Saturday, March 17, 2012


New thread.


Sandi said...

Thanks Steve for the new thread! Thanks Megan for the call over!

Lynne2 said...

Happy St. Paddy's Day Thread....thanks Steve!

Hoda said...

Thanks STEVE fopr the new thread. Happy St Patrick's Day everyone.
I have not read back.
Checking in before I head back out again.
This time for yoga.
See you all in the evening.

Lynne2 said...

Hi and Bye Hoda!

paula eagleholic said...

Danamo hope you can pice your $ back together

Been working on clearing out sticker bushes today

Lynne. Screens are pretty easy once you get the hang of it

I see shep hasn't fed the chicks yet...hope he learns soon

Sandi said...

MEGAN, I agree. Shep doesn't even attempt feeding the chicklets - it's like he doesn't know that he should. He knows:
-delivering stuff (fish, flugg, sticks)
-moving sticks
-sitting on babies, whether they are in or out of an egg.

I guess we should be grateful for the things he has instinctively picked up and hopeful that he'll learn the other things.

paula eagleholic said...

I think feeding the chicks is instinctual...but it hasn't kicked in yet for shep

Sandi said...

LYNN, didn't know the sunroom was all metal construction - rats! Not sure I would chance the suction cup things - whenever I've used them, like to hang a wreath on my front door, I occasionally have to pick it up from the porch b/c the suction cup falls off. Your suncatcher probably has a little weight to it with the glass and the wood frame. How about those 3M command strips - don't know if there is a "decorative variety." Wouldn't want the white plastic ones for hanging it - too cheesy looking.

Hoda said...

OK so SHEP has not ged the chicklets yet...good thing BELLE is around!!!

Sorry about the garage door left open LYNN...I too hope that no critters got in there...

Have we heard from CAROLYN about CHARLIE? Did I miss something? I read pretty fast to catch up before I left again...Pneumonia LYNN mentioned, he does not have that too does he? OH NO!!!

Lori O. said...

Thanks for the new thread, Steve.

Megan, thanks for the call over!

Good afternoon everyone!

LYNN, your new suncatcher is gorgeous!

Wish I was as handy as Sandi and Paula!

74 degrees at the nest now. Slight chance of showers and a few degrees cooler tomorrow.

Shirley, drats on that Peggy! That is so super frustrating! Glad you held off on spending the money.

Hoda said...

fed not ged!!! LOL

Lynne2 said...

Don't worry Hoda....he is doing MUCH better today, and his bloodwork is better too!!

Lori O. said...

Enjoy your yoga class, HODA. I've been loving your pictures on FB!

Prayers for LYNN and Charlie.

Lynne2 said...

BTW, my furry troopers did very well yesterday home for 11 hour alone! No accidents at all, and they were not any more excited when I got home than usual!

Lynne2 said...

I believe McShep's feeding instinct will kick in pretty quick as the wee ones get more and more hungry!

Jewels said...

Hoda, I was on the previous blog.... Charlie is responding well to the antibiotics and the fluids.
Yes he has pneumonia, possibly from aspirating vomit due to the ulcer in his stomach. The Gall Bladder will come out when he is cured from this ordeal.

hedgie said...

Yes, Paula, it's heavy. Couldn't trust it to suction cups!!!

I have little purple flowers all over the place, and peonies are up about 6". That's about it here, Lynne.

Howdy, Hoda. Bye, Hoda!

Sandi said...

LYNNE2, glad you had no messes to clean up when you got home the other day. I'm sure you already know this but, I recall when Bandit was a pup and we crated him, I would rush home from work at lunchtime to take him out, worried that he would be upset about being in his crate for so long. Bandit was my first dog as an adult and, when I was a kid, my mom never crated our dogs. Anyway, when we took him for obedience, the trainer explained to everyone that it's only the humans who worry about that. Dogs have no concept of time so they don't know if you're gone for 5 minutes or 5 hours! That was very enlightening to me. Sometimes, when I'm having an "I don't wanna be a grown-up day (like you've had a few of lately), I think that would be a joyously simplistic way to live!

Linda said...

Belle Returns

Linda said...

Poof Shep

Sandi said...

