Monday, November 02, 2009


New week thread.


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normabyrd said...

BEAUTIFUL MORNING STEVE!!---Thanks for the new SUNNY thread!!--ENJOY YOUR DAY---will call the CREW OVER!

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Good morning Norma! How goes it in Romney this morning?

I got a sick youngun still this morning. She has been sick all weekend. Her fever has gone but she still has a headache, sore throat, cough, just plain ole yuckiness!! Gonna call the doctor this morning and try to get her in to be seen today.

normabyrd said...

We have an EAGLE in the nest!!---Wonderful way to start a new day!!----Sunny cool morning in WILD & WONDERFUL WV!---temp 35°---I notice the BLUEFIELD GALS are home from a fun retreat!---going to be a busy Monday---Let us all love--dance & give thanks for this wonderful blog!!---No more 800 blogs to dig through!--ho!---but WE HAD AN EXTRA HOUR IN WHICH TO DO!!-- LIFE IS GOOD!!


normabyrd said...

MORNIN' SISSY!---Sorry!---what a BUMMER!----BLESS her heart--pray she gets better soon!---no fun for her at the retreat!---Let us know after Dr appt!!!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Good morning everybody!

glo said...

Good morning everyone. Pop up cam is on but guess I have already missed an eagle visit. Stay well and enjoy your day. Dex and I are soon off to coffee and dog treats.

normabyrd said...

HEY DEB!---Just wondered if you got to see any of the game?---

Costume Lady said...

It is a beautiful morning here, too, Miss Norma...a cool 42°, but beautiful:) The trees in our yard and woods are mostly yellow & gold and makes it look even more sunny:)
Love this time of year.

Sorry to hear Mattie has been sick. Praying for wellness for her. Please tell her we are thinking about her, Sissy!

Costume Lady said...

Good morning, Glo...saw your email, haven't read any of them yet. Will get to them after coffee.

normabyrd said...

MORNIN' BLUEFIELD SHARON!---Did you enjoy your weekend in Ripley?
JO told us you all were enjoying
retreat!---That is a nice town--

normabyrd said...

MORNIN' GLO!---I know you always enjoy your coffee & dog tidbit break with your friends!!---ENJOY YOUR DAY!

glo said...

Yes Norma Even though Dex is blind he can get aotund the neighbors house as easy as he can his own since he has been there so often. He also feels secure in the office area at the shelter. Its nice to have a few places to bring him where he doesn't feel los tin his surroundings. He is a trooper.

normabyrd said...

MORNIN' MISS WANDA!!---Love your new avatar!---COOL!---It is also going to be a VERY COOL night here!---ENJOY YOUR DAY!!

normabyrd said...


normabyrd said...

pix-PA---One can certainly hear the BLUE JAYS screaming & can see a couple of squirrels----

Mema Jo said...

Good Early Morning to All!
It is chilly cold here in the valley.
Sun is shinning! My dogwood trees & red maple are bare and the maples are getting there! Going up west a little this morning so I'll get to see the mountain colors. Beautiful!

I missed our Regal Couple - I am early but not early enough!

Make it a great day - I need to get moving along!

Mema Jo said...

I live by your avatar Wanda! The only way to be!

Mema Jo said...

Sissy take care of our Mattie Jane!
Give her hugs for all of us!


Judie said...

Good morning, everyone.

Please have a lovely day.


ceil said...

Stopping into say have a great day.

magpie said...

check out the little birds at BWO

this little bird is headed to chiropractors.

Have a good day ☺ xo ♥

magpie said...

sorry I was late on the refresh, they all disappeared :(

Mits said...

stopping by to say good morning and have a good one:)

Mits said...

and have a good 1st week of November

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Ripley was absolutely gorgeous. Friday was beautiful weather, Saturday it rained but was still a wonderful day and Sunday was beautiful.

paula eagleholic said...

I love this sunshine!

Good Morning, Everyone!

Have a great day!

Lolly said...

Good morning! Sun is shining in a bright blue cloudless sky! Hip Hip Hooray!!!!! 58 and the temp is headed up. It is a beautiful day! And, we are going to have several days with cloudless skies. Maybe, just maybe, the water standing on the bricks will soak in and go away. It is still squish squish when you walk on the lawn.

stronghunter said...

Bald Eagle Migration

One of my teachers said she was going to an eagle migration site this past weekend. I am curious. I looked up "bald eagle migration" and found the article above. Comments?

paula eagleholic said...

Is she going to Hawk Mountain?

