Sunday, March 04, 2012


Evening thread.


Linda said...

Well, Good Evening and thank you, Steve for the new thread!!

I will call the others!!

Linda said...

While you start filling this thread, I will go back to the old thread and see what has happened since I was last here!!

Will try to catch you later.....

wvgal_dana said...

Thank you Steve for the Sunday thread. Hope you and your family are having a nice day.

Thanks Linda for the call over. (:

Sandi said...

Wow, thanks Steve for a new thread - what a pleasant surprise! And thanks to Linda for the call over!

Judie said...

Thank you Steve for the fresh thread.

Thank you Linda for calling us over.

Just tuned in to CRC for the first time this season. Amazed as I did not know there is a live cam and microphone. Was treated to seeing baby being fed by either Savannah or Derek. Lovely cam set up.

Our nest quiet.

Mema Jo said...

Linda you surprised us! Have really missed you and I am thankful that you
must be feeling better!

Thanks Steve and wishing you & your
family to have a pleasant evening.

Linda said...

Thank you, Jo! ♥ I have missed being here.

I appreciate the concern of this wonderful group. As Sharon said so perfectly, "I love us!"

It is nice that we look out for one another.

JUDIE - Excellent advice for the students trying to make their decisions. Sometimes they get caught up in the money aspect or not letting down their parents. The bottom line is they have to be happy to be successful in whatever they do!

Mema Jo said...

Oh yes, hubby and I did go to Red Lobster and we both enjoyed our meals..
hubby ate 3 biscuits..... That's ok beause I had 2 and that is enough for me.

I know it is 6 but my feet are going up for just a short time.


Hoda said...

In comes Belle from seven and Shep vocalizes. He does not get off the cup right away. He just took off and belle walks from six to the eggs. Shep left from three.

wvgal_dana said...

Poof goes Shep and Belle is taking over the egg cup

Hoda said...

Great DANAMO I read about your experiences with the kids and always think GREAT. You are so real and so very alive and vibrant...I agree with SANDI and JUDIE and I think you are an A1AWESOME MOM... God Bless you all...ANDREW, is he pleased with his college experience so far?

THANK YOU STEVE for the new thread and THANK YOU LINDA for the call over. Good to see you on here LINDA.

How I miss seeing LYNN and her posts, so very terribly much I miss her and wished she will soon return...♥

Red said...

Wow, Had a long nap today. Guess I have missed my own bed. Missed most of the NASCAR race. I visited my doc on Wednesday and asked him how soon I could drive. He said anytime I feel up to it, just go for it. I think I'll give it a few more days then try a breakfast run. lol
Thanks for all the welcome backs and good wishes.

wvgal_dana said...

Yea Red so good to see you and know that the hip replacement is doing well. Sounds like your going to be driving for that gravy soon. Now no driving like those NASCAR drivers lol

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Good evening everyone. Heading to dinner with Jon, Andrew, Kelsey, Alice and Jim. Jon's birthday was .3/1.

DanaMo said...

Thanks Sandi and Judie! That is essentially what I told him. If he is happy with the school I don't want him to be so concerned with the money issue. He is very conscientious (probably too much so), worries about disappointing us (I'm sure his brother dropping out and him witnessing all of that especially my reaction about it has something to do with it). We assured him that the most important thing to us is that he is happy. I hope he will go and talk with someone and get some career guidance. My boys, all of them, are very quiet and don't ask for help with anything. It is hard for them to open up. I know he chats with our parish priest quite a bit so I'm hoping that he will open up to him I think Fr. Marty is very wise and can help Aric work through it all.

DanaMo said...

Hoda-Andrew seems "content" right now at the community college. Not sure he is figuring things out so much, but he seems to be working through it all.

DanaMo said...

So who is this snoozing in the nest? I can't tell.

Hoda said...

DANAMO Belle is on night duty. I saw the changing of the guards when she came in and Shep took off. She seems comfortable and at peace with her day.
Thank you for answeiring about ANDREW and college. You are an awesome and wise MOM...God bless you and your family.

stronghunter said...