YAY, Belle has returned! Shep nis rolling the babies! Now calling in his big boy voice and poof!

Linda said...

I think Belle brought that fish with her, didn't she??

Belle feeding eaglets...

Sandi said...

Ah, and Belle brought a fresh fish! You go girl!! 2 alert babies being fed!

Hoda said...

I went to get a cup of tea and when I came back there ias a feeding , right away I said BELLE there was a changing of the guard, and I did not even have my glasses...SWEET they are all so very sweet. She is so gentle and is making sure both get food. AWESOME.

Sandi said...

Belle started feeding the feisty one first, but both are getting plenty to eat!

DanaMo said...

Look at all that fish!!

Linda said...

Did you see the one on the left steal food from the one on the right??

My guess is #1 on left and #2 on right!

stronghunter said...


So sweet!!

They are the cutest little things.

I hope Shep learns about feeding.

And that Belle realizes that she is the only one doing that.

Lolly said...

OH DEAR I have been blogging away on the old thread!

Here is part of what I said..................................Lolly said...
Got a lot accomplished in the yard today. I see that commenting about "hunks", must be feeling a wee bit better!☺

So happy to hear Charlie is making progress. Yea!!! Know that is a big relief.

Do not like the reports of Shep continuing to NOT feed the babes and Belle being gone for hours. This is not good.

We are heading out for the evening so I need to go and beautify myself.

Have a great evening!

stronghunter said...

They are really going for that food.

Hoda said...

I will see you all was good to spend time on the blog...HUGS♥

stronghunter said...

Glad to see that you made your way over here, Lolly.

stronghunter said...

Kind of a long, stringy piece. Maybe they aren't ready to handle that yet.

stronghunter said...

They are getting a good feeding now.

stronghunter said...

Hungry little babies for sure.

Linda said...

Happy to see a good long feeding for the little ones!

stronghunter said...

Belle is looking at something.

stronghunter said...

Still watching something.

Sandi said...

Shep arrives with a fish and Belle says, "Mine!!" Shep promptly leaves and Belle is eating. Chicklets are stuffed and snoozing.

JudyEddy said...

Home from work and find a spankin new thread

DanaMo said...

As long as he continues to do the fishing I think they will be okay with Belle doing the feeding.

Just read that eagles have "two eyelids" and they pull the one over the eye when they are feeding so that the babies don't get them in the eye with their beaks. Interesting stuff you can find on the internet! LOL

DanaMo said...

My house is pretty clean, but I am sore all over!!

Lynne2 said...

Wow Lynn, my peonies haven't popped up yet, but I worry we lost them last year when the apple tree there had to be taken down/uprooted out. Time will tell! WOnder what your little purples are?

Missed the feeding :(
But, I got the badly damaged screen in one of the upstairs bedroom windows rescreened! I'm just a screening fool!

Lynne2 said...

OH! More feeding!

DanaMo said...

My peonies are popping up too! I have huge bushes around my deck. They are beautiful and one of my favs.

Lynne2 said...

My phlox are coming up, they really have spread out...think I'll separate some and use them out back.

DanaMo said...

I think there are some advil or something in my future. Like now...

DanaMo said...

I separated my peonies that's why I have such good bushes with lots of coverage.

Lynne2 said...

Daddy's home!

Sandi said...

Shep arrives with another fish - good boy, Shep!

Lynne2 said...

and he is eating....UGH! I really do feel sure that once these chickies get demanding, he will make us all proud like he has done with everything else! He's got a very experience mate in Belle. He will figure it all out!

Mema Jo said...

Thank you Steve for this fresh new
thread! Happy St Paddy's Day To All.

I just returned from Mass
Had dinner here at the house

Ok I see a Family in the nest
Now, who is feeding who
I see 2 wiggly bobble heads
Their mom watching over them and
getting all that extra flugg out from
the egg cup that Dad put in there.
And I see feetsies up at 11 ready to take off. Mom has settled down over
her little ones.

Lynne2 said...

Jo, I posted to Jennifer's wall yesterday....looking forward to seeing how her garden is doing in this amazing early spring!

hedgie said...

Lynne-ie....the purple flowers are pictured on my blog in April 2009!

