Monday, November 16, 2009


New week thread.


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Mema Jo said...

Good Monday Morning All!

Thanks Steve and make it a good week.

Going over to get everyone!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Good morning Mema Jo.

Lynne2, I am laughing my butt off. I was trying to figure out how a beagle got in an osprey nest! :)

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

No word on live feed yet?

Mits said...

thanks, Jo

Mits said...

beautiful calm day up in Maine..MT nest and breezy and rainy at Sydney nest, also MT

Lynne2 said...

Morning Jo and thanks Steve!

Well Sharon, it's Monday...that's my excuse and I'm sticking to it!

Mits said...

BTW....Where is Megan?

Mits said... are engaging in a little fight...

paula eagleholic said...

Morning, all!

Eagle at BWO w/ a fish!

Judie - is the deer still there?

Mits said...

fights over....Judie on this site yesterday, there was a buck, that sat there for is a safe haven for him, so thinking that your buck likes your yard.

paula eagleholic said...

Megan is probably working outside in this nice weather....

Mema Jo said...

Megan may be out cutting the greens!

Lynne - love the beagle in the nest!!!
That woke me up!

Glo - Dex did good telling us about his trip! I love his attitude of I'll go wherever you push me! Loved his stoller! You 2 are quite a pair! ♥

paula eagleholic said...

Thanks for the call over, Jo.

Thanks Steve for the new thread.

Lynne2 said...

anyone watching ESPN? what is that?

Mema Jo said...


Bring your comments over

hedgie said...

Mits scooped me on the old thread, but I'll bring it over to this one:

hedgie said...

News Alert
10:21 AM EST Monday, November 16, 2009

Supreme Court won't hear complaint about Redskins name

The Supreme Court won't hear an appeal from a group of Native Americans who
think the name of the NFL's Washington Redskins football team is offensive.

For more information, visit -

Common sense prevails!

Monday, November 16, 2009 10:43:00 AM

Mits said...

oh yeah for sure...but she could stop by to say Hello:):), think some welding is being done for her wreaths too.

Mema Jo said...

WHOA! Whatever it is it's breathing - I think. Maybe a bird is setting on the camera.


normabyrd said...

GOOD MORNING EAGLE BUDDIES!---Thanks STEVE for the new sunny thread!---Thanks MEMA JO for the call over

Mits said...

Lynne, it is a cover they put over, when people are in the yard, they don't want the people recognized or the site to be located

Mits said...

the cloth is down now

Lynne2 said...

whatever it was is gone now...that was odd!

Lynne2 said...

OH! OK that explains it!

Mema Jo said...

I was reading their blog way down the page...... Now it is back to normal...
I wasn't watching it - Did anyone see anything clear the cam?

Mits said...

results today, Jo, correct???

Ms Bookworm said...

Good Morning, Everyone!

Thanks for the prayers for Hubby last night--he woke up this morning headache free! I hafta make a Dr. appt. for him for this Thursday to get his stitches out where they installed the new pacemaker. He's healing well, but going crazy because it's itching. Told him that means it's healing!
JUDIE, you must be like my Grandma was--every tired, sick, injured or stray animal in the county would find it's way to her, without fail!
Prayers for the deer's recovery, whatever it's problem is. Please let us know what happens.
Oops! Better go call and make Hubby's Dr. appt. Hope I can get a live person; usually just voice mail 'tree'. Back in a bit!

Mits said...

white buck sitting on the ground at

normabyrd said...

Our county paper--"THE HAMPSHIRE REVIEW' this week---had a pic of a MOMA BEAR & 4 CUBS on the front page this week!---ADORABLE!---It was taken by a cam put up by DNR--

Mema Jo said...

Thanks Mits for the explanation. I guess the wind was making it move..

There aren't any Moose on cam as of this morning's pic.

Penguins and Ducks swimming in the pool at Balt Zoo

normabyrd said...