Hunter was with his dad this afternoon, so Kathryn and I went out for Sunday dinner at the Irish Brigade. We had steak and shrimp. Very delicious.

Then we made a grocery run.

Kathryn was trying to watch a movie not appropriate for Hunter when he hit the front door running.

Maybe she will get to see the rest of the movie, maybe not. Not sure it would be a great loss if she does not!

Checked into the CRC site a few days ago. It is a nice set up.

Mema Jo said...

I have been up/about. Playing a FB game.
Now Alice in Wonderland movie is on.
Jenny had taken me to the theater with her son and daughter when it first came

Waiting for my show at 9:00

Army wives is on now for 2 hours.

Sandi said...

I am signing off for the night to watch some TV before I hop in the tub.

MARGY, hope you had a jubilant James day!

LINDA, glad to see you back on the blog today - I missed you!!

LYNNE2 - yoohoo, where were you today??

HODA, thanks for being here with me today for some of the shift changes!

JUDY, hope you had a great dinner with Angie and Carl and little Jordyn and hope Jordyn is feeling better!

SHARON, how's Mopsy these days?

LOLLY, you can make pizza from scratch?? I didn't even think that was possible - I only know frozen and carryout!! =)

Goodnight my eagle friends! Counting down to "hatch day!"

stronghunter said...

The nest is well-lighted tonight. Belle looks to be awake right now. Her head is not tucked.

wvgal_dana said...

DanaMo you have been an awesome teacher..I always like hearing about your students. I feel you are so dedicated. I know God will lead your boys in the right direction. You give them the help and discuss things over with them. Leaving it to their final decision. You guide them to go to the Priest to talk about the situation or the guidance counselor. Lady I am not sure there is a Mother that is so dedicated to her children as you are. I am truley proud to know you. You are directed by God and that is the most and best complement I can give you.

wvgal_dana said...

Night Sandi have a good sleep.

JudyEddy said...

Hello EAGLE BUDS Just got back from Angie and Carls for a yummy roast beef dinner He is such a good cook and new thread so I am back to reading the thread way ;^(

Need a shower now OH I love the nest in the moon light The skys here are oh so pretty so bright and so many stars so so pretty but so chilly out now cold front came The GW is comin on and I still need to get a quick shower thanks goodness for the DVR Looks like a slow nite on the blog TV TIME FOR EVERYONE BBL

JudyEddy said...

Nite SANDI I just I showed Angie your beach picture with snow she was amazed also

JudyEddy said...

SHIRLEY what is the name of the movie that she is watching???? Commercial on GW ok decided to watch then shower ok back on

Hoda said...

Belle is up. She looks at the eggs and digs in the cup, she looks some more and is now facing ten and settled back on them. She is awake still Beautiful moon light.
OK she just tucked in and is asleep

JudyEddy said...

Commercial on and I saw to HODA I put a quick pic in the album her wings looks sort of spread I just love the moon on the nest Just think its count down now Ok back to the GoodWife

JudyEddy said...

My daugher put a comment on yesterdays blog I got it in my email she says she hacked my acct how can you hack a acct when some one give you their password funny girl

Red said...

Goodnight eagle friends. This old man is off to bed. Hope everyone has a great evening.

magpie said...

That's some seriously awesome Royal Moonshine on the Nest !

Hello Evening Eagle Pals...

and Good Night Red....

Linda said...

SANDI - Thank you ♥

HODA - Thank you ♥

RED - So happy to hear you are home and doing so well. One day at a time. Wishing you restful sleep!!

♥LYNN - Missing you and praying for you to feel better and gain some strength back! xoxo ♥

Linda said...

Well hello, Margy ♥

Nice to see you. Hoping you had a good day today!

magpie said...