There are a lot of place that they do migration counts...

paula eagleholic said...

I see all the sticks at noon inthe nest that ya'll made comments on.

paula eagleholic said...

Eewwie at BWO

hedgie said...

Good not-so-good morning. Have had three optical migraines including waking up with one. Strange......and makes it really hard to try to read or type!
Shirley, I had posted info from an article about a hawk and eagle count in MD across the river and not too far from Jo's. Wonder where your co-worker was going? While all of that migration info sounds right-on, my question has always come resident-Alaskan eagles DON'T migrate??? It surely doesn't get any colder than THERE!!!

stronghunter said...

She is my teacher from the on-line class. I e-mailed her and asked about it. Will see what she says. Hope she takes pictures. She's the photography teacher.

Mits said...

sorry you are not feeling well, Lynn:)

stronghunter said...

Sorry about the optical migraines, Lynn. They scared me when I first had them. I went to see the eye doctor. Haven't had any for awhile.

I expect the teacher lives in Fairfax somewhere. Could easily be going to MD. I might have missed your post. Sometimes I skim over the blogs.

stronghunter said...

Have to log out and shut down the computer and see if I can make the printer work.

hedgie said...

I don't feel bad, Mits---thank goodness there's no pain involved. It's just disconcerting not being able to see much except jagged white lights! But thanks for your care!

Mits said...

feeding penquins at MZ

hedgie said...

Sorry that you get them, too, Shirley--they do seem to run in cycles. Weeks and sometimes months w/o, and then suddenly several in a day or a week.

movin said...


GooD MorninG



I think it's the backside of an EEuuuuwieeee at BWO now.

Weather is in the mid 60's and humid right now, but it is predicted to break 80° later today.

I hope everyone survived the horror of Halloween.



stronghunter said...

Never had them until about two years ago, then had several in a span of a couple of months, then no more. I thought they were triggered by a word game I like to play on the computer, but i still play it. Maybe I don't have them because I alternate between playing the game and blogging, so I am not focusing on the game as long. Another reason to blog with you guys.

magpie said...

Lots of good reason to keep blogging with us guys and gals, aren't there many varied interests and knowledge here.

Regarding the cam last night when it went "out" - first I had that black screen, tried to refresh and then got the couldn't open message, could not open up the FWS site for about 45 mins, then it came up right before "bedtime." This morning when I was up around 5:30 the cam time said 1:47 am....then that fixed itself too. Kooky, maybe full moon action! Moon was gorgeous this morning, straight West!

Hope you rid yourself of those migraines Lynn.

Hi Jim, and everyone else.

Great Pansy- Planting weather, Paula, hope it stays this way for a few days for you. ☺

Hope Mattie feels better, Pronto!

TTFN just passing through xox ☺

Mits said...

manatees are back:)


ceil said...

Harriet is looking at the cam. She is so pretty. I think Paula mentioned that she will be on the Today Show on the 6th

ceil said...

I went back and she has turned her back to the cam.

magpie said...

I saw her looking at the camera, Ceil...☺

Heading out for Morgan County, hope to see the Moon Rise with the grandson, not long after the Sunset (5:10 hereabouts) -

Best Wishes to all for a Great rest of the day
xi ☺ ♥

Mits said...

Ceil, there is a sign on the back of Harriet's enclosure with the date of the today show visit...November 6th

magpie said...

I was wondering how far "West" Jo was going today...maybe I will see her in my travels.

Ceil, is Jimmy enjoying the World Series?

okay bye now

ceil said...

Margy Jim is not enjoying it. He keeps yelling at the tv because the Yankees are winning. LOL
Mits I see the sign but just wanted to remind everyone in case they don't look in on Harriet. I will probably forget.
Today is All Soul's Day. Will be going to Mass tonight if I do not forget also.

ceil said...

Margy enjoy your visit. I am off to do some cleaning.

hedgie said...

Guess what I am doing???? Oh, come on---bet you'll never figure it out. LOL---yep, I'm blowing leaves! Taking a break---been it for 2 hrs. Still wet, but cord is in good condition and is plugged into a ground-fault outlet, so....gotta do what I gotta do when I can!!
Thought the same thing about Jo, Margy....half-expect her to pull into my driveway!!!

hedgie said...

Gee, where IS everyone? I am done for the the driveway done (and I have ALOT of driveway), sunroom roof and decks, and around garage. Rest will have to wait. My back is killing me! Heading for recliner (sofa).

