Sunday, February 05, 2012


New thread.


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Hoda said...

Thanks STEVE for the new thread, I will go call the others over. Have a great Sunday.

paula eagleholic said...

Nick says "woof" to the flying labs, Margy and DanaMO and Hoda, and Jo!

paula eagleholic said...

Temp is 39° here, snow is just about all melted!

paula eagleholic said...

Lori, you have a trail cam?

DanaMo, did you talk hubby into Panera?

DanaMo said...

Well I wasn't lost for long. Thanks for the call over Hoda!

DanaMo said...

Java is trying to get on my lap. When is she going to realize that it won't work?

magpie said...

Thanks Steve, for the New Thread,
and Hoda for the callover

and Hello Belle !
Busy bee-ing it in the nest

magpie said...

Sounds lovely, Jo...
Blessings on the Great Grands...
a Beautiful event in their lives

Enjoy your Family time ♥

T-Bird said...

Good morning again everyone. Thanks for the call over Hoda and thanks for the new thread Steve.

magpie said...

Hi T-Bird and Buddy

Belle is eating lefovers for Brunch

magpie said...


magpie said...

"little airplane with a heart head "might not look the same but I did put a pic in the E-M album

Eagle chortles

magpie said...

whatever Shep brought in, food or fluff, Belle took it...

magpie said...

I'm guessing food, she's eating something new and small, I think

Hoda said...

she called out for a while and then in came Shep with a small something for food. He is above cup area she is eating. Finished already and goes to cup area he goes to railing

Hoda said...

Poof Shep from three.

magpie said...

They both seem quite watchful,
think Shep is on the branches on Sentry Duty

Hoda said...

Belle in cup area digging,in comes Shep and lands at eleven again.

magpie said...

Well there he is BACK agan

'Morning Hoda, doing okay this morning ??

stronghunter said...

So Shep brought in some food??

Hoda said...

poof shep again

magpie said...

something little, Shirley...and she went right over and took it, he did not resist....

stronghunter said...

How is your injured leg, Hoda?

Hoda said...

Is this an almost loose feather on Belle's left wing?

magpie said...

maybe a minnow...
☺ or a shiner

eggs in view at BWE

stronghunter said...

Let us hope he is gone for more food. He needs to get this feeding thing right. We are hoping for babies, and they will need lots of feeding and attention.

stronghunter said...

Will is coming over in a bit. I need to get showered and dressed. Still in pajamas.

Hoda said...

Thanks SHIRLEY. It is all good. No sign of infection but I am bruised. I soaked again in epsom salt and put neosporin and it does not sting...small bleeding spot this morning again.

magpie said...

I'm happy to think he is just guarding the Palace...

I hope they BOTH went out for breakfast together this morning...

Hoda said...

Belle goes above cup area to eleven spot and looks around

magpie said...

Is that an EGG ???????

hedgie said...

Congratulate the grands for me, Jo!!! Big day!

hedgie said...

MORE flugg!!!! LOL---one little bare clump of snow in middle looks like a wee egg!

magpie said...

Please look:

What do you think ?????

Sure looks like an EGG to me....

magpie said...

Please look:

What do you think ?????

Sure looks like an EGG to me....

Hoda said...

No MARGY that is snow!!!

magpie said...

though her behavior does not exactly match egg-laying....
not hovering over it.....
we'll know soon enough....

Mema Jo said...

Thanks Steve for the new thread & thanks for the call over, Hoda.
I think Shep is having some training
this morning from Belle for 'bringing in the food'! It sure is looking good
between the two of them now.

paula eagleholic said...

Snowball, Margy

hedgie said...

Too small, I think, Margy! Wishful thinking, huh??

paula eagleholic said...

My cam had stopped! Missed the food delivery

magpie said...

Okay Hoda..I about had heart failure... does not look like an egg anymore

hedgie said...

PAULA---from old thread: what is Dogfood Dip??

wvgal_dana said...


wvgal_dana said...


BEagle said...

Hello Eagle Fans,

It's about time for egg laying in WV!
I see Belle is her usual self and I have noted that the male is called Shep. Is that official from the Momsters?

It looks like two chicks are already at Jordan Lake in NC and two eggs being sat upon at BWE.

