Saturday, October 24, 2009


New thread.


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floralgirl said...

Thanks:) Heavy rain showers just passed thru here again.

stronghunter said...

Thanks Megan and Steve. I was wondering if the others got stuck on the old thread, but it does not look like it.

Bob Quinn said...

I'm on my iPhone. Upgrading my PC to Windows 7 at the moment.

magpie said...

Thanks Megan....and Thanks Steve.

magpie said...

checking bookbooks,
ROFLMBO Hedgie...just called lady pal for tips on cooking.
Recipes in the cookbook in the same section as SweetBreads and Tripe....not too crazy about that!
Can't start the long-term cooking job until I make sure I don't get tagged for a work shift this evening.

magpie said...

Still Cam still a No-Go.
Maine Cam sounds like a recording for Hallowe-en and nothing moving there, it might be in trouble too.
Sister in Mass. reports windy rainy weather up their way too.

hedgie said...

Bob, let me know what you think of 7---as compared to XP and Vista!!

normabyrd said...

WHOA!---Best game I have seen in a long time!!!---MEGAN--we had our heavy showers this am!!!

I saw a XMAS wreath in a catalog & thought you might like it---The wreath is the PEACE sign!!---COVERED IN LIVE GREENS---I would buy one!----It's probably 'old hat' to you!!

floralgirl said...

Norma, you are right, and I have been trying to figure out how to make a peace sign wreath- gotta talk to guy I know who welds. I have seen that wreath before in catalogs, but no one sells the frames. I know I couldd sell some of those in Sheptown.
I see that cow's tongue followed us to the new thread...

Mits said...

yeah, Bob, would like to know how you like it, never went to Vista....have liked XP

magpie said...

That is a very nice update on Mason posted earlier...sure sounds like things are coming along better and happier.
Glad to see that his parents could slip away for a trip to Bethany Beach....don't even think Sharon will mind that story ☺

normabyrd said...

MEGAN!---Remember the old saying--'IF YOU HAVEN'T TRIED IT--DON'T KNOCK IT'!--ho! The wreath I saw this am is in the GARDENER'S catalog!!--I bet you could sell lots of them----This is the year for them!!

normabyrd said...

Forgot to thank STEVE & MEGAN for the new thread!---I began to think we would never get a new thread---THANKS!

normabyrd said...

No MARGY---I don't think SHARON will mind!!---Isn't it wonderful that they could have some R&R!!

Mema Jo said...

I'm sure 7 will be better than Vista
By now though all the glitches are repaired in the Vista system... For sure Bob let us have your opinion on 7.

I had my feet up for a while and now it is time to prepare for Mass at 5.
Jenny invited us plus Aaron out to dinner at her home. That will be very nice!


Mema Jo said...

Great idea for a Christmas wreath!
I know quite a few that would buy! ME being one - after the very very large one like I got last year....


magpie said...

enjoy going to a fine restaurant...but even better I bet

magpie said...

Maine cam does have movement, what strange noises from there though, electronic noises....things have calmed down a lot.
LW goes to 77% than stops buffering and won't opn.

Beef you know what is simmering in large pot..back up chow is fresh made chicken salad...I feel like I should just be making cookies.

Hope to hear from Wanda later on how GeeGee is doing today.

magpie said...

eagle is back at BWO

stronghunter said...

I have a nice picture of the little screech owl at the open house, but there is a problem with red eye on the owl. I am trying to use my cameral manual to remove it without much luck. My computer also has a program. Maybe I will try that. This is for my class.

magpie said...

I can fix red eye things on my pictures sometimes too Shirley, but the steps are awkward and do not seem to follow the same pattern from from pic to pic.
It's me, not the camera.
I'm a whiz with the red-eye removal pen on the old-fashioned prints though ☺

hedgie said...

More thunder here....but sky has lightened...who knows what is going to happen next! Cocooned in downed leaves, for sure! Sunroom roof is covered, as is everything else---but it makes sunroom much darker.

hedgie said...

Smell of chili is driving me crazy!! Almost time to mix up cornbread...pie cooked over in oven...THAT won't smell too good, but still too warm to try to clean it before putting pan in!

Judie said...

