Saturday, March 03, 2012


Evening thread.


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Sandi said...

Just logged back onto the blog to see a new thread! Thanks, Steve! I'll call the others over!

Lynne2 said...

6:37 Belle swooped in, grabbed some flugg and flew out again.

Lynne2 said...

Thanks Steve and thanks for the Callover Sadie!

Lynne2 said...

Sorry to hear Lynn is still feeling puny.

Lynne2 said...

loosing light fast now. Wonder if Belle will return for night shift?

Lolly said...

That isn't Belle? Well, if not, this may be Shep's second night duty!

Lolly said...

I am getting hungry. Maybe I should start thinking about dinner. LOL Poor Jack!

Sandi said...

Call me a worry wart, but if Belle isn't on duty by 7PM, it makes me wonder why not. Like, what's more important??

Lynne2 said...

well, sure doesn't look like Belle will be returning. Shep doesn't seem to be looking around like she there and waiting to take over!

Lynne2 said...

he's looking around now!

Lynne2 said...

staring at something but not moving.

BEagle said...

Came back to a new thread....thank you Steve....and Shep on the nest. That is unusual.

BEagle said...

Yeah. Shep seems to be concentrating on something.

Lynne2 said...

glad for the good bit of moonlight tonight. As long as skies stay clear, we should have good light from now til bobblehead hatch!

DanaMo said...

He's like a statue!

Lynne2 said...

yes, and this is like watching grass grow! better this than any drama, though!

going to shower...

Lynne2 said...

movement from cam?

Lynne2 said...

guess not, he sure isn't budging

DanaMo said...

I can tell the cam is running, but he isn't moving! WOW still in the same spot since last time I checked.

DanaMo said...

Maybe he is sleeping, just not tucked in. Oh he moved a little...

DanaMo said...

Now he looks like he's tucked. He did move but not much.

Okay I'm not going to stay and watch him sleep! LOL!

Sandi said...

Shep is tucked in - looks like he's expecting to stay for a while. I'm a big believer in "what goes around comes around." Maybe Belle figures he took his time relieving her this morning, so ...

magpie said...

Osprey Cam at BWE IS ON-Line Now

Hello Evening Eagle Pals..

magpie said...

Last year I saw my first Hooded Mergansers ever, beautiful,
also saw cormorants last year...
not too far from her

Watch for the Tundra Swans..going to post another comment on that in a minute....

magpie said...

also saw Mercury in the West after a three planet night, and now Mars should be out in the East...
Orange, you will know it when you see it.

magpie said...

wonder what the red meat chow was earlier...any ideas?

Lynne2 said...

I watch, I listen, they never come :(

magpie said...

Ref Tundra Swans, from my NY Naturalist pal, in NY but near Erie Pa and Lake Erie:

"The swans are still flying in force and should
continue for a couple of weeks. I haven't seen any sitting on the
water yet, just flying over. What a sight they are. Usually I hear
them long before I see them. Most of the flocks are 50-100 birds but sometimes there may be 300. Today is a strong south wind which they
like but they will fly on a north wind if it is a light wind."

We should see a few, ya think?

magpie said...

I got to home too late to be "radio-side" with Kay and Seth and Malcom for Prairie Home Companion :(

magpie said...

Moon is at 78% full

Great outing you had, Lynne, going to look at your pictures now

Glad to read RED is finally home, hope he joins up on here soon

Prayers for Lynn♥

magpie said...

sorry, about Joseph's bb game...very close, one point!

Lynne2 said...

no pictures from the outing today. too far away to see what they are. Had a bullfrog, huge egg mass, too. Zoom on the camera isn't very zoomie.

magpie said...

I bet this will be your year, Lynne!
I haven't seen them for two years now....
Megan saw them a few times in NOvember ☺

Lolly said...

Thank you, Margy! Bless his heart! He plays whole heartedly, body and soul! He cried! Laurel has talked and talked with him about the crying, but he still cried. They played great. The thing is they really are better than the other team and they beat them 3 times. That is frustrating. Oh well...we are now on to baseball!

JudyEddy said...

At Angies eating dinner just had to say Hey and we were talking about Bill Cosby and the name of the DVD and cassette we were talking about was Bill Cosby Himself we just got through watching it on you tube so funny 1983 Angie can quote word for word of it tooo
this is the cake one I was referring to I loved the one you posted tooo LYNNE2 from the show I'm sure everyone has seen them on that youtube page are lots from the HIMSELF dvd he is in the same brown suite so its easy to see thoses that are on it

Bill HIMSELF I am going to order the dvd on line Angie and I want to get it I just loved it

magpie said...