Had a fabulous day, Linda, thanks...
James and I are still singing the Twelve Days of Christmas...and yucking it up some by changing around some of the words...
got a good snow squall while we were walking the track at his old elementary school, it felt like Christmas all over again!

magpie said...

havn't been to the old thread to check on things while I've been out, working my there soon

Thnking of Lynn♥

magpie said...

like, "And a Grandson in a Pear Tree" or, and a "Turkey Vulture in a Pear Tree," as there was a mighty flock of them flying overhead while we were walking.
We like "O Christmas Tree" also but know none of the we make them up also

saw my first bloomed daffodil today, and a whole lot of yellow crocuses (Croci? Latin?)
at the Court House in Morgan County

Mema Jo said...

Someone must have turned on the spot
light! Our nest is so beautiful!
I watched my TV show and now I am just
catching up. Good Night to those who
have signed off for the evening...

I am about ready to hit the pillows..
Would like to wait for the sandman..

Linda said...

Great to hear you and James had such a great day!

We're winding down for the day at our roost!

Hope you all have restful, peaceful sleep tonight!!

Special prayers for LYNN tonight and always..... ♥

Prayers for all in this roost and beyond!

Night ♥

JudyEddy said...

Thinking of LYNN Tooooo Pray she gets some relief soon and good night to everyone I am tired

See ya in the am ☼ at Sycamore Sunrise Cyber Cafe
God Bless this Nest
and all

♀ ♥ ♂
whom watch it at
Sycamore Palace
Healing thoughts for
those in need

"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."

stronghunter said...

Judy, she was watching Bad Teacher. Definitely not a movie for Hunter to watch.

Linda said...

What fun singing silly songs with James today, Margy!! Those memories you will have for years to come!

magpie said...

oh dear scary title, Shirley...sounds like Kat made a good choice turning it off!

Thanks Linda, we have made 12 years of memories so far, though James pretends he does not want to hear about some of the things from his younger days ☺

Good Night Jo and all who are headed to dent those pillows....
No tossing and turning allowed !
xoxox ((All-Night Hugs ♥ ))

headed back to the old thread...

stronghunter said...

Yes, I don't think it received much critical acclaim, Margy. It was halfway interesting, but I would not want to pay money to see it.

stronghunter said...

Kathryn needs an occasional break from the nature shows she usually watches with Hunter.

Of course, some of the nature shows are things like Hillbilly Handfishin' and Swamp People.

stronghunter said...

I see two eggs!

Hoda said...

Belle poop shoot

Mema Jo said...

I have seen daffodils along the roadways - I have yellow tulips coming
up along side the house. I thought I had dug them up and given all to Jenny
but here they come again.

Mema Jo said...


magpie said...

So did I !
Big :(

Mema Jo said...

Head tucked in already.
What's with all the light changes....

magpie said...

Moon is playing a little hide and seek with the clouds hereabouts, so when it goes darker, that's why

magpie said...

Ive been checking the Moon Phase for percentages of Moon's fullness off the BWE cam site, but today it has a link on that Moon page, so it's harder for me to check it...
it's better than 80% for sure though

Mema Jo said...

Just learned that our Momster Janet aka Nilla ---Janet L Kolb
laying in the hospital watching tv will be here few more days heart. cAth on monday don't know what time yet.

Please send up your prayers for Nilla.

Hoda said...

So sorry JO and MARGY!!! She is tucked in now...seeing daffodils already sounds heavenly...I heard little birds today, don't know what kind, saw one with a fuzzy head and rust coloures face and neck and felt very excited...nothing is growing here yet that I can see...

Mema Jo said...

Margy - at first I thought it was

BWE Osprey cam - We expect our ospreys to return around St. Patrick's Day, if not earlier.

Hoda said...

Prayers for NILLA for sure JO

magpie said...

Thank you for the information regarding Nilla, Jo, hope and pray that this will be a comfortable stay for her, with good outcomes

magpie said...

We actually saw an Eagle at the BWO platform this morning, great place for many different kinds of birds...including some blackbirds, gulls, herons, great horned owl...and a little of this and that...

But when the Osprey arrive, they pretty much have the place to themselves! St. Patrick's Day, right around the corner !

magpie said...