I haven't checked on the Channel Island nests.

Missed you and praying for a much better time of it this year.

hedgie said...

Howdy, Hoda! Is your leg very sore?

Hoda said...

I have to go get ready for Yoga...lurking mode...

magpie said...

sorry for the false alarm....
but one of these times, soon I hope....we will SEE it and know for sure...without a doubt....

ttfn xo

wvgal_dana said...

Belle Has moved back to railing

wvgal_dana said...


wvgal_dana said...


paula eagleholic said...

Shep in from the left with a small stick, place it quickly, now digging in the bowl

Hoda said...

it is all good LYNN...I know the bite is there and that is a bit of sorness but it is not infected and it is bleeding a little bit...I think Yoga will do it good.Thanks for asking.

stronghunter said...

Shep in with stick. That is nice, but Belle can't eat a stick.

paula eagleholic said...

Hi Beagle! Welcome back! 3 chicks at Sequoyah as well!

paula eagleholic said...

Lynn, Dogfood Dip...1lb of velveeta, 1 jar of salsa, 1Lb of hamburger...fry hamburger and drain...add to salsa and cheese and melt on stove (or you can microwave)...adjust ingredients according to your taste, I like hot salsa, less burger and more cheese. Dip with doritos!

stronghunter said...

Hi BEagle,

We have missed you.

Yes, Shep is the official Momster name for our new male.

BEagle said...

Thanks Paula!
I can't remember Sequoyah!
Is that Oklahoma?

Two eagles on the West End.

stronghunter said...

Must go shower and dress for the day.

BEagle said...

There's a cam on the Pelican Harbor!

wvgal_dana said...

Hi BEagle

DanaMo said...

Hi BEagle. Another Dana here! ☺

wvgal_dana said...

Shep Moving sticks

BEagle said...

Hi and thank you stronghunter.
Talk to you later!

wvgal_dana said...

Shep turning head watching where Belle is going

BEagle said...

Hello to both of you Dana's! Love those eagles!

wvgal_dana said...

Yes BEagle Sequoyah is OK

BEagle said...

There was a moose on the moose cam too!

BEagle said...

okay for the Oklahoma nests. I couldn't bring them up at this time.

wvgal_dana said...

Belle just flew back in

Mema Jo said...

Hi BEagle!
Both in the nest... I think Belle is
wishing for some dryer flugg to sit upon!

paula eagleholic said...

Both working on fluffing up the nest

Mema Jo said...

I bet a beakful of flugg doesn't taste that great lol

BEagle said...

There are no eagles on the but it looks like new fluff. Maybe some activity this year?

BEagle said...

Hallloooo MemaJooooo!

hedgie said...

Hi, Beagle...good to see you.

Okay, Paula. Christie makes that but that isn't what she calls it!!! Wait til I tell her!!!

OK, Hoda, good on you.

Cam has been running for nearly an hour...thank goodness! Refreshing was getting very old.

Time to bake my cake. BBL.

BEagle said...

I think the bloggers on the OC are calling the new male Ben. I like Shep. Would that be short for Shepherdstown?

Mema Jo said...

Hi again BEagle! Hope you come back again and again. How has your winter months been so far?

paula eagleholic said...

Shep up to the 9 spot sentry branch

BEagle said...

Hellloooo Hedgie. :D

paula eagleholic said...

Lynn, what does Christie call it? I got this recipe from Ajay...I used to make w/o the hamburger.

BEagle said...

Has there been any....what do you call it? know.....HP?

paula eagleholic said...

BEagle for Shepherdstown, and hopes that he will Shepard and protect our new eaglets.

wvgal_dana said...

not a link If Shep brought in food please please put the picture in the Feb. album.....thank you we need to know if he did.

paula eagleholic said...

Oh yes, lots of HP!! Twice this morning. We are waiting on eggs! Should be very soon!

paula eagleholic said...

Shadow over the nest, Shep must be up in the air...

paula eagleholic said...

Shep back with more flugg! Good boy!

grannyblt said...

Paula, that Dogfood dip sounds good to me. maybe less meat and the Mexican Velveeta. I may just have to go to the store for the fixings. Sounds like supper with the ball game.!

