Friday, October 23, 2009


New thread.

Watch for a screening of Rob Owen's new film on the Shepherdstown eagles at the American Conservation Film Festival. I believe the film will show at NCTC on Saturday, November 7.


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Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Yeah, I love to watch anything that has to do with our eagles!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

I have a pot of vegetable soup going in here and the smell is starving me to death!

paula eagleholic said...

Thanks for the new thread Steve.

I will miss the screening because I will be out of town. How else will we be able to view it, Steve?

paula eagleholic said...

Finally started raining here, but at least it's not real cold outside.

paula eagleholic said...

I am having clam chowder soup for lunch.

Mema Jo said...

Thanks Mits for the Call over!
Thanks for that Info Steve - We'll check for time and announce it so that maybe some locals can attend.

Rain has missed the valley !

Mema Jo said...

I fibbed - there are a few rain drops out on the deck.....

Mema Jo said...

Just received call from Catonsville daughter - taking gs to Dr as he is still under the weather - missed school this week just like Megan's gal did. They are going to check his lungs in case there is any pneumonia.
I'll hear back when they get home...
Some prayers would never hurt! Thanks!

Mema Jo said...


ceil said...

Prayers for Quinn. This is bad on young people. My friend Betty's grandaughter was friends with the 18 year old who died of the flu this week. He had never been sick. Please keep the family in our prayer loop.

floralgirl said...

TGIF!!! I'll never catch up with all the comments from today. Just got home, kid still sick :( and I'm thinking my dog has been hanging out with Buddy, cause he stinks like he rolled in something. So, I gotta deal with him now...bad dog! bad dog!

T-Bird said...

Megan, I guess Buddy is a major influence in your dogs life. LOL We gotta love'em.

T-Bird said...

How's everyone in eagleland? For sure doing the Friday dance here.

floralgirl said...

I have a feeling Buddy and Snowy could get into some major trouble together. And scarf down many hot dogs.

T-Bird said...

I'm sure they could Megan, about like you and Sharon gettin in trouble together.

floralgirl said...

I am assuming this is the film Steve was speaking of- schedule lists no details about it-
When Eagles Dream
11/7 2:00 NCTC Small Theater

floralgirl said...

What? me and Sharon get into trouble? never...

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Unless it would be near a "children crossing" sign!

floralgirl said...

Hey, those kids should just be careful...

floralgirl said...

11/7- 5:00-5:20 When Eagles Dream-I found film listed two different times, on two lists, not sure which is right.

Mema Jo said...

I am trying to dream - something up for dinner. It may need to be grilled cheese & soup!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

I know where you can get some pretty good vegetable soup! :)

Mits said...

leaf blower up in Maine

hedgie said...

Jo, sure hope your gs doesn't have "the" flu and gets better quickly. Megan, is your gal feeling better today?
Definitely prayers going up for all. What a shame about your friends' daughters' friend, Mits. So sad.
Raining steadily and getting foggy....and almost dark already!!
Housecleaning almost done--just need to vacuum sofa (dog hairs, of course!) and scrub bathroom!
Soup sounds good....not homemade, but think that is what I will have tonight, too. Now just to decide whether veg or tom/basil!

Mits said...

that was Ceil's friend, Lynn, not mine...grilled cheese and cream of tomato soup here tonight

Mits said...


Mema Jo said...



Mits said...

Was not even going to turn it on,. but thought what the heck

Mits said...


Mema Jo said...

Tending to the egg well again!

Mema Jo said...


A little early but that isn't any problem

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

and both of them are there! Yay!

Mema Jo said...

Turned it on due to Lynn saying it was getting dark in Hedgesville! lol

Mema Jo said...

Beautiful view

Taking some pics for others to see what they missed.

deb said...

Lunch and eagles!!!

Mema Jo said...


Now you can get through the rest of
your work day with good lunchtime

Mema Jo said...

Belle is check out what ever Lib had been doing at the egg well lol

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Well, I thought this was interesting. I emailed a pic to the eaglet momsters. When I opened it, it took me to the yahoo eaglet momsters site and let me add it to an album on there. Did anybody know you could do that?

Mema Jo said...

I think Lib will pass inspection...
Look how rigid he is standing.......

Mema Jo said...

Didn't know about it - however some emails I get when I open the message it goes over to my E_M mail....

Guess I'll try that out! Simplifies things........

Mema Jo said...

Poof for one

deb said...

Poof on both, now. It was a nice visit!

ceil said...

Jo thanks. Just got in from the store. We went today but forgot to get butter.

ceil said...

