Monday, November 07, 2011


New thread.

We will not be going up in the tree on Wednesday, but will do it before Thanksgiving.


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Lynne2 said...

Thanks for the info Steve, and for the new thread!

Lynne2 said...

Linda, I have been seeing many bluebirds out in the field in the AM. Sure wish I would have had my camera this was early, with hazy sun and fog. There was a male sitting right on top of the nest box! With the haze and the muted sunshine and the fog in the background it would have made a great picture! But I don't usually take the camera out with me first thing when I take the dogs out because they are usually rotten on the leash first time out in the AM after a good night of sleep and I fear dropping it trying to hold on to them. Daisy is constanly on deer patrol as we usually see them in the AM too. She's hard to hold on to....

Linda said...

Lynne - That's so sad about Bill. There could be so much potential there that no one will bring to light. In the mean time, a child really suffers because he can't fully function in the world as it is.

Linda said...

I tried to get some pictures, but when I got too close, the bluebirds vanished for a while. They did come back, but not as many. That would have been a great shot with the fog and sunshine!

I have a zoom lens for Dennis' camera, but I'd like to get a stronger zoom for it this year. Maybe at Christmas??

stronghunter said...

Jim, Jim, where are you? Thanks for the call-over.

Brought this over...

stronghunter said...
It was interesting to talk to my student's parents. They are intelligent, capable people. But they did not find out about the Asperger's until their son was in ninth grade.

I don't know how much difference it makes to learn the diagnosis early, but I am thinking that it can make a big difference. I hope the private school is equipped to work with Zach.

I felt really good when I talked to the mom of my student. She said that after she talked with the specialists and other people, she came to the school all ready to do battle with us, but she was pleasantly surprised that we were ready and willing to work with her.

Monday, November 07, 2011 1:03:00 PM

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Thanks for the info and new thread Steve.

stronghunter said...

Oh, can't wait to see the tree-climbing spectacular. Thanks for the information, Steve.

stronghunter said...

I must take off to go to the store. BBL.

Lori O. said...

I'm okay, but my car will need lots of bodywork after I hit (and killed) a deer on my way to take my car in for new tires. It was on Rt 26, which is mostly 50 mph, so the hit was pretty hard. I'll just say that a wonderful Veterinary Assistant, (thank you God), stopped and was able to put the deer out of it's misery.

I'm home now and waiting for the insurance claims agent to call. The front right fender, the bumper and the hood are all mangled but I was able to drive home, slowly.

What a horrible feeling. We do all we can to love and protect animals then to see one suffer. I'm so sorry.

Kay said...

Thanks for the new thread and info, STEVE and thanks to JIM for the call over.

Brought this over from the old thread and deleted it there:

Tuned in just in time to be in on your post about Zach, LOLLY. Our Seth is a special needs child, with a rare syndrome that caused rapid growth and some emotional problems. He, too, is highly intelligent and I know that's going be a distinct advantage for him and Zach as well. Both were born into advantaged families who can afford therapies and more, thank God. Zach must love his Uncle Joey's Elvis act ! By the way, I believe grandparents and the unconditional love they can give are key self esteem ingredients for boys like Zach and Seth ! ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

Just heard from cousin Joyce in Gutherie, OK. She got a good shaking, but nothing like her son's family, one brother and several nieces and nephews who all live in Prague, the epicenter. No damage to humans, only to some stuff that can be repaired or replaced. Thank God again !!!!

MARGY, beautiful avatar !

SHARON, gorgeous wedding dress for Kelsey and what will her soon to be MIL be wearing ?

SHIRLEY, did you ask them about that time frame for the test next week ? Yikes, haven't eaten at Mickey D's for years---won't be tempted either !

Time to head for the recycling bins and Kroger for a few items. Then back here for my walking time.

Getting excited about the vote beginning tonight. We'll soon have a good name for our male !

S'wonderful that JUDY will be back with us tonight, too. In time to take part in the poll as well !

Linda said...

Oh, LORI, I am so sorry that had to happen to you.

We did the same thing coming home from Thanksgiving Dinner three years ago. We were only going 15-20 miles per hour as we were driving around a tight corner, but the deer literally jumped out in front of us and did some extensive damage - even at that speed.

So sad... :( I don't even like driving at dawn, dusk or night because of my fear of hitting another one.

(((((HUGS to you))))

Lynne2 said...

OMG LORI....I'm SO glad you are OK! Geesh....what an awful experience for you to have. This is probably THE worst time of year for deer kill by car. Not only is it rutting season and they are on the move big time, but hunters are in the woods as well keeping them on the hoof.

Lynne2 said...

Linda, can't help but wonder....if your bluebirds try to build nests but getted ousted by by house sparrows. Happens a lot.