BEagle said...

Oh me Oh my! Lotsa HP! Yippie!

BEagle said...

I have mixed emotions about Dog Dip.

BEagle said...

.....or rather Dogfood Dip. Hmmmm?

BEagle said...

Many of my son's classmates watch eagle cams now.

paula eagleholic said...

Oh Lynne1, you can make a meal out of it for sure.

Hoda said...

Good Morning BEagle...what a lovely name...BE EAGLE...rise above...yes OC calls Shep Ben and Hancock Foundation calls him Smitty. Officially the Momsters have called him SHEP. and I see the others explained why.

paula eagleholic said...

That's cool, BEagle. Shirley's grandson is watching them in school too.

wvgal_dana said...

Thanks Steve for the new thread and Hoda for the call over (:

@Hoda Would bleeding be normal????

DanaMo said...

We watch in my kindergarten classroom, BEagle. Everyone is hooked!

Hoda said...

WV DANA... I do not know what is normal...I have lived 63 years and this is my first dog bite!!1 The blood is clear and bright in colour and no signs of infection so all that is good. Don't worry I am sure it will be all fine...thanks for caring and for your prayers...

wvgal_dana said...

I hear eagle cries again

Hoda said...

That was an eagle call that made them both look back??? Someone else is out there...poof Shep

BEagle said...

I am hopeful when the Computer Science students, soon to be graduates, take a technical way.

To spark the interest in the younger grades can multiply the chances for greater technology in the future.

BEagle said...

Hi and hello Hoda!

wvgal_dana said...

Shep flews down ant out you can see him out of nest flying BEAUTIFUL wish I could have gotten that picture. Belle was crying. I do believe she is trying to tell Shep she is hungry!!

Mema Jo said...

We certainly will not allow any intruders in at this step of the game.
Don't need Drama..

BBL - going to meet up with the lunch gang!

paula eagleholic said...

Belle still in the middle of the bowl...preening.

BEagle said...

Smitty isn't so bad. Shep reminds me of a more endearing term like "Bro."

That is a good thing for me.

Hoda said...

My Momster Greeting is Howdy Hoda!!! LOL
Hello and young people watching and learning from and about eagles is a wonderful thing......

I keep trying to take a peek to see brood patch but I am not getting a good lookshe needs to do a yogic back flip!!! LOL

wvgal_dana said...

Enjoy friends and lunch Mema Jo. I do hope you or Paula will move the one picture 2/4 into the place on the email I sent you Mema Jo.

BEagle said...

I always like the way Belle smacks her wings back like that.

wvgal_dana said...

The cries are not from another eagle .....they are from Belle

paula eagleholic said...

Belle laying in the bowl now...nope, up

wvgal_dana said...

Hoda if I remember they won't make their brood patch until the egg is laid ...I think

Hoda said...

Now that is BEAUTIFUL...look at her in the cup...

SHEP warms the heart is true SHARON first spoke of it in these term on this blog...when LYNN suggested it it warmed SHARON'S heart and it helped her with her process of losing Liberty. You put it well bro!!!there is a connection...

wvgal_dana said...

Shep needs to be bringing food to the nest for Belle. So she knows she will be fed while laying the eggs.

BEagle said...

Howdy Hoda....:D

BEagle said...

It was difficult getting over last year.

Poof went Belle.

Hoda said...

OK bye all off to yoga and health food store...

♥ she is going to poof and there she goes and I heard her wings flap!!! YAY...

hedgie said...

POOF! Funny that it took snow to get them to better line the nest. Now they just need to hollow out that cup a bit.

BEagle said...

I noted when Belle was laying on the nest, she was moving the flugg around her as if she has perceptive thoughts.


Bring 'em on! I want to see three viables!

wvgal_dana said...

Belle flew up onto limb

wvgal_dana said...

Steps that an eagle takes from
building the nest (about how long) to eaglets fledging link below

Here you will find out when they do the brood patch

hedgie said...

Paula, I can't remember the name that Christie uses....just know it's not dogfood!
I make it with just the Velveeta and salsa, too.

LOL...BEagle......OC poster said they call Shep Ben because of PRESIDENT Benjamin Franklin!!!! Who'd a thunk it???? Learn new history everyday.