Have done my fair share of helping with screens and splines in the past!!!

Lori O. said...

I was just out walking around outside and my red hyacinths are coming up - I can see the flower buds inside. I think LYNN got red, too, for this year.

Peonies are about 10" tall. Japanese maples are getting their red leaves. Roses are exploding with foliage. My daffodils are just now blooming! Oh, hosta is coming up, too. I get so excited!

Mema Jo said...

Lynne - I saw your post. She has been working days and guess she goes out with the daylight for about 2 hours.
She'll read it for sure and answer
you - she had bee working out in the yard a good bit.

Sandi said...

Looked like a couple of starlings or grackles hanging out at the nest - they certainly have Belle's attention.

Lori O. said...

Hello LYNN! Glad you're feeling up to blogging today. ♥

Lynne2 said...

OK Lynn, I see it and I'll have to do some research...was that something you planted or a wildflower?

Lynne2 said...

Time for a dog walk and feeding!

Sandi, saw your post. I kinda knew that they have no sense of time as we do, but I just worry about full bladders! They did me proud though, and I will be more relaxed on Monday. Another 11 hour day for them.

JudyEddy said...


Lots of different sound birds at the nest earlier and now geese as always

JEWELS great news that Charlie is doing better

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Good evening everybody. Checking in from the lake. Didn't see any eagles, just seagulls, coots and ducks. I love this Splashtop. Sittin on the deck watching Belle feed the babes on my phone. Life is good.

JudyEddy said...

Just started to read the blog saw belle just got done feedding them again I took a couple of video wanted to stay quite no keys clicking LOL gonna go upload and take a shower bbialw

JudyEddy said...

Oh I put a bigger picture of this on the Eagle Nest Video blog if you ant to see it up close was playing on the picture sites that I use to do with Jordyn pictures and found this one with the binoculars I thought was cool

magpie said...

Interesting Pose from Belle...
Kind of like a Glamour Pose...

Hello Evening Eagle Pals...

Thinking of Lynn♥
Especially since I saw many posts today from "Hedgie" ☺

Very wonderful Suncatcher, Lynn
and Good Report that Charlie is doing better today, Carolyn ♥

magpie said...

I betcha Rus can get your computer sounds going again, Shirley...
silly question, but have you tried a "Restore?"

I lost sound for awhile a year or so ago, it was very frustrating, seems like I tried everything including reinstalling the Sound Device Drives.....THEN I tried another restore, and guess what, I had sound. Wonky.

magpie said...

Nice Waterfowl Report, Sharon....
hope you and the family are enjoying themselves

magpie said...

themselves, I mean YOURselves


hedgie said...

Lynne, they are wild from a wild-flower sowing, I think. They are even in the driveway.

hedgie said...

Hi, Margy. Did you have to work over?

Lynne2 said...

Just talked to Steve, Wendy's required 72 hours will be up tomorrow. God help us, she is already lying to her therapist....on her list of "goals" in her counseling session today (they saw her paper in her room) she had put on there that she had to get ready to leave for West Virginia with her family!!! She isn't going to WV!! She won't go! They are planning on helping her get her place cleaned up and getting her settled back in tomorrow. She also tried to talk her mother into telling the counselor that she should be let out early!

Lynne2 said...

Hiya Margy! hey, can you take a look at Lynn's blog, April 2009, purple flower?

magpie said...

Sure Lynne, headed there now

Lynn, didn't have to work over, but stayed til 5 to finish up some tapes...was more or less off the clock though, my choice.

xo back in a few

I saw Winter Cress today, the totally beautiful yellow flower-weed that fills the pasture and and open fields here ☺

Lynne2 said...

what a gorgeous night it is! If I had a hammock, I'd be out there right now gazing at the sky and falling asleep to the sounds of the peepers!

magpie said...

Yes, Lynne and Lynn
It's a Beautiful Flower!

I'm not much help, the leaves resemble wild geranium, and the flower looks like Chicory !
Still searching !

I see Wanda suggested Anemone back then....

magpie said...