Linda said...

Lynne - I've heard that. I think one year we had a bunch of speckled eggs and then babies in one of the boxes. That is probably what it was.

Linda said...

LORI - Are you sure you're okay?

I know you're emotionally upset, but I hope you aren't sore all over tomorrow, which is certainly a possibility.

Lynne2 said...

LORI!! You have email....

Linda, I have several boxes up for the BBs, but I also don't have much of a sparrow population out here for some reason. However, they did manage to send the BB out of the front box last spring. I kept harassing them and taking out their nesting material and they went away finally, and the BBs built in another box.

Kay said...

LINDA, love your post and understand your excitement over the bluebirds and cedar waxwings !

LORI, so thankful you are okay and the car still driveable ! Sorry for the deer, but it was unavoidable. What a stroke of luck it was for the Vet Asst. to come by just at the right time.

SHIRLEY, early diagnosis with any syndrome or condition is a huge advantage ! Seth's syndrome was diagnosed in NICU at John's Hopkins so some helpful procedures could begin very early. I feel sure that's why he's way out ahead of most who have Soto's Syndrome. He was whammied with a mild case of Spinal Bifida, too and has had some helpful surgeries for both conditions. I wish teachers could get more training on dealing with students who have such things, but who are mainstreamed in spite of it. If they were more in tune they could recognize the bullying that often occurs and could sometimes prevent much of it !

stronghunter said...

Oh, Lori, so glad that you are okay. Good that there was a vet assistant who was able to help out.

Really upsetting to hit an animal like that, but they move so quickly that you can't avoid them sometimes.

Kathryn says deer hits are easier to fix because they are "soft hits." At least that is what I think she said. They can also cause problems if they end up in the vehicle.

magpie said...

Yes, we are all concerned that YOU are okay...
I hit two once, a yearling and an adult doe...when I had my jeep...
had damage including RADIATOR damage so check for that..
My insurance company allows for one wildlife incident, insurance wise, does not count against me
(( Hugs ♥ ))

heading out, pals, see you later
xo ♥

Judie said...

Well, wouldn't ya know...

Have comments for Shirley and Lolly especially on the old thread.


Lolly said...

Back from church. Thanks for all the understanding and intelligent comments. Yes, early diagnosis is important. Yes, prayers that Michael and Ashley can soon be able to talk about it. They are not ashamed, I am not sure what it is. If they do not talk about it, it is not a reality??? Ashley is the type that wants everything to go her way and by this I also mean her time schedule and this is not her way.

Interesting side story, Michael has not even talked with Laurel about it. Did not tell him that Laurel has known for 3 three years. However, this year Laurel has two autistic kiddos, one whos name is "Ellis". I love it! She has had autistic kids in the past and knows how to interact and to teach them. We have to tell Zach to look at us to when we are talking. Also, we have to tell him to get back to the subject we were talking about. LOL He loves "Uncle Elvis". They have a great relationship.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

(((((HUGS))))) Lori! I have such a fear of that whenever I am driving after dark. My eyes are constantly scanning but sometimes that can't be prevented.

Lolly said... thankful that you are okay!!!! We do not have deer in our immediate area, so driving at night is not a problem except for skunks and oppossums. I was scared to death when we were in WV last fall and driving back to Harpers Ferry. I was a nervous wreck! Again, thankful you were okay and thankful there was a vet assistant there to take care of the poor deer.(almost said "poor dear.")

stronghunter said...

I had to tell Jonathan to look at me when he talked to me. I would say that I couldn't hear him when he looked away. He would co-operate.

I had Jon as a freshman and again as a junior. I intervened in his behalf when he was placed in a regular junior-level class and had him put in my honors class where he belonged. It was one of the things his mother appreciated. Made me feel good.

Among other things, his classmates in the honors class were much more appreciative of his abilities.

stronghunter said...

Lori, I expect you will be sore tomorrow. I know from personal experience what happens when you hit or get hit by another vehicle.

Gotta hit the grocery store. Will return.

paula eagleholic said...

Ok Steve, thanks for the you have any more info? New cam perhaps?

Linda said...

KAY - Yes the bluebirds were exciting to watch for quite some time.

In some of the pictures I did get, you can zoom in and see four at a time on one shot fluttering their wings or on the tree.

So cute.....

Lolly said...

Zach is great at remembering numbers. He knows every one's address, telephone numbers, and cell phone numbers. He can tell you exactly how to get to our house by telling you what highways and streets to take and telling you about each turn. He can also joke and mix up every one's addresses. "Grandmommy you live at.........and I live at......." And, argue about it with a huge grin on his face. He is on a waiting list to go to a special school but I question what is best. The special school is for high intelligence but with learning differences. A special school or a regular school???? Dallas public schools are a huge no no!

paula eagleholic said...