MITS--Do you SEE A 'WHITE BUCK'? ---please take a photo!--would love to see it!!

Mema Jo said...

It could be a late phone call but I do
expect the results of the MRI today.

Mits said...

I can't take pics from that cam...just goggle the site

hedgie said...


Shuttle Atlantis launch at 2:28PM!!!!

Mits said...

goodness, I almost forgot that, thanks

Mema Jo said...

I placed the 2 photos of Deb and Koo in the Momsters' album

They are sooooooo good!

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everybody,
I'm back! Jo, prayers for your test results today! Expecting a good report.
Well, Hubby's Dr. is a busy man. Totally booked until December! However, got through to a live person, and they're texting a message to him to see if he can fit Hubby in next Monday afternoon. The Dr. said to make the appt. with HIM, not someone else. Hubby already has an appt. at 11:15 on Monday 11/23 with the other cardiologist who's in the "Pacemaker Clinic", and who will check out his pacer by phone once they set him up. Hope they can work it so he only has to ask for time off on ONE day instead of TWO! That would be awesome.

hedgie said...

Wow....just re-packaged a "family pack" of country style ribs---boneless for freezer. Had to have come from a huge pig because I've never seen such big cuts of rib----probably 8 inches long, 4 inches wide and a good inch-and-half thick! Only need to cook one for one person, for sure! And that is what I'll have for dinner!

Mema Jo said...

Suzan Bell found this from NBG: In preparation for the 2009-10 bald eagle nesting season at Norfolk Botanical Garden, yesterday the camera was cleaned, spiders removed from the inside of the camera housing, a new camera hood installed to keep out the rain. The IR light has to be replaced. It was damaged and full of water. The adult eagles are at the nest early in the morning, but usually leave by 8am and stay gone all day. When they become more active at the nest and after the IR light is replaced, the camera will be reactivated. Can’t give an exact date yet. - Reese Sounds like they are going to be ready to go!

Judie said...

Sheesh! Was so busy trying to save the buck I missed the beagle at BWO. Drat!

Buck still "resting" in yard. Hope the biologist guy and Mits are correct.

Mema Jo - waiting for good news later today.

Andy - hope you get appts worked out for hubby AND he starts to feel a rush of piss & vinegar.

Okay, back to mental disorders.

Mits said...

very good news, Jo....Lynn can I come for dinner...yum:)

movin said...




tHERE are some new pics and a short comment on the Alcoa site.

Diego, I believe, will be getting his permanent name tomorrow.....



normabyrd said...

MITS---Please give me the sight!!

normabyrd said...

Does anyone else have the site where MITS saw the white buck???please---have never seen a white buck!--

Mits said...


movin said...

Come on, Norma....

Pat Boone wears white bucks all the time!!



paula eagleholic said...

Sounds like NBG eagles are going to use their original nest again this year.

hedgie said...

Can't believe a commercial I just saw on the boob-tube........a dog food ad talking about how it promotes a good poop. Gimme a break!

paula eagleholic said...

Norma - I think this is it

ESPN cams

Lynne2 said...

Good one Jim!

movin said...

A whole group of beautiful bucks in that clearing, Mits, Mema Jo...

Is that the site where we usually see the raccoons and the lame deer?? It looks the same, but the camsite looks way different.



paula eagleholic said...

Well, I guess it isn't, but it's wildlife...turkeys.

Mits said...

ESPN is a totally different cam, Paula...The roams and has sound...just posted it above. No white bucks on it right now

Mits said...

white buck is there now

Mits said...

just walked off view

Ms Bookworm said...

The white deer are beautiful! Thanks for the heads up. Are white deer a color mutation like white lions are? Didn't know there were so many of them! BTW, the white-tailed deer are beautiful, too! Love listening to the birds there.
Judie, I'm sure the Dr. appt. thing will get worked out OK. I'm glad this Dr. has promised to check out Hubby on a regular basis, unlike the Dr. with the old insurance. This one is really nice, too--talked to me for about 20 minutes after Hubby's surgery!
Am confident Hubby will proceed to run circles around me once the stitches are out. He feels much, much better already!

