Friday, November 04, 2011


New thread.


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wvgal_dana said...

Good Morning Sweet Lynn and Sweet Wanda ( :

We were hoping some would join us. I sent out the "EAGLE ALERT" but none came in until you two came in.

PA Nana said...

My first SPLIT~ Didn't hurt a bit.

hedgie said...

Put a pic in album.

ALmost mid-day treat. Just lucky I walked past---busy trying to get ready to get out of here.

PA Nana said...

Glad the male still has that spot or I couldn't tell them apart.

One left, came back, left again.

wvgal_dana said...

Have a good day Lynn I have pics to put in lots lol

Belle flew out that is what she has been doing and leaving the male in the nest

Mema Jo said...

Now this is what I call a GOOD morning
The eagle is still there waiting for me
to get a look.

Hello everyone

PA Nana said...

Belle back again. I'm getting dizzy.

Mema Jo said...

Side by side and there is no doubt which is which ♥

wvgal_dana said...

Belle just came back again that is what she has been doing and leaving the male alone in the nest

wvgal_dana said...

one lef the other is doing nestorations...

Lori O. said...


wvgal_dana said...

Just BEAUTIFUL isn't it watching them ( : They are a awesome pair of American Bald Eagles !!

PA Nana said...

Hi Jo! Such a long eagle visit. Glad I checked in this morning. Belle is just beautiful!

PA Nana said...

Hi Lori. I think that's Belle.

Lori O. said...

Good Morning Jo, Diann, DanaWV!

wvgal_dana said...

Hi again Lori !!!

They have been there along time again. Belle had been flying out and leave the male in the nest. Then she would fly back in. They did beak one time.

Costume Lady said...

I think it is Belle, also. Nice and chubby, LOL:)

hedgie said...

Diann and Wanda--so glad you both were able to see the eagles "live" for a change!!!

Thanks to our dear Loretta for that wonderful composite pic of Deb and the osprey. I was just looking it at it again last night. A great depiction of her and her love for the birds.

Oh---Margy----nope, no other heat-up appliances in bedroom!!!! Guess I'll just have to see what happens with the blanket.

Sure wishing I didn't have to go to town today. :(
No word from or sign of Donald yet.........leaves are driving me crazy.

Mema Jo said...

Hello Diann! Hi Dana, Lynn and Lori.
I hope a lot more bloggers are watching
this beautiful eagle.

PA Nana said...

Good mornin' Wanda. This has been a treat for me. I'm usually very late/early posting and don't get to see them.

Costume Lady said...

I keep thinking...if the Still cam is up and running, can the FOR REAL MOVEMENT cam be far behind??
I LOVE that we have the still cam, but I must have ADDHD, because waiting 30 seconds for a change drives me crazy:(

Costume Lady said...

Me too, Diann. Glad we can both see this now!

PA Nana said...

All this excitement, now I need a nap.


Costume Lady said...

Great to be watching with so many!

Mema Jo said...

Hi there Wanda!

Our eagle is soaking up the sun rays!

It seems like only yesterday that Deb was saying she was signing off and going to read before sleep. Miss her
so so much. It's wonderful what warm
feelings come over you when you think of Deb. ♥

hedgie said...

Can't believe she/he is STILL there!

wvgal_dana said...

Sorry was in trying to look at pictures to make sure who was in nest.

Good Morning Jo ( :

Isn't this just wonderful!!!

Lori O. said...

WANDA, you can refresh, for F5, and it will reload the picture when it gets down to 15 - 20 seconds..that way you get a new pic every 10 to 15 seconds. WoooHoo!

magpie said...

It is more work, but you can hit refresh on the till cam about each 5 SECONDS OR SO
AND not HAVE TO WAIT 30 seconds

usually works
Jo passed on that trick last springtime, works for me !!!

Lori O. said...

that's REFRESH or use F5 key...

Lori O. said...

Margy, great minds think alike? :)

wvgal_dana said...

More of a close of picture of our sweeet and wonderful lady DEB♥

magpie said...

Hi Lori
your method might work better than I what posted..but I got spoiled at the 5-second rule ☺

Mema Jo said...

Hi Lori! I am think of all the dogs that are having a great time this am with their 'tugs' Can't believe that
Liesl untied her keys!

I also use my F5 at about 15 sec

wvgal_dana said...