Lori, so sorry about the deer! Really shakes one up! Glad you are OK!

Lolly, I would have never have known that about Zach from the way you have talked about treat him very normally! Funny that Michael and Laurel haven't talked about it...I would suspect that is Ashley's doings. I hope that Ashley and Michael can soon talk about it openly.

Lolly said...

Forgot to say THANKS, STEVE!

I just wonder what all is going to happen up in the tree??? I know trimming of the branch but possibly a new cam??? And, I would certainly like to hear that we will be getting the cam before January, like they say at the OC site.

Lolly said...

Paula, this is all fairly new. Michael just talked with us about it last spring. I was silently saying "Thank you, Lord." when he used the word autistic. Also, this was not in the presence of Ashley. He asked that Laurel not be told as he does not want J & J to treat him differently. Well, I immediatly talked with Laurel, who is hurt, as we have talked about Zach many times over the last 3 years. Time will take care of this. We just have to be patient.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

BREAKING: Verdict in trial of Dr. Conrad Murray, accused of manslaughter in Michael Jackson's death, to be read at 4 p.m. ET

T-Bird said...

Lori, Buddy and I thank you so much for the tug. Thoughts and prayers with you concerning your accident. ((hugs))

hedgie said...

I'm home---still putting away grosseries. Haven't caught up on posts yet.
I didn't know there HAD been a plan for a tree visit Weds. so guess no need to feel disappointed!!

It is 68° here---whoo hoo!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

I thought the same thing Lynn. Didn't know they were planning on going up the tree then.

hedgie said...

Lolly, is your brother's house log??
Thank you for telling us about Zach. A real shame that time was lost in starting therapy. Michael and Ashley had to have been in denial---and I hope they get over that quickly. I think I have mentioned that Bill's grandson is autistic. He is now 17. It sounds like Zach is nowhere nearly as affected as Brandon is. He will always need custodial care. I don't know how he is doing in high school as far as his studies go, but he does have an aide through the school day. And adolescence and young adulthood have really messed up his medication levels----hormones require constant re-evaluation and dosage adjustments. I'm grateful that Zach has YOU in his life to keep an eye on things and make suggestions as you observe and find the need.

Oh, Shar----it's a beautiful dress!!!

Poor Jim! Forget the parka inside---turn on the heat!!!! Much less cumbersome!

hedgie said...

Lynne, Brandon and your little buddy Bill sound very similar....he does a constant slapping on surfaces in addition to the rocking and hand flapping. Cries A LOT, too, and can never tell anyone why. VERY specific about what he wants and doesn't want or what he will or won't do, too.

hedgie said...

Linda, no one told my SIL to have a driver when he had his nuclear stress test, but he is just so awful about providing medical history that I went with him!

hedgie said...

Lynne----one of the 4 little boys (4,3,18 mos. and newborn!) that I babysat when I was 12-16 was a William.....aka Billiam!!!! One of the others couldn't make up his mind whether to call him Wm. or Bill!

hedgie said...

One tell-tale sign that even pediatrician's tend to overlook is toe-walking in little boys. It can be the earliest symptom of the Asperger's spectrum. The 2nd most common symptom is backsliding in communication skills.

Linda, is your mouth and jaw/ear feeling any better??

Hurray---Judie was here, too----hope the basketball player is okay.

I haven't heard anything more about Troy.

hedgie said...

Speaking of sports----found out at lunch that the Redskins kicker who kicked the team-record 59 yd. field goal yesterday is the grandson of local people!!!! Ann is goimg to do more investigating as to whether he himself was a local.

hedgie said...

Oh, Lori, so sorry about the deer, but so very thankful that the Lord protected you! What divine intervention too that the vet tech had what was necessary to ease the deer's suffering. I can only imagine how upset you were. The car can be fixed, so except for the inconvenience involved, that's the minor part. You are safe, and that it what's most important.

Lynne2 said...

LOL Lynn! I call him Billiam for the same reason. He was Billy at first, then he decided just Bill, then it was William. Now it's Will.

hedgie said...

Linda, does your camera have a neck strap? Mime does, but it's quite heavy!!! And I always worry about bumping it on something!

hedgie said...

Thanks for the heads-up on the verdict, Shar! Will tune in to see what it is!

stronghunter said...

Back from store. Waiting for the verdict.

Linda said...

LYNN - Thanks for asking about the tooth and mouth. I am able to open my mouth a little more each day, but not where it should be yet. It doesn't hurt as much to try and open the mouth, but the ear pain continues. It has NOT changed a bit.

