Friday, November 04, 2011


New thread.


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stronghunter said...

Hi Steve!

I have told the others.
Have a good day.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
stronghunter said...

Hoda, I would give it a try. I would love to see it as your avatar.

Hoda said...

Thanks STEVE for the new thread and Thanks SHIRELY for the call over.

stronghunter said...

"What's in a name? That which we call a rose
By any other name would smell as sweet."

--William Shakespeare

Let us remember this. Whatever we call our male eagle, he is still a bald eagle, the symbol of our country.

Perhaps "Romeo" or "Montague" would be a good name, but then we already have so many good suggestions.

Hoda said...


I felt I missed something/ SOMEONE very important when I saw SHARON'S delete...I will just imagine what a wonderful wise and witty statement she would have made and will visit at FB.

stronghunter said...

Going to get on my street clothes and head out.

Hoda said...

I think it wise to recognise the eagle is the could have had a rodent with deformed teeth like we comes the BEAVER!!! They do have nice pelts though...LOL

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Okay Hoda, you have done it now! LOL!

Bluefield High School, home of the Bluefield Beavers!!!!! :-)

Hoda said...

SHARON I will trade you a Beaver symbol for an EAGLE????LOL
I have to warn you Beaver Farts, Pardon me, do not smell so good!!! I did smell them when I lived up North and one was trapped in a cage!!! OH MY!!!LOL!!!

Mema Jo said...

When Hoda said Beaver - I knew that was
going to raise the Bluefield congregation up.
Hoda - you know how football is - Bluefield are the BEAVERS

Mema Jo said...

Hoda - everything has to have a defensive device. lol

Mema Jo said...

Thanks Shirley for the call over

Thanks Steve for the TGIF thread!
Have a great weekend - It is gong to get

Lolly said...

roflmbo....Now we know how to get to Sharon! Love it!

I have that plaque...right here by me. It means the world to me. Thank you, Lynn!!

Shirley, I kinda like Romeo. LOL It fits! A teenage lover!☺

Lolly said...

Hoda, thank you for the compliment to Laurel. And, her middle name is Catherine!

Mema Jo said...

News release: Package at Ranson post office contained cookies; 'pop' was from light fixture
What was reported to authorities as an explosion that sent white powder into the air at the Ranson Post Office Friday morning turned out to be an electrical problem, Ronald Fletcher, a firefighter with Citizens Fire Co. said Friday.
Herald Mail article

stronghunter said...

Had to stop to let the doggies out, so took one more look at the blog.

Beaver farts? Haven't smelled one. But that is okay. I know what a basset fart smells like.

Lolly said...

I do believe those postal workers were a wee bit touchy.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Well, I have taken several really long trips with the Beaver Band so I definitely know what Beaver farts smell like and basset farts.

Lolly said...

I am not getting anything done. Gotta get with it!

Lolly said...

Sharon, roflmbo!!

I can just hear Judie's comments when she reads this blog!

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Nice, shiny new thread!! Thanks Steve!!! is every little one today?

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

And about those Beaver farts! They smell like roses!!!

Hoda said...

Relieved to hear the package was cookies... All are safe...

I am off to yoga and a few errands. The All Candidates forum for the 16th of November is demanding some attention, and I need to go buy 10 squash for the African Dinner on the 13th so off I go to start my day...I have my Poppie on for Remembrance Day,Veterans Day in the US, and I will check in later...My Poppie simply sqays WE REMEMBER.

Mema Jo said...

This little one still didn't get her
street clothes on.......... Off I go
into the wild blue ..... I mean down the hallway! Love you all ♥

paula eagleholic said...

Hoda, that was TMI, LOL


paula eagleholic said...

LOlly, just a slight over reaction...can anyone say PARANOID!

Costume Lady said...

One of my favorite posessions is a stick that had been gnawed by a BEAVER, that Capt. Gene brought me from hunt camp, one year. I have never seen a live beaver, so I guess that is why the stick is so special to me:)

Linda said...

Wow! You just never know what you'll find when you log into this place!