Hello everyone,

Well, being only about 400 mesages behind, I think I may just have to start over.

Hope Laurel and kids are okay and Jo enjoys her evening out and Shirley is successful with the camera.

Heard that it is more difficult to upgrade from XP to 7 but easier from Vista to 7. Have Vista but really don't like it at all.

Wonder if anyone has looked into using the ADT system that PixPA uses for the nest live stream? Maybe someone will ask Steve?

Oh, one of my police students is from Fish & Wildlife.

Going to try the pizza casserole tonight.

Hope everyone has a nice evening.


Costume Lady said...

Very busy day here...WAHOO!
GG is doing much better today...think she took a strong pain pill on an empty stomach. The Pepto which I took in to her, apparantly did the trick. She was exhausted from throwing up and no sleep. She slept well after she took the Pepto and said she felt really rested today. Thank you Lord! Hope I didn't worry her as much as she worries me!

Margy, trying to get your umbrella to you...will put on your porch tomorrow, if that is alright? Does Mattie have one of them??

hedgie said...

Dinner is served..where's my company????

Costume Lady said...

Chili and cornbread, with apple pie for dessert?? Sounds wonderful, Llynn!

Costume Lady said...

Norma is 6 minutes late!

hedgie said...

Very good news about GeeGee, Wanda. Whew!!!
Judie---don't forget the mozzarella like my daughter did (until she got to the top layer!). Enjoy.
I've got Vista on the PC and XP on this netbook.....don't like Vista, either, Mits!

stronghunter said...

Okay, I have posted some pictures from open house. The ones I took at the dinner are so dark I need to work on them, so they are not posted. I have also posted pictures of the new furniture. There is a huge gap of white space between the groups of pictures. I do not know why.

Costume Lady said...

Lynn, I like chili with the consistency of soup, also. Gene makes our chili and it is thick. Good but I like soupy better. I use to make chili, veggie soup, noodle soup, etc. then one day, Gene decided he liked to cook big pots of soups and stews and it has been his job for years now. I don't think I can remember how I made my chili...I know I used to put vinegar in it. Don't know why, but it was good.

Costume Lady said...

Shirley, I have Picasa to work on my photos. It is sooo easy to lighten or darken photos and it automatically fixes red eye if you signal it to. Very easy to post to my blog from there also.

Costume Lady said...

Yep, Lynn...Whew!! Last time I took her to the ER... I was there 13 hours and she was there 2 days:(

stronghunter said...

Might have to try that, Wanda. I also have something on my computer that is supposed to fix red eye. I also posted a question about fixing red eye on the blog at my class.

stronghunter said...

I don't know if it matters that this red eye is on an owl, not a person.

Costume Lady said...

Never saw a red eye on an owl.

stronghunter said...

The part that is red should be black. You can see the red eye on my blog picture of the cute little owl.

hedgie said...

Norma missed out....too bad unless she likes warm-overs!! Very good dinner! Now I think I need a panda-nap!
wonder how Margy's tongue is coming along???? I would say slice thin and saturate w/ horseradish and mayo or lots of ketchup!!

hedgie said...

Can nap come before unloading and reloading dishwasher? Pweeze, as Chrissy would say???

Anonymous said...

Go quick big Buck.

Anonymous said...

Gone, but may be back.

hedgie said...

It's so easy to make, Wanda, that it's like riding a bike----you never forget! You just need to sit and think a few minutes! Never put vinegar in---interesting....may have to try.
Shirley, good pic of Hunter with the owl! And furniture is lovely....looks like it belongs right where it is!!! Made for your pretty house and those perfect spots!

floralgirl said...

I would need a case of beer before I would eat cow tongue...

hedgie said...

Margy says:

Hi Hedgie----
I can't sign on the here I am trying to figure out why.
I had the problem once before, just have to wait it out I think.

Please pass this on: there is a message on the NCTC home page that says the website is down for maintenance.

At least it is opening up with that message.

Also, God's Blessings appreciated on GeeGee's swift recovery.

I am in the middle of fussing with the Tongue, and also just got cable converter box hooked up.

I would love to have come out for a meal, just couldn't get untangled here.
Rain Check ?
Thanks !

xox Margy xoxo

magpie said...


magpie said...