Well, gang, I'll be back in a bit. Have some bills to pay online, and want to do them early.

hedgie said...

Norma, if your email was working I would send you a big of a white buck, as well as does and a fawn!!!

Sounds like good cam maintenance plans for NBG!!! So their spidey is INSIDE the ours is, too!

Judie said...

Update: buck went off on its own so I think the advice was good -- just resting in a quiet, safe location.

Jim, I suspect Diego will always be our name for the panda guy. Will be in class when the name is announced but will check in when I get to my office to see if anyone posts it on the blog.

Nothing like a good doggie poop unless the doggie is wearing white bucks! Okay, okay -- back to mental illnesses.

Seriously, thanks to all who tried to help with advice about the buck. I so didn't want it to die.

Mits said...

Norma...look up and see the site I posted....

movin said...

Yeah, I saw the white dude, still a fairly small rack, on cam 3 or 4 times.



Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Hello again my friends. We need to keep praying for Tom's mom. She is in HealthSouth in Princeton, not eating very well at all. She is sleeping alot. They are trying to get her to do therapy but think she does not want to. She needs alot of encouragement to keep moving forward. Mary Ellen and Mike are there this morning.

hedgie said...

Yep, Jim, Diego name to be announced TOMORROW!!!!

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

She is just so tired and so wants to meet the Lord, bless her heart. But God must still have plans for her, so we need to keep encouraging her.

Ms Bookworm said...

Prayers being said for Granny--hope she perks up really soon, God bless her!
Really better go pay bills now--BBL.

hedgie said...

Norma, meant to say, a PIC not a big....duh!

hedgie said...

Judie, glad the deer moved on. Did you take pics???

Oh, Sissy, so sorry to hear that news about Mrs. Riffe. Prayers for sure.

Mits said...

white buck in view now

Judie said...

Sissy, prayers for Granny Riffe. She's been through so much that it seems she would be very tired. So happy she has family around.


normabyrd said...

WHOA!---I didn't have this site!----My husband was a HUNTER--BIG TIME!---will enjoy!---(Private Joke)--Folks used to tease & ask BILL what would happen if I would die during deer season!---Funeral or Hunt!--ho!--He hunted in many states!!

paula eagleholic said...

Ton of deer in those woods.

Sissy, sounds like Granny needs some homecooked food and some company for meals.

Mema Jo said...

Sissy - thanks for Granny Riffe's update. She has been through quite a lot and so I will pray for the Lord to watch over her.

normabyrd said...

SISSY---Continue keeping GRANNY in my thoughts & prayers---I understand her not wanting to move---but prayers heal!!---sending bundles of love too--

normabyrd said...

PAULA---I have deer most every day in the lawn & woods around the house!---watch all the time from window---even had the baby fawn this spring---Too many deer now--they are being moved out of their habitat by builders!

movin said...

Wow, there are many, many White-tails walking through the trees in the background.

Have they had the hunting season back in that area yet? If that is typical of the population, and they have had hunting season, it could show they need an additional hunt to reduce the numbers.

It's great to see so many, but not so great to think of them increasing to such a level that there will be large numbers of diseased and starving animals.

Norma, I've always liked to hunt, but by the time I was old enough to afford a deer rifle, California was so built up, you can hardly find anywhere to hunt. Many animals of all kinds have been eliminated just by the results of urban sprawl. But I have yet to shoot a deer.

I wonder how much they charge out-of-staters for licenses back there where they have the huge excesses of deer populations.



Mits said...

so Norma, which cam are you watching USeeWildlife or ESPN?

normabyrd said...