I guess I have some catching up to do again!

Mema Jo said...

Friends of NCTC

I would invite you for $10 to become a
friend even if you are not local

Membership link

Mema Jo said...

My granddaughter when in Kindergarten brought into Show & Tell a gnawed stick
from a beaver dam (Her dad is an DNR
employee) Well, she got up in front of
her classmates and boldly said
'Dis is a beaver dick' I would think that the teacher would almost have lost

hedgie said...

LOL, Jo---thanks! Your post and that article gave me my real laugh for the day!! COOKIES????? And a flourescent fixture----what a HOOT for sure!!!! ROFLMBO!!!!

And Beaver farts brought Shar running!!! TOO funny!!!!

Can't say I've ever had the displeasure.....but now SKUNK on the other hand is truly THE worst----when a dog comes into the house covered and runs all around! One of the very worst experiences of my life.

Linda said...

Jo - Thanks for the NCTC Membership Link. I'm now an official member!

Linda said...

Didn't get to enjoy the nice dinner I fixed for my hubby last night.

I got a bit of food poisoning and spent the whole night with horrible cramps and diarrhea. Things are still not right, but they have settled down. I am still having cramping whenever I drink or eat anything.......and lots of noises in my tummy.

Guess it hasn't been my week for feeling good!

Lolly said...

Oh, Linda! You are certainly having the woes!!! Straighten up and fly right!! You hear me?!☺

Lolly said...


I have finished walking 2 miles and drinking my water. A little behind on the water but catching up!☺

Linda said...

Yes Mam, Miss Lolly!! Plan on it! ♥

hedgie said...

This is interesting

hedgie said...

Oh, sorry. You poor girl. Was it your own cooking??? Is Dennis okay??

paula eagleholic said...

Yes, Linda, how is Dennis feeling?

Linda said...

No Lynn, I picked up a cheeseburger at Burger King yesterday, which obviously wasn't worth it on TWO accounts. I couldn't open my mouth enough to eat it, so I took the top bun off, and then the darn thing must have been the culprit!!

So Dennis is a-ok! He felt so badly for me last night.

PAULA - Dennis is doing really well. He walks every day and putts around here and there while he is supposed to be taking it easy. He is bored, but he is healing.

hedgie said...

Linda, double woe.......too bad.

Linda said...

Lynn - What an amazing idea and beautiful plaque!! How thoughtful! ♥

Mema Jo said...

Not happy to hear of your problems Linda
Can you get some soup on your stomach

Getting ready to head out to Pizza for gs b-d. I'll check in as soon as I return.


movin said...




We've got a steady rain coming down in So Cal right now and a chilly (for here) high of 59°.

Happy Needed Precipitation Day to one and all.

C(°Ù¿°)D Jim

magpie said...

Love the avatar Lolly, beautiful picture of our two precious ones....
I see Lolly in Laurel's countenance....

Latin, was my best subject,
French, not so good
Spanish, nada...
but I do know the Spanish word for Yellow: Amarillo !

Good Evening Eagle Pals

xo ♥

magpie said...


Feeling any better or warmer today??

Here is a (( HUG ♥ )) for extra warmth ! xoxo

magpie said...

Megan still has a hummingbird!
saw a neat picture of it earlier ☺
She and Lynne are working to ID it, it might NOT be a ruby-throated....

James and I saw a couple of red--winged blackbirds last week, very surprising to us both

magpie said...

realy enjoyed the two "Beaver Stick" stories ☺ from Wanda and Jo...
used to be one at Swinging Bridge, have not seen that lump of lard for a couple of years though, but he sure skinned some branches and then set them afloat

Kay said...

JIM, and the old song says it doesn't rain in California. Ha !

LYNN, it's a shame Kathie has to go through such turmoil on top of losing John. Makes it all doubly sad. :(

JO, Happy Birthday to your grandson--I love Pizza Hut parties ! Thanks for the Friends of NCTC site. The aerial photo of the whole place is spectarlarly beautiful ! Thanks,too, for the laugh of the day "dis is a beaver dick"---such a sweet and innocent little speech glitch !