"See you" there Shirley on the movies and shows...
great entertainment can be a real enjoyable experience...
kind of like Take Me Away, Calgon....

I'ave been through Loretta's new pics and also CarolAnne's - Wonderful, both!]
working my way through slowly

magpie said...

OH, how could I leave out Turkey Vultures at BWO rather often....

magpie said...

James was talking about The Lorax today, he wants to see it !

Janet said...

Sunday evening: past bedtime for me 10:22 p.m.

just checking in for a few min.....what a nice weekend! got some yardwork done; my fig tree is wakign up! i was hoping it would survive the winter! it did!!!!! :)

daffodils are blooming as are bradford pears and many other sprigne trees...and my pansies are planted...

bought beano a thunder shirt today. he WASN't impressed, i laid it on the floor and he HID from his but put some cheese shreds on it and he was eating off of it. so far, so good. :) i think down the road he will like it. i am sending this message to him... :)

hope everyone is well. glad to see a new sunday thread, thanks to steve!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

gonna be chilly tomorrow, therefore i have made a pot of chili! and getting another massage tomorrow from my favorite therapist! :D

busy week ahead adn teaching at the AMTA conference next weekend, such exciting times

everyone; HAVE A FAN-TAB-U-LUS WEEK!!! smiles for everone for everyone needs a smile! good night

magpie said...

Good Night, Janet, this sounds good, sounds like you had some nice times this week-end

Mema Jo said...

I can't stay up any later - I'm not the night owl that I used to be! Hoot Hoot!

Nothing on my plate tomorrow but Tues is
dental day - just cleaning..

No sandman around here yet but it is time!

Good Night everyone
Healing prayers for Lynn
Prayers for Janet's (Nilla) heart procedure
Prayers for all of our needs
** (((HUGS))) **

magpie said...

Amazing and impressive "entourage" of comments and posts throughout the afternoon...I have just caught up...

Yes, Oatmeal Creme Pies, Jo...
get 'em ready !

lovely comments from Sandi regarding her tennis partner today, and her wishes for Lynn♥

Paula, I so enjoyed the report on the handiwork your Mom accomplished over the years, and that you have many of her things...
precious treasures

And DanaMo, on her family

and so on like that, to all....your comments....what a fine gathering of folks we have here!!

magpie said...

well I missed a turnaround by Belle I believe...

stronghunter said...

I have daffodils blooming in my yard. I guess the crocuses are not going to come up.

magpie said...

Good Night, Jo
I am pretty much right behind you!

Lori not sure if TV's and Black Vultures nest near each other...I have been reading up on them lately though...
TV's like to nest in rock ledges or hollow trees, but they might all roost on trees more or less together, maybe ?

First load of laundry is dry and buzzer has buzzed...that's my sign....

Prayers for Wellness amongst us

Good Night, Precious Pals..
God Bless This Nest, and
God Bless Us, Every One

magpie said...

ooops left these out:

xoxox ♥

Maybe they will yet, Shirley, the crocuses...but YAY on the daffodils...☺

Kay thank you for the link to the article on the Language of Birds....very fascinating!

Okay! G'Night, All

NatureNut said...

Wow, I'm getting on new thread really late! We warched car race, had some dinner & I got involved w/The Donald! ☺

Getting really cold & they saw we MIGHT have snow flurries, but probably South of here, like down Shirley's way. And everyone's talking about daffodils!
For those hitting the hay, Pleasant Feather Dreams, Prayers for Good Health & Xtra special ones for our Lynn ;>)

NatureNut said...

Saw Margy's post about BWO. I saw an eagle on there yesterday!

stronghunter said...

Sandperson has arrived. Guess Judie is sound asleep by now.

I will see you tomorrow.

Good night.

Lolly said...

Hey guys....we are home! Had a great afternoon!

Yes, Sandi...I make pizza from scratch and it is great. The crust is yummy and the rest is good too. It is really fairly simple and the family prefers it.