BEagle said...

NC chicks are getting a big lunch!

BEagle said...

Can someone make a connection between Benjamin Franklin and the Shepherdstown Eagle Nest?

BEagle said...

The Deco nest is freshly flugged but no eagles showing at the moment.

hedgie said...

BEagle, there have been Golden Eagles seen at BW this season!

magpie said...

I didn't get a picture of the food delivery, DanaWW, I was just watching

looks to me like Belle is eating well ! I have a lot of Faith in Shep protecting the nest and bringing in food, he did not resist at all when Belle took the offering this morning..
I find myself wondering a lot about how he will handle Egg-Tending....but I also have Faith in his Learning Abilities...just hope he can be very delicate...
like Liberty was ♥

Hello BEagle, been hoping to see you come back and be a part of the Flock ☺

magpie said...

Hoping that everyone here and amongst our loved ones, has a GREAT DAY

I'm loving the Sunshine ☼

And always, hoping, and praying, that
Wellness, Swells....

I'm going to see James the Wise Kidster, so I am sure my day will be stellar

God Bless Us, Every One
xoxo (( Hugs ♥ ))

wvgal_dana said...

BEagle other than Ben Franklin did not want the Eagle to be the symbol for the United States Of America....he wanted the turkey.

Sandi said...

SERIOUSLY, how could you folks put 128 posts on a new thread in less than 2 hours???? Now to read = CLUNK and eagle calls!!

BEagle said...

Hello, thank you, and warmest of greetings to you Magpie.

I believe Shep will surprise us in a very positive way. That's what I hope for.

hedgie said...

Hoda, that drainage is called serosanquineous fluid. Not unusual for deeper wounds to leak it for a few days.

hedgie said...

BEagle I answered your Ben question for you before you asked it!

BEagle said...

A TURKEY????!!!!!

Good golly!

Sandi said...

Hi BEagle! Nice to meet you! More clunks - someone is up there! Happy to hear that Shep brought some food to the nest.

BEagle said...

Hedgie......if I could read better you would not have to explain.

What is the history to the Bald Eagle being selected?

I know, I can goggle it.

hedgie said...

BEagle, my answer was at 11:59. Nothing about a turkey......DanaWV mentioned that.

I have no idea why an eagle was selected!!

wvgal_dana said...

Ben Franklin thought the eagle stole food from the Osprey. Which it will or even another eagle.I have seen videos where Osprey have stolen food from Osprey's. If Ben would have sit and watched a gathering of turkeys. He would have seen a turkey eating and another turkey come along and push that turkey out of the way. That is the same thing as stealing. It happens in all wildlife. I watch a show the other day where a polar bear with 2 cubs make a kill. Another animal a bear was watching. When the kill was made the bear went in an forced the polar bear with cubs away. Bear ate its fill and the polar bear and cubs had the leftovers.

stronghunter said...

Thought maybe I heard an eagle cry a bit ago.

Trying to keep up as best I can.

stronghunter said...

Now I hear crows, I think.

stronghunter said...

Now I hear crows, I think.

stronghunter said...

Pardon the double post.

paula eagleholic said...

The snow is just about gone from the nest

stronghunter said...

The snow seemed to melt pretty quickly.

stronghunter said...

The snow seemed to melt pretty quickly.

paula eagleholic said...

An Eagle was selected because it was unique to the US...well North America, actually.

BEagle said...

I read back a little.

MemaJo, my winter has been very mild. We have only had one snow in the capitol city. Even though, the constant rain seems to make it feel a little colder. My new furnace works exceptionally well. :)

Paula, I did some closer study of Psalm 23 about the shepherd. A very gentle man (or woman) who watches over the minute (pronounced "my-noot") care of each individual in his flock and supplies every need each one has. He's very protective and watchful.

paula eagleholic said...

Sooo, does anyone have a favorite for the Super Bowl? I think the Giants are the underdogs, so I will probably root for them!

BEagle said...

Hi Sandi.

BEagle said...

I will probably root for the Giants too.

grannyblt said...

Yes, Hedgie, I remember the days that BEN was president. There is tht whole chapter missing from my history book.LOL

Sandi said...