LORI, Malcolm's tug arrived today and he was here for it. I said, "this is for you" as I opened it and he stared and waited. WOW ! Did he ever leap on it ! It's all he played with from that moment on. Thank you so much ! Best quality tug I've seen !!!!! You are a doll !♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

magpie said...

WV DNR Calendar arrived today!
Gift from a friend:
no eagles, but Red-shouldered Hawk, Northern Cardinal, Wood Ducks, Monarch Butterfly, Raccoon, Rainbow Trout, Chickadee, Black Bear! Northern Green Frog, Grouse, Black Crappie, and Skunk!
Can hardly wait for 2012!

magpie said...

sorry about the intestinal poisoning is about as bad an ailment as one can have....
hope it resolves quickly, and
glad to hear Dennis is puttering along okay !

Hi ☼HI☼ Kay...
Seth and Malcolm time going on, or over ?

magpie said...

Yes! Nice presentation, Shirley!
And I love my little plaque from Lynn also, and all the other goodies we have received at the generosity of our Momsters and Dadsters over the years ♥

magpie said...

total overcast this morning, turned into brilliant blue sky this afternoon

magpie said...

The "haz-mat exploding white cookie box" event in Ranson, in fact DID turn into a great training exercise, sure hope the REAL THING does not ever occur
Bravo to the Responders!

they got to use the Robot!

Kay said...

Oh, no, LINDA ! We have to find a way to move that black cloud over you head right on outta the picture ! Feel better soon !

LOLLY, that's another "Good on you" for your fine walking and drinking ! Water, that is ! I took three nice walks with Malcolm today and will return to Leslie and the gang tomorrow.

Had a great day with the boys and now ready for dinner, news, Jeopardy and my political analysis programs on PBS.

Oh, and so very happy whenever I see there was a good visit with Belle and her significant other ! Glad they stayed so long. I think just about all the regulars have seen them at least once since the still cam came back. I know we're all comforted when we see them and to know everything seems to be okay with them !

stronghunter said...

Well, it is almost 5:30. I am 30 minutes late feeding the critters, and I am hearing complaints.

I will return later.

magpie said...

Thanks to JO for the Friends of NCTC membership link...
that pic on the page: that is the same as the postscards I got at the NCTC gift shop...
I will join...might have to wait until next payday though...
first of month is a tough time for the bank account

Kay said...

Hi dear MARGY ! Yes, the boys have gone home, but tomorrow is Saturday and more time with Seth at least. Sad note, the main sound effects guy on PHC, the one who does the loon so well, had a sudden heart attack and died this week. Part of tomorrow's program will be a tribute to him. Listen in if you can ! That Haz-mat team took lemons and turned them into lemonade with a good robotic training session. Great outcome !

magpie said...

Safe Friday Traveling Wishes..if anyone is going "ooot and Aboot"

My Mother was very good at languages. Once, a Catholic priest visited our parish...he spoke Chinese, everyone spoke English, BUT - French was a shared language and my Mother did the gracious translating...

magpie said...

oh dear Kay...that is sad, I will do my best to listen Saturday evening and/or Sunday...
Enjoy your evening, and tomorrow also!

I think it's time for comfortable clothes and something to eat

ttfn xo ♥

Hoda said...

LINDA so sorry to hear you are with food poisoning.OH NO !!! What else can go wrong????UGH!!!

Jo I hope you have a GREAT time at Pizza Hut for GS Birthday...Happy Birthday.

The snow is further down the mountain than I had thought, leaves are blowing away off the trees.Chilly but makes for good walking.

Hoda said...

LYNN Interesting that journalism often thrives on misleading headlines. The article you linked us to had a headline that said an untruth. They were NOT stranded on the mountain. I am sure this was the point of your "interesting" comment/link.

hedgie said...

Hi, Jim---glad you are getting needed precip!
And hi, Margy! Did you hear about the comedy of errors in Ranson??? Didn't hear a peep out of you today! Full crew so you could focus on your other work?