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Lynn,
I'm here--slow to get started today. Got Hubby off to work, then went back to sleep, and really got a good nap, though a long one. No figuring my sleep schedule lately.
Sissy, sorry to hear that Mattie is feeling poorly! Prayers for her speedy recovery! Let us know how the Dr. visit goes! Thanks for the belated Birthday greetings!
Prayers, too, for your optical migraines to go away, Lynn! What a bummer!
Prayers that Suzanne soon finds a job, too!
Shirley, thanks for the bald eagle link--LOTS of interesting info there!
Really need to try to catch up on the blog--a daunting task! We really are a chatty bunch! LOL
Still trying to get my laundry caught up. The dryer isn't working very efficiently lately--I think there's lint backed up into the exhaust (?) pipe that goes thru the wall up to the roof. We clean the lint trap EVERY time we do a load, but suddenly it seems it takes 2 full dry cycles to get the clothes dry, and damp lint backs up onto the inside of the door. Wonder if there's a blockage in the 'exhaust' pipe at roof level. Gotta call Sears to check it out. Hope the extended service contract is still good!

Ms Bookworm said...

Well, gotta go see if the clothes are dry yet--will be back after that, AND after cleaning up the kitchen. Have a good afternoon, everyone, and will talk to you in a while. :o]

Mits said...

sundown at nest tonight is 5:08p.m.:(

Mema Jo said...

Good early evening all!
I am home and the mountains are beautifully colored; however, I think that last week would have been more so since so many leaves have fallen.

Lynn - I hope you didn't overdo but sounds like you may have. Glad though that you got so much done with the fallen leaves.

Have a glorious full moon sighting this evening, Margy.

I am very anxious to hear something from Suzanne. I pray for her in this time of change.

floralgirl said...

Howdy! Moon is rising, check it out, it's a beauty!

hedgie said...

11488 panda name votes so far!

Sun has set here...dusk but soon will be dark.

I have been thinking about Suz today, too---no email from her, but haven't gone over to yahoo yet, so maybe something there for all of us....

Mits said...

sent her a message late this afternoon, have not heard from her.

Mits said...

night light is on.

Lolly said...

Oh, my! Over 11,000 votes to name Diego. Lot of people watching that little guy!

Costume Lady said...

Megan, I just came in to say that I looked out the window and there it is!! One of the most awesome full moons I have seen in a long time:)
Do you call it the Beaver Moon?

paula eagleholic said...

OK Lib and Belle...I'm going home can check in for a visit!!

Costume Lady said...

Because of the trees at our place, I seldom see the moon. Now that the leaves are nearly gone, I can see:)

Mits said...

I finally went out back and saw it through the trees in the neighborhood..

Costume Lady said...

Jo, where did you go today? Thought maybe our paths might cross. Gene and I went to Hagerstown and breakfast at Shoneys. Their breakfasts are super! Went shopping and I got RED PJ'S to wear on Thursday nights and Friday mornings;) Also got some bird and gardening books to relax with. Sugar maples and Bartlet pear trees are still pretty! Wonderful day for a drive.

Costume Lady said...

Oh, dear...I think I knocked someone off of the blog!! SORRY:(

hedgie said...

Nope, nothing from Suz on yahoo, either.

Costume Lady said...

Lynn, Dustin blew my leaves this weekend...but not where I needed him to. He blew them out of the drive way so customers could see where they were going. I would have preferred the deck and the patio:)

Mits said...

7 deer at ESPN deer cam

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Yes, Megan, it surely is a beauty. I went out and found it!

Mits said...

Go Beaver moon!!!!

Costume Lady said...

Helen, did you get to see the grandbabies this weekend?

Sharon, do you know how Mattie is doing? I do hope she doesn't have the flu...either kind!

PA Nana said...

Hi everyone. Just checking in for the day. I'm really late and probably have missed any visit from the regal pair.

Now it's supper time and must go find something for us to eat. I had some leftover soup from the Olive Garden for my lunch - yum, yum. It was as good as yesterday.
Wish my Jim would accept soups as a main course, but he's a meat and potatoes man - real Irishman.

... later

Mits said...

yes, Wanda got to see them yesterday.....:)

hedgie said...

Mea culpa....completely forgot to share this info----Chrissy's furnace has died and can't be fixed. It will cost about $2500 to replace it...they are struggling so....please pray that they get some kind of windfall. With matt unable to find a job and with her disability, Frank is the only one bringing in any money, and he's a night watchman, so sure he doesn't make too much. Pray for our dear Chrissy, Frank and Matt.
She is also having computer server trouble, so mail is sporadic.