LYNN - Yes the camera has a neck strap.

stronghunter said...

Oh, Linda, I hope you are pain-free very soon.

Linda said...

Thanks, Shirley :)

stronghunter said...

It really sounds like you need to see an ENT specialist, Linda.

Linda said...

I keep telling my dubby that, but he is convinced it's from the tooth.

I will probably look into it this week. I hate going to another doctor, but a constant earache is NO fun! The only weird thing is that the pain seems to subside in the evenings.

hedgie said...

Linda, looked for your pics, but not on your blog.....must have misunderstood when you said "you can zoom in!"

hedgie said...

Well, here we go.....verdict is......

Lynne2 said...

here it comes.....

hedgie said...


I am surprised.

stronghunter said...


stronghunter said...

I am a little surprised, too.

Lynne2 said...


Linda said...

LYNN - Didn't put them on the blog because you'd have to zoom in to see them really well, but I can try it!

hedgie said...

Okay, Linda! Give a whirl.
Sorry you are still having so much discomfort. Don't what an explanation for easing of the discomfort by evening.....unless overnight jaw-clenching is contributing.... :( I do think an ENT is the appropriate next step. Tell Dennis your nurse says so!

Kay said...

When will Murray be sentenced and what is the speculation on how much time he'll serve ?

stronghunter said...

I just think that if you are in pain, something is wrong that should be investigated. You should not have to suffer unnecessary pain.

Kay said...

LINDA, listen to your nurse and act on it soon ! No need to suffer any longer than you have to !!!!!!!

stronghunter said...

They are setting the date for the sentencing now.

They are arguing about whether or not to lock him up now.

Ms Bookworm said...

Steve, thanks for the new thread, and the info!

Oh, Lori! I'm SO thankful that you are OK! So sorry that happened. Really a Godsend that a vet tech showed up just at the right time, and could help out. Glad your car was driveable, too.

Sharon, Kelsey's dress is just beautiful!!! Bet you can hardly contain your excitement.

Shirley, will be praying for good news after your test next week.

Well, my washer has finished running, so gotta go take care of it. Miss Emma is demanding some attention too, so may not be back for a while. Have a great evening, everyone!

Kay said...

Just got my Washington Post news alert. They sat the doc could get up to four years for the manslaughter conviction.

stronghunter said...

Hmm, they are locking him up.

Kay said...

They say, not "sat".☺

stronghunter said...

Man, those deputies went right over and handcuffed him.

paula eagleholic said...

Yes! Conrad Murray guilty of involuntary manslaughter in the death of Michael Jackson!

Kay said...

Wow, they must consider him a flight risk.

stronghunter said...

The judge said he is a danger to the public.

Yikes, there is a baby in the crowd outside.

Kay said...

A danger to the public ? That seems a stretch, but the judge must have info we don't have !

Kay said...

Seems like the greater danger would be for him. There are some fans who might like to seek their own revenge.

stronghunter said...

I was a little surprised about that, too, Kay.

Kay said...

Maybe our expert, JUDIE, will weigh in on the verdict, penalty and lock up situation.

Linda said...

Got it, Gals!! I will find an ENT on our Insurance plan PRONTO!!

Posted pics of BLUEBIRDS on my Blog!!

paula eagleholic said...

He could get probation to 4 years.

stronghunter said...

I think he is a weak man who found him in a situation that got out of control. He did not have the strength to say no. That does not make him innocent, though.

paula eagleholic said...

I guess he is a danger if he's an idiot doctor.

DanaMo said...

Oh Lori!! I too know how upsetting it can be to have an accident with a deer. I had one on Marsh Pike right at the entrance to my neighborhood.The deer ran into ME! He hit my right front quarter panel and I couldn't even open the door. My van was less than a month old. Hadn't even made a payment on it yet..his back half swung around and went through the vans side window. Damage everywhere. And the worse part, all 4 children were in the car. I saw blood and was afraid to turn around and look in the backseat. All 4 kids strapped in. No one was hurt but man was that scary. This happened at 3:00 in the afternoon!

so sorry it happened to you! Big hugs!!

paula eagleholic said...

They used propofol on my Mom when she was in the ICU with keep her sedated...she was monitered very carefully. The Dr was negligent in his administration of it in my mind.

Kay said...

LINDA, the Bluebirds are beautiful !

stronghunter said...

Doctors have a higher responsibly.

Linda said...

Okay, hopefully this directly links you to my blog!

If not......they are on my blog! LOL

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

He knew better than to have that crap in someone's home? Now they need to find out where he obtained it and prosecute them. Why would a personal physician need propofol anyway?

Linda said...

Thanks, KAY! There were sooooo many of them fluttering around that hole in the tree.