Jack installed the horn on the golf cart while Zach and I played with the x-box. He beat me at all the games. We all watched hockey and visited. Zach and I also spent some time outdoors and then Jack and Zach (aka Zack) played driveway hockey. He thinks he should be "ack" like Granddaddy!

Lolly said...

I am very excited as they have found and made a great decision on a school for Zach next year. He is going to Fairhill prepatory school. Sounds like a great fit. Very very pleased!!!

Lolly said...

Heading to bed. See ya tomorrow!

Night all! Sweet dreams!

Hoda said...

GREAT pictures on Facebook LOLLY.
Zacharouski looked very happy to be with GRAND DAD.
I am happy for you that they found a school in Dallas that will be a great fit for him...your love and excitement come through.

Hoda said...

I will sign out too.


Costume Lady said...

Checking in before bedtime.
LOLLY, so glad Michael and Ashley have found a school that they are comfortable with and that will give Zach the schooling that he needs. Love those last few pictures of him that you posted on facebook...he looks so happy:)

Found out today, in church, that we have reached our goal of $3000 for a freezer for the Soup Kitchen.
Thanks to the generosity of folks like LORI AND KATE who donated a LARGE sum of money to the Soup Kitchen fund! We are now working on another $3000 for a refrigerator.
"Ask and ye shall receive" :)
We do have some very generous folks in our church~

Therapy tomorrow...need plenty of rest if I am going to 'walk backwards of that treadmill':(


Lori O. said...

WANDA, so happy you got your freezer. I hope it makes your love of helping & feeding so many easier!

Sunday was a wash out for me... didn't do much of anything except work on a basket and relax and get ready for the new week.
Last week was a lonnnnnnnng one! I can only imagine how much you TEACHERS are looking forward to your summer off!

MARGY, sounds like you created more great memories for James on Sunday. You're a wonderful Grandmother!

LINDA, it was so nice to hear from you and you sound like you're feeling better. Praises!

I need to go back and find KAY's Birdsong link...wanted to go back when I was done reading, of course, I forgot! chirp chirp

Lori O. said...

Well, look what snuck into the NEST weather forecast! There could be some tenting today!

A slight chance (20%) of snow showers after 10am, mixing with rain after noon. Mostly cloudy, with a high near 44. Calm wind to 15 mph.

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone,

Getting here pretty late! Emma fell asleep in my lap while watching TV again.

Saying prayers for Nilla--hope the test results tomorrow are good!

Prayers, too, of course, for Lynn!
Haven't really read back, so not sure, but hope that you are getting better each day, even if only a little bit! (((HUGS)))!!!

See that Red was here. Glad you're doing so well, and chowing down on biscuits and gravy!

We watched a really good movie on DirecTV tonight--"Hugo." I recommend it.

Pretty tired at this point, so think I will call it a day. Judie, thanks for the night light. I'm making sure the porch light is lit, and enabling both security systems. Sleep tight, everyone. God bless, and goodnight. Love all of you! :o]

NatureNut said...

One adult flew in, one flew out. Don't know who. One on eggs.

Lori O. said...

YAY, Loretta, caught the middle of the night switch!!! Way to go!

Sandi said...

Morning LORI, DMO, and LORETTA if you're still here! It's Monday - UGGHH!! =(

DanaMo said...

Cafe is open!

Good morning Sandi and Lori! Anyone else here?

DanaWV thank you for the beautiful compliment.

A new week. I feel more ready than I did last week, I don't know why though.

Today we walk to the Maryland Theater to see the show "Skippyjon Jones". It's a children's book series, performed my TheaterWorksUSA. It's going to be a brisk walk from the school.

Lori O. said...

Good Morning Sandi and DanaMo!

Another Monday, Sandi. Glad you're ready for it DMo!

DanaMo said...

Lori-Are you on Pinterest? It's a great site for ideas. I have really started to use it and I thought of you because there was a picture from someone of a fabric basket.

Lori O. said...

No, I'm not, DanaMo...but I'd like to check it out. I've heard great things about Pinterest. Just another thing to get around to doing. lol

DanaMo said...