PAULA, I have no vested interest in either team but think that Tom Brady has his share of Super Bowl rings, so I will be rooting for the Giants as well. I'm just hoping it's an exciting game and that the half time show is decent.

wvgal_dana said...

BEagle this might help. Looks like they were first thinking the symbol to be a picture of Mountains. Watch this video click on blue link

Who What they first was going to pick then what changed their mind

wvgal_dana said...

You can increase the size of the video by using the % on your bottom right corner.

grannyblt said...

Cake is out of the oven and the nest is empty, so I'll bbl

BEagle said...

Here is something I found in googling about the Bald Eagle selection. I share it with you because I like the story of Old Abe.

"American Bald Eagle Information states that the bald eagle was finally adopted as the emblem of the United States in 1787 because "its long life, great strength, and majestic looks, and also because it was then believed to exist only on this continent."

"A few eagles have even become American heroes. Old Abe, the mascot of a Wisconsin regiment during the Civil War, traveled 14,000 miles with the troops. He was a constant target of enemy riflemen, but survived 42 battle engagements. A turkey wouldn't have lasted 10 minutes, Mr. Franklin."

Sandi said...


paula eagleholic said...

Looks like eagle in the nest with fluff

Sandi said...


paula eagleholic said...

It's Shep...he's molding the cup and moving fluff. tucking it in...cute

Sandi said...


Sandi said...


hedgie said...

I'm not rooting for anybody. Just don't care!! If it ain't the Skins or the Ravens, it just doesn't matter!!!!
Not even going to watch it, Paula!

What kind of cake did you bake, Lynne1? Mine is carrot......also out of the oven!

hedgie said...

BEagle, glad the furnace has done you well this year!!!! I was so worried about you last year before you finally got it in and running!

Lori O. said...

OMGosh, 163 posts on the new thread in less than 2 1/2 hours. Think that's a non eaglet record!

Sandi said...

LYNN, carrot cake with cream cheese icing is my absolute favorite. We like a lot of the same foods! BTW, the stuffed pepper soup smells just like stuffed peppers baking!

Mema Jo said...

I have returned and now I will read back the 50+ comments made in my absence.

Sandi said...

Now I see the spot!

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Good afternoon everyone! Hope all is well in Eagle Land this afternoon. Our eagles have sure been busy today. I wish Belle would put her butt in that cup and give us an egg!!!!

Mema Jo said...

Had breakfast/lunch at Bob's
All 3 gals donned their Redskin outfits.
I want to see half time and commercials.

Guess I can flip around in between or

Sandi said...

This is a difficult thing for me to admit, but I don't like all of my students. I love kids in general and I love the overwhelming majority of the ones I have to work closely, but every once in a while, I encounter one that I just don't like. When that happens, it's very difficult for me to draft an IEP for the student because, on the first page, I have to list the student's strengths and weaknesses and I have a hard time listing strengths for a kid I don't like. Well, that's where I am today. I have to write an IEP for one of the most obnoxious kids I've ever worked with! He's rude, he's disrespectful, he has a horrible attitude and work habits, he's a racist, he makes sexually inappropriate comments to the girls. I don't have a clue what to list as his strengths!! _______ does a terrific job of getting on everyone's nerves. _______ is very good at using his mouth before he uses his brain. ______ is excellent at not getting along with others. I've spent the last couple of days fretting over this but I HAVE to start writing the kid's IEP today! So, I'll be here but am going to try to get some of this document drafted! Lord, help me!

paula eagleholic said...

What is an individual education plan?

Sandi said...

PAULA, exactly. It is the document that explains a child's disability as well as the accommodations that will be put in place to allow the child to be academically successful. It has to be rewritten every year and then updated 4 times a year, at the end of each marking period.

paula eagleholic said...

Shep left a couple of minutes ago.

paula eagleholic said...

Hmmm, Sandi, you could say he's confident...

paula eagleholic said...

Sounds like a PIA to have to rewrite it 4 times a year!

paula eagleholic said...

Sunshine on the nest

OK, gotta go do some stuff!

Sandi said...

Confident, I may be able to use that! It doesn't have to be rewritten 4X per year, just the kid's goals need to be updated each marking period. The entire document only has to be rewritten once a year, and that's one of my jobs for the 13 kids on my caseload.