I Love baseball, my favorite sport to watch, Lolly..because it goes slowly enough I can understand it..LOL...
but James is a BIG basketball fan, yet he has not ever far as I know....

JudyEddy said...

Hey were did my blue link go HMMM
One more try Bill Himself

JudyEddy said...

Angie ran to the drug store to get Jordyn presc a stronger one Odd the dr couldn't order it when she went there because of insurance won't pay for it unless it can be proven that the reg ones don;t work so she told Angie to call Sat and she will order it for her She wants her on instead of the reg one Have to play games that is so sad

JudyEddy said...

Did I read that Belle isn't in the nest yet Wow I guess she is showing him she needs a night out tooo LOL

Lolly said...

Think I am going to put my feet up and read tonight.

Tomorrow church and then heading to Dallas to Michaels. Jack has a horn to install on Michael's golf cart. Also, going to watch hockey. I am making pizza to take over there as Michael loves my homemade pizza.☺

I'll be back!!

magpie said...

Nice pictures of last Saturday, Lynne...
wow I got to prove I am not a robot on the first try!

JudyEddy said...

Still trying to get Angie to use her phone at work to get the blog emailed to me I told her she could do it at lunch

I will work on her

Would be so much nicer for my neck I keep telling her so I will keep trying She told me I should just get a phone like it but that is $$$ I can't afford Ok she is back so I am going to go visit before I have to head home Later one and all

magpie said...

the first medicine was not working, how, JudyE?
does Jordyn still have sore throat or what....?

I'm just about computered out for the day...

magpie said...

Nice to be able to see Paula on Lynne's pictures, and the dogs AND STEVE were on both Lynne's AND Paula's pictures...
Thanks for putting those pictures up Lynne...

magpie said...

Well, we'll have some pretty good Moonshine on the nest for awhile, maybe we will see and hear some things

stepping away for a few, time for Jammies here ! and some chow


Sandi said...

Think I'm going to head to the bathtub and then on to bed. Sitting around doing nothing but watching TV all day today has worn me out! Tennis again tomorrow morning @9AM. Hoping that Belle's disappearing act tonight is a case of ♪♫ Girls Just Wanna Have Fun! ♫♪ I will see everyone in the AM - goodnight my eagle friends!!

LYnn, just in case you check in tonight, know that I'm thinking about you and praying that every day finds you feeling better than the day before!

JudyEddy said...


Lynne2 said...

think I'll start working my way to bed. Should NEVER have stayed up so late reading. Always end up getting up early anyway. Good night and prayers for all!

Hoda said...

Thanks for the reports Shep is still in the nest. Beautiful moon lit night.

Lolly said...

Enjoyed the pictures, Lynne! You did get a really good picture of Nick. That is so funny that he buried his treat.

Lolly said...

Back to my reading!

Mema Jo said...

I am anxious to see an egg roll OR
if someone catches it - Check for the
spot as in SHEP.... Lynne did you see
the spot? Just looks large like Belle.
Let's say I like it better when Belle
is on the night shift duty and not on the upper limb.

Mema Jo said...

The sky is beautiful tonight with the brightness of the moon and stars.

Light a few candles

JudyEddy said...

I just got home from Angies and when I walked in my computer was light up not like it should be gone to sleep with me being gone well on the screen on yesterday comment box is this I copied and pasted it for you all I guess Benny and Jet want to talk to you they were lonley with me gone LOL


Mema Jo said...

I looked real hard and I do see Shep's pot. All looks very peaceful! ♥

JudyEddy said...

is that weird that it put it straight across the page instead of a paragraph and I tired to send the email by her phone and google asked if it was me and asked for city I always send from or the last four digits of my phone # wanted to make sure no one was hacking my acct they said and it didn't' work because I couldn't find the box to subscribe to just the comment box HMMMM don't know I called Angie and she said she was going to try to see the box when I comment it wasn't there at all

JudyEddy said...

Does the phone have to be a specific phone do PAULA or not certain G's etc Just curious because I didn't see a subscribe by mail at all just the are to choose google and we filled all that in and that is when google came up with the security thing and we answered where I normally blog from HMMMM scratching head now

JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...