Hoda said...

MARGY what a terrific story about your MOM...Translating can be challenging and good on her for taking the task on.

hedgie said...

Precisely, Hoda! Journalism sensationalizes everything, it seems, nowadays. Makes me ashamed to say that I was a journalist.

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone,
Just dropping in for a quick hello. Kubby is on his way home from work. It is raining here today, so haven't bagged up any leaves--maybe tomorrow.

Got an official letter from the City of Anaheim that the Anaheim Coves (bird sanctuary, nature park and bike path/hiking trail) will have a dedication ceremony on Tuesday, Nov. 15th. at 11:30 am!
I will certainly try to attend, take pictures, and share. The area is 14 acres, and should be really pretty. School kids will be spreading flower seeds at the event. OK--gotta run. Will BBL, after I've caught up!

Hoda said...

ANDY what a terrific event. I will love to see the pictures.

LOL PAULA...I agree with you!!! TMI it took me a while to figure out what it meant...too much information!!! LOL!!!

hedgie said...

Andy....sounds like a wonderful project. Good on Anaheim!!!! Sure hope you can go and share back with us!!!!

paula eagleholic said...

evening, all!

Heading to the beach...please check your EM mail

Will check in later!

Hoda said...

Have a good safe trip PAULA. Will look forward to your checking in. I got the email. Thanks.

Lolly said...

Have been working on recipes today. I am so bad at cutting out recipes from magazines and then lettin them pile up. So, I have bee


hedgie said...


Hoda said...


Lolly said...


Hoda said...

In cup then moved up to noon

hedgie said...

Can't tell who it is.......

paula eagleholic said...

eagle alert!!!!!!!!!

hedgie said...

When she/he turns face toward cam, it is too washed out to make any ID.

Lolly said...

LOL right in the middle of my comment...I stopped!

Anyway have been sorting and filing. And, now of course, watching the nest! Same time as last night...glad they have watches!

Ms Bookworm said...

Emma got her package from Lori in today's mail! She is having SOOO much fun with her new tug! Thank you SO much, Lori!!! Emma says thank you, too--but it sounds more like WOOF!! WOOF!!! :o] Asking God to bless you for your kindness!
Kubby's home from work, so gotta go catch up on his day. Will be back, after dinner. Have a great evening!

Hoda said...

I think it is the male eagle.

Lolly said...

It is hard to tell but I think it is he who can not be named.

Hoda said...

I almost see the spot on his head and the shape of his at one facing the camera

magpie said...

well, we could go by the toes...

bye bye color

Hoda said...

Facing two position looking out of the nest.

Lolly said...

I am wishing I had a dog so I could get a tug. LOL Lori, you are so sweet to honor all the pups!!

hedgie said...

Sure wish the cam was on zoom.

Hoda said...

moving back and forth from in to out of he tracking Miss BELLE

hedgie said...


Lolly said...

Where oh where is our Belle?

hedgie said...

Showing off feetsies.....♫ put your left foot in....♫

magpie said...

or try to

chuckled at your abruptly ended sentence Lolly

my goodness that was quite a position

itchy scratchy?

hedgie said...


Hoda said...

That was an odd postion to be in, now looking in the cup area.

Here comes BELLE

Lolly said...

In the nest egg cup!

hedgie said...

What kind of landing and position is that?? Attack mode?

Lolly said...


Hoda said...


hedgie said...

Now beaking???

Lolly said...

Ahhh, I am enjoying this!!!

magpie said...

glad Paula got to see them before heading to the Chesapeake Shores

Lolly said...

What is that?!!!!

Hoda said...

What is this wing to wing standing close...facing six

Lolly said...

Sure wish we had the live cam so we could know what is really going on/1


Hoda said...


hedgie said...

HP attempts??? He ain't too swift about it. And poof both.

magpie said...

THAT now is INvisible Eagles, was a curious view, Lolly!

Lolly said...