Well be careful, it really sucks you in!

Great ideas though for just about everything.

Sandi-there are great education ideas that are shared.

PA Nana said...

Good morning. Brrrr... it's cold. Better get some coffee.

PA Nana said...

All you folks that have to work today, have a good one.

Lori O. said...

Good Morning, DIANN!!! How are you?

Sandi said...

I'm off! Prayers for LYNN that today is better than yesterday but not as good as tomorrow will be! HAGD all!

PA Nana said...

Today looks like agood one, Lori, but it's early. Too early for me.
The guys woke me and now I'm waiting to go back to bed.

I see Shep is guarding the eggs this morning. He's been doing his share I hear. Good boy!

Any word on Lynn? Haven't seen a post from her on here or fb. Is she receiving email yet? I continue to pray for her and hope she continues to fight this monster. Lynn, prays for strength.

Don't think I like the comment box at the bottom. Didn't like it at the top either. ☺☺ Guess I'm hard to please. Have to scroll up or down...

T-Bird said...

Good morning my eagle peeps.

T-Bird said...

We had some snow last night. The kids don't have school today. Justin is with me. He is very happy to say the least.

PA Nana said...

Off to check email, fb and warm up my chair. Have a good day!
God bless.

T-Bird said...

Still snowing actually.

PA Nana said...

Hi, Thelma. Off I go....

CarolAnne said...

Quick Good Morning all,
After the big snow, we now have 7° - brrrr!

LOLLY - send that pizza recipe, I'll include it in the collection.

JANET - do you still want the thunder shirt I have?

MAGPIE - That ladybug is our welcome committee at the cottage. Lives in the bathroom all winter. That's the only room we keep heated when we aren't there.

Prayers for LYNN always, and added prayers for Nilla.

Another Monday, another fresh start. Have a good one if you can!

JudyEddy said...

Good Morning all the Eagle Buds on the Blog BRRRR my house is 65 in it and I am chilly Got up late today Ok gonna go catch up just wanted to say GOOD MORNING My fine feather loving Friend MFFLF

T-Bird said...

The cardinals are so beautiful against the snow background.

JudyEddy said...

It is 50° out now no wonder my house is chilly

OH Just read Nilla is in the hospital Tell her I said I hope she gets better soon I have her on FB too She was so sweet also offering to pick me up at the airport if I came up in Oct when I was up

So we had a switch in the middle of night sneaky birds

DNANMO I see several of my peeps on FB use the Pintereest IS it things you buy???? or just thing you like???? a wish book of sort??? I just have never asked anyone

stronghunter said...

Good morning!

Just started snowing here.

stronghunter said...

Something just flew by the nest. Might have been Belle.

WV sUSAn said...

Good Morning Sycamore Palace and eagle watching friends. Loretta, glad you caught the sneaky early switch.

HUGS to all who need them and be careful if you are going out in the snow. We got about 3-4 inches so it should be interesting getting off my hill. HAGD all and special thoughts of LYNN today. weeeeeeeeeeeeee

stronghunter said...

Prayers for our Nilla this morning.

stronghunter said...

And prayers for Lynn.

JudyEddy said...

So sad that the area that had all the damage from the tornado is now getting snow

JudyEddy said...

LYNN I pray that you get relief and regain all your strength to fight this nasty cancer SHARON tell her when you text her that we are all sending healing thoughts and prayers her way I know you always do

JudyEddy said...

THELMA when I was at my house one year I took a picture of the cardinals one of her bushes while it was snowing But it was through the screened window but still turned out pretty most were female not a red but was still pretty

JudyEddy said...

My email box is lonely LOL ok I am stepping away from the F5 F5 F5ing and gonna sit on the rocker Shep is picking at sticks and flugg around him so he has been on the nest since the middle of the night


JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...


stronghunter said...

Looks like a switch taking place.

JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...

She is still doing a wiggle wiggle

JudyEddy said...

looks settled now

JudyEddy said...