I lost 2 wonderful people that year Deb♥ and my Sweetheart Ed♥♥ and not too many days apart.

Lori O. said...

Jo, funny that Leisl could untie her tug. I've had bulldogs sucking on those things for years and never got them apart! LOL

Kay said...

Another morning visit ! This is a Red Letter Day !

LYNN, thanks, I think Eileen is lovely, too ! Who knew cookies covered with powdered sugar could cause such a stir ?☺ The reporters last name is Cronk, probably related to my kids as it's not a common name.

wvgal_dana said...

Belle has a v in the feathers under her chin...I am thinking this is the male. I know Belle always use to sit in nest the longest...maybe with this young male things have changed???

wvgal_dana said...

Lynn should not bend over and use Liesl to untie her shoes lol

Mema Jo said...

Dana I too question that this is Belle due to the feathers at the front of the neck

BUT This year I am going to try NOT
to say who is in the nest UNLESS both
are there and there isn't any question.
So just ignore my first remark.. lol

Lolly said...

Nothing like turning on the puter and there is an EAGLE IN THE NEST!!!☺

wvgal_dana said...

So excited I forgot to eat breakfast. That will make my sugar go up...yep not eating makes it go up not down.

I'll grab a yogurt. Usually eat Yoplait or Activity both have codes on the underside of lid. You have a website and send the code in and it is for Breast Cancer Donation.

Lolly said...

Good morning!!!

Guess I better start turning on the cam to glance at while reading the paper. Certainly did not expect an eagle. I am habby!

Have not read the blog yet, but gather this is the second visit this morning.

T-Bird said...

I'm so happy to be a part of this visit this morning.

Mema Jo said...

More and more of our eagle watchers keep coming on the blog..... Hi to
Kay and Margy!

For some reason I feel like it is
Sunday... Odd for me to feel a day
ahead of time.

I get to change my CLOCK back an hour tonight

Lolly said...


Guess I will go back and read the blog now.

Mema Jo said...

Welcome T-Bird and Lolly
You both sneaked in on me while I was
typing a comment.

Any rain down there in TX?

Mema Jo said...

I guess the show is over for now :(

wvgal_dana said...

Good Morning Lolly ( :

Just blow up the last picture and it was the male black spot on head.

wvgal_dana said...

Good Morning Thelma glad you got to see the eagle/s

wvgal_dana said...

So there is some change so far as we have seen from the visits today. Belle is flying out and coming back in. Leaving the male to sit in the nest a long time. Maybe that will change.

Kay said...

Back to takin' care of bizness. See you all later !

Lolly said...

No, rain yet, Jo! Hopeing for some the next couple of days!

Mema Jo said...

I remember how long Lib would sit in the nest as though he was waiting for Belle to return.
I bet that Belle is right up high on
the limb.

Mema Jo said...

I bet Judy is going bonkos without her computer... Sure hope it gets back to her soon. She said she may get to use Angie's when she went over.
Miss you JudyE

Also miss you Judie but I am thankful you come in her to turn our night light on.

Lolly said...

Changed my avatar I am thankful for my GRANDboys!

Mema Jo said...

Going over to FB to check things out


Lolly said...

Have read the blog. Good reporting on the nest visits.

Lori, I love your avatar. It reminds me of my sunshine avatar. Always liked it as it stood out and was easy to find if I was looking for my last post.

Glad to hear the kittens are doing well too. Do not know how you are ever going to be able to let them go.

PC is doing well at Laurel's, but "Isabelly" is NOT being nice! I have a cute picture of PC, need to post it for you all to see. Joey's secretary says "They will fight but kill each other." Yikes! Laurel is worried about Thanksgiving when she leaves them alone in the house. Mary, the secretary will be working there a couple of days and taking care of the animals.

paula eagleholic said...

Morning all

Saw 2 soaring eagles on my trip to the store

Windy here today

Lolly said...

To my family pics blog I have added picture of PC. And, as one of Laurel's students said, "PC now stands for Permanent Cat." lol

I am off to start my day. My coffee is finished.

hedgie said...

Lolly, maybe PC better be relegated to the garage when no one is home to supervise.

LORI----I think Liesl LITTLE teeth make a difference!!!! Much easier to work on untying things than a bullie's teeth!!

Lolly said...

Oh, jealous!!!!

hedgie said...

Off I go. Later, gators.

Lolly said...