Angie just did the period on the blog for me and I got it in my email so I won't have to sit here and and wait or F5

she goes mom it doesn't seem to bad I said Angie but we get up to some day on some blog 1000 comments and its hard to find your place or for me just to sit here and F5 it kills my neck so she did it now I will get them on toady's blog and maybe tomorrow I am going there for dinner in the evening also He had spaghetti tonight and tomorrow roast Home cooked meal by Carl

JudyEddy said...

And there goes my email now I have missed that sooooo much easier to read as Sandi and a few others thinks so also So its only for a day or so but better than nothing she thinks I should by a phone and just sit on the couch etc but $$$ each month for a phone just to read the blog have to think about that Ok gonna go watch the news Where is everyone?????? I feel so alone

magpie said...

Good Night, Precious Pals

Prayers for Wellness, Comfort and Peace, for all...
and especially for Lynn ♥

(( All-Night Hugs ♥ ))

God Bless This Nest, and
God Bless Us, Every One

xo ♥

JudyEddy said...

OH BELLE is or is it SHEP is tucked in can't tell because of them being tucked in


Hoda said...


Here is a video when he arrived...I posted it earlier. It is from eaglelover from Hancock Foundation. Remember Shep is called Smitty over there.
SHEP ARRIVES late to relieve Belle

paula eagleholic said...

Evening are in bed...had a great evening with them...will have them just about all day tomorrow..probably till 4 or 5

Gonna go read back

Hoda said...

Glad you had a good day with the kids PAULA...Did the pizza go over well?

paula eagleholic said...

Yup the pizza casserole was a hit...Brensin called it pizza roll lol

paula eagleholic said...

Shep on night duty eh

Haven't finished up the other thread yet

Put some pics on FB

Hoda said...

Saw the pictures and the kids looked great...I noticed the trow behind you and Gianni is LYNN'S favourite football must run in your family too...LOL

Hoda said...

you and the kids...
corrections on last post.

stronghunter said...

Stopping in to say good night. I went with Kathryn and Hunter to meet some friends for dinner tonight. It was a nice evening.

I will see you tomorrow. Rest well!

NatureNut said...

Wow! Thx, Steve! A new thread!I kept refreshing the old one & it never showed this one. DUH!
(And why do we have more than 1/2 page of nothingness??)
I keep thinking it's Sunday (almost).Been doing a little editing on pics. I have quite a few & was going to check on making a slide show. BUT, we don't have to, as blog lets you double click & enlarge pics and all the other thumbnails are underneath. So, you can do your own slide show just like the Momsters albums.
I might get them on before dawn! ☺
I slept so late this AM, don't know when I'll get to bed.Judie needs to send her sandman!
For those of you hitting the hay, Pleasant Feather Dreams ;>)
Prayers for all and Xtras for our special gal, Lynn ☺ ♥

Hoda said...

Shep is awake digging in cup and doing an egg facing six

Mema Jo said...

Late night egg roll! Shep is doing a
fantastic job for a father-to-be.

Thanks for the link to the video,Hoda
Happy you are having a great time with
the children, Paula.

Mema Jo said...

Tori's party seems to have gone very well. Very happy that her friends were there for her.......♥

Did I miss the sandman? It sure feels
as though he whizzed by me...

Going to say Good Night
Special healing prayers for Lynn
Prayers for all our needs...
** (((HUGS))) **

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Good evening everyone.

Lolly said...

Have enjoyed reading tonight. Heading to bed now.

See you in the morning!

Nite all! Sweet dreams!

JudyEddy said...

PAULA aren't grandkids great and you are triple blessed

JudyEddy said...

Well I'm calling it a day

See ya in the am ☼ at Sycamore Sunrise Cyber Cafe
God Bless this Nest
and all

♀ ♥ ♂
whom watch it at
Sycamore Palace
Healing thoughts for
those in need

"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."

JudyEddy said...

oh its so nice to have the comment emailed to me even if it is only for one day I didn't have to sit at the computer on when email chimmed

Hoda said...

Good night.


Costume Lady said...

I'm headed for bed also, but will check in on my family on facebook, first:)


stronghunter said...

Passing through. Can't get to sleep.

stronghunter said...

It really looked like Belle at the nest a few minutes ago. Now I can't tell. Head is tucked. She (or he) was awake when I first looked.

stronghunter said...

Going back to bed now. See you later.

Lori O. said...