Somebody need to write to google and blogger and suggest that they sit up the comments like they do on facebook where they show up right away and no one has to hit F5F5F5F5 to see the next comment This just seems to archaic Don't ya all agree

JudyEddy said...

♫♫♫♫♫♪♪♫♫♫I think we're alone now there doesn't seem to be anyone around I think we're alone just the beating of my heart is the only sound ♫♫♫♪♫♫♫♫♫

JudyEddy said...

ok time for me to get ready to head out the door HAGD SYAL TTFN BBL

Lori O. said...

HAGD, Judy! You weren't alone. I was in LM.

magpie said...

Good Morning Eagle Pals...

Thinking of Lynn♥

and also, thinking of all you out there...with L♥ve

magpie said...

Hope you are finished with your work day soon, Lori !

magpie said...

Whew !!
saw that switch a few minutes ago...ALWAYS a relief that it is one of the Royal Resident Pair landing on the nest....

magpie said...

Hallelujah Wanda and your Church Family on the Freezer Funds !!

Now on to the Fridge Funds ! $$$$$

magpie said...

Wowser, Loretta was up early !

I hear a woodpecker drumming somewhere off in the distance at NCTC

magpie said...

I keep reading in my books about the Turkey Vultures and the Black Vultures, learning some interesting things.....

T-V's take almost always carrion, and Blacks sometimes take live prey
but I am still checking on how close together they will roost to each other, or nest...

also, The T-V's will have nests in trees also...

magpie said...

Yay on no school down your way T-Bird... I can imagine Justin IS very about Mattie?
Sometimes the "gals" don't like to be away from their school pals !

would love to see your cardinal picture sometime ☺

magpie said...

I see 13 WV counties are closed for weather and another 3 on delays, but strangely, Mercer County is not listed at all...for Bluefield....

magpie said...

most of the counties down South, and in the Heart of the State....

hope Susan got off the hill okay...
wish she could have stayed home instead

magpie said...

time to get to the this is my day off things, bank, post office, boring stuff like that....visit with James again later, a school pick up

Best Wishes for a Good Day, Eagle Pals.....Especially for our dear precious Lynn ♥

oh Belle just did some scootching, guess I missed a turnaround

(( All-Day Hugs ♥ ))
xoxox ♥

magpie said...

well, the school pick up for James is NOT part of the boring routine !

Lolly !
Wonderful report of your day with the Dallas Family...just truly wonderful ! (( Hugs ♥ ))

Good to see Diann and Andrea...slipping in and out...

xo 'Bye Now got to get cracking so I can build in a nap before I got to Berkeley Springs

magpie said...

oh, CarolAnne...
enjoyed your post about your Ladybug!
Way cool ☺

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Good morning everyone.

In Scott Depot and it appears we got about 4 inches of snow. Really didn't expect to wake up to that.

Mema Jo said...

Morning Everyone - Just arrived and
quickly read comments. There is good news all around. Love our sleepy eagle in the nest. It may be a way to stay warm and not freeze your beak.

I have my first cup of coffee now

magpie said...

I was wondering about that, Sharon !!

will you try to return home today?
This, a very important Last Day of the "Somethings" for you ??

Good Morning Jo.. !

magpie said...

James loves this bird fact:
Some birds can determine the temperature of their nests with their beaks....
I wonder if Eagles are one of those types of birds ?

magpie said...

I hate to leave before I see your answer...
Safe Travel Wishes for whenever you head out...

ttfn time for those boring chores outside the home

xo ♥

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Margy, I will not leave until Wednesday morning. Working today, then 4-hour work day tomorrow and spend the rest of my birthday with Andrew. They have a concert tomorrow night.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

LYNN UPDATE: She said she is about the same and thanks for the love and prayers. She is going to try to eat now.

Linda said...

Two days in a row for me to log in and find a




See you there.....

2/20/25 PM bird

1203 PM NN Scout comes to the nest with a load of bedding again. He seemed to leave with something in his talons. He has a beak full of bedd...