Okay, that worked...

magpie said...

Well, I had to do it Megan...oncew I spent the money on the educational lesson for the little guy.

I think it might not be that bad once I cut it and make it NOT look like a tongue.
I have to put it into to roast now.


Hey, on Cable TV is a replay of WV State playing Shepherd, I have NO idea when this game was playing...WV STATE is Sharon's Andre's school...I think.

Thanks Hedgie !

magpie said...

Andrew, not Andre

magpie said...

I can't program the remote, but no big deal, I still don't have many extra channels...but did get my Public Television channels back.

magpie said...

Sissy and Tom commandeered one of the umbrellas...Sunday morning is fine, but no extra trip is needed, I have another smaller one that works okay for now.
I sent you an email about something else you mentioned earlier this morning.

magpie said...

Sweetbreads and Tripe, no way, not going to fool with any other strange bovine things.

hedgie said...

Nope, no deer at home, Crunch. Where is that cam? Looks like my feeder!

magpie said...

this place is a wreck, gotta put things back where they belong...

Back later xo
Hey, Best wishes for a good evening for everyone...

stronghunter said...

Have posted a picture of Margy conversing with Helen. Helen was there, wasn't she?

hedgie said...

Wow, Margy, that was a fast fix!
Don't understand what you mean about not being able to program remote...???Do you have to match it up with specific numbers based on TV brand, or something similar?

hedgie said...

No, Shirley, she wasn't ---she was with Baby Ben! Let me look and see who it is...

hedgie said... jokester you! Yeah...Helen masquerading!!

magpie said...

Definitely a LOL Shirley!

magpie said...

Gene was wearing Helen aka Mits's nametag Friday night!

Hey - Uncle! I will never do this cooking experience again, there is something about fussing with something that now looks like someone's FOOT that I can do without!
I give in Megan !

magpie said...

But, it does resemble also roast beef now, when I finish cutting it up!
End of discussion, my tongue will no longer be wagging.

magpie said...

Supposedly this game with Shepherd and WV State is the Homecoming game from last Saturday?

magpie said...

Shirley, your other new pictures are nice, anything with Hunter in it is pretty captivating.
Okay I am really the computer desk now.

floralgirl said...

Margy, Shepherd's homecoming is this weekend.

magpie said...

Wow, did they postpone it Megan?
That's LOT of changing around to do..
The field is daylight so I guess it is a replay...thanks for the info

magpie said...

What I meant by last remark is that one of the complications for NCTC Open House is that it is the same week-end usually as Shep Prep Homecoming...
I'm not up with the times.

Mits said...

lol...Shirley, I never looked better:)

floralgirl said...

Nope, it was always scheduled for this weekend this year.

Mits said...

I hear tongue tastes like chicken;)

stronghunter said...

I have managed to post the students and their spirit links. Judie, this is what high school kids do with paper chains. Think of all the fun you are missing. Actually, it was a pretty good week. You just have to manage to teach around a little craziness. I think my homeroom really bonded this week, and that is nice.

I have cheerleaders and pom-poms and some really cute pictues of painted faces, but I think I will have to save them for the yearbook or something within the school. One thing we are working on in my classes involves the legal issues of posting student pictures, etc.

hedgie said...

Animal control call down your way, Wanda, on Access Dr. but didn't hear what the problem is! Maybe it's a bear!!!
Cute movie on Hallmark---The Nanny Express. Another coming on at 9---Always and Forever---sounds good.
No nap yet!!!

stronghunter said...

Glad you like it Helen.

Lolly said...

Hi all! Have managed to read all the blog since I left last night. You are a gabby group.

Shirley, so glad you had a good nights sleep. Hope the cramps are over for a while.

Margie! There is a line you do not cross in education....and eating tongue ......that is crossing the line!!!! No way Jose! I am with Megan on that one. And, I am NOT a picky eater. Lol And then you had to go and say it looks like a foot. ROFLMBO

Chatted with Laurel on facebook very late. Was surprised she was up. Well, she could not sleep, too keyed up from her confrontation earlier in the evening. Saw three soccer games today. Joseph won! Hip Hip Hooray! He played well...he really hustles. Jacob, well, he still has to learn the game. lol

Had lunch with them at Subway and then came on home. Mowed the lawn where we could. Some of the lawn is still swamp and we have more rain coming the next two days. Yuk!

magpie said...