Mits said...

well something scared those deer on the ESPN cam....they took off in a flash...

Costume Lady said...

My prayers are certainly with sweet Chrissy. We had to replace our furnace last Winter and that is just about what it cost us.

Costume Lady said...

Helen, are the girls getting used to having little Ben in their lives? How's Annie doing?

hedgie said...

I see the Beaver moon!! Like Wanda, nearly impossible to see when the leaves are full....but can sure see it now...and it will be perfect in another couple of weeks!
Poor Diann...trying to manage with one arm and the man wants meat and taters! The nerve of him!!! Tell that Irishman to stop and pick up dinners on his way home so that you don't have to work so hard, Diann!!!
Know that Mattie had her regular flu shot, so she should be okay on that front. But swine flu could be another nasty poswsibility. How is she, Sissy? What did Doc say?

Mits said...

Annie and Kevin are both tired....surprisingly it is Maggie that is having the hardest adjustment..she usually is so mellow, and Molly is the the drama queen, they have switched roles:) Molly is like the little mom....Ben looks so much like Kevin it is eerie, holding him yesterday took me back 32 years...

hedgie said...

Wanda, at least Dustin TRIED to help! Does he hire out???

My friends Frank and Irene got back from the Outer Banks last night---their week was not good weather-wise, and not much better fishing-wise. Which is exactly why I chose not to go. He said the wind was terrible and the erosion was bad, too. Several days of rain. Candy never mentioned it, but guess when you live there all the time it's easy to tolerate the bad days for all the GREAT beach days you get. Don't I wish???

hedgie said...

No Facebook update on Mattie, either. LAst post was four hrs. ago and she was still w-a-i-t-i-n-g in the dr. office.

PA Nana said...

LOL! In my Jim's defense he did make all the meals for 2 weeks after my surgery, though they were sparse,(meat and potatoes for sure but no veggies unless I asked for them), and he makes a sandwich for my lunch everyday when he's packing his own lunch. ;-)

Mema Jo said...

Dinner is over in our house.. table cleared... The Beaver Moon takes my breath away - Awesome
Wanda your day sounds special and I'm glad you and Gene enjoyed yourself. I had also headed up towards Hagerstown with Hubby and Son.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Sissy asked me to post this on here:

Nothing too sinister with Mattie. Doc said it is a virus, take cough meds, rest, plenty of fluids. Come back Thursday if no better. She is gonna stay home another day and then we will take it from there. Lungs sound good, no sign of infection. Probably just sinus stuff causing most of the cough.

Lolly said...

Oh, Mits! I know exactly how you feel about little Ben. Zach looks so much like Michael. I would hold him when he was little and I would get these weird feelings that took me way back. I still occasionally get that feeling. I have occasionally said to Jack...I am holding Michael!!

Mits said...

from Australia...
Monday November 2, 2009
Sheila and Havoc have both been busy delivering food this week to their growing brood, but Sheila still found time to say hello to four Peregrine Falcon enthusiasts visiting all the way from Utah. Click here to read more about this special visit.
great story about the visit from the folks from Utah

Mits said...

yeah, wow, was not prepared for seeing Ben look so much like his was awesome:)

Mits said...

ok off to fix myself some dinner...hubby is away.

Mema Jo said...

Glad that Mattie's DR visit showed a virus and no signs of lung infection.
Hope she can get comfy as that cough really takes it out of you!
((hugs to Mattie)) ♥

Mema Jo said...

The Alcoa falcons banding reminder:

Banding day has been rescheduled to next Wednesday November 4, 2009 due to a change in the availabilty of the travel tower.

It doesn't give the time ... Keep checking.

Mema Jo said...

Also noteworthy is.......
Thank you to all of our online viewers who have sent in their name nominations for our three chicks. The final names will be revealed on banding day next week.

hedgie said...

Diann, I was teasing!!!! I'm sure he's taking good care of you!
Thanks, Shar--just saw it on FB and was getting ready to paste it. Glad it's not H1N1!!!

hedgie said...

Jo, Paula and I figure that the banding will be sometime Tues. for us viewing from the USA!!!

hedgie said...

13 hr. time difference in Australia.

paula eagleholic said...

Did anyone send in names for the Alcoa eyasses?

paula eagleholic said...

I wonder if they will video the banding?

hedgie said...

No, not me!

Mema Jo said...

Paula I bet they do video the banding but they haven't mentioned it. So Tues eve for us could be the banding time..
Holler at us if anyone sees it happening.