I'm surprised we are not hearing more Peepers at the nest at NCTC.
I know there are wildflowers galore popping out in the country here, probably Spring Beauty, Bloodroot, early Virginia Bluebell, and Trout Lily, things like that, I am behind in my trekking !
Or the Warm Weather is AHEAD of my trekking...

ttfn back later xoxo

Lynne2 said...

per FB post....male and female on the nest platform at BWO! Mating!

Lynne2 said...

looking forward to seeing some pictures when you get to trekking Margy!

Lynne2 said...

sure does look like Chickory, but wow, very early for it!

magpie said...

agree with that Lynne, maybe a little much yellow in the center too...a puzzler !

Yay on BWO...

I've been thinking about Shep...and wondering what HIS very early days were like....was he the Runt? Did he have good parents? Did his Father feed him, and any siblings he might have had...
Was he a rescue and release Eagle??
I know things are instinctual with aimals... but still I just wonder about these things, and there is NO way to find out.
I do think he'll chip in soon, though, I am optimistic.
He can toss those old fish overboard any time, though...

hedgie said...

My scapula is telling me that I have been on here too much today. Age-old problem rears it's ugly head again.... :(
So saying goodnight to you all and heading for the tub. See you tomorrow. Hoping for a REALLY good day because the girls want to takw mw out to eat.......XXXXX (fingers crossed!)
Love you all. Prayers for each and every need.

Lynne2 said...

have a good tubby Lynn and a good rest and sure you'll be feeling great tomorrow! SO glad you've been able to spend time with us today!

paula eagleholic said...

Oh pass that bottle of advil my way...I'm whooped..already had anice warm pj's and sweats on

Hoda said...

Goodnight LYNN...I hope you are well rested for tomorrow so you could go out to eat with your awesome daughters...HUGS♥

So Belle is on for the night and Shep brought fish twice when I was gone...that is good.

I hope LOLLY and JACK are having a wonderful evening out...

LYNNE for Wendy will she have a councilor and home support after her 72 hours. Will she be seen twice a day by health care professionals and will she do group therapy??? I ask because this is what would happen in Canada and if she refused she could be kept in the hospital for a month to be extended if required...I hope they do not just release her...PRAYERS.
I also worry about your other sister in laws legal problems...have STEVE and the others had a chance to see her too? What kind of help is she going to be able to get? Legal aid? Friends, family roommates...??? So many questions...I pray for them both.

Hoda said...

DANAMO very interesting about the two eyelids for the eagles...awesome what I learn on the blog.

Hoda said...

I think all of you who have worked so hard today and think you need an advil, seeing as how it is st.Patrick's day may I suggest a pint of Guiness? Would taste better and would do a better job too I would think...Bottoms up!!!

stronghunter said...


We just got back from Cold Stone. I had mint with a Heath bar. It is coolish but amazing for March.

Margy, I don't think I know what "restore" is.

I do know that the problem is not with the sound. It's with the sound control. I move it up, and I have sound, but it won't stay up.

Other things that happen: I can't use any drop-down menu. It flickers off. And the windows all want to center themselves.

I hope Rus can fix it. I made a quick screen capture of the scan results I got with Peggy, so
Rus will be able to see tha.

Jewels said...

Hedgesville Eagles Boys Basketball brought home the Division III State Championships!!!!!!! They won 33-32, first time since 1970's!!! Whooohooo!!!

paula eagleholic said...

That's nice Caro

Robyn said...

Thanks for the update Jewels

YAY Hedgesville!! Tori graduates from there this May

Hope everyone had a great St.Paddy's Day

Jewels said...

Correction its AAA State Champs!!!

Lynne2 said...

I'm not sure what will happen tomorrow Hoda. The doctors will give the evaluation and make a determination. I think they can, if they think she needs it, (the doctors) can petition the court to force her in to an inpatient facility or an outpatient program. This would take time, no doubt. They can simply release her with no legal requirements regarding continued care. It's all very unclear to me right now. For whatever reason, she thinks she is just going home. And the Baker act only allows 72 hours...she cannot be kept longer without a court order. And I don't know if legal proceedings to that effect would mean she has to stay put until the petition is granted or denied, or if she'd be able to leave until a decision was made. She could get out, screw up again, and get Baker Acted again. We are hoping they will force her into a facility. So, we just wait and see what happens tomorrow. I want so badly to talk directly with mom save for a quick hello, but she's been talking to so many family members and friends when she isn't with Wendy at the hospital. I'm forcing myself to just accept the details I get from Steve for now, and tomorrow, I will get some info directly from her. I doubt there would be much more she can tell me before then.