What they don't know is that the resident squirrel won't like them in there!!

stronghunter said...

Beautiful pictures, Linda. I love bluebirds.

stronghunter said...

They know where it came from, Sharon. I don't know what the laws were about shipping out stuff like that.

stronghunter said...

Luna is telling me that it is feeding time.

Linda said...

Me too, Shirley. Dennis ordered some freeze dried meal worms for them in the hopes to keep them close.

They are always in the trees and ground around the property, just haven't hatched any little ones in the boxes yet!!

stronghunter said...

Now, there is meowing. Cats want food.

Getting dark soon. I need to round up Hunter before long.

stronghunter said...

No school tomorrow because of election day.

Kay said...

Wow, no school on election day ? I've not heard of that before, but it seems a good idea since schools are so often polling places.

Linda said...

Guess I better get dinner started....


stronghunter said...

It is a teacher work day. Sometimes, they make it a parent conference day. Parents can meet with teachers and vote at the same time.

hedgie said...

Loved the pics, Linda! Thanks! I love bluebirds, too!

A friend of my mom's hit a deer outside Leesburg on was so caught up under the front of the car that 3 power-washings by the dealer could not get the mess cleaned out and the odor was horrific....her insurance company ended up totalling the car.

stronghunter said...


hedgie said...

Lay, almost all of our polling places are in schools, so they are always closed for election day. Special elections are scheduled on Sats., tho'....which makes much more sense!

hedgie said...

That was supposed to be KAY!!!!! Duh!

stronghunter said...

You would not want to see the pictures Kathryn had of a deer hit in which the deer was under the hood of the car.

Kathryn works at a body shop, so she gets to see these things from time to time.

Kay said...

LYNN, Sat. or Sun. election days make a lot more sense than Tuesdays which are workdays for almost everyone. It could result in better turnouts.

Lynne2 said...

today will be OUR election day!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Eagle in nest.

Lynne2 said...


hedgie said...


Lynne2 said...


Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Two refreshes and gone.

hedgie said...


DanaMo said...

Well that was like a 30 sec. visit.

DanaMo said...

Are the names for voting in the Yahoo email? I hope I remember my password, I don't use that one.

Lynne2 said...

I think so DanaMo, Paula will let us you have her email address? Let her know if you need to use another email.

Kay said...

Was putting leftover lasagna in the microwave and missed the brief landing. Phooey !

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Eagle is back.

Linda said...


Lynne2 said...

kissy kissy smoochie smoochie

Linda said...


Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Both. Belle in front and ____ at 9 o'clock.

Linda said...


paula eagleholic said...

Whoo hoo I see 2 eagles, looks like Belle in the middle.

Linda said...


Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Now 1.

paula eagleholic said...

I think he poofed, looks like she is going to also.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

MT nest.

paula eagleholic said...

She's gone


Linda said...


Linda said...

That was Belle, who poof'd last, right?

wvgal_dana said...

Got home in time to see them in the nest ( :

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Yes Linda, I think you are correct.

Linda said...

Good timing for me to check in.....

Short visit, but I'll take whatever I can get!!

Back to dinner prep.....

Linda said...

They're so funny how they come in and leave so fast sometimes.

Did Lib and Belle do that, too?

Lynne2 said...

glad I was here to see finally!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Yes Linda, they did do that a lot. I don't know if you have heard this before but I am going to repeat it. Lib would sit in the nest for long periods of time, just soaking it all in, doing nothing. Once he would start working around a little bit and moving sticks, we knew that Belle would be arriving shortly. I guess he wanted her to think he had been busy the whole time! :-)

paula eagleholic said...

Sharon, Gotcha on the wedding date. Did she decide bridal party colors yet?

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

The wedding colors are black, white, pink and a hint of lime green. The groomsmen will wear black tuxes, black shirts pink ties and Andrew will have black tux and white shirt and tie. The bridesmaids and matron/maid of honors are wearing black dresses. There are a maid of honor, matron of honor, 3 bridesmaids, 2 junior bridesmaids and 2 flower girls. Andrew has 2 best men, and however many groomsmen and ushers to make up the difference. So glad I am the mother of the groom, although with this huge wedding party, I am going to have to take out a small loan for the rehearsal dinner.

paula eagleholic said...

Sharon, the trend on many rehearsal dinners is more casual and more people....spouses and SO's of the bridesmaids, ushers, grandparents etc.

JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...


Lynne2 said...

welcome back JudyE

Linda said...

SHARON - Thanks for telling me about Liberty and what he used to do in the nest. The way you described him allows me to see him through your eyes, which is all I can do. It's been so neat to hear the stories and see the pictures!

That is one heck of a wedding party!! Sounds like they are very busy with their plans!!

