Tuesday, November 24, 2009


New thread.


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Lynne2 said...

Good Morning Steve...thanks for the new thread....Have a great Thanksgiving!

Mits said...

thanks, Lynne:)for the call over...

Mits said...

Wanda... when you come over,that is wonderful news....

stronghunter said...

From old thread . . .

Good morning!

I think I finally got through sleeping. I slept most of the afternoon, got up briefly to check in on the blog and watch DWTS, then went back to sleep.

Have been catching up on the blog.

Hope the butter knife and the blender top are found.

Glad that Lolly did not get hurt by flying glass.

Nice to see Ceil back on.

Enjoyed reading about the Thanksgiving plans. Everybody sounds so busy.

Judie, if any students show up for your office hours, I hope they are happy ones.

When I looked out the window this morning, there was a large bird in my backyard. I kept thinking "partridge." Partridge in a pear tree? Some kind of quail? I got one picture, but I could not get close. It walked back into the thicket.

I will try to post the picture on my blog.

Feeling fine this morning. I do have lots to do. Rus wants to bring two people to spend the night on Thanksgiving--his new girlfriend and a guy who would not have anyone to visit over the holiday. He is asking me to unearth the extra spare room. I have one spare room, but he needs two. He will sleep in Will's room. Rus thinks he gave me enough notice by telling me on Saturday. I suppose a month might be enough time. Oh boy!

I have not met these people . . . the girlfriend or the guy. This is only the second girlfriend Rus has brought home.

If Susan comes ends up staying over that night, she can sleep in my room.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009 8:52:00 AM

stronghunter said...

Thanks Steve and Lynne.

I posted the picture. You really have to enlarge it to get any kind of look. I wonder if it is still back there. Maybe I will go look.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Good eve of Thanksgiving eve everybody!

Mits said...

backatcha, Sharon

magpie said...

Good New Thread morning. Thanks Steve and Lynne for the callover ☺

Nice happy new baby on the way news, Wanda ♥

Shirley: so you are kind to be hosting an "orphans'" Thanksgiving for the extra guests, a true gift of l♥ve - no one will notice what is NOT done, they will just notice, that it's a loving home. Just don't work too hard about it...
Hope you figure out what your bird was...maybe a big mourning dove?

magpie said...

Hi Sharon, I changed my magazine choices: Boy's Life and National Geographic Kids...☺

Happy Thanksgiving Eve Eve to you too ☺

Lolly said...

Good morning! Have been reading the paper and lurking.

Shirley, do not know what the bird is. Does not look like a dove to me. A pheasant, maybe? I am NOT the one to be guessing at the identity of a bird.

NORMA....sorry, Jack has no brothers and you can NOT have Jack. However, we have adopted each other so.....come on over.

magpie said...

my old clunker eyes couldn't see Shirley's bird very well, I just made a Wild Guess...

But I will keeping MY EYES on you guys today ☺ ♥

back to do-list

Best Wishes for a Good Day, hope wellness, peace, and joy abound ☺

stronghunter said...

I am thinking a pheasant too. It was still out there when I went to check. When I got close, I heard all kinds of fluttering and so I went around through the path back there and it ran around a bit and flew away. Had my camera, but did not get another picture.

Lynne2 said...

Shirley your bird does look like a pheasant! Or a small turkey. Maybe if you throw a little corn out you'll attract whatever it is back!

hedgie said...

I had the same problem with the comment count on the old thread this AM---very wierd stuff. Let's hope todays will be normal!
Morning all!
Margy, sorry you have to go to work. But at least it's only for 6!!
Safe and fun trip, Glo and Dex!

hedgie said...

Congrats on new ggb, Wanda! Hope he is hale and healthy! Are Karla and Denise already at the beach???

stronghunter said...

I am going to say it was a ring-necked pheasant. I got a good look when I went out there. Wasn't quick enough with the camera. If I put out corn, it won't go to waste with all of the squirrels and other critters out there, even if it does not come back. Might have neighbors who would want to shoot it, though. It was very pretty.

hedgie said...

Shirley, looks like a pheasant to me, too.....but hard to tell for sure!
Guess you have your work cut out for you today and tomorrow!!!

Lolly said...

Oh, no, Lynn. Thought the "blog curse" was over. Strange things were happening last night.

Ok, I have tons to do today and best get with it.

Glad some of you agree with my guess on the bird. So, maybe I was not so far off after all?

Have a great day! ♫♪I'll be baaaack!♫♪☺♥♥♥

Mema Jo said...

Good Tuesday Morning All! Well the rain has stopped for now. But that doesn't guarantee that the sun will come out. Glad to find lots of sunny remarks here.
I need to check out emails and read about Wanda's good news on the previous thread.

I feel like someone is looking at me!

magpie said...

Tee Hee Jo - - James took this picture during our Massachusetts excursion !

Shirley, Pheasant...would be very nice if so....State Bird of South Dakokta ♥

Lynne2 said...

Gotta go, see you good people later!
OH...Wanda...congrats on the ggb...I'm sure you'll keep us posted and prayers for safe delivery!