That moon is the kind that you would like to be at the water (ocean-lake-river) to see the reflection. Sky is so clear. I am so glad they didn't BLOW UP our moon searching for water!!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

They didn't do any tests on Mattie so really who knows. I am still rebuking it all myself.

Mema Jo said...

Off for an 8:00 TV show


Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Gang,
Thank GOD Mattie's lungs sound good! The doggone virus just needs to go away, though! More prayers for her speedy recovery!

Gotta go have some dinner, so will be back later tonight.

NatureNut said...

Evening Everyone!!We also saw some sun starting about 10AM~~~out & about today, then Panda nap after lunch!
Been doing tonse of email (800) & working on trying to enhance one of the eagle pictures.I'm trying to make the spots of white sky between the leaves a pale blue! DUH. Been clicking on each tiny spot & adding color. There's is probably an easier way, but I don't know it! It's one I want to print.
Oh well, could always play pick up sticks!
Hope the sun holds out at the Park tomorrow~~~prob. be my last weekday 'til next year.
TV show on, BBL~~Have great evening ☺

hedgie said...

Loretta, do they cut back on hours because the season=fewer visitors? That's no fun!!! So then do you only get Sats.?? Bet that doesn't pay the bills!!

Mema Jo said...

TV was a repeat show

Phillies 3 Yankees 1
Bottom of the third

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Fixin' to go to bed here. Time change is weird yet! Love you guys.

I sent an email out to eaglet momsters about a prayer request. My friend, Jana's, grandmother has liver cancer and they are going to try to remove it and then do chemo. Please pray for her and the family. I don't know the grandmother's name yet but will let you know. I truly believe in the power of this group!

Judie said...

Good night, everyone. Turning my light out but the night light is on for others. Prayers for Miss Bean, Mattie, and all others in need.


Mema Jo said...

I received emails Sharon and I'll remember them in prayer.

Good night Judie

I'm not far behind. The time change is still playing with my body!!!

hedgie said...

Good night, Shar and Judie. Judie, you've been quiet for a couple of days---hope you are doing okay!
Wonder what Indiana Dave is up to these days??? Haven't seen Vicky even on FB in a few. Or Red, either! Hope they are all well also.
Crunch has been a no-show, too.

Mema Jo said...

Lynn - just saw Red today or yesterday on FB

I'm taking a break...

hedgie said...

Excellent view of the moon now over treetops!! It's really lighting things up out there! Beautiful.

hedgie said...

Jo, don't know what's wrong with my FB....nothing showing from Red for days and days, but when I go to him from my friends list, there his posts are! Don't understand a lot about that site!!

Mema Jo said...

My eyes are so heavy that I am not going to fight the Sandman any longer.
Hope your back is feeling ok, Lynn.

Good Night All
Prayers for all being said
(((hugs))) ♥

hedgie said...

Rest well, Jo!!! You had a big day; no wonder you're tired!

Mits said...

bucks and does at ESPN cam

PA Nana said...

Good evening everyone. Heard from daughter that SIL has decided not to play drums for Natalie Cole afterall. Seems he doesn't have the time. He is a busy man and the US Army has most of his time, but we're still proud of him to be considered. Maybe a little disappointed ... ;o(

How about those Phillies?! I guess we can't write them off just yet.

Wish I knew how to add some pictures on here. Daughter sent some awesome pictures of my grandsons dressed for Halloween. Someday I'll figure it out.

For those already in sandland blessings for a restful night. For those feeling poorly, prayers for wellness. For those still here ... later

magpie said...

Full Moon? You mean this one?
Oh yes, James and I saw a good rising, from the parking lot of his school !

Late Hello Everyone ☺

magpie said...

Wish I was really good actually rose sooner than I thought it would!

Love the story about Mit's holding Ben....and Lolly's about Zach, imagine quite a few of the Moms and Grandmoms here experience that ♥

magpie said...

I thought Ceil's Jimmy was a Yankees fan...guess I was wrong, so he is probably right happy tonight. 8-2 Phillies top of
the 8th

magpie said...

Well, make that 8-4 thanks to A-Rod, Damon and Txiera (not spelled right I know)

magpie said...

Sounds like a really stellar day for Wanda and Gene! I like to go to Denny's and use the Seniors Menu ☺

magpie said...

Had a chance to run through some leaves and have a leaf-tossing fest with James at Berkeley Springs park, most of them were Sycamore leaves!

magpie said...