It kind of looked like hp, but surely not!!!!

magpie said...

isn't it great for many of us so far away from each other geographically are enjoying the very same thing together !

Lolly said...

Amen to that, Margy!

magpie said...

do you think Andy disappeared just a few moments too soon to see what we were watching?

DanaMo said...

So are we seeing them more now because it is close to mating season. It's not mating season yet is it?

magpie said...

I am rearranging my closet...ever few hangers full of something I came out to have a peek!

magpie said...

you will get many expert answers on that...
I would just say, getting close, maybe practicing the moves!

hedgie said...

I put an AM and a PM pic in the album.

magpie said...

and surely time for them to be fortifying and fixity-upping the Palace

magpie said...

soon I will go back to the closet and try to find some jeans that have not shrunk ☺

Lolly said...

Laurel just called. Hoda, told her about the compliment you paid her. She says, "why, thank you." She said she had said to Joey, she wished she had Catherine's hair and Joey relied, "What do you mean, you have her hair!"

magpie said...

but I saw a request from Paula to check our EM mail, so that, first

those eagles might NOT be done for the night either, just wishing it

ttfn xo

Hoda said...

I agree it is wonderful that we are all sharing in watching the eagles.A sense of wonder when I first realize with the still cam that there is an eagle in the nest!!! I hold my breath while my mind is sending the message through!!! LOL

Thank You for the pictures MARGY.

Part of me was wishing that JUDYE would pipe in with a comment or two. I bet you she would have rememberd to bold her entries... So strange not to read her comments or to find out about her day on here and on FB.

magpie said...

how nice, Joey notices !! ♥ ☺

magpie said...

I have not put my pics in yet, but Hedgie Lynn did, will check to see what she posted then add my few if different
but thanks in advance ☺

Hoda said...

I think LAUREL'S JOEY is a keeper...

Lolly said...

I am still watching and wishing they would return!

Hoda said...

THANK YOU LYNN FOR THE PICTURES...sorry about the mistake.

Hoda said...

Me too LOLLY...It is clear at the nest, we could still see them...if they came back that is!

magpie said...

I am more than complimented to be confused with our Hedgie ☺

Lolly said...

When Jack and I were at the nest last Fall, we went about this time of the evening. We waited and waited and just as we were about to give up in they flew. However, they did not go to the nest. The circled the Royal Palace and then flew off to the woods behind.

Hoda said...

Two GREAT and very knowlegeable ladies you two MARGY...Great FRIENDS.

hedgie said...

I still suspect that they have been making these appearances all along...we just haven't been witnesses without the cam for so long.

hedgie said...

The early winter weather maybe has them fooled into thinking that it IS time for HP!

Hoda said...

That must have been AWESOME LOLLY, to see them and then have them do the unexpected...I am glad you two waited.

hedgie said...

Awwww....Margy, you are sweet!!!

Hoda said...

Good points LYNN, in regards their showing up and then the possible interpretation of their behaviour.

Lolly said...

I just wish they would lay eggs later rather than earlier. Why do they lay eggs in snow?????

movin said...

Thanks for asking< Magpie...and thanks for the "hug".

Yes, my internal temperature seems to have returned to a more normal level again. I can't imagine what caused the feeling of freezing up I had for a day or two. And I felt very well otherwise..

C(°Ù¿°)D Jim

magpie said...

Okay, Good, Movin' Jim
that's what we like to hear !

You know, our Still Cam is back up, right? Eagles have been there mornings and evenings...

hedgie said...

Jim, I sometimes feel that way....but a soak in a hot tub almost always does the trick!!!

ALmost time for Jeopardy. BBIALW.

magpie said...

We'll have to ask Nostradamus that question!

three evening pics of mine in the E-M album...and two added from Lynn before that, one this morning, and one this evening

Boring...back to the closet !
ttfn ♥
Hope Wanda and the Gang are having Friday Night Fun tonight !

Lolly said...

I sometimes get chilled and nothing warms me up....except for a hot shower.

Lolly said...

Off to warm up dinner....leftovers tonight!