HEDGIE!---You will be 'EATING HIGH ON THE HOG' now!---CORNEY---I know--but just had to say it!!
CONGRATS---RED SKINS!--That's COOL!---(cowboys didn't bother to play yesterday) ho!---But VIKINGS WON!!

normabyrd said...

ESPN!---Good one!

Mits said...

I posted the one with the white deer for you

normabyrd said...

JO!---That's how I got hooked on the COWBOYS!---Waiting for him one Thanksgiving---I began to watch the ball game!!---WOW!

normabyrd said...

sorry MITS--I didn't see it--w/look again---

Lynne2 said...

Jim, here in Maryland the deer population is out of control. Habitat being destroyed constantly pushes them into neighborhoods where the eat flowers and bushes....just about a mile up the street from us there is a neighborhood where I often see deer destroying vegetation in yards. Some of them, for this time of year, are scrawny and unwell looking. A few years ago they hired someone to "cull the herd" there. Recently they opened up another large piece of watershed for managed hunting because the population is too big to support a healthy herd. It' just awful. Human encroachment has really caused a horrible situation...

normabyrd said...

Thanks MITS!---I saw JIM'S -- white bucks--but missed yours--

Mits said...

turkeys at ESPN, deer resting on cam

normabyrd said...

ANDY!---Daughter--who had the surgery--has the same itching problem---but it does get better each day!

hedgie said...

Jim, have no idea what hunting licenses cost around here, but have heard that "big game" licenses in the west can cost $1000, at least for out-of-staters.
Lynne, how much of a problem is CWD in MD? Only one county affected here, and I think PA also has some.

normabyrd said...

MOVIN'JIM!---Forgot to tell you that I wore WHITE BUCKS in high school---of course you are too young too remember them!--ho!

Mema Jo said...

Need to get myself ready for today -
lunch is finished so now must dejoin
my pj club!


hedgie said...

Norma, have you heard anything about Byrd announcing resignation/retirement when he reaches his longevity milestone this week???

Mits said...

Atlantis' Hatch is Closed and Latched
Mon, 16 Nov 2009 03:52:17 PM UTC-0200

At NASA Kennedy Space Center's Launch Pad 39A, space shuttle Atlantis' crew access hatch has been closed and locked for flight.

All six STS-129 astronauts are safely strapped into their seats and are awaiting liftoff at 2:28 p.m. EST.

The Closeout Crew will pressurize the crew cabin, check for leaks and then finish up remaining work inside the pad's White Room before leaving the area.

The weather forecast remains "go" at the launch site and the Transoceanic Abort Landing, or TAL, sites where the shuttle could land in the unlikely event of an emergency.

NASA's recovery ships are stationed in the Atlantic Ocean, ready to gather up the solid rocket boosters after they fall away from Atlantis.

Lynne2 said...

Lynn, as of now there haven't been any reported cases of CWD in MD. I know that the DNR has something in place with deer hunters and butchers to test tissue and brains. I think I will call the DNR and report the scrawny deer I've seen. It could be something else...some of the deer look just fine...but after a full summer of eating like crazy they should ALL look good.

normabyrd said...


NatureNut said...

Lovely Afternoon to Everyone.
Been busy on 'puter & ready for a meltdown. Fubby is planning to saw down HIGH big branch coming over center of our yard from next door tree near the fence. He wants to prevent it from eventually falling (in many years) over his garage room. He has a long chain blade that has heavy straps attached to each end & then rope. You throw it ovee the branch & then person on each end pulls it back and forth to cut into branch. He tried to enlist me, but I chickened out. Physically I can do it, but I don't trust where it will snap down & I have to eat lunch & get ready to go out for haircut appt. He said he'd wait & see if neighbor behind us can help when he gets home from work! AARRGGHH
We did this once before, but branch was almost all cut thru~~~falls kinda slowly as the weight bends it down, but I screamed and ran like HE*@!
Tranquilizers anyone???

movin said...

No, Norma, I remember white bucks very well. Both boys and girls wore those for a few years...saddle oxfords for the girls too.