Still too dark and the cam picture is pixelated so I can't tell who is on the eggs right now. It'll be interesting to see when it gets a little lighter.

Thanks HODA for the video of the switch!

Lori O. said...

It's light at the nest now, but eagle is all tucked in. Who is on the eggs?

Lori O. said...

Eagle calling and chirping...

magpie said...

I'm up and watching with you, Lori

Good Morning !

Lori O. said...

Good Morning and happy day off, MARGY!

Sounds like someone is in the attic.

magpie said...

Yes it does, and I don't see a spot on the nested eagle, so I am thinking it is Belle...
we'll know soon

magpie said...

only Belle Chirps like that ♪ ♫ ♥

magpie said...

and I saw her beak moving when she chirped...
so maybe they pulled a fasty on us under cover of darkness

Sandi said...

Morning LORI & MARGY! Is this still Shep? I don't see a spot but my eyes are still fuzzy.

Lori O. said...

Good Morning, Sandi!

Think you're right, Margy! Belle sings like that and they pulled a fast one!

Sandi said...

I can hear Shep in the attic and this is def. Belle - too loud for Shep. Belle poof!

magpie said...

And away she goes.....

Lori O. said...

Did you see the cam sway when she pushed off the nest rail at 4? WOW!

Sandi said...

Shep in for a landing! So they switched at some point during the night. Wiggle, wiggle down!

magpie said...

That was pretty classic....
she pushed off with vigor allright, and could hear her "singing" as she sailed away
Good Morning now to Sandi!

And Shep ! ☺

magpie said...

cardinal and crows awake now

magpie said...

Thinking of Lynn♥

Lori O. said...

Absolutely, thinking of LYNN, and hoping she is very much improved today! ♥

Sandi said...

Reading back, Shirley thought it was Belle on the nest around 2AM but she couldn't tell for sure, Looks like no one SAW a switch. Bottom line, they're working as a team and that's great!

Hoping LYNN checks in today!

JUDY, good for you getting the comments to your email. Kevin was home last night when the new thread was set up so he logged onto the blog with my ID and got me set up to have the comments sent to my inbox as well. It's whatever you get used to and this is what I'm used to.

DanaMo said...

Good morning.

magpie said...

Good Morning DanaMo....
How's Aric and Annemarie's project yesterday ?

Lori O. said...

Good Morning
Dana - Miss Seuss - MO!

magpie said...

There's the Morning Blue at the Nest
goofy little sound when the color goes off or comes on

watching a Hooded Crow at Finland Water Nest

DanaMo said...

Annemarie's team came in 4th. Her team will advance to the States in April at UMBC.

We celebrated Aric's birthday last evening with a Friendly's Oreo Ice Cream cake and it was wonderful.

Aric goes back today and Monte takes off for the week as well. Man the weekends are short around here!

magpie said...

just a reminder, the Osprey Cam at BWE - well make that BWO - Blackwater Osprey....
is up and running

really soggy looking in the background there

magpie said...

Congratulations to Annemarie's Team!
Is there any cake left for breakfast ?

magpie said...

although the Ospreys at Blackwater may return on Saint Patrick's Day as Lisa mentions....there are often, other birds (gulls, herons, cormorants) including Eagles seen on that platform. Lots to watch for

DanaMo said...

Nope no cake left for breakfast ☺

Lori O. said...

Dang! Ice cream cake for breakfast sounds so good.

magpie said...

Going to move along from here for awhile...

wonder if Paula's Grandchildren have asked "Nini, are you up yet?" ☺

Best Wishes for a Good Day, Everyone.....especially for Lynn ♥

(( All-Day Hugs ♥ ))

xo ttfn

Lori O. said...

Yay, MARGY! Timed release hugs. I love it!

Kay said...

Good Morning dear L♥RI, S♥NDI, M♥RGY and D♥NAMO ! Looks and sounds like our dynamic duo are proving to be quite the team ! Hurray for Belle and Shep !

Sandi said...

MARGY, I put the pic of the eagle that was sitting on the osprey platform the day we went to BW on my blog.

Morning DMO - oreo ice cream cake sounds delish!! Too bad no leftovers. Too bad Aric leaves today! =(

Sandi said...

Morning KAY - hope being up this early just means you went to bed early and not that you can't sleep b/c your hip hurts!

Sandi said...

There's an eagle on the BW osprey cam right now!

Kay said...

