threw up! From then on, they made sure I had pain meds before I had to get up for something, mainly therapy.
You asked why GG has to wait til May for her injections...Apparently this new doctor is very busy (I hope that is an indication that he is very good), May is the first appt. he has available, so, May it is.
I am picking up her patch today, sure hope it works!

stronghunter said...

Hunter is home today. They had two days set aside for snow days that have gone unused this year, so they are using the time for teacher work days.

Lori O. said...

Ah, LYNN, so sorry you are feeling so weak. I sure hope they keep you warm and your stomach settled! Big, big hugs. I'll be sending prayers your way all day. ♥

magpie said...

Going to read that letter you put here from TJ, Paula, on my next break...Thank You !!

SPLIT coming up soon

Lynn, best wishes today and please say Hi to Christie for me ☺♥

magpie said...

interesting colorful Google Image for Today....

"Juan Gris's 125th Birthday "

DanaMo said...

VERY interesting Paula. Thanks for sharing.

magpie said...

♫ Madonna ♪ and Eric Clapton ♫ ♪ on my way to work,

Thanks !!

magpie said...


Lori O. said...

You're not leaving me behind the 200! lol

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2/20/25 PM bird

1203 PM NN Scout comes to the nest with a load of bedding again. He seemed to leave with something in his talons. He has a beak full of bedd...