Ms Bookworm said...

Good Morning!
Shirley, glad you got a lot of quality sleep. I enlarged your photo a LOT, and I believe it's a pheasant, too.
Margy, I'm sorry you have to work today, but at least it's not until noon, and it's only 6 hours. Are a bunch of your co-workers sick?
Glo, hope you and Dex have a spectacular day today, and a good, old-fashioned Thanksgiving!
Sharon, happy Thanksgiving Eve Eve to you, also!
Didn't sleep as well as I'd hoped last night--the Santa Ana winds were blowing again. Something either in our yard or the yard next door fell over and went ~CRASH~ in the middle of the night, and I couldn't get back to sleep right after that. A panda nap may be in the schedule for today--school tonight from 5 to 10 pm!

stronghunter said...

Don't have corn right now, but I do have some more suet. The critters are going through that stuff big time. I will see if some of it has corn.

Then I must get busy cleaning!

floralgirl said...

Hello all:) steady drizzle here... at least its keeping my greens pile nice and fresh.
Sweet news, Wanda:)
Shirley, looks like a pheasant to me.
Have a great day everybody! Got to get back to work.

magpie said...

don't get too busy, you still have some resting to do Shirley!

Andy- you mentioned Goodwill the other evening, I have been shopping there and the local Rescue Mission for 40 years! One of the best buys: a deck of cards
"Concentration" (now called Memory I guess) by National Wildlife Federation, artwork by Roger Tory Peterson, 20 pairs of wildlife things, complete with educational circular inside. James loves it and has learned so much (and so have I).
Price: 39-cents!

magpie said...

Dakokta would be Dakota -
my eyes are still in bed, had to scoonch up real close to the monitor with a magnifying glass but I see Shirley's bird better now! I think you guys are right about Pheasant!

Good day wishes to you Megan...
and everyone else, I have to disappear now....
xoxo ☺ ♥

Costume Lady said...

Baby Jayden was born at 9o'clock, 6lb. 9oz. He was a little early...due date was Dec. 12. Baby is healthy and Rachael is one happy young lady!

No, Karla isn't at the beach yet...leaving after she sees the baby:)

Ms Bookworm said...

Yeah, Shirley! Be sure to get lots of rest today! Margy, that's an awesome Goodwill deal!
Megan, glad the drizzle is helping to keep your pile of greens nice for you! How are your hands doing?
Hope they're better.
I need to get busy and house clean today, myself. Will be busy making a few things ahead of time for Thanksgiving tomorrow. Not sure HOW we are going to roast a turkey on Thursday with the weather in the 80s! Good thing it's only a 12 pound bird, just in case we have to do it on the rotisserie!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Oh no, did somebody say the "b" word! :(

Ms Bookworm said...

Uh oh! I think so--forty lashes with a wet noodle!
Oh, Wow, Wanda! Congratulations! What good news!!!
Margy, here's an interesting piece of info--the National Geographic Holiday catalog says that the Chinese have a "traditional love for small songbirds as well as the deeper mythological belief that birds are a link between heaven and Earth." Very interesting!

hedgie said...

Slight drizzle here, too, Megan.
Air starting to stir, too.

Ms Bookworm said...

Well, the dryer is buzzing, so I'd better go fold clothes. Gotta clean up the kitchen, wash floors and vacuum, too. Will be back later after a few chores are done.
Have a good morning, everyone!

Costume Lady said...

I have enhanced Shirley's mystery bird and it looks like a Ringed Neck Phesant to me. Check it out on Wild and Wonderful. Also, Lynne2, you were asking if we would be able to see the eggs in Lib & Belle's nest when the come...check out Wild and Wonderful...I posted a photo of Hidey and an unhatched egg from in the Spring.

Costume Lady said...

Helen, if you are still with us...what do you know about the Front Royal subsiderary of the National Zoo? My grandson (Brandon) is hoping to get a job there if they have an opening. He majored in Environmentl Science and Biology. Knows a lot about wildlife and their habits.

Mits said...

Wanda, you have mail:)

magpie said...

Congratulations Great Grandparents Wanda and Gene, Grandpa and Grandma, Rachel, Jayden, and all relatives and human beings...new precious innocent life ♥

Andy - I believe that, what you quoted from Nat'l Geographic...about small birds and large birds alike!
I truly believe that.

I am going to mention the "B" word:
Bed, for a quick 30-minute Panda Nap...
and also, Brandon: that would be an awesome job for your bright young grandson, Wanda !
xo ♥

Mits said...

Wonderful news Wanda...congrats to the family.....welcome Jayden:)

stronghunter said...

Nice enhancement, Wanda. Thanks! In flight, it looked like a pheasant to me, too. It was nice to see a picture of tiny Hidey as well.

hedgie said...

Congratulations Wanda and Karla!!! ANd, of course, Capt. Gene, too!! A LOT to be thankful for!

paula eagleholic said...

Congrats, Wanda and Gene and Karla and Rachel!

stronghunter said...