That is a good idea, Lynn. If in a few weeks they have not adjusted, Laurel should consider that. Hopefully the weather will cooperate and the garage would be warm.

Laurel's laundry room is upstairs off the boy's bathroom. That is where she feeds the cats and where their boxes are located. There really is not another place to have separate boxes and food dishes. Bosco's dish is downstairs in the kitchen. She has a gate to the laundry room to keep Bosco out. Isabelly lives pretty much in Laurel's bedroom but she is coming downstairs. PC lives on the back of the sofa, but sleeps with boys upstairs. They have learned he is an under the covers cat too. Joseph wakes up to find him under the covers with him. lol The boys love PC!

Lolly said...

I am off, too! Bye!

T-Bird said...

Later friends. I'll catch you all on the flip side.

wvgal_dana said...

Need to go help Mother said can't open her door because of her hands.

Still need prayers for her and prayers for Raschida due to broncchitis and sinus infection.
Possilbly dcotor might send her to hospital for breathing treatments.


Mema Jo said...

What a great start to your weekend, Paula! ♥

stronghunter said...

Fence people are here and hard at work. Had to tell the kids behind us that they need to move their clubhouse a bit, but I told them that they are welcome to take all of the branches and sticks they want.

It's kind of a lean-to made of branches, etc.

stronghunter said...

I had not really thought about how far my property goes back on one side. But the plat shows it. And the fence already on that side goes back that far, too.

stronghunter said...

I have lots of baby trees back there. Just need to do some thinning so that they will grow.

Mema Jo said...

Shirley it sounds like you'll have the yard fenced in very soon. Good Work!

I am taking a break


Mema Jo said...

Red Panda Cam Alert

Prettiest little face ♥

Mema Jo said...

Panda just hid his face! Not fair! ♥

magpie said...

seriously awesomely handsome grandsons and their grandmommy, Lolly ♥

Hoda said...

Good morning/ good afternoon.

A slow day for me time to do the laundry and catch up on things that need doing. Will head off to yoga in a while and it is thick frost on the car windshield today.
Thank you for the reports on the two morning visits. It was good to read them.

I am very touched by LYNN'S tribute to DEB PALMER. Thanks LYNN.Her pictures are a good way to know of her...

magpie said...

Two Eagles
One Paula
One Nick
Big Sky

Paradise ....

Kay said...

MARGY, what a nice free form poem about Paula's paradise !

LOLLY, great pics of PC and the boys. PC lucked on to a very good home !

SHIRLEY, ♫♪ Give me land, lots of land, under starry skies above and PLEASE fence me in ! ♪♫♫ I'm happy for you !

JO, thanks for the time change reminder. Seth goes to bed about 9pm so I'll be setting the clocks back well before 2am. It's no big deal, but for some reason I always dread that little chore.

Judie said...

Good afternoon.

So happy so many of you saw the eagles visit this morning. It's nice to know another season is about to begin.

Lucky Paula. Would love to see eagles when driving around.

DanaWV, I hope your mom makes some improvement. Nice you are able to help.

Shirley, congratulations on the fence being installed. Know you will be glad to have it completed.

Laurel has two new additions, also. Congratulations. Hope they will settle in quickly.

Jo, thanks for the clock-changing reminder.

Beautiful sunshiny Fall day here. Panthers are busy watching the leaves twirl and pirouette through the air.

Hope everyone is having a lovely day.

Lori O. said...

Kay, looks like we're on the same schedule today. I disappeared earlier when I fell asleep!
How is your day going? So much I want to get done around here!

stronghunter said...

Hi Judie,

Nice to see you on this lovely day. Glad the panthers are being entertained. Hope they are being pleasant to you and to one another.

Lori O. said...

Hello Judie. Miss you so much around here! Wonderful to see your nice long post again. Hope that you and Darth are both well.

Lori O. said...

Good afternoon Shirley!
How is the fence coming along?

stronghunter said...

Love your little song, Kay.

stronghunter said...

The fence is coming along very nicely. I have been out to chat with the guys and they explained that they will fill in the little gaps between mine and the neighbor's. Took out a level to show me that mine is straight and theirs is not.

Kay said...