Got to see one eagle

Mema Jo said...

Well Girlfriend! You sure did make a discovery about email pics to E_M
I just emailed 2 pics in 1 message...
I had to send them over individually.

Mema Jo said...

Deb - Sharon just made a discovery about opening pics and they come up in E_M whenyou double click it. Then you just move to correct album (drop down selection) and then Edit the pic as to date & time or whatever comment.!

I love finding new things on programs-
especially when they make life simple!

Mema Jo said...

Trouble is I took a pic each minute and I don't want to email all of those out! ...

Lisa said...

Just wanted to put up a "thanks!" here for all those who wished me a happy birthday on the other thread.


floralgirl said...

Oh boy, see what I mean, I missed some major comments, and missed a birthday. Hope you are having a HAPPY BIRTHDAY Lisa:)

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Oops, I didn't put it anywhere but HAPPY BIRTHDAY LISA!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Megan, I am sure there was other BIG NEWS you might have missed. Now you have to go back and read everything! :)

Mema Jo said...

That is the only negative thing about a New Thread
You miss the most important morning

Lisa, Oh great webmaster of Blackwater, You are welcome a thousand times over! You enjoy your day - I was thinking that you could be in FL as in some other years!

floralgirl said...

Yeah, great, you didn't announce a new wedding date did ya?
You are so right, Jo-Blackwater has the greatest webmaster for their cams. Most up to date site there is. Thanks, Lisa:)

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Everybody is sworn to secrecy about the wedding date. You will have to read to find out!

hedgie said...

Good discovery, Sharon....maybe that's how I'll have to get my pics to load into the album.....will try it tomorrow when I'm out of trouble w/ Hughes!
Sorry, Mits. Ceil, sent a note to Mits instead of you at 4:54; please scroll back and take it as yours!

Lisa said...

Actually I'm in the Outer Banks of North Carolina -- right now looking out at the ocean from my hotel room.

Beautiful days both Thursday and Friday. Almost like summer!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Oh no, Lisa is at the beach. I take back my happy birthday wishes. I don't talk to people who are at the beach! :)

Mits said...


Mits said...

Lisa said the B-word:)

Lisa said...


Blue waves, blue crabs, blue skies...


Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Lisa, picture this . . .

I am turning my head away from you abruptly!

Mits said...

Lisa, seen any dolphins at the BEACH:)?

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

And then she is going to rub it in. Now what kind of friend is that?

Lisa said...

haha! Sorry about the beach references.

No dolphins, but they've been seeing a ton of black bears at Alligator River NWR, which is just near here. The other morning one group of visitors saw 17 in total -- on one visit!

Mema Jo said...

You go Lisa Gal!!! Beach it up

Mits said...

wow!!!!BEACH BEARS:)

hedgie said...

Just let the dog out and heard thunder.
Temp here is 58.

hedgie said...

I've never seen any bears at Alligator! I wanna go to the beach now...maybe I should call my friends and see when they are leaving....

Mema Jo said...

Yes Hedgie You said you turned down a BEACH invite...... Get bogeying on down to the sandy shores....

Beach Bears are Beach Bums!

Mema Jo said...

Isn't that where Butterfly Momma took Denise for her b-day? Hope they don't run into a pack of bears while out celebrating!!

hedgie said...

Yep, Jo, Karla and Denise are there, too! They should try to hook up with Candy! I am definitely going to the next time I go down.

floralgirl said...

WHat? I walk away for a few and someone goes to the BEACH....

Mema Jo said...

Got the phone call from daughter who has returned with gs from the Dr. His lungs are clear as a bell... Gave him some antibiotics and said they are seeing it lasting about 3 weeks....
She said he was exhausted from the trip in & back......... I hate what the flu can do to one's body!
Thanks for the thoughts & prayers!

I think Megan's gal is in that 3 week window also. Good think that they are both very good students.

hedgie said...

Shar, is Thelma home yet? Bet she loves coming home to a pot of homemade soup!!!

floralgirl said...

3 no no....

Mema Jo said...

3 weeks is really a long time..
seems like an eternity! The kids don't have any energy.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Lots are going to the beach but are we, heck no!

Thelma got home about 3:45. She said the soup was really good!

floralgirl said...

I remember the beach, I think there is sand and some sort of body of water...

floralgirl said...

It is pouring here.

Mema Jo said...

Dinner soup and grilled cheese on the table


Lolly said...

Megan, Laurel felt horrible for three weeks. Only missed school for one week.