Let me add my congratulations to the list, Wanda and Gene and family! What a nice little addition at holiday time.

Yeah, Wanda. I never did eat the Jello in my refrigerator. I might want it now. Not my favorite food, though. Will think about it. I made it in case I decided I wanted it when I was prepping. They always bring it to you in the hospital, and to me it is just too sweet when I am not feeling well. It is okay in a salad, though.

Lolly said...

Well, I am truly feeling quite intelligent, thank you! So, proud of myself that I said pheasant, you all know so much more about birds than I.

CONGRATULATIONS Wanda, Gene and the whole family. What a Thanksgiving! I remember Laurel was due in the middle of December. I was so afraid it would interfere with Michael's Christmas. He was a month from being four. Anyway, the doctor induced and Laurel was born Dec.4

Wanda...we expect pictures!

Margy, you give such vivid pictures. Now, I can see you up at the computer with your magnifying glass. Just love it!

Cornbread is made and my last minute grocery list is made. Heading out to the store.


Lolly said...

Oh, and Margy...I just love your avatar!! I think we should all have one made just like that. Cool!

Mema Jo said...

Welcome to baby Jayden! May he bring lots of love & happiness to the entire family!

Wanda that sounds like a fabulous job for Brandon to acquire.

movin said...






Mema Jo said...

Taking a break

Kristen is visiting


paula eagleholic said...

Hi Kristen!!

I like Margy's avatar, too. I think Margy has been having fun with her avatars lately :)

Costume Lady said...

Helen, my dear, THANK YOU SO MUCH for that info...I sent it on to Denise to show Brandon.

What! me...a GREAT GRANDMA? Oh No, Mr Bill! Wait til Gene finds out he's a GREAT GRANDDADDY...he is quite fond of Rachel, as we all are.

stronghunter said...

Margy, you look like you are providing words of wisdom from that angle. Love it.

stronghunter said...

I put out the suet. Birds have checked it out already. I bought a variety. One is called banana nut bread or something like that. Sounds good.

magpie said...

Okay my Precious Pals...thanks for all the nice words.
I almost washed my face with toothpaste and brushed my teeth with soap!
And I am going to take 9-1-1 calls?
Oh boy, could be interesting.

I'm going to Morgan Co after work, I will keep you all in my thoughts, and my avatar will keep an eye on you while I am gone.

Take Care, I love you good people ♥
xo ☺

stronghunter said...

Margy, I would trust you with my 9-1-1 call anytime. Have a good day dear friend.

NatureNut said...

Happy T'Day Eve Eve!! Been reading posts, checking birds, etc.
Shirley, I agree that bird looks like a ring-necked pheasant. One of my books says 21" L up to 35" ! for males!
Congrats Wanda & family on new baby!
And hope Brandon can get job at Front Royal. They have some fantastic animals there!
Gotta finish cleaning, eat lunch....Fubby went to store~~need more eggs & milk for pies.
Older kitty, Binky, is serving her mousie T'Day dinner early. She put him in the food dish. Last night he was used as the ball for Go Fetch!

hedgie said...

LOL, Loretta...is Binky trying to tell you something???
Wanda, agree that Brandon will be most fortunate to get a job at such a neat place.....probably another one of those that we would all be glad to pay THEM!!!

Mema Jo said...

Just had lunch of homemade chili and cornbread brought to me by Kristen...
I love her Chili !


stronghunter said...

Sounds wonderful, Jo. It is a good day for chili.

Mits said...

BTW....1 month from today is Christmas Eve...so let me wish you all a blessed Merry Christmas:)...JMHO:)

Judie said...

Good afternoon,

Just time for a quick welcome for baby Jayden! Best wishes for all the family.

Shirley, glad you seem to be better today and enjoyed a visit from the mystery bird.

So much food chatter. I've gained 10 pounds just trying to catch up with the blog. No mince meat pie for me -- put that in the same category as fruitcake. Yuck!

Students have kept me busy all morning. Amazing how the realization that one is failing a course motivates activity.

Back to work for me. Drizzle and chilly in D.C. today.

hedgie said...

Hi, Judie. Same weather here.
Glad that you don't have to sit and twiddle your thumbs!!! Hope your workday is soon over.
I love mincemeat pie, and I hate fruitcake!!!! However, I do have a white fruitcake recipe that is delicious; it use a white cake mix, red and green candied fruit, coconut and amaretto!!!!

stronghunter said...

Judie, I hope that you are able to turn some would-be failures around and can feel good about it. It is hard work to save some people from themselves and it does not always work. It is almost break time.

hedgie said...

8 more windows down....only 5 to go!
Just got my Peppermint Stick ice cream from Schwan's!! 4 half-gallons---Kids both want some, too---it's one of those seasonal, supplies limited items, so I lucked into it!!

stronghunter said...

Love peppermint stick ice cream!

hedgie said...

Astronauts are secured on shuttle, hatches are closed and departure from ISS is soon. Landing at Kennedy/Canaveral Friday.

paula eagleholic said...