Well, Mits...after fussing this this item which I won't name I am not sure if I will even taste it...but somehow, pot roast comes to mind. It's roasting in sauce for 90 minutes now.

Megan is your daughter by the way ?? Should have asked that a loooong time ago...

magpie said...

I've always really respected the game of soccer. We used to take the ambulance to stand by at all the games, and I was always amazed at no injuries. One pair of brothers used to do a in-air somersault after throwing the ball in from the sidelines. My brother John was a coach for many many years.
Yay for Joseph, attaboy pats for Joseph

magpie said...

well shucks, attaboy pats for Jacob that is...he will come along just fine I bet, Lolly ♥

Lolly said...

Jack is celebrating as Ga Tech won and another team lost in another game putting Ga Tech in a good position. Listening to TCU playing BYU and we are presently ahead. Rah Rah!

What I truly truly want is for TCU and GA Tech play in a bowl game. That would be sooooo Cool!

floralgirl said...

She is feeling better, we are on our way back to healthy, I think, I hope. Drs. office told me few days ago that many were experiencing 5 to 7 days to recovery. So many of her friends are sick, various viruses and the flu...hope they are scrubbing the school down this weekend.

stronghunter said...

I, too, hope the cramps are over. They are so painful.

Lolly said...

oh, I love soccer too. It is such a good game....lots of running which is so good for them. You would love watching Jacob. He puts all his concentration into running...not watching the ball and getting in the game. LOL The funny thing is he is so much taller than the other boys. They come up to his shoulder. One mother has already asked his age. Well...duh. Just look at his 6'6" daddy and his 5'11" Mommy. He is just as young as the others and just a "little" guy.

Judie said...

Hi everyone,

Uh, I can do without tongue. I'm with you Megan, but I would need TWO cases of beer!

Shirley, will check spirit links tomorrow.

Don't know why I feel so exhausted so am going to stop for the night. Much more pain yesterday and today. Can barely stand to walk even in the house.

Turning my light out but leaving the night light on for others. Please don't slam the door if you come in late.


magpie said...

Well, that is good news Megan... better than three weeks worth of it, huh....hope Sunday is a nice weather day and she has some pep to enjoy it.
Yep, would be some good overtime for someone if the schools are sparkly clean after all this.

stronghunter said...

Oh, Judie, take care of yourself. Get plenty of rest.

magpie said...

and Lolly - -did you get some pictures? It would be fun to see. I used to think at these games: All legs and do they NOT get hurt? And I always enjoyed seeing the goalie uniforms...

magpie said...

Oh Judie... I am sorry to read that you are in discomfort....hope things will be better in the morning...prayers along with that too...

stronghunter said...

Yes, prayers for Judie. I do hope tomorrow is much better for you.

magpie said...

wind is really picking up here, maybe it will blow all of Hedgie's leaves out of her driveway ☺

floralgirl said...

Hang in there, Judie, hope you feel better tomorrow.

Lolly said...

So mad at myself!!!! No, I did not get pictures. I bought a new camera in New Mexico, but today picked up my old camera by mistake. Not only does it not work, it did not have card in it. Duh! And Laurel did not have hers. Will do better nest time!

hedgie said...

Goodnight, Judie. Hope you feel better in the morning. Pain is a pain!!
Hi, Lolly!

Lolly said...

Wahoo! TCU up 21 to 0. Still in first half.

Lolly said...

And you all do know TCU is in the top 10!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Doe at Pix

magpie said...

Sure is Bob, and a big raccoon

Anonymous said...

Doe at snowman

Costume Lady said...

2 cases of beer, huh? I would have to have a case of G&T's BEFORE I would even let a tongue into my house. Have never had tongue, brains, sweetbreads, tripe, kidneys or tails in my house!
Gene says that tongue is excellent in a sandwich with horseradish sauce. EEEEWWWWWW!

Costume Lady said...

WVU and UCON played an excellent game today. WVU won, but can't remember the score 21-28 or something like that. GO EEEEEERRRRRRS!