I'm glad to read that Mattie has no respiratory involvement with her ailment...hope that recovery is swift. Prayers for her, and Jana and her grandmother, Sharon...

magpie said...

I really respect your son in law's decision...what a fellow he must be!
You seem like you are coming along nicely...keep it up. I went to chiropractor's today for general check up, I need some adjustments, and best part of the treatment, are therapeutic massages... ☺
I have L-4, L-5 and S-1 it presents some problems from time to time

magpie said...

What a stinking bummer about Chrissy's furnace...
if I could win the Powerball, I would fly over there and deliver the goods!

Whoops, 8-5 Phillies

magpie said...


Get that dryer checked! do not want a dryer fire ! Especially if the lint hose snakes up through your walls...

by the way, everyone, remember, time change is a good time to check and replace smoke detector batteries !!

magpie said...

The Moon will be dazzling when it sets in the morning too

and tomorrow night sometime around 9:30 pm EST, the Moon will be very close to might try to check it out with field glasses.

Mits said...

beautiful moon pic, Margy.....just took trash out...police helicopter is flying over the neighborhood with light shining on the ground....I pretty much hustled into the house pronto:), not hearing anything on the local news about anything going on nearby...

magpie said...

Hope I didn't chase everyone off the least you can get a glimpse of Moonie on the last dozen posts...

Hedgie - bet you would love to get a therapeutic massage for your back after all your labors today ! Lolly probably wouldn't mind one either..

Mits said...

with the moon tonight, these are the times I miss the BEACH:(

magpie said...

My last time at the beach was at Virginia Beach in 1996 - before that, in Palm Beach County Fla in the mid-80's in the middle of Winter, now THAT was NICE -
Mits, you did say you would be going back down some, right ?

magpie said...

Wow, that is scary, yes, stay inside Helen !

magpie said...

I checked the Momsters album hoping to see some additions :(

on the Maine cam this morning, it seems as though the full moon was shining on the water

Maybe the setting full moon will pull the Eagles to our nest in the morning ☺

Mits said...

yes hope to go down for a few days soon

hedgie said...

Margy, your pic is BEAUTIFUL!!!

Diann, I'll email you instructions tomorrow on how to post pics. It's easy!

magpie said...

I knew it was cool tonight, but the temperature thing in the car read 3 º - ha ha, I had hit the Celsius switch by mistake, put it back on Farenheit and it is really 40 º (or something like that)

magpie said...

Cliffhanger in Philadelphia.

Thanks Helen and Hedgie...
BTW like your avatar Lynn...

magpie said...

Loretta often gets some really good celestial photos...maybe she did or will...

magpie said...

I fear Ceil's Jimmy is really hollering at the television

magpie said...

Oh wow, red jammies for Wanda...hope she posts some pics on Friday morning ! ☺

hedgie said...

Yes, Diann, if SIL has a full plate and it would stretch him too thin, then can't fault him at all! And yes, it was a testament to his talent just to be asked!!!

magpie said...

Back to New York for Game 6

Mits said...

well that was a close call for the Phillies...

hedgie said...

LOL, Margy...Jimmie seems so sedate that I can't picture him hooping and hollering!!

hedgie said...

Philly won!

Mits said...

lol...not our Jim....good night everyone...prayers for all

magpie said...

One thing I really like about baseball, is the multi-cultural features of it, players from so many nationalities.
And I get a kick out of the players' names.
I can hardly follow football and basketball is a lot of people pile-ups, and the other one, don't like the concept of so many fouls to send someone to the free-throw line for a rebound

Better say Good Night to those heading to the pillows soon...I got a little more nightowling to do

hedgie said...

Do you work tomorrow, Margy??
Alcoa (Australia) Anglesea banding will happen sometime Weds. their time which will probably be sometime Tues. here...but no time posted yet.
Heading for the tub. Will check in before I turn out the lights.

magpie said...

Election Day in Virginia Tuesday...hope it goes well

magpie said...

Nope not working Tuesday (not scheduled that is) so I hope to watch some of that banding if it is not too late in the evening.

Bet all those little kids at the World Series game will be sleepy at school Tuesday !

Somehow, I CAN picture Jimmy hooping and hollering ! ☺

Costume Lady said...

Gene was watching both the ballgame and Saints & Falcons. Makes my brain flip flop when he goes from channel to channel. So I have been catching up on blog, emails, facebook....checked out Margy and Loretta's photos...need to find Glo's, but too sleepy now.
MARGY, your Beaver Moon photo is pretty...never even occured to me to snap a pic:(, so I will look at yours:)
Did I ever tell you that my Jillian is a massage therapist in Berkeley Springs, at the Country Inn? Also, works part time for a Chiropractor in Berryville.