Hmmm, so they will fly around for 2 1/2 more days before landing? There was going to be a sighting at 5:55 or so tonight in this area, but I'm thinking it will be too cloudy

glo said...

Looking beautiful at our nest

Mits said...

yep, see them.

Mits said...

poof one

Mits said...

poof the other.

Lolly said...

Well, I got on in time to see one for 30 seconds and then poof! Looks like they brought in some soft stuff!

Lolly said...

Taking a one minute break. Have made the cranberry sauce and one dessert, a Chocolate, Peanut Butter, Cookie Pie. First time I have made it. So easy and so yummy! To die for!

Now comes the sweet potato souffle.

hedgie said...

Sunroom windows are done! Whew!
Now off to store for dogfood, and hopefully, some more pumpkin! BBL!

Mits said...

message from Dundedin Osprey cam person.....


The camera is up and running again.



Mits said...

2 eagles at BWO eating fish..

Lolly said...

Okay, doing a little more shopping while resting my back. So, when I win the lottery, this is what I am going to buy each of you for Christmas (along with a road trip to see Chrissy!)

Hope you enjoy. lol

Christmas gift

It is, of course, the first item. I'll let you know when I win the lottery.

Lolly said...

Okay, back to cooking. Listening to 50's Music today. Yesterday it was lively Christian music and country.

LOL Michael called and said "What in the world are you listening to?!!!" Get a life Michael! This is my music!


Mits said...

Search Results
Your search returned too many results. Please refine your search and try again.
Showing - out of total matches:

show how do I find the gift????:):)

stronghunter said...

So she is going to buy us a whole catalogue of things, Mits.

stronghunter said...

I linked to a catalogue.

Mits said...

well now isn't that just wonderful of her, Shirley;):)?

stronghunter said...

Thoughtful! Now, I wonder if she bought the lottery ticket? I often dream of what I would do if I won the lottery, but I have never bought a ticket. Don't even know how to tell if I have won.

Mits said...

yep, see the catalogue, and open it to 1st page and it is a fishing quilt...

Mema Jo said...

WOW! Lolly I want one of each! When you win the lottery that is!!!

I could be blessed and win our lottery tonight!

Mits said...

you can get results online if you have won.....I never buy unless it gets to be really big...hate wasting money, not a gambler...

Mits said...

what was it Jo????

Mema Jo said...

Shirley I just bring up the Lottery page on line and it gives you the winning numbers for each of the different lottos.....
Mega Lottery is the big one........

Mits said...

Abe Pollin Dies at Age 85

The man who brought the NBA and the NHL to the nation's capital, Abe Pollin, has died.

Mema Jo said...

Mits - it was the entire catalog just like you saw! I have no clue what Lolly is getting us!

stronghunter said...

Thanks Jo. Maybe I will buy a ticket and need to know. If you ever hear that a ticket has gone unclaimed, myabe it will be mine!

Mits said...

she said it was the first item....so OK, just thought I was not opening it correctly

NatureNut said...

Thank you Santa Lolly!!! I got the same message as Helen!
Taking a break & OMG, just heard TV details on the 2 inmates loose in TX. They escaped from min. sec. prison in BASTROP Co.!!! My daughter lives in Bastrop!! They supposedly went to relative's in Austin amd may now be over the border! Sure she and SIL have locking car doors like ours.

Lolly said...

Well!!!!! When I click on it I come up to the correct catalog page. It is the first item, a jacket! Don't know what else to do? Sorry! Yep, I have a lottery ticket. We buy one occasionally, gotta have HOPE!

Lolly said...

Do not know what your problem is. I tried it again....correct page and I said the first item!!!!!

Is the blog doing crazy things again?

Lolly said...

Jo, and for you....I will get one of each!

Mits said...

I get a fishing quilt when I click on 1st page....thanks anyhow:)

Mits said...

Pook has some great pics on her site today...Moosewatch.com

Lolly said...

Well, it is NOT a fishing quilt. lol Do not know what is going on. Everytime I click on "Christmas gift" it comes up to the correct page with jackets on it. The first one has "soaring eagles" on it. Perfect for a walk in the woods!

floralgirl said...

Is the fishing quilt for the fish or the fisherman?

Mits said...


hedgie said...

Wow, had no idea that Abe Pollin was that old! Didn't look it! He was the longest tenured owner in the NBA. Had a rare brain disorder. Too bad. What a big impact he had on the city.
Lolly, I get the same thing as everyone else on the link!! But when I typed in eagle jacket, i see it---it IS lovely!!
Shirley....you can't win if you don't play!!! But I'm like Mits---I only buy when it's really big!

hedgie said...

No Libby's pumpkin, but they had large cans of Stokely's-----haven't seen that brand in probably 30 yrs.!!!

Mits said...

wow that is a name from the past...

hedgie said...

Went back to the link, Lolly, and THIS time it shows the jacket!!

Mits said...

ok, did that too, Lynn...I have that jacket, and so does Suzanne:)

stronghunter said...