LORI, glad you caught a few more zzzz's ! I've just been flitting from one little chore or another, reading my newspapers, doing my daily crossword puzzles and checking in here once in a while. I bought a Sugar Free Pillsbury Brownie Mix and will get that put together and in the oven soon. Hope Seth and I will like it ! Haven't even decided whats for dinner, but I have the important course figured out !☺ Seth will be with me into the afternoon tomorrow as Julie is entertaining her book club for Brunch. Hugh will go to work or take a long bike ride while the gals are there.

Kay said...

JUDIE, you promised you'd be back this weekend. Good to "see" you ! We've missed your delightfully humorous take on the lives and loves of we Momster's n' Dadster's !

Lori O. said...

Kay, glad you'll have Seth a little longer. I know you love having him there. Guess you'll have Malcolm, too? Sugarless brownies? Haven't even seen them. Hope they're great!

Glad you'll have a straight fence, Shirley. Workmen are funny! At least they take pride in their work.

Lori O. said...

Going into LM to try and get something done. No flitting around here, Kay!

Lori O. said...

Pulling a Margy...

Lolly, I picked this avatar because I'm thankful for a few sunny days. I saw your sunshine but, of course, couldn't have that one. Yours is the classic I have always loved. :)

Hoda said...

Now I am off to go to my yoga class...a good productive morning so far cleaning and organising.
BBL. Enjoy the day.

Mema Jo said...


Mema Jo said...

That is Mema and Pap - soon we will
celebrate our 53 anniversary

Sycamore Palace will soon return....♥

Mema Jo said...


magpie said...

Jo :
It's a Stunning Photo of a Wonderful Couple...
☺ ♥ ☺ ♥ xo

Lori O. said...

Margy, your Friday is almost over and your weekend soon to begin! Woooohooo!

Jo, that's an awesome avatar picture - you look so happy. ♥

stronghunter said...

Kathryn and Hunter went out walking near the pond in our neighborhood and saw a bird that looked a little like a blue jay. It dived into the water and came up with something. It made high-pitched "cheeps."

She has been looking and the closest she can find is a black tern. Any thoughts? We know it is not a blue jay unless they have taken to the water without our knowledge.

Lori O. said...

Just a reminder:
Sunset at the nest is 6:06 tonight.
Hope they have the energy left after all the time that they hung around this morning.

magpie said...

500 !!
or maybe more

hmmm someone will give you an idea, Shirley...

magpie said...

Yup Lori ;

Counting Down, less than an hour...less than a half an hour...

will be watching for the Nest Birds, AND ISS a little later on...

Best Wishes for a Great Evening, everyone

xoxox ☺ ♥

Lori O. said...

Have a great weekend, Margy!

Dalai and I have been downstairs cleaning out/up my Christmas room. Lot's to toss - wooohooo! I love throwing out clutter. Give me a zen wrapping room and I'll be happy. :)

Costume Lady said...

Hope I don't forget to look out for ISS this evening. It usually passes over us in the VERY EARLY or VERY LATE hours, but this day, it will come over our house at 6:45pm WNW. Thanks, MARGY, for the heads up on it!

Costume Lady said...

Could your mystery bird be a kingfisher, Shirley?

hedgie said...

STOOOOPID blogger cop......ate my post.....and gave me dumb messages (2) about restorations?????

Here goes AGAIN:

Home and settled. Donald is here....and is making like he's finishing up. Hmmmmmm.....he didn't do the road frontage! Just told him it must be done, too!!

So tomorrow I can mow/mulch the dog yard, and the back of the open area of my lot.

Great pic of a very handsome Mr. & Mrs. Ed/Jo!!!!!

Shirley, so glad that the fence is getting done!!! PICTURES, please!

Judie, so nice to have you stop in and chat, even if briefly.

Hoping that DanaMo got a little snooze before the big event!!

Kay, hope your brownies hit the spot. I saw sugar-free apple butter at the farm market today---and it was very PALE. Can't quite figure that out!!

I found the Honey Crisp apples!! Will definitely try one tonight!

Costume Lady said...

Belted Kingfisher looks similar to a Bluejay.

hedgie said...

Except brownies and food mentioned yet! I am planning on either spaghetti or goulash tonight. Can't make up my mind. Package of ground beef is about 1 1/2#'s so maybe I'll save half of it and save it for whichever one I don't make today!!

Margy's weekend should be starting as we speak!

Miss Hoda---you have been quiet. Did you find Deb's blog and pics?? Anyone who wants to look at them, just go to my profile and hers is the first listed under Blogs I Follow.

hedgie said...