I just want my husband back!

Lynne2 said...

Oh, and a Guinness would taste just lovely right about now...but I don't much care for it out of the bottle. Much better on draught! And I am not going to a bar!

Sandi said...

Evening all - watched 2 shows that were on the DVR and fell asleep at the beginning of the 3rd. Don't know how Dennis can sit in front of the TV for hours and stay awake! I am headed upstairs for a bath and then bed - tennis tomorrow morning.

I can see Belle's white head!

LYNN, glad you felt good enough to blog with us today! Hope it continues so you can enjoy lunch with your girls tomorrow. Congrats to the Hedgesville Eagles!

LYNNE2, don't even know what to hope/pray for with regard to Wendy!

PAULA, did the sun come out today in Paradise? It stayed cloudy, kinda foggy, and damp and chilly all day here.

I will see everyone in the AM! Goodnight my eagle friends!

Sandi said...

I'm back - just read on FB that the Richmond eagle nest had their first hatch today!

Mema Jo said...

Hedgesville Eagles ROCK ♥

magpie said...

Righto, congratulations to the Hedgesville Eagles, and to all HHS Alumni and "Alumni-to-Be !"
Did I mention I am a "Bulldog?"
Lori and other Bully pals would appreciate that...
Well, I graduated from Martinsburg High School...
ended up in Hedgesville quite a bit later....

magpie said...

Wheee Doggy, sounds g♥♥d for Lynn, hope it all works out....
for her plans with the Lovely Daughters...

magpie said...

one wrist, one elbow, and one foot giving me the pains tonight...
would blame it on something other than aging if I could

Rest well, everyone, when your Pillow Time Arrives

See your computer comments, Shirley, does sound rather complicated, but I do think Rus will have a "bead" on it
and I hope it happens soon !
A "restore" can "undo" changes to your computer without your losing things you do NOT want to lose.
Sounds like Magic to me.

paula eagleholic said... was gorgeous all day...sunny and a light breeze

Nick is whooped too...don't think he has enough energy to hop on te he backed up and jumped up

Linda said...

Checking in.....before I go take my hot shower and crash for the day.

Haven't been to chatty tonight :o( because I had lots of work to stay focused on. The good part of that is I did a LOT of billing tonight and tax season is looking a bit better!!

Any word from KAY today?? I am worried about her. Love you, Kay! ♥

I saw Lynn's post where she said she was on here too much today. That is at least a good sign in that you were up a bit more today. Hope each day gets a little better. ♥

Will try to catch up a little more tomorrow, but know I care and love each of you so very much!!

Prayers and Blessings for all in this roost and beyond.....

Night ♥

Kay said...

Just checking in and am thrilled to see LYNN posting a number of times and planning on dining out with her lovely daughters ! Good news re:Charlie, too. Big relief.

Hope all had a good St. Paddy's Day ! Julie n' Seth arrived early this afternoon and cleaned my deck and garage. Then we all went to their house in our lovely green shirts. ☺ I sat outside soaking up "D" while Julie cleaned out her flower beds in preparation for planting. About 5 Hugh brought me and Seth home for our usual Sat/Sun routine. Nice day and pain management went well--no nausea. Thanks again for your prayers !!!!!

Thanks for the good reading about our royal pair and their little ones. I think Shep will catch on where feeding is concerned, but am glad that Belle can feed them til' their crops are quite full, tiding them over nicely.


Kay said...

Oh, LINDA, you're so sweet ! I didn't mean to worry anyone---the day just got away from me. I♥U !

magpie said...

Sounds great Paula...
glad your and Nick's Paradising is going well !

and thanks Sandi, Yay on the Richmond Eagle Family with first hatch also !

might be getting horizontal here myself soon too....
in advance of that

Best wishes, Lynne, on the complicated situation with Wendy, and hope Shari is doing okay too...

and Prayers for Wellness Amongst us.... hoping that Charlie continues to improve, Jewels...