I found the jacket. Now when I click on Lolly's link, I see the jacket. It shows what you've viewed recently. I tried to put the jacket on my avatar, but couldn't. So, this is a picture of Hunter and a luna moth.

stronghunter said...

Really nice jacket!

paula eagleholic said...

OK, let's try this ...

Eagle Jacket

Costume Lady said...

Ah, yes...I have seen Suz wearing that jacket...pretty. I will take one, Lolly, if you win the "LOLLY LOTTERY"!

Costume Lady said...

I'm back from GeeGee's. Ultrasound only took 10 minutes. Probably won't hear anything til next week. She REALLY want them to find something wrong in there and yank it out!

hedgie said...

Great pics on
Pooks' site. That poor moose must have been in quite a fight! And look at that snow!

stronghunter said...

Okay, found Pook's cam. Was wondering if it was really a web can, but the moose just moved!

stronghunter said...

Would be nice if they could just reach in there and yank out the problem, Wanda.

Mema Jo said...

Thank you Lolly - I will love the new Eagle Jacket!

Love the avatar with Hunter, Shirley.

Mema Jo said...

Shirley - At times the Moose cam does have a stationary picture. Check the time on the cam and if it is 2 hrs
behind ours then it is current.

hedgie said...

News showed a pic of Pollin in a wheelchair---he looked bad---didn't say how recent it was.

Mema Jo said...

Tonight is Tues TV night! 3 in a row

Mema Jo said...

BBILW dinner

stronghunter said...

Yep. Two hours behind us.

stronghunter said...

Yep. Two hours behind us.

Mits said...

I think until things really get started, Pook only does like an a.m. view and a p.m. view

stronghunter said...

I see a moose lying in the snow behind some trees.

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Gang,
I'm back....got a lot of wash done, and got some other stuff done, too. Now gotta get a shower and eat an early dinner and take off for school. Starts at 5 pm instead of 6 pm. Have done some of my transcription homework, and saved it on my flash drive. Will finish it at school tonight. Gotta turn everything in tonight because of the Thanksgiving holiday. Phew!
Please say a prayer for me that I'll finish everything that needs to be turned in tonight. So much to do, so little time!

stronghunter said...

I am sure you will finish it just fine, Andy. Hope you have a good evening at class.

hedgie said...

Good luck, Andy....know you will do fine!

paula eagleholic said...

I have to say Lolly's bacon pasta looks really tasty! Getting ready to delve into it now....college kid will get some when he gets home.

Mema Jo said...

Pumpkin cake all mixed and in the oven
for an hour...... Won't be iced until
Wed. At least the house is clean and our part of the food is getting done.

Sad think is that Thanksgiving will be over before you know it - Like 18 people in to eat and chat and give thanks!

Mema Jo said...

USee Wildlife has a good many deer at the feeder.... Does and yearlings!
They zoom in with the camera every so often....

Mema Jo said...

Daddy Buck came by and now all the gals are goners...

Costume Lady said...

Jo, don't forget to watch the Good Wife tonight. She is confronted with the OTHER WOMAN! Looks good:)

Mema Jo said...

There is one young one there and he is
getting his antlers!

Mema Jo said...

OK Wanda - getting ready now to go in to the TV for NCIS and NCIS Los Angeles. I'll try to sit still for the Good Wife.... it is a good show.

glo said...

Well I am going to be shutting down the computer. Relax and enjoy a little TV tonight and head out in am after coffee and dog treats. Happy Thanksgiving everyone.

Judie said...

Good evening, all.

I am just worn out tonight. Hope Ms. Gee Gee gets good results -- meaning whatever it is is "fixable"

Paula, college kid will arrive. Been watching the neighbor kids arrive since yesterday. Bacon pasta? I'll be there shortly.

Hey Lynn, maybe the Amaretto would change my mind about fruitcake.

I can't help but be amused when I am fussing at "kids" who are two feet taller than me. Still, they are so respectful and so very, very sweet. I always try to make sure my athletes have a place to go for Thanksgiving since they don't get to go home -- playing Princeton tonight. Head coach usually invites them for dinner.

Andy, I know you will be just fine tonight. My "academic" prayers are with you.

Okay, off to try to scan the newspaper. Back later.


Judie said...

Gloria and Dex, happy Thanksgiving and safe travel.


Lolly said...

Happy Thanksgiving, Glo. Have a great day!

Mema Jo said...

Glo - If I am so lucky to catch you...
Safe Travels and you and Dex enjoy your holiday! ((hugs))

ceil said...

Evening all it has been a busy day as I know everyone else has had .
Wanda congrats on the new baby.
Talk about feeding college kids. When my son was an RA he had to work Thanksgiving. So we took all the food to him and invited anyone who could not go home. Thank heavens it was not to many. Had a great time. Going to watch some TV. Have a great evening.

hedgie said...

Good NCIS. Sure glad Ducky got his TG dinner!
Dancing with the Stars Finale on now!

hedgie said...

Happy Thanksgiving, Glo. Safe trip!

Judie, I'll get the recipe for you if you want it!