Sorry I missed the visit this afternoon. Sounds likd Lib and Belle are working hard on the nest.

Oh, I love it! The B word has been used again.

Lisa.....enjoy your time at the B......., forget these jealous Momsters!

B......Bears!!! I love it!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

And Lolly, why do you love the "B" word? That is so wrong! :)

Lolly said...

Sorry, Sharon! Sorry to offend you, but I just love the B........!

magpie said...

I saw that news story the other night about your friend's -daughter's friend Quinn...totally sudden and unstoppable. Saw where they were going to try to amputate his legs in an effort so save the internal organs....So sad....prayers for the young family and his friends.

T-Bird said...

Yes Lynn, I sure did love coming home to a pot of homemade soup!!!

T-Bird said...

Oh and by the way, did someone mention the beach? I'm just saying!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

I am going to hate to see T-bird homeless!

magpie said...

Hi T-Bird.
Been missing you when you post...we are on opposite schedules it seems.
TGIF for you.
great night for Soup!

I put some cloud pictures up from yesterday, one reminds me of a bird angel
which it probably was.
(on Fun and Dandy)

magpie said...

I just lost the Still Cam which means if I sign off the Blog I am going to lose that too :(

Mema Jo said...

I didn't have the still cam up but
I can't seem to get it up now..

Going to try again.......

Mits said...

yep, mine went down too....

Mema Jo said...

Still getting a Page Load Error....

Anyone else still have the Still Cam up

Mema Jo said...


What did Magpie do?

Mits said...

had it up screen was black, when I tried to refresh, that is when it said link is broken

magpie said...

Oh be careful don't sign out of the blog... you might have to sneak in through a side door :(
Hope it is not the rain....

Mema Jo said...

Margy don't lose us on the blog......

Lolly said...

Been on the phone with Laurel. She had just picked up Jacob and was heading home with both boys when another car hit her. (Not much damage!) But, the guy did NOT stop. So, she followed him and he stopped and went into the library. She called 911. Police came out and got the guy. He denied it, but his paint is on Laurel's car. DUH! He had insurance but no drivers liecence. Police told Laurel to go on and take the boys home. He said, "I do not have the patience for this. This is going to get ugly. You should go on home." Interesting. Anyway, Laurel's husband is her insurance agent, he will handle it from there. Laurel said the guy also gave her a look to kill when she was leaving.

magpie said...

Oh Man! Do you think I did it?
I had black screen to went to refresh and kaplooie...

I will be in the penalty box !

T-Bird said...

It sure is Magpie (a good night for soup that is) and I miss you too. I'm sure thankful for the time you did get to spend with the momsters and dadsters but I'm selfish and wanted you all day.

Lolly said...

I had the cam up, and it is now black.

magpie said...

I love it when a Hit and Run suspect gets caught....we have had a few successful ones here, but it can be risky...glad it worked out, loved the policeman's words....
So Glad Laurel and the Boys are okay.

Let's hear it for paint transfer!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

I just received a really great postcard with guess what on it? A Santa Fe TRAIN! Thanks MARGY! You are so great!

Mema Jo said...

That sure is scary Lolly. Least of all very upsetting for Laurel and the boys.
Too many kooks out there - glad the police were right there when he threatened. You should get a new car out of all that commotion, Laurel.

Mits said...

don't ya just want to smack people like that...he was probably on his phone or texting

magpie said...

I'm really trying to behave when I am off, trying to knock off some projects...but his blog is like a magnet....
Well, at least, we had that nice nest visit in May, T-Bird

TTFN - got to scram for something
xoxox ♥

Lolly said...

Policeman had to go into the library to get him. Laurel described him as best she could, but Joseph spoke up and told what the man was wearing. Yea, for young eyes! WOW!

Mema Jo said...

Lolly I read differently then Margy.
WHO IS 'HE' that said "I do not have the patience for this. This is going to get ugly. You should go on home." I thought you meant the guy who Hit & Ran .. Margy thinks it was the


magpie said...

Now..I can't seem to remember why I picked that postcard for you Sharon....... ☺


T-Bird said...

Lolly, glad everyone is safe.

Lolly said...

Laurel said he was probably in his 20's and he had two children with him, a teen and a pre-teen. She said he was swerving some and she thinks he was just playing around. You know, swerving the steering wheel around, acting up.

Mits said...

I thought it was the guy that said it??????

Lolly said...

It was the policeman that told that to Laurel. Laurel thinks he was going to arrest him.

Anonymous said...