JUDYE - Welcome Back!!

Linda said...

It's also neat for one like me to look back at so many wonderful pictures captured throughout the years!!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

I love remembering Lib! He had a favorite perch, a fav place to feed the eaglets from.

Kay said...

Welcome Home, JUDY ! We've missed you ! It was so nice of HODA to stay in touch and to keep us informed !

Time for the News Hour, Jeopardy and beyond !

Prayers for all in need ! ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

JudyEddy said...

Well guess what it just went down so I guess I take this _______ back to them in the am

JudyEddy said...

I am not a happy camper I will ask for a loaner since they had it a couple of days the last time maybe he will have one I can use Wouldn't hurt to ask

Lynne2 said...

oh no JudyE....TERRIBLE!

JudyEddy said...

ON FRIDAY I did put a message on the blog that I was taking the puter in YOU all must have missed it It was cool that HODA called anyway I love her accent

JudyEddy said...

I wonder how long till it turns back off LOL I am writing down the times when it does it also OK may be it was just a fluke and won't shut down again He couldn't find anything wrong with it just dirty HOSED it out he said and HODA He told me to bring it to them instead of trying to blow it out myself the other guy was wrong I talked to there

JudyEddy said...

I did a quick look at yesterdays to see what time they showed up in AM and I see we had several visits tooo cool

JudyEddy said...

He said I also need more G I have a 2G and VISTA and NORTON are pigs and are using most of it he recommends more $45 per 1G He said it is what runs the puter not the pictures videos etc

JudyEddy said...

If I disappear remember the darn thing may be acting up again OK

Lolly said...

Hi all! Did some shopping. Laurel has a birthday coming up. Going to give her cash but wanted something to wrap. She had mentioned she needed
a new large non stick skillet. Found one I liked at Kohls. Going to fill it with CASH. LOL Dec 4 she turns 39. Uh oh!

Lynn, no, my brother does not have a log home. The woodpeckers were working on the gable end.

hedgie said...

JudyE---we knew you were puter-less! Hoda just wanted to check in to see if you were having withdrawal! We fully expected you to go to Angie's to check in!!!
Good that you are back. Hope it behaves itself now!

Lolly, cool idea about filling the pan with cash.....$39 one-dollar bills + $1 to grow on???

Lolly said...

Zach is very high. Some people would not suspect his condition. When he was very little he used pronouns incorrectly. What he was doing was repeating what he heard. "Zach, are you hungry". "You are hungry," he would reply. He does not do that anymore. Only once in a while do I see the hand shaking. And, that is when he is over stimulated.

I think he will succeed and can live independently. Time will tell.

Hoda said...

Oh The blog is with lots of postsand I am so very relieved that LORI is OK from the car collision with the deer. Sorry you had to experience that LORI and I hope you monitor yourself carefully for the next little while to find out if the sudden stop put things in the frame of your body out of alignment...

LOLLY one of my American nephews is ASPERGER. It was very difficult at the start because they were not really sure what they were being told...both of them are teachers and carol is Special Ed consultant...First there is the fear that one will blame the other, which side tof the family did this come from? Then there was the fear that others might think them poor parents and that the kid would spend his life being judged. Then there was the knowing of the undisputable love they have for him and the acceptance that they do their best to make sure he leads an independant life as is possible. There is lots of help out there and the parents simply have to keep searching and discovering what is out there and to pick and choose what would serve ZACH's needs the best. He is now a 22 year old and has gone through many experiences including the loss of his older brother, who died suddenly. He is loving and is strong. He takes his medication regularly without having to be told and he sometimes needs reminders to control the volume of his voice and to wash properly...this was a question in his adolescent years and not a problem now...His dad helped him out with that aspect. He is in college right now and is doing very well. He also has a part time job as a dishwasher in a restaurant and he is very responsible and does not like to miss work. He has a group of friends, who are varrying degrees of asperger. Carol pushes socializing and they are all intelligent and with varrying degrees of Asperger. He loves MATH and no one can beat him in this field. He also likes American Military history and is an avid reader and he can discuss what happened in the second world war and what the Americans did in which battle...He is a loving and caring young man and does not like talking much on the phone but when I send him his birthday cheque he always says thank you. He drives Carol's car and wants to explore independant living, likely in a group home. The birden on the parents is to secure his financial future and to find out what is there that he can benefit from, health insurance and such. It put a strain on Carol and David's relationship inthe early years but they worked on it and with the family love ans support in acceptance the love speaks louder than all the rest...

Thanks for the eagle report.

I had a very good day and spent sometime taking posters around various locations to advertise the All Candidates' Forum coming up on the 16th of November.