Ceil, what have you been up to today, gal??

paula eagleholic said...

Back on real quick to tell Lolly that the bacon pasta was delicious! Two Thumbs Up!!

Working on Mom's rolls :)

paula eagleholic said...

Ok, hopefully the rolls will rise...gonna watch a little of DWTS.

paula eagleholic said...

This blog post has a really nice overall pic of Conowingo Dam


paula eagleholic said...

Talk about some nice pics...this was group mentioned on blog I just posted

Flickr Conowingo Dam group </a

Judie said...

Lynn, after final exams all I need is the Amaretto!

As someone said earlier today, this is the eve of TG eve. As are most others, I am tired. Will begin cooking tomorrow -- especially the do-ahead stuff and what Frank will take to the police on Thursday.

So, turning my light out but leaving the night light on for others. Andy will likely turn on the security system when she gets home from school. Please don't slam the door tonight.

Hugs to everyone,

stronghunter said...

Good night, Judie. Sleep well!

Mits said...

there is a show on TRU/TV that I have been watching..it is about the Full Throttle Salon, the country's largest biker bar....the filming took place at the latest Biker Week in Sturgis, SD during the summer of 2009...Deb went to biker week summer of 2008...keep wanting to pick up the phone or email her that it is on..

Lynne2 said...

hello all, just popping in to say goodnite!

Paula, the Conowingo pics are cool! Way better than mine!

Sweet dreams and prayers for all!

I keep hearing about this Bacon Pasta....sounds so yummy!

hedgie said...

:( Mits. Understand....

Mits said...

wow great Conowingo stuff, Paula....

hedgie said...

Good links, Paula. Nice pics

Mits said...

she would get a kick out of this show....some wild people..

hedgie said...

Night, Judie.....sleep well.

Lolly said...

Paula, I am so glad you enjoyed the Bacon Pasta. Told Jack what you said. His reply..."I hope she had a good wine with it."

If you had left overs, it reheats well if you add a little more cream.

paula eagleholic said...

Lolly, it was so rich, we couldn't eat it all. Michael says he's having it for lunch tomorrow! We will reheat gently with more cream! Thanks for introducing it to everyone!

Mema Jo said...

Watched all my shows - peaceful evening..

Good Night All
Pleasant dreams and restful sleep
Prayers for All

(((hugs))) ♥ ♥

hedgie said...

Lolly, I need company to fix it for!!! Really want to try it soon!

Well, Donnie Osmond won, as you know----and he's who I was pulling for! Sometimes maturity trumps youth!!!

hedgie said...

Lynne, I'll send you Lolly's recipe tomorrow, if she doesn't!!!
Heading for the tub. Will check back in before I turn out the lights. Goodnight to those turning in now!

paula eagleholic said...

Yes, Lynne, it makes a good bit...that's why I waited until Michael was home to help me eat it!

Off to punch down the rolls and add some more flour, then to bed.

Catch ya'll in the AM.

Hugs to all ♥

Costume Lady said...

I'm glad Donny won....was watching the Good Wife and missed it.
So now, Dancing is done and so am I:


Lolly said...

Yes, the Bacon Pasta is a meal for four. Jack and I get two FULL meals out of it. Probably should eat less but it is so good.

Lolly said...

Of course, you could cut the recipe in half, but I like having left overs!

Lolly said...

Lynn, would you please go ahead and send the recipe to Lynne. Would appreciate it! Thanks!

Closing down! Accomplished a lot today. After grocery shopping and cooking I went outside and mowed a little, edged and blew leaves. Just wanted to get outside!

Jack got home and made "Trash". That is what we call the Chex snack mix. It is a tradition to have it around Thanksgiving and Christmas to have with G&T's or whatever.

Anyway, heading to bed. Nite all! Happy Thanksgiving EVE.

Sweet dreams and God bless.

hedgie said...

OK, Lolly....will do.
Talk to all tomorrow. Sweet dreams. Prayers.

PA Nana said...

Hi everyone. Blessings around. I've had a hard time catching up and looked through the recipes you sent me but I can't find the Bacon Pasta recipe!!! Would sks please send it to me?

And what was that recipe for sweet potato something???? - that sounded good too. I wouldn't mind having the recipe for that one too.

Have to go to the store tomorrow to finish getting the groceries hubby didn't. Guess it'll be after PT or maybe I'll cancel this session. It's getting to be busy, busy, busy time.

Wanda & Gene - Congrats!!! I'm sure I'v e missed someone's announcement and I"m sorry, but it's way past bedtime and I'm really sleepy ... yawn.

BTW I did see the royal pair this afternoon but I was on another site so didn't blog.

If I don't catch up to all of you please have a Happy & Blessed Thanksgiving with family and/or friends.

God bless!