Costume Lady said...

Crunch, you sure are enjoying those wildlife sites, arent you? What a wonderful thing to be able to watch the different animals and birds in the wild! So many to see:)

magpie said...

Well....I can trade you some slices of "it" for Gene, for that umbrella Wanda ☺

Hey, clouds moving out of the way for some Moon Gazing...

Anonymous said...

Yea but I wasn;t fast enough for you all to see the big Buck.

magpie said...

Someone recently told me Wanda that Organ Meats ♪ ♫ are not a good idea for folks with Gout, might want to pass that along to Gene, though "it" is not an organ meat. Woof, reading about some of that other stuff in the cookbook was not very fun reading. The first person to ever try "it" must have been very very very very hungry! Same thing with the first person who thought about eating a Crab or Lobster or Oyster, or a coconut, but all that gets pretty good reviews.

magpie said...

or the first person who tried WAX for that matter OUCH!

magpie said...

Lady on "COPS" show, no license, lied, and had meth in the car, told police man that she loves paramedics and firefighters but that policemen "ruin people's lives."
Uh, yeah, right.

magpie said...

Hey Bob Crunch, we are the same way, the animals are faster than we are, much of the time.
Appreciate the alerts...

stronghunter said...

Windy at Pix Pa. Leaves blowing. Thought I heard thunder.

Lolly said...

Bear at snowman cam.

stronghunter said...

I expect the deer took off. Probably does not care to share dinner with a bear.

stronghunter said...

Maybe not thunder at Pix Pa, just the wind blowing over the mike.

Lolly said...

Saw the bear stand on his hind legs. That's a big ol' bear!

stronghunter said...

I saw it too, Lolly. It is a big bear.

Lolly said...

Car drove by and the bear Poofed!

Costume Lady said...

Margy, Gene said to not forget to skin the tongue and take the taste buds off:) lol

Lolly said...

Did you see that man? He was brave with a bear being there just a sec ago.

stronghunter said...

Was that a person? I think so.

stronghunter said...

Guess person arrived in car.

Lolly said...

Oh, gross, Wanda!

stronghunter said...

Man moved fast. Must have seen bear. It can't be far away.

Lolly said...

I wonder if he had been watching the bear and went to fix the feeder. The man was right where the bear had stood on his hind legs.

Lolly said...

He was braver that I would be!

Anonymous said...

It;s Ken the man that live's there. He put more feed out. He just had knee surgery last week.

stronghunter said...

I would not want to see him have a bear encounter. He moves pretty fast for someone who has had knee surgery.

Lolly said...

He was moving pretty good for a man that just had surgery.

stronghunter said...

Very sleepy. Going to head up to bed. Good night.

paula eagleholic said...

Evening, all!

Glad the rain is over...saw the moon on the drive home.

I see the cam has a notice that it's down for maintenance.

I need to catch up!

paula eagleholic said...

Or is that ketchup?

Or Catsup?

Lolly said...

Ohhhhh, Paula!!! Catsup???? You must be tired. lol

Nite Shirley!

stronghunter said...

Good night Lolly. I am going to drink some more water so I don't jave cramps again. That was awful.

stronghunter said...

have cramps, that is.

See you tomorrow.

Lolly said...

Drink a lot also remember to eat bananas.

magpie said...

Thanks Wanda, yes did that....if I know what's good for me I won't say much more about it....☺

Lolly said...

Cramps are terrible. I just get one in a leg occasionally.

Lolly said...

Getting smart, Margy! lol

stronghunter said...

Yes, I will pick up some bananas tomorrow. I drank a lot of orange juice today. I was afraid to do that last night because of the acid. My stomach does not like acid at night.

floralgirl said...

EEEwwww.... Wanda, hold your tongue...

Lolly said...

Guess the bear is not coming back.

hedgie said...

Ewwwww, Margy....did you skin it and remove the taste buds???? Does that mean it won't be able to taste YOU??? I agree with the G&T's, Wanda!!!

Lolly said...

Oh, gross, Megan! No more references to t.......!

Lolly said...

G & T's for sure.

Think I will ask Jack to get up and fix me one. hee hee

Mema Jo said...