I don't think I got the white bucks, but I did have at least one pair of hush puppies, which were brown bucks. Think they had blue in the mix too.

Before that everyone was wearing heavy, thick-soled oxfords with steel taps ... on the heels at least. And we all sounded like a herd of well-shod horses walking down the halls between classes. Hahaha.

You could also skid a long distance on the concrete with those taps.

There were engineer boots on everybody's (boys') feet for a while then too. ...And various kinds of loafers.



movin said...

Large white buck, a white doe too, on-cam now.



movin said...

Xi Lan and Diego are blowing some serious zzzzzzzzzzz'z.



Ms Bookworm said...

I never had any white bucks(too rough on them--would've been filthy after one day's wear!), but had SEVERAL pairs of "saddle shoes" in black/white, navy/white, brown/white, and reddish brown/white. Good thing you could use shoe polish on them! Wore "bobby sox" with them. Had penny loafers, too.

Ms Bookworm said...

Hope Fubby is REALLY careful with that tree branch! Prayers for that situation being said right now!
Remember lots of taps on the shoes, too--they were noisy, but practical. I would've worn out my shoes way too soon without them!

Boy, there are a LOT of deer in those woods! They seem to be well fed, but hope there's enough food for them this winter! Gather that this place is a sanctuary of some sort--do they put food out for them?

Mits said...

watching NASA TV now...

Ms Bookworm said...

Thanks for the reminder--I'm gonna go watch, too.

Mits said...

wow they was a great lift-off and pics that followed

hedgie said...

Excellent launch, as usual!!!
Have no idea what the new transports will be like, but sure will miss seeing these shuttles take off when it ends.

Mits said...

it was picture perfect, still get the goose-bumps when I watch it

Mits said...

2 white doe on USW cam now

hedgie said...

Have been feeling puny today, but did get the decks and the sunroom roof blown off again. Hopefully willf ell like doing more tomorrow.

Mema Jo said...

I love those launches! Just gives you the chills!

Mits said...

hope you feel better soon, Lynn

hedgie said...

Thanks, Mits.
Jo....any word from doctor yet???

Mema Jo said...

No word yet, Lynn. It could be early evening before he sits down to make phone calls.
I am hoping that it there is anything wrong that a phone call would have already been made. I pray.

Lolly said...

Helloooooo! Back from doctor, actually back from doctor and then went shopping at TCU book store. Purchased my brother in law's Christmas present there. Wahoo!

Just want you to know that the doctor applauded me for my weight loss. ☺ Exam went well. Now for mammogram tomorrow.

Guess you have heard nothing yet, Jo. Know you will let us know as soon as you can.

Oh, I am sleepy! I never take naps but thinking of it.

paula eagleholic said...

Glad the shuttle got to take off.

Eagle at BWO

If it's not too cloudy, you might try to catch the Leonid meteor showers tonight at 11ish. I think you may see the most around the constellation Leo in the NW sky

Mema Jo said...

Be back very shortly....

paula eagleholic said...

Well, it is really supposed to be around 4am this morning....sorry for the wrong time on the Leonids.

Mits said...

wish I were at the beach for it...:(

Mits said...

This year's Leonids meteor shower peaks on Tuesday, Nov. 17. If forecasters are correct, the shower should produce a mild but pretty sprinkling of meteors over North America followed by a more intense outburst over Asia. The phase of the moon will be new -- setting the stage for what could be one of the best Leonid showers in years.

"We're predicting 20 to 30 meteors per hour over the Americas, and as many as 200 to 300 per hour over Asia," says Bill Cooke of the Meteoroid Environment Office at NASA's Marshall Space Flight Center. "Our forecast is in good accord with independent theoretical work by other astronomers."

Leonids are bits of debris from Comet Tempel-Tuttle. Every 33 years the comet visits the inner solar system and leaves a stream of dusty debris in its wake. Many of these streams have drifted across the November portion of Earth's orbit. Whenever our planet hits one, meteors appear to be flying out of the constellation Leo.