DanaMo said...

The day we were all at the nest they weren't in the nest they were in the tree so I kinda figured we weren't missing anything with the cam down because even though they were there we wouldn't have seen them in the tree.

movin said...

OK, Hedgie, I took a look at the still cam, and I see that it is indeed up again. But why did you let it get so dark back there?? I wanted to see nest in brighter light.

C(°Ù¿°)D Jim

magpie said...

okay Jim...right, no night light to speak of, but we might get some Moonglow here as the Moon Waxes towards full
We shoulda hollered the news at your earlier !

I think you are right, DanaMo... up in the branches often most likely...sooooo you made it through the Faith Review this morning ok ??

DanaMo said...

I'm barely alive...

magpie said...

oh dear
Closet Bandit has really been busy,
making all my jeans one size smaller, while I was clearly getting one size bigger....
Yikes!!!how did he DO that !!!

magpie said...

Can you get your Barely Alive little self in for a nap or even better, bedtime yet ?
Thinking of you and your folks and all the family, for the Big Event coming up this week-end...
Love and Prayers xoxo ♥

hedgie said...

Here we go again.....Carolyn's godson got hit again....last game of season. They are all headed for the ER. Sure hope it's not another concussion.

magpie said...

Dern it Lynn!

I saw the "Happy Birthday Troy" sign at Murphy's...last night???

magpie said...

hope he will be OK !

hedgie said... will be dark even earlier after tomorrow night. :(
I hate it!

magpie said...

When Jo Returns:
1) Hope it was GREAT Pizza Birthday Celebration for your grandchild
2) I see you have our December E-M album ready to go ☺
3) Thank you for jogging my memory: TJ it Is, Busy fellow with all the boys in Missouri

Hoda said...

LYNN Let us know how Carolyn's Godson fares in ER.

Hoda said...

In Ancient Ayurvedic medicine, when we are high on acid in the body the temperatures drop and it is advisable to avoid acidy foods, sweets included...go back to a balance of alkaline foods and body will become warmer again.

DANAMO I am glad you survived the Faith test and when you have a chance say more about it.

Judie said...

Hello everyone.

Although it is early, I am here to turn the night light on for those who will be walking around in the dim light of evening and Andy who will arrive late from the West Coast. So pleased that the eagles are making visits to the nest. All will be well. Restful sleep for all.

magpie said...

Hello and Good Night, Judie
Love to you and all the Household Members xo ♥

Lolly said...

She breezes in.....and she breezes out! We miss you, Judie! (((Hugs)))

Hoda said...

JUDIE good to see you on here and thank you for the night light.

It is the weekend so I hope also that you will have some more free corrections to bring home I hope.

stronghunter said...

Good night, Judie.

stronghunter said...

I received a really nice package with a unique dog pull for Flash today. Thank you, Lori.

stronghunter said...

Flash has been checking it out.

magpie said...

You must get pictures, Shirley !

hedgie said...

Margy, I think Troy did have a birthday this week!

hedgie said...

Oh, oh! Now Hoda is dropping acid????!!!!

Hi and bye, Judie! Rest well....and I hope you have a relaxing weekend ahead.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Checking in from Kelsey's sister's house. They are having a yard sale in the morning so I have been shopping. :-)

hedgie said...

LOL, Shar----pre-shopping!! Get anything good?? Did you and Andrew hug each other to pieces???!!!

Kay said...

ANDY, I do hope you can go to the Anaheim Coves dedication. I think we'd all like to see anything you can share about it !

magpie said...

so, you are going to buy a yard and take it back to Bluefield?
Have fun!
The weather should be good for what you got goin'
Double E-S ☺

magpie said...

Ditto that Kay! Sounds like a dreamy place to go bird-watching!

Linda said...

From Riley:
WOOF WOOF Auntie Lori!!!
Thank you sooooo much for my homemade tug toy!! No one has ever loved me in that way....ever!!! Love you, Auntie Lori... WOOF!

stronghunter said...

Best wishes and prayers for Carolyn's godson, Lynn.

magpie said...