Seth just passed through, but is heading back to bed for more zzz's.
I'm on my second up of coffee and up for the day.

LYNNE, thank you so much for putting the grand pics of lovely PAULA,Nick,Steve, your dog and the neighboring pooch on your blog !!!

Lori O. said...

Good Morning, KAY! Hello to Seth when he wakes up again. :)

I can hear the Pileated Woodpecker doing his pecking this morning, but can't find him.

magpie said...

Oh Wow Sandi !
I see that...large eagle.....BWO
it's only a 60-second refresh now there...that will change when time goes on

Morning Kay....
I missed the entire PHC show last night! got home late from work..

Kay said...

SANDI, thanks for the heads up on the BW eagle--looks like a 4 or 5 year old--there are still black feathers on the head. Love your pic of the eagle on the stand. Anyone checking it out should be sure to click on the pic to enlarge--great photo !

Lori O. said...

Nest weather is much improved today.

Partly sunny, with a high near 46. Light breeze.

magpie said...

and gone already !

You'll see many beautiful things next week, you did on your first trip....

JudyEddy said...

G☺☺D M☼RNING ÉÄGLÉ BÃœDs Ö from my ☺ ⌂ to your ☺ ⌂ And it so sweet to read my comments in email form I don't get lost or anything just delete the one I read and move on Wow who ever is in the nest looks like they are froze I had to check to make sure the timer was mocing I see its shep with spot now

JudyEddy said...

that was moving not mocing

Kay said...

SANDI, I did go to bed early and woke up at 6. Felt anxious to take some Tylenol and get the TENS unit working for me. Thank God for that the pain management the TENS is providing ! Next Friday will find out what the next step is for my aching back/hip.

MARGY, are you off to work today, or can you catch some PHC replay this morning ? It was the joke show, so not really outstanding compared to the usual, but a lot of laughs !

Lori O. said...

Good Morning, Judy! I like mocing better...has more flair!

Kay said...

Good Morning to you, J♥DYE ! Too early in the morning to worry about spelling ! Hope you hear that Jordyn is much improved today !

magpie said...

I might be able to catch the replay...
am off today, have a pretty full slate...will probably head up to see James later on...

Fabulous picture, Sandi...I just had another peek at your picture blog....

Good Morning JudyE

and ttfn, Eagle Pals

Kay said...

LORI, thanks for the weather update ! Here we are expecting snow flurries, but heading back to Spring like weather for the rest of the week. Hope our bit of snow doesn't head toward the nest.

DanaMo said...

Urgh! Trying to get this crew up for Mass is such a chore on Sunday mornings! Geez.

Kay said...

MARGY, a day with James ? What could be better ? Enjoy ! Some of the PHC jokes are really adult material and I'm almost embarrassed when listening with Seth. However, he is 17--just hard for this grandmother to realize he'll be an adult come July !

Sandi said...

Yesterday I printed out the schedule for next Saturday at BW and Denny and I started planning out the day:

9AM Intro to Nature Photography with Bob Quinn (a MUST for Denny)

10:30 Eagle Prowl guided tour with the BW staff

1PM Live Owl Program

2PM Live Eagle Program

CANNOT WAIT!! Just hope the weather is nice - I'll even take cold, as long as it's sunny! Speaking of weather, no sun here again today! Gray and drizzly right now and supposed to stay that way all day. Glad PAULA picked grandkids over beach this weekend!!

Kay said...

DANAMO, happy to hear about Aric's wonderful birthday cake. Sorry he heads back to DU today, but it won't be long before he's home again ! Hope you feel restored and blessed by Mass today.

JudyEddy said...

We had rain over night with the storm that moved through its the same system that made all the damage up north but lost its punch when it got here just lots of rain Funny thing I knew the rain was coming so I didn't park under the carport I wanted all the pollen to be washed off my truck by the rain so I am sure I am pollen free now Sort of a cold front

Lori O. said...

Oh, Sandi. That sounds so fun! Do you have to sign up in advance for the classes and shows?

JudyEddy said...

I seen that PAULA had a great day with the grandkids
AREN'T grand kids the best

Kay said...

Oh, SANDI, what a terrific day at BW you and Denny have planned ! Wish we could all be there, but will look forward to your telling us all about it and to some beautiful pictures, too !

Sandi said...