I am starved. It is trying very hard to snow and we are getting flakes flying about and it is cold but nothing is staying on the ground...

To the kitchen I go...BBL

Lolly said...

Cools Beans! It is raining!!

JudyEddy said...

I came back and chased everyone away LOL so I will return later I waned to keep playing on the puter to see if it shuts down again but so far so good 605 went down once and before it would do within in 20min so far so good maybe that was just a oops or fluke and it won't happen again I hope

JudyEddy said...

the message Steve has about not going in tree WED is that in regards to installing the camera hard lines??? I assume it is.

JudyEddy said...

.♥♥happy dance ♥♥


JudyEddy said...

funny thing also my symbol for the blog is not the B again It is a sunshine smiley odd I wonder if this has anything to do with my issues I will call they guy tomorrow and ask also I didn't get a chance to show him the pictures that I took of the thing the puter was doing Like deleted and recovering orphaned files DISK files needed to be checked I took picture as it was scrolling on the monitor I knew I wouldn't remember what it said and of course I didn't show him I did show the kid that took my puter but not the owner Chuck Carl's uncle

JudyEddy said...

ok I guess I will leave I just am sooooooo happpppppy I have a puter that so far is working KNOW ON WOOD My head will do LOL BBL

Lori O. said...

JudyE, welcome home! I missed you!

Geez, you all are amazing. Thank you so much - everyone - for your concern and sharing your own frightening deer stories. I love you all!
((((( B I G G R O U P H U G )))))

Sharon, I love the wedding colors! Can't wait for the pictures. :)

Lolly, Kay, Hoda, I loved the loving way you told your stories of the special children in your lives. No doubt these kids are loved!

Hoda said...

WELCOME HOME JUDYE. It is wonderful to read your posts and I hope the computer does not act up again. Thank you for the advice about taking the computer in when I want to get it cleaned. I use my hand held vacuum to vacum all holes, slots, air vents once a month...I had not done it for a period of time and then started to make funny noises so I vacuumed again and it is good so far.
You sounded just like yourself when we spoke on the phone.I would recognise your voice anywhere I think from when I hear you talking to Jordyn on the videos...

Lori O. said...

I can't wait for the report from your ENT appointment! When are you going? (Push, push.) You have suffered long enough.

Hoda said...

...and Texas HAS rain!!!
So happy for you all...

Hoda said...

LORI how are you now? Any aches or pains?

JudyEddy said...

OH LORI just read to where you had an accident with the deer So glad you are ok Do you have deer whistles on your car My friend June hit two deer last months or so ago and put them on her car afterwards The deer leaped over her car on the hood put holes in it also they ran away leaping helped I guess

JudyEddy said...

so far I am running I am transferring pictures on to disc this way the puter stays busy just to check on it good idea I thought and so far so good I am so hungry I ate a late lunch at 130 when I went to get puter I do have a McDonald Carmel apple yogurt in refrig BBL I am watch GoodWife and need to finish watching on puter since it ran late I wish the DVR would know that Maybe one day

hedgie said...

Margy: is that Venus to the lower left of the moonie??? SO bright!!

Judie said...

A quick word or twenty...

Lori, so very happy you were not injured in the deer accident. Not your fault. You are most important but sorry for the deer, of course.

Lynn, basketball player emailed it was a severe cramp that sent him off the court. Says he's okay.

Welcome back, JudyE. You were missed.

Rain? Texas? Rain in Texas? Yippee!


JudyEddy said...

Ok I guess it wasn't a fluke She just shut down so me doing the pictures shows it is still broke So I will take it in tomorrow I guess and a loaner will never work I don't know what I was thinking all my info is in puter email address and don't think they do loaners because of stuff like that does anyone know for sure???

Mema Jo said...

I am back from a very busy, fun filled day with my girls.

Hi Judi and Judy

I skimmed this page but I think I need
to read more thoroughly.


paula eagleholic said...

JudyE....GOT IT!

JudyEddy said...

and one more time down so it was 25 min since last time So back she goes tomorrow I am getting off the blog and just leaving eamil up I want to see if it stays up with out the internet being used This is a test and only a test LOL BBL

JudyEddy said...

I'm giving up putting pictures on because its too frustrating because and it doesn't take on disc when I go down so its wasting my time

JudyEddy said...



Well I'm calling it a day HOPE TO SEE Ya in the AM before I take her in

See ya in the am ☼
God Bless this Nest
and all

♀ ♥ ♂
whom watch it at
Sycamore Palace
Healing thoughts for
those in need

"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."


paula eagleholic said...

Oh Yes, Norton is a memory hog!

paula eagleholic said...

That's why I stopped using it!

JudyEddy said...