Good late evening...... it has been a good one. Enjoyed my time out at Jenny's.

I hear you all still talking 'tongue'
I've only heard of it sliced for sandwiches with good old strong horseradish! Personally I couldn't get it passed my nose.

I think I will take 2 Tylenol with plenty of water and pray I don't awaken with my knee joints hurting. I'll eat the banana in the morning.

Lolly said...

Hee Hee Just said, " Hey Jack, I am thirsty" and he is getting up. Guess what I am getting. He knows, he didn't ask.

paula eagleholic said...

LOL, I can see that tongue tasting Margy!!

I would like a few pitchers of margaritas .... and then I still won't try the tongue! Yuck...or liver!

magpie said...

Well, It's not too bad.
Think it will better in sandwiches...but Fannie Farmer might be proud of me.

Welcome Home Paula... day off Sunday or back down again for more work?

paula eagleholic said...

Seriously, Margy, I hope you enjoy it! Sorry to say we won't be joining you!

paula eagleholic said...

Gotta go check emails...

magpie said...

I will never say the "T" word on here again ☺

floralgirl said...

You're not eating it now, are you, at this time of're gonna have nightmares...

Mema Jo said...

I have an early morning appointment tomorrow so I am calling it quits

Good Night All
Prayers for everyones' wants/needs
((((hugs)))) ♥

Anonymous said...

mmmooooo mmmmmooooo

Lolly said...

A herd of cows (with their tongues hanging out) will be chasing her in her dreams.

floralgirl said...

hahaha...there it's baaackkk....the tongue is talkin...this is too good to resist- sorry Margy

magpie said...

I thought about eating a whole bunch of stuff so that I would not have an appetite but after all the work, I felt I had an obligation to Fannie.

Moo is right, Bob....Moo Eeew seems to be more like it.

Hope the leg crampers will be okay through the night...

Good Night Jo....

Lolly said...

Oh, gross, Megan! Now I will have nightmares!

magpie said...

that is one crazy story about the plane that flew right past Minneapolis...those poor pilots don't have much of a career ahead of them I'm afraid, not to mention the awful embarassment.

paula eagleholic said...

Sleep well, Jo.

I am back down to Mom's tomorrow...

My sons are going to the Skins game on Monday night!

OK, who tried to bop off my post!

magpie said...

Well I do move a lot of endorphins through the afternoon between your all's comments and looking at this thing here....LOL big time!

paula eagleholic said...

Ah it was Margy, giving me a licking...tee hee

magpie said...

Oh Wow I am in the dog house now, it was probably ME

paula eagleholic said...

Does it still look like a foot?

Lolly said...

they said they were not asleep, but in a heated arguement. Maybe it would have been better if they had been asleep.

magpie said...

I DO have some good news:


hedgie said...

I see the moonie!!! 1/2 moon!

magpie said...

...with a few toes missing ☺

magpie said...

Lolly - I think they were asleep too, hard to believe BOTH of them, it brings to light some unresolved long-time airline concerns I guess.
Experts say that pilots themselves get antsy if they themselves do not have radio contact within at least every ten minutes....

hedgie said...

Glad there are no moo pics, Margy!
Goodnight Shirley and Jo---hope you both have pain-free sleep.

magpie said...

So was the apple pie Lynn?
What kind of apples did you use ?

Mits said...

well before I get tongue-tied, will say good night and prayers for all:)

hedgie said...

BTW Shirley---spirit chain pics are great---and spirit week dress code is quite colorful!!
Finally caught up on last Sat.'s It's school was on, along with what was in my day the next closest (distance-wise) rival! Brought back alot of memories. This is it's 49th year on the air! Remember being there in the audience for the school paper!

hedgie said...

MArguy, did you take some to your neighbor lady??? I take it you got the recipe from A Fannie Farmer cookbook??

magpie said...

I might end up having Daymares as well...if I hear the pitter patter of hooves I guess I asked for it

magpie said...

Good One Mits ! Good Night ♥

magpie said...

It would be really nice if the Redskins win Monday night for the boys, Paula

Yes Lynn, Fannie Farmer, and NO, did not take any to neighbor lady.
She is not my shopping pal, but I might save some for my shopping pal. ALL THE REST OF IT MAYBE

paula eagleholic said...