Suz was at the library this morning on the puter there----checking out laptops on Amazon. Didn't find what she was looking for, so was going shopping. She has promised her car that it will not move out of the driveway for the entire week coming up!!! Retirement for it, too!!!!

stronghunter said...

One picture of the fence construction on FB. That was a couple of hours ago.

hedgie said...

Shirley, saw pic on FB---NICE!!!!

stronghunter said...

Posted the fence picture on my blog.

stronghunter said...

It will be very nice to be able to let the dogs play out there. We let Luna walk around, but Flash has to be kept fastened until the gates are finished.

Lori O. said...

Thanks for the blog post, Shirley. Haven't FB'ed in ages.
NICE fence! You will love it. Looks well made, too. I only recall ever seeing two horizontal support pieces and you have three!

Mema Jo said...

I am ready to roll out the door to Mass
I am thinking that I will miss the nest
visit this evening but I hope a lot of
you will get the watch the Royal Couple.


Lori O. said...

LYNN, I vote for spaghetti for dinner. Goo-whatever reminds me of the mud, leaves and berries I used to make as a kid. :)
Love the Honey Crisp apples. They taste like carmeled apples to me! Yum.

Lori O. said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Lori O. said...

Sorry for all my deletes...getting used to a new computer and a mouse only a little larger than a golf ball.

Kay said...

LYNN, that apple butter didn't look appetizing did it ? I tasted the brownies and they taste just like brownies should taste--they use Splenda--and the brownies are kind of moist and fudgy. Seth will like them ! I've popped a Stouffer's LaSagna with meat and cheese into the over, salad and garlic bread will round out the meal. Spaghetti or goulash sounds yummy, too !

JO, thank you for sharing your anniversary joy through the avatar ! You both must have been very young when you married !

SHIRLEY, thanks for putting that nice looking fence pick in your blog ! We FB holdouts do so appreciate it !!!!

I think Ms. HODA is oot and aboot this afternoon. She mentioned yoga.

Kay said...

LORI, you have not tasted goulash done the right way if that icky poo stuff you mentioned is akin to it. LYNN and I compared recipes some time ago and they are identical except that she uses noodles and I use macaroni.

stronghunter said...

Thanks,Wanda. We looked at a picture of the belted kingfisher and Kathryn says she thinks that's it. The call matches, too. She did not think it had a crest, but she said that it wasn't that close.

I will have to take my camera out there and see what I might find.

Unfortunately, it is a very polluted pond. People have thrown all kinds of junk in there. I have seen a television in it.

Lori O. said...

Light is perfect on the nest now. You can see every detail.

Costume Lady said...

What size is that TV in the pond, SHIRLEY...I could use a small on in my office;)

Kay said...

It does look good. Looks like they may have been working on it a bit. Wish they'd show up in this kind of light. I think we could easily see the spot on our males head. We've seen so little of it, but I'm wondering if it's a lot smaller than it was months ago.

Costume Lady said...

Lori, did you read my comment about your donated items on Wednesday's thread? Your hats, shoes and pocketbooks and books were a BIG hit!! Thank you sooo much! Clothing went too!

stronghunter said...

Oh dear, Wanda. I don't think you want this TV. I think it has either slipped below the surface or been taken by someone else already.

stronghunter said...

Lori, Flash really appreciates the lovely tug you sent him.

Costume Lady said...

Oh, Shirley, I was just kidding:)

Glad they got your fence up and running, today...the boards for our steps and landing have not been delivered :(

stronghunter said...

I figured you were kidding, Wanda. Unless you want to use it as an aquarium.

Lori O. said...

Wanda, I did read it. I'm delighted they were well received. I'm so happy to do whatever is needed. Wish we could rustle up a few more sleeping bags for you to keep on hand.

Lori O. said...

Shirley, I'm thrilled Flash likes his tug. I put a toy on the end of his so he would have something to gnaw on and distract himself during storms. Please give him extra scratches for me.

hedgie said...

LOL, Shirley----has Luna tried to steal the tug yet???!!!

Hmmmm...maybe EPA needs to come in and clean up the dump pond! WHAT is wrong with people???

Wanda, sounds like there may soon be a cold-weather shelter on Buxton St. Church nearby (St. Luke's???) is going to use Derick's bldg. (the old JROUAM hall) for overnights---they will probably add a shower, and get the kitchen up and running...and put in cots.