I have to wonder,
Who did NOT get that box of cookies at the Ranson Post Office today? (ref the Haz-mat incident that turned out not to be haz-mat after all).. Someone's hard work ...
guess the intended recipient and the sender would be informed one way or another, sure hope so
Maybe all the responders had cookies and milk when everything was all clear

Linda said...

Thanks, everyone.....for your comments and concern. I think I'm on the mend and that poison is out of me!!

It cleaned my to speak!

magpie said...

It's a lot of fun hearing about these tug toys!
Yep, now would be a great time to own a dog !

going to work my way to the pillows and a good book here soon

so, early Good Night, Precious Pals...
Prayers for Wellness and Comfort...

God Bless This Nest, and
God Bless Us, Every One

xoxo ♥

Mema Jo said...

I've returned from the partying... Cake was spice and I ate a piece. You see I am Diabetic too - just came up a little
more then 2 years ago - I take metformin
medication 2 tabs twice a day. I do need to drink more water as I do watch my diet. As Kay mentioned - you can 'cheat' once in a while

I am watching CSI:NY
Remember Ladies that Tom is on at 10

Costume Lady said...

As we were leaving GG's, we heard emergency vehicles zooming to somewhere and also two helicopters coming and going to City Hospital. Must there have been a bad accident? Know anything, Lynn...Margy?

Kay said...

LYNN, prayers for Carolyn's godson. Hope you know more soon !

SHARON, so they are having a pre-sale for preferred customers, eh ? Lucky you !

LINDA, so nice to know you're feeling better ! A little of that black cloud is clearing away ! Yeah !

DANAMO, your centerpiece is lovely ! Is that one for the main table and how many do you have to make ?

I missed our eagles again ! Drat ! Good reporting, especially when all we have to work with is the still cam. Judging by their behavior and that of the Decorah pair, it isn't unusual for eagles to stick pretty close to home most of the year. Guess they can't take a chance on some other pair trying to take over their nest.

stronghunter said...

Happy birthday to Jo's grandson.

Hoda said...

Funny Lynn!!! No ACID for this gal...I am sure it is in the structure of what I wrote about Acid/Alkaline post...LOL

NatureNut said...

Great Good Evening Everyone!
Hooray, our birds visited the nest! I didn't see them, but read all about it! Is the male (what's his name?) losing his Spot? Or maybe we need good sunlight.We'll have to ID him another way--feetsies, color, or something. Sloppiness would be an easy trait for a wannabe adult eagle! LOL

Want to come back and read more. Proud of myself for almost finishing a few chores before getting on 'puter. Gotta wrap a present I made for 2 from Park that just tied the knot. They will both be there tomorrow for the 10K. Don't know if I'll get office duty or get to go toward the action.
BBS, I hope~~~ ☺

magpie said...

Wanda...I do not know of any details...
Lynn might...
I do have some prayers going for those involved...
I did hear helicopter, didn't realize it was two...

I hope you DID indeed have some family fun tonight !

magpie said...

Hi and Bye Loretta, weather should be good Saturday - hope you don't have to work, just enjoy it and have fun.
Okay, G'Night everyone...

most of the lights out here except for the reading lights at bedside
xo ♥ (( Late Night Hugs ♥))

Kay said...

Animal Fun

This will put a smile on your faces !

wvgal_dana said...

Kay glad Malcolm is enjoying those
nice tugs Lori made.

Linda sorry about the bad burger.
Glad Dennis is taking it easy.

Margy you and James enjoyed I am
sure those red wing blackbirds.

DanaMo enjoy the weekend and
the celebration. Love the
center piece. ♥♥

Jo Happy Birthday to GS.

Hoda your avatar is beautiful.
I enjoyed it when I enlarged it.
Very nice and heart warming ( :

Andy Anaheim Coves sounds like
a nice place. Will wait to see
your pictures. Nice the kids
will be spreading flower seeds.
I see Emma got her tug from Lori's
precious hands.