I don't think I'm going to bed yet....but just in case...

God Bless This Nest, and God Bless Us, Every One
xo ♥

Mema Jo said...

Judie didn't tell us but I think the
sandman is running loose tonight and has
already been here and dusted me!

Good night to all of you green beans!
Love you all
Prayers for restful sleep and for pains to disappear. Healing prayers for
Lynn and Charlie and for Kay.
Sharon's friend Nila now closer to her family but I know Sharon is in her heart
** (((HUGS))) **

stronghunter said...

Rus posted that he finished in 5th place in his plane competition. I do not know how many are competing or exactly what the competition consists of, but it looks to have something to do with flying the planes (Radio-controlled airplanes).

stronghunter said...

That was for today's competition. It continues tomorrow.

stronghunter said...

Looked up RC plane competition in Goldsboro, NC, and found a club with a picture of a bald eagle on their website.

stronghunter said...

Maybe the sandperson sneaked up on Judie before she could post tonight.

You all take care. I will see you tomorrow.

Prayers and good wishes for everyone.

PA Nana said...

Good evening. Hope everyone had a great St. Patrick's Day.

Spent the evening watching our local PBS station with my favorite Irish groups - Celtic Thunder & Celtic Woman. Made my annual contribution and am awaiting the new Celtic Woman CD. Have already ordered the new Cetic Thunder CD through another site. Love that Irish music!!

Will have to catch up but want to wish all a good night and prayers for all in need.

I'll be heading to my recliner shortly thereafter (maybe) so, God bless!!

Mema Jo said...

******* WANDA *********

Is your email busted!
Are you in email Jail?

magpie said...

Us little shamrocks are closing up shop one by one...

Good to see you Diann, sounds wonderful, I love those two Celtic Music programs as well !

Headed to the pillows and my GREEN blanket as well...just got a sprinkling of GREEN dust scattered by Mr. O'Sandperson

xox G'Nnight, Precious Pals

NatureNut said...

Good Evening Eagle Buds.
Had our Irish dinner, watched some MPT and Animal Planet & Fubby had so much cabbage, I cut up the 2nd head and boiled that, too!I was thinking we have leftovers I can take for my lunch, but tomorrow's Sunday! DUH

NatureNut said...

Getting later.
Glad to see Lynn on here & great she and the girls can get together for din din!☺
I'm thinking of you, Paula, in Paradise w/mate Nick. Must be wonderful and peaceful!
Lynne, hope thinks get organized in FL.
Kay, hope you're feeling better.
Is Wanda having a crab feast? She mentioned they didn't have any at the restaurant. I didn't get my lobster, yet! They aren't lovely, but maybe I'll dream about them! LOL
Prayers for all in need & Xtra special ones for Lynn, Charlie, their families, Nila, Tori~~
& Pleasant Feather Dreams ;>)

Lolly said...

Hi all! We had fun this evening. Dinner was delish and the music fantastic. Love the band The Trinity River Whalers. We have two of their CD's and bought two more tonight.

Lynn, I do hope you can go to eat tomorrow with your daughters. That would be so good for you to get out for fun!!!

Lolly said...

Way past ime to go to bed. Had a fun eveningl....I needed it!

Nite all! Sweet dreams!

Lolly said...

Just as I hit publish I saw the t missing off the "time". Oh...well...

(((Hugs))) for all!

Lynne2 said...

well, I think I am exhausted enough to get some sleep! Just took the dogs out for bedtime pee and it's getting quite foggy, but so warm!

Hope everyone is or will be soon sleeping like a baby! Good night and prayers for all!

Costume Lady said...

What a glorious day this has been. I spent more time walking through our woods, full of obsticles, which is very good therapy for me. Although I can walk very well, with absolutely no limp, I need to get that whole leg stronger...that is the key to a complete recovery. I feel so good when I can do things outside that is refreshing and theraputic.

I watched Shep babysitting today, which was too cute. I do believe when the chicklets get a little older and more demanding, Dad will decide to feed them to keep them still and quiet:)


Hoda said...

Good night.


Ms Bookworm said...


Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone,

Had another busy, glorious day here at the kids' house. Went shopping with Jen and the girls to get a new top for Sierra to wear for pictures tomorrow. Courtney got a headband to wear tomorrow, too. Jen had fun planting some new flowers in the big pots on the front porch.

This evening we watched the Cars 2 movie. It was very enjoyable.

I am gradually figuring out how to do things on my new-fangled phone. My old flip phone was about 5 years old! Jen can't believe that Kubby and I have new phones!LOL

Ms Bookworm said...

Oh, almost forgot to wish everyone a HAPPY ST. PATRICK'S DAY!!!!

Am VERY glad to hear that Charlie is doing so much better. Carolyn, you must really be SO relieved!
Thank God he is doing well.

Lynn, glad to see that you were here quite a bit today! Hope you feel well-rested tomorrow, and can enjoy your time with the girls!
Love the new suncatcher! Love YOU!!

Well, I need to go shower and wash my hair, and paint my nails. Need to look good for the pictures tomorrow morning!

Have said prayers for everyone, and for every creature. Making sure the porch light is on. Enabling both security systems.
Sleep well, everyone. God bless, and goodnight. Love all of you!:o]

DanaMo said...

♥ Good morning!

DanaMo said...

Wow nobody has been here since 2:40?

Lori O. said...

I'm here DanaMo! Good Morning!

I've just been working on work stuff online. Didn't have time to check in yet.

How are you this soon to be beautiful day?

Lori O. said...


DanaMo said...

I'm good thank you! HOw are you? ☺

I'm feeling pretty good after cleaning my house top to bottom. Problem is I still find little things that need to be done. Wish I could get it ALL done! But alas, I did so much yesterday I will probably be lazy today!

Sandi said...

Morning LORI & DMO! Another foggy morning here!

Lori O. said...

Good morning, Sandi!

Foggy here, too, with little dew drops falling.

DanaMo, that's always my goal, or dream, is to get the entire house done, then just sit back and admire!

Sandi said...

Belle is up and calling!

DanaMo said...

Good morning Sandi

Lori O. said...


Sandi said...

Belle is feeding the chicklets. So far, #1 is hogging the food and #2 is waiting impatiently for his/her turn.

Sandi said...

Chicklet #2 was being fed until s/he fell over backwards! =) Belle is now covering the babies and is settled down facing 7.

Lori O. said...

Sandi, love your tulips avatar!

magpie said...

Me Too Sandi!
I just finished making it larger...Wow!

Good Morning Eagle Pals...

Thinking of Lynn ♥


magpie said...

DanaMo...Bravo on the house-cleaning...!
Be lazy and enjoy the day ☺

JudyEddy said...

Good Morning one and all

JudyEddy said...

LYNN, glad you felt good enough to blog yesterday

WANDA so happy you can get around better with no limping Yeah for new knees

Sandi said...

Thanks, wish they were my tulips! Sadly, they're not - but pretty enough to steal (at least a pic anyway). I have a garden area between the 2 driveways where I planted daffodils a number of years ago. They have bloomed in the past. Last year and AGAIN this year, the leaves have come up but NO daffodils - NOT 1!! Anybody know what would cause that 2 years in a row? Seriously, what good are daffodil leaves w/out the flowers?

magpie said...

How about that Wanda tiptoe-ing through the proverbial tulips at her Country Homeplace.....
sounds great...Perfect timing, Wanda...operation in Winter, Recovery well underway in Springtime

also Lolly and Jack's evening out, and all Andrea's activities !
Smile Pretty, Andy !

Sandi said...

Morning MARGY and JUDY!

magpie said...

I'e had the same problem at other places, Sandi...
but don't know the answer...Megan would !

Good Morning, Judy !

Lori O. said...

Sandi, try adding some bone meal around your daffodils. It gives strength to the bulbs.

Good morning, Margy and JudyE!

Lori O. said...

How CUTE! Can see the chick beneath Belle!

T-Bird said...

I see we still have plenty of fish. It looks like we have a wet mama too.

JudyEddy said...

Love it ♥

T-Bird said...

Has Shep fed them yet?

JudyEddy said...

They both are holding up their head really good huh so cute

Sandi said...