"We can predict when Earth will cross a debris stream with pretty good accuracy," says Cooke. "The intensity of the display is less certain, though, because we don't know how much debris is in each stream." Caveat observer!

Join the live chat with Bill Cooke on Monday, Nov. 16 from 3:00 p.m. until 4:00 p.m, CST (4:00 p.m. until 5:00 p.m. EST). Bill will be online to take your questions about the Leonids meteor shower. To join the live chat, return to this page and log in by 3:00 p.m. CST (4:00 p.m. EST) on Monday, Nov. 16. The chat module will open below, embedded in this page. See you in chat!

Mits said...

chat is going on now...

hedgie said...

Hooray....I'll be able to see the meteor showers, as long as it's not cloudy!!

Mema Jo said...

Clue me in as to the Link for the info you have just given as far as the Chat


Mits said...

just sent it to you Jo, I stopped reading it, I hate chat rooms soooo boring, people are asking the same questions...

Ms Bookworm said...

Praying that you'll feel 100% REAL soon!
Right here with you, too! Praying for a good report!
((((HUGS)))) for both of you!!!!
Gosh, that WAS a perfect launch, wasn't it? I'm gonna miss the shuttles, too.
Lolly, congrats on the good Dr. visit, and on getting some Christmas shopping done! You're way ahead of me on that one.
You know, watching the USW cam has made me realize how much I miss our live cam! It's really nice to be able to hear all those birds, and the wind blowing. Sigh...just gotta be patient for a little while longer.

Mits said...

sunset at nest 4:55 p.m.

Lolly said...

Have been viewing videos of Diego's exams. He is just the cutest thing and I love looking at those videos.

Lolly said...

Oh, yes, very anzious for our live cam and do so hope it has sound!!!!

Mits said...


Lolly said...


Mits said...


Mits said...

looking up

Lolly said...

Looks possibly like nestorations.

Mits said...


Mits said...

maybe some food

Lolly said...


Mits said...

lib got chased away to his corner

Mits said...

side by side now

Lolly said...

Are they not just beautiful!!!

Mema Jo said...

I'm all eyes on our nest!

Lolly said...

Defininte nestorations.

Lolly said...

they are looking at us

Mema Jo said...

I think they know we are here..... lol

Taking a few pics.

hedgie said...

Earthquake alert in CA.....everything okay there, Andrea and Jim??? And fire up closer to Anne Marie....

Mema Jo said...

Spidey has started his web.

Mits said...

poof lib

Lolly said...

Poof....went one!

Mits said...

poof belle

Lolly said...

I think Belle is thinking about poofing.

Lolly said...


Mema Jo said...

Poof - All gone!

The nightlight is on! They are so reliable!

Lolly said...

Jo, you said you got pics? I took some too, but have never loaded to the albums.

Mema Jo said...

I got about 6 pics - Will put in album after I get back - running out with Hubby to do an errand.


Lolly said...

I do appreciate it that they touch base with us at least once a day. Very thoughtful!

Mema Jo said...

Whoops! Go ahead and try to put them in. Album is 11-1 to 11-30
Click on Add Photos
Highlight all of your and say Open
They will upload and you can then review your pics.

When I put mine in later I'll check if you were able to get them in there !

Lolly said...

Will try!

Lolly said...

Wahoo! I did it! No problem. Added 4 pictures to our album of tonights visit by Belle and Lib.

hedgie said...

Oh,no...Mits, completely missed answering you about dinner....of course you're invited.....hurry!!

Mits said...

lol...that's ok, Lynn.

Lolly said...

An old dog can learn new tricks!

Mits said...

from Alcoa....