HEY THERE LADYS Here is a web site to see Satellite Flybys. It's Just type in your zip code. You can click on the name to tell you what it is. The site will tell you where and when to look.

Mema Jo said...

Well Mits you & I must have the same comprehension skills!
I am thankful it was the policeman who said that!
I was afraid we were going to have another episode of looking behind your back to see what was coming at ya!

Mema Jo said...

Crunch - it is a great site
Ever since Mits and Margy kept us informed about the date/time of the fly bys and then gave us this site to check out our own zip code area.
Weather wouldn't be any good for sighting anything tonight with the rain.

Anonymous said...

Tonite is no good for shore. There not much right now anyway.

Lolly said...

Not your comprehension skills, Jo. I think I did not state it clear enough.

I am hoping that Laurel would not have followed him too far, Also, they were in a nice neighborhood and he did stop at the Library.

My Jubby is saying he is hungry. So, I am going to go slave over a hot stove and heat up last nights dinner..Bacon Pasta. The recipe is enough for us to have two meals. Yea!


magpie said...

Gotta tell you that the Eagle is perched on the branch at Lake Washington ☺

magpie said...


Lake Washington Eagle Cam

Mema Jo said...

Enjoy your dinner, Lolly!

I have some cards to address - so I'll be back shortly......


Mema Jo said...

He must be perched on the branch behind the large tree trunk ???

floralgirl said...

Glad Laurel and the boys are ok, Lolly.

Mema Jo said...

I can't see that creature on the right anymore - maybe it blew away...
'the deceased spidey'

Lynne2 said...

LOLLY! Wow, that's something about Laurel and glad they are all ok and the PERP has been APPREHENDED. But especially that no one was hurt. That could have been much worse.
Planted more trees today. Now it's raining and windy and we are about to snuggle in to watch Ghost Whisperer and then last night's Flash Forward which I heard was GOOOOOD!
Safe and warm night, everyone!

hedgie said...

Why is Thelma going to be homeless???

Mema Jo said...

She said the nasty word B_ _ C H
I think....

Are you out of bondage now, Lynn

hedgie said...

Oh, Lolly, so glad Laurel and the boys are okay, AND that the stupid smart-arse got caught, thanks to Laurels' fast-thinking!!
Crunch, that is a great website....Margy and Mits shared it with us several months ago and remember to check it often! For me, being here in the forest...winter is the only time I can see anything!

hedgie said...

No, Jo, still handcuffed! ARGH!!

hedgie said...

This is starting to sound kinky!! Someone might really get the wrong idea!! is still punishing me for being a bad girl.......:(

Lolly said...

LOL Lynn, I can just see you in handcuffs. You bad girl!!!

Would love to be in your woods. We can usually manage to see the sky through the trees. What I do not like is we do not get to see the sunsets.

Will have to tell Laurel about all your comments. She will love it.

Dinner was yummy. Just love to have dinners like that. Just heat em up!

hedgie said...

There sure have been lots of wrecks around here this afternoon/evening. People drive like maniacs on wet roads and leaves and wonder why they lose control....duh!

hedgie said...

You are right, Lolly....nice to just relax and warm it up quick and easy sometimes! And many things are better the second time around----probably because we aren't tired from the fixing of it the first time!!
Oh-oh...high school footballer down w/ broken ankle....another weather victim, I bet (as in SLOPPY FIELD!).
Lolly, canopy here is SO thick, I can't see much of anything---planes, planets, rainbows, etc. Sometimes not even lightening except at night.

hedgie said...

Is anyone else feeling that Ghost Whisperer is NOT as good as it used to be? Guess maybe they just couldn't top the last season storyline of Jim's return in what-his-face's body....and now 5 yrs. has's just wierd.

Lolly said...

I like that, Lynn. Would love to live in your wooded area. You do not find that much in Texas. We are lucky that we have trees. That is why we bought this place 36 years ago...loved the trees.

hedgie said...

Wonder what Judie and Shirley are up to this evening?!

hedgie said...

And Loretta---we never did hear about Frank's birthday, did we?

Lolly said...

Leaving here early in the morning. Have soccer games in Denton. They have had so many games rained out and now have to make them up. So at 10 we have two games, both boys, then at 12 Jacob has a second game.

So, I will not be on in the morning. Going to see my boys!

hedgie said...

Lolly, sometimes it is funny----I will leave here thinking that it's cloudy and get out onto the open road and find that it's bright and sunny!!! It seems to stay dark later in the mormimg anmd get dark earlier in the evening when tucked into the trees!