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone,
Is anyone still awake? I just got home from school. It was a really late one tonight--literally 5 pm to 10 pm. Had a lot of transcription to do, and had a 1-1/2 hour lecture, too! Phew, I'm beat! Gotta hit the road running early tomorrow, too. Will have to bake the yams, buy bread for stuffing and cube it and broil it to dry it out and toast it a bit, chop up the rest of the stuffing ingredients, and make fresh cranberry sauce.
Lynn, your Amaretto fruit cake sounds extremely yummy! Would love to have the recipe if it's one you share. Matter of fact, tonight I could skip the cake part and just have some Amaretto! Think we've all had a very busy day.
Hope Judie and especially Shirley and Lynn haven't overworked today and worn themselves out TOO badly!
Pray the Lord will multiply your sleep tonight. That goes for the rest of us, too! I think we all could use a little extra rest before tomorrow.
Gosh, the Santa Ana winds are blowing again tonight! Hope they calm down before long. Gardener just got rid of all our fallen leaves today! Please give the poor guy a break, Lord!

Ms Bookworm said...

Well, hope that Diann and Glo and Dex have safe travels and a wonderful Thanksgiving Day!
Thanks to everyone who said a prayer for me tonight--I turned in all my homework that was due. (Have lots more for over the weekend, though.) Tomorrow is another day....Well, think I'll go watch some TV. Hope NCIS recorded!
The nest is brightly lit (the night light is working overtime!), the porch light's on, and the eye scanner is officially enabled. If you come in late, please tippy-toe so nobody wakes up! Be careful not to let Hairy or George out, too, please. Thanks! Sleep snug as a bug in a rug, and I'll talk to you before I hit the road running tomorrow morning. G'night, and God bless! Prayers said for everyone.
Love you guys! :o]

magpie said...

Whoa, took me forever the get internet running...
If anyone is awake, you got to take a gaze at Finland nest, beautiful view, and beautiful hooded crow just looking out over the water.
♥ ☺

magpie said...

crow is gone, for now, but the low clouds and still water....heaven on earth

magpie said...

Finland is all clouded and fogged over now, interesting contrast that dark nest and white fog...

golly, now I am hungry....I read all the food talk !

Lolly, I would gladly accept one of those Eagle jackets, whether you win the lottery or not ☺
I play one ticket twice a week, two dollar investment; to me, any prize is big enough to want to win, starts at 2 million here in WV and multiplies quickly. (Powerball)

Glad to read that Andrea is all done for the long night.

magpie said...

The deer were out in the fields in droves in Morgan County. We must have seen about 75 total in several differnt locations

I like Andy's wish, hope sleep is multiplied tonight for everyone

magpie said...

okay I've had my nightcap, a chocolate cupcake.
I like mince pie..good crust bottom and top is a must, skip the meat thanks

Going to end out the night with prayers for all different kinds of things....
God Bless Us, Every One
xo ☺ ♥

normabyrd said...

GOOD MORNING EAGLE BUDDIES!!---I want to thank BEAUTIFUL MARGY for her THANKSGIVING blessing before she leaves for work!!---Wishing you LOVE & many BLESSINGS!

normabyrd said...

GOOD MORNING EAGLE BUDDIES!!---Just scanned the blog!!---So much happening---I can't keep up!!---But nothing tops a NEW BABY!!--CONGRATS! GENE & WANDA!---Have you seen the 'little bundle of joy'?--I understand today is 'GET AWAY DAY'---That sounds good to me!! ho!I need to get movin' fast--(should i pray for LOLLY to win the lottery?)---It is a cool damp am here in WILD & WONDERFUL WV--temp is 46°---Don't think this weather is good for the deer hunters either!---I had several deer up close to the windows & around in the lawn yesterday!---These deer are sharp! ho!--WISHING ALL A SAFE & WONDERFUL THANKSGIVING!---Remember!--GIVE THANKS FOR THIS WONDERFUL DAY THE LORD HAS GIVEN US!!---LIFE IS GOOD!

normabyrd said...

ANDY---Would love to have your energy!!--you are so sharp---so proud of you!---Enjoy your TURKEY DAY!!

Mits said...

good morning everyone..have a good one.....

normabyrd said...

HEDGIE--Thanks for the BYRD/EAGLE photo!---All West Virginians love him---he has served our state well!!---love the pic!

normabyrd said...

MORNIN' MITS!---enjoy your day--

normabyrd said...

SHIRLEY!---WOW!--Happy you are feeling much better!!--great news!--just don't over do things on Thanksgiving!!----

normabyrd said...

PIX-PA---2 female turkeys & a couple of bushy tail squirrels!--Also there is SANTA in commercial first!!

stronghunter said...

Good morning all! I have Hunter here with me today. Going to be a busy day.

Lynn, maybe the deer were looking at you through the nice, clean windows. I have to say that we saw an abundance of deer when we approached Shepherdstown in October. You have a bumper crop in that area.

We have been watching for the pheasant again. Will told someone at work about it, and he said that there is a pair near where he lives, which is not far from us. Maybe it is the same one. According to the map, we are on the very southern edge of their habitat.

normabyrd said...

I FEEL TRULY BLESSED!!!---I just watched CLOUD'S 13th exam!--He was walking all over that table---Didn't yell when he got his shot!!!----WHAT A LITTLE TROOPER!---SISSY--LET'S START HITCHHICKING!!