Costume Lady said...

Almost forgot...Both of my Beach Babies got home safely last night around 9 o'clock.

magpie said...

Oh you pulled a Ceil/Margy Wanda!
Was wondering when the Beach Babes would return.
Night Night ☺

PA Nana said...

Well, getting sleepy and want to check on the moon between tree limbs before I close my eyes tonight.

Someone wrote about degenerative discs. That is what has disabled me. L3,L4,L5 and S1,S2. There are some cervical ones that cause some discomfort occasionally but so far am able to function. I've visited chirpractors who tell me they cannot help me, had spine injections until they no longer help, so I'm just living the best I can and use pain meds as needed.

But I"m waiting for the right shoulder to heal nicely so I can almost function normally. I know not to expect it will be like it was 10-20 years ago; that's too much to ask form and I will no longer be able to play tennis, baseball or fly on a trapeze (my doctor trying to be funny). I think being athletic as a youngster is what started all these problems today.

I'm a physical mess and have to live with it. I'm ready!

Time to give the sandman his due.
Catch you tomorrow - sometime.
God bless all

hedgie said...

I'll echo that, Diann..and Margy...and Wanda. Will turn it over to Jim and Andy for the night shift!
Peace and prayers.

movin said...


Good Night, aLL !!


Bai Yun just came back into the den, and woke Diego up, turned him over a few times and got him moving those legs of his a mile a minute.

Now, they're settling down for a long Autumn's nap, but the little one is facing the wrong way, so he's squirmin and turnin right now.



Bird Girl said...

Hey everyone, resident night owl here LOL

GFA is on the move at Pete's Pond...and a young monkey just ran across the frame!

Nite everyone.

normabyrd said...

GOOD MORNING EAGLE BUDDIES!!---Get out of that bed & check the MOON!!-----It has several color rings!--MARGY or MEGAN---you will need to educate me--have never seen that before!!---AWESOME SIGHT!

normabyrd said...

I have a Dr appt. this am in Winchester--check up time---must check DIEGO!!--

stronghunter said...

Good morning, Norma. The rings around the moon are caused by ice crystals in the atmosphere. Sometimes it creates a rainbow effect, which sounds like what you saw. Moonlight is really reflected sunlight, of course. I didn't see the rings here this morning, but I know what you're talking about. The moon is beautiful this morning, isn't it?

I have the day off because it's election day and the school is used for voting. Got up to feed George. It is cold out there this morning! I stepped outside the door to try to get a picture of the moon, but my picture is pretty dark. I still need to learn how to adjust the camera.

stronghunter said...

I have a doctor's appointment this morning, too. Orthopedist--for my shoulder.

normabyrd said...

A larger 'BLACK & WHITE' is blocking the little 'FUZZ BALL'---CURSES!--ho!

normabyrd said...

MORNIN' SHIRLEY!!---Thanks for the info---I was just stunned---Well must start getting my act together--Hope your appt goes well!---

normabyrd said...

ps--SHIRLEY!----don't forget to vote!!

stronghunter said...

Oh, I plan to vote. Nice that I have all day, now that I don't have to go to work.

stronghunter said...

Hope your appointment goes well, too, Norma.

stronghunter said...

Looks foggy at the nest this morning.

normabyrd said...


Costume Lady said...

It is a pretty morning here, near the nest, but only 34°. The nest is beginning to look like a fort. They must be planning a large family this year:)

normabyrd said...

MORNIN' MISS WANDA!---Not much happening this am!!---I was privileged to see the AWESOME MOON ---with colored rings!---- this am-----made my day!

normabyrd said...

WHOA!---Just a glimpse of DIEGO---Yeah JIM--he took a few steps & then the BIG BLACK PAW---pulled him over!--ho!---waiting until he can get away from her---ho!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Good morning everybody. I had a flicker this morning. I am sure they followed me from Bluefield! :)

normabyrd said...

MATTIE----sending BIG GET WELL WISHES to you!---LUV YA!!

normabyrd said...

Bet SUZANNE is just enjoying life & spending a few days with GYPSY & FRIENDS!---WATCH!! -- or you will spoil them!! ho! ho!

normabyrd said...

MORNIN' BLUEFIELD SHARON!!---Are you back to work yet?---Glad you all enjoyed your retreat!!

normabyrd said...