Lolly said...

Know what you mean. We used to say there was no wind. Go to the kids soccer games on an open field and there was wind. Our trees block the wind.

Mema Jo said...

Hope the soccer fields are not too wet and soggy for the kids to play their games.
Soccer is my favorite game to watch =
guess because both our boys played and then gs have also played.

Lolly said...

And, living where you do, you get more wild life. I think that is really great!

We get skunks and armadillos and an occasional fox.

hedgie said...

I am angry...oldest gd has an hours detention in the morning at school. Back-to-back classes in a trailer...allowed to go to bathroom in main building between them, but can't do it in 5 minutes due to number of students in halls and b/r and distance between trailer/bldg/bathroom.....teachers refuse to sign she gets caught by hall monitor and marked as tardy. Lots of complaints in paper about similar situations at her school. Told daughter to call PTA and see what canbe done. SIL talked to office and got nowhere.

Mema Jo said...

Our Still Cam is still down
It is Friday - right ????

Lolly said...

Oh, forgot, we have rabbits sometimes and of course we did have a hawk nest for several years.

Mema Jo said...

Lynn - Those that make the rules should make a dry run first.

hedgie said...

I don't find that tall forest trees break wind too much---and really not at all in the winter! But being at the base of the mountain makes winds worse I think because of the downward swoop!

Mema Jo said...

Going to try to watch Mentor at 9


Lolly said...

Yep, it is Friday night!

Do not blame you for being angry. If I was the mom I would continue the protest. PTA has no pull in that area.

hedgie said...

Yep, Jo, they should. And if they are going to persist in trailer usage (county is currently using like 70!) then they should be equipped with facilities!

hedgie said...

Friday for sure, Jo....know what THAT means for our cam.......

Lolly said...

If not equiped with facilities then they should definitly allow time. How old is this gd?

Lolly said...

It means no cam all weekend!!!!!

magpie said...

Oh Wow, You all ought to check out Lake Washington !!

hedgie said...

I am going to hit the tub for a bubbly soak and a book. BBIALW!

magpie said...

Earlier Jo as soon as I posted there was one on the branch, it got down in the nest and then James and I watched it leave.

sorry I couldn't get back on to tell you that...
Awesome Pair there in good light !

hedgie said...

Oh, Lolly--15...and you know what a b/r visit can involve sometimes, which takes even longer! If she develops toxic-shock syndrome, we'll know hwo to blame for sure.
I just thought maybe PTA could like run interference representing parents and students rather than a hundred of irate parents trying to get answers!

Lolly said...

Watching Dateline.


Mits said...

Lynn, I have watched ghost whisperer since the beginning....I stopped liking it when they killed Jim, and brought him back in what's -his- faces body

Mits said...

good night everyone...prayers for all

hedgie said...

One grandmother wrote into the paper about a boy who apparently wet/soiled himself because he was denied the opportunity to go to the b/r at same school.

hedgie said...

And mind you, this is HIGH school!

hedgie said...

G'night, Mits!!! Sleep well with raindrops on your roof!
Off to tub for real now!

paula eagleholic said...

Evening, all.

Rain has let up a little here.

I can't get the cam page up. Can anyone else?

Lolly said...

Thanks Margy! Lake Washington was fantastic! Both have poofed now, but it was wonderful watching them. There was even a little marital spat! lol

Lolly said...

Nope, the cam is down. All we get is black!

paula eagleholic said...

Thanks, Lolly. I found that info waaaay back there! What a chatty crew!

My page won't even come up at all...maybe just FWS is down again...

Lynne2 said...

Lynn, Mits...I agree, Ghost Whisper is NOT as good as it was. Shame....I still enjoy it, but not as much. I think that this could be the last season.
Off to watch FF now!

paula eagleholic said...

I had soup for lunch, so I opted for pizza and beer for dinner! Picked one up at Wally world, had to stop and pick up stuff for Mom's tomorrow. Pizza is OK, Beer is great!

paula eagleholic said...

Raining here pretty good again...

Mema Jo said...

I am not impressed with Mentor this evening either.......


hedgie said...

Hip-hip-hooray! I'm free!!! Now to check momster mail and facebook!!

Mema Jo said...

Go get 'em Hedgie!

I just signed out of FB

Going to get ready soon to go down the hall!

deb said...

I am home and saw the moon tonight, I don't remember the last time I saw the moon. It was so pretty!

Mema Jo said...

SO DEB - you see eagles at lunch and
the moon when you get off! Pretty lucky today!

deb said...