Paula safe travels to Paula's

Sure was nice to see our eagles
again today. I liked the love
he is smitten with her ( :
Got to see them off by phone.

Yes Margy it is nice that from
all around the world. We can
share with friends. Us all
watching the cam and seeing
the same thing. Such a joy!!

Prayers for Carolyn's godson
being hit again in a game.

Hoda said...

THANKS KAY for the was fun to watch...

wvgal_dana said...

Kay that was pretty neat thank you ( :

NatureNut said...

Gotta tell you a smelly beaver story. Back in the older days of the Park, our Visitor's Center was a good old red tobacco barn.The loft became an upstairs! That's where we had the original exhibit shop, a Mgr. Office. and Greg K., our illustrious naturalist, had a taxidermy room. A lot of exhibit work was going on for a Park & Planning Anniversary and Greg K. decided to mount a (dead) beaver!Much stronger smell than a f--t. Probably close to musk ox!

Hoda said...

EIKIE POO!!! That would be smelly Loretta!

stronghunter said...

Good night. Not sure when the fence people are coming. Need to be ready to get up early. See you tomorrow.

Lynne2 said...

Evening all.

Just read back on all of the comments of the day. I'm very saddened to see the nastiness that was thrown around, and the some of the inappropriate comments that were made. Clearly this goes much deeper than the naming of an eagle.


hedgie said...

Blue Bloods is on!

Carolyn called---Troy released from ER: Level 3 concussion (due to loss of consciousness). Pain med for head and neck pain. No contact sports for a week. Okay to allow him to sleep.
This is at least his 2nd concussion this fall....argh!
Eagles apparently lost their final game.

Lynne2 said...

Linda, so sorry about your poor GI issues! I had a similar thing happen after a Wendy's hamberer and haven't eaten a fast food burger since. Hope you are feeling better.

Think I'll go have some hot chocolate and a shower and get to bed. Very happy to have my Stubby back home!

Good night and prayers for all.

oh, and FAIL on water today....UGH.

Kay said...

LYNN, huge sigh of relief for Troy. Would you expect any problems down the road for a kid who had multiple concussions ? Not that 2 is grossly multiple, but I do worry about just how it might affect him.

Kay said...

LYNNE, don't beat yourself up over failing on any given day to take in enough water, get enough exercise or for perhaps getting too many calories. Each new day is a new opportunity to start over, so better luck tomorrow. Okay ?♥♥♥

hedgie said...

Loretta----even tho' a loft is "open space"--I can imagine the confinement being enough for that beaver to really permeate the whole building form the top down! URP!!!
Reminds me of Carolyn talking about the WEED that the sheriff's dept. was holding as evidence in the building where she and Margy work---how awful it was; I never would have thought about it smelling when it was newly cut!

Nope---I don't know anything about what was going on, Wanda or Margy----haven't really been paying attention to scanner much this evening.

Kay said...

SHIRLEY, yippee, it's New Fence Eve at your house ! Won't it be wonderful to see it go up !

LORETTA, PeeeeUuuu ! Nobody likes a stinky beaver !

Glad you enjoyed the video, HODA. I thought the tiger was really cute, made a big cat look like a playful little kitten !

Linda said...

Lynne - Glad you have your stubby back and thanks for your concern. I'm on the mend for the most part!

Hoping you sleep sweetly tonight! ♥

Lynn - Poor Troy!! Too bad they didn't restrict contact sports for a longer period of until AFTER football season ends! Glad he is able to rest and sleep.

Kay said...

I'm going to close up shop, it's been a long day !

Praying for all in need, for those who are traveling, and in thanks for all the good things we experienced today.

I ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ U dear Eagle Buds ! Have a restful night and sweet dreams !

Linda said...

Love you, too, Kay!!

You sound so good and it is so wonderful to have you back and feeling so chipper!!

Restful sleep and Prayers for you!

xoxo ♥

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2/20/25 PM bird

1203 PM NN Scout comes to the nest with a load of bedding again. He seemed to leave with something in his talons. He has a beak full of bedd...