KAY, I sent an email to my mom suggesting that she do some online research about TENs units and then ask her doc if she thinks it would help her. Haven't heard back from Mom yet but I know she is seeing a neurologist soon about new symptoms in her lower back and legs. My feeling is that anything is worth a try, but she's such a procrastinator!

JudyEddy said...

Yes SANDI sounds like you all are going to have some fun times and We can't wait to see pictures

JudyEddy said...

NEAT just on the news NYC is probably going to start up roof top farming with glass houses and open air farms on private and commercial building They just need to come up with the specific limits etc That would be sooo cool I think farming in the city they should some picture of the ones that are already there Can you image flying over the city and see all the green on the roof instead of the plain roofs

Kay said...

SANDI, hope you Mom will check out the TENS idea with her doc soon. Medicare pays for it and while it doesn't heal, it does over ride pain. I believe it's gentle massage stimulates blood circulation and that has to be a good thing. I think your Mom and I are about the same age and have similar problems.

Sandi said...

LORI, no sign-up needed for the demonstrations at BW - there are different things going on at different locations throughout the day and I assume it's first come, first served. However, the word TENTATIVE is underlined at the top of the page. It also says times and programs are subject to change and to check back 24 hours before the event.

Kay said...

Praying for LYNN this morning with the hope that she'll awake feeling much better today !

JudyEddy said...

Does LYNN have her daughter with her I hope she isn't by herself

LYNN I wish there was something we could do Just know that we are always thinking of you

JudyEddy said...

Angie gave me a little baggie with Zertex in it to try and I can't find it I looked last nite no I worry that I didn't drop it somewhere

JudyEddy said...

I just brought up the map and I didn't know that there was a Hurricane, West Virginia

Kay said...

JUDY, do you mean Zyrtec for allergies ? Works great for me ! Hope you find the baggy. I buy the Kroger or CVS formula for the same thing at a lower price.

I haven't heard if Carolyn or Christie are with Lynn, but I'm sure they are checking in and taking good care of their Mom and little Liesl ! She raised beautiful, devoted daughters !

JudyEddy said...

YEP KAY and I just came in looked in the truck and they were there Yeah now I already took a 4hr one so I should wait to take this I guess HUH

Sandi said...

LORI and DMO, I've been meaning to tell you that, when all the emails were flying back and forth about LYNNE2's surprise, Loretta and I emailed back and forth about lenses for Denny's camera (remember when I was asking you guys about that?) The wildlife pics she posts on her blog are great and she said she relies on editing software. Good photo editing software is a whole lot cheaper than a 500mm zoom lens, so Denny is experimenting with free trials of different ones.

Kay said...

Looks like Shep has everything under control, so I'm bowing out for a while. Newspapers, e-mail and then breakfast prep await.
♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ Dearly love you, Early Birds !

JudyEddy said...

I was so worried I dropped at her house I looked everywhere last nite didn't think to look in the truck but just went out to put some stuff I am taking to Angies tonite and found them I feel so much better I will be going to Angies after work for din din

JudyEddy said...

Yep I agree with you about LYNN daughter they are the best

JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...

I don't feel much like a early bird anymore being I don't get up till almost 7

Lori O. said...

SANDI, cropping it always a good way to get a better photo. I know how to crop and do the basic with photo software, but always wish I knew how to use PhotoShop and the many things you can do with it. Great that Denny is using the free trials!

wvgal_dana said...

Good Morning Kay, Sandi, Lori and JudyE and Lurkers.

JudyEddy said...

we have already reached out high for the day our winds are gusting to 50 with this cold front that came through so I need to go rethink my top today LO tonight 46 silly weather

DanaMo said...

Kay-I can't believe that his Freshman year is almost over.

We will be coming your way in about a month. I'm going to be firming our plans up soon. I think we will be staying the night in Columbus on Easter Sunday and then go to Dayton on Monday. Spend a couple of hours on campus and then head toward KY. Do you know of any nice campgrounds near you? You will have to send me your address via email and we will just drive right to you this time!! No mixing up Cracker Barrels!

DanaMo said...

Yes, I crop too but just with what is on the computer. I would like to get a good program. Andrew has talked about getting Photo Shop. I guess he is using that in one of his classes.

JudyEddy said...

I also crop with the paint program and the other program in my puter but if I make it closer if seems to distort the pictures some

Sandi said...

Right now, Denny is playing around with Lightroom, which is an Adobe photoshop program - he got a 30-day free trial. But there's so much to learn and so little time! Just like his camera - he bought it last summer so he could feel comfortable using it by the time we go to Africa.