Sorry you are still waiting for your steps, etc. Where did you buy the materials from?

hedgie said...

Spaghetti it is----no canned tomatoes in the pantry. :(

Lori, I think you would like Kay's and my goulash! No mud goop here!

Kay, glad the brownies are good. No, the apple butter DIDN'T look appetizing---it's as if they left out the cinnamon, etc. Hey, don't they know that cinnamon lowers blood sugar????

hedgie said...

Hate to think that the market will be closed after next weekend. The tomatoes I bought today don't look too corn beans looked puny...but I stocked up on jams and some salsa!! My jelly-making days are long gone---too much work!!

Hoda said...

So Now we see the HANDSOME CHAP who keeps stealing away our MEMA JO for movie watching....Striking looking chap he is at that!!! ;^) !!!

SHIRLEY I love the picture of the fence on FB. I see you will not paint it you said on FB. Is the wood preserved?

LYNN so sorry the blogger cop ate away your is frustrating when that happens...How long is yoru company staying....

Hoda said...

Yoga was a very good practice for me today. Class was challenging enough for me to sweat and put an effort but not over my head where I would get sdiscouraged. On my way ourt I met my conditioning class teacher who was on her way back home...we talked about the Thursday evenng conditioning class.

I have the still cam up and hope they do come back even though they were there twice this morning...

I would like to vacuum the car and sort out the recycling, but I will do that after they visit...I will still have a few hours of daylight after the nest visit.

Lori O. said...

Hoda, love how you made Lynn's Open House gift plaque your avatar. Nice. ♥

Hoda said...

LORI I borrowed it from SHIRLEY and she said it was OK to use it...since it is Gratitude expression month to celebrate your Thanksgiving I thought I would keep it for a week...My gratitude to knowing you all...and our love for the eagles...

NCSuzan said...

Hello Everyone! How wonderful to see our eagles again. Makes you feel like all is right with the world. I am a little behind on the blog, so let me say that I hope all are happy and healing from wounds physical and emotional.

NCSuzan said...

Shirley, just the picture of your fence. That's really beautiful.

PA Nana said...

Good afternoon everyone. Hope your day has been good so far. We just need another visit by our regal pain.

Goulash? Kay & Lynn, please send me the recipe. Haven't had that since I was little and Grandma lived with us.

Hi Suzan. Good to see you here again. Hope you get to see the eagles.

Mmmm... those brownies sound good. Have to look for them at the grossers.

See Judie made an appearance. Glad her panthers are doing okay. Hope she and Darth are well too.

Lori, I could never be a foster mom to those adorable kittens. Couldn't give them up.

Off to news and dinner. bbl

hedgie said...

Fire is going and house is feeling better already! Pasta is cooking. Liesl is eating......all's right with the world!!

Lolly said...

Hi all! You have been busy this afternoon, chatting away. I worked on my address book and have it complete. However, I was showing Jack the printed out copy and on the second name he found an error on the phone number. Geeeesh! I am sure I have a lot of errors. Should have proofed!

Do not like this address program. I like one that is simple and this one is NOT. I have blundered my way through it.

Have the cam up and waiting for the evening visit.☺

hedgie said...

Hoda....the Donald finished up at 4:30. No company.

hedgie said...

Oh, yes...Mr. Ed is a very handsome man. He surely made a very appealing state trooper!!!!!

Lori O. said...

Lolly, what program are you using for your addresses?

Costume Lady said...

Hoda, I tried a few Yoga poses today and nearly broke my arms (crossed my arms and then put your hands together...not ready for THAT one yet:)

SUZAN, it is so good to have you with us this evening. Stay with us for a while and you may see our regal PAIN, as DIANN calls them;)

NCSuzan said...

Oh yeah, I have the camera up and waiting!

Costume Lady said...

DIANN, come back, you are going to miss the REGAL PAIN!!
Let Jimbo fix supper! ♫♪You deserve a break, today♫♪♫♪!

Hoda said...

Your house sounds warm qand comfy LYNN...all is indeed well with the world.

LOLLY how frustrating to find errors when you have put so much time into this address book.

Food ideas on the blog are good. I just finished eating an apple with Gryuère cheese. I need a cup of tea before I decide on ideas for supper...soup sounds good to me...