PAULA he recommend another 2G I can do 1G at a time 45. per G Could that be making it shut down I wonder he didn't say anything about that just the speed of my system I wonder if I should get it since he will have it anyway to figure what is wrong and he also say they don't recommend Norton at all

DanaMo said...

Annemarie, and 9 other St. Mary Catholic School 8th graders are participating in the Bridging the Watershed Program. The Fox 5 News will be filming and interviewing our 8th graders and their Science teacher while the students do a stream study at the Monocacy Battlefield. Tune in to Fox 5 News early tomorrow morning!

JudyEddy said...

Ok now I am siging off just to see if it stays up with out playing on it

Lynne2 said...

Nest is bathed in bright moonlight. SO pretty! The November full moon names are

The Beaver moon
The Frost Moon
The Geese Going Moon

Mema Jo said...

Sharon - I love Kelsey's wedding gown

I finished reading the previous thread -
Hubby is saying the movie is going to
start & that I will like it......


Hoda said...


The moon light is making the nest so clear and bright.

hedgie said...

Oh, I love the Geese Going Moon, Lynne!

Jo, did you find nice ornaments???
Forgot to mention that Cracker Barrel always has nice ones, too!

hedgie said...

DanaMo---HOW EARLY is early???? That is really cool!! You are talking DC local 5, right??

hedgie said...

Judie, glad the young man is okay!

Lolly said...

About to eat dinner. It is almost ready! Just went out to the rain far 7 tenths! And, more to come tomorrow. I am so so habby!!!

wvgal_dana said...

Lynne2 That is neat you helping that little boy. His parents should have him in a school to help with building his skills. I am adding little Bill to my prayer list.

Lolly prayers for your boy Zach. He
he has a great grandmother!!!!

Oh Lori dear I am so sorry about
the accident with the deer. I know
you feel so badly. I am glad you
are can be fixed. I know
honey you are sorry that you hit
it bu sometimes no matter what
you try. They just keep coming.
Please it is not your fault((Hugs))

Kelsey's wedding dress is so beautiful.
Sounds like a really nice wedding.

Linda so happy you are going to get
a 2nd opinion. GREAT!!

They use it for catract surgery when I had it done.

JduyE sorry about computer problems.

wvgal_dana said...

The blood test Raschida drew on herself. That they take only a short time to see if Strep. Came back negative. She told them to grow it for 24 hrs. So she recalled her doctor and told her. The growth test came back positive for strep. She also had bronchitis.

wvgal_dana said...

I need to find out where to go and vote for males name.

Was in at Mothers today helping her. Just even when her feet were cold. Getting another blanket to wrap them in and raising them to wrap. Has my body all hurting from head to toe. Hopefully after seeing doctor tomorrow she can get back on the Aleve it does help her some.

Won't know until tomorrow Am if I am driving her the short distance from house to doctor or not. She will call me tomorrow AM.

I had to take 2 CVS brand like tylenol arthritis pills a couple of times today. Although it dose not help much.

wvgal_dana said...

Yes Shirley that is a good outcome for that young man. Hope he continues to improve.

Lynne2 said...

I like the Geese Going Moon too Lynn! Speaking of which...

MARGY...any word on the Tundra Swans yet?

Dana, having Billiam around is a pleasure! We just didn't have any free weekends this summer to have him over like we have the past couple of years.

wvgal_dana said...

I didn't see anything in Eaglet_momster page on polls.

Checked email don't see anyhthing.

Where is the voting for the male eagles name please

Lynne2 said...

Dana, Paula will put the poll up on the momster email tonight I think.

Lynne2 said...

check your emails. the poll is up!

hedgie said...

Sure is nice to see the moon lighting up the nest so well.

Forgot to m ention that Food Lion has some Christmasy things a;ready...argh!

My prediction for DWTS: I think Ricki Lake is going to win this!!!!

Lynne2 said...

OK, I'm too stupid to vote.....

DanaMo said...

I have to drop Annemarie off at the McDonalds on Dual Hwy at 5:30 AM!! There are "teasers" and segments throughout the morning beginning at 6:45. They will be in the stream and in the science center, doing numerous things and our science teacher will also be interviewed.

Yes, local Fox 5 DC.

paula eagleholic said...

The polls are up!

I split the names into 2 alphabetical lists, with the similar names split between the polls.

You can vote for 5 names on each poll....and you can change your vote until the poll ends.

Poll ends this Saturday night at Midnight, PST, or until I get up on Sunday and close the poll!

You must sign in with your Yahoo id and password to vote on the group site.

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2/20/25 PM bird

1203 PM NN Scout comes to the nest with a load of bedding again. He seemed to leave with something in his talons. He has a beak full of bedd...