Monday November 16, 2009
Is it a bird, is it a, it's three chicks back in the nest box. After several days on her own, Froona's brothers have been back to visit several times over the last few days. Not content to sit around though, Barega and Warrun have been exploring the nest box perch, roof and water tower walkway on their visits home.

magpie said...

Good Night everyone...headed to work.

One big Giant Prayer for all new needs here, and the ones we have had for awhile, for comfort, peace and strength, and skilled medical professionals.

Hope the Meteor Showers are as good as the Evening Eagle Visit...someone, please Watch for Me ! Can't see much from the office, maybe a few lingering ones left after 0600.

God Bless Us, Every One
xo ☺ ♥

Lolly said...

Nite, Margy! Hope it is a peaceful evening! You know....really boring!

hedgie said...

Way to go, Lolly!!!

Ms Bookworm said...

Hope your worknight is blessedly uneventful for you! Catch you later....

Ms Bookworm said...

Did you say something about an earthquake alert? I didn't feel one; is someone predicting a quake?

NatureNut said...

Got back from haircut in Dunkirk and chores~~~found a Ledo's down there!!! Brought home Bruschettas, salad & crab soup!
Helped F pull the rope on my side of tree branch that's attached to saw chain.Didn't cut far enough to snap yet. My hand kept giving out even w/leather work gloves 'cuz rope too thin and nylon.I had to wrap it around to get good grip. Boo
Oh well at least I got brave and volunteered!
Good tip I've got to remember is take more than your sunglasses if coming home in afternoon!
I can't get in to email---Service Error & I know I have info there I need!!! Later ☺

Lolly said...

Okay, guys, the implant worked! PTL!!!!! Here is what Heather posted. Also, there is a video on facebook of her playing the xylophone.

She cried a lot. Is not wearing it at long intervals, but has heard me say Maddie, heard the birds sing outside (until a car drove by and scared her to death) and heard the voices of her brothers. Here she is hearing music (xylophone) for the first time EVER!

Mits said...

Loretta, you did hear about the landscaper in Bethesda this past Saturday, we posted the story on the blog, who was using a chainsaw to trim a branch...he was on a ladder, and chainsaw hit him he Fell and please be careful

Lolly said...

Leaving to prepare dinner. Jack thinks he wants to eat. Fancy that!

52 and we have a fire going in the fireplace. Ohhh....I like!

paula eagleholic said...

Chill in the air here tonight...45°...time to turn the heat back on :(

Mits said...

still 63° here, but supposed to go into the 30's tonight

hedgie said...

Andrea, 4.6 quake I think SW of LA......

Loretta, you gave it your just let it fall! And DON'T walk under it!!!

Amazing how fast temp drops once it gets dark!

Mits said...

A large part of the nation will have no trouble viewing tonight's Leonid meteor shower. High pressure will promote clear skies from the Southwest to the northern Plains, as well as across most of the Northeast. Skies will also start off clear tonight across the Southeast, but residents may encounter some obstructions with the arrival of clouds late. A storm system will create poor viewing conditions across the central Plains, Ohio Valley and central Gulf Coast states. The same can be said for the Northwest.

Tonight's meteor shower will get underway at 4 a.m. EST. NASA is expecting 20 to 30 meteors across the Americas. The most brilliant display will take place across Asia, early Wednesday morning local time, where 200 to 300 meteors per hour will streak through the sky.

from ACCU-weather

paula eagleholic said...

3 chicks at Alcoa

Deets at the snowmancam

paula eagleholic said...

Look at the crop on the one Alcoa chick...looks like it swallowed a golfball!

Lynne2 said...

deets at snowman cam is funny as my earlier "beagle in the nest"!!!!

Lynne2 said...

Great news Lolly! I can't even imagine what it must be like to hear for the very first time!

paula eagleholic said...

Looks like Froona on the left at can see the size difference.

paula eagleholic said...

Lynne- I said deets one time last year instead of's sort of a running joke now! Love the beagles too!

hedgie said...

Lynne, deets is a long-running "term of endearment" but i don't remember who coined it!!!