Hoda said...


Costume Lady said...

LYNN, a cozy, warm fire is the best part of Winter:) Does Liesl go near the stove?

Lolly said...

My Mail List and Address Book

Lori O. said...


Hoda said...

WOW I saw the fly in

Hoda said...

Facing noon and looking up

Lolly said...

Oh! Eagle!

Hoda said...

Now in the cup area leaning forward

Costume Lady said...


Hoda said...

I think it is the male eagle, based on size.

Costume Lady said...

Placing small sticks...

Hoda said...

Come on BELLE do pay us a visit...

PA Nana said...

Saw an eagle from my chair and had to come back.

Thanks for the alert Wanda!

Hoda said...

Moved out of the cup area and is standing to the right facing noon

Costume Lady said...

Glad you came back, DIANN!

Lolly said...


Costume Lady said...

May return...

Lolly said...

I did get a pic in case no one else did.

Costume Lady said...

Customer coming at 7...need to brush my hair. Keep looking:)

Lori O. said...

Space Station Flyover coming up for nest area at approx 6:45... WNW sky.

Hoda said...

WANDA WANDA were in half eagle Arms crossed and palms start with you cross the legs and stand on one foot and then cross the arms and touch the palms facing and then raise arms till elbows are straight infront of the eyes...requires strength and focus. It is one of my favourite poses and it is a good back of heart opener...I knew if you were going to do a pose it woudl be eagle pose WANDA....WAY TO GO...

Hoda said...

Night light on...still could be a return...keeping my fingers crossed.

Hoda said...


stronghunter said...

Was running around in the yard with the dogs, so I missed the evening visit.


Hoda said...

Belle from the size. oves towards the cup facing two

stronghunter said...

Now facing 7.

Hoda said...

Turns around and faces cameraon an angle now facing three position

Hoda said...


stronghunter said...


Hoda said...


stronghunter said...

Eagle alert !!!!

stronghunter said...


PA Nana said...

Was passing by 'puter and saw him again.

Now 2?

Hoda said...

One digging above cup the other looking around and just switched roles

Hoda said...

Male to the right Belle to the left. Looking at the sky.

hedgie said...

Diann, you have mail!

Hi, Suzan! How are you feeling??? Hope you get some sights of the eagles!!!

hedgie said...


Hoda said...

Standing side by side looking in the nest one gone and I think the male is still in the nest.

PA Nana said...

Can't seem to get away.... dinner will be subs from our local restaurant. Sending Jim for them now.

Durn, they left again!

Hoda said...

Male is gone.

stronghunter said...

Both poofed

hedgie said...

And POOF. Got one pic!
Ha, and see you all already knew they were there!!!! I was stuffing my face!

Lolly said...

Lori, I do not like the address program. The address book is very unsatifactory. It is too small, does not print on both sides.

magpie said...

They Split

and We are going to SPLIT very soon

saw the two then the one then the none

ISS soon hereabouts, BUT, we could use a little more darkness

WNW and it will sail towards ESE
no blinking lights...
that's for zip code 25401

Good Evening Eagle Pals xoxo ☺

hedgie said...

So were they in and out 3 times just then???

Lolly said...

Laurel called and we were talking. Saw that the eagles returned.

magpie said...

I get that Nestorations message too but usually my message either posts or goes to edit
remember to right click and save first....

It's a regular ritual for me these days, but I get the restorations message usually only when I am signing on for the first time...

Lolly said...

Yes, I think it was three times, Lynn.

hedgie said...

I put in my pic, but Lolly add yours, too!!

hedgie said...

Wanda, stove is in it's own room in the basement, so Liesl can't get close. But there is a vent with a fan over the "stove room" up here in the living room whereShang and then Cinnamon and even Mai would lie in the warmth. Hoping Liesl will find it cozy, too!!

hedgie said...

Almost time for ISS....out to deck I go.

Hoda said...

It is so exciting for me to see them and then to read our posts. LYNN thanks for taking pictures. I have to try and learn how to do that. I noticed typo mistakes in some of my posts but I think they are clear enough to give an idea of what I was seeing.Sorry about the typos and again I did not remember to bold...oh my!!!

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2/21/25 PM fisj

 12:13 PM we arrive at the nest. Scout brings back a small fish.I am amazed at she doesn't eat that fish.All gone 1230.He exits the nes...