Morning THELMA. No Shep has not tried a feeding!

Lori O. said...

Good Morning, Thelma! I don't think SHEP has been successful in feeding the eaglets yet.

Lori O. said...

Belle is being so great at feeding the smaller one.

glo said...

Good morning everyone. Today is the day Dad feeds the kids I can feel it in my bones, OK Dex told me he felt it in his bones :-) MTBR

T-Bird said...

Lynn-I hope you are at least able to look at the nest some today even if you can't blog.

T-Bird said...

Getting two snuggled in makes me wonder how Belle got three snuggled, way back when.

magpie said...

Yes, it has been a few years for that, T-Bird....

Good Morning to You, and also to Glo...

Mourning Dove doing its cooing

magpie said...

2008 in fact, my first Momster year

magpie said...

Two ospreys at BWO

T-Bird said...

Lori-for a moment yesterday I was really worried about the smaller one getting enough food. You are right, it sure looks like she is making sure it gets enough food.
We've got to name them.

magpie said...

To-do list for Shep:
Bring in Fresh Food
Feed the Babies
Dump the old fish overboard
Get more Fish
Do More Feeding
Roost on the Babies

Lori O. said...

I hope you're right about Shep feeding today, Glo! Good day to you and Dex. ♥

magpie said...

Pileated Woodpecker sounds

Sandi said...

Thanks, MARGY - I was JUST going to ask! Morning GLO!

JudyEddy said...

”*°•.¸☆ ★ ☆¸.•°*”★”*°•.¸☆..★..
˜˜”*°•.¸☆ ★ ☆¸.•°*”★”*°•.¸☆..★
˜˜”*°•.¸☆ ★ ☆¸.•°*”★”*°•.¸☆..★

.♥ ♥ ♥H A P P Y♥♥


JudyEddy said...


magpie said...

Red-shouldered Hawk in the distance

magpie said...

So, Happy Anniversary, or
Happy 1st Momster Birthday ? LOL
good for your JudyE

Sandi said...

JUDY, well I guess we have Paddy to thank for you being here! Boy, I didn't think to write down the date when I first posted. Then again, I didn't think I'd become a regular - just wanted some tips for getting the sound on my cam page. But you folks are so addictive!!

JudyEddy said...


Sandi said...

Shep in with a BIG fish delivery!!

JudyEddy said...


DanaMo said...

Look at all those fish and off he goes to get more???

BEagle said...

Good morning Eagle Fans.

I see Shep brought a big fish for little chicks.

T-Bird said...

We definitely don't have to worry any more about Shep being a provider.

JudyEddy said...

i have the email in my file that is when i got a google acct that is how I know its the first day I blogged didn't have acct till then I save it with password on it in my email file

BEagle said...

Belle is going for the fresh one for the babes.

Shep just arrived.

Sandi said...

Shep back with flugg now. Belle is filling up those little crops - good!

Sandi said...

Shep poofs again.

magpie said...

They'll get some fresh moisture out of this one !

T-Bird said...

It's a spiritual thing Sandi.

JudyEddy said...







T-Bird said...

Magpie-it's amazing how you know the sounds.

BEagle said...

She's getting food into #2.

Sandi said...

JUDY, good thinking. I saved the first email I got - from LYNN ♥! So I've got my anniversary date. OK, I've got to get ready for tennis! Later! Morning BEAGLE!

Jewels said...

Good morning!!! Reporting beside from Charlies suite. Lol, made it here for part of the Dr's visit. He says his numbers look excellent and he has put orders in to be moved to a regular floor and to have regular food. Another bad night for him. He said he only seen his nurse twice all night long. He came in last night, unhooked him from iv so he could use the bathroom alone. He says the male nurse didn't want to mess with the bed pan. Wow.... Not sure if he got his pain meds regularly like his day nurse did or not... He is restless again, sweating and very grumpy. His day nurse Bree has been excellent and thankful we have her again today. She will get him turned back around again.

magpie said...

Oh Jewels !!! that is NOT Okay, but the Numbers News is good news....


2/20/25 PM bird

1203 PM NN Scout comes to the nest with a load of bedding again. He seemed to leave with something in his talons. He has a beak full of bedd...