WANDA!---It is a gorgeous sunny day here too---temp is 51° now!---Our trees are too beautiful for words---some fog rising over on the mountains---LIFE IS GOOD on this November morning in WILD & WONDERFUL WEST VIRGINIA!!

normabyrd said...

NO PENQUINS in the pool at the MD ZOO---But they are all crowding around---casting their shadows ---

ceil said...

Morning all Harriet is facing the cam

Judie said...

Good morning!

Wishing everyone a wonderful day.


hedgie said...

Good morning all y'all. Cold one here---up to 40 now, but sure was frosty. Norma---hope those 50's get here soon.
Apptmt. day for a few, huh? I have the dentist this afternoon---HATE it! I'd rather have surgery than go to the dentist. Restless night because of it. Gotta admit that it's only been about the last five yrs. that I could bear a cleaning w/o gas! Big wuss, I know.....

Mits said...

good morning everyone...have a good one:)

normabyrd said...

MORNIN' CEIL--JUDIE & HEDGIE!!---I think something is wrong with my computer temp--56° now--BUT!--my other thermometer says 46°--which I think is correct!!---REMEMBER HEDGIE!!---keep digging your finger nail into your arm & consecrate on THAT pain!!


normabyrd said...

MORNIN' MITS!!---Your team really did well Sun---

Mema Jo said...

Good Morning All - waiting for my visit from daughter.. Having a cup of
coffee - it is a chilly one!

normabyrd said...

HEDGIE!---I hate going to Dr---takes about an hour across the mts & large trucks---ho!----But I love coming home!---I'll pray for you & you can pray for SHIRLEY & I---take care!---Hope your headaches are gone!!!

hedgie said...

Okay, Norma---we can be the three musketeers today. No headaches, Norma----just visual migraine, no pain involved! So far, so good---none today.

normabyrd said...

concentrate is the word---HEDGIE!

Mema Jo said...

Thinking of you Momsters headed to Dr and Dentist today. If Loretta had a day off she would be one of you! Next week will be my turn for blood test and Dr... It's good to be old because someone is always looking at you!! lol

paula eagleholic said...

Morning, all!

Another pretty fall day here.

normabyrd said...

JO!---Enjoy your visit---

Lolly said...

Good morning! Sitting here with my second cup of coffee. Read the paper with the first. Life is rough. lol

Fell asleep last night listening to a great horned owl go hoo hoo! Just love sleeping with the windows open! Jack heard it too after I poked him. We go up and stood at the window looking at the moon and listening. Neat!

In the 50's here. Another day of sunshine! Yea! Jack and I are placing bets on when the water is gone from the bricks. Our patio is tiled but we have bricks extending the patio and they are contoured to take the water to the side to run off. Ground is so saturated that the bricks are under water. I think possibly this afternoon the water may be gone. We'll see!

No nest visit this morn? I was awake at 6:30 this morning to let the cat out and thought of you chatting on here. BUT, I went back to bed.

Lolly said...

Approaching 14,000 votes for Diego!

stronghunter said...

Hello all! I am back from doctor. Got a cortisone shot and a prescription for physical therapy. My shoulder feels pretty good now. Am going to hop over to my blogging class and see if I can get some assignments done.

stronghunter said...

Prayers for others with doctor or dental appointments today. Hope it is an easy visit for everyone.

magpie said...

Those colorful Moon rings sound great that Norma saw...and the Hooty Owl, how divine, Lolly and Jack.
Hope there are some Eagle visits later for all those going to the doctors today...the best recovery therapy!

Best Wishes for a great day for everyone.
xo ☺ ♥

magpie said...

Sometimes OUR nest reminds me of a baseball glove

paula eagleholic said...

ALCOA BANDING: Wednesday - November 4, 2009 - between 9 - 10AM Australian EDST

This translates to:
Tuesday, November 3, 2009 between 5 - 6PM Eastern Standard Time
Tuesday, November 3, 2009 between 4 - 5PM Central Standard Time
Tuesday, November 3, 2009 between 3 - 4PM Mountain Standard Time
Tuesday, November 3, 2009 between 2 - 3PM Pacific Standard Time
Most European countries would be:
Tuesday, November 3, 2009 between 11PM - 12AM

Mits said...

split coming

magpie said...

Thanks Paula !!

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2/20/25 PM bird

1203 PM NN Scout comes to the nest with a load of bedding again. He seemed to leave with something in his talons. He has a beak full of bedd...