Mema Jo said...

You are challenged Big Time, Sandi..
Sounds as though his plan should be
sitting a while with a shrink and trying to get inside that mind. Apparently his home/social life is null.
Such a waste.......I don't think there is a simple rule in order to reach these
individuals and his future is doomed.

paula eagleholic said...

Um maybe very good at expressing his opinion?

BEagle said...



Mema Jo said...

Restless Nesting Behavior...


Sandi said...

PAULA, I like that! JO, it's hard for me to admit that I can't save all of them and this is one I can't save! Scary, but the science teacher's comment about this kid when I asked for his strengths is that he is the kid most likely to show up in the building with a gun to shoot someone! OK, I AM going to get started on this thing! BBL!

BEagle said...

In my diet plan, I have given myself a splurge day but still try to keep it reasonable.

Last week it was a baked potato smothered in butter and cream cheese.

This week, I am thinking about a Frosty. I don't know why. Surely there is something reasonable in a Frosty.

BEagle said...

Oh, sorry. I was day-dreaming.

paula eagleholic said...

Milk and calcium, BEagle!

BEagle said...

I just knew there was something specially good about a Frosty.

All that nourishment!

Thank you Paula!

NatureNut said...

Happy Sunday Everyone!
Decided to cook a roast for tonight's dinner. It's still mostly frozen! DUH Defrosting in microwave. I'll never know if the middle is not frozen. May be eating at 9 PM!!
BTW, if you didn't want to cut up real stew like veggies, you could always get a frozen bag w/potatoes,carrots, celery, & onion.I can't find them anymore!!!!What's wrong w/grosseries????Only have frozen steamer bags of other stuff!!!Am I in the wrong state???
Last pot roast got real veggies from scratch, but I don't have everything. DUH Thx for letting me vent. Just wondered if anyone has seen those frozen veggies.

Sandi, I do not envy you at all in your assessment of that student.Sounds like he's headed for a life of crime--maybe your negatives will put up a red flag.
Good luck.

BEagle, I agree w/Paula's Frosty values!!! Enjoy!
Gotta go do something~~~Later

wvgal_dana said...

I done you all put the next pictures in the album.

I'm going to bed!!!!!!

paula eagleholic said...

Lowereeda, I have seen the mixed veggies, but none with potato...

JudyEddy said...

wow lots of comments of the new thread Thanks for the new thread STEVE home for lunch or linner

JudyEddy said...

I see all snow is melted YEAH

JudyEddy said...

LYNN I love the expression THE BIG MELT

JudyEddy said...

Ok now I am paranoid I show up and everyone POOFS LOL back to work I go

Lori O. said...

SPLIT coming up soon -- and the dreaded 200.

Can't believe the Superbowl Pregame on NBC is 5 hours, from 1 - 6!!!

Kay said...

Good Afternoon ! Happy to see that Belle and Shep have been on the nest for quite a while today and that HP was witnessed. There is still a lot of hope that one of these nestcapade sessions will "take" and we'll see an egg. A comment on NBG today revealed the lastest they've seen an egg is March 22nd, so they aren't giving up hope either. I'm not a bit antsy over Shep's not bringing meals to Belle. After watching several nests for several years I've noted that that behavior doesn't often occur prior to egg laying. Even after that most females seem to prefer leaving papa in charge so they can exercise wings, do poop shots, hunt and eat in solitude. They will, of course, eat some of the stuff brought in for eaglet feedings, but get most of their nourishment away from the nest. Just googled eagle info and found much expert support for my amateur observation.

Kay said...

LORI, beautiful pics of our eagles in the snow ! That first one could make a gorgeous Christmas card !

Lori O. said...

Thanks, Kay! And, thank you for the information on eagle dinner behavior post eaglets!

Lori O. said...

Over the 200 hump now. Kay, I think picture number one is the one everyone else has favored and is my pick, too. Look for it in your mailbox in December!

«Oldest ‹Older   1 – 200 of 356   Newer› Newest»

2/20/25 PM bird

1203 PM NN Scout comes to the nest with a load of bedding again. He seemed to leave with something in his talons. He has a beak full of bedd...