DanaMo said...

Who can tell me what time we will be meeting at NCTC on the 21st? It looks like I will be able to make Friday night gathering and daytime gathering (with Annemarie) on Saturday, but not Saturday evening (Goretti Prom).

Lori O. said...

SANDI, LOL on Lightroom. I tried a 30 day trial of it and it was waaayyyyy over my head for 30 days!

DanaMo said...

OMG!!!! Something fell or flew into my chimney and is stuck. Driving the dogs nuts. Glad the flue (?) is closed or it would be in my house.

JudyEddy said...

WOW JUST ON THE NEWS storm damage on Pinellas Park where I live Roofs blown off last night in the Mainland area right up from the store

Sandi said...

DMO, good luck with the UFO in the chimney! I've gotta get ready for tennis! BBL!

JudyEddy said...

Is it moving DANAMO

JudyEddy said...

maybe a squirrel or bird???

DanaMo said...

My guess is a bird from the sounds of it. Flapping wings trying to get out!

DanaMo said...

I think i9t got out. I don't hear it now.

DanaMo said...

Aw...Shep is all tucked in ☺

wvgal_dana said...

Good Morniing DanaMo don't know how I missed you in my first post of Good Morning's.

Happy Annemarie team made 4th and will be moving on.

Nice birthday cake for Aric. (:

wvgal_dana said...

Wellness prayers for our dear friend Lynn/e♥

DanaMo said...

Good morning DanaWV

DanaMo said...

Our boy is all tuckered out!

JudyEddy said...

I guess he wasn't use to eggbert sitting all night last night and wore him out

JudyEddy said...

Its almost time for me to head to work I will catch ya all at lunch HAGD

Judie said...

Good morning everyone.

First thought and last thought are Lynn and Lynn. Do so hope she is beginning to feel better.

Wishing everyone a lovely day.

BEagle said...

Good morning Eagle Fans.

I looked for a post to see if Belle returned from last night.

Young Shep is all tucked in.

BEagle said...

The Channel Island nests are filling up.

Can't bring up the TH nest but I know they are brooding along with the WE nest and Sauces nest is brooding too.

It's still too dark to see Pelican Harbor since they don't have night light.

BEagle said...

Lucy on the Eagles4Kids nest laid her first on the 2nd. The kids must be really excited about that!

BEagle said...

Lucy has a little snow on her nest.

BEagle said...

The Jordan Lake eagles are growing. They have their dark feathers. Very cute. One is looking out probably for food, the other is dozing.

wvgal_dana said...

Good Morning BEagle I love looking at those nest. WE the ocean is so beautiful behind the eagles nest. Love the roar of the ocean.

Judie hope you and Darth are doing well.

Off you go JudyE hope it is a good day.

wvgal_dana said...

Eaglet at Carolina Raptor Center is 3 days old Tuesday Feb. 28, 2012that is Picture of the Chick of Derek and Savannah

wvgal_dana said...

Jordan Lake Eaglets are big now.

wvgal_dana said...

Don't see where Lake Washington eagles are working on nest. They usually lay in March like 14th.

BEagle said...

Hi Dana!

I could spend all day watching Belle and Shep and the other nests but time doesn't permit it.

It troubles me that Lynn is not well.
Prayers are going up for her.

BEagle said...

I never remember to check on the Washington eagles.

The White Rock eagles have not laid yet but they may be later in the month also.

wvgal_dana said...

One of the chicks at Sequoyah Oklahoma just did a poop shoot. They are growing nicely. Getting some dark pen feathers in.

BEagle said...

The Iowa nest has a brooding eagle too. I don't know how many eggs yet.

wvgal_dana said...

Pelican Harbor has two eagles working on their nest.

BEagle said...

Yay. Two on the PH nest.
There are three on the Iowa nest as usual.

wvgal_dana said...

Some are thinking 26 might lay her egg today at PH.

wvgal_dana said...

Well I have it done that she laid an egg on Feb. 5 at PH.

wvgal_dana said...

No that was Grasslands seen incubating Feb. 5th.

So maybe PH will lay an egg today.

BEagle said...

There are three eggs on the Iowa nest and one eagle on the PH right now.

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2/20/25 PM bird

1203 PM NN Scout comes to the nest with a load of bedding again. He seemed to leave with something in his talons. He has a beak full of bedd...