Yes, Lolly, it will take a while for the little girl to adjust to NOISE! But what a marvel it will be!

hedgie said...

There you was Paula!!!

Hey, hey Paula.....are you on FB??? If so, check out Shar's, Lolly's and my posts this afternoon!!!!

paula eagleholic said...

LOL, I saw those...need to let DIL know!

paula eagleholic said...

All 3 eyasses sacked out in Alcoa...a dreary day there, perhaps?

hedgie said...

Jo, did the Dr. call??????????

Lynne2 said...

ok, anyone on Facebook should go lookie see what I've done now!!! I'll try to get a link for the rest of you!

Judie said...

Lolly, ecstatic about Maddy's being able to hear. Will take some getting used to for her but oh so very exciting. Congratulations to everyone -- especially the doctor(s).

Hope the "deet" that was resting in our backyard today is okay. Wonder if he will return tomorrow after another night out with the ladies?

Jo? Doctor's call?

Going to watch some mindless tv for a few. Back later.

Lynn, hope you put a giant rib in the freezer for me!


Lynne2 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Lynne2 said...

oh well, I tried to send it via momsters email but it doesn't appear to play very well...sorry.

Lynne2 said...

anyone heard from Megan today?

NatureNut said...

Hi Kids. Been fooling w/stuff. If you're on here, Lynn, I tried to send you a message & it said "there is a problem w/the mailbox!!!!" Do you have that satellite problem?

hedgie said...

Cool, Lynne! Have seen other people do that before!

hedgie said...

No, Loretta, no problem I'm aware of!!!

Mits said...

Megan is super duper busy right now...getting her wreaths together.

hedgie said...

Maybe an AOL problem!!

Nope, no Megan today, or Diann, or Shirley! And where did Jo and Mits and Ceil go???

hedgie said...

There's-s-s ,Mits!

Mits said...

watching trauma....I just cannot get into these new medical shows, and I love medical shows...

Mema Jo said...

I was lurking for a short time here this evening after I got back from running errand. Nothing for me on TV
except may Castle!

NO DR CALL..... I will call them first thing in the morning. I'll take the No Call as a good Omen!

I sure hope Megan gets the Peace Sign wreath frame! Anxious to see how she'll fix it up!

All Right Mate!

Mema Jo said...

That Christmas Elf Dance that Lynne sent out is great. It is different
from last years. I've sent it to all
crazy family members and should be getting some back.

NatureNut said...

Could be this end is not going where it's supposed to--

Lolly, that is so great about little girl. I guess she's always been deaf, so I can imagine how scary it is.
Yes, Mema Jo, did you get good report????I never get calls back, aarrgghh.
I had heard about all the tree disasters, that's why I was shocked when he thought up this one! We're both far away from it & it will brea and swing down near trunk of tree I hope.He did this once before & shot the rope over the branch w/ an arrow! You know all the funny lines we made of that! Could never use a real saw, it's too high. Need NU!!!!

Mema Jo said...

Ceil is probably involved in the Ravens - Browns game. No score yet -

Mema Jo said...

ROFLMBO So you need NU do you?

Mits said...

Ceil and MM had a long day, it was soup and sandwich day at church and for the shut-ins...she had some funny tales...

Lolly said...

Just finished watching DWTS, now to watch Castle. Love it!

Enjoying the fire.

Jo, I take that as good as well. Hope to hear the good news tomorrow.

hedgie said...

Power outage!!! Thank goodness only for about 30 secs!

ceil said...

Evening all. Jo you are right I was watching the game and back in forth to Dancing. Half time no score. Jo I think you are right doc would have called if something was there. Good night

Mema Jo said...

Soup and sandwich is soooooo much better then the soap one! lol

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2/20/25 PM bird

1203 PM NN Scout comes to the nest with a load of bedding again. He seemed to leave with something in his talons. He has a beak full of bedd...