Found Bob's pics on the other thread....really nice pics!

paula eagleholic said...

Well, folks, it's been a long day. My feet have had it...need to go put them up...will catch up with ya'll tomorrow night!

Have a great Sunday!

Hugs to all ♥

Lolly said...

Wahoo! Final TCU 38 BYU 7

Jack thinks I am crazy...I sit here and giggle at the computer. This time the "pitter patter of little hooves!" They will be out to get you Margy.

You know, if I lived closer to you, I think I might dress as a cow and come knocking on your door.

Lolly said...

Think I am going to give myself a manicure. Can not do that and type, so....

Nite all!

Sweet dreams!(Especially for you Margy!)

Anonymous said...

Bear is back

floralgirl said...

Well, not to be outongue...I mean outdone, I too, am out of here. Nite all that are still awake...

hedgie said...

That was another cute movie!

hedgie said...

Oh, Margy, got your two gals mixed up!
Pitter patter of hooves...........hmmmmm. Maybe I'll hear the nearby cattle mooing tomorrow and will laugh all over again!
Good night to all turning in.
Haven't had a piece of pie yet....used Jonathans's, Margy. Butlers' didn't have any Granny Smith's or Greenies the I was settled for the J's!

magpie said...

I see the bear, looks comfy

hedgie said...

Okay, eating pie now---not bad, but not as good as I had hoped, either!

magpie said...

You good people really got me to laughing, Thanks, probably will be laughing in my sleep should scare off the nightmares .
Good Right to the Roosters..I'm not far behind...
pie sounds good Lynn my mother always used Staymans...

xo ♥

Wow sure got cold, guess that is what a cold front does, bring rain and colder temps

God Bless Us, Every One, and prayers for more wellness through the night

magpie said...

Good Right? ah, make that Good Night....

hedgie said...

Got my manicure done, too, Lolly...just need another coat of polish after I bathe.
Making too many will say so long for today and see y'all in the morning light. Sleep well. Sweet dreams and prayers for all. Thanks for being my friends!!!

Costume Lady said...

I gave myself a really good pedicure...knee was very cooperative, it bent and turned so that I could reach my toes. Doesn't always let me do that.
I was going to give Margy a TONGUE LASHING for bringing a tongue into her house, but sounds like everything turned out well. I think it needs to be cold, like lunch meat to be at it's best.
Try it in the morning with a glass of beer or a bloody mary;)


magpie said...

Well, Guess What !

The Still Cam is back on !

Thanks Steve and NCTC

Costume Lady said...

We have a pair of visitors in our nest!

Costume Lady said...

Lib took off, maybe to get breakfast or a stick:)

Costume Lady said...

Belle is gone now...think she will be back.

Costume Lady said...

Back again!

Costume Lady said...

SCREEN JUST WENT BLACK...hope it is just for a moment!

Costume Lady said...

Belle is placing a BIG stick, which is about twice as long as she, and Lib is on his perch watching like Belle told him to:)

Costume Lady said...

Belle allowed Lib to help with that one, it was a 2 eagle stick:)

normabyrd said...

GOOD MORNING EAGLES & EAGLE BUDDIES!!----What a way to start the day!!---BELLE & LIBERTY are ub the nest!!!!

normabyrd said...

MORNIN' WANDA!---Isn't it a wonderful way tto start a Sunday am!!---CONGRATS!!--You are our #1 EAGLE MOM--today & everyday!!---

Costume Lady said...

After sitting for a looong while, Lib took off...Belle is still there.

Costume Lady said...

Lib is back with a stick and Belle is looking at him with the "look" that she gives him. Let's see what they do with it.

Costume Lady said...

Black screen again.

Costume Lady said...

The two of them are looking comfy, just relaxing in the nest, looking all around.

Costume Lady said...

Lib just took off again...let's see if he comes back with another stick.

Costume Lady said...

He's back, but can't tell if he brought a stick or not. WE NEED OUR LIVE CAM BACK!!!!

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2/20/25 PM bird

1203 PM NN Scout comes to the nest with a load of bedding again. He seemed to leave with something in his talons. He has a beak full of bedd...