I know! I even saw the SUN!

stronghunter said...

Hello to anybody on tonight. I have been so busy I haven't been able to get on much. Went to bed early but I had to get up because I was having awful leg cramps in both legs. Anybody know anything to get relief tonight? I may spend the night in the recliner if it doesn't get better.

Mema Jo said...

Deb do you work tomorrow - Saturday?
Like anymore mandatory hours?

Our Still Cam is down.....

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Sometimes leg cramps come from lack of potassium? Eat a banana maybe!

Mema Jo said...

Shirley - the one remedy to leg cramps discussed on here one day was

Spoonful of Mustard!

Get in that recliner - if it doesn't work.

hedgie said...

Shirley, do you have any tonic water? Drink a glass before you go to bed---a twist of lemon or lime helps the flavor....gin helps that even more!!
Norma swears by a spoonful of mustard. And some say that a bar of soap between the sheets works---haven't tried the last two!!

stronghunter said...

I wonder what a spoonful of mustard would do for my stomach? Have you tried it, Jo?

stronghunter said...

Don't have tonic water on hand, but Will is here. I could send him to get some. I don't think I have ever drunk tonic water.

Mema Jo said...

No Shirley I've never had leg cramps bad enough and hope I never do.

I could probably force myself to if the cramps were bad enough. I know how
it hurts when those muscles tighten up.

stronghunter said...

I have problems with acid reflux. Somehow I think mustard might not be a good idea at night.

Mema Jo said...

Let us know how you make out tonight.

stronghunter said...

I'm wondering if I might be a little dehydrated.

Mema Jo said...

I would not try the mustard if that is the case.

deb said...

I am off tomorrow, Jo. We are still on mandatory OT for one week, but I built it into my schedule and work longer days instead of having to go in on my day off.

I am off to watch some tv. Night everyone.

deb said...

Me either on the mustard, ick!

Anonymous said...

Get omeprazole for acid reflux and leg cramps (thats the name) for leg cramps at drug store.

hedgie said...

Well, if Will is home and "willing" to go out for you---WalMart sells 2 products over the counter that can help:
Hyland's Leg Cramp pills w/ quinine and Legatrim.......I keep forgetting to get them since my Rx med is no longer available and I'm just about out!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

If you are dehydrated then potassium could very well be the issue.

Costume Lady said...

I got a call from GeeGee this afternoon, saying she was so very sick and thought Pepto Bismal would help. Got some and took it in to her. She has no fever and no aches anywhere, just sick and throwing up. Don't think it is the flu...hope not!
I am getting ready to climb between the SHEETZ with a Bar of SOAP. That should help me to sleep well:)


(yes, Karla and Denise are at Nags Head (actually Swan Beach)They sent a photo of the sunrise word from them today)

hedgie said...

FB seems to be all messed up. Can't seem to get to older posts. And all the junk is gone on right side of page--which is good!

stronghunter said...

I saw Lolly's complaint about her granddaughter and the restroom issue. Lolly, is there a sympathetic teacher who would respond to a note or a visit from mom?

I sometimes tell students that I appreciate it if they ask quietly rather than asking before the whole class and turning it into an issue. It can get to be a big problem for teachers. One student asks and the next thing you know five have restroom emergencies. If they have to go all the way into the building, it would be even more of a problem.

Will said that he can't go out right now because he just took a muscle relaxer. I told him to let me have one of his muscle relaxers.

hedgie said...

FB post times all mixed up....15 hrs. ago and a 3 hrs. ago....what is going on? Very strange.

stronghunter said...

I took Lorazepam. It's what Will got from the emergency room doctor.

hedgie said...

Shirley, it's my gd with the bathroom time factor issue=detention!
It's between classes but not enough time. Scroll back and read my whole post, please.
Muscle relaxant might help!!! And a glass of orange juice or water w/ a banana to replenish fluids and potassium!
Crucnh, omeprazole is generic Nexium, right? Rx required!

Costume Lady said...

Checked my emails before going to bed and had a cute picture of my BEACH BABIES sent to me. Put it on JUST FOR FUN.

hedgie said...

Wanda, sure hope that GeeGee is better by morning---if not better take her to ER....sure don't want her getting dehydrated or so weak that she falls or anything. Prayers for her for sure!
Goodnight, sweet girl. You may have a long day tomorrow.

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2/20/25 PM bird

1203 PM NN Scout comes to the nest with a load of bedding again. He seemed to leave with something in his talons. He has a beak full of bedd...