Mits said...

Suzanne says Happy Thanksgiving to everyone...

Mits said...

here is Lolly's receipe for her Bacon Pasta.......

Bacon Pasta
15 slices thick bacon
1 cup mushrooms (I like more)
2 cloves garlic minced
16 ounces penne pasta cooked
1 cup parmesan cheese grated
2 cups whipping cream
1/2 t. black pepper
1/2 cup green onions sliced

Cook bacon in a large skillet over medium heat until crisp, remove bacon and reserve 2 T drippings in skillet. Crumble bacon. Sauté sliced mushrooms and minced garlic in bacon drippings 3 minutes or until tender. Stir in cooked pasta and next three ingredients, simmer over medium low heat, stirring often, until sauce is thickened. Stir in crumbled bacon and sliced green onions, serve immediately.

Mits said...

weather for nest...

Cloudy. A chance of rain with areas of drizzle this morning...then a slight chance of rain with patchy drizzle this afternoon. Areas of fog this morning...then patchy fog this afternoon. Highs in the mid 50s. South winds around 5 mph. Chance of rain 50 percent.
» ZIP Code Detail
Mostly cloudy. Lows in the upper 30s. Southwest winds around 5 mph in the evening...becoming light and variable.
Thanksgiving Day
Mostly cloudy. A chance of showers...mainly in the afternoon. Highs in the mid 50s. Light and variable winds... becoming south around 5 mph in the afternoon. Chance of rain 30 percent.

hedgie said...


hedgie said...


normabyrd said...

MORNIN' SHIRLEY & HUNTER!!---Those deer know they have a less chance of getting shot if in a neighborhood with several houses!--(my opinion)!--ho!

hedgie said...

Isn't he sweet??? Shorter and rounder than their previous cubs, bvet says. Will be going out into "public" next month, as Bai determines!!!

Good morning, fowl friends and panda lovers.

Mits said...

thanks Lynn, saw the tail end of the Yun Zi:) report

normabyrd said...

AAAH LYNN!---How long was he on??--I don't have TV on until 9:00---after NPR---which mentions maybe snow by Fri---

stronghunter said...

I will have to take Hunter to physical therapy with me today. (Just called to make sure he's allowed. Would have told them to reschedule if it had not been okay.)

Kathryn sent him with his hand-held video game so he would not be bored. She plugged it in to charge and told him not to play it while it was charging, so it would be ready for him when we go.

As soon as he finished breakfast, he started playing with the game. I reminded him what his mother said, and he said that he had unplugged the charger, so it is not charging now, so it is okay. Makes perfect sense! He is obeying Mom; he is not playing it while it is charging. I told him to go ahead and plug in the charger.

I am sure they have an electrical outlet somewhere at the PT place. Grandmas have to get creative sometimes.

stronghunter said...

I turned on CBS and saw Adam Lambert. That might not be appropriate for Hunter . . . maybe not even appropriate for me. Thought he was okay on American Idol . . . Pandas would be much better.

hedgie said...

You are welcome, Norma!
Shirley---it was Norma who had deer spyimg thru' her windows!!
Thanks for posting recipe, Mits. I'll copy&paste and send to Lynne2/
Andy, Lolly hasn't shared the sweet potato souffle recipe yet. I'll send you the Amaretto fruitcake recipe later today.

stronghunter said...

Oh, sorry, Norma. I am sure you enjoyed watching the deer, and, Lynn, I am sure you have plenty who come visit you as well.

hedgie said...

Atlantis has undocked from ISS (which is 86% complete, BTW) and departed.

hedgie said...

Yes, Shirley, I do have a lot of deer----but no ground level windows!!

stronghunter said...

I did not see Adam Lambert on American Music Awards show, thank goodness. I saw whoever that was who was destroying things and breaking glass. I didn't think that was entertainment. I thought it was disturbing. From what I have read, would have thought the Lambert thing was disturbing, too.

stronghunter said...

I like Donny Osmond, too. Enjoyed watching him perform. Did not have to break anything to be enjoyable to watch.

stronghunter said...

Before they developed the lots behind us, we had deer in the back. One day, I heard a loud explosion and looked out to see a hunter with a dog right in the edge of my yard. I called authorities and they said it was okay. I don't think so! But he left, and I never saw him again.

hedgie said...

Columbus Zoo allowed the three lion cubs born in Sept. to roam in the outdoor exhibit starting yesterday. They were the first cubs born at the zoo in over 25 yrs.

magpie said...

Good Morning Everyone, beautiful West Virginia Morning here ☺
Thanks for the Nest Weather report Helen.
OUR nest looks so inviting, looks like a heart to me again ♥

Shirley, I love the picture of Hunter.

Just passing through, wanted to wish everyone Safe Travels and a Good Day.

I'll see you precious pals a little later on.

xo ☺ ♥

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2/20/25 PM bird

1203 PM NN Scout comes to the nest with a load of bedding again. He seemed to leave with something in his talons